What gifts for children. Options for creatives. Bright boxes with a "secret"

The birth of a child, especially if it is the firstborn, brings many changes to the life of the family. While waiting for the baby to appear, you have to take care of the dowry for him - things that will be needed for discharge from the hospital and after it. Therefore, the question of what to buy for a newborn is relevant for many future parents.

Faced with the acquisition of a dowry for a baby for the first time, it is easy to get confused, because the list of necessary things seems huge. How to avoid mistakes when choosing, not to miss anything important and not buy too much? A list of things that a baby needs immediately after birth and in the first months of life will help to deal with this.

List of things to take to the hospital

A few weeks before the preliminary due date, it is advisable to prepare bags with everything that the mother and baby will need during their stay in the hospital. The needs of a woman in labor are a topic for a separate conversation, but for a newborn, you need to take the following things:

  • 2 packs of diapers, designed for an infant weighing from 2 to 5 kg;
  • thin diapers (cotton) - at least 5 pcs., flip-flops - 2-5 pcs., disposable moisture-absorbing - 5-10 pcs.;
  • 2 thin and dense caps (hats);
  • 2 pairs of socks;
  • protective gloves "scratches";
  • 4-5 overalls (size 56-62) or rompers and undershirts;
  • bottle and pacifier (in some maternity hospitals they are prohibited);
  • baby hygiene products (diaper and diaper rash cream, wet wipes, cotton swabs and discs, liquid soap);
  • soft terry towel;
  • special scissors with blunt ends for cutting baby's nails;
  • a baby blanket if the weather is cold (not required in all maternity hospitals).

It is also worth collecting things for discharge in advance - overalls, an envelope, a hat. It is not necessary to take them with you right away, at the right time the husband or one of the relatives will bring the cooked.

List of necessary things and rules for their choice

After giving birth, there is usually not enough time to choose things for the baby, and if you do not take care of them in advance, you will have to entrust this matter to relatives. The result can be purchases that do not match the taste and requirements of the young mother.

To avoid disappointment and be sure that everything you need is waiting for your child at home, it is better to do it yourself. Not sure what to buy for your newborn? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most important things for the baby and the nuances of their purchase.

For sleep

The sleeping place of a newborn can vary. Some parents put their baby in their bed for the night, but this option is not the safest option, so most still use a bassinet or crib.

In addition to her, you will need a children's orthopedic mattress, several sets of bedding for the baby, a blanket (flannel or woolen, depending on the temperature in the house). An optional but useful attribute is soft bumpers for the crib. They will protect the child from injury from the rods and create a cozy atmosphere for him to sleep.

A night light, preferably dim or dimmable, does not hurt. It will make it easier to care for your newborn at night, since you do not have to turn on the overhead light to feed your baby or change his diaper.

For swimming

Bathing a child in the first months of his life will require some skill, as well as the use of special things and cosmetics. What to buy for a newborn to simplify water procedures? You will need:

  1. Bathtub and bathing mattress. You can purchase a model with a built-in slide, on which a newborn is placed, but as practice shows, it is not always convenient. For example, in it it will be difficult to turn the baby over on his stomach.
  2. Thermometer for determining the temperature of the water. Its presence is optional, but desirable. The skin sensitivity of an adult and an infant is very different. Water that seems warm to you can be scalding to your baby, so it is best to control the temperature with precise methods.
  3. Specially formulated for bathing a newborn. The packaging must indicate that it can be used from the first days of life. But even such a remedy is not recommended to be used more often 2-3 times a week, the rest of the time it is better to bathe the child in clean water, adding a decoction of a string or chamomile to it.
  4. A soft baby sponge or a washcloth in the form of a mitten. This accessory for bathing is also not necessary, since at first the baby can simply be washed by hand.
  5. Bath towel. The material should be pleasant to the touch, and the size should allow the child to be completely wrapped in it.

Some parents, in order to save money, do not buy a baby bath, preferring to bathe their baby in a regular bath. But, given the increased susceptibility of the newborn to bacteria and infections, this is not recommended. Even a thoroughly washed bathtub is not sterile enough for a baby.

For walks

Walking in the fresh air is very useful and, if the weather permits, it can be done within a week after discharge from the hospital, the main thing is to dress the child for the season. The list of what to buy for a newborn baby for walking depends on the time of year and the preferences of the parents.

Of course, you can't do without a stroller. The carrycot model is ideal for a baby. But if you want the stroller to be versatile (transforms into a sitting position), it is better to take one with a removable bassinet. It is advisable to purchase a model equipped with a bag for various necessary little things, a raincoat and a mosquito net.

Mothers who do not plan to breastfeed will need a thermal container for formula bottles. With it, during a long walk, you can not worry about the baby getting hungry at the wrong time.

Those who have a car should also take care of a car seat for a newborn. If the walk involves a trip, the child should be in it, and not in the arms of the parents. This guarantees its safety in the event of a traffic accident.

During the warmer months, a sling or a special backpack may come in handy. It provides the child with constant physical contact with the mother, while the woman's hands remain free. This option is great for shopping, taking a short walk, or doing household chores.

For food

The list of things necessary for feeding depends on whether the baby will be breastfed or artificial. What to buy for a newborn who is fed with formula or mixed (breast and bottle feeding)?

In this case, you should purchase:

  • several baby food bottles;
  • a mixture suitable for the baby (even if you do not plan to breastfeed, it is better not to buy the mixture in advance, but to consult a pediatrician about this after the baby is born);
  • purified bottled water for children;
  • bottle warmer and sterilizer (these devices make it easier to care for the first baby dishes, but you can do without them);
  • brush, bottle cleaner (can be replaced with regular baking soda).

If you want to breastfeed, you may need a breast pump. Some women do without it, but when difficulties arise with the health of the mother or baby, it is irreplaceable. In such situations, the breast pump allows you to maintain lactation and avoid congestion in the breast.

Devices are manual and electric. The choice depends on the frequency of use and personal preference. Manual breast pumps are more suitable for intermittent pumping, while electric breast pumps are more suitable for regular pumping (for example, when the baby cannot suck independently). It is difficult to predict in advance which option will be useful to you, so you can look at several suitable models, and later, if necessary, purchase one of them.

Additional accessories will help make feeding more comfortable, such as:

  • a comfortable chair and a bench under your feet;
  • silicone breast pads (they reduce pain when cracked nipples appear);
  • nipple formers to solve the problem of their irregular shape (needed if the nipples are flat or inverted).

For the convenience of the mother, you will also need 2-3 nursing bras. They should be made of natural fabric, reliably support the chest, have wide shoulder straps and detachable cups. In addition to the bra, it is worth purchasing disposable or reusable pads in case of milk leaks.


What to buy for a newborn from clothes? Seeing tiny socks, hats, suits and even dresses in stores, it is difficult for expectant mothers to resist the temptation. Therefore, by the time of birth, almost every baby has a solid wardrobe, most of which he does not even have time to try on.

Children grow up very quickly and if you do not want your child to have a lot of unclaimed things, you should show moderation in your purchases. So, for the first time, a newborn will need:

  1. Knitted bodysuits with long and short sleeves - 3-4 pcs. They are fastened between the legs, and some also in the front, which is very convenient when changing a diaper. In addition, the bodysuit, unlike the vests, does not bulge up. For a newborn, it is better to take those that unfasten in front, since it will be difficult to put clothes on the baby over the head.
  2. Warm and knitted sliders or pants - 5-6 pcs. It is advisable to choose not too wide so that they do not fall off.
  3. Warm jumpsuit for walking if the baby is expected to be born in late autumn, winter or early spring.
  4. Socks - 5-6 pairs.
  5. Knitted caps - 1-2 pcs. and a hat for walking (seasonal).
  6. Anti-scratch mittens - 2 pairs.
  7. Cotton jumpsuits slips - 5 pcs. According to mothers' reviews, these clothes are the most practical and suitable for all occasions. In sleepsuits, it is comfortable for the baby to sleep, lie on his hands, and walk.
  8. Biker and cotton diapers - 5-6 pcs. If you plan to swaddle your baby, you can take more so you don't have to do the laundry every day.

This is the minimum set of clothes for a newborn. Of course, elegant things may also be needed, for example, if you decide to make a photo session for your baby. It all depends only on your imagination.


In the first month of life, the child practically does not need toys, since his vision is still not sufficiently focused. During this time, you can use a musical mobile (spinning carousel with figures), suspended above the bed, and rattles.

The sounds they make should not be too loud and harsh. It is better to take light rattles for newborns, small in size - 6-8 cm in diameter. For active knowledge of the world around it, it is useful to let the baby touch different materials; for this purpose, you can purchase plastic, rubber, wooden and fabric figures on rings.

Personal hygiene products

From the very birth, a child needs cleanliness. What to buy for a newborn to provide proper care for baby's delicate skin? You will need:

  • diapers or diapers appropriate for the baby's weight;
  • baby wipes;
  • diaper cream;
  • diaper rash powder;
  • cotton balls (needed for washing, washing, treating the navel);
  • special cotton swabs with a stopper for cleaning the ears;
  • baby soap, liquid or lump;
  • sea ​​salt, herbs (string, calendula, chamomile) and pine needles for bathing;
  • grape seed oil, peach or petroleum jelly (for massage and treatment of folds);
  • powder and conditioner for baby clothes, for example, "Eared nanny";
  • blunt-ended scissors.

It is also worth getting a plastic bucket for small debris. By placing it next to the changing table, it will be convenient to put used napkins and diapers there.

First aid kit

Children are often sick, and the newborn should be treated immediately if they feel unwell. In addition, the baby needs specific care before the umbilical wound heals. Therefore, parents should always have a children's first aid kit at hand.

What medicines to buy for a newborn? The first-aid kit should contain: remedies for colic (Espumisan, Plantex, etc.), antipyretic for children in syrup or in the form of rectal suppositories (Panadol, Efferolgan), hydrogen peroxide 3% with a dispenser and a brilliant green solution for treating the navel.

It will not be superfluous to worry about means to maintain immunity, such as Grippferon drops, Viferon gel or suppositories. They will be useful for preventing the infection of the baby if someone in the family gets sick, as well as at the first signs of a cold in the baby.

It is important to have allergy remedies in the house. In some cases, for example, with the development of Quincke's edema, they can save lives. Suprastin in ampoules and tablets has a fairly fast action. It is better not to take any other drugs in advance, using only the remedies recommended by the pediatrician for treatment.

In addition to medicines, you will need a gas tube, a thermometer (mercury or electronic), a 50 ml enema pear, a pipette, an aspirator to remove mucus from the nose, a syringe without a needle (it is convenient to give the child liquid medicine from it), and a sterile bandage. In case the mom or someone close to her catches a cold, it is a good idea to keep a few bandages on her face around the house to prevent the baby from getting infected.

In order not to spend a lot of time looking for medicines and other necessary things, you can buy a ready-made first-aid kit for a newborn at any pharmacy. The composition of such kits may differ slightly from the above list.


The list of necessary things for the baby is nearing the end. But there are a few more items that can make life easier for parents. If the baby is restless and does not fall asleep well, a pacifier may help. Not all parents teach their children to nipple, but sometimes the baby needs it to calm down faster.

If the baby is weak or premature, it is recommended to opt for softer, latex pacifiers. For a baby with a good sucking reflex, a silicone pacifier should be used as it holds its shape better, is more durable and easier to clean. You also need to pay attention to the protective disc that comes into contact with the baby's face. It should not be too heavy and have holes or bumps that prevent the material from adhering to the skin tightly, causing irritation.

Another optional but useful accessory is an electronic baby scale. They can come in handy if the newborn is sickly, underweight, or not gaining enough.

Usually such scales have an error of 5 grams, some models show the difference between the last and the previous measurement. Devices with a removable bowl will be more convenient to care for.

Women living in a private house or a large apartment will need a radio or video baby monitor to constantly monitor their baby's condition. These devices consist of two blocks (one is placed near the child, the other is at the parent), in the first case, the sound is transmitted, and in the second - also the image. The choice of a specific device depends on the needs - the desired range, signal quality, additional functions.

Given the constant emergence of many new gadgets and items that simplify baby care, the list of things to buy for a newborn is almost endless. Whether to purchase all the technical innovations or to limit yourself to the necessary minimum is up to you. The main thing is that the selected items are of high quality and safe.

Useful video: what things are needed for a newborn?

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Choosing a child's gift that would be not only interesting and long-awaited, but also useful is not an easy task. It is better to approach this issue slowly, deliberately and carefully. After all, children's emotions and impressions of a gift, a smile on the baby's face and his good mood, this is the most expensive thing that can be received in return. Therefore, when choosing a certain present, it is necessary to take into account the interests and hobbies of the child himself, which at each certain age are very different from each other. Someone likes scientific and educational games, someone is fond of musical toys or electronics, and some cannot imagine their lives without wild animals and domestic animals or without fairy-tale characters. At the same time, it is more and more difficult to please the little recipients of the gift every year, because the older the child becomes, the more needs he has. Therefore, in order to really please the baby and give him a lot of positive emotions, it is important to choose a really good gift.

The choice, no matter how strange it may sound, is complicated by the variety of children's products that are presented on store shelves. Adults are often at a loss in front of the assortment that they see in front of them. The task is that the purchased gift will interest the child for a long time and at the same time be able to teach him some new skills. Additionally, it should only evoke pleasant emotions, so it’s better to immediately abandon gloomy and frightening toys in the form of bloody and wounded soldiers and dolls that rose from the graves. A gift should be perceived as something magical and the most wonderful that you can get only for a holiday.

You should not give your baby something that the adults themselves lacked in their childhood. There is even such a judgment that more often mom and dad buy exactly those toys that they themselves did not play enough in a distant childish age. And this is the biggest and most common mistake parents make. After all, what adults like will not always appeal to their children. The gift, if possible, should be the fulfillment of the cherished desire of the child himself, and not of his parents. That is why, before deciding what to give the child, you need to decide what exactly he wants to receive at this moment in life and what he has long dreamed of. Considering all these points, the choice of a gift becomes easy and quite simple.

What gifts are best for boys?

1 year gift for a boy

Kids who are just one year old are already beginning to be interested in the things around them. They enjoy touching, pulling, feeling, and trying things around them. Therefore, the chosen gift must meet all these requirements. You can purchase a soft toy in the shape of an animal or a car, which will contain all kinds of ribbons, round holders with protruding balls, teethers, rustling or ringing elements. It would be nice if the toy could make some muffled sounds. And, of course, the color of such a gift should be bright and eye-catching. Or you can give a music book with beautiful drawings, convex details and opening windows. She will not only help train visual memory, but also introduce the baby to a new world for him.

Still not sure what to give?

Gift for a boy for 2 years

Two-year-old boys almost never sit still trying to find themselves an interesting occupation in order to spend their accumulated energy. Their activity simply rages and requires an exit. Therefore, the gift should be such as to attract attention at least for a while and help develop perseverance. And a large multi-colored constructor with large cubes will cope with this, with the help of which you can build and erect new structures each time. Or you can donate a toy railway with several trains, which will be equipped with musical accompaniment. An amazing painting canvas, on which images appear with the help of ordinary water, will be a good gift. Or it could be some kind of toy on wheels that the kid can roll with the help of a special handle.

Want some examples?

Gift for a child for 3 years for a boy

Boys of three years already understand a lot and know exactly what they want at the moment. They try to be very much like adults and their dads. Therefore, a set of tools can be an excellent gift, thanks to which the child can help the father and feel needed and significant at the same time. You can also present a set for playing Indians, where the boy can develop coordination of movement. And you can also choose a police set that any child will be happy with. Such a toy from an early age will teach you to understand the difference between good and evil, and that for all bad deeds you will have to be punished. At this age, children always want to have a new and large tractor, construction crane or tank.

The best toys in our review of gifts: what to give a boy for 3 years.

Gift for a child 4 years old boy

At the age of four, many children already have their favorite cartoon characters. Therefore, a gift can be associated with just such a fabulous creature. It can be an interactive cat or dog that will talk to the child, teaching him new words and sentences. Or you can buy a whole music farm. It will help you get to know pets, their babies and the sounds they make better. To improve motor skills, a children's piano is great, which can be presented in the form of a colorful book with songs and pictures of Soviet cartoons. In addition to its direct duties, such a toy will help to cultivate the right taste. You can also buy a large multi-colored transformer that has the ability to transform into an airplane or a car. And, of course, sets of soldiers and warriors remain relevant, with the help of which you can play out a real military battle.

Gifts for a boy 5 years old

Five years is the age when a child already has a lot of things, so it becomes more difficult to please him. He is beginning to be interested in adult things, in the form of phones, tablets and cars. In this case, an electric car becomes an excellent gift. With the help of it, it will be possible to study and consolidate the concepts of "right" and "left", and also learn how to visually determine the distance. An alternative is a bicycle, which is beneficial for the child's fitness and strengthens the leg muscles. You can also buy an interactive tablet that will help you get acquainted with the Russian and English alphabets, with the account and numbers. Such a gift will be a godsend for those children who are going to school soon. Indeed, at this age, only through play will a child be able to truly remember and learn something.

Great for a review of toys: what to give a boy for 5 years.

Gift for a boy 6 years old

Six-year-olds are already beginning to compare themselves with their peers, while trying to be better at everything. This also applies to the toys that he has. At this age, you can donate roller skates equipped with additional lights and accessories. Either buy a huge car or a large radio-controlled helicopter. Or you can choose a whole series of encyclopedias about dinosaurs, cars or military weapons as a gift. Another awesome gift that any boy will surely love is sports equipment. These are boxing gloves with a punching bag, a basketball floor ring, a leather soccer ball, and a baseball bat. Such sports toys form a masculine character and teach a boy to a healthy lifestyle.

As you can see, the problem of choosing a gift for boys is solved very quickly, if we take into account the age category and individual preferences.

What is the best gift for a girl?

Gifts for a one-year-old girl

A one-year-old baby is already beginning to be interested in more and more things around, especially those that can make sounds and be pleasant to the touch. In this case, a small teddy bear or baby elephant will be an ideal gift, when you press the paw of which you can hear a lullaby. The main thing is that the child does not have allergies. In this case, an alternative can be a set of numerous rubber toys of bright colors, which squeak when squeezed in the hands and with which you can enjoy swimming. A developmental rug with a mirror, small hanging toys and rattles can also be a great present. On it, the baby will be able to slowly get acquainted with the outside world.

Gift for a girl for 2 years

Girls, who have already turned two years old, are beginning to gradually realize their "female" destiny. Therefore, at this age, any doll with a stroller will be accepted with a bang. The baby, caring for the doll, will learn to care and responsibility. And rolling a baby doll on a wheelchair will help to develop coordination of movement even more. A colorful interactive book with wild and domestic animals that make various sounds can also serve as a good gift. The child will not only be able to get to know the animal world better, but also learn to catch different sounds by ear, and this will have a beneficial effect on the auditory perception. You can also purchase an unusual set for playing in the sandbox.

Examples of toys and gifts in the article: what to give a girl for 2 years.

Gifts for a girl for 3 years

At the age of three, the girl already knows a lot, and she becomes interested in more serious games that require some skills. In this case, a confectionery factory or a candy factory using plasticine becomes an excellent gift. This exciting game will keep the child busy for a long time, who will try to create another plasticine masterpiece with their little hands. Such finger work has a positive effect on motor skills, which will further affect the good development of the speech apparatus, and such toys also develop imagination and imagination, and teach the correct color combination. Three years is a period when a girl can be introduced to the multi-colored world of paints, markers and crayons.

Ready-made gifts for three-year-old girls: what to give a girl for 3 years.

Gift for 4 year old girl

The age of four is characterized by a sufficiently maturing little girl. She is already becoming a mother's helper and is trying in every possible way to feel and show her importance. And during such a period, toys that are somehow related to the household become excellent gifts. It can be a washing machine that has several buttons and creates a washing effect. Or a toy kitchen stove with all kinds of pots and pans. You can also buy a large and colorful set for cleaning the house, with a painted apron, gloves and a scarf, or a set of a young doctor. Such gifts from childhood accustom girls to cleanliness, order and responsibility, which is simply an irreplaceable quality for adorable persons.

Review of favorite children's toys at 4 years old: what to give a girl for 4 years.

Gift for a child 5 years old girl

At the age of five, the baby begins to resemble her mother with might and main, trying to match fashion trends. There is a desire to decorate yourself with various accessories. And here, of course, a set of jewelry is suitable as a gift, where you can see: beads, multi-colored bracelets, clips, a tiara, colorful elastic bands and hairpins. Or you can buy a handbag with baby cosmetics. This will help the girl to study her face even more and develop her taste. At this age, many girls strive to learn new material. They like to collect large puzzles and mosaics, play with magnetic boards. You can give an original and festive set for creativity from sand or beads. Such a gift will help develop perseverance and patience.

Great for a review of toys: what to give a girl for 5 years.

Gift for a girl 6 years old

Six-year-old girls often have an inner desire to be mothers. They also want to swaddle someone, feed someone, put someone to bed. Therefore, a baby doll that can eat and go to the toilet, as well as talk, cry and laugh, will become a wonderful gift. Such a toy will teach you how to handle a living creature correctly. And you can also give a big house for dolls, where the girl can play in a real family with the construction of various life situations. This helps not only to see from the outside her perception of her own family, but also to determine the role that she assigns to herself. Good gifts at this age can also be: a bright bicycle, an interactive mobile phone, a huge teddy bear, a girl's set of constructors.

What toys do children choose? Our review of toys: what to give a girl for 6 years.

When choosing a gift for girls, it is worth considering the moment that they grow up faster than boys, therefore, their interest in complex and logical games manifests itself much earlier. Therefore, sometimes you can afford to buy a toy that is ahead of age.

What to give for a child's birthday? It is rather difficult to find an answer to this question. Especially if the parents are not too close to their child. Today we will try to understand how to choose the right present for babies of different ages. What to look for when buying a gift? What are the best ideas? With the right approach, the questions under study will seem simple. However, even the following gift examples are not an exhaustive list. Someone will like the present, but someone will not be delighted with them.

What to look for

A birthday present for a child is something that should please a minor. Usually problems with choosing a presentation begin at school age. When children already know well what they want.

When choosing a gift for a child, parents need to take into account:

  • the age of the baby;
  • minor skills;
  • hobbies of your child;
  • the budget that you want to spend on a gift.

Usually, parents give their children expensive gifts - this is normal. And if there are no problems with finances, then choosing a gift will not be difficult. Especially when taking into account the interests of children.

We ask the birthday boy and his friends

What to give for a child's birthday? The easiest way to choose a present is to have a dialogue with a minor. Parents can simply ask their children what they want for their birthday. This practice is found in many families. And it begins from the moment when the child already speaks well and has some interests.

If the birthday person is a teenager, parents can find out the information they are interested in through the child's friends. This will make a real surprise. Often, friends and classmates know what kind of gift the future birthday boy is dreaming of.

All that remains to be done later is to find and buy a present. And present a gift on your birthday. Nothing difficult or incomprehensible.

Hobby to help

What to give a child for his birthday? Sometimes it happens that children have several desires. Or they just don't know what they want for their birthday.

Such situations are not uncommon. What to do? It is important to pay attention to the child's hobbies (relevant, as a rule, for school-age children). And taking these features into account, choose a present.

For lovers of technology, a computer game, laptop, computer or hardware for a PC may be suitable. Does the child like to read? A good book or a deluxe edition is what will surely delight a young reader. Is the child an athlete? A sports equipment or a sports pass of your favorite type is perfect.

The most important thing is to know what the child really likes. Parents who are friends to their children do not have any difficulties when asking what to give their child.

Emotions come first

The age of materialism is passing away. Children and adults begin to prefer emotions rather than material gifts. As parents think about what kind of birthday present to give their child, they can focus on ideas that fill them with positive memories.

Here the present depends on the age and preferences of the birthday person. Birthday animators can be hired for small children and preschoolers. The child will delight and even pleasantly surprise a holiday to which some favorite princess or superhero has come. Usually, such events are held in children's rooms - performances, cafes, contests and gifts - this is what will surely bring a lot of emotions. And most importantly, the child will be able to invite his friends to the celebration.

Of course, it will be more difficult with children of school age, but not by much. Some parents send out invitations to their child's birthday before puberty, arranging a celebration in children's rooms with animators or in cafes / pizzerias.

For a birthday, you can give:

  • tickets to the amusement park;
  • tickets for a concert of your favorite band (relevant for teenagers);
  • a trip to the circus (for young children);
  • subscriptions to various master classes;
  • games in the questroom;
  • playing laser tag or paintball;
  • classes in the shooting range.

This is not a complete list of interesting gifts that will be remembered by a lot of positive emotions. But, as a rule, they are already suitable for children closer to school age. For a small child, birthday animators will seem like something fabulous and incredible. And you can take advantage of this. Some parents invite fairy tale characters straight home, even without a cafe.


What to give for a child's birthday? As already mentioned, everything depends not only on interests, but also on the age of the birthday person. Let's look at some interesting ideas for different kids.

Let's start with the smallest ones. A huge problem is choosing a good present for kids. The birthday of a child at 1 year old is a holiday mainly for parents. After all, the baby is unlikely to remember him. Nevertheless, one should not forget about a gift for a young birthday boy. All the more so to his parents.

For 1 year old babies, you can give:

  • kinetic sand;
  • Finger paint;
  • unusual sorter;
  • a set of books;
  • bath toys;
  • walker;
  • jumpers;
  • Chair for babies;
  • rocking chair (for example, a horse);
  • children's developmental tablet;
  • a synthesizer for the little ones;
  • drum or other musical instruments.

In addition, if you want to give your baby something useful, you can give preference to a variety of educational toys. There are a lot of them - talking toys, multifunctional sorters, musical rugs and so on. Everything bright and beautiful is suitable for a baby.

Children after three

What to give for a child's birthday? Fewer problems arise with children after three years of age. At this age, babies can already say what they want to get. And most toys can handle it too.

Birthday greetings for a child usually include nice gifts. After three years, children can be given:

  • puzzles;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • dolls;
  • cars;
  • gunners (and up to 3 years old too);
  • constructors;
  • bike;
  • ATV;
  • a robot toy;
  • radio controlled toys;
  • play sets (kitchen, auto repair shop, and so on).

It is also important to consider here what the baby is fond of. Books are good gifts too. But, as a rule, children at the age of 3 are more happy with toys than with a product book.


What to give a child (boy) for his birthday? With age, some parents no longer have the problem of choosing presents. In particular, due to the fact that children already know exactly what gift they would like to receive.

The list of presents for preschoolers is similar to the list for 3 year olds. The difference is that at 3 years old, an invitation to a child's birthday in a cafe with animators will still work, but at 6 it is unlikely. It is better to gather the friends of the birthday man and just arrange a celebration at home or in a pizzeria.

School, school

A child's birthday at 1 year is not the most difficult period. After all, the older the children get, the higher their demands. And not always parents can buy this or that present.

At school age, picking up a gift is no longer as easy as in the case of babies. In addition, you can see that closer to school, children are strongly divided in terms of toys and hobbies into boys and girls.

What to give a child (girl) for his birthday? Schoolgirls may like the following gifts:

  • needlework kits;
  • DIY kit for making soap / candles / perfume;
  • cooking classes;
  • a set of children's cosmetics;
  • kits for creativity (for example, with plasticine);
  • dolls.

Boys can be presented with:

  • computer games;
  • cars;
  • set for playing tanks (radio-controlled);
  • kits for creativity;
  • developing play sets (such as "young chemist" or "do-it-yourself experiments");
  • radio controlled toys.

Typically, the presents listed are suitable until high school. Teenagers prefer very different gifts.

For teenagers

How to give a child a birthday present? We will deal with this issue later. To begin with, we will try to find out which presentations are best for modern children.

It is more difficult to please a teenager. This is an already formed personality who wants many different gifts. And not all of them are budgetary.

Teenage girls will definitely rejoice:

  • a set of expensive cosmetics;
  • quality perfume;
  • a subscriber to a fitness center;
  • massage course;
  • a visit to the spa;
  • fashionable clothes and accessories;
  • discs of your favorite band.

Modern teenage boys will surely be satisfied with:

  • karting tickets;
  • branded clothing and footwear;
  • computer games;
  • game consoles;
  • accessories for the PC.

Some teenagers are happy to go with their friends to a pizzeria, cafe or questroom. The main thing is not to send invitations to the child's birthday to relatives and not to "lock up" the teenager at family gatherings. Few would rather have dinner with family than fun with friends.

Universal gifts

Finding a good birthday present for a child with the right preparation is not so difficult. We have already listed some ideas for the presentation. There are also a couple of safe bets. But as a rule, they are suitable for teenage children.

For your birthday you can give:

  • money;
  • a set of cosmetics for body and face care (professional);
  • telephone;
  • a computer;
  • notebook;
  • tablet;
  • smart watch;
  • virtual reality glasses;
  • game joystick;
  • game disc for the console;
  • PlayStation;
  • a printer;
  • camera;
  • wrist watch;
  • e-book.

That is, among the universal presents for children (and for some adults too), money and a variety of equipment are allocated. According to statistics, gadgets are more valuable today than books and other gifts.

For newborns and parents

We figured out what to give for a child's birthday. Almost all possible interesting ideas were presented to our attention.

It remains to figure out how best to present a present. And we have not considered the question of what can be given for the birth of a baby. Usually, such gifts are gifts for both parents and a newborn.

At birth, you can present:

  • diaper cake;
  • sets of clothes for newborns;
  • rattles;
  • baby monitor;
  • video baby;
  • chaise longue for the baby;
  • ergo backpack or sling;
  • a set of good baby cosmetics for newborns;
  • educational toys for newborns.

In addition, new parents are usually given money for the birth of a child. And already on them you can buy what the family really needs.

How to give

Some people want not only to please the child, but also to present a present beautifully. Usually, this process does not deliver any special problems - the purchased gift is beautifully wrapped, and then, after the birthday person wakes up, they give it. Together with this, they say birthday greetings to the child. For example, they wish you happiness, health and academic success.

Want to excel? If the birthday is organized in the form of a celebration in a cafe, it is better to give a gift there. Especially if it's not very big.

Some parents invite animators for more than just the entertainment of their children. They also give gifts to birthday people. Usually such gifts are just an addition to parental gifts. But they still delight the birthday people.


We have seen some gift ideas for children of different ages. The presentations listed are not intended to be exhaustive. The bulk of parents just encounter them.

In fact, only the birthday man himself can say exactly what gift a child wants. Kids are given toys, older children are given gadgets. It is preferable for teenagers to give money for a present - let them choose a gift of one value or another themselves.

Every year it becomes more difficult to surprise a child. Today, manufacturers of children's products provide a huge selection of various products. A seven-year-old boy or girl is an already formed personality. At this age, all children go to school, so they have their own preferences, interests, hobbies and desires. As a rule, future birthday people discuss with their parents in advance what to give them. And the best option is to fulfill the dream of a son or daughter.

What toys can you give a seven-year-old child

Today, on store shelves, you can see many toys that will appeal to a child at this age. But the older the future birthday boy is, the more difficult it is to choose a suitable present on his own. Not all guys are fond of cars, some prefer robots. And girls may not be interested in dolls at all, some like to play with the constructor more.

Preferences in toys for children of 7 years old can be very different, always consult with the parents the girl was presented with a doll Preferences in toys for children of 7 years old can be very different, always consult with the parents

Before buying a surprise for a birthday, check with your child or his parents. It is better to give a thing that will delight the hero of the occasion.

Children of seven years of age will definitely appreciate:

  • RPG kits: There is a huge selection of options. For girls, a beauty salon, a sewing machine, and a sewing kit are perfect. Boys buy a set of a young mechanic, various constructors;
  • radio-controlled toys: such gifts are selected individually depending on the gender of the child: a fairy or a helicopter, for example. But there are also universal models: both boys and girls will like a robot pet;
  • musical mat: playing with such an invention not only helps to develop hearing, a sense of rhythm and speed, but also guarantees a fun pastime on your own or with friends;
  • airbrush for tattoos: don't get scared right away, because this is not a real machine The manufacturer offers a special kit for creating beautiful drawings on the body. The kit also includes stencils, sequins, a brush and special body glue;
  • favorite cartoon characters: dolls, robots, transformers, soft toys. The main thing is to first ask the birthday man which character he prefers;
  • Collectible Figures: Today, many school-age children collect collections. They usually consist of small toys. In addition to such a gift, special houses or castles are bought, where new models are placed;
  • children's musical instruments: give your child a synthesizer with a microphone so that he can hum during the music playback;
  • tent: personal space is very important for the guys. Today, Indian-style wigwams are popular. And if space permits, you can order a real wooden or plastic house with a door, windows and a roof. The child will be delighted.

Gallery: what toys to choose for a birthday at seven

The girl will learn to sew outfits for dolls
The child will learn to understand music and rhythm
Collectible figures are sold one by one or as a set Boys love not only to disassemble, but also to assemble models Radio-controlled pet knows how to perform some commands
The music mat can be played with the whole family
With such a gift, a 7-year-old kid will have fun. Such a plastic house can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Today, many manufacturers produce entire collections of dolls and robots

Video: robot cat review

Useful gifts for the development of a child at 7 years old

Early development is not only important for full-fledged maturation of boys and girls. School-age kids also need to exercise, devote time to logical and other activities.

Shopping for active children

It is not recommended to force children of this age to do anything. It will be more productive to interest the child with the help of interesting and useful gifts. In a playful way, boys and girls will perform all the exercises much faster and with pleasure.

  1. Bicycles: this transport does not give up its popularity even today. A seven-year-old child will be able to master a two-wheeled model without much difficulty. The size of the wheels depends on the height parameters of the young cyclist - if the baby is 115-130 cm, the tire size should be 20 inches, if taller - 24 inches.
  2. Skateboard: If it's summer outside and the weather is fine, it's time to learn how to skate a skateboard. Many parks have special places and slides where children and adults can train and learn new elements. For children 130-140 cm tall and a standard shoe size, a 7 "wide x 28" long board is suitable. If the child is tall and has a larger foot size than his peers, then you need to take a board 8 inches wide and longer.
  3. Rollers: if your son or daughter does not have such roller skates yet, hurry up to get them. During skiing, the muscles of the whole body are strengthened. It is recommended to purchase a helmet, knee and elbow protectors with the product to minimize the risk of injury during a fall.
  4. Ball: If the guys are into football, basketball or volleyball, this is a great holiday gift.
  5. Gyro scooter or segway: there are special models for sale for children. They are smaller and come with protection. A model with a handle is also suitable for a seven-year-old child.
  6. By interests: it all depends on what kind of sport the student is fond of. Gymnasts will appreciate the soft rope and leotard, boxers - gloves, etc.
  7. Training uniform and shoes: sure to come in handy for a child who loves to spend time actively.
  8. Children's simulator: if parents have a place in the house where this product can be installed, feel free to buy such a present for the birthday person.

Gallery: sports gifts

Not only gymnasts can train with a rope
Recently, gyro scooters have become very popular. Together with rollers, you should buy a protective kit. All children love to ride a bicycle. A soccer ball is an excellent gift for a young football player. In many sports clubs, children are engaged only in training uniforms.
Skateboards come in different sizes
It is good for children to keep fit
Learning to ride segway is very easy

Video: how to choose a children's bike

Video: how to choose a skateboard

Educational gifts

  1. Sculpting kit: special kits with plasticine mass are popular, which does not leave marks on hands and clothes. In addition, special shapes are sold to sculpt anything. If the plasticine has become unusable, just buy the necessary colors, they can be purchased separately.
  2. Constructor. For children of seven years old, it is better to give a large thematic set. Children will build a whole city from small details.
  3. Volumetric puzzles. The children will also like to collect ordinary pictures from many elements. But 3D models are much more interesting.
  4. Sets for creativity: it is better to buy such a surprise according to the interests of the birthday person. Boys will love the burnout kit, and girls will love making jewelry with their own hands or decorating a box.
  5. Board games: there is a large selection on store shelves for every taste. One of the most popular is Monopoly. It is interesting to play it not only for children, but also for adults.

Gallery: educational gift ideas

With the creativity kit, your child will feel like an adult
Such a puzzle model will be an excellent decoration for a children's room. Different colors of plasticine can be purchased separately. There is a Monopoly for children, so the child will quickly understand the rules. The most popular sets of constructors today are Lego

Gallery: books for 7-year-olds

Surprises for the first grader

Useful gifts will be items that will come in handy during the educational process:

  • desk: the child does his homework every day, draws, sculpts from plasticine, so he just needs his own workplace. A wonderful present for a seven-year-old student will be a table and a chair with drawers, compartments for books, notebooks and stationery;
  • tablet: buy a child's device for the birthday boy, where the master will download educational programs in the form of exciting games;
  • a drawing kit: this is a case that contains pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, watercolors, gouache and oil paints;
  • educational notebooks: there are whole sets on sale that differ depending on the age of the child;
  • smart watches: with their help, a student will be able to call parents on a mobile phone, and mom and dad will know where their child is;
  • student's smartphone: to be constantly in touch, the kid already needs a phone. Special models for children are sold in the salons of mobile communications;
  • school backpack: a good orthopedic model is not cheap. Therefore, both parents and the child will be happy with such a gift;
  • e-book: with the help of this invention, the student will be able to read more of the literature they like.

Gallery: gifts that are interesting to students

A pencil case and a bag for changing can be sold with a backpack.Using educational programs on a tablet, a student will do math, reading and other exercises. Such a drawing kit will definitely come in handy for a student
Desks are sold in different configurations Today more and more parents are buying e-books for children Smart watches are very popular among children in elementary school A schoolchild's smartphone is not too different from a phone for adults A child in a playful way performs tasks in notebooks

Memorable and symbolic gifts

  1. Jewelry. At this age, the child already understands the value of such a gift. The donor can buy the finished product in the store or order from the master according to an individual sketch. In addition, they ask to make an engraving with the name of a boy or girl, date of birth, a short wish.
  2. Medal. Every kid wants to feel important, so rewarding him with such a gift is a great option. Many people buy a beautiful case and present a surprise in it. Some guests prefer to solemnly wear the product around the birthday person's neck. Then you need a chain or ribbon.
  3. Named dishes. This is usually a cup, but today it is popular to give whole sets such as plate, spoon, fork and knife.
  4. Festive outfit. A ball gown is ideal for a girl, but a boy will be a real gentleman in a strict, classic suit.
  5. Photobook. It is ordered in advance from a professional photographer. Some parents specifically arrange a photo session a few weeks before the birthday, so that the professional can process the photo and print an album, portrait or book.

Gallery: surprises to remember

The medal can be hung on the wall in the children's room

The very first birthday is a memorable page in family history. The kid himself still does not understand why there are so many smiling people around him on this day. But years later, he will be happy to look at photos and videos from this holiday.

All parents want to make this day unforgettable. In the course of preparation, which usually begins in advance, many questions arise, the main one of which is what to present to the little one. In this article we will try to answer it.

Age features

For a year, the baby has come a very long way. He met his relatives, learned to pronounce the first sounds and even syllables, crawl, sit, and some even walk. In one year, a new, no less interesting stage begins. Now the child will become aware of himself as a person, master speech, comprehend and try something new every day. The brain develops at a very fast pace, and every day a boy or girl needs new knowledge that will help them understand the large and complex world around them.

A birthday present at 1 year old should satisfy the child's need for this cognition. If in half a year it was enough to give a child a bright rattle or a tumbler doll, now the baby is able to understand more complex processes, and he needs more interesting games. He can already spend quite a long time playing alone, without his mother, and this should definitely be used when choosing a present for a one-year-old birthday boy.


Due to age, the child cannot yet choose a gift on his own. Therefore, there is no point in bringing a one-year-old toddler to a large toy store and presenting him with a choice. It will be better if the parents themselves, relatives and friends of the family choose something as a gift.

Depending on the goals the giver pursues, gifts can be different:

  • Helpful and functional. This includes clothing, footwear, baby care products, baby food, diapers (if you still need them);
  • Developing. These are games, sets, toys, the main task of which is to develop the child's intellectual abilities, his memory, attention, speech skills;
  • Playful and entertaining. These are toys that by themselves do not have a developmental function, but children really like, for example, plush toys;
  • Creative. These are sets for the development of creative skills - drawing, sculpting, collecting mosaics, applications;
  • Developing physical fitness... These include bicycles, swings, walkers, sleds.

The best gift for a child is the one that will be of interest to him, and not to his parents. Pampers, suits and T-shirts are a great gift for mom and dad, who can thus save the family budget on buying clothes for the baby. But the toddler himself is unlikely to be delighted with the new T-shirt. Paintings, family photos, decorated in a gift baguette, casts of baby's legs and arms are more likely to be memorable gifts for parents.

Gifts that can please the birthday person can be conditionally divided into several groups:


To satisfy the need of a one-year-old child in development and world outlook, you can give him a construction set. The main thing is that there are no small details in it. There are many types of constructors for children from one year old, which consist of large bright parts that are easily connected to each other. With such a toy, the baby will be able to develop fine motor skills, and coordination of movements, and spatial thinking.

Cubes are another versatile idea for a year-old of any gender. You should not take sets where it is proposed to put together a picture from cubes - this is still quite difficult for a baby, but large and bright cubes made of soft plastic will delight the child for another year and a half for sure.

Children are very fond of arranging everything in piles, sorting. Knowing this, you can safely take a sorter for a one-year-old birthday boy. This is a toy based on the principle of sorting, in which a child cannot make mistakes in principle. Figures of a certain color in it are embedded in grooves of a certain shape and color. The sorter can be simple - in the form of a rectangular platform, or it can be a real ship, plane, house. A simpler version of the sorter is inserts, which are a plank with grooves of various shapes, in which the child must pick up objects that are suitable in shape and color.

At one year old, children, as a rule, are happy to assemble a pyramid. The original model of the toy can be a great gift. For the development of fantasy, imagination and logic, as well as the physical form of the crumbs, you can give a puzzle mat. At first, you can assemble it with your mom or dad, and then you can have fun jumping and do gymnastics on it.

For creativity

Experienced mothers who have repeatedly re-pasted the painted wallpaper and washed the refrigerator painted with felt-tip pens know that the craving for beauty begins just closer to the year. This stage of development is very important for a child, even if he does not become a famous artist or sculptor.

It is still too early to buy paints and an album as a gift, the baby does not have the necessary perseverance for classes and it is still difficult for him to hold a brush. Give better finger paints. And to them a couple of large Whatman paper. It will be enough to spread the paper on the floor and release the child onto it, supplying him with jars of finger paints. He will be able to create his masterpiece with both hands and feet.

Usually children still gorge themselves on these paints, but you should not be afraid - they contain food colors that are completely harmless to babies.

If the young artist already stands and walks well, you can give him an easel for drawing, which is adjustable in height, as well as a set of paper for creativity.

Modeling lessons are very useful for the child's pens. Therefore, a set of good quality plasticine will be very appropriate.

Kinetic sand, which is popular today, can also be used for classes. It does not look like an ordinary one, because it does not crumble, does not stick to the hands and does not stain. Silicone added to quartz sand prevents it from breaking down into small particles. From such sand, under the control of the mother, the baby will be able to mold any sandy figure, and then break and mold a new one.


An interesting set of ducks or rubber pirates for swimming will give your child a lot of joy. The gift can be tried out the same evening, and, believe me, now every time during water procedures the baby will demand these toys.

It's too early to give interactive toys, but all kinds of wheelchairs will be just right. A child learns to walk, and it is much more fun to do this if you tie a funny caterpillar or a small train on wheels on a string. There are gurneys with a plastic handle that a child can push in front of him.

For several centuries, the rocking horse has not lost its popularity among babies from 1 year old. Today the choice of such toys is great. It can be a rocking giraffe, a rocking elephant, a rocking camel and anyone else.

Another favorite children's attraction is the swing. Surely, the kid has already ridden them with his mother in the yard on the playground, but he will not mind at all if the swing appeared in his apartment. You don't have to be the owner of a large living space for this. You can purchase a swing that attaches to a doorway.

A boy, even one who is barely a year old, will appreciate his own vehicle. A tolocar wheelchair is a small car or motorcycle with a steering wheel, sound effects, and a trunk opening. The kid will be able to ride a tolokar, pushing them off the floor with their feet. If desired, parents will be able to help the young driver by rolling the car from behind by the handle.


Leaders of practical gifts are sledges and bicycles. You should not buy a model "for growth" for a child, because the joy of the gift, when the child grows up, will dry up. Children want to have fun with their new toy here and now, so choose small bicycles. Desirable, with a canopy from the sun, so that the mother could replace the cane stroller in the summer with a new transport for her son.

A sled for a one-year-old boy, if the birthday falls in the winter, it is better to buy with an awning protection against cold and snow (with a special protective cover, which, by analogy with a stroller, can be easily fastened on both sides of the sled).

If you give a boy a small table with a chair, he will also be very pleased, especially if it is a developing platform with a lot of games, sorters, a place for drawing, sculpting, with scores and a button that turns on music and multi-colored lights.

Examples of specific gifts and feedback about them:

  1. Gymnastic center Chicco Deluxe 3 in 1 is a universal educational toy for children from 3-4 months to 3 years. If the child does not walk yet, you can remove the tabletop, which has a lot of play elements, including interactive functions (music, guessing). Once the child is good enough to stand and walk, you can put the tabletop back in place. Reviews about the toy are mostly positive, of the minuses, parents name only the high cost of the toy (within 7 thousand rubles).