How to choose a fur coat. How to choose the right quality fur coat - advice from professionals. Video: how to choose a quality mink coat

Today we want to acquaint you with some details that you need to know when buying a fur coat made of natural fur. It is not at all easy to choose a high-quality fur coat - there are many fakes and simply low-quality goods on the fur market.

It is impossible to find a girl who would not dream of throwing a luxurious coat made of natural fur over her shoulders. But not everyone knows, from the mink correctly. If you yourself are not very well versed in furs, then such a purchase should be made with a person who is more knowledgeable in this matter.

A mink fur coat is always very feminine, it is not afraid of rain, it does not go out of fashion for a long time. However, now we are talking about a quality product.

It is very important for a woman to choose the right one. For example, miniature and short girls should not get elongated or trapezoid-shaped fur coats, sewn from diagonal pieces, so they must be worn very carefully, cleaned carefully. And in fairness, I must say that in such a fur coat it will not be too warm in a severe frost. But elongated straight models with a hood and under a belt will warm you on harsh winter days. Although you need to know that mink is not very warm fur.

If you want to know how to choose a mink coat, then remember that in terms of wear, mink is only in fourth place after beaver, otter and sable. Based on this, you must understand that the fur coat is not intended for daily wear. Women who drive a car should not buy a long model. Short coats are more suitable for them.

You need to know that you should buy such a thing in a large company store, and not in the market, where you will not always be given even a cashier's check.

So, you have come to a large fur store, where the beauty of a variety of fur coats is simply in front of you a huge selection of products for every taste. But how to choose the right mink coat? Firstly, take your time, take a look at the entire offered range. By the way, you need to decide on the choice of the model that suits you even before visiting the store.

Now we need to assess the quality of the fur. Run your palm against the fur of the product - high-quality fur should return to its original state in a few seconds. If the fur is wrinkled or disheveled, then you have a low-quality specimen in front of you. If the height of the villi of the fur coat is different, then you are offered a product from a different fur.

How to choose a mink fur coat so as not to confuse it with a marmot product, which is most often used to counterfeit mink products? The marmot has a more prickly pile, and a fur coat made from it will last from one to four seasons. The mink has a special wool - its skin itself has a fluff that covers its entire cover. Now you know where it is best to do it. We hope that you can make the right choice by using our tips.

Today in Russia you can buy various mink coats. Prices (Moscow) for them range from 70 to 250 thousand rubles, depending on the model and quality of the fur. Do not be afraid of the high price in company stores, here you can get a guarantee, and therefore any defect discovered even after six months will be eliminated for you.

Many women dream of a beautiful fur coat. The variety of fur products in stores is pleasing to the eye. But the price and quality do not always correspond to each other. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase in the very first days, you need to understand at least a little how to check the authenticity of the fur.

In shops and markets, a good presentation is created specifically to charm customers. But choosing a reliable fur is quite simple, for this you need to know the basic rules. Each fur has its own characteristics. In general, all natural fur products have common quality signs - this is the condition of the fur pile, the wrong side (flesh), the sewing quality (direction and thickness of the seams), and if the product has been dyed, the paint should not fade when touched with a damp cloth.

The decency of the seller and the cost of a fur coat

Buy fur coats from reputable sellers who guarantee the originality and quality of products. Before purchasing, it is better to go to the website of the salon or store and see information about it, or look for reviews in free sources.

The price of fur products is also an important factor. If the mink is too cheap, then most likely it is of poor quality. Discounts on products, even during periods of sales, do not reduce the cost by an order of magnitude.

Fur coat manufacturer and documents

To begin with, it is advisable to find out where the product was brought from. If this is Asia, then most likely the products are from China, and one can safely doubt the durability of the product.

Do not forget to ask the store for the product documents and examine the label. Currently, there is a law on mandatory chipping, according to which any fur coat can be checked by a chip and information about the manufacturer, quality and origin of the fur can be obtained.

When buying a mink coat, you need to know that fur can be winter and summer. The first one is more reliable and durable, however, it costs more.

Fur quality

When choosing a fur coat on the market by color and style, you need to carefully assess the quality of the fur, because it will depend on how many seasons it will last. It is recommended to slightly pinch the villi of the fur coat, they should not come off easily.

By squeezing, you can check the condition of the flesh (the back of the fur). It should not be hard, and even more so, emit a dull rattle. Having carefully examined the inside of a fur coat, you can determine the quality of tailoring. The subcutaneous inlay must be elastic. If there is an extraneous sound when probing, then most likely the fur was dry during processing. In this case, the pile may begin to fall out after a while. In this case, the long pile of domestically produced products becomes brittle.

A slight unpleasant odor emanating from the product suggests that the product, on the contrary, has not been dried. It also means that the fur coats were stored incorrectly.

The fur coat should be light. Heavy fur also indicates that it is stale.
You can run your palm several times over the surface and pay attention to the color of the skin under the pile. If the fur is not dyed, it will be natural white. Natural colors of fur coats look quite rich.

Dyed fur is more expensive if it is not a fake. You can check the quality of the coloring by running a light cloth soaked in plain water over the lower part of the villi.

High-quality dyed fur does not leave marks on hands and fabric, hairs do not stick together and do not wrinkle.

The remaining traces indicate a violation of the painting technology, such a fur coat in rainy weather can begin to peel off and shed.

Sewing quality

It should be noted that the skin always has seams. When sewing, these places are carefully sewn up and you need to pay attention to the folds. The abundance of seams indicates low quality. You can slightly blow on the surface of the fur coat, if paths appear between the pile, then the quality is in question.

There should be no creases and felted areas on the fur product. A good fur coat has an even and smooth fur, without glue residues, protruding threads and other defects.

Choosing a mink fur coat

These fur products are the most popular all over the world today. There are a huge number of mink fur coats, and they all differ in the model, quality and cost of fur. Manufacturers offer a wide selection, in which it can be difficult to decide on a specific option. To find the right mink coat, you need to follow certain guidelines when choosing.

Inspect the fur carefully. First you need to run your hand over the surface of the pile. In a mink, it is quite soft, but elastic. Natural and high quality mink has an even, deep shade, dense underfur and soft flesh. Natural mink fur with an iridescent sheen, even in dim electric light.

If you stroke against the direction, the villi should immediately return to their original position. If the pile is crumpled or loose, the fur is of poor quality. The pile, which is prickly and different in length, also indicates that this is not a mink.

In order to make sure that the fur does not shed, you can run your hand over it or try to pinch the hairs slightly. If they do not fall out and do not remain in the palm of your hand, then this is good fur.

White fur has always attracted buyers with its sophistication. Pay attention to the length of the pile. In minks, it can be from 5 to 15mm. Sometimes rabbit fur is passed off as a mink, although it wears out cheaper and faster. Rabbit hair is much softer and shorter.

How to choose a fur coat from a muton

When buying a fur coat made of muton, it must be borne in mind that the fur (sheepskin) undergoes special processing and hair cutting. A muton coat is considered the warmest. It is good to wear it in severe frost. The fur is very strong and durable.

When choosing such a fur coat, it is necessary to check if the flesh is overdried. To do this, you need to take it from the inside out and rub it lightly. The sound of a rustle, similar to the rustle of cellophane, indicates that the skin is overdried and such a fur coat will not last long.

When squeezing a fur coat, the fur should not break and emit a crunch. After this procedure, the villi should return to their original position without leaving folds.

The length of the mouton pile is at least 10 mm.

The seams between the skins should not be felt, and if they are felt, it is possible that the pieces were glued together, which does not correspond to the proper quality.

How to choose a fox fur coat

A fox fur coat can be recognized by its dense fur with a thick and long pile. It should not shed or stick together. Usually fur coats are presented in different types of styles from classic to trendy. There are models combined in style with a shortened pile. It is advisable to exclude belts from arctic fox products, since such fur is strongly wiped off with constant friction.

How to choose a beaver fur coat

The beaver's coat is very thick. When buying, you need to open the pile with your hands and carefully examine its structure. Skin color should be monotonously light.

When stroking the fur in the direction of the fur, it feels soft, and if you do the opposite, it slightly tingles the palm.

With light patting, there should be no cracking. If you hear a crunch, then the skin has been overdried.

The seams of the skins should not be visible.

A beaver fur coat weighs more than other furs. The natural color gives off a shine, which cannot be seen on dyed fur.

How to choose a raccoon fur coat

The fur of such a fur coat is very attractive for its density and long pile. The skins should be tightly adjacent to each other, making up a harmonious pattern. If fabric is sewn from the inside out and it is impossible to assess the condition of the skin, then perhaps in this way the poor condition of the flesh was covered. You need to lightly pat or shake it - if there is a crackling sound - the product is of poor quality and will not last long.

The raccoon's pile is very thick. If you run your palm against the fur, rustle should not be heard. The surface of the fur is soft and silky.

Natural colors give off shine. A dull color indicates poor fur quality.

How to buy a karakul fur coat

Astrakhan fur coat consists of small skins of young lambs. Fur varies according to geographic origin. There are Uzbek, Afghan and South African types of karakul.

The Uzbek type of fur is quite thin, it is distinguished by its lightness and original pattern.

Afghan fur is dense with a characteristic slope.

The South African type has flat curls and gives off a special pleasant sheen.

In all types, the pile is water-repellent and adheres very tightly to the flesh. Any model of a karakul fur coat weighs very little. Karakul skins are highly porous, which allows the body to breathe. Products can be worn not only in cold weather, but also in relatively warm weather.

How to choose a style

Choosing a fur coat is not as easy as it seems. They are always presented in a wide selection of different styles and colors. Fur coats are completely different in design: in a classic style, very long, in the form of a sheepskin coat, with and without a hood, and there is also a completely shortened ultra-fashionable version. The main thing is to correctly navigate which model to choose.

The choice is influenced by many factors and characteristics. Physique, height, eye color, individual features of the body structure - all this must be taken into account when choosing the style of a fur coat.

The classic style of fur coats is very suitable for women who lead a very active lifestyle. For formal meetings and visiting important public places, a white mink with a hood and possible additions of other fluffy and expensive fur is very suitable.

For women with pleasant fullness and wide hips, styles with different color combinations are very suitable, for example, a light tone on the top, and on the hips and below, darker tones that slim. The main thing in different combinations is that the hem does not end at the hips, but is slightly above or below the knees. The presence of a belt in an elongated version will emphasize the waist. In monotonous styles, the collar should attract attention with a special design, trimming from some expensive fur. The presence of buttons, as well as a hood with other fur, differing in color and pile, is allowed. The same goes for the larger ladies. The upper part of the fur coat should attract more attention.

Mink furs of different color and dressing allow you to create a wide variety of styles for obese ladies, making them slimmer.

Ladies of tall stature can safely choose styles from smooth delicate mink fur, emphasizing the slimness of the figure.

For women with a figure, when the shoulders are slightly wider than the hips, styles that emphasize the lower body are suitable. Models of a transverse cut of fur coats with a high waist in this case will be most appropriate. The most common style with such a figure is chanel.

Owners of a slender body type also choose a more suitable style. Here, rectangular cut styles, elongated, possibly with a belt at the waist, may be suitable. Sometimes there are ultra-fashionable models of fur coats in the form of jackets, or mixed styles, when there are separate elements, for example, sleeves, a leather belt. These types of fur coats are very suitable for slender women and will once again emphasize the slimness of the figure.

In such styles, there are various additions that were previously only in down jackets; instead of a belt, there can be tightening strings hidden inward, allowing you to make an individual correction. Sheepskin coats, jackets, fur vests are also very suitable. Monotonous shapeless products for ladies with a slender model (when the hips are shoulder-width apart) figure may not fit.

Color and size

You need to carefully look at the color in order to choose a model that will be combined in harmony with other things. According to professionals, ideally you should choose a dark-colored fur coat. Light colors are also good, but you need to take a close look at how the seam is made. In this case, it should be vertical or in the form of a geometric pattern. Recently, a new model with horizontal seams has appeared, the so-called “cross-bar”. The sewing of such a fur coat is made differently and the price for it is slightly higher. You should pay special attention to the collar. Correctly selected model makes even big ladies graceful.

Knowing your own size (height, bust and hip size), it will be easier to choose a fur coat. It's good if you come across a marking indicating these 3 components of suitable sizes. Sales experts say that the permissible deviations for height are 3 units, for the rest - 2. The size of the chest is measured on exhalation, and on the hips the largest protruding places are taken into account for the size. One point is important here: all women and girls are different and not always a certain height corresponds to the parameters of the volume of the chest and hips. Here a wide selection of various fur coats in shape and design comes to the rescue, which has gradually increased over the past decade.

If the fur coat feels very loose during fitting, then it is most likely too big, and it is best to choose one size smaller. It is necessary to take into account your constant figure limit, in the case when the weight and volume change slightly. A tight fur coat will not work in this case either. The sizes of fur coats on the domestic market are presented according to two standards: Western and Russian, between which there is a difference. If you have difficulties in determining the sizes, it is better to print and take the table with you.

During fitting, you also need to take into account your inner feelings. The fur coat should not be tight and constrained. The length of the sleeves should be on an outstretched arm to the middle of the hand. Existing pockets should look natural: if the fur coat is too small, then they stand out a lot. A matching fur coat is easily buttoned up and looks aesthetically pleasing and elegant.

Don't worry if your chosen fur coat doesn't fit. It is not always possible to choose the right option the first time. Haste is inappropriate here. An improperly selected fur coat often wears out quickly. Ideally, it is better to take a friend who is experienced in these matters with you.

Editorial response

So that buying a new fur coat does not bring disappointment, you should know some key points and pay close attention to them when buying.

How long will a fur coat last?

The answer to this question depends on what kind of fur it is sewn from. So, otter and river beaver fur coats are the most durable, they will last 20 seasons. Fur coats from popular mink are also wearable - they will live about 10 seasons, from astrakhan, blue fox or marten - 7 seasons, and from nutria or fox fur they will last for 5 seasons. Squirrel fur coats will live for 4 seasons, but rabbit and hare fur is the most short-lived and will delight no more than two years.

Infographics AIF

What is the warmest fur coat?

The warmest is considered to be the fur of a reindeer or a bear, but fur coats made from these furs are not very common. Even in severe frost, the fur of a polar fox, raccoon dog, fox, beaver, marten, sable will definitely warm it.

A less warm fur coat is obtained from mink, kolinka, astrakhan fur, ermine, chinchilla. Products made from fur of a rabbit, goat, and marmot have a reduced heat resistance. And the fur of a hamster and a gopher does not warm at all.

What is the lightest fur coat?

The weight of the fur coat plays an important role. The lightest are the skins of a hamster, gopher and hare. Medium-weight products are made from mink, rabbit, nutria, muskrat, squirrel, ferret. The heaviest fur coat is made from the skin of a wolf, raccoon dog, otter, beaver, arctic fox, sable, astrakhan fur.

What determines the price of the product?

Firstly, the cost of a fur coat depends on the style and length. The quality of fur dressing is of great importance - a well-dressed fur product seems dense, "plump". The fur of a fur coat is well made without any "creases", the seams are neat. The price of a fur product also depends on the softness and shine of the pile.

In many products, small pieces of fur are "fitted" using a special computer kit. It is due to the use of such an expensive technology that the cost of this fur coat is almost the same as a similar product made of solid plates. However, in terms of quality, duration and appearance, fur coats made from pieces selected by a computer program are inferior to a one-piece product.


The price of a mink coat largely depends on its color. The cheapest is walnut (light brown), then dark brown, then various red shades.

Even more expensive are black mink, beige, gray and blue, in the next price category - "tourmaline" (beige undercoat and brown long hair) and white fur.

The most expensive mink is called “black diamond” (black with a blue or purple tint). The warmest and most expensive fur coats are from skins that have the top tags Platinum or SagaRoyal, NAFA or AmericanLegend. Such skins are distinguished by a thick down and a large amount of guard hair. Cheaper and not so thick-wooled skins are used for the production of not so warm, but very light fur coats.

What to look for when buying?

When choosing a fur coat, you should be an extremely picky and attentive buyer. In particular, Rospotrebnadzor specialists recommend doing the following at the time of purchase:

Having chosen a silver fox fur coat, take a closer look at the fur - it should be three-shaded (gray, white, black). If the fur has only two shades - in front of you is a fox fur coat (a hybrid of a fox and a polar fox).

  • Examine the fur and gauge how thick it is. If the fur does not seem thick enough, check with the seller when exactly the animals were slaughtered, from the skins of which the fur coats were sewn. The fact is that animals have the thickest and fluffiest fur in winter, and they shed in summer. In addition, such an effect can be generated by poor-quality dressing of skins, more precisely, by their excessive stretching.
  • Swipe your hand against the grain- the underpads should be thick enough, and long hairs should not break. In addition, the fur should quickly fall into place, the skin should be soft to the touch. Feel free to squeeze, wrinkle, pull the pile - a good product will survive these manipulations.
  • Tug the fur... If you still have hairs in your hand that have separated from the skin of the fur coat, it will shed constantly.
  • Shake the fur coat... If the villi do not crumble too intensively (hairs are moderately crumbled from any new fur coat after the drying procedure), everything is in order, and if the fur coat “rattles” like oilcloth, the fur is overdried, such a product is unlikely to be worn for a long time, it will quickly lose its shape.
  • Check if you are really dealing with natural and not dyed fur- Spread the undercoat with your fingers and check the color of the skin. Skin that has not been dyed has a white skin. If you want to buy a dyed fur coat, rub the fur with a handkerchief - high-quality dyes should not leave marks.
  • Pay attention to the seams- they must be sewn thinly, neatly and hardly be felt. There are glued fur coats on the market, glue is used instead of seams, such a fur coat is not worth our attention, having found a glued fur coat, in no case should you buy it.
  • Ask the seller to rip off the lining of the product and show you the wrong side of the product. If the pieces are about 15 × 15, the product is of high quality. If they are much smaller, the seams are not neatly executed - before you is a thing that in 2-3 years will cease to be a subject of your pride.
  • Examine the tags and manufacturer data... When buying, it is better to give preference to a product that has tags with the name and address of the manufacturer, as well as a product that has a guarantee.
  • Try on different styles of fur coats until you find the one that suits you the most.

When purchasing a fur coat, you need to forget about one thing - about frivolity. Fur is not bought to spend as much money as possible. How to choose a fur coat so as not to be tormented by doubts and regrets later? The choice of a fur coat, its wearing and storage require accuracy and attention. When choosing fur, you need to pay attention not only to cost, beauty, but also wear. Recently, new technologies of fur dressing have appeared, which have determined the styles of the winter 2012 collections. Having decided how much you can spend, the place of purchase is chosen. A fur coat can be bought abroad, in Greece and Italy, on the market or made to order.

The answer to the question, how to choose a fur coat, directly depends on the lifestyle. So, for example, a short fur coat made of not very warm fur is suitable for traveling by car. If the car seat is heated, then you need to buy a short fur coat with durable fur. For those girls who prefer walking, you need to focus on long models. The fur of long coats should not be afraid of water and snow. However, for daily wear, a fur coat on the floor is simply unacceptable. If you can't get rid of the desire to buy a long fur coat, you need to prepare to shorten it in a year. The absence of smell, sound and rapid recovery of the fur speaks of high-quality dressing. The skin should be soft.

Little tricks

When deciding a question, how to choose a fur coat, it is useful to know some professional tricks. Recently, a mink fur coat has become increasingly popular. Mink fur is rather hardy, but not very warm. The lighter the mink, the more expensive it is. The most optimal cost option would be a nut-colored mink or mahogany, a reddish-brown hue. If the fur coat lies for a long time, then the fur spoils. A fur coat should not be stored, but worn. She needs to breathe, so the more often she is worn, the better she looks. How else do you need to care for your fur? It is necessary to remove dirt from the villi by combing them. And silicone treatment will help to improve the appearance of the fur coat.

Fur wear

Solution of the problem, how to choose a fur coat, depends on the wear of the fur. The furs of aquatic animals are considered the most wearable fur. Otter coats are worn for 20 seasons, river beaver - 18, and fur seal - 17 seasons. The furs of aquatic animals also include nutria, seal, desman, muskrat. Fur dressing from nutria has become widespread in Russia. Otter fur is very rare. Many animals are specially bred for fur production. The otter has not learned to breed in captivity. Often the fur of nutria is used to imitate mink. The similarity is achieved by plucking. Less wearable furs include rabbit fur - 2 seasons, marmot - 4 seasons, fox - 5 seasons. The popular mink has been worn for 10 seasons.

Types of processing

There are several ways to handle fur that you should be aware of. Fur can be sheared, plucked, dyed. Several types of fur can be combined in one product. Fur can be bonded to leather or knitwear. To facilitate the fur coat, perforation is made. The fur can be processed using a laser. The laser is used to apply the pattern. With a haircut, long hairs are cut off. Sheared fur is not recommended for girls who intend to spend more time on foot, as it does not warm well. Staining can be multi-layered or used toning. Sewing a fur coat in loosening, when the skin is cut into several strips, is one of the current technologies.

On a journey for a fur coat

It is not only the first ladies who can afford to choose a fur coat abroad. The prices of fur coats produced by Greece and Italy are often lower than domestic ones. The popularity of shopping tours for a fur coat does not fall, but continues to grow. There are two types: with and without commitment. The first involves the mandatory purchase of a fur coat. Otherwise, the company will have to pay a penalty. But for a ticket, 1-3 thousand rubles are given. The cost of a tour ticket without obligations is approximately 15 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can return from the trip without a fur coat. One of the options is a voucher, which includes excursions to fur factories.

Market fur coat

Market fur coats seduce customers with their cheapness. Going to the market for a fur coat, you need to be very careful. The market generally does not provide a product warranty. The cost is reduced by saving on raw materials, tailoring. The worst thing is fake. New technologies for processing fur make it possible not only to create spectacular models, but also spectacular fakes. Covered markets should be preferred, where entrepreneurs have been trading in one place for many years. Shopping centers can become an alternative option to the markets. Some markets may offer expensive fur coats from 27-30 thousand rubles.

Individual tailoring

The desire to save money leads women to the atelier. The cost of a fur coat made of natural fur in an atelier will cost 15-30 thousand rubles for lovely ladies. You should trust large ateliers so that the price reduction does not occur at the expense of the quality of tailoring. Girls who prefer mink will have to pay at least 70-80 thousand rubles. The cost of the work will be related to the quality of the fur and the look. You can also redraw the old boring fur coat. Such work will cost less than sewing a new fur coat. In the atelier, you can also sew a unique piece that will look like a million dollars.

Fashion brands

Fashion brands offer luxurious models of winter clothing made from natural fur. To purchase such a fur coat, you need to have an impressive amount of money. As for the assortment, there is no problems. Mink coats from chocolate to light fur are presented in the Prada collection. The peculiarity of products from eminent designers is the uniqueness of the model. Instead of a fur coat, you can choose a bolero or a fur vest. The set includes fur scarves and mink mittens. In the winter collection of Kenzo, one of the most memorable gizmos is a pony fur coat with white polka dots. The youth brand Max and Go offers rabbit fur coats at affordable prices.

Italian fashion houses are chosen by true connoisseurs of soft gold. Designers from this country adhere to the classic line in the dressing of fur. The fur is sustained in natural colors, the products are luxurious royally and of the same quality. Italians don't like over-finishing. Of course, the prices for jewelry work will be appropriate. Italian brands rely on femininity and modern trends in their collections. Italians offer coats and coats made of mink, chinchilla, orilag. Italian brands include such firms as GF Ferre, Dainese, Ferraud. Youth coats are offered at reasonable prices. So, for example, a raccoon coat will cost about 35 thousand rubles.

Even global warming will not force a woman to abandon a beautiful, soft, warm and cozy fur coat. Natural fur is a very popular element of modern fashion, having a truly magical effect on beautiful ladies. And not only because a fur coat made of natural fur saves in cold weather and is pleasant to wear, but also because of giving elegance and chic to the image of the owner. In other words, the question to have or not to have is insignificant, but the question of how to choose a high-quality fur coat is always relevant!

Fur is known to be the most ancient material. Primitive people made clothes from skins, getting them on the hunt. Their functionality was limited by the need to warm up, and the cost was equal to the physical costs of the hunter. Nowadays, the value of fur vestments reaches, sometimes, transcendental heights, and in order to purchase an expensive new thing, it is enough to go to the store.


Choosing a quality fur coat

So, you have decided to acquire the best fur coat in the world, which means that a dream product should be warm, wearable, skillfully sewn, and the material itself is perfectly finished. So the main question is which fur to choose? No, not only. The coat should ideally fit in style, taking into account the characteristics of the figure. However, in order:

1. Probable service life of fur

The choice of the fur from which the fur coat is sewn is directly related to its wear resistance and durability.
We prepared comparison table of furs, where the most important characteristics are given, the most popular types. According to the table, it is easy to determine which product will last optimally for a long time, it will be guaranteed to give warmth and be comfortable to wear.

Otter not plucked / plucked 20/18 100/95% high heavy
Wolverine 20 100% high average
Bear brown and black 19 95% high heavy
River beaver non-plucked / plucked 18 90/85% high / moderate heavy
Sable natural / beautiful 16 80/65% high heavy
Raccoon natural / beautiful 10 75/60% moderate + heavy
Mink natural / beautiful 10 70/55% moderate + average
Marten soft natural / beautiful 7 65/50% moderate average
Sheepskin / muton 7 65/55% high average
Karakul / broadtail 6 50/15% moderate / low average
Arctic fox blue / white 7 60/45% high average
Wolf natural / beautiful 6 60/40% high heavy
Mountain martennatures . 5 45% moderate average
Muskrat natural / beautiful 5 45/35% moderate heavy
Nutria not plucked / plucked 5 40/25% moderate heavy
Fox natural / beautiful 5 40/35% high heavy
Lynx natural / beautiful 5 30/20% high average
Squirrel natural / beautiful 4 27/20% moderate easy
Silver fox 4 25% high average
Ermine 4 25% moderate average
Chinchilla 2 15% moderate easy
Rabbit 2 10% low easy
Hare 1 5% moderate average

2. Quality and pricing

  • Style (length, cut, skin consumption)... Everything is simple here - a long and flared fur coat requires more skins to make than a short and straight one, therefore, the price rises with every centimeter.
  • Manufacturing quality... Here, the decisive factor will be the same density of fur, the absence of creases, the neatness and evenness of the seams.
  • Fur quality (shine, softness) Dense puffs, long, soft to the touch and brittle hairs, which, when stroked in the opposite direction, quickly take on their original appearance.
  • Sewing technology (dissolution, plates) Dissolution made in good faith (cutting the skins into strips diagonally, soaking and stretching them, followed by sewing along the side) will cost more than sewing from solid plates. But the wear of such a product is an order of magnitude higher, and even visually - the dissolution is beyond competition.

3. Determination of the authenticity of the fur

The surest way to avoid fraud when buying a fur coat:

  • make a purchase in a reputable specialist store
  • request a certificate of authenticity from the seller

If you are denied this, for one reason or another, do not hesitate to turn around and leave - it is better not to risk it. After all, we want to choose a quality fur coat for more than one day, right?

Perhaps a certificate is not enough warranty for you? Well, a few tips below will help you determine the authenticity of the most popular fur types.

Mink is the leader in the number of fakes

For the very popular and valuable mink fur, they often give out a specially bred and shorn rabbit or marmot. Falsification can be detected by simple stroking: the mink is somewhat stiffer and more elastic - the fur instantly absorbs. The rabbit is much softer and, if you run your hand against the fur, the hairs will not return to their original shape.

In addition, a true mink has a dense and even guard hair and undercoat, while a rabbit's skeleton is uneven and slightly prickly if cut.

How to choose a beaver fur coat

A non-plucked beaver is difficult to fake - it is too recognizable, but a shorn and plucked beaver is often replaced with the fur of a cheaper nutria or ferret.

A plucked beaver, due to the difficult plucking technology, is more expensive, and is worn easier and longer. The most important thing here is to distinguish it from fakes. And this is not difficult to do, it is enough to hold your hand against the fur and feel a light and sharp tingling with a pile. This characteristic is unique to this fur.

Another defining feature is weight. The beaver's fur cannot be called light in any way, because of the dense padding, which does not allow air to pass through, including. Blow on the fur, and if the skin is not visible, there is a sign of authenticity.

Finally, the beaver belongs to the family of aquatic rodents, and not only is it not afraid of moisture, but under its influence the fur becomes even fluffier and more luxuriant. Of course, only a crazy seller will allow you to pour water on a fur coat for testing, but the very first wet snow test will convince you of the correct purchase.

Silver fox or fox dog?


Genuine silver fox is distinguished not only by its fur uniform in length and density, but also by its exclusive tricolor color. The palette of shades is as follows: bottom - pearl gray, middle - milky white, top - pearl black. And nothing else. This color is not subject to falsification.

Mouton - worth the candle!

The most popular and affordable Russian fur is often replaced by negligent manufacturers with low-grade analogs, or, even worse, artificial fur. How to choose a quality Mouton fur coat correctly?

Naturalness can be diagnosed on the seamy side - the flesh should look like tanned leather, which in fact it is, in contrast to the fabric base on artificial fur.
The quality of the product is easily determined by squeezing and quickly unclenching the fur in the hand. A good muton straightens quickly and its hairs do not stick together.
The seams should be smooth and tactile. If they are not palpable, then gluing was used instead of seams, and this is a sign of counterfeit.
You should also check the quality of the color of the muton by running a white cloth over the fur - there should not be any traces of paint on it.


Choosing the style of a fur coat

Almost everyone is familiar with regret when it turns out that a new thing is not very comfortable to wear due to the wrong size or bad cut. It is especially unpleasant when it comes to an expensive purchase. Regardless of whether you become the owner of luxurious fur or look for a modest, elegant model, take your time. Before buying a fur coat, which will be an ideal choice, it is recommended, in addition to knowledge, to take into account several personality traits:

  • body structure;
  • being overweight;
  • facial features;
  • Lifestyle;
  • favorite style of clothing.

Fitted style

With some completeness, the best choice would be a trapezoidal silhouette, flared at the bottom, sewn into dissolution. Overweight ladies are not recommended to wear a model with long-haired fur - it will visually make the figure more voluminous. The same will not work for a customer with small facial features. Otherwise, they will become completely expressionless. Let the fluffy, voluminous fur be used only for the collar, and the fur coat itself will be made of short-cut fur.

Slender legs look advantageous in a fur coat shortened to the middle of the thigh. Graceful women can look at fur coats with a belt. Moderate width will accentuate a thin waist and visually enlarge the bust.

Miniature ladies would like to wish to give up long products, and pay attention to fur coats above the knees. But only if you wear boots with heels. Lovers of flat soles of small stature are suitable for short fur coats, slightly covering the hips or even shorter.

Floor-length models look spectacular on tall and slender ladies. Which fur to choose in this case, with a long pile or vice versa, depends on taste.

Fur coat style and lifestyle

Depending on how you are more accustomed to travel and what places you will visit, you should choose a model. In the morning rush, getting to the place of work by public transport, a luxurious and long doha is unlikely to be appropriate. Moreover, an expensive item will quickly get dirty and worn out even with good quality raw materials. In such realities, it makes sense to dwell on a midi fur coat or even shorter, to the middle of the thigh.

For an auto lady, the most functional will be a short coat that does not hinder movement.

An elegant long model will adorn a lady on a leisurely stroll, when visiting a theater and other exquisite entertainment.

And one moment. If you are used to practical, cozy clothes, for example, sports style, then do not rush to buy a classic fur coat with rich fur. Perhaps you shouldn't be drastically changing your look when putting together your wardrobe. You can choose a quality fur coat from models of a more familiar style. Take a look at the wonderful coats-jackets. Cute, lightweight, comfortable to wear products, perhaps, are perfect for all occasions.

Happy shopping and long-term wearing of your fur coat!