How does tanning affect the human body? The sun's rays are very drying to the skin. It can cause bloating

Some people believe that it is possible to stay under the sun's rays for a long time, while others assume that these rays have a very negative effect on the human body. In order to make a choice whether to go to the beach for a portion of the sun or not, one should understand the beneficial and harmful properties of the rays.

The benefits of sunburn for the body

The sun's rays are two types of radiation - infrared and ultraviolet. The second type of radiation is an excellent bactericidal agent, since it destroys a variety of viruses, fungi and bacteria, those that can have a negative effect on the human body.

Also, the benefit of tanning is to activate the metabolic processes of the skin. Thanks to the sun's rays, the healing of the skin is accelerated. There are known cases of getting rid of people with the help of sunbathing from pathologies such as psoriasis.

Since the body is saturated with a number of vitamins under the influence of direct sunlight, the strength of its resistance to the occurrence of various diseases increases, and mental activity increases. Vitamin D increases the strength of bones and teeth. The reserves of this useful substance will help the body prevent the development of pathologies such as rickets and osteoporosis. The benefit also lies in lowering blood cholesterol, reducing its density.

Sun fasting for a long time negatively affects human health and well-being. Signs of a lack of tanning are obvious:

· Muscle weakness;

· Constant feeling of drowsiness;

· Lowered level of immunity;

· The emergence of a state of depression.

In order to avoid such consequences, there are various tanning salons.

The harm of sunburn to the body

Most often, too much time, during which a person is exposed to the sun's rays, leads to negative consequences due to ignorance of the possible dangers of sunburn or a desire to quickly get beautiful tanned skin.

The consequences of the following actions can be both small and very serious, dangerous to human health and life.

1. The most serious consequence can be a pathology such as skin cancer or melanoma. The accelerated development of this type of tumor contributes to the rapid appearance of metastases after the onset of the disease. Death is a common case of melanoma.

2. Often there is such a detrimental effect for the human skin - photoaging. Provided that this effect was earned by a person, the skin loses its elasticity. In addition, the number of cells of the stratum corneum begins to increase, due to which the skin becomes very rough.

3. No less detrimental effect can be exerted by too long exposure to the sun's best and on the eyes. Cataracts and conjunctivitis may develop. The most serious consequence can be a malignant tumor of the cornea.

4. Reduced immunity appears in most cases, which increases the chance of cancerous tumors.

5. With repeated prolonged sunbathing, the undesirable effect accumulates, which can contribute to such harm to sunburn as the development of the above pathologies.

There are also certain signs, in the presence of which, a person should not sunbathe.

1. The presence of any tumors.

2. Decreased level of functioning of the immune system.

3. It is most dangerous to sunbathe for a long time for people with blue eyes and light hair.

4. The presence of chronic pathologies, since sunburn can contribute to their aggravation during the unwanted summer period of vacations and vacations.

5. The presence among close relatives of those who had a cancerous tumor - melanoma.

6. Diseases of the skin are also a contraindication to a long stay in the sun.

The following guidelines and tips should be followed to ensure that tanning does not harm your body.

1. According to the standards of the WHO (World Health Organization) under the rays of the star, you can stay no more than 10 minutes at the beginning of the season and about 2/3 hours at its height.

2. You should not sunbathe, provided that the person has any contraindications.

3. It is not required to abuse sunbathing.

4. It is important not to forget about the availability of a variety of sunscreen cosmetic products that can save you from burning and sunburn.

5. After the beach, take a shower and take care of the skin with the help of specialized moisturizing creams.

6. It is important not to fall asleep on the beach, as this can cause serious health problems, in which only a qualified medical professional can provide assistance.

7. Provided that there is a desire to get an even and beautiful tan all over the body, you should do it very carefully. The safe hours for getting this tan is the following time of day: 8 to 11 am, 4 to 9 pm. You should not lie on the beach during the aggressive sun - during lunch. Aggressive sun from 11 to 4 pm most often contributes to poor health and the appearance of unwanted pathologies.

It should always be remembered that tanning is useful only if it is obtained correctly, and can also lead to harmful consequences in case of violation of the rules for the use of sunbathing.

Be more attentive and careful about the state of your body. If the first signs of poor health appear after coming from the street after a long walk or from the beach on a hot, clear day, you should consult a medical specialist. He will help with his advice, and also increase the chance of a fairly quick recovery if any ailments, such as sunstroke, are detected.

Warm summer days are an opportunity to recharge with energy in the literal sense of the word. Sunlight compensates for the lack of vitamin D and maintains the health of our skin, breasts, joints, and protects against cancer. You just need to figure out how much time you can spend in the sun with your skin type in the area where you live.

We will tell you how sunbathing affects your figure, mood, productivity at work, and also helps to cope with stress and get enough sleep.

1. Excellent mood and sound sleep

Sunlight affects the production of hormones serotonin and melatonin.

Serotonin helps us feel happy, calm, and focused. Walking in the sun lifts our spirits and protects us from depression.

Melatonin helps you fall asleep and get enough sleep. The more sunlight we get in the morning, the earlier we want to sleep in the evening.

If you have to work indoors all day, and you often have insomnia at night, you should tidy up your circadian rhythms. To do this, melatonin expert Russell J. Reuters recommends spending 10-15 minutes a day in the sun without sunglasses.

2. Slim figure

Scientists from the Universities of Edinburgh and Southampton have discovered an interesting fact: sunlight slows down weight gain and protects against diabetes.

The fact is that when light hits the skin, nitric oxide is released, and it affects how our body regulates metabolism.

A habit of frequent sun exposure reduces the risk of type II diabetes by 30%. To come to this conclusion, Swedish scientists collected data on 24 thousand women over 11 years old.

3. Protection against different types of cancer

Sunlight helps reduce the risk of breast cancer by 35%. The strongest effect is observed in those who have often been in the sun at the age of 10-19 years.

High vitamin D levels cut the risk of breast cancer death by half.

Sunlight also protects against other types of cancer: prostate, ovary, colon.

4. Healthy bones and joints

If vitamin D is not enough, bones can become thin, brittle, or deformed.

High levels of vitamin D prevent rickets in children by promoting normal skeletal development.

It helps adults to avoid pain in joints, back. In the elderly, it prevents osteoporosis, falls and fractures associated with it.

5. Healthy skin

Scientists believe that one of the reasons for the appearance of psoriasis is a deficiency of vitamin D. In people with psoriasis, skin cells grow too quickly, and under the influence of sunlight, this process slows down, inflammation decreases.

According to the WHO, ultraviolet radiation can be used as a therapeutic agent in the fight against psoriasis and eczema.

6. Reducing stress and protecting the nervous system

The amount of light in the workplace affects energy levels, stress levels, and job satisfaction.

Lack of light worsens health: the “internal clock” goes astray, a person sleeps worse and does not work as efficiently.

It becomes more difficult for him to concentrate, fatigue builds up, cortisol and ghrelin levels rise, followed by weight.

Also, exposure to sunlight reduces the risk of neurodegenerative disorders: multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia.

Bonus: we calculate the UV index and get only benefits from the sun

The UV Index is a measure of the activity of the sun, and it depends on the season, time of day, and specific location on the globe.

Skin type influences the rate of redness and burning: people with fair skin burn the fastest, while those with dark skin take much longer to get the same amount of vitamin D.

On this online map, you can enter your city and see:

  • how many minutes you can spend outdoors without sunscreen;
  • after how many minutes without cream, the skin turns red or burns;
  • recommendations for choosing a cream with SPF, depending on the type of skin;
  • how many hours can you be in the sun if you use a cream.

If you plan to spend all day in the sun, don't forget your hat, sunglasses, and renew your cream every 2 hours.

Do you like to be in the sun? Do you live in a sunny region or, on the contrary, do you have frequent rains?

In hot sunny weather, many people flock to the beach to sunbathe so that the body turns to chocolate color. However, for all its beauty, it can be bad for the skin. Going out into the sun, you need to consider the dangers of sunburn and be careful.

Why is it harmful?

The human body contains the pigment melanin (produced by melanocytes). When the sun's rays enter the skin, it darkens under its influence. Melanin absorbs rays, neutralizes their effects. Thus, it protects the skin. Sunburn becomes a kind of "shell" that saves a person from the harm of ultraviolet radiation. But before it forms, the first contact with the sun will damage the skin.

The harm of sunburn is as follows:

  • ultraviolet rays (UV) destroy collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, which retain moisture in it and maintain elasticity, respectively, it dehydrates, dries, coarsens and ages quickly;
  • under the influence of these rays, immunity decreases;
  • prolonged exposure to the scorching sun can cause. The surface turns red, burning and pain is felt on it. With more severe burns, blisters appear, and the skin then peels off. Also in this situation, the destruction of the lower layers of the skin occurs, and this often leads to changes in the composition of cells, to the appearance of tumors, including malignant ones (melanoma is one of the most unfavorable consequences of excessive sunburn);
  • if the eyes are not protected by dark glasses, the sun can burn the cornea, and this will lead to photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis, and in the future can cause cataracts;
  • the high temperature of the rays (and air) is also unfavorable: this causes profuse sweating, a person loses water and salt;
  • in case of severe overheating, there may be sunstroke.

In addition, there are people who are generally contraindicated to sunbathe:

  • suffering from photosensitivity - allergy to ultraviolet rays;
  • recent chemotherapy;
  • taking antibiotics or taking them less than a month ago;
  • with very pale and thin skin, light hair and eyes - such people quickly burn in the sun;
  • suffering from diseases of the skin, connective tissue, cancer, dysplastic nevi;
  • with a lot of moles and papillomas;
  • pregnant women;
  • with a genetic predisposition to melanoma (those whose relatives suffered from it);
  • recently got tattoos.

Fake tan

If there was no vacation in the summer or it turned out to be cold, many of us prefer to go to a solarium or beauty salon for a self-tanning procedure. These methods also have quite a few drawbacks.

Tanning in a tanning salon is the most popular, but the harm from it can also be significant:

  • unlike the sun, UV rays in tanning lamps are delivered in the form of concentrated beams, so their effect on the skin is stronger;
  • in this institution there may be low-quality or expired lamps (the service life is normally 500-600 hours), which means that the harm increases many times over;
  • if the booth is not disinfected after each client, bacteria accumulate in it, and visitors run the risk of contracting skin diseases.

It is absolutely impossible to go to the solarium for those who are contraindicated in sun exposure.

Of all the types, self-tanning is considered the least harmful, which consists in applying special substances containing glycerin derivatives to the body. They react with the creatine proteins in the skin to produce melonoidin, similar to melanin. The effect is almost the same as that of UV rays, only the products do not contain them and do not cause such harm to the skin. On the other hand, self-tanning has its drawbacks:

  • the product may be allergic;
  • such cosmetics contain alcohol, which dries the skin;
  • self-tanner spray clogs pores;
  • it has a specific odor that may seem unpleasant;
  • self-tanning does not protect from the sun.

Thus, any method of tanning can harm a person. But bad consequences can be avoided if you do it wisely and in moderation.

Precautionary measures

Sunburn damage can be significantly reduced by following these guidelines:

  • going to the beach before 11 am or after 4 pm;
  • less often to take sun baths in July and August - during the peak of activity;
  • be in direct sunlight for no more than 40 minutes, and start in general with 5 minutes, increase the time gradually;
  • drink more to stay hydrated;
  • use a special sunscreen;
  • seal moles with a plaster;
  • on hot days, always wear a hat or cap and sunglasses to prevent sunstroke and save your eyes.

So that a visit to the solarium does not bring anything harmful, you should also be careful:

  • visit only well-known establishments with a good reputation, find out when the lamps were changed there, whether regular cleaning is carried out;
  • start with 1-2 minutes and increase the session time to a maximum of 10 minutes, walk every other day, and even better after 2 or 3 days;
  • use sunblock and after sunburn;
  • undergo the procedure in a hat (so as not to dry the hair with UV rays), dark glasses, with special stickers on the chest (stikini) and in slippers (to protect against possible fungus).

For self-tanning, you also need to choose well-known salons, products with a good shelf life. Before the procedure, be sure to do an allergy test, and then use a moisturizer or lotion.

To get a good tan, little time in the sun, you should include in your diet foods containing beta-carotene and lycopene (carrots, bell peppers, peaches), vitamin E (vegetable oils), tyrosine (nuts, legumes), selenium (cabbage). These substances protect the skin and enhance the production of melanin.

Going on vacation or just to the salon, you always need to remember how bad a tan is and how you can avoid unpleasant consequences. Then the chocolate skin color will only delight.

Summer is the perfect time to head outside and enjoy the warm weather. However, spending time in the sun without sunscreen can seriously harm yourself. Sunburn does not always lead to a burn, however, its consequences are not very pleasant in any case. The consequences of sun exposure can be inflammation, swelling, and an allergic reaction. In short, you are doing yourself serious harm. Explore this list to find out in detail all the possible effects of sunburn.

It destroys immunity

When the skin is sunburned, the number of so-called Langerhans cells decreases in the body. These cells are the body's first line of defense against infections that penetrate the skin. Without them, the body is much more susceptible to disease. It is not only the burnt area that suffers; studies show that the immune response changes throughout the body. Simply applying sunscreen regularly is enough to prevent this.

This can lead to herpes.

If you've had cold sores, sun exposure without sunscreen is not the best idea for you. According to statistics, excessive exposure to sunlight weakens the immune system and leads to an aggravated manifestation of the virus. Scientists noted that of 38 people with herpes, 27 experienced an exacerbation of the problem after exposure to the sun. If you go outside with sunscreen, there will be no traces of herpes.

It can cause bloating

Burns can cause inflammation, which causes the body to retain fluid. Sometimes the swelling is so severe that you may notice a weight gain of several pounds!

It hurts your eyes

Like any other organ in the body, the eyes are exposed to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. The risk is especially high for them because they cannot be protected with traditional sunscreen. If you are not careful, you may experience photoconjunctivitis. This is a reversible condition, but extremely painful - it makes every movement of the eyelid unpleasant. High-quality sunglasses with a special filter on the lenses will help protect against it.

As if the pain of the burn wasn't enough! According to experts, exposure to sunlight can lead to fever, chills, fatigue, nausea and vomiting - all of these symptoms are extremely similar to those caused by the flu.

It causes an exacerbation of lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects millions of people around the world. In such a disease, the cells of the body attack themselves. The disease can proceed in a latent form, but an exacerbation can quickly manifest itself - it is enough to spend time in the sun. A sunburn or burn will cause a lupus-like rash and lead to fatigue and joint pain.

This poses a danger to pregnant women.

During pregnancy, a woman should be especially careful not to harm her baby. Of course, every woman knows not to smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy. However, even something as simple as sunlight can be problematic - a burn could potentially cause developmental defects, premature labor, or even miscarriage.

This leads to dehydration.

Skin damaged by ultraviolet light swells, causing fluid to leave other parts of the body. This lack of fluid causes dehydration, which in turn can lead to dizziness and muscle fatigue. Drinking a lot of fluids will help you to deal with this discomfort in the shortest possible time.

It can hurt your legs.

Not so long ago, there was a widespread story of a runner who was badly burned. She developed severe burns along the entire length of her legs, and the recovery process was extremely painful. During the recovery period, the pressure while walking or just standing up made the pain unbearable. As a result, the woman was immobilized. Among other things, improper treatment could lead to the spread of infection, which made the situation even more dangerous.

This leads to hives.

People who take medications like tetracycline or certain birth control pills may notice rashes on their skin after a day at the beach. This problem usually disappears within a day, however, the rash is painful and unaesthetic, which can be a problem in the summer when clothes are open.

This causes acne to flare up.

Excessive exposure to the sun can severely dry out the skin. For people with acne, this will cause a serious exacerbation of the problem. Even if acne is not chronic, the rash can be severely affected by exposure to sunlight, which increases sebum production.

It affects fertility

Believe it or not, excessive sun exposure reduces a woman's chances of getting pregnant. Research shows that ultraviolet light affects the level of folate in the body, and a deficiency can lead to miscarriages and developmental defects.

This leads to shortness of breath

Feeling short of breath may seem like a sign of a productive workout, but other times you want to breathe freely. However, the sun can interfere with this - one of the symptoms of heatstroke is shallow breathing. In this condition, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It can cause a stroke.

The heart is the most important organ of the body and must be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, overexposure to ultraviolet light means increased levels of vitamin D, which can cause stroke or heart attack.

Your tongue may swell

The skin on the lips can also burn. If the damage is severe, the tongue may swell, and breathing becomes difficult.

It accelerates skin aging

Both women and men are willing to take a long time to find the perfect anti-aging remedy. At the same time, many do not think that the main danger is the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation destroys cells, and this accelerates the appearance of wrinkles.

It can cause itching

In rare cases, exposure to the sun can cause severe itching. It is almost impossible to cope with the discomfort in this state, even a cold shower only exacerbates the pain. It is very difficult to endure such a state.

This leads to worsening of psoriasis.

Millions of people around the world are living with psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that results in patches of irritated skin all over the body. Doctors cannot explain what causes such a problem, however, one of the reasons for an exacerbation is sunburn.

It worsens the condition in autoimmune diseases.

Myositis is an autoimmune disorder that weakens muscles. Studies have shown that women with myositis who are exposed to high levels of ultraviolet radiation are more likely to develop severe disease. It leads to a painful rash, combined with muscle weakness.

This leads to severe headaches.

If you are suffering from a headache or migraine, be aware that exposure to the sun can exacerbate discomfort. Even if you don't get headaches too often, sunlight can still be causing the pain.

In the summer, everyone strives to make the most of their vacation time and get a boost of health and vigor on the beach for the rest of the year. At the same time, many have heard about both the benefits and dangers of sunburn. We decided to figure out what is true and what is myth.

1. The darker the tan, the more vitamin D

Getting on the skin, ultraviolet rays start work on the production of vitamin D. This is the only "non-standard" vitamin that not only comes to us with this or that product, but is also produced by the body itself under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To get your daily intake of vitamin D, you only need to stay in the sun for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the skin covered with a bronze tan becomes almost impenetrable, and the vitamin necessary for the strengthening and growth of bones is not produced in it. That is why people who try to be tanned all year round face the problem of fragility of bones earlier.

2. Brunettes can tan longer than blondes

People with fair skin types are indeed much more prone to sunburn and, consequently, melanoma than dark-skinned people. Three phototypes stand out among Europeans; in the classification, not only skin color, but also eyes are important.

So, the first type is light sensitive skin with freckles, light blue or green eyes, light or red hair. It is almost impossible for such people to sunbathe, but they can easily get sunburned. The safe time that people of this type can spend in the sun without a protective cream is no more than 7 minutes. The second type is fair skin, little or no freckles, light eyes, light blond or brown hair. The tan lays down badly, at first the skin acquires a red tint, it burns quite easily. You can stay in the sun without a protective cream for no longer than 15 minutes.

The third type is dark skin, brown eyes, dark hair. The skin tans easily, and sunburn is rare for it. Without protection, you can sunbathe for up to 20 minutes.

3. Tanning accelerates aging

Aging in general is a complex process that sunburn is unlikely to have any impact. However, under the influence of solar irradiation, processes similar to aging occur in the skin. In medicine, the special term "photoaging" has even appeared. Scientists estimate that one intense tanning season will age the skin by 6 months. And if for the last 10 years you have spent your summer vacation on the beach, then the first wrinkles may appear five years earlier than the time programmed by genes. The first sign of photoaging is age spots on the face and neck, which grow and darken over time. Dermatologists recommend taking vitamin E capsules 1-2 days before visiting the beach or every 4 hours during sun exposure. It will help maintain the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

4. Sunburn leads to cancer and other diseases

Doctors have strong evidence that excessive exposure to sunlight can actually cause skin cancer. However, if you use sunscreen and don't sunburn to blisters, there is no need to worry about this.

Sunburn is also often cited as the cause of mastopathy (breast disease). This myth is probably due to the fact that if mastopathy is already there, but is asymptomatic, it can manifest itself after abundant sunbathing. Intense tanning can sometimes lead to hormonal imbalances and exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. Contrary to popular belief, the sun's rays do not directly affect breast tissue. The only danger is sunburn of the nipples and areolas (areola), which can lead to cracks in the nipple and even inflammatory changes in the mammary gland.

5. Some foods will help enhance your tan.

A beautiful, even tan can indeed be obtained with some products. For example, carrots and apricots are rich in beta-carotene. Before going to the beach, it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice so that your tan will become smoother and faster. The tomatoes will help enhance the sunburn effect. They contain lycopene, a substance that stimulates the production of melanin. On the beach, they can be absorbed in any quantity. Foods that can help smooth your tan also include peaches, grapes, beets, cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, pumpkin, asparagus, broccoli, green vegetables, currants, citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, bell peppers, wholemeal bread, and oatmeal. ... These products contain vitamins A, C, E, PP and folic acid, the lack of which can cause a "spotty" sunburn.

6. A number of medications can ruin your tan.

Those who combine sunbathing with antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, tranquilizers, allergy or high blood pressure medications are also at risk of sunburn. Another option is also possible - photodermatitis or "allergy to the sun": skin peeling off in layers. With diabetes mellitus, hypertension, mastopathy, gynecological diseases, thyroid disorders, chronic liver and adrenal diseases, it is better to sunbathe under the shade of an umbrella. So you get the minimum dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary to raise immunity and avoid harmful radiation.

7. It's safe to sunbathe on a cloudy day.

There are two types of ultraviolet radiation in sunlight: UV-A, the level of which is practically independent of the weather, and UV-B, which is necessary for the formation of vitamin D, its level does decrease during cloudy weather. UVA rays penetrate deeply into the skin, causing premature aging, wrinkles and allergic reactions. UVB rays only reach the top layer of the skin, but they cause sunburn and cancer. At the same time, clouds transmit up to 80% of ultraviolet radiation, so you can get burned even in cloudy weather. It is also worth remembering that beach umbrellas, like shade from palm trees, do not provide sufficient protection and do not protect against diffuse ultraviolet radiation: sand reflects up to 20% of the sun's rays. Regardless of the weather, for prolonged outdoor exposure, it is recommended to use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

8. Already tanned skin is impossible to burn

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the pigment melanin is produced in the skin, the intensity of tanning depends on its concentration. Base tanning is just the skin's reaction to ultraviolet light. Of course, melanin serves as a kind of barrier to dangerous UVA rays, but additional skin protection is still needed.

9. You don't need sunscreen if you swim a lot.

There is an opinion that water can provide protection from the sun, so those who bathe a lot should not use additional products. In fact, ultraviolet rays can penetrate to a depth of about one meter. Therefore, swimmers in the sea should apply sunscreen before entering the water, as well as after leaving it.

10. You need to prepare for the beach in the solarium

The possibility of sunburn in already tanned skin is only slightly less, such skin acquires a protection factor of no more than 5SPF, so the resulting tan is not a good protection for prolonged exposure to natural ultraviolet light. A sunburn is a sign of UV damage to the skin. Each time a person sunbathes, he receives a new dose of this damage. They accumulate over time and contribute to accelerated skin aging and an increased risk of skin cancer.

11. A cream with a higher SPF protects the skin better

Using high SPF sunscreens gives you a false sense of security. In fact, the difference between the numbers indicating the protection factor is not so great. For example, a product with SPF 15 protects against penetration of 93% of UVB rays, while products with SPF 50-60 provide about 98% protection. Many sunscreens do not contain ingredients that provide comprehensive protection against both UVB and UVA rays, which are the most penetrating and reach the middle layers of the dermis. Experts advise you to apply sunscreen every 2 hours, regardless of your SPF.

12. Waterproof products do not need to be updated frequently

Waterproof sunscreens can only provide protection while swimming. However, even such preparations cannot withstand prolonged bathing, so you will have to apply them over and over again. You should also renew the protection if you dry yourself with a towel. The funds must indicate the duration of their action - 40-80 minutes. According to dermatologists, no product is actually completely waterproof.