How to properly massage the tummy of a newborn baby with severe colic. Massage. Mom's hands to help with colic

In the first three months of a baby's life, colic noticeably spoils the mood of the child and his parents. Constipation, gratuitous crying, restless sleep, whims, breast refusal - these are not all the "symptoms" of what is happening. How can you help a baby?

How to help? Myths and reality

The child's sphincters are not yet functioning, which means that he cannot push on his own. Young mothers, fearing the ingestion of gas-forming products in breast milk - buckwheat and water. In fact, the nutrition of a nursing mother cannot in any way cause. After all, the digestion process in any case will be accompanied by the release of gases, regardless of the food consumed. But the correct condition can greatly facilitate the baby's condition.

Is it possible to massage the belly of a baby at home

Massage of the abdomen, done by mother's hands, is the best remedy for both colic and constipation in children. Not a single even the best specialist will be able to convey to mother's love, care, affection.

We have collected and combined techniques of belly massage for a newborn from many wonderful specialists. Try to use them and in half an hour you will see a positive effect.

Carefully! Contraindications!

  • Do not massage the abdomen on a full stomach. It is better to carry out the procedure before meals or an hour and a half after it.
  • Do not make any active pressure in the area of ​​the liver and genitals of the child.
  • Don't get carried away! Massage for newborns should not exceed 5-6 minutes of active action.
  • Diathesis is not a direct contraindication, but during the acute phase it is better for a baby to refuse to massage the abdomen.
  • But with heart and infectious diseases, blood diseases, as well as an umbilical hernia - no amateur performance! In this case, only a specialist should do the correct massage.

How to massage your baby's belly: 7 steps

Do it once!

The method of our grandmothers, as well as the experience of women from African tribes. Preparing the baby and warming up.

Heat always relaxes muscles, relieves spasms. Therefore, our grandmothers recommended before the massage to heat up the diaper with an iron and put it on the baby's tummy for a while. But it is not always convenient to leave the undressed child and run for the iron. Therefore, we recommend adopting the method of women from African tribes: they put their warm palms (before starting the procedure, you can rub them vigorously against each other) dome-shaped on the baby's tummy. And then they make eye-to-eye contact with the baby. This allows you to tune in with him on the same wavelength. Let him know that massage of the abdomen, even with painful colic, is a pleasant action, and mom is there, which means that soon all the troubles will be over.

Do two!

Method of Russian pediatricians. Eliminate acute colic in newborns and help gases go down.

Start your massage with gentle strokes. What seems to you to be a barely noticeable touch, the baby sees as a completely sane load. Stroking should be done in a "U-shaped" way. Clockwise. Gently, barely touching, run your hand along the right side of the baby. From the crotch to the solar plexus. Then from left to right and down the right side to the crotch. This sequence should be repeated at a fast pace. This abdominal massage is especially good for severe colic, because it improves bowel function and makes the gaziki go down from the upper abdomen.

Do three!

The method of a well-known pediatrician. Belly massage recommended.

We put the base of the palm on the child's pubis. With your fingers, we begin to make circular movements in a clockwise direction. Pressing should be gentle, but sensitive. The pace of movement is energetic.

Any belly massage should be done clockwise!

Do four!

Child yoga method. We help gaziks to come out by means of a belly massage.

The previous exercises helped us calm down the baby, "wake up" his digestive tract and make the gaziki go down the abdomen. Now it's time to let them out. Grasp the child's legs with both hands, index fingers under the knees. Shake your legs a little from side to side to relieve tension. If the baby does not relax, postpone this exercise. You will try later. If the crumb allows you to control itself, then gently, not abruptly press your knees to the sides of the child. It is important that you do not pull your knees to the chin, but spread them to the sides and press them tightly against the sides of the baby. Hold the legs in this position for a couple of seconds, then straighten and again move them in the air, relaxing. Then press your knees back to your sides. Be careful - gaziks may start coming out at this very moment. A full diaper is guaranteed for the next half hour.

Do five!

The method of a well-known children's osteopath. Preparing the digestive system for the next meal.

Now we need to make sure that after the performed massage of the abdomen, there are no more gases left there. And also to make the stomach and intestines work - after all, we are going to feed the child soon. We hold the legs with our hands, index fingers under the knee. We bend the baby's right leg at the knee and begin to pull the knee to the left shoulder. We do the same with the second leg. It turns out a kind of twists. Such a belly massage for a baby will already develop into real gymnastics, which means that your newborn will be a sweet dream to sleep. And this is much more effective and useful than candles and straws.

The first days, and even months of life, a newborn only adapts to the world around him. He has not yet fully formed the functions of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract. Regardless of how your baby eats (breast milk, formula or combination), after eating, he may experience colic.

Colic Are antispasmodic pain in the intestines caused by the formation of gas bubbles. There can be many reasons for their appearance - the capture of excess air during nutrition, the digestive system has not yet been formed, and many others. Of course, this is unpleasant for the baby and even scary for the mother - as the baby starts crying, presses his legs to his tummy, frowns. All this can irritate the mother and interfere with the baby. To get rid of intestinal gas contamination, there are many medicines and techniques, as well as massage.

Tummy massage

To relieve the baby of colic, help the digestive system and just calm down after eating, you need give a newborn tummy massage... Warm mother's hands save from all troubles, give a feeling of security and love. And they can also relieve the baby of pain, fear and discomfort.

In order to do tummy massage for colic, it is not necessary to run to a doctor or specialize in a massage therapist. There are several rules and recommendations, following which you can help your baby get rid of pain.

To do correct tummy massage for a newborn during colic, several conditions must be met:

  • In no case should you do it immediately after eating. This is an ironclad rule. It is best to wait an hour and a half after the last feeding, and only then start;
  • Massage should be prophylactic, and not during acute attacks;
  • The temperature in the room must be created comfortable, since during the massage the child is undressed;
  • Hands must be warm and soft;
  • The use of oil or cream is unacceptable, as sliding on the skin can lead to excessive pressure on the delicate body and create additional discomfort;
  • The baby's tummy must be pre-warmed - with a warm diaper (ironed), a saline heating pad (wrapped in several layers of fabric) or just with your hands (which should also not be cold). This will speed up the process of calming the gastrointestinal tract.

After all the conditions are met, you can proceed directly to the massage itself.

How to massage a newborn for colic

Place your baby on a firm surface. This must be done to prevent unnecessary pressure on the tummy. A changing table or a regular table will do, or even on your mother's lap. Warming the hand and tummy, you can proceed directly to the massage.

  1. The very first and most important thing is stroking movements. They soothe a seething belly and the baby itself, which can already contribute getting rid of colic.
  2. From top to bottom, draw along the child's left side, from the hypochondrium to the groin area. This is where the part of the intestine that goes into the rectum is located.
  3. With gradual and gentle movements (no pressure) it is necessary stretch your tummy on both sides, in the direction of the oblique abdominal muscles, avoiding the umbilical region.
  4. Carry out a U-shaped massage - from the groin to the ribs on the left, then in the hypochondrium from left to right and finish on the right side from the ribs to the legs.

Important! Everything massage actions need to carry out strictly clockwise... It is in this direction that metabolic processes take place in the body.

After the massage you need to do a little exercise to help the gases out of the intestines. To do this, the baby's legs need to be bent and straightened alternately, as if doing an exercise "bike"... This will most likely lead to defecation, so you need to put a diaper under the baby or put on a loose disposable diaper in advance.

Like massage it is best to do it prophylactically, then it will be easier for the child to digest and remove food. The massage time is 5-10 minutes.

Tummy massage for constipation

Constipation is delayed bowel movement, which also causes many problems. If you see that your child has not gone to the toilet for a long time, grunts, cries and pushes, then you need to use either special means (medicinal or a regular enema), or give the baby a massage.

Putting the child on a flat hard surface (this is necessary to prevent deformation of the organs and deflection of the spine), within 7-10 minutes, carry out the following actions:

  • With your palm fully open, stroke the baby's tummy in a clockwise direction. This will relax his muscles and intestines;
  • With stroking movements, slide along the oblique muscles of the abdomen from the ribs to the groin;
  • Using your fingertips, apply acupressure around the navel and all over the tummy;
  • Finish the procedure with gentle stroking movements (clockwise).

Such a set of activities is best done at a minimum. once a day, not earlier than an hour after eating.

Useful video of Dr. Komarovsky

Evgeny Komarovsky, one of the best pediatricians, in his program talks about the benefits of massage.

Massage for colic in newborns is a simple and effective means of helping a little man. A child's body cannot function like an adult's. He needs time to tune in correctly. Parents can facilitate this process by performing a set of special exercises for the tummy with colic in the crumbs.

Before taking any measures to help a newborn with colic, you should consult with your local doctor. The following are signs that can help parents understand that this particular problem is troubling the baby:

  1. The newborn is constantly crying and groaning.
  2. The baby begins to actively suck milk, but after the first few sips it refuses to eat and continues to eat intermittently, during which it screams and wrinkles its face.
  3. After the feeding process, the baby does not fall asleep. He actively moves his arms and legs, expressing clear signs of anxiety.
  4. Constant profuse regurgitation, belching, flatulence.
  5. The prone position is more comfortable for the child than the supine position.
  6. The newborn calms down when he is firmly pressed to his mother, but as soon as he is put in the crib, the above signs appear again.

Typical symptoms of the disease

In the first month of a child's life, colic usually practically does not appear. However, a newborn needs to start massage for colic as soon as the umbilical cord mark heals. This is due to the fact that the baby needs to get used to the touch of mother's hands, learn to relax under their influence.

After discharge from the hospital, one should slowly begin to master the first massage movements, gently stroking the tummy with two fingers in a circular motion without pressure. Movements are always performed strictly clockwise, since it is this direction that corresponds to the movement of gases through the intestines.

When the umbilical cord dries up and falls off, massage for colic can be done more confidently, but still avoiding pressure on the area around the umbilical wound.

After the wound is completely healed, you can proceed to a full-fledged tummy massage for the newborn with colic, even in the absence of the above signs.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Many mothers wonder how to massage their tummy. In fact, there is nothing difficult about it. Massage for colic is carried out on a semi-hard surface, for example, on a changing table. It would also be a good option if the mother puts the baby on her lap. Feeling its warmth and smell, it will be easier for the baby to relax. It is not recommended to massage for colic on soft, springy surfaces, because in this case, the pressure force cannot be controlled.

The surface should be covered with a soft diaper.

It is advisable to preheat it to body temperature. Before starting the session, you need to make sure that the room is warm enough. The temperature should not be lower than 23-24 ° С. The baby must be completely undressed, including the diaper, and laid on the diaper.

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Mom's hands should also be warm. To do this, you can intensively rub them together just before starting the massage for colic. In order not to damage the delicate skin of the crumbs, it is recommended to apply a few drops of special massage or ordinary sunflower oil to your hands. When using massage oil, it is important that it is of plant origin (not mineral and even less artificially synthesized). If it was decided to use sunflower oil, it must be warmed up in a water bath for 10 minutes in order to destroy the microbes it contains. There should be no bright light sources near the baby that could blind the baby's sensitive vision. It is not recommended to start the massage right away. The child should be given the opportunity to take an air bath for 5-10 minutes. Naturally, this stage must be omitted when it comes to direct help with acute colic.

When carrying out a massage for colic in a newborn, it should be remembered that in newborns, the liver protrudes from the right hypochondrium by about 2-3 cm. No massage movements should touch this area.

Massage exercises

Various exercises will help with colic.

  1. The child must be placed on his back, the mother's hands are placed on top of the baby's tummy and lie motionless on it for 1-2 minutes, warming and soothing.
  2. The starting position is the same. With light, gentle movements with two fingers, you should start stroking the tummy around the navel in a clockwise direction. In the first sessions, the number of strokes should be no more than 5-6 times. Then their number can be increased.
  3. The mother's hand is placed with the palm of the hand in the hypochondrium. Slowly and smoothly, she begins to slide from top to bottom on the baby's belly. The second palm follows the first in the same smooth motion. The exercise is repeated 8-10 times in a continuous mode.
  4. Mom takes the baby's leg in her hands and begins to gently bend it, pressing it with her knee to her stomach. In the extreme position, you should linger for 3-5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 6-8 times on each leg and the same on both legs at the same time. It is repeated 6-8 times.
  5. Exercise "bike". Mom takes the baby's legs in her hands and begins to alternately rotate them in a bent state, imitating the rotation of bicycle pedals. The exercise is carried out 4-5 times in each direction. During execution, it is necessary that the knees touch the tummy.
  6. Mom takes the baby with her hands by the knees and begins circular rotations with his bent legs, spreading and bringing them together. The exercise is done very slowly and carefully so as not to damage the hip joint. Only 3-4 times.
  7. The mother's hand, clenched into a fist, is placed with her knuckles on the baby's tummy below the navel. The pressure should be strong enough to feel the elasticity of the muscles. You need to be very careful not to cause discomfort to your baby. Very slowly, the mother turns her hand around its axis in a clockwise direction.
  8. The starting position is the same. But this time, the mother's fist draws a spiral line on the baby's stomach, twisted clockwise, starting from the navel and ending at the left thigh.
  9. The baby is turned over onto the tummy. It is important to make sure that nothing interferes with his breathing. Mom strokes the baby on the sides with light movements in the direction from the abdomen to the lower back. Only 6-8 times.
  10. The mother puts her hands on the baby's lower back and puts her hands under the baby's belly, pressing on the oblique muscles. When her fingers are connected under the baby's belly, she needs to bend them slightly upward, pressing on the tummy with the entire surface of her fingers, as if lifting the baby. In the upper position, you should freeze for 3-5 seconds, then relax your palms and pull them out from under the baby. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  11. Starting position: the child lies on his stomach, under him in the navel area is laid a towel twisted into a tourniquet. The thickness of the tourniquet is selected in such a way that the child rests approximately equally strongly on the knees and tummy. The mother's hands are stroking the baby from the lower back to the stomach with light, smooth movements.
  12. Starting position: the mother lies on her back and puts the child on her bent legs. The angle of the baby's position relative to the floor should be 20-30 °. The load on the coccyx, which has not yet matured, is unacceptable, therefore it is important to check that the baby rests on the mother with his whole back and lower back. At the same time, the child's legs lie freely on the mother's stomach. In this position, exercises 1-5 are repeated.
  13. Starting position: the baby lies on its stomach on a fitness ball. Mom holds him with one hand, shakes the ball with the other. In this case, the child's head should not be below the level of the legs.

Contraindications to the appointment

If, in addition to colic, there are signs such as:

  • bloating is asymmetrical;
  • the navel area is tense and bulging;
  • peristalsis is observed in a certain zone;
  • there is no stool for a long time;
  • increased temperature;
  • the baby is lethargic and pale;
  • there is bloody discharge from the anus.

The latter may indicate that the baby has intestinal obstruction or volvulus. In this case, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Thus, massage for colic at home will help relieve abdominal pain and improve the condition of the child.

The presence of colic in a newborn is quite common. Discomfort in the tummy usually begins to torment the baby after the second week of life.

In order to relieve the pain of the baby, parents resort to many different remedies - from a warm bath to taking medications.

In parallel with these techniques for relieving discomfort, tummy massage for newborns can be used.

A lot of literature has been written on this topic, many videos have been shot, stroking and kneading the tummy are recommended by leading pediatricians.

Such a procedure can be carried out by a person skilled in the art. But a mother, being at home, can also help her newborn.

What is tummy massage for?

The manifestation of colic is painful sensations caused by stomach cramps and the accumulation of gas bubbles in the intestines.

The causes of these pains can be very diverse - swallowing air during breastfeeding, problems with peristalsis and intestinal microflora, etc.

The muscles of the peritoneum of the newborn are still very weak and cannot fully support the internal organs. As a result, an umbilical hernia may form, which is also indirectly to blame for colic.

Massaging the belly of a newborn helps to promote gas bubbles in the intestines and make them easier to escape, as well as relieve cramping.

This approach will allow food to move freely along its path, eliminate the accumulation of gas and facilitate the process of defecation.

Indications for massage

Gentle hand exposure to the baby's abdomen is recommended when babies have the following pronounced signs:

  • hypotonia or, on the contrary, hypertonicity of the abdominal muscles;
  • renal hernia or a predisposition to it;
  • increased gas formation immediately after a meal, leading to bloating;
  • with painful colic;
  • systematic constipation.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding directly to the massage, you need to take into account some preparatory subtleties, namely:

  1. The room where the massage is performed should be at a comfortable temperature. This condition is necessary, because the baby will need to get rid of clothes.
  2. First you need to warm your tummy. For these purposes, a diaper ironed with an iron or a heating pad wrapped in several layers is used. The heat should distribute evenly and be comfortable (not hot!).
  3. Take care of the warmth of your hands. The touch of cold fingers makes the baby nervous and instinctively pull in the tummy. That is why the hands of the person doing the massage need to be warmed by rubbing their palms together.
  4. Find the best location. In general, massage can be performed anywhere: on the changing table, bed, mother's lap. One has only to avoid soft, springy surfaces - they interfere with the control of the pressure force
  5. Prepare a suitable diaper. Usually, after the massage, the baby has gas and even bowel movements. To protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, a diaper or a piece of cloth should be placed under the baby's buttocks.
  6. Before starting the massage, the baby needs to be held in an upright position. Trapped air in the stomach is often the cause of pain. By holding the baby upright, you can ease the flow of air and prevent milk from spitting out during the massage.
  7. It is not necessary to use massage oil. But if such a desire arose, it is better to give preference to natural base oils - olive, sesame, etc.

Test the moisturizer before using it. A drop of oil is applied to the skin of newborns, massaged and the reaction is checked after 15 minutes.

If no allergic manifestations are observed, the product can be safely used during massage.

It is not difficult for a newborn to massage the tummy with colic. Basic recommendations for classes can be taken from the video on the Internet or you can consult with your pediatrician. The basic exercises are as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to lightly stroke the baby's belly, gradually increasing the pressure and moving on to pressing. An adult folds his palms into a "house" and places them in the navel of newborns. Next, you should make light pressure with the edges of the folded palms. After that, several pressing movements are performed in the direction from right to left (this is how the large intestine is located). Finish each pressure cycle with a soothing stroke.
    Important! When pressing, it is unacceptable to use the area of ​​the right hypochondrium - the baby's liver is located there.
  2. Make light strokes with your palms from top to bottom from the ribs to the groin area. Next, one palm is placed on the stomach, and the other is stroked by the oblique muscles of the abdomen, first from one side and then from the other side.
  3. Another effective technique is counter stroking. The masseur's left hand moves upward, the right hand moves downward. After that, stroking the tummy in a circle are carried out - first, alternately with each hand, then with both hands together.
  4. Stroking that simulates drawing the letter P.

It is carried out in three stages:

  • With the palm of your right hand, stroke the tummy on the left side.
  • A "corner" movement is performed from the right hypochondrium to the left side.
  • "Derivation" of the letter P. The hand moves along the right side to the left side, then from the left side downward.

Tingling or spiraling movements around the navel. The massage therapist draws the petals of a flower.

Important! All movements of the masseur's hands should be made in the direction of food movement, and not against it. With this approach, the baby's intestinal peristalsis improves and the baby forgets about colic much faster.

The final movements of the masseur's hands should be soothing and light. The palms move from left to right.

After completing the massage, you can stretch the back of the baby from the shoulder blades to the pelvis. This will provide additional stimulation to the abdominal wall.

If your child is constipated, you can work on their legs by doing exercises that simulate cycling, squats, or tucking their legs into their tummy.

  • Don't get carried away. In total, all actions of the masseur should not exceed 5-6 minutes.
  • Do not apply pressure to the liver or genitals of the child.
  • Observe the child's condition. If the baby is pale and lethargic, and the pain does not go away even after the massage has been done, this is a reason for immediate medical attention.
  • Light massaging of the tummy is recommended to be done daily so that the baby can get used to new sensations for him. Over time, the baby loses the desire to be capricious during class.
  • The first massage session is best done in the presence of a pediatrician, if possible.

Available contraindications

While exercises to relieve tummy pain are undeniably helpful for your baby, they should be done with caution. In some cases, massage should be excluded altogether.

You should not perform movements if:

  • The kid recently ate a big meal. It is unacceptable to massage on a full stomach. The optimal time is one hour before or after a meal.
  • The newborn has acute manifestations of diathesis.
  • The baby has old constipation.
  • The tense area of ​​the navel is felt, sometimes a seal can be felt in this area.
  • There is spotting from the anus.
  • The child suffers from infectious diseases or pathologies of the cardiovascular system. In such cases, the massage should be performed exclusively by a specialist.

Massage, a good panacea for tummy pains and colic in babies. It is now easy to find information on the method of performing massage - the Internet is replete with relevant videos.

An important condition is compliance with safety measures and all the necessary recommendations in the course of training.

Useful video

At the beginning of each infant's life, the body begins to adapt and develop. All systems learn to function properly. Digestive and intestinal are no exception. To help them quickly get used to the digestion of food and its further processing, it is recommended to massage the tummy of the newborn. However, it must be done correctly. After all, otherwise you may not achieve the necessary results.

Why massage the belly of a baby?

Manipulation is recommended by all pediatric specialists. They are advised to do them even in the absence of any indications, for the purpose of prevention. If the baby has discomfort in the digestive and intestinal systems, then with the help of exercises you can perfectly cope with the following problems:

  • Clusters of gas workers.
  • Light constipation.
  • Bloated.
  • Colic.

To remove such unpleasant conditions, it is not necessary to carry the baby to the hospital, since the mother can do the belly massage herself. To do this, you need to learn the basic movements from a pediatrician and do the first procedure under his supervision. After that, having familiarized yourself with the existing nuances of the procedure, simple sets of exercises can be performed independently.

Abdominal massage for a newborn: features of performance

  • Warm up the diaper.
  • Roll it up and put it on the newborn's tummy.
  • Grab the little one and press down on the diaper for a few minutes.

It must be remembered that during manipulations it is impossible to influence the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, there is a vital organ - the liver.

It should be borne in mind that the procedure should not be done in case of severe constipation. If, when feeling, the baby's tummy is hard and he begins to cry, then you should not perform any manipulations. In this case, the most correct solution would be to immediately consult a doctor.

How to massage the tummy of a newborn?

There are several different complexes. Each is made up of specific elements. They must be performed slowly, affectionately and consistently. Performing one of them, you need:

Perfectly stimulates intestinal peristalsis, as well as the work of internal organs, massage the baby's tummy as follows:

  1. The baby needs to be undressed.
  2. Lay face down on your bare body in the navel area.
  3. To protrude and deflate the abdomen several times.

This smooth massage, combined with the warmth emanating from the body, gives excellent results.

There is a quick relaxing baby belly massage. It is allowed to be carried out no earlier than an hour and a half after feeding. Such manipulations are aimed at facilitating the discharge of gas workers. During its execution, the crumbs relax the anal muscles, he begins to fart vigorously. The essence of the complex consists in performing the following exercises:

  1. Put the newborn on the back, stroke the tummy clockwise several times.
  2. Turn it face down. Make sure the legs are bent at the knees.
  3. Make stroking touches on the back.
  4. Turn over again, face up.
  5. Take the newborn by the feet, try to reach the ears with them. The movement should be carried out smoothly, without causing discomfort in the baby.

I really like children and parents to massage the tummy for newborns on a ball. This procedure is more like a game and brings a lot of positive emotions. To complete it you need:

  1. Prepare a big ball. Wash it well, wipe it thoroughly from moisture, check for various cracks, punctures (in order to avoid unexpected breaks during the lesson).
  2. Place the newborn on the surface of the gymnastic ball with its tummy.
  3. Gently supporting, gently roll the baby back and forth so that the surface of the ball affects his tummy.
  4. Finish the exercise in a few minutes.

Belly massage for newborns should be a pleasant procedure. You should not do it forcibly or while crying. There will be no effect anyway. If you perform simple movements correctly, then they will definitely help to maintain the health of the crumbs in the norm, bring relief and pleasure.

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The appearance of a baby in the family is a great joy. But at the same time comes fear for the health of the unborn child. Since newborns and babies do not yet know how to talk, they communicate their problems through crying. The longer something bothers them, the more crying becomes stronger and more piercing. Colic is one of the most common problems. Dealing with them is difficult, but possible. For example, many doctors are of the opinion that tummy massage helps with colic in a newborn.

Before you start to massage a baby, you need to figure out what colic is. Under this concept, it is customary to understand painful sensations that appear against the background of the accumulation of gas bubbles in different parts of the intestinal tract. These spasms cause severe discomfort to the baby. He reports this with the help of crying, screaming, pressing his legs to his tummy, lack of appetite and poor sleep.

The main reason for the pathological process lies in the underdevelopment of the enzyme system and the absence of intestinal flora. There are not enough enzymes in the child's body to digest food. As a result, a large amount of gases are generated.

Improper attachment of the baby to the breast can also cause colic. Because of this, the child swallows not only food, but also air.

Often, mothers do not follow the prescribed diet and include gas-forming products in the diet. To avoid the accumulation of gas in the baby, pediatricians strongly recommend limiting sweet and flour products, beans, raw vegetables and fruits.

In the future, complementary foods lead to colic. Due to the lack of enzymes, food is absorbed in insufficient quantities, which leads to fermentation in the intestinal tract. The gases that are released at this time lead to stretching of the intestinal walls, thereby causing severe pain.

The muscle structures in the baby's peritoneum are still very weak. Therefore, they are not able to fully hold and massage the internal organs.

The benefits of massage for a child

Many doctors, in the absence of contraindications, recommend doing abdominal massage to a newborn with colic. Thanks to such activities, it is possible to achieve several positive effects in the form of:

  • relieving a spasm that hurts the baby;
  • moving gases along the intestinal tract and helping in their removal;
  • facilitating the process of emptying the alimentary canal;
  • strengthening the muscle structures of the abdomen.

But every parent should remember that massage of the peritoneum is carried out only as a preventive measure. During an attack, all movements should be much softer and more delicate.

Preparatory activities

Massage of the abdomen for colic in infants should begin with preparatory measures. The room where the procedure will take place should be at a comfortable temperature. It should be between 20-22 degrees. Also, there should be no draft in the room, otherwise the crumb will catch a cold.

The baby's tummy should be warm. For this, a diaper is taken and warmed up with an iron. Then it is applied to the peritoneum.

Do not touch the baby with cold hands. This can lead to reflex spasm and pain. Mom or Dad's hands should be warm. To do this, immerse them in warm water or heat them together.

It is also necessary to remember that newborns are not favorable to intense movement. Therefore, it is better to start doing massage before the first signs of colic appear. Such events will help the baby get used to the effects and avoid stressful stress.

You can massage the abdomen for colic in a newborn in a baby cradle or on an adult bed. More experienced mothers put the baby on their laps. But there is one rule - the surface should not be very soft, but comfortable for the child.

If all the manipulations are carried out correctly, then the gaziks will calmly come out of the intestines. And also self-emptying can occur. Therefore, do not forget to put a disposable absorbent diaper under your butt.

It is better to refuse the use of massage oil. This is due to the fact that the oil leads to increased sliding on the skin, thereby making it difficult to calculate the impact force. If adults already have experience with massage movements, then a little baby cream or oil can be used.

Before proceeding with the procedure, the baby must be held in an upright position. Such a measure will help the remaining gaziks get out of the stomach.

How to give a belly massage to a newborn? Once the parents are prepared, the procedure can begin. To do this, you should adhere to several recommendations.

  1. To begin with, place warm palms on the baby's tummy. Such manipulations will help the baby calm down and completely relax the abdominal muscles. Remember, the baby should not cry, otherwise the effect of the procedure will be the opposite.
  2. Start with light strokes. Movements must be made from top to bottom. First, do 5-6 calm movements, and then start stroking clockwise. At the same time, lightly press on the peritoneal area, but do not cause pain.
  3. We start stroking with pressure. You will need your palms or fingertips to do this. Do not press too hard or the baby will cry. During the procedure, the baby should be in comfort. Press not only on the anterior abdominal wall, but also on the lateral areas. Move from the right to the left side of the tummy. This process will improve the motor function of the intestinal tract.
  4. The next exercise is called The Mill. Place your palms across your tummy. Move your hands so that they visually look like a mill. Periodically break off stroking from top to bottom towards the umbilical region.
  5. Now you need to pinch your tummy a little. To do this, you need to imagine that petals are located around the navel. Carry out such movements as if the petals are being torn off. These activities will help the abdominal muscles to tighten at a reflex level, thereby improving peristalsis.
  6. Try to visually locate the colon. After that, carefully advance the gaziki. Pat clockwise to complete the exercise.
  7. To relieve the spasm, use your fingers in a circular motion from the baby's pubic area and move upward. This process helps to remove spasm, enhance the motor function of the alimentary canal, and get rid of accumulated gases.

The total duration of the massage is 15-20 minutes.

Massage the tummy in a child with constipation

Constipation is another common problem in infants. Pediatricians have several opinions on this.

The first of them says that with full breastfeeding, the baby may not go to the toilet for up to 5-7 days. And this is considered the norm. The thing is that breast milk has the ability to be completely absorbed by the intestinal tract. Therefore, stool may be absent for up to a week, while the child will feel good.

The second opinion suggests that this is not the norm, and the absence of stool for more than 3 days indicates the development of constipation. This phenomenon occurs when the baby has problems with the intestinal tract in the form of congenital pathologies, the development of an infectious disease, and a lack of lactose.

But in either case, massage of the abdomen for a newborn with constipation will not interfere. It will be slightly different from the normal procedure.

How to massage the tummy of a newborn? To do this, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Before the procedure, warm the baby's belly with a diaper warmed up with an iron. Two or three minutes will be enough.
  2. Do not grease your hands with oil or baby soap. But to facilitate movement, you can use a powder.
  3. Follow the movements in a clockwise direction, but strictly follow the trajectory. It should match the location of the intestinal tract.
  4. The duration of one procedure is from 5 to 7 minutes. It is better to perform massage half an hour before feeding.

Placing the baby on the tummy will also benefit.

During the manipulation, it is necessary not only to stroke the child's belly, but also to carry out gymnastics. There are special postures that have a beneficial effect on the motor function of the intestines and develop the vestibular apparatus.

Here are a few of them.

  1. Exercise "Frog". Place the baby on the tummy. Spread his legs so that the knees are spread apart, and the feet touch each other. Bring your palm to the feet of the child so that he can push off.
  2. Exercise "Bicycle". Place the baby on its back. Bend your knees and perform movements that resemble cycling.
  3. Exercise "Pulling the legs." Lay the baby on her back. Bend your knees. Begin to rotate for one minute. Then press the legs against the tummy so that the pressure is from the sides. Repeat the exercise a few more times.

Recently, fitball has gained more and more popularity. A large ball can also help solve the problem. Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to tune the baby to a positive wave. It is better to put a warm diaper on the ball.

Restrictions on massage

Massaging the abdomen helps not only to improve the functioning of the intestinal tract and the passage of gases, but also to strengthen the muscle structures of the abdominal cavity. This procedure shows positive results, but has several limitations in the form:

  • asymmetrical position of the abdomen;
  • sensations of active peristalsis in one of the areas of the abdomen;
  • absence of gas discharge for a long time;
  • lethargy, lack of appetite, and sleep disturbances between attacks;
  • increase in temperature values;
  • the presence of symptoms of a cold or SARS;
  • long-term pain syndrome that does not go away even after the measures taken.

It is also not recommended to massage the tummy if the baby's umbilical wound has not healed, there are injuries, wounds and abrasions on the skin. Allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of itching and rashes, are also contraindications. Do not forget that it is necessary not only to take measures to eliminate the disease, but also to identify the cause of colic and eliminate it.

If parents have doubts about whether to perform the procedure or not, then it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. If you have severe symptoms, an urgent home visit is required.