How to cleanse karma from negativity. What features does a person's karma have and how to properly clean it? Method four: Spiritual purification through austerity

How to start living from scratch, to live anew - easily and happily? Forget resentment, anger and dissatisfaction with yourself and the people around you?

How to clear karma

The answer is simple: you need to cut off your negative karma. To do this, you must first of all forgive yourself, accept and realize your imperfection, all your shortcomings, and then all those who, in your opinion, offended you.

Forgive - even if it seems that it is impossible, that the pain caused to you cannot be so easily let go. Forgive because never again to draw in your mind and not remember those negative situations that are associated with these people. In order not to return thoughts there, to those people who have caused pain. But if there are no thoughts, there will be no talk about it and there will be no new negative event. As is known, internal is equal to external... Karma will be cut short. It would seem that everything is so simple)

Forgive because remembering pain constantly, we strike a blow at our energy, and each time it gets deeper and deeper, until an energy hole is formed. Then disease appears in the physical body. Yes, from our thoughts, pains and resentments, which we remember and do not want to forget. You need to forgive in order to heal your crippled soul. After all, you do not want to continue to be ill, therefore, forgiveness is compassion and self-love.

Why torture yourself with negative memories and thoughts - negative karma? Only with forgiveness do hatred, resentment, anger, discontent disappear - the most difficult negative emotions that do not allow us to be happy.

If you cannot forgive and let go, you need to relive those emotions, release the anger and rage outside, let them flow. And this is quite simple - any negativity stops any physical effort. Let's say you can relive negative emotions anew and throw them out - beat a punching bag or rip a pillow to shreds. Anything you want, whatever comes into your head. This is called living or expressing your emotions.

But here's the paradox - all this has a temporary effect: you need not only to live everything anew, but also to forgive, in order to never return to the past. So that life situations do not repeat themselves. After all, if you constantly find yourself in the same story, then this suggests that you are going through life lessons wrong. Vicious circle. Karma repeats itself.

But the question is: how to understand that you have forgiven the person and let go of the situation forever? Sometimes it is difficult. And here everything is simple: seeing him again, you do not experience the former negative emotions that you had before. Your soul will no longer have that pain: your wound has healed, even if there are scars. But this is still the same notorious experience. And without him, nowhere in our mortal human life.

Let us give example of karmic relationship... You are getting ready for the wedding and your girlfriend introduces you to your parents. You are dating, and you get the feeling as if you have known each other for a long time. Everything seems to be going well at first glance. After a short conversation, it seems to you that the girl's parents are teaching you about life (they say that you drink too much or that you need to work harder). A conflict arises: there is resentment in your soul, and maybe even hatred. And the point is that without forgiving and not resolving the situation in this life, it will repeat itself in the next. Only you will switch roles: you will be an instructive element, and your girlfriend's parents will be offended.

Forgiveness ... Is it easy to forgive? Sometimes it seems that this is simply impossible. But in fact, from childhood, a person is used to accumulating resentment and pain in himself, his parents were not taught to forgive. And he was used to not forgiving. And now the snowball grows and grows, it becomes more and more. And it is more and more difficult for the soul to live in a human body, more and more diseases.

Forgiving is actually quite simple, we need to stop accumulating negative emotions, and master the art of unforgiveness, which we actually did for most of our lives.

By the way, it is very easy for young children to forgive. Here they are having fun and playing in the sun, but they quarreled and fought. You look and after 5 minutes they continue their game together again. Small children are not yet seized with the disease of unforgiveness, they cannot be offended for a long time and forgive each other almost immediately.

What's happening? We cultivate our own ego, self-esteem and pride. What would I forgive? It's easier for us to cross people out of our lives. A war of the proud begins: when we do not forgive, we feel more meaningful and important. In fact, this is an illusion and self-loathing. After all, if a person loves himself, he does not wake up to accumulate negative and think about it constantly, polluting his energy and forming a mental illness, or even a disease in the physical body.

We forget how to forgive it because we are constantly practicing the opposite. The real reason for unforgiveness is pride and pride. And to be offended is more typical for children than for adults (“negative child” according to Eric Bern). We take offense in order to draw attention to ourselves, and do not forgive, thinking that we are punishing the offender, but in fact, we are punishing ourselves.

Think of everyone you need to ask for forgiveness. You can make a list. If possible, do it in person - face to face. If there is no such possibility - the person has died, or the connection is lost - ask for forgiveness mentally, but from a pure heart.

Forgive everyone and remember that everyone has their own inner attitude which we create with our own thoughts. Having forgiven everyone and, above all, ourselves, we free ourselves from the negative program of suffering, let go of the negative emotions we have lived through, we kind of reset our destiny and interrupt negative karma. Then comes pacification and inner harmony, respect and self-love - that is the highest forgiveness.

Religious egregors program us that there is only good and evil in the world, there is no third. Having committed, as it seems to us, something sinful, we feel remorse and await punishment. And we get it because we wait and believe! This is how we create our karma - with our thoughts and our faith.

Just understand that the highest destiny of a person is to be happy - and only on the basis of happiness will he be able to fulfill his role in this life. There is no need to suffer and pay for something, as religion suggests to us. Reboot and forgive yourself, start living from scratch!

Edited by White Owl

Diagnostics of karma. Working off karmic debt. Changing and improving karma

Cleansing karma in Yekaterinburg

If the word "karma" is translated from Sanskrit into Russian, then this word will mean "action." These are not just some actions, but also thoughts, words and desires of a person.

From this follows the law of karma: any action we perform has certain consequences. Even the smallest action can lead to any result.

Karma can be good or bad. It depends on what the person's actions will be in relation to the surrounding world.

The essence of karma follows from this law: "what you sow, so you reap." Many people know this proverb. If someone does bad things, the consequences will not be very good. And vice versa: if you sow good, then the results will be good.

In simple terms, karma is a "boomerang". This is the principle by which everything that a person gives, he receives back. The boomerang law applies to all his actions, desires, words and thoughts.

Some say that they were lucky, that some event happened by accident. But the law of karma does not provide for coincidences and good or bad coincidences. Everything happens not "just like that", by chance, but because there is some reason for it.

If people knew the law of karma well, then before they say or do something, they would think well. They would understand that every action would have consequences, either good or bad.

Bad karma comes from committing bad deeds with adverse consequences. It can be compared to a loan: you need to give it back, sometimes with interest. The sooner you give it, the better. It's the same with bad karma.

If you are wondering how to clear karma, then I can say that for this, first of all, you need to change yourself. You need to be able to admit and correct your own mistakes and forgive people.

Only if you are ready to change yourself and change your life, I will be able to purify karma, which will give a positive and long-term result.

Karma is purified by displacing low-frequency energy with high-frequency energy. This is done by pronouncing special mantras and prayers by me.

In this matter, a Reiki master can help, i.e. energy healing specialist, which I am.

I conduct healing sessions, during which I saturate the distorted energy zone with special energy. This creates a channel of "clean" energy that restores all distortions.

Working off karma

Almost everyone wants to cleanse karma and get rid of sins. For this, karma is worked out, based on this principle: karma is worked out the faster, the more good deeds you do.

Good deeds should not satisfy your own Ego, i.e. Your own desires rather be directed towards the world around you. Only in this way can karma be changed in a positive direction.

You can purify karma yourself if you work on yourself, highlight the main values ​​for yourself and give up everything sinful. This is a long and painstaking work, but it is very important in the matter of cleansing karma.

It is necessary to do deeds and actions that bring good, to selflessly help people. Only after realizing his own mistakes, and understanding the reasons for his bad karma, a person can turn to me for help.

Diagnosis of Karma

To help a person embark on the true path of repentance, it is necessary to diagnose karma, i.e. determination of the sins committed by him.

I carry out diagnostics of karma and help people realize their mistakes. After that, thanks to special techniques, I purify karma.

You can work off your karmic debt if you adhere to certain principles. If you commit any offense or action that caused damage to something or someone, then it must be compensated in a larger amount.

Types of Karma

Karma can be positive or negative.

All types of karma are present in the life of every person, and his life karma is their totality.

The predominance of positive, good karma provides tremendous opportunities for the fulfillment of desires and the embodiment of a person's dreams. If negative, bad karma is present to a greater extent, then it carries only disappointment and suffering.

Human Karma

The individual karma of a person consists of the totality of his actions in past and present lives. This means that all actions performed by a person at any time will necessarily lead to some consequences.

Karma of a man

The karma of a man is his potential and duty to be strong, to create, to move humanity and his family forward.

A man is a fighter, he develops new horizons, conquers new heights.

Karma of a woman

The karma of a woman is slightly different from the karma of a man.

A woman also provides movement forward, but she also improves the world around her, takes care of her man and her children.

This task is more difficult, therefore, the female half of humanity has been given more opportunities and strengths to carry out these karmic tasks.

Love karma

If people live together, but do not love each other, or, conversely, love, but building relationships is impossible, this means that the karma of love is at work, happy or not. Such can be the karma of relationships and love according to the laws of karma, which can be changed.

Love karma changes only after the payment of karmic debts. After that, the karmic attachment weakens.

Karma of marriage

The union of two people who were familiar in a past life is a karmic marriage in which they must pay each other any debts.

These people in a past life could have been spouses, relatives, or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together so that the karma of marriage was worked off, all sins were atoned for.

We can say that the karma of a partner is kindred souls, people who are partners. And a karmic connection is love at first sight.

If a karmic relationship has arisen with your partner, then you must realize what exactly you need to correct and change in the current marriage, because such relationships are drawn from a past life.

I will help you understand the reasons for your problems with your spouse, I will tell you about the main karmic tasks of family and marriage. I will help you work off your karmic debt.

Karma of sex

The sexual act is not just a physiological process, but the exchange of energies between partners. Therefore, the karma of sex is not an easy question, and you need to approach it seriously.

Having sex, you can get negative energy from a person, which he once could “pick up” from previous partners.

Karma kind

There is karma of the clan - the residual energy of our ancestors.

This is their information field, positively or negatively affecting the life of their descendant.

All people have ancestral karma, which cannot be completely eliminated. Children inherit traits of character and appearance from their parents, and with them - ancestral karma.

Bad family, generic karma manifests itself in unbalanced, inharmonious relationships between family members, in their inadequate reactions to the actions of other people.

I cleanse family, ancestral karma so that peace, understanding, benevolence and friendliness are established in your marriage or relationships with children, parents.

Birth Karma

The fate of a person, his goal in this life is the karma of birth, depending on the numbers that make up the date of his birth. Calculating karma by date of birth is simple. Due to this, you can find out your destiny.

I will help you find out the whole truth about yourself - about your present, past, about your past lives, as well as about the main karmic tasks of your current life.

Karma of money

There is a close relationship between money and karma, since it is the karma of money that determines the amount of finances a person has.

Money karma can be positive and negative.

Good money karma brings wealth, and bad money karma, accordingly, poverty. I can change the karma of money, but for this a person must independently follow certain principles.

There is no need to envy someone else's wealth, talk badly about money. A person should treat them with respect and care. You should not be greedy and complain about the lack of funds.

Only positive thinking can change your money karma for the better.

I will help you attract money, earn their favor, and keep their affection for you for years to come!

Name Karma

The karma of a name is determined by its meaning.

The fate of a person, his purpose in this life depends on the name.

If you choose the wrong name for a newborn, he may have karmic debts that will need to be worked off.

Everyone wants to know their purpose, so I carefully examine the fate of a person to get a complete picture of his purpose in life.

Karma of the future

The karma of the future is determined by the state of the soul, the thoughts that we have in the present. All of them will manifest in the future.

It is possible to change the karma of the future if the actions in the present are correctly modeled.

I will help you understand the meaning of my existence - I will explain your karmic task, tell you about your mistakes and help correct them.

Karma and reincarnation

Our current life, its quality and well-being - all of this is influenced by the karma of past lives in which we experienced various emotions and situations.

At the moment when we are born into the world, we have a life karma that depends on the course of past lives.

The concepts of karma and reincarnation must be distinguished, but, nevertheless, they have something in common.

People create negative karma all the time, which needs to be balanced somehow. And reincarnation for a person is a great opportunity to cleanse karma and atone for all sins.

I will tell you about the reasons for karmic attachment and how you can work off your karmic debt. I cleanse karma.

Loneliness Karma

The karma of loneliness is sent to a person so that he can analyze and correctly evaluate those situations that arose in past lives, but were solved by him incorrectly.

There are the following karmic reasons for loneliness:

  • - in past incarnations, people were looking for love, but did not find it;
  • - a person created an idol, but in the end he was left without real communication;
  • - the person did not become a support and support for the closest people: relatives, friends;
  • - in past lives, there was a sacrifice of personal life for the sake of children.

Karma of parents and children

The karma of the mother is passed on to the son, and the karma of the father is passed on to the daughter. Depending on what gender the firstborn is born in the family, his parents need to find out the relationship with their mothers and fathers.

The karma of parents and the karma of children are closely interconnected, and the birth of a child is a kind of clues that help to identify latent conflicts with parents in time.

All have karmic generic programs, because children from their parents receive traits of character and appearance, habits, any hereditary diseases.

I make a diagnosis of karma, and if violations of the karmic generic connection are revealed, I cleanse the karma.

Surname karma

The karma of the surname differs from the karma of the name in that the surname is a kind of "seal" on a person, which will always accompany him.

She can talk about any profession to which all the bearers of the surname devoted their lives, about family characteristics, about character traits, etc.

Changing your surname is a very serious step, and if you are afraid that by changing your surname you can harm yourself and worsen your life - contact me.

I will diagnose the karma of the surname and tell you how its change can affect your life.

Karma and sins

Sins are wrong actions, and the karma of sins is the payment for them.

There is karma of debt that needs to be cleared.

You should not have any debts: neither to other people, nor to the Universe - after all, sooner or later they will turn into karmic debts.

You need to get rid of all sins in order to cleanse your karma, realize and remember them.

I will help you with this. I will diagnose karmic debt and clear your karma.

Punishment of karma

A person is sent karmic punishment for violating the Spiritual Laws. This punishment is a negative impact: energetic or situational.

The energetic punishment of karma blocks the feelings of a person, causes various mental and physical illnesses.

Situational punishment of karma destroys his goals and plans, creates conflicts, leads to poverty.

Karmic debt

A karmic debt arises due to a person's failure to fulfill his obligations to God and the Higher Forces. This leads to the fact that he becomes a debtor and other karmic consequences.

There are the following reasons for the occurrence of karmic debt:

  • - failure by a person to fulfill his obligations;
  • - a person does not realize his karmic destiny, refuses his goals in life;
  • - illegal appropriation of someone else's property to oneself;
  • - a person does not develop his soul, does not strive for spiritual and personal growth; - a person's irresponsible attitude to family and work.

Working off karmic debt is done in my sessions.

Cleansing karma is a complex and painstaking process.

First you need to find out when and for what reason the karmic debt was formed.

Diagnostics of karma, karmic debt, causes of karmic punishments is made.

I help a person find out all the root causes of his problems. Then he must sincerely repent, apologize.

After that, I will conduct a ritual to free a person from karmic debt.

Improve Karma

To the question: what to do to improve karma, and how to work off the debt of karma, the answer is simple and clear.

You need to be able to forgive people and ask for forgiveness from them.

It is necessary to learn to love yourself and the world around you, to provide disinterested assistance to those in need.

But the main thing: a person must find his life mission; find out the purpose that must be fulfilled by him.

I can help you with this.

I will tell you everything about your karma: the reasons for your karmic debt, the purpose of your current life and its karma. I purify and improve karma.

Only after a person finds a common language with his soul, karma is worked out in my sessions.

It is very, very difficult to cleanse karma on your own, and with the help of magic it is generally impossible to do it yourself.

Absolutely all karmic consequences can hardly be prevented, and it will not be possible to completely clear karma, because a person may simply not know about many karmic programs inherent in consciousness.

But you and I can get rid of most of the sins, the reasons for which you and I are committed.

Remember that the cleansing of karma should be carried out only if you sincerely want it.

I can only help you with your strong desire and great diligence, so that the result is not short-term, but long and effective.

Hello! A lot of people offer to cleanse the vessels of karma for a lot of money. It is not a fact that these are not scammers. Each person can do the cleansing himself, freeing the soul from negative energy. Let's take a look at how to clear karma yourself.

Laws of Karma

Any unseemly actions can give a negative answer to us. Often, the answer does not come immediately, but after a certain time. Sometimes the Universe accumulates a response, then the response can be quite tangible, if not to you, then to your children or grandchildren.

On the contrary, the Universe also responds to good deeds with good. This, too, may not be right away.

Karma is sometimes ruthless, but fair. Before her, all are equal - both kings and beggars. To put it simply: you will do good - "it will return to you ...". And evil is evil and backfires immediately or later. Even thoughts will respond with action.

Symptoms of unworked karma

It is good if you purify negative karma according to the following program:

  1. Open all the windows for 10 minutes, opening them, say: “I take away the sins of my ancestors, I let them go free into the wind. I don’t love them and don’t live with them, I miss my life with them ”.
  2. Sprinkle holy water on every corner of your home, then wash yourself with holy water and wash every inhabitant of your house. At the same time, say three times: “I wash away your sins from myself. Forever, Forever. May it be so".
  3. Walk around the house with a burning candle, say: “I drive away the remnants of evil. The one whose name I do not name will be frightened by the fire. "
  4. Dig some dirt in a park where no one walks, no cars drive, put it in the corner by the front door. Let it lie down for 1 month so that the land will collect the slight sins of all generations. Then wash the floor.

Do not anger God, correct what can be corrected, wait for deliverance from problems and it will come. Clearing karma will help make life better.

How Higher Forces Help People

Higher powers never refuse to help people if they sincerely ask, while doing good deeds.

You can pray for the forgiveness of sins. For this, it is not necessary to go to church every day; at home, you can also pray in front of the images. When reading a prayer, vibrations healing the soul occur, a person is purified. Prayers in nature are especially helpful. Join the post, refusal of entertainment activities, do not swear, avoid quarrels and conflicts.

Our spiritual helper

Mantras are the spiritual helpers. The sages of the East say that there are mantras for every person, for his every need. For example, to attract money, a mantra must be read every day for 1-2 months. The number of repetitions is 3.9, 27, or better 108 times. Take your rosary and start.

It should be named specifically, for example, "I direct the fruits of reading this mantra to buying a house, purchasing a car, getting an education ...." at the same time, imagine, feel the joy of acquiring.

Treat mantra recitation with respect. Retire, take a few deep breaths, dive to its depth. Pick one and read.

  • OM GURAVE NAMAH - the Jupiter mantra is recited on Thursdays, on the day of Jupiter. Can be enhanced by charitable deeds.
  • OM HRIM SHRIM LAKSHMI BYO NAMAHA or OM SRI MAHA LAKSHMIEY NAMAH - is recited in front of the image of Goddess Lakshmi, the mantra of wealth and the acquisition of material wealth.
  • OM SRI GANESHA NAMAH - worship of Ganesha. Mantra will help attract money, keep it, remove obstacles in business

The mantra of cleansing karma of great power will help calm the soul, mind, and purify karma. It is necessary to listen to it for 21 days in order to be cleansed not only in this incarnation.

The magical hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva is considered miraculous, because it helps to get rid of depression, chronic diseases, negative thoughts, anger, envy, hatred. By listening or reading a mantra, a person's consciousness goes to another level, the soul is purified.

The words of the Karma Purification Mantra:


There is even special music that acts so that a person's karma is nullified. You can listen to it online.

Healing practice

Meditation, done slowly, with concentration, will help heal an entire family.

  • Stand up, press your feet together, close your eyes, breathe a little.
  • Exhale all the tension, feel that you are a particle of the Universe, and light is pouring into your head, energy penetrates, the body seems to be washed, cleansed, flows of energy circulate in it.
  • Now, clearly imagine how parents stand on both sides, then put their hands on your shoulders.
  • Behind them are grandparents and so on.
  • If you don't remember your ancestors, then mentally label them in the form of human figures.
  • It turns out a pyramid, at the top of which is the oldest man.
  • Invite him to stand in front.
  • Ask him for forgiveness from the bottom of your soul for bad deeds, respectfully ask him to clear karma.
  • After receiving forgiveness, ask to bless the entire family.
  • Do the same with the oldest woman of her kind.
  • You will feel the powerful support of a kind, you will see how all its members glow with purity. All bad things are destroyed, a new bright life begins. Having done such a meditation, a person will no longer be angry with his ancestors, because the clan is purified, it has united to become a reliable support for the living.

Facilitate your you can, if you follow these tips:

  • Do not have the habit of complaining about fate, so as not to worsen karma.
  • Take your mistakes and failures with humor and joke. Self-irony will help you overcome any obstacles.
  • Show more compassion to your parents, the sick, the elderly, and the weak.
  • Do not go to healers, cleanse your cross yourself.
  • Be brave, fate doesn't like weak whiners.
  • Even with complete hopelessness, there is always a way out. Don't miss your chance to find it.

Salvation from failure

It was used more actively in the ancient world than it is now. As it turned out, they will also help remove negative phenomena from our lives, and very quickly. You can make a stand out of runes and wear it as an amulet.

Becoming a "Crystal" will help remove the negative influence of karmic knots.

In the clause, say exactly what you want to remove. Be sure to add - no harm to (name). If you cannot articulate exactly what you need to be saved from, just talk to him as with a loved one. Name all the runes as a sign of respect for them.

  • The carrier must put it on the piece of paper.
  • You can activate it with fire, incense or breath.
  • A drop of blood must be dropped on the center of the point.
  • Cleaning period. It all depends on the accumulated negative.
  • After the expiration date, thank the runes for the work, burn the leaflet.
  1. Be prepared for positive changes in your life:
    Teyvaz, Ass, Laguz, Kano, Algiz, Vuno
  2. Find the root cause, realize it, accept:
    Evaz, Ansuz, Plastur, Raido, Laguz, Stunginn kaun, Dagaz, Soul, Inguz
  3. Remove the reason:
    Hagalaz, Nautiz, Isa, Stan, Dagaz (2), triple Madr + Ir (World tree), Turisaz (2), Inguz.
  4. Remove negative energy:
    Soul Kano zerk. Perth Ass Laguz Dagaz Kveort Perth Kano Fehu Oss Ansuz Aesk Plastur.
  5. Focus on a new goal, accept everything positive:
    Otal Algiz Ior, Chalc, Soul Vunyo

Purification by hunger

How does hunger cleanse karma? since ancient times it has been considered a general cleaning of the soul and body. After fasting, lightness appears in the body, the head thinks better. Healing occurs at all levels. Moreover, after fasting, such talents and abilities may open up that a person did not even know about.

Fasting is a cure for diseases, bad karma, negative thoughts.

Fasting should be started from 1 day, then you can increase the duration of the hunger strike. A long hunger strike should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, but a short one - at home. Find the works of P. Bregg, G. Shelton, Arnold Eret and try to rise to a new level of spiritual development with the help of fasting.

Finally: for the correct purification of karma, read the online books of Sviyash. Alexander Sviyash tells in accessible language how to cleanse karma on your own and improve your life.

The question of how to clear karma began to worry many in connection with the growing popularity of esoteric sciences. When nothing goes well in your life, problems arise with work, relationships and well-being, experts advise you to pay attention to working off, which can be the cause of failure.

We will try to figure out how to cleanse karma: what needs to be done for this, so that in the end life will change for the better.

So, you decided that karmic problems are present in your life, and you set out to solve them. To do this, you need to know how to clear karma on your own. There are four ways that everyone can do and do.

Method One: Doing Good

The good that you bring to the world is the best cleansing of karma. The more good deeds you do, the more boomerang goodness will return to your life. How to determine exactly what actions you need to do? To do this, pay attention to what your life suffers the most:

  • Are you suffering from some kind of medical condition? Or simply you are often afflicted with ailments, immunity is weak, you easily catch any infection. This means that you need to devote time to helping sick people. Donate money for treatment (just be sure to check that it is used for its intended purpose - alas, there are a lot of scammers now). Come to nursing homes and care for elderly helpless people. Help stray animals
  • Constantly running out of money? Give a small portion of your money to those who need it. For example, buy toys for orphans. Feed stray dogs. Important: you do not need to give money to adults who are able to provide for themselves, but to just lazy people - this way you will only worsen karma.

Choose other good deeds by analogy. And remember - you need to do them from a pure heart, not expect gratitude and act not from the expectation that you will be rewarded.

Method two: Eliminate destructive actions

It also happens like this: a person does good deeds in one area, but harms people, the environment in another. Therefore, exclude everything that destroys from your life:

  • Stop polluting the environment. How many times have you thrown rubbish past the trash can? Leaving a mess after spending time outdoors with friends? Treat nature with love and gratitude - this is very important
  • Tidy up your relationships with loved ones. Quarrels, conflicts, grievances, mutual reproaches and claims must be stopped. Do you want to fight? It is better to find kind, fair, polite words to convey to the person what you want. Yelling at the child again for the mess in the room? Better to calmly ask to get out, and then play together. Saw your husband? Better do something nice for him

As soon as the dirt, evil deeds, swear words and other negativity leave your life, your health will improve, and things will go well. Change yourself - the world around you will also change. This is where the purification of karma begins.

Method Three: Clearing Karma Through Prayers, Mantras and Meditation

The Universe always hears and fulfills your requests. Spiritual practices allow you to establish maximum contact with her and increase the chances of being heard. Therefore, often refer to her through prayers, mantras, meditation. Ask for help.

It's a good idea to learn how to write the correct affirmations. This is a well-formed query that does not sound like "I want", but "I have." That is, you define a desire, and then express it as if it has already been fulfilled.

For example: “I am healthy and happy” instead of “I want to be cured”, “In my relationship with my husband there is harmony and love” instead of “I want to stop quarreling with my beloved”. It is important that the text does not contain a particle of “not” and a negative message.

Method four: Spiritual purification through austerity

How to clear karma on your own if the situation is critical? In this case, you need to turn to the toughest, but also the most effective way. You need to practice asceticism - thanks to it, a global spiritual purification occurs.

What does it mean to observe austerity:

  • Observe a strict fast: give up meat and food junk. It's difficult, but it doesn't hurt to be a vegetarian for a while, and you will feel incredible lightness.
  • Be alone with yourself and nature. Try to find an opportunity and go on a journey where you will be alone, surrounded by nature. It's good if there is water nearby. Tent, forest, energy of water and air - it perfectly clears karma
  • Reading prayers and meditations. This must be done precisely during the period of loneliness, hermitage.
  • Sexual abstinence. Especially for those who are used to promiscuous intercourse, do not have a permanent partner and are content with casual sex
  • Refraining from negative thoughts, refusal to use bad, swear words in speech. Stop all your own attempts to think badly. Try to focus on positive thoughts only.

It is better to do all of the above at the same time. An ascetic lifestyle for even a short period of time gives tremendous enlightenment, spiritual cleansing, and harmonization of the inner state.