How to make your skin smooth and taut. How to make skin silky, smooth, soft, radiant and healthy

For the skin to always be smooth, soft, even and velvety, it is not enough to smear with the first cream that comes along. Care must be regular! It's good if you can afford to visit the spa, massage and other procedures at least once a week - pamper yourself, but what if not? In general, proper body care is a whole science, and it must be mastered.

So, morning! Water procedures. A critical look in the mirror and a sigh about, of course, a plump tummy ... Do you take care of him properly? Now, every morning before taking a shower, you will massage your abdomen in circular movements with a soft terry mitten or washcloth. Naturally, you don't shower without gel or soap. Choose products that contain caring ingredients. Many cosmetics manufacturers now include moisturizers in their shower products. There are also liquid and solid soaps with moisturizing additives and various nutrients and plant extracts. Complete your water treatments with a contrast shower.

Now you can use a moisturizer or non-alcohol emollient lotion. A very good remedy is a hydrating oil, but it can be much more expensive than a cream. Body oil is usually scented (except for the low-odor hypoallergenic baby oil) and this fragrance is quite intense. Consider this when you apply the perfume! Particularly dry areas of the body - feet, palms, buttocks, thighs, legs, elbows, knees. Give them more attention and do not regret the cream!

Our advice. Of course, nothing bad will happen if you smear, say, a face cream on your shins. But it’s better to use tools specially designed to solve local problems.

Body breathing

You probably use face scrubs. Did you know that body skin also needs exfoliating treatments? The body scrub should be applied once a week, remembering to use moisturizers afterwards. Body scrubs, unlike face scrubs, contain larger particulate granules. Body exfoliators may contain aromatic oils such as peppermint, rosemary, almond, or lemon. Scrubs with sea salt have a very good effect - in particular, anti-cellulite! Salt crystals are supplemented with essential oils. Don't forget about special scrubs for feet and nails!

Our advice. Salt scrub. When you take a bath, put some sea salt on the bottom!

The salt, until it dissolves, will act as a scrub on the skin of the buttocks and also have a light massage effect.

No cellulite

There are many, but the first thing you should remember: no, even the most expensive anti-cellulite gels or weight loss creams will help if you do not follow a diet and exercise! Well, at least do some exercises in the morning ... But in combination with exercise and diet, weight loss products work, and how! Moreover, they include lifting components, plant extracts that improve blood circulation, as well as eliminate subcutaneous fat. There are anti-cellulite products with a thermal effect, that is, warming the skin.

Our advice. Use after a hot shower by rubbing the problem areas thoroughly with a towel! Then the effect of their use will be much stronger.


Hard hair that breaks through can negate all your efforts to give the skin the desired softness and velvety. If there are not very many of them, then you probably should not run to a beauty clinic and do expensive laser hair removal. It is quite possible to get by with such devices as an electric epilator, an epilation machine, or a special cream for hair removal. Depilatory cream designed to remove hair on the legs is not suitable for the bikini area!

A certain inconvenience is caused by the fact that after shaving the hairs appear the very next day, and after using the depilatory cream - on the fourth day. But the epilation process does not take much time, so this inconvenience is only apparent. Waxing is painful. With a reduced threshold of sensitivity, it is better not to do it.

Our advice. After epilation, remove hair with a machine or an electric epilator, use a special cream or gel. They relieve irritation, moisturize the skin, and some contain additives that prevent hair ingrowth!

Chest forward!

Do not think that if you have luxurious elastic breasts now, then you do not need to take care of them. The skin of the breast is very sensitive and delicate, which means that you need to pay special attention to it. "Loves" a contrast shower, soft self-massage and special physical education, but too hot a bath and exposure to UV rays are absolutely contraindicated for it! Even if for some reason you cannot take a bath or shower (for example, you are traveling on a long-distance train), then take care of your chest! If it is not possible to wash your breasts with soap or gel, at least wipe it with a damp towel.

In addition to self-massage and a contrast shower, you just need to use special creams for breast care. Try to choose those that contain collagen, elastin, algae extracts, ginkgo bark. Of course, with the help of only cosmetic products, it will not be possible to solve problems such as severe stretch marks (for example, after losing or gaining weight) or sagging breasts. Care products are effective when you notice only the first signs of impending "trouble." But in order to get a lasting effect, you must, firstly, regularly use the agent (or a number of agents), and secondly, strictly observe the method of its use. Breast care products increase skin tone, which means they shape the shape of the breast, fight free radicals, and slow down the aging process. The sooner you start giving your breasts the necessary attention, the longer they will be the way you want them to be!

Our advice. There are many special products for breast enlargement. If you decide to use them, be sure to consult your doctor!

What could be more beautiful than a beautiful and well-groomed face skin? That's right, nothing. And so that she always looks great, you need to constantly look after her. Few people can boast of a naturally beautiful face skin ... our ecology, stress, unhealthy diet, etc. leave their prints. For example, enlarged pores on the face.

Because of their unaesthetic appearance, they give us a lot of problems. Plus to all its shortcomings, enlarged pores promise their owners in the future the appearance of blackheads, blackheads and acne. Which is not at all happy. However, do not despair if by nature, due to improper care or lifestyle, it is yours.

Today we present you with the rules to help you forget about the enlarged pores.

1. The main weapon in the fight against enlarged pores is adequate daily care and proper cleansing. Here special gadgets and tools will become your allies. Get a cleaning brush (Clarisoniс, Cleanique Sonic, etc.). They are no worse than a cosmetologist to cope with dirt and dead cells, simultaneously polishing the skin. For those who are used to trusting only their hands, the smoothness of the skin will be provided by gels with exfoliating particles and vitamin C, peeling creams and tonics with salicylic acid.

2. Kefir, black bread crumb, lemon juice have been used for a long time to tighten pores. They are united by one thing - an acidic environment. In it, adequate exfoliation of horny cells and skin alignment occurs. But you should only look into the refrigerator if you don't have a good exfoliating agent on hand.

3. Anastacia Achilleos, international expert of the Olay brand, advises: “Run a cotton (not terry) towel under the hot water, wring it out, drop a few drops of lavender oil (it tightens pores) and apply it to your face, pressing firmly. Thus, you start the work of cells and saturate the skin with oxygen. After several such rituals, it will become smoother. "

4. Matting wipes provide more than just a visual effect. They eliminate shine without disturbing the hydrolipidic film, thereby training pores to produce less sebum. So it is better to replace the usual powder with blotters.

5. Scarlett Johansson has her own original way of facial care: “I have not bought tonics for a long time: they contain a bunch of chemicals that irritate my sensitive skin. I replace the beautiful tubes with a bottle of apple cider vinegar. It normalizes the acid-base balance and removes dead particles. "

6. With age, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag. Consequently, the pores also stretch: acquiring a large oval shape, they not only visually age, but also cast a shadow, which makes the skin look dull. To avoid this effect, use anti-aging lifting products that will tighten pores and sharpen the contours of the face.

7. To make the foundation lay on the skin perfectly evenly and last as long as possible, arm yourself with corrective “blurs” and makeup-primers. They work as fillers, smoothing wrinkles and tightening pores, as well as leveling the micro-relief of the skin, reports ELLE.

8. Do not lean on fatty foods and fast food - these foods will only worsen the condition of the skin, provoking the release of excess sebum. If you cannot live without junk food, make it a rule to arrange detox days for yourself once a month.

9. Do not squeeze out blackheads (this will only stretch the pores, and they will become more dirty). Instead, it is better to visit a beautician once a month or regularly do masks based on white clay.

10. If all these techniques do not help, you will have to use heavy artillery - cosmetic procedures using a laser (Fraxel, Thermage). It is recommended to do them only in autumn or winter, when it is cloudy outside. Since after them the skin becomes sensitive to the effects of the sun.

Every woman dreams of soft and velvety skin. But not everyone is given such skin by nature. Someone suffers from dryness and flaking, some have oily skin, and some have problem skin. And so I want to be beautiful, so that both the face and the whole body shine with health and youth. It takes a lot of work to achieve this effect.

Of course, getting along with only external means - creams, masks, scrubs - will not work. They will give a certain effect, but if the cause of bad skin is in some kind of disease or unhealthy lifestyle, then this is what you should pay attention to. Either way, sports and healthy eating will work well. If you don't have the time or money to go to the gym and have a completely healthy diet, you can start small. You can do exercises for at least 15 minutes in the morning and add more vegetables and fruits to your diet. Fermented milk products, especially kefir, have a very good effect on the skin. Also, do not forget about the amount of water that we drink. It is advised to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. Dry skin is often explained by an elementary lack of moisture in the body.

For skin care, you can also use ready-made products from the store. But no one guarantees that another fake, which is also full of preservatives and fragrances, is not hiding behind the brilliant advertising and beautiful label. But folk recipes are always effective and highly valued. So, to make the skin velvety, we need first of all products for its cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

How to make your skin velvety at home

Skin cleansing

To cleanse pores, remove dead skin particles, you need a scrub... It can be used to make an excellent massage that will soften the skin, improve blood circulation and tone.

One of the most popular scrubs is coffee, even some Hollywood stars prefer it to salon treatments. Take 0.5 cups of natural ground coffee and add 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Mix everything thoroughly, the scrub is ready. This product very gently exfoliates the top coarse layer of skin, and can be used for areas of the body with delicate skin - on the inner side of the thigh and in the neck.

It is best to carry out this procedure in a bath or sauna, under the influence of temperature the pores will expand, and the effect of the massage will be stronger. In addition to the scrub, you need to take coarse salt and mineral water with you. Wait for the skin of the face and body to steam, and then rub the body with coarse salt. You need to start with the shoulders and go down, skipping zones with delicate skin. This procedure must be done very quickly, but carefully. If the salt is absorbed into the enlarged pores, it can lead to swelling and is generally not very good for the skin. Therefore, as soon as the whole body is rubbed, wash off the salt with warm water. Now you can start to massage with a coffee scrub. Start with your face and rub your belongings along the massage lines. Next, massage your neck and whole body in a circular motion. You need to do this for a long time. Every 2-3 sq. cm of skin should be massaged for 10-20 seconds. After you finish the scrub massage, you need to wait some more time. Honey and oil are absorbed into the skin and nourish it with useful substances. Then you can wash off the scrub with warm water and soap, rinse your face and body with mineral water and leave the bath (or sauna) without drying yourself with a towel. The skin should dry itself. This procedure should be done regularly, but not more often than 2 times a week. After the first try, you will notice that the skin is tightened, has acquired a pleasant color and has become soft and velvety to the touch.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

An important quality of velvety skin is its hydration.... You can also make moisturizers for your face and body at home. Here are some recipes.

Masks for velvety skin

Sour cream body mask

Take 2-3 potatoes, wash and peel. Grate them on a fine grater and add 200 g of sour cream. It is best to take sour cream fat, rustic. Apply the mask to the areas of the body that need care and leave for 20 minutes. You do not need to wash off the mask with water. Simply remove the mixture with a paper towel and wipe dry. Then apply a moisturizer.

Moisturizing face masks

Honey moisturizes the skin very well... Take 1 tablespoon of honey (natural, not candied) and beat until white. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse off first with warm water, and then with cold water. You can do this mask once a week. If vessels appear on the surface of the skin, then it is better not to do this procedure. Oatmeal is also good at hydrating. Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and pour a little hot milk over it. After the flakes are swollen, the mass should be thick enough to be applied to the face. Wait until the mass has cooled and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and apply on previously cleansed skin, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. This mask can be done for the rest of the body as well.

If the skin is dry, there is a feeling of tightness, then a mask of calendula and apricot is well suited... Take 1 teaspoon of dried calendula flowers and fill with 3-4 tablespoons of boiling water, leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Take a few apricots and grind them in a blender or meat grinder, after washing and removing the seeds. When the infusion is ready, you do not need to filter it, just mix it with the apricot mass and apply it on your face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. An interesting way to nourish and moisturize the whole body is with fruit baths. If you haven't tried this method before, be sure to try it.

They not only nourish the skin, but also have a beneficial effect on the emotional background. True, this procedure has its own rules. The last meal should be at least 2 hours before the procedure. The water temperature should be around 36-37 degrees. And before taking such a bath, you need to thoroughly wash yourself in the shower, you can use a scrub to better cleanse your skin. The duration of such a bath should be about 30-40 minutes. Also, you can not take it if there is a violation of blood circulation and an increase in temperature.

Baths for velvety skin

One of the most famous recipes is a fruit puree and soda bath.... You can take fruits of different types, about 5 pieces. If necessary, peel or peel them and whisk in a blender until puree. Add 4-5 tablespoons of baking soda to it and mix everything. Pour the resulting mixture into a bath and mix with water. Such a bath will nourish the skin with useful substances that are saturated with fruits, make it smooth and velvety and help get rid of cellulite. The course of such procedures should consist of 7-10 baths. Then you need to interrupt for 2 weeks.

For lovers of citrus aromas, a bath with an orange is suitable... Take the zest of 3 oranges and grind in a coffee grinder. Add 2 cups freshly squeezed orange juice to the mass. Then add 2 tablespoons of olive or linseed oil, mix everything and pour into the bath. It is enough to do this procedure 1-2 times a week. It will not only help your skin to become healthier, but also will perfectly cheer you up.

You cannot pass by such an effective remedy as rubbing your face with ice cubes.... This product helps to keep the skin in good shape all the time and effectively moisturize it. Thanks to these procedures, blood circulation is improved and pores are narrowed. The skin becomes youthful and fresh. Ice cubes can be made simply from pure filtered water, or you can freeze herbal infusions, such as chamomile infusion. Just pour a little infusion into a yogurt glass or a special mold in the evening and put it in the freezer, and in the morning take out the ice and wipe your face with it, massaging a little along the massage lines.

Take care of your skin regularly and it will be soft and velvety.

There is no person who would not like to effortlessly achieve clean, beautiful skin without wrinkles, but there is no simple and universal way to do this. At any age, both women and men are faced with acne, exfoliate dead skin particles and see wrinkles in the mirror. If you want to make your skin even and smooth, cleanse it regularly and use skin care products according to its type and condition.


Part 1

Regular care
  1. Make skincare a habit. Whatever you do, it is important that this process is regular. As with other body treatments, if you have a choice between doing something simple every day or choosing something complex every two weeks, go for simple but consistent care.

    • If you can do something on a regular basis, it is more likely to become a habit. If you want to achieve beautiful skin, you will need to do something over a long period of time, so it is important to choose what you like and which will be easy for you to do all the time.
    • This will be especially true if you have acne. Acne is difficult to fight, and it is constant cleansing that will help you cope with this problem.
  2. Cleanse your skin at least once a day. If you are aiming for an even complexion, it is imperative to wash away grease and dirt from your face daily. During the day, dust and bacteria build up on the skin, which can clog pores, provoke redness, itching, and other problems. By cleansing your face, bacteria will be washed away before they can harm you.

    • First wash your face with clean warm water. Then apply a special soap or foam to the skin (they should be matched to your skin type). Use oil-free soap unless you have dry skin. A moisturizing soap will do. Using a circular motion, rub your face with a soft cloth, and then wash off the soap with clean, cool water.
  3. Scrub your skin to remove dead skin particles and dirt. This will not only make you feel good, but it will also help your skin. Scrubs use particulate matter to remove the top thin layer of the skin for a healthier-looking skin. Most often, a scrub is used to cleanse the skin of the face, but there are also scrubs for the whole case.

    • One of the main benefits of scrubbing is the benefits of the areas you need to shave (legs, face, any other part of the body). When you shave, the hair root can move and begin to grow under the skin. Scrubbing allows hair to be directed into its natural growth channel and relieves inflammation. Try to exfoliate your skin after every shave, and sometimes before shaving.
    • You can buy scrubs and skin cleansers from overseas skin care products, or you can make your own scrub at home. The easiest way to make a paste with baking soda is to mix the baking soda with a little water to make a paste and use it instead of soap. Most of all, this remedy is suitable for the skin of the face. It is better to cleanse the body with a homemade sugar scrub.
  4. Dry your face in a special way to prevent new problems. Do not dry your face with a regular towel or scrub your skin, as this leads to the proliferation of bacteria that can cause irritation. Gently pat your skin dry with a towel you use only on your face.

    • This is especially true for those with acne.
  5. Solve skin problems instead of letting things go. There are many potential problems, but whatever you run into, don't run the problem! The sooner you start to fight it, the easier it will be for you. If you cannot deal with the problem on your own, see a dermatologist. It is possible that medication is indicated for you.

    • Treat acne and minor inflammations. There are many ways to get rid of acne, and the way to deal with it depends on the type of acne and skin type. Try different products and you will find the one that works for you.
    • Moisturize dry skin. Dry skin should be treated as much as oily skin, even if it doesn't look as bad as it could or is hidden by hair. Dry skin can crack, making it prone to bacteria and acne, so it's important to tackle this problem as early as possible. Drink plenty of water, moisturize your skin with cream, and start scrubbing it regularly.
  6. Treat your skin with a vengeance in winter to prevent dryness and cracking. Pay special attention to the skin in winter if you want to achieve beautiful skin. Low temperatures negatively affect the skin, drying it out and making it vulnerable. Try to cover as much of your skin as possible with clothing. Apply moisturizer or lanolin on the part of the skin that remains exposed. Keep this in mind and hydrate your skin more than usual so your body can fight the cold.

    Part 2

    Effective remedies
    1. Wear sunscreen. This is one of the most beneficial remedies for the skin, not only for the face, but also for the whole body. The sun's UVA and UVB rays cause drying and aging of the skin, and the same happens in a tanning bed. Always use sunscreen on sunny days and skip tanning beds.

      • You will need a cream with a filter of at least 15 SPF. Apply it at least half an hour before going out in the sun so it can be absorbed, and then 20 minutes after going outside. This means that you only have to reapply the cream outside if you sweat or get wet (or spend all day at the beach).
      • Chances are, you are not applying enough protective cream. It is necessary to squeeze out at least two strips of finger length for each part of the body (head, right and left shoulder, left and right arm, left and right half of the chest, left and right thigh, left and right shin).
      • Do not use creams with a higher SPF number. 15 SPF will be enough for you, because stronger creams do not bring much more benefit. A higher SPF also does not mean that you will need to apply less cream - the amount should be the same.
    2. Use retinoids for smoother skin. Vitamin A plays an important role in skin repair and healing. You can buy a cream that will enrich the skin with retinoids, similar in composition to vitamin A. This is one of the few remedies that have been proven to have a positive effect on the skin. Retinoids help heal acne skin and smooth wrinkles.

      • It is best to use retinoids prescribed by a dermatologist, but retinol, which is sold without a prescription, is also available.
    3. Protect the skin's natural moisture from evaporation with lanolin. Lanolin is a naturally occurring fat produced by animals (most commonly sheep) to protect hair and skin. While you don't bleat or eat grass, lanolin will benefit you too. It is often added to chapstick that heals cracked lips, but it can also be used on hands, feet, face, and other areas of skin that tend to dry out and harden.

      • When starting to use lanolin, cover the entire area of ​​your skin with cream one or more times a day (be guided by how much the skin is damaged). After that, it will be enough for you to apply it only once every 4-5 days.
    4. Use face masks. Remember people with cucumbers on their faces and a white mass on their faces that are often shown in the movies? This is what a face mask looks like. The mask is a soft, creamy substance that contains many different substances.

      Part 3

      Full body care
      1. Drink plenty of water. This is very beneficial for your health, but did you know that it is water that helps to make the skin softer and smoother? If the body is dehydrated, the skin is the first to suffer. Dry skin leads to redness, itching and a feeling of tightness. You will feel uncomfortable. However, this problem can be solved: drink several glasses of water more per day.

        • You can usually tell if you are drinking enough water by looking at the color of your urine. The darker the color, the more dehydrated your body is.
      2. Eat healthy foods so your skin gets all the nutrients it needs. The skin, like all other organs, needs certain substances to keep it healthy. A complete diet will promote long-term skin health. While the effects will not be instantaneous, you must be mindful of the benefits of nutrition under all conditions. Vitamins A, C and E are most important for the skin, as well as omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and selenium.

        • Salmon contains several of the elements on this list. Most fruits provide vitamin C, while carrots provide vitamin A.
      3. Exercise to keep your skin firm. You probably already know that your skin benefits from exercise. It is scientifically proven that sports are of great benefit to the skin by maintaining its elasticity and slowing down aging. If your life lacks physical activity, consider going in for sports.

        • It is important to understand that there are no exercises that can correct the condition of a specific part of the body. There is no magic exercise to improve skin quality. You just have to lead a more active lifestyle and play sports.
        • To introduce sports into your life, start by walking at brisk paces for half an hour every day. Each walk should take at least 15 minutes at a time.
      4. Get enough sleep. In a dream, the body directs its forces to recovery, and the skin is one of the organs that regenerates at night. When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces too much cortisol (a substance that breaks down the skin and makes it uneven) and too little growth hormone, which is responsible for skin repair. Get enough sleep and your skin will thank you.

        • All people have different needs for the amount of sleep. No two organisms are alike. You will need to try different sleep patterns to figure out how many hours of sleep you need. Getting enough sleep means feeling strong all day without the help of coffee.
      5. Tidy up your hormonal system. Remember that hormone levels affect the condition of your skin. We all know that during adolescence, adolescents develop acne. And there is an explanation for this! Certain hormones lead to a wide variety of problems, including acne, and when the level of these hormones fluctuates in the body, the skin condition worsens. There are ways to smooth out fluctuations in hormones, but first of all, you need to be aware of the consequences of such fluctuations. Oscillation is a natural process, and, as a rule, most often you just need to wait it out.

        • Puberty, adolescence, pregnancy, and medications affect hormones and can lead to skin problems.
        • For particularly difficult cases, consider taking medications that balance the hormones in your body. The easiest way for women and girls: contraceptives do not allow hormone levels to change spontaneously, thanks to which the skin condition improves.
      • If you have pimples, don't pop or touch them.
      • Sign up for a facial with a beautician. Salon treatments not only cleanse the skin, but also give it a healthier look.


      • Read all the information on the labels and the composition of all the products that you use. If you apply a product to your skin that contains a substance you are allergic to or irritating to, your skin will suffer.

As you know, human skin produces fat, which protects them from harmful external influences and drying out.

Sometimes it stands out a lot and this creates the effect of excessive shine, so if you suffer from a similar problem, then it will be useful for you to learn how to make velvet facial skin at home.

In fact, there are a lot of tips on this issue, so let's deal with everything in order.

A treatment for velvety skin

We all know that beauty is, first of all, daily work with oneself and one's skin, hair, and so on. Even the most ideal natural data are not able to maintain their original perfection without proper care. What can we say about those cases when we are faced, for example, with excessively oily skin, the characteristic shine of which is quite difficult to get rid of.

In order to successfully resist such imperfections of the skin and As a result, your face will acquire a matte texture and at the same time retain a slight shine, which is especially so difficult to achieve in the summer season.

So, we will start with perhaps the most common reason why our skin does not look silky - the wrong washing procedure. The fact is that many girls use only regular solid soap. In fact, this approach quite strongly provokes the production of fat in our skin.

It turns out that at first we feel some dryness, but later it is replaced by excessive fat content. To avoid this, you need to use special cosmetic products for washing. They usually contain various acids, which perfectly suppress the production of sebum and make the face velvety.

After such washing, it is recommended to apply a special tonic to the skin that does not contain alcohol. It will make your pores a little smaller and will also normalize the acidity level that has developed after using the cleanser.

By the way, quite often such tonics contain substances that prevent the formation of acne and inflammation, as well as provide proper skin hydration.

If you are used to using additional moisturizers, then pay attention to the ingredients - there should be no oils among them. When applying them to your face, be guided by the following rule - the drier the skin area, the more substance you need to use and vice versa. This approach will normalize the fat content of the skin and make it the same throughout the entire area.

Every modern woman uses cosmetics every day, so this moment also needs to be focused on. It is best to use products that are originally intended for oily skin. They usually contain components that regulate fat production.

In addition, there are practically no oils in them, which favorably affects the process of getting rid of oily sheen and making the skin velvety.

Use matting wipes throughout the day to maintain the velvety look of your skin. You can find them at a pharmacy or specialty beauty store. They are fairly thin paper with a special powdery substance on their surface.

You just need to gently blot the problem area of ​​the face with such a napkin, and it will absorb excess fat, making it matte. Interestingly, this procedure does not affect your makeup in any way, so you can easily use matting wipes even when you are out of the house.

If we are talking about achieving a permanent effect of silky skin, then we cannot do without exfoliation procedures. It is best to use a gentle scrub or peel. Such funds act very gently, which is just right for us, because severe damage to the skin will make it more shiny. Exfoliation should be carried out twice a week.

First of all, you need to decide on the frequency of washing. This is one of the most important points, since the wrong amount of this procedure will contribute to the increased secretion of sebum.

So how many times a day do you need to wash to keep your face velvety? In fact, everything here is individual and you will have to select the number of washes yourself. Start once a day and follow your skin.

If you feel that this frequency is too low, then wash your face twice a day. By gradually increasing the number of washes, you will notice that your skin has acquired a matte texture and got rid of the oily sheen.

However, you should be careful here, because if you wash your face too often, it will lead to excessive dryness of the skin. Our body reacts to this quickly enough and increases the amount of sebum produced. It turns out that by wrongly fighting excess oily skin, we make it even fatter.

In addition, care should be taken to avoid contact between face and hair and hands. Both the first and the second, grease and dirt accumulate. When in contact with the face, these substances get on it and contribute to its faster pollution.

That is why carefully monitor your face skin, and if you notice that your skin has acquired a characteristic oily sheen, then reduce the number of washes and continue monitoring.