How to make a nice back massage for a guy. Do I need to use oil? Relaxing massage technique for men

Many women are surprised and outraged by the fact that they are beautiful and smart, and the housewives are excellent, but their husbands "go to the left." What is missing in the male sex in this case?

As you know, men are fundamentally different from women by nature: they are males, for whom sex and food play a significant role. But do not forget that they are not attracted to rough intercourse, and the one that constantly makes you want to get closer to their "female" is more interesting.

Men are often called "adult children", so they constantly crave attention and affection from their woman, and not only during intimacy. If you feel cold from your loved one, then you should reconsider your attitude towards him, and if you do an "erotic massage", then your loved one will reward you with love and devotion.

A procedure such as massage originated in the East, and its purpose was to relax and rest the whole body. With the help of gentle hands, one could feel peace, be filled with new strength and relieve muscle tension.

A woman who has skillful hands and who performs this procedure with a large dose of love will bring her man tremendous pleasure for a long time, turn him into an excellent lover and master.

Taking into account the employment of each of the stronger sex, it is very difficult to find time to visit the massage room, which means that in this case the beloved woman will come to the rescue, since massage does not require special skills and knowledge. The only thing that needs to be done for the second half is to get acquainted with the most basic techniques and types of procedures, purchase special oil and ventilate the room. Once prepared, the process can begin.

There are several types of massage that you need to know:

  • erotic - aimed at improving sexual life;
  • regenerating - able to relieve tension from the whole body after a hard day's work;
  • sports - promotes muscle relaxation after sports.

As already mentioned, these types of procedures do not require any knowledge, you just need to set a goal for yourself - to bring as much pleasure as possible to your man. To accomplish this task, a woman must stock up on a good mood.

Do not worry about which movements should be performed, each of the types of massage has the same manipulations, the training of which will be provided below:

  • Ironing is done with open and warm palms, starting from the center and ending with the periphery. It is necessary to smooth the skin gently using circular and zigzag movements, as if you want to disperse energy throughout your partner's body. If your loved one has a sports figure, then the movements of the fist or phalanges of the fingers, which are gathered together, will be quite appropriate;
  • Rubbing is another massage technique that most men enjoy immensely. Such manipulations are performed at a fast pace and with the help of palms and cams. Usually rubbing is done in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and at the end of it, the skin becomes pink and hot;
  • Pressing or kneading is characterized by the fact that it is able to process almost every muscle on a man's body. Usually, this manipulation is performed after rubbing, when the skin is sufficiently warmed up. As for the movements, they are similar to the process of kneading dough, while the palms should be in the boat pose, which is directed downward.

If we talk about other movements during the massage on the back, then you can pinch and roll the roll of the skin, but when it comes to this procedure on the arm or leg, then it is worth grasping the limb with two palms and performing circular manipulations with the thumbs.

It is best to finish the massage with pats or vibrations: lightly pat the surface with open palms and stroke it gently.

Usually, such a massage is done to your partner before intercourse, in addition, such a procedure is aimed at strengthening relationships, filling them with tender feelings.

As for the techniques that are used for this procedure, the technique for performing erotic massage is not much different from other types of this method of relaxation. But still one difference exists: a woman needs to know the location of her beloved's erogenous zones. You may be surprised if you find out that males enjoy not only manipulating the genitals, but also the buttocks, ears and back, so every woman is obliged to know the location of her partner's erogenous points.

This massage is also done in salons, but it does not end with closeness, unlike at home. By bringing pleasure to a man in this way, he can be made faithful and loving forever.

A little about male erogenous zones and erotic massage technique

If you are interested in how to make an erotic massage for a man, then you should determine his erogenous points. It is a mistake to think that only with the help of the genitals a representative of the stronger sex can get real pleasure, because each "male" is individual: one gets excited from touching the shoulder blades, and the other from manipulating the coccyx. But one truth is known - all men are delighted with touching their ears.

For the session to be successful, you need to know some details about your partner:

  • what kind of music he prefers;
  • what smells are your favorites.

In addition, you should pay special attention to the atmosphere of the room, creating twilight, and make sure that there are no other people in the apartment. If you are planning on making love, it is best to be nude.

It is worth starting an erotic massage by touching the hips and buttocks, since they belong to one of the erogenous zones. Next, you should stroke your feet starting from the toes and ending with the groin area. All this time, your loved one should be in a calm and relaxed state.

The next step will be to focus on the area of ​​the hips and spine. To do this, you need to lubricate your hands with the required amount of aromatic oil and stroke the buttocks from the spine to the hips, making circular movements. At this time, it will be appropriate to touch your bare part, for example, a chest, a man's body. It is very important to convey all your desires through rubbing and stroking.

After completing the first stage of the massage, you must proceed to kneading. It is worth remembering that your loved one should not feel pain during the whole process, so you need to be as gentle as possible. By kneading and stroking your back, you can make light slaps on your partner's ass.

Next, you need the man to roll over on his back, since it's time to perform some manipulations on his stomach. All movements should be performed clockwise, starting from the navel and dropping lower and lower. It is forbidden to touch the genitals of a loved one, as you must always keep intrigue.

Since most of the stronger sex have hair on their abdomen, it is best to put your fingers in the rake position and that is how to perform all the manipulations on this part of the body. Light tapping on the belly of a loved one will not be superfluous, as if you are playing the piano.

If your massage has not yet turned into rough sex, then you should go to the man's chest. To do this, you can sit on his knees and begin to massage this area of ​​the body, touching his chest to his body. For a more thrilling experience, you can use ice cubes.

To massage the ears, you need to make a circular motion using your thumbs and forefingers. All rubbing of the earlobes and their shells should be smooth and slow, and this procedure ends with stroking with open palms.

When your loved one feels tired, it is very difficult to think about erotic games, therefore, a wellness massage will come to the rescue, with which you can relieve fatigue and pain in the body.

If a man feels pain in the lower back or back, then he should lie on his stomach. As far as the surface is concerned, a sofa or rug laid on the floor is perfect.

A wellness massage should start from the shoulders and end with the hips, and its technique is described above. When performing this procedure, you must always focus on the pain point of your loved one.

One of the health-improving movements is the herringbone, which is performed at the base of the spine with the fingers, going down.

For neck pain, movements should be performed from the head to the shoulders. Grasping the neck with both hands, rub it intensively.

This type of massage can be performed using special massagers: manual or electric. The most popular are "crabs", which are made of plastic or wood.

As for the technique of such a massage, it is performed from the bottom up, starting with rubbing and stroking, and after that you can use a massager.

Massage is a unique method not only to improve your man's health at home, but also to bring him a lot of sexual pleasure. But do not forget about contraindications when this procedure can be harmful. In the presence of these factors, you should not perform the massage yourself:

  • tumors;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • hypertension of the second and third degree.

If your loved one has prostate problems, then you can help him recover with massage. To do this, you need to visit the doctor together and ask him about the movements that will be useful in diseases of the prostate gland. By giving only four to five minutes a day to your loved one, you can save him from surgery, and he will be grateful to you all his life. To perform such a massage, you need to have gloves, cream and know a couple of techniques that you can easily learn from the video.

It is quite simple to melt the chilled heart of your beloved man - you just have to give him the pleasure of erotic massage. It is he who will bring new sensations, passion, loyalty and love into your relationship. Pleasing her soul mate, she will answer you a hundred times more.

There are several types of massages that are performed for both men and women. The most common of these are therapeutic, relaxing and intimate massage. There are no people who would deny themselves the pleasure of relaxing after working days. Each man chooses certain methods of relaxation for himself: alcohol, rest in the company of friends, get comfortable in front of the TV, sleep, as well as the most useful way for health - massage.

Preparatory stage

Depending on the type of massage, it is necessary to prepare a "workplace". For example, massage therapy should be done on a hard couch or table. Patient access should be from all sides of the table. Its width should be medium. It is best to lay a thick blanket on the surface of the couch or table so that the man is comfortable lying.

Intimate or for a man can be spent in bed, but it is best to use the floor with a blanket laid on it. Make a soft dim light in the room, light wax wax and turn on pleasant music for relaxation. For any massage, use a small amount of a special massage oil or baby oil so that your hands slide more easily over the body without causing discomfort to the patient.

Your dress code will also add the necessary entourage: for a regular and relaxing massage, a home set of clothes is suitable, and for an intimate one - beautiful sexy openwork underwear. Good preparation will help to tune the man to the correct perception of the sensations of massage.

For men

Therapeutic massage should not be done to a person who does not have certain knowledge and skills, as it can harm the patient. In order to treat your man with massage, you need to take courses in which they will teach the necessary basics and techniques.

Here are some tips on how to massage a man:

  1. Start the massage with stroking, then gradually begin rubbing, kneading, squeezing, pressing, and, if necessary, percussion techniques. Flavor each type of technique by stroking the skin.
  2. Start the massage from the back, then massage the neck, the inside of the arm, then the shoulder, elbow, forearm and hand. Extend your arm up and repeat the massage technique in the same sequence. Then the opposite hand is also massaged.
  3. After the hands, pay attention to the man's pelvic region: lower back, sacrum, buttocks, thighs. Then move to the knee joint, the calf muscle and the heel tendon. Do the same manipulations with the other leg. For hygiene purposes, the soles, toes and heels are massaged last.
  4. With the patient turned over on their stomach, massage the far side of the chest and arm, and then the near side of the chest with the other hand. Again, a light massage of the thighs, knee joints, legs, feet.
  5. Finish the massage for men by massaging the abdomen and lightly stroking the entire body.

After such a session, your man will relax, gain strength and feel wonderful.

Relaxing massage for men

Before starting relaxing procedures, you need to warm up the body with light stroking, pinching, rubbing the skin of the body. So, a relaxing massage for men is performed on the back, neck, abdomen, arms, legs and fingertips. Moreover, it must start from the fingertips, slowly moving to the center of the body. The limbs are massaged evenly, wrapping fingers around each arm and leg.

The buttocks are prone to more decisive action: moderate tingling and slapping. In order for a man to completely relax, do not miss a single millimeter of the body, do not forget to stroke the inner sides of the hands, focus on the strong man's neck.

Intimate massage for men

After creating an intimate atmosphere in the room and donning sexy lingerie, offer your man a relaxing massage that can inadvertently flow into an intimate one. After all, with a relaxing massage, external tension is removed, but at the same time, another is created - sexual tension. In an intimate massage for men, you can use any materials at hand, for example: a feather, silk fabric, hair, etc. And also use all parts of your own body: tongue, nipples, breasts, fingertips, lips and more.

The most erogenous zones in men are the feet, nipples, groin, and, of course, the penis and testicles. Pay maximum attention when massaging these parts of the body. Show your imagination, because it depends on your skill: how enchanting the outcome of an intimate massage will be.

Every girl dreams of being the one and only for her man. Accordingly, everyone has their own secrets of seduction. However, for those who do not know how to surprise their chosen one, there is a win-win option. When your man comes after a hard day at work, offer him a massage: believe me, he will be very grateful to you.

How to give a back massage for a guy: preparation

First, prepare the room where the main action will take place. Create comfort, dim the lights, turn on pleasant music, light scented candles. All this is already 50% of success. A man will immediately understand that an unforgettable evening awaits him.

Be sure to prepare the surface where the beloved will lie. It shouldn't be too soft, but not too hard either. It is quite possible to lay a soft blanket on the floor. A man should feel comfortable.

Of course, do not forget about cosmetics that will help you in this matter. There is a huge selection of different massage creams and oils on the market. What exactly you use depends on the intensity of your movements.

Aromatherapy will also help you in this matter. If you take rose, vanilla or orange oil, it will create a romantic atmosphere. If you take ylang-ylang oil and add a few drops to a massage cream, then in a few minutes a man will feel aroused, because this oil is considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs.

Classic relaxing massage

Let's take a look at how to give a guy a back massage. The best place to start is with stroking. They can be absolutely any, as your heart desires.

When you feel that your man has begun to relax, then bend your fingers and run your knuckles along the entire spine. You need to do this only from the neck and down, if you do the opposite, then your lover may feel unpleasant sensations. Do not forget to apply massage oil, then sliding your hands will allow the man to enjoy even more.

Add variety

If you have nails of sufficient length, then you can easily run them all over your back, believe me, your beloved will appreciate this gesture. You can add light tingles. If you are relaxed enough, then you can add a playful touch by biting your loved one on the earlobe or on the side, this will give an exciting effect.

It is also worth adding a foot massage to a regular back massage. Movement should be directed from the feet to the buttocks to improve blood flow and continue the evening in a more intimate setting.

Intimate massage

Erotic massage differs from the usual, classical one. Everything here is limited only by your imagination. If you want the guy to feel all your passion, then the effort is worth the effort. You yourself should get pleasure, because this will make your other half even more excited.

Here it is impossible to say what kind of movements you need to do, because only you know the erogenous zones of your boyfriend, and you must definitely take advantage of this.

Your boyfriend will enjoy the fact that you took this step first. Do not be afraid to experiment, in the bedroom there is no place for fears. Then all your friends will envy your sex life.

The man will be glad to any of your massage. You can do it not professionally, doing as your intuition tells you. The main thing is not to be afraid, but to show initiative. Gradually, you will find out which type of massage your boyfriend likes the most.

When using aromatic oils, it is best to check with your other half in advance if he is allergic to certain odors. However, do this so that he does not know about the upcoming surprise. The correct use of aromatic oils will add variety to your sex life.

A relaxing back massage for a beloved man - what could be better at the end of the working day, when all strength is running out, and the muscles are tight and stiff. Believe me, not a single man will refuse a massage, even if you are not a pro in this matter, such an offer from your beloved woman carries care and attention that absolutely everyone appreciates. If a woman is called upon to create comfort in the house and in the life of men, then the opposite sex, on the contrary, likes to feel in comfort and harmony.

So that a man can really relax and enjoy a home massage session, it will be useful for you to spy on some techniques and secrets on how to perform it correctly.

To get inspired to massage your loved one, explore the benefits of a relaxing back massage and share them with your man before or during your massage.

Benefits of a Relaxing Back Massage

  • massage helps to restore muscles that were injured during sports training;
  • improves blood circulation and tone;
  • promotes psychological relief after a hard day's work;
  • prevents depression;
  • if the massage procedure is performed regularly and correctly, you can get rid of salt deposits;
  • a good massage relieves headaches by restoring blood circulation;
  • improves relationships between partners (which is also important).

How to prepare for the process?

Decide on the location where the massage will be performed. This is important, because soft sofas will not fit, the body of your "patient" will sink into the mattress and he will not feel all your efforts, and you will also feel uncomfortable. It is better if the surface is sufficiently hard or resilient. A massage table is, of course, a luxury for home use, but it is advisable that the back that you massage is at the level of your belt. If there is a large table (human-sized) - great, put a thin mattress on it, and you have found the ideal surface for home massage. If not, try it on the floor, a sofa with a solid solid base will work as well.

To prolong the effect of the massage, let your loved one lie down a little longer after the session, for 10-15 minutes in complete relaxation. The back at this time should be covered with a light towel or sheet, they also need to be prepared in advance.

Also, prepare an essential or massage oil ahead of time, it can be purchased, for example, in a pharmacy, the choice is very large and the prices are quite affordable.

Create a musical accompaniment for yourself, it is better if it is calm relaxing music, sounds of nature or romantic classics.

Carrying out technology

The ability to do massage is a whole art!

So, your beloved has already prostrated before you in anticipation of a miracle, now the main thing is to do everything right. To tune men into the session and help them relax, start with light stroking movements. Use massage oils, so it will be easier for your fragile arms to wield a muscular body, and your back muscles will warm up and relax faster.

Moving on to the next phase of the massage, use your weight when pressing on the back zones, but do not overdo it, there should be no pain. Both sides of the back, which are outside the spine, are at your disposal. Massage them, you can slightly pull the skin, use not only your palms, but also your fingers, grooves of the fingers, bent into semi-fists. All movements should be smooth and gentle.

If you have not received special training, never do an intense massage of the spine area! This is dangerous for human health, you may not be aware of any diseases or disorders and activate undesirable processes, including a sharp rise in temperature to extreme values.

Remember to give all parts of your back the same amount of attention. Make stretching movements along the sides. But it is better to work out the lower back with the pads of the fingers, light tapping movements.

Try not to break the contact of your hands with your back, placing your hands on your partner's body at the beginning, move them smoothly and gracefully until the very end. Avoid sudden and abrupt movements.

Many girls, having tried a massage session, subsequently sign up for courses

  • first, you need to do light superficial stroking movements, from top to bottom and bottom to top, do not exert effort, do not rush and do not hesitate, find your own comfortable tempo in the process - such movements improve blood circulation in the back for 5-7 minutes;
  • using the edges of the palms, rub the surface of the back, movements should be performed diagonally, without missing the area between the shoulder blades, rubbing along the entire perimeter of the back in turn from one side and the other, avoiding the spine area;
  • acupressure is performed from the coccyx to the neck with your fingertips, lightly press on the skin using circular motions;
  • massage with thumbs from the lower back to the neck: move from the bottom up, slightly pressing down, but without effort, do not massage the spine itself - move along the grooves next to it.

Lumbar region

When the muscles are already warmed up and relaxed, you can proceed to massage the lumbar zone. Using your fingertips, make deep circular motions away from you. Massage the same area several times. Remember that massage is relaxing, so put the least amount of effort into every movement.

Please note that finger pads are very often used in massage, which are often inaccessible with a long manicure. Consider this when preparing for a massage, prepare your nails or avoid such movements so as not to harm your loved one's back.


We have already agreed that non-professionals do not massage the spine, out of harm's way. But the area adjacent to it is quite possible and even necessary to also relax. Sedation on the vertebral part of the back is performed as follows: with the index and thumb of one hand, we make a slight sliding movement along the grooves of the spine.

If you did everything right, the man will feel the heat waves roll down his back.


This technique is done on the sides. This is a continuous movement with both hands, which work in concert, one hand reaches the armpit, the other starts from the side of the thigh. Keep your hands perpendicular to your back, movements are faster than the previous ones, but not sharp. This technique is performed once or twice on each side, since it actively warms up the muscles and is more often used in massage for warming up.

Cervical back

Cervical back

The cervical area, like the spine, must be massaged with extreme caution, since this is where salts are usually deposited. A very large number of nerve endings are located in the upper part of the cervical spine, therefore, it is necessary to knead very easily and if any painful sensations arise, massage of this area must be stopped.

You need to massage both shoulders at once, using all fingers at the same time. This massage technique can be called Hollywood, as it is practiced in almost every third American motion picture. Move from the neck to the edges of the shoulders and back, do not try to press "better", the massage in this area should be light, bewitching.

Zone of the shoulder blades

Massage of the shoulder blades for a man

To master the area with which it will be necessary to work here, you need to raise the man's hand in order to see the three grooves around the scapula, we will knead them. Start with your fingertips along all three grooves. In this area, you can not be afraid to apply a little more effort - more confident and assertive movements, if done correctly, will even be pleasant to massage in this area. Then, with your fingers, trace circles with a diameter of half a centimeter along the same three grooves.

Bend your fingers as if you are holding an invisible small ball, in this position, make circular movements with your hand on each shoulder blade, trying to move the skin off it. Make a few circles to the left and right on both shoulder blades.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making a loved one pleasant. It is difficult to imagine the existence of a person who would not like massage. Therefore, if your husband or lover has recently been in a not very good mood, offer him an evening massage. Tell us how important it is to be able to relax after a hard day at work so as not to bring work problems to the family. Help him relax and in return get a grateful, loving, calm and cheerful companion in your life.

Video on how to properly do back massage

Here you look at a woman, both clever and beautiful, and the husband is still looking to the left. What is he missing?

By nature, men are males, people of another planet, for them the main thing is food and sex, but not naked, rude, but one that causes a constant thirst for intimacy.

People of the opposite sex want attention, gentle touch, not only during sex, but constantly. Try to change your behavior, start massaging a man, and get a hundredfold love and devotion.

Meet - various types and techniques of massage for a man

In the ancient East, massage for a man originated as a procedure that brings relaxation and tranquility. The gentle touch of gentle hands gave peace, relieved tension from muscles, filled with energy.

Skillful manipulation of female hands give pleasure. A massage for a man, done with love, will help him experience unforgettable sensations not only for a short time, but also make him a wonderful lover, a faithful friend and caring owner for many years.

The time limit, natural laziness prevents a man from using the services of a massage parlor. In this case, the beloved woman comes to the rescue, because massage for a man at home does not require special preparation. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of massage, learn how to perform elementary techniques, prepare oil with your favorite scent for a man, ventilate the room and that's it, the process has started, you can start.

The main types of massage, the simplest techniques that every woman should learn are:

Erotic - will make your sex unforgettable;

Revitalizing - relieves stress after a hard day;

Athletic - Helps relax muscles after exercise.

The main thing is to set a goal for yourself - to please the man.

For this, first of all, you need positive attitude both partners.

Massage for a man at home does not require special knowledge and skills, for this it is enough to master the simplest principles of each technique.

Each of the listed massages is based on classical massage techniques: ironing, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

Ironing we do it with open warm palms, which move, as in all techniques, from the center to the periphery. We gently smooth the skin, as if dispersing the energy to the sides, making circular, zigzag movements. On an obese, full, knocked down body of a sports type, ironing can be done with fists or phalanges of fingers folded into a fist.

- Many men take great pleasure in rubbing... This technique is performed at a fast pace, you can do rubbing, circular movements with your palm or fists. Then we put our palms on the edge and intensively rub the skin, moving them with one palm relative to the other up and down. After rubbing, the skin of the body becomes uniformly pink.

Pressing or kneading speaks for itself, with the help of this technique we do a deep study of each muscle. After rubbing, the skin becomes soft and warm, so we put our folded palms on it with a boat and make movements, as when kneading dough, raking from the edges to the middle.

On the back there is a roller of skin roll over from bottom to top or pinch it, pinching it between the index and thumb.

If we knead an arm or a leg, then it is enough to grab the limb with both hands and do intense rotational movements.

We finish every massage for a man patting or vibration... On the worked surface, you can pat with open palms or pound with fists. Finally, we finish the whole process with gentle stroking.

Erotic massage, what is it?

Erotic massage for a man helps to increase sensitivity, is a gentle prelude to sex, which is the basis of strong family relationships.

Erotic massage differs little in techniques from the classical one, although in this case stroking and kneading will be the main ones. If in classical massage it is enough to know the location of the main muscles, then eros-style manipulations require knowledge of the main erogenous zones of a man. Perhaps this will surprise you, but not only manipulations with the genitals, but with the buttocks, back and even ears, excite a man. A loving woman must know the main erogenous zones of her beloved.

Erotic massage for a man in salons does not end with sex, which cannot be said about massage at home. Make a man a slave to your hands, and you will feel like a queen anytime, anywhere.

The main erogenous zones of a man and the impact on them

There is a misconception that only the genitals are the erogenous organs of men. Each male organism is individual to the perception of touch. For some men, the erogenous zone is the point between the shoulder blades, for others - the coccyx, and for the third, stroking the thighs and upper legs brings special pleasure.

Almost all men are delighted. from ear massage.

Before a massage session, you should think over every detail:

Find out what kind of music your man likes;

How does he react to smells, candles;

Create an intimate twilight in the room;

Ensure the absence of strangers throughout the apartment.

If your goal is rough sex after a massage for a man, then conduct a session in a semi-nude form.

Every man loves touching the thighs and buttocks, from this we begin erotic massage.

- We start massage for a man with stroking the feet, from the fingertips, slowly rising to the groin area.

Lying on his stomach, a man should feel calm.

- With warm hands, barely smeared with aroma oil, we begin stroking the buttocks from the spine to the thighs, making large circular movements, pulling the arms down along the thighs and returning to the lower back. Gradually reduce the radius of the circles. We stroke with our hands, fists, as if inadvertently touching the man with our bare thigh or chest.

When rubbing, try to convey your desires through the intensity of the movement.

Moving on to kneading, remember that during an erotic massage a man should not experience pain, therefore, knead gently, deeply working out the muscles of the buttocks. Pat the entire back and give a soft, playful pat on the butt of your loved one.

- We turn the man on his back and doing belly massage... We carry out all the techniques clockwise, from the navel to the hips, dropping lower and lower, but without touching the genitals. Keep the intrigue constantly.

The abdomen of many men is covered with hair, so we do all the techniques with rake-like fingers. Vibrating the abdomen is best done finger "shower", quickly and gently tapping on the skin, as if quickly playing the piano.

- Having worked your stomach, if your massage has not yet been interrupted by violent sex, go to breast massage.

You can allow yourself to sit on your beloved's lap and start massaging his breasts, bending down low and lightly touching his skin with your bare breasts. For a thrill, you can use a piece of ice. We work out all the techniques according to the scheme.

Ear massage do it with your index finger and thumb. At a slow pace, rub and knead the auricles, starting with the lobe and ending with the tips of the ears. Slowly iron in the middle, alternating ironing and pressure, the intensity of the effect. We finish the massage of the ears, stroking it with open palms, in a circular motion from top to bottom.

Let all your fantasies come true!

Back and neck pain relieve wellness massage

A tired man will not be sensitive to erotic play if his back or neck hurts.

To relieve back pain, a man should lie on his stomach. For this, a hard sofa or a rug laid on the floor is suitable.

We perform all techniques from the spine to the hips. After ironing and rubbing from bottom to top, according to the scheme described above, we knead, carefully kneading each point, especially fix the effect on the painful area.

Be sure to massage the back with a herringbone, for this we put the index fingers at a distance of 1 cm from the spine and slide them up, like on skates, from bottom to top, with one hand, then with the other, acting on each vertebra.

In case of back pain, we make vibration easily, with one finger we tap, imitating drops of rain.

With pain in the neck, we do all the movements from the head to the shoulders. After stroking, grab the neck with both hands and rub intensively, moving your hands back and forth.

Kneading is done with the index and thumb, grabbing the muscles along the neck, then stroking and making a herringbone.

We go through each technique 3 - 4 times, finish the neck massage with a light tap, imitating playing the piano.

Sports massage with devices

After the gym, our men very often need a relaxing massage, especially if they have spasms of the muscles of the arms or legs.

Not every woman knows how to massage a man at home, but every loving friend is ready to help.

Hand and electric massagers intended for mass use, they are available to everyone.

The easiest to use are plastic "crabs" all kinds of configurations.

We do sports hand massage with the help of a "crab" from the bottom up along the lymph, from the hand to the elbow, further to the axillary region. Having previously done ironing, rubbing and kneading, we use the massager in circular and zigzag movements. The intense exposure will help to disperse lactic acid, which causes cramping and pain after exercise.

Plastic massager can replace wood, rubber or electric.

Electric massagers are produced in various types, with red radiation and vibration, in various configurations and prices available to everyone.

Be attentive to indications and prohibitions

The healing effect of massage was discovered many centuries BC. Improving blood circulation helps relieve pain and spasms in such diseases:



Myositis; bursitis;


Whatever life-giving recovery does massage create for a man, there are a number of limitations.

It is strictly forbidden to do massage with a tendency to bleeding, the presence of any type of tumor, hypertension 2-3 degrees. Skin diseases are also contraindications for massage.

And here prostate disease heals much faster with a skillfully performed massage. Having visited the urologist with your husband, ask the doctor to show you the simplest massage techniques for prostatitis. Remember that loving hands can save a man from surgery. Just 4 - 5 minutes a day and there will be no end of gratitude. To carry out this type of massage you need gloves, cream and knowledge of two or three techniques.

When starting to massage a man, remember, the main thing is not to harm!