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Decide where you will live. The best option is to rent an apartment. In it, both of you will be in an equal position and will become even closer, equipping your "nest". When moving to the apartment of your beloved or sweetheart, do not try to immediately begin to put things in order. It is worth discussing in advance where your personal space and workplace will be, where you can put things.

Divide household responsibilities. In order not to darken your life together with quarrels, decide from the first day who takes out the trash, washes the dishes, cooks, etc. It is not at all necessary to divide responsibilities into male and female. Cooking can be done by someone who loves to do it, or someone who comes home from work earlier. The contribution of both spouses to housekeeping should be approximately the same, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided.

Decide whether your budget will be shared or split, how you will plan for large expenses, who will pay the bills, buy groceries, etc. The money issue is often not discussed by young families due to its delicacy. As a result, one of the spouses may begin to think that he spends more on the family. Grievances will accumulate and can lead to quarrels.

Discuss the prospect of becoming a parent. Just because you live together does not mean that you are ready to have a baby. However, both should know about this, otherwise one fine day the young spouse may "please" her beloved with the news of Fr.

Respect the personal space of the person you live with. The family is not needed in order to "tie" a loved one to oneself and not let go. Agree on the time you will spend meeting friends, hobbies, etc.

Helpful advice

You can gradually get used to living together. Try spending a night or weekend together first. Then live together for a week. This way you will become familiar with the habits of your loved one, and they will not be a “surprise” when you move out.

A wedding is a wonderful celebration, unforgettable and exciting. Almost all peoples of the world turn a wedding ceremony into a magnificent celebration with various rituals, luxurious treats, wishes of happiness and well-being to the newlyweds. And if the spouses maintain love and mutual respect, they will celebrate various wedding anniversaries many times.

The print wedding is celebrated on the first anniversary of their marriage. It is customary for a husband and wife to give products made of chintz or other light, loose material (for example, silk). Silk bedding will be a great gift.

The paper wedding is celebrated after two years. As gifts, you can present books, photo albums and other similar products.

The leather wedding marks the third marriage anniversary. The relationship between husband and wife has already passed the test of the first period of character grinding. After all, leather is much stronger than chintz and paper, and at the same time flexible. The gift should be made of leather (leather photo album, for example).

The wooden wedding is celebrated on the fifth anniversary of family life. An excellent gift would be a wooden box or wooden beads, or a set of cutting boards decorated with carvings.

The tin wedding is celebrated on the tenth anniversary of the marriage. It can also be called amber or pink. Depending on how the heroes of the occasion prefer to call her, they are presented with gifts made of pewter, amber or bouquets of roses.

The glass wedding marks the fifteenth anniversary of the marriage. Husband and wife should be presented with glass or crystal products. The name of the wedding is significant, because glass is strong but fragile. Therefore, spouses need to be attentive and sensitive to each other during this period.

The porcelain wedding is celebrated after 20. A porcelain service, for example, would be a great gift.

After 25 years of marriage, a silver wedding is celebrated. Silver is a precious metal, and that says it all. The couple's feelings have stood the test of time. Any silverware can be a gift. Let's say you can donate a set of cutlery made of this metal.

The pearl wedding marks the 30th anniversary. As a gift, it is worth presenting products made of natural pearls, if this is not possible, it is advisable to maintain the theme and color of pearls in the celebration.

Ruby wedding is celebrated after 40 years of marriage. Spouses are presented with ruby ​​jewelry or products of a rich ruby ​​(maroon) color. For example, expensive red wine or a piece of cloth.

The golden wedding marks the half-century milestone of living together. Here and without words, everything is clear - the spouses who have lived side by side for so many years have earned not only admiration, but also golden gifts.

Those spouses who are lucky in love and agreement to live together for a longer time, celebrate the emerald (55 years), diamond (60 years), iron (65 years), blessed (70 years) and even the crown (75 years of marriage).

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Tip 3: Why 16th and 17th Wedding Anniversaries Don't Have a Name

A wedding is always exciting and delightful. And the longer you are married, the stronger and stronger the feelings. Each anniversary has its own traditional name, meaning and implies a certain type of gifts. But this does not apply to 16 and 17 wedding anniversaries.

16, 17 years of marriage are quite significant numbers. This means that you know each other well, it means that a lot has been experienced, a lot has been passed through. And even if this is not a round date, I still want to celebrate it.

on the Internet or elsewhere, you are unlikely to find the traditional names and customs of these anniversaries. It so happened that these anniversaries have not been celebrated for a long time.

On the Internet or elsewhere, you are unlikely to find the traditional names and customs of these anniversaries. It so happened that these anniversaries have not been celebrated for a long time.

But in our time people do not pay too much attention to the traditions that existed before and still give these anniversaries and celebrate them.

16th anniversary

Since it is not customary to celebrate this anniversary in Russia, there is no traditional name for this period of time either. Among the ancestors, this was associated with some kind of legend, about which little is known now.

But in other countries, for example, in Germany and Holland, it is customary to celebrate this one. There it is called topaz. And it is customary to give such topaz and jewelry or products with them.

But discretion is also needed. There is an opinion that this particular wedding was commissioned by jewelry companies in order to increase jewelry sales. But this is just a guess.

If you do not believe in any superstitions and want to celebrate this one, no one will forbid you to use the age-old traditions of other countries and proclaim this wedding topaz. Since the marriage is stronger every year, it is all the more pleasant to remember how it all began.

17th anniversary

A similar situation with the 17th. In past centuries, it was also not customary to celebrate this wedding. But lately this wedding is more and more often referred to as a pewter one. Although there is practically no evidence that our ancestors were inclined to this opinion, but in modern society the majority use this name. And it is from this that they start off when choosing a gift or when choosing a scenario for the wedding itself.

It is usually customary for this wedding to give items that are useful in everyday life, personal items, accessories, jewelry.

Non-round dates are most often celebrated in a small family circle or alone. This time can be spent in nature, among the trees and birds singing. If this wedding takes place in winter, you can go sledding, play snowballs.

Non-round dates are most often celebrated in a small family circle or alone. This time can be spent in nature, among the trees and birds singing. If this wedding takes place in winter, you can go sledding and play snowballs.

Another option is to take a day trip to the beautiful neighboring town. Look at its sights, discover something new and unforgettable.

Despite the fact that the 16th and 17th anniversaries do not have a reliable name, this is not a reason to be upset. You can come up with your own name and celebrate this day the way you want.


  • what are the weddings called
  • 17 wedding

As the proverb says: "To get married is not to attack, as if married not to perish!" Living together side by side, performing everyday household duties, the need to put up with the shortcomings of the spouse, resolve differences, adjust to each other, put the interests of the partner above personal ones - all this can kill seemingly the strongest and most ardent feelings at the root. Family life is not only joy, first of all, it is difficulties that are divided in half. It is not surprising that every marriage anniversary is marked by some symbol.

1 year - Calico wedding

The process of grinding in characters and opposite-minded people of opposite sex requires titanic efforts and wisdom. The name of the first holiday characterizes, on the one hand, the fragility of relations - tears shed in abundance in a chintz handkerchief, and on the other hand, a stormy intimate life, in which the sheets become thinner to the state of gauze.

5 years - Wooden wedding

This is the first anniversary. The tree is a symbol of life, testifies to the transformation of the family into an autonomous strong organism with roots.

10th Anniversary - Pink (Pewter) Wedding

This is the first full-fledged anniversary, embodying the time-tested strong love and understanding. The wife traditionally receives a bouquet of 11 roses: 10 scarlet and 1 white.

15th Anniversary - Crystal Wedding

Purity and clarity of family ties, at the same time, caution and care, with which one should relate to each other, so as not to break instantly what has been built over the years.

20 years - Porcelain wedding

This jubilee keeps, like Chinese porcelain, the secret of longevity and a happy union.

25th Anniversary - Silver Wedding

A quarter of a century together is a worthy union. Silver reminds that family is the most valuable thing in life.

30th Anniversary - Pearl Wedding

Time of time-tested trust. The husband gives his wife jewelry made of pearls for this anniversary.

Linen (coral) wedding.

Few couples can boast 35 years of living together. The symbol of this jubilee is a tablecloth on the table, at which children and grandchildren gather, embodying the comfort of home.

40th Anniversary - Ruby Date

The scarlet color of the precious stone speaks of the blood closeness of the spouses.

50th Anniversary - Golden Wedding

It's time to take stock, share experiences and rest on our laurels.

60 years- Diamond wedding

A strong and beautiful relationship is embodied in the perfect diamond.

75th Anniversary - Crown Wedding

Rare people manage to celebrate this date, a truly royal gift.

Nowadays, many families do not notice round dates and do not celebrate anniversaries. The point is not in beautiful holidays, but in the years spent in joy and sadness shoulder to shoulder.

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A wedding anniversary is a kind of a family's birthday. In the course of history, many beliefs, names and signs have developed that refer to a particular period of life together.

The wedding day is called green. It symbolizes the beginning, youth and freshness of a new family.

1 year - chintz wedding. It is believed that in the first year young people are just beginning to get to know each other and their relationship is similar to chintz.

2 years - paper wedding. Relationships are beginning to be compared with the already thick enough, but tearing paper.

3 years - leather wedding. During this time, young people must learn to feel each other, as they say, with the skin itself. Since the family did not break off relations like paper, it means they learned how to get along with each other.

4 years - linen wedding. Linen is a symbol of durability and strength. Thus, it is believed that the family has successfully laid a solid foundation for living together.

5 years - wooden wedding. This is already a solid anniversary. At this time, they say that the husband must have time to grow a tree from which further family life will be built. However, the happiness of spouses is still very much afraid of fires (quarrels), which can completely destroy the relationship. This anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale. Guests do not have to give expensive gifts. The main thing is to visit the spouses.

Anniversaries over five years

6 years old - cast iron wedding. At this time, the first metal appears, which symbolizes the strength of relationships. However, it will take a long time for an ordinary piece of iron to turn into a real jewel.

7 years - copper wedding. It is believed that at this time the spouses can no longer break off the relationship. They only need to melt and adjust the existing ones.

8 years old - tin wedding. This period is considered to be the beginning of updates. Spouses need to be presented with new, sparkling and shiny things.

9 years old - faience wedding. It is believed that this is a dangerous period in the life of a family, when relationships are very fragile.

10th Anniversary - Tin Wedding. This date should be celebrated on a grand scale, because this is the first round date of the family. You need to invite all the guests that were at the first wedding. Guests need to give truly beautiful gifts that you can put at home or carry with you. The husband must give his wife 10 roses: 1 white, as a symbol of hope and 10 red, as a symbol of love. At the same time, all guests need to give the spouses at least one flower.

Anniversaries over ten years

15th Anniversary - Glass Wedding. The clarity and transparency of the glass symbolizes the clarity and openness of the relationship between spouses. Crystal dishes must be present on the festive table. Guests should come dressed in something light. For this anniversary, you can give everything that is made of crystal: glasses, vases, salad bowls, and so on. The feast must be continued until the husband breaks the glass.

20 years - a porcelain wedding. It is believed that the dishes presented for the first wedding have already broken and it is high time to give a new one.

25th Anniversary - Silver Wedding. This year the family gets to the precious metal for the first time and before the first "famous" date. Guests are required to give gifts of silver. It doesn't matter if it is cutlery or precious jewelry. On this day, the spouses can exchange silver rings and wear them along with the main wedding bands. This ritual shows that the bond of the spouses has become twice as strong as it was before.

30 years - a pearl wedding. Pearls symbolize the beauty and perfection of family ties.

35 years old - coral wedding. Corals speak of the health and longevity of a married couple.

40th Anniversary - Ruby Wedding. On this anniversary, they say that no more trials can destroy a family.

45th Anniversary - Sapphire Wedding. It is believed that sapphire is able to relieve a family from ailments and give truly good health.

50th Anniversary - Golden Wedding. The most significant anniversary. On this anniversary, the spouses need to give each other new wedding rings. At the same time, the old are passed on to unmarried grandchildren or other relatives. A repeated wedding ceremony on this day can be held again in the registry office.

Anniversaries over fifty years

60th Anniversary - Diamond Wedding. They say that there is nothing stronger than family relationships.

70 years - a blessed wedding. We need to look back and understand that love sent by fate is the highest grace.

80 years - an oak wedding. The couple gained the wisdom and strength of the great tree.

100th Anniversary - Red Wedding. This name was given by the Agayevs - the only spouses who managed to live up to the significant date.

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Tip 6: What are the correct names for different wedding anniversaries

A wedding anniversary is an event that can be celebrated with family and loved ones. There are certain names for each year of cohabitation, according to these names it is very convenient to choose an amazing gift for a married couple.

The beginning of family life

The golden mean of married life

50 years of married life is a golden wedding, 55th anniversary is an emerald wedding, and 60th wedding anniversary is called a diamond or platinum wedding. 65 years old - called an iron wedding. 70th anniversary is a blessed or grateful wedding.

75th anniversary of living together - a crown wedding. The symbol of this name symbolizes that a joint family life is married. The 80th anniversary has the name of an oak wedding, where the oak is a symbol of longevity. The 100th anniversary of living together is a red wedding, such a wedding anniversary was celebrated only once in the family of the famous long-livers Agayevs, who gave the name of the wedding anniversary.

Family life is not only a gorgeous wedding with fun until the morning and expensive gifts. Living together for a long time and being able to maintain harmony in a relationship are the main criteria for a strong and happy marriage. It is customary to celebrate a wedding anniversary every year, but only every fifth is considered an anniversary (5, 10, 15 years and more). Each anniversary has its own name and preferences: what to give the spouses on this day.

5 years of marriage - wooden wedding

The strength of the relationship between spouses is like a tree: the family "put down roots" and blossomed with all colors. Or maybe it has already borne fruit in the form of children.

This is no longer easily torn chintz (1 year together) or paper (2). The tree also symbolizes wisdom. The couple threw off their rose-colored glasses, looked at each other and wisely decided to focus only on the merits of their partner.

Gifts: wooden boxes, photo frames, books and various household items.

10 years - pink (or pewter wedding)

This period is called the second honeymoon, because, having overcome all the crises, the family reached a new level. Tenderness is still going through the roof. The spouses already know all the sore spots of the partner and try not to step on them.

It is customary for the husband to give his wife a luxurious bouquet of 10 red roses (as a sign of enduring passion) and 1 white one, symbolizing a further bright future, for a decade of marriage. Guests give gifts with a hint of the strength of the marriage: wine of good strength and aging, figurines or pewter cutlery, dishes, etc. A composition of red and pink balloons / flowers will also be a great gift.

15th Anniversary is Glass Wedding

Symbolism: glass is a pure material, as well as the relationship of spouses who lived together before this date.

18th Anniversary is a Turquoise Wedding

Symbols: turquoise is a bright stone that means the brightness of a relationship.

20th Anniversary is a Porcelain Wedding

Symbolism: the sets, like a married couple, are beautiful and harmonious.

21st anniversary is an Opal wedding

22nd anniversary is a Bronze wedding

23rd Anniversary - Beryl Wedding

24th anniversary is a satin wedding

25th Anniversary is Silver Wedding

Symbolism: silver is a precious metal, spouses value their relationship.

The 26th Anniversary is the Jade Wedding

27th Anniversary is a Mahogany Wedding

The 29th anniversary is a Velvet wedding

30th Anniversary is a Pearl Wedding

Symbolism: pearls are a symbol of purity of relationships, their strength and perfection.

31st anniversary is a swarthy wedding

34th Anniversary is Amber Wedding

35th wedding anniversary is a Linen wedding

Symbolism: a linen tablecloth, personifying wealth and peace in the family.

The 37th anniversary is the Muslin wedding

The 38th anniversary is a Mercury wedding

39th Anniversary is Crepe Wedding

40th Anniversary is Ruby Wedding

Symbolism: ruby ​​is a gem that personifies fiery love.

The 44th anniversary is a Topaz wedding

The 45th anniversary is a Sapphire wedding.

46th anniversary is a lavender wedding

Symbols: lavender is a plant with a delicate aroma. The love of the spouses is pure and tender.

47th Anniversary is Cashmere Wedding

48th Anniversary is the Violet Wedding

49th anniversary is a Cedar wedding

50th Anniversary is a Golden Wedding

Symbols: gold is one of the precious precious metals. Spouses value their relationship.

55th Anniversary is an Emerald Wedding

Symbols: emerald is a green stone that means eternity.

60th wedding anniversary is a Diamond wedding

So, for example, if you immediately "occupy" his kitchen (despite the fact that this room has been considered "female territory" from time immemorial), then your loved one can start dragging prey to the "den" and eat in bed or watching TV, resignedly while surrendering their master's positions. A man can stop cleaning up after himself and washing dishes - he is simply at a loss, because he does not know where what is lying. Therefore, you need to introduce your innovations gradually, leaving time for adaptation.

Be careful and consistent in your actions and in the bedroom area. Of course, the man will give you the side of the bed that you prefer, but this does not mean that you can immediately change the interior of the room by rearranging the furniture. Most likely, the beloved will be against it. Do not be offended, because he already made room and gave you most of the shelves in the closet.

By the way, your man is unlikely to protest violently against the seizure of your jars of creams in the bathroom space, but he will not immediately get used to the fact that most of his clothes will move to the bathroom awaiting washing.

However, the apartment should still have a territory where a woman is categorically prohibited from entering. This is, of course, a safe and a personal computer corner. Most men will not tolerate invasion of this personal space. Follow these simple tips, and your period of getting used to each other will pass "without a hitch"!

Many couples break up, unable to cope with adaptation to each other in the first year of family life. Indeed, it is very difficult to resist the routine and deal with the increasing irritation. But this must be done.

Deal with conflicts without outside help

During the candy-bouquet period, people try to prove themselves from the best side, carefully hiding their shortcomings. But when they start living together in the same apartment, it becomes incredibly difficult to hide something from each other, and all the flaws very quickly become discovered. This is where the problems begin.

The most important thing is to talk to each other and resolve the conflict together, instead of seeking advice from friends or family. No one knows your situation better than you do. Therefore, any advice that you receive will be useless, and often following it will even bring harm.

Do not compete with each other

There is no need to prove which of you is in charge. Partners in mature, healthy relationships always strive for a compromise that would both sides and not infringe on anyone's interests. Look for a way out together, without trying to “pull the blanket over yourself,” and your mutual respect and trust will only grow.

Feel free to ask

Your partner is not a telepathic person, and he is not able to read your desires. Do not hesitate to voice your desires and requests to each other, there is nothing shameful in this, on the contrary, it will increase your chances of getting what you want. But be prepared that your partner may refuse your request; the refusal must be supported by an explanation of why the request cannot be complied with.

Keep your habits

The fact that people live together does not mean at all that they should become one whole. They are still different personalities with different desires, habits and weaknesses, and do not forget about this or try to change it. Of course, common aspirations and traditions appear, but you should not give up your originality. After all, you fell in love with each other for who you are, so why insist on drastic changes?

Romantic relationships between a man and a woman develop in order to create a family in the future, raise a child, live old age in perfect harmony, being support for each other. But before a wonderful wedding celebration, as an act of creating a family, many modern couples prefer to live together.

As often happens, the candy-bouquet period lasts several months and sooner or later you will face reality, because your partner will no longer restrain character flaws and regularly make concessions to your whims. This is where the true test of feelings begins, when all masks are eliminated, and the true essence of a person is naked.

The more likely you will be partially disappointed in the man, living with him, because courtship and the desire to please you will fade into the background. But do not forget that each person has flaws and, perhaps, some of his habits can be forgiven for his docile nature and ability to make money.

In this article I want to tell you, girls, what awaits you when living with a man, and highlight the main points for which you should be prepared.

1. Woolly bathroom. A cute little thing that first of all will kill all the aesthetic admiration for your man. I remember in the first month of the relationship I come home from work, and the guy meets me contentedly in a bath towel (he just took a bath). I wanted to warm up after a busy day, and was just about to pour some water with foam, when my eyes met charming short hair, "smeared" around the perimeter of the bathroom. Apparently, my friend tidied up his armpits and other interesting places, or maybe he shaved, the fact is that rarely men want to wash the bathroom after their ablutions. And every month I observed a similar picture on a regular basis, while it is almost impossible to disaccustom a man to "naughty" or at least rinse a bath / sink behind him.

2. Toilet "magic". If you want to regularly get a small pool in your toilet, be sure to "get" yourself a masculine creation. No matter how they try to get “into the ring”, they miraculously smear past with enviable regularity, leaving you a “present” on the toilet seat or next to you. And, here's another "toilet" moment. The joke that a man cannot be taught to lower the seat ring behind him - however, not a single friend of mine has yet managed to pity the man and accuse the girls living in the apartment of disrespect - all in vain.

3. My fragrant prince. Jokes as a joke, but with the appearance of a man in the apartment unfamiliar persistent aromas begin to appear. For example, every day I smell like shaving foam and men's cologne, which annoys me. But her friend was less fortunate - her faithful has a habit of coming back from sports and walking around the apartment for an hour or two, emitting the "aromas" of sweat and street dirt. Men’s socks are also worth mentioning - wherever they are, the aroma will accompany them until the very wash.

4. Speaking of socks ... Anecdotes are anecdotes, but here's something - the harsh reality, namely the inability of men to put their socks where it should be (and other things, which is already there). No matter how hard you try to allocate for your beloved the most comfortable and spacious shelf in the closet, and even a whole wardrobe - you will definitely take out a couple of socks from under the sofa, behind the washing machine or closet. As for things - yes, maybe the man will make concessions to you and agree to put his stuff on the shelves (if there is no comfortable chair with a back in the room). But there is no way to teach him to keep order there - guys in nature create chaos wherever they stop (with very rare exceptions).

5. Gramophone in the "toilet". Girls, if someone has a subtle aesthetic perception of a man, be ready to part with this feeling, because guys are actually far from aesthetic creatures. For example, if we run to the toilet when it is in another room, turn on the water, try to play a melody or flush it off at the right time, then the beloved man is very far from such bells and whistles and does not see the need to be ashamed of the faithful. Be prepared to hear a brass band, the roar of an elephant, the cries of a falcon and loud bursts in your closet almost every day - this is how our beloved men love to go to the toilet with loud accompaniment. And one more interesting point - men like to go to the toilet in a big way so much that it is almost impossible to get them out of there - be prepared to wait until your loved one has served to the fullest, and only then expect to get into the coveted room.

6. Little oddities. Just like girls with their manicure and the desire to pluck their eyebrows before going to the store, men can have their own oddities. Often it looks like a desire to strum on a guitar all day, spend hours digging in the garage without pushing a motorcycle or car to be repaired, or reading forums about boxing without ever visiting a sports section. My boyfriend had his own amusing hobby - he collected comics and always from 7 to 9 pm, even if it was snowing or hail, devoted this time to reading them in a repeat circle. When I once hinted that I yearn for his attention, he told me in response that he hated my carrot mask for delicate skin of the face and advises to apply it when he is not at home. In response, I did not find anything to say - everyone should have their own "cockroaches" in their heads.

7. Constant litter, like a pet. Alas, this cannot be avoided, unless your boyfriend is pedantic and clean. Unfortunately, in the nature of a man there are only 2 extremes - dirty or pedant, but it will be very, very difficult to bring up the "golden mean".

So here's a list of what to expect from living with a man:

Nail clippings will never be removed, so get ready to sweep them a couple of times a month;

It is not necessary to throw out the used ear sticks, at least, the man sincerely believes;

Leaving tea bags in the kitchen is a task for weaklings, all real men throw the bags where they stop, right up to the side of the bathroom or cabinet in the hallway;

If a man has already started repairs or minor repairs, get ready to be on duty near him with a broom, a scoop and a vacuum cleaner, since men do not know how to work accurately and clean up construction rubbish at all;

Only cleaners put boots in place, so sneakers dirty with melting snow will flaunt right on the floors you freshly washed;

The man volunteered to cook - God forbid, because you will spend more time picking up scraps of food and husks than you would prepare the dish yourself.

8. Lives like a native. Yes, a man is not whimsical in "service", but if you want to see him well-groomed and clean, you will have to remember about the things the guy needs. They live great without shampoos, shower gels, even regular soap. Until you bring them a razor blade or shaving foam, they will shave less often. They will wipe the panties to the holes, I generally keep quiet about the socks - they will wear them for the last couple of weeks in a row, emitting miasma. Even a man’s health, by and large, doesn’t care - don’t cook food, he will choke on "Rollton" and enjoy life. Do not buy a hat - he will walk with red ears, convincing you that he is already fine. The only thing a man remembers is that he needs to buy spare parts for his beloved computer - at least in this he can be trusted.

9. The assistant is still the same. Do you want to move in with a man in order to facilitate your housekeeping and equip a calm life? Forget this idea! My sister, like most of the girls, did not manage to accustom the man to basic help around the house. Only if she falls into hysterics or undertakes to do the hard work herself, will he deign to offer his valuable help and do one little business a week. So let's get ready, my dears, to scrub the apartment, wash, clean, cook food and buy what we need on our own. Moreover, at the same time, do not forget to nurse him, feed and clean, let him go for a walk with friends.

10. My "dear" music connoisseur. What do you think is the likelihood that your musical tastes match? Personally, like most girls, I was not lucky - my beloved loves to listen to heavy rock and metal loudly and all day long. It didn't even take me a week to hate the whole rock culture. However, here I was supported by the neighbors, who more than once asked for a "courtesy visit" to us. But most of all, my good friend was unlucky - the guy forced her to make love to his favorite chanson. Just imagine - a long prelude, passion, and then a song about street gangs or the life of a prisoner begins to play in the playlist (romance is still the same).

11. Style icon. In fact, this is just the nickname that you can never give to the guy with whom you live together. Men complain that, as we get married, we begin to put on greasy robes and keep frightening cucumber masks on our faces for hours. And they themselves are good - as soon as they move in with a girl, they completely forget to use cologne, shave unnecessarily, pricking our delicate skin with 4-day stubble. And also our glamorous "baboons" love to walk around the house not only without tops, but only in shorts, and not in tight boxers, but in old and comfortable families. So we admire every day a flabby tummy, hairy back and chest, torn panties and disheveled hair (after all, combing your hair for a date is no longer required).

12. How men get sick. Oh, if I knew when this performance would take place, I would invite all my friends and relatives in advance with a basket of popcorn and a bucket of Coca-Cola. I am so surprised how my strong and athletic man can turn into a defenseless and weak child in one hour, who only whimpers, complains and exaggerates his condition at times. At the moment of illness, my beloved reminds me of Carlson, who was the sickest in the world, but a jar of jam (in my case, condensed milk) can put the unfortunate on his feet. Yes, yes, men during illness master amazing theatrical abilities and techniques, forcing even the most callous person to cry. But if a football match looms on the horizon, the beloved will recover sharply and enthusiastically jump up on the bed after each goal. These are they, our brave and strong creatures, the so-called "strong" sex.

13. How can you think about it? As my friend said, after she moved in with a guy, she began to notice very curious and stupid reflections behind him, which during the "demonstration" dates did not attend him. Now the boy could not hesitate to think early in the morning about what the worms eat. And on his friend's birthday he said that he would like to celebrate his own in a cave. Yes, while living together, many girls begin to think about the adequacy of their man. But, I hasten to assure you, strange male thoughts are absolutely normal and stable, just because of the romance of dating, he did not dare to voice his admiration for the Wildebeest or talk about the national holidays of Mozambique. In the end, girls, for example, love to engage in self-criticism and whims about weight, which men forgive us and try to accept. Let us also let them be interested in crazy things, and for a stable and strong relationship, try even to play along with them. Eventually, you will find that it is fun to think about all sorts of nonsense with the person who is willing to share it with you.

14. Insatiable gluttons. Having discussed the topic of the fact that men cook inaccurately, we approach the issue of their use of food. Sometimes this process emits something prehistoric - not every day you see how a person desperately gnaws a bone or gushes soup, as if he hadn't eaten for 3 years. Yes, men eat not only sloppy, but also a lot, often overeating (especially if you have prepared something especially tasty for him). Get ready that the chicken that you baked in the oven for 2.5 hours for 4 days of food will be gnawed in an amazing way by the end of the second day. At the same time, it's a shame that beloved men do not always care that we get the last piece. They can innocently eat 3 plates of hodgepodge, and then blink in surprise, saying, "I thought you already ate."

15. Welcome to the virtual world. The worst vice of living together if your loved one is addicted to Internet games. This happened to me and the relationship went through many scandals and painful moments, because a man-gamer cannot be returned to the normal world by any effort. You can cook a delicious dinner and wait another 2 hours with a cold meal, when he finishes the "last" game. You will not be able to send a report to work in the evening, because the beloved will have "the most important match." Finally, your intimate life will suffer, because even if you bite his ear and unambiguously run your hand into his panties, there is a chance that he will simply brush it off and grunted “come on later” to you. And this "later", of course, will not come, because when after 4 hours it finally plays enough, you will sleep for a long time after a hard day at work.

In this article, I tried to collect the experience of millions of women in order to compile a list of the most common problems in living together with a man. If you want to influence the habits that have just appeared, do it in the first weeks of living, and do not feel sorry for your loved one, do not hope that he will change. The first months determine your further relationship, so teach him the laws of living with you at first, or accept him as he is.

It is worth dealing with all your belongings even before moving to a shared apartment, where it is possible. Tidy up and decide what things really matter to you. Leave room for new things that you will acquire along with the love of your life.

Divide things into four categories:

  1. Save.
  2. Sell.
  3. Give.
  4. Throw it out.

Save the clothes you have worn over the past year and essential furnishings that you are not planning to buy anytime soon. Sell ​​what has value but has become redundant or just bored with you. Present clothes and shoes that you have not worn for a long time, books and anything that is not worth the effort that will require finding a buyer. Take the rest to the trash heap.

Do not forget to get the opinion of your loved one before you get rid of something.

2. Don't close your eyes to flaws

These can be both minor and very serious problems. could be an obvious reason for a breakup. But drug abuse can go unnoticed until the moment you find yourself in the same territory. The point here is how well you know each other.

In some cases, a few conversations are enough to answer questions such as:

  • Are you able to shower together, or do you prefer to retire while grooming?
  • How will your work schedules intersect?
  • Who will be in charge of the bills?
lightwavemedia / Depositphotos.com

It also happens that your half already has it. Then you have to decide if you are ready to become a part of his life.

Or maybe we are talking about your weak points. In this case, don't be defensive. Try to look at yourself from the other side and decide what concessions and changes in yourself you are ready to make.

But do not hope that everything will be resolved by itself in the new place.

3. Don't assume that you don't have to deal with finances.

Probably, the one who coped better with his own will be in charge of the general accounts. If your favorite is, set up an automatic transfer to your account of at least the part that will go towards housing payments, loan coverage or future joint purchases.

Don't worry about becoming a nanny. Treat this as an investment of your time and knowledge without future conflicts.

4. Do not assign all household chores to just one person.

Many couples make this mistake. As a rule, a pile of dishes is washed by the one who is the first to feel sick at the sight of it. It’s unfair, but it’s very easy to get stuck in such unbalanced scenarios of living together. Before moving in, discuss equality in the field.

  • Who takes out the trash?
  • Who is washing the dishes? (Often this is someone who does not cook. But it may be easier for someone to take over the entire kitchen, and for another - the room and toilet.)
  • Who is fixing the closet when it starts to creak?

minervastock / Depositphotos.com

All of these tasks have nothing to do with what gender you are or who makes the most money. It is better if it is done by someone who is less difficult.

As a last resort, if none of you wants to do it, you can order cleaning services by entering this expense item into the general budget, and never swear over dust.

5. Don't pretend you're married

This is a serious blunder. Many people see cohabitation as the first step to marriage. For many, this is true. Couples living in the same area have a great opportunity to test each other's willingness to compromise, generosity, emotional, and financial compatibility at the household level. All of this is priceless.

But the fact that you started living in the same square does not mean that you will definitely get married!

Avoid creating unhealthy dependencies on each other. Your belongings do not belong to your loved one, and his things are not yours. When making decisions, you do not always have to consider the interests of your partner. You can try to make a relationship out of it, but you can always break it off if it doesn't suit you. This is the meaning of your life together, isn't it?

Each fairy tale ends with the prince and princess moving in and living happily ever after. And then - not a word about the disputes about who will wash the toilet. In real life, of course, everything is not so romantic. The match is so harmonious that it will most likely not be possible to continue to lead the old life in full. This means that you will have to adjust something, change your habits, and look for compromises.

What mistakes do we most often make when starting to live together, and can they be avoided?


Change drastically

Let's start with the banal but commonplace. Legends go about women who, having moved in with a man, relax, stop taking care of themselves and start walking at home exclusively in curlers and dubious-looking dressing gowns. Of course, I want to believe that in the modern world this is still some kind of exaggerated horror film, and no one today calls for getting up earlier than her husband and making beauty. But nevertheless, sharp metamorphosis should be avoided. Hopefully, the man knows how you look without makeup, and you won't scare him off by washing off your eyebrows.

We are talking about not only external changes, of course. It is also not worth turning from a sweet, calm person, having barely crossed the threshold of a common house, into a brawler / brawler who falls into hysterics because of a dirty cup or a call from an unfamiliar number.

Deprive each other of personal space

Normally, each person needs a certain amount of personal space. Someone needs not to be touched in the morning for an hour and certainly not before two cups of coffee. Someone prefers to sit in silence, coming home after a hard day at work. Living under the same roof does not at all mean that you have to grow into each other and others "we are such friends with him, wherever he and I go." Relationships should not be cramped and stuffy, and so that you do not want to break out of them, you need to give each other (if necessary) be alone or just in silence.


Totally control

Here, as in the first paragraph, everything is entangled in legends, tales and horror stories like those that as soon as a couple begins to live together, a woman every day waits for her beloved at the door with a rolling pin in her hands, without taking her eyes off the dial, and then makes her breathe into a tube.

Naturally, if you live together, your whole life is in full view, and it will not work imperceptibly to stay for half an hour from work. In addition, with such closeness, it may sometimes be tempting for someone to flip through unopened mail or turn out the pockets of their pants before sending them to the wash. Do not. Remember that a person needs personal space, including outside the home. Not to mention the fact that if there is no trust in a relationship, then it is better not to start them at all.

Impose your own rules

Each adult has his own way of life, his own idea of ​​how everything should be, his own rules that have been formed over the years. Naturally, taking and making drastic changes in life is not easy and painful.

For example, one of you is used to having dinner on the couch in front of the TV, while the other needs a full meal. Or in the family of one it was customary to walk around the house in shorts, not hiding anything from prying eyes, and the second is scared to death by articles that a man should not even think that you have periods or hair grows on your legs. We remember that they don’t climb into someone else’s monastery with their own charter, but we have two charter here, so we will have to look for a compromise.


Pay attention to nonsense

Starting to live with someone, you must be ready for such classics of the genre as socks scattered around the house, untwisted tubes of toothpaste and plates thrown in the sink. But you need to understand that there is not enough health for every discarded dirty mug, and it is easier to relate to all this. On the one hand, yes, it is from all these everyday little things that our life is formed, but on the other, if we are not ready to put up with them, then it is better to live alone.

Don't raise financial issues

The question is also not easy, since not everyone is able to openly discuss monetary topics. But when you come together, you still have to more or less decide how your expenses will be conducted from now on. Both separate and joint budget options are possible, and in both cases additional questions will arise, because one of the partners, for example, earns significantly more than the other, or one adherent of austerity, and do not feed the other with bread, let’s lower half of the salary in the first day.

Pull all household chores alone

As before, women speak of the ability of a husband, boyfriend, and partner to equally share the burden of household chores as about incredible luck, great luck and unthinkable happiness. That is, if a man can wash the dishes and take out the trash, then this is regarded as a gift from heaven, and if sometimes he is also able to cook something, then this is generally marvelous. Yes, despite all the achievements of modern civilization, the topic is still painful, and more often, nevertheless, “moving together” for a woman means getting an additional load (for example, many say that, living alone, they did not particularly bother with cooking, live with a man, they began to fully stand at the stove), while a man, on the contrary, receives a free housekeeper. It would be better if you discuss at least an approximate distribution of responsibilities even before the stage of collecting suitcases.


Play silent

It is foolish to think that your partner should guess about your thoughts, read them in their eyes and feel them with their hearts. The only way to a normal relationship is to discuss everything openly. Speaking without being ashamed of offending a person is better than silently suffering from misunderstandings, accumulating resentment and anger for months, years.

Hope for a miracle

In order not to be excruciatingly painful, you do not need to hope that, just by starting to live together, you will immediately be able to change your partner and instill in him the necessary (in your opinion) habits. It is worth discarding illusions, forgetting your ideas about an ideal relationship and really looking at things. Because real life is not only wrapped in a blanket and watching your favorite TV show in an embrace, but also a hard struggle for the remote control.

And yes, it won't hurt to buy a second blanket.

Before trying to live with a guy under the same roof, I dated him for about five years. Our conversations more and more often began with words of love and ended with reflections on the wedding. But to marry a man to whom you will devote your life, to share with him ambition, joy and sorrow, to give birth to children is a serious step, and at first I decided to try to live a little with him and understand if I was ready to be his wife.

As they decided, they did so. We moved to the capital in search of our happiness, sharing not only a roof over our heads, but also all everyday things: homework, budget, everyone's free time, hobbies and even television channels.

At first everything was just fine, but over time, some friction of interests began. To smooth out the moments of living together, I had to try. Now, having analyzed that moment in my life, I can draw some conclusions:

1. Homework

When we started living with my boyfriend together, we each had a job. There was very little time for household chores, so they had to do it together. My man did not always want to wash the dishes, did not always vacuum in the rooms, but it was still very pleasant to come home and dine with dishes prepared by his hands.

Now everything is different: he works and earns money, I sit at home and do my homework, but the main thing is that I like it and everyone performs the role (work) that brings the maximum benefit to the family. Maybe things will change again after I have a permanent job.

2. Personal and general friends and girlfriends

After the two begin to live together, their friends are divided into personal and general. Mutual friends are people who are always welcome on common square meters, they send greetings to such friends and meet with them on weekends. Personal friends are those who have completely different interests than your chosen one (chosen one), so you can introduce them, but you cannot make friends.

There is nothing wrong with this division of people into personal and general friends. Personal friends are not a reason to quarrel, but an opportunity to become more confident in the eyes of your significant other.

3. Budget

Even if this is not a family budget, but the "common pot" requires certain rules. Our joint budget consisted of all the money we made. Nobody postponed their N / A. We tried to manage our money wisely, so that there was enough for the necessities and remained for entertainment.

This approach is still valid now, after years of living together with my now husband. The budget turned out to be the easiest task to accomplish, with which we immediately coped.

4. Personal space

Every person needs such space. Sometimes you just want to be alone. Sometimes you just want to be alone and think about plans, about life, about the correct choice and priorities. At work, it is unrealistic to do this, at home it is also difficult to be alone, which means that you need to give freedom to a person so as not to get bored - to give the opportunity to be alone for several hours.

This could be a shopping trip (for girls) or a visit to the garage to tighten the nuts in the car (for a guy). Bars, discos, parties, etc. are unacceptable for this purpose, because they do not dispose a person to loneliness, if you understand me ...

No wonder they tried

After six months of living together, we have matured a mutual desire to unite our relationship by marriage. We made this decision after we were able to understand each other in practice and accept them as we are. We tried, if not to break off, then blunt the "thorns" that we had, so as not to injure each other.

Now our family life allows us to grow and educate further, and six months of trial and error are left behind, leaving only a slight smile of memories of the first days we lived together and the first rules that are now the law.

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