How to understand what kind of relationship. How to understand the true attitude of your beloved man towards you? Signs that a man wants to return

Have you met an ideal candidate for husbands or are already married, but you still cannot understand what attitude he has towards you? For those who were not born a telepathic person, our today's article will help. It is devoted to the topic of how to understand what a man thinks about a girl, what he wants from her, how serious his intentions are and how far he is ready to go. You will learn to understand male psychology, correctly analyze the behavior of the opposite sex and competently act on this basis.

If a guy really likes a girl, then he will do anything to get her location. He will show the following signs of attention:

  • assistance at any time of the day, regardless of complexity;
  • unexpected surprises and gifts;
  • care (holds the door, helps to remove or put on outerwear);
  • constant compliments.

It is important to monitor the guy's attitude towards other girls. It is possible that his behavior is not caused by romantic feelings, but by good manners and politeness.

A man in love will behave confusedly, barely seeing you, but at the same time he will rush to fulfill any of your whims. Too often, his behavior is imbued with defiant courage, bordering on insanity, just to impress you. He will compose a wonderful song for you and write poetry, as well as tell about his childhood fears. He wants to look wealthy and worthy of you, so he will devote himself to increasing material wealth.

Especially a lot of information carries the look of a guy, which must be paid attention to. A man will admire your appearance, look at your lips while you say something. And if you suddenly meet your eyes, he will smile awkwardly and take them aside. To confirm your suspicions, read more about which one. You will find out what should be the duration of the contact, the size of the pupils, etc.

If you like a man, he will unconsciously repeat most of your movements. He will also accidentally touch you, try to hug you more often, take your hand in front of strangers. He wants to look more respectable in your eyes, so he will constantly straighten his clothes and straighten his shoulders.

Watch this video, if you want to make sure whether a man loves you or not, the girl gives a lot of banal advice, but there is also a lot of useful information:

How to tell if a man is hiding his feelings

All men are different, but there are several common signs by which you can easily calculate the hidden feelings of a guy. Pay attention to:
  • a sharp change in the guy's mood (especially when you appear in his field of vision);
  • feigned indifference;
  • jealousy;
  • attention to other girls to make you jealous in return.

An article on how to help you. We described how to do this by behavior, words, horoscope. Also, earlier, we analyzed why guys hide their feelings, found out what the main signs exist and tried to figure out how best to act in this case. Our tips will help you understand what.

How to understand your boyfriend's intentions

You shouldn't count on a man's long-term affection if he offers to go to his house on the first or second date, or immediately talks about how crap all his exes were. Also, you do not need to insist on a relationship if the meetings are private, and the chosen one shuns you in public.

The seriousness of intentions can be judged by several factors:

  • a guy other women will seem not interesting and not so pretty;
  • a man will not make a woman dear to his heart jealous;
  • he is in a hurry to introduce you to his family and cannot wait for you to make a reciprocal gesture;
  • often starts talking about the future, is interested in your opinion about children;
  • he will never be rude to you, and even more so he will not insult you in the circle of his friends in order to seem more self-sufficient.

But the most important thing here is that a man will want to spend time with you, constantly look for meetings, be interested in what is happening in your life, and talk about himself. All this will allow. In this article you will find 10 obvious signs of sympathy, advice on how to identify it by correspondence, behavior, speech.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexei Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step plan of 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and an email with a link to the video will be sent to your mail.

Test: Does a guy think about you from a distance?

If you answer our questions, you will be able to understand how a young man feels when he is far away from you.

1. How often does he write to you?

A) Constantly, even over trifles

B) Rarely, he allows himself to disappear for several days without explanation.

2. What happens when you accidentally don't answer his call?

A) He continues to call anyway, and then gets angry when you explain to him the reason

B) He is interested in the reason sluggishly, without much mood, or does not speak at all about this topic.

3. How do his friends treat you?

A) Thanks to his stories, they know everything about his chosen one - what she likes for breakfast, what is her favorite color and when is her birthday

B) They are not even aware of your existence.

4. Before making an important decision, he ...

A) Necessarily interested in your opinion

B) He consults with anyone, but not with you (or even makes a decision on his own).

5. How often does he call you?

A) Any convenient moment because she misses her voice

B) He may not call for weeks, justifying himself with deeds.

6. Does he write to you first?

A) Yes, of course, every day he writes "Good morning" first, and in the evening he wishes him good night

B) Not always, sometimes he doesn't care at all.

7. Does Skype, Viber and other applications call to see your face?

A) Yes, and quite spontaneously, remembering a trip together or making compliments

B) Calls only when there is a reason.

If most of the answers are A, then it is only worth congratulating you, because your man is really in love and cannot live a day without you.

If more answers are B, then it is worth reconsidering the relationship with such a person, you are unlikely to be so important to him.

We find out if he needs you

A man needs you if he:

  • really listens to you and constantly asks for your advice;
  • makes you the most unusual gifts based on your tastes and preferences, because he knows them best;
  • ready for you for everything possible and impossible;
  • supports his soul mate;
  • cares about you.

There is a more detailed article on our website on how to understand. You will be able to determine if he is only interested in sex, whether he really loves you or is it just flirting.

The opinion of men is much more interesting, in this video the head of the Happy Life school shares his vision of the situation:

These are the signs of true sympathy and love, trust and devotion, sincerity. A truly interested in a relationship, a young man will experience feelings even at a distance, think about his beloved, and he is unlikely to hide them.

Men and women - we are so different, and sometimes it seems as if we are from different planets. It is as difficult for us to understand the opposite sex as it is for them to understand us, but at the same time it is difficult to imagine our life without a man's shoulder, love and that you are desired and loved.

When discussing the question of how to understand the attitude of a man, it is important to realize that we communicate in different languages. And in order to clarify for yourself who you really are for him, it is important to learn how to unravel his behavior, phrases.

How to understand the true attitude of your beloved man towards you?

  1. Behavior... It seems that he is in love, because he constantly calls you affectionately, tenderly? Take a closer look: maybe he treats everyone this way, and at work, every girl is addressed as "bunny", "sun". What can we say, but the most likely explanation for this behavior is called nothing other than a womanizer. In addition, the young man may give you gifts and compliments. At the moment when something does not work out for you, he not only refuses to provide moral support, he can also offend, scold in public. In the latter case, his true attitude towards you is manifested. It is better to keep such a man at a distance, or even remove him from friends altogether.
  2. Time... How often do you spend time together? When trying to answer this question, it is important to remember that this is not about superficial conversation and sex. A man is interested in you - this is when he is ready to listen to your complaints about how tired of routine work and “again did not have time to buy this dress, can you imagine?”. And even if he is absolutely not interested in this topic, he is ready to listen to you, to support you simply because you are important to him.

How to understand the attitude of a male colleague in love?

Women's intuition in this matter will never fail. In addition, it is useful to remember some secrets. So, throughout the entire working day, he will definitely, supposedly quite by accident, touch your hand, and if you remain tete-a-tete, he will certainly lower his gaze, get confused and may behave very ineptly - the main signs that you he is clearly sympathetic.

When we like a man, it's hard to understand his true attitude to our feelings, objectivity disappears somewhere, and it is replaced by silent adoration and hope for reciprocity. How to correctly interpret the signals of love if he is dumb like a fish? Perhaps his sympathies are just hallucinations of a firing imagination, and it's time to run to the store for a bar of comforting chocolate? Let's figure it out.

7 signs of a man's sympathy for a woman

1. Interest in personal life

Remember, a man will never become interested in a woman who is indifferent to him. If he listens with interest to your stories about how the weekend went, asks about plans for the week, then he is not indifferent. Interested in marital status, trying to find out about the ex-men in your life? The case smells of mutual sympathy. A similar option, when in a conversation he becomes too frank, is interested in your opinion, asks for advice - here, too, serious interest slips. And, of course, he likes you if he is generous with compliments, actively praises your work and smiles a lot in your presence.

2. Semantics of gestures and body language

Another thing to look out for when communicating is eye contact. When talking to you, does he look straight in the eyes or is he absentmindedly wandering around the room? A man interested in a woman will try to maintain eye contact. Next, pay attention to the gestures. Free and relaxed movements indicate the openness of the partner. If he often touches your arm, shoulder, back, or even tightens "friendly" hugs for longer than expected - a direct signal of interest. Also evaluate the place of his deployment when you are in a large company. Is he trying to be closer to you, or is he keeping away from you all the time?

3. Engagement in conversation

The most obvious sign that a man likes a woman is a constant attempt to tease her slightly, to trick her, to make fun of her in a kind way in order to induce her to "flirt". In a large company, a man will not shy away from you, on the contrary, he will show direct and lively participation, he will be happy to ask the topic of the conversation, he will listen to every word, even if in another team they are tired of waiting for him. Another marker for sympathy is the man's attempt to be more polite than usual (restraining harsh words, vulgar jokes in your presence). Well, if the chosen one does not support attempts to start a conversation, he is constantly distracted from the topic of conversation - there is clearly no interest.

4. The manner of communication in social networks

Think about whether a man is active in correspondence? If he answers each of your messages in detail, tries to write competently and interestingly, makes attempts to somehow extend the communication time - this is a good sign. The person who is interested in you will try to keep your attention, amuse them in every possible way and translate topics into something personal. Regular comments on the wall, likes of photos, dumping funny pictures throughout the day are good markers to go forward. If you also call during the day, pay attention to whether the other person is worried about the conversation. After all, only lovers are afraid of being trapped, therefore they often look ridiculous.

5. Support and assistance in business

Just hinted that they didn't have time for breakfast, how did he bring your favorite donuts to tea? Wake up, a man will not care for a woman who is indifferent. Take a closer look at the behavior, it is more eloquent than all the words in the world. The lovers try with all their might to help the lady of the heart - they give her a lift from work in a car, help to drag furniture, look for the addresses of lost friends and, as if by chance, drop in with medicines while you are sick. They also often call, interested in business, help solve problems and pick up your children from kindergarten. Because they are serious, although they don't show it.

6. Relationships with other girls

There are womanizer guys who collect women like a trophy. In order not to confuse a feigned interest with a genuine one, try to evaluate his relationship with other girls. Does a man flirt with each skirt, not hesitating to take care of several beauties at once, while behaving in an aggressive and brutal manner? This is not your option, you are needed for fun, to raise his self-esteem. A truly in love partner in your presence will not be interested in any other woman, and questions about exes will confuse him.

7. Time spent together

A surefire way to find out a man's true intentions is to evaluate the places you visit together. For example, if, besides you, he invited a dozen friends, and then you went to McDonald's, he is unlikely to have serious intentions. Or he always drags you to the movies for thrillers and horror films that he adores, and you hate - the guy simply has no one to go with. But if a café and a movie is selected according to your taste, this is serious. Calls for a walk to a place where there are only couples? The man clearly hints at a desire to be more than just a friend. And if, to the entire list, he introduced you to his friends and significant relatives - the guy is definitely ready for a serious relationship, it's up to you.

How do you know if a man likes you? His body language speaks for itself. He will be interested in your life, thoughts, aspirations, he will try to be there when you need help, he will be sure to show generosity and participation, he will shower with compliments. Do you already have all this? Then go for it.

Have you met the man of your dreams and are already thinking about the style of a wedding dress, choosing a name for your first child? Are you sure that a man wants a serious relationship? Of course, you can ask the guy directly, but not the fact that you will hear the truth from his lips. And, besides, such a question can seriously scare a young man, destroying all your previous efforts.

Tired of being lost in conjectures, discard all illusions and take a close look at the behavior of your chosen one. If a man really wants a serious relationship, you will surely notice several of the 10 signs below.

1. He often looks you in the eye.

Men love with their eyes - and this is not just folk wisdom, but a fact proven by scientists. When a man is in love, he literally cannot take his eyes off the object of his passion. If you notice that your new acquaintance is furtively looking at you and does not look away for an indecently long time, rest assured that he hopes for a continuation and wants to read the feedback in your eyes.

2. He wants to know as much as possible about you.

As a rule, during their acquaintance, people get by with a dozen common phrases and a couple of unobtrusive topics. But if a man intends to transfer your acquaintance to the category of a serious relationship, he will learn as much information as possible about you. In addition, you will feel that the interest on his part is extremely sincere. After a while, you will notice that the man remembers absolutely everything that you once told him about yourself.

3. He wants to touch you.

And although tactile communication is present not only between lovers, if a man is interested in you as a woman, he will try to reduce existing boundaries as quickly as possible by inadvertently touching you. Shaking hands, straightening a curl, or supporting your elbow as you walk down the stairs may seem harmless at first glance, but in fact it says that you are physically pleasing to a person.

4. He introduces you to friends.

Men love to show off to their friends. Moreover, they boast not only of new cars, sports devices or any other things that are dear to them, but also girls with whom they intend to build serious relationships. No matter what stage your romance is at, if a man insists on your acquaintance with his company, he sees you as his life partner. First, knowingly or not, he wants his fellows to envy him. And secondly, he hopes that you will accept and approve of his friends.

5. He introduces you to his family.

Even if the previous points passed by your relationship, but your chosen one invites you to have dinner with his parents, you can be sure of the seriousness of his intentions. The desire to introduce a girl to her parents or family never arises spontaneously. Most likely, the man thought about his decision well and hopes that soon you will also become a member of his family.

6. He doesn't need a reason to contact you.

Often, girls indulge themselves with vain illusions, hoping that a man does not call because of his excessive modesty and delicacy. In fact, a truly loving man will terrorize you with calls and SMS to make sure that everything is in order with you and that you are not spending time in the company of another.

7. He turns into a jealous person.

A harmless mention of the name of a colleague or a telephone conversation with a longtime acquaintance will cause a man hoping for a serious relationship to have a real attack of jealousy. And even if your chosen one is wise enough not to make scenes, you will feel his interest in the people of the opposite sex around you. At first, a man will subtly ask you about your social circle, trying to find out if you have more than friendly feelings for someone.

8. He makes compromises easily.

A man in love will try with all his might to please you. He will easily refuse to go to a concert of his favorite band, having learned about your poor health, instead bringing home a cold medicine and a fruit basket. He will give up Saturday naps until lunchtime to take your cat to the veterinarian and fix all the sockets in your house instead of watching his favorite movie. In a word, men in love turn into real altruists, doing everything possible to conquer the object of their passion.

9. He cannot be angry with you.

We do not always do the right thing, we can forget the promised, inadvertently hurting the feelings of a loved one. However, if a man is truly in love, regardless of the severity of the “sin,” he cannot be angry with you. And even if you yourself are ashamed of your act, the man will justify you, because you are the ideal of his dreams.

10. He confesses his love to you and you believe him.

It seems that the phrase "I love you" is not always based on sincerity, however, most men, confessing their feelings, really experience them. A man who sees his soul mate in you will not waste words. He will utter such a coveted phrase only when you are ready for it. When your relationship ceases to be a non-binding romance, he will not waste time and will open his cards in front of you.

These signs are not an axiom, but, as a rule, lovers think and act the same way. Therefore, if his intentions are really serious, sooner or later he himself will manifest them.