What week of pregnancy you can not do. When you want anal sex. When can I have sex after a missed pregnancy

Until what gestational age can you safely have sex? When should you abstain from intimacy? Let's take a look at these important questions.

Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy?

While waiting for replenishment in the family, most couples do not give up an active sex life. If there are no indications for abstinence, then intimacy during pregnancy is only welcome. So that you are not tormented by baseless doubts about whether your sex life is harming your child, you need to find out for how long sexual intercourse is safe, and when it is better to refrain from intimacy.

Although there are general recommendations about sex during various periods of pregnancy, in each case it is necessary to focus on your own well-being and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. Any doubts should be voiced to your doctor.

Until what gestational age can you have sex

Until what gestational age can you safely have sex? This question is asked by all couples awaiting replenishment in the family. If there are no pathologies, there is no blood discharge, then pregnant women can have vaginal sex until the seventh month. From the second half of the seventh month, regarding intimacy, you need to consult a gynecologist.

If there are no deviations from the norm, then you can have sex until the 36th week of pregnancy. This refers to the obstetric period, it is considered from the first day of your last menstruation. At such late dates, it is worth limiting the number of sexual intercourses, since the tone of the uterus is undesirable. If you can have sex before the 36th week, then after this period, pregnant women need to coordinate their intimate life with a doctor.

Often gynecologists recommend using intimacy in the later stages as a labor induction. Orgasm contracts and sperm softens the uterus, thus preparing for labor. The peculiarity of intimate life until late is that pregnant women can actively have sex without fear of uterine tone, which is associated with risks only in case of premature pregnancy. Sexual intercourse during this period is safe, infection can be brought in in one case - if the integrity of the fetal bladder is broken.

If the doctor does not attribute sexual rest during multiple pregnancy, that is, it proceeds without pathologies, you can have sex until the end of the fifth month. Regardless of how you feel during a multiple pregnancy, from the 20th week, it is worth refraining from intimate contacts due to the high risk of preterm birth.

Is it possible not to protect yourself during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother responds differently to sex. An allergy to the chemical composition of semen may occur. There is always a risk of infection as well. The other side of the issue: open intercourse provides the female body with the necessary hormones that stabilize the background during conception. And in the last weeks of pregnancy, sperm helps soften the tissues of the uterus, and this will help it open faster and easier during childbirth. Therefore, the question of whether or not to protect yourself during pregnancy is recommended to discuss with a gynecologist, and not decide it yourself.

When not to have sex during pregnancy

There are periods when it is absolutely impossible for pregnant women to have sex because of various threats (termination of pregnancy, premature birth). It is important to know during which period of pregnancy you should not have sex and adhere to these rules. Critical periods include the first three months of pregnancy. The fertilized egg after implantation needs time to strengthen. Up to seven weeks, the chorion, which in the future will become the placenta, is very weak, so uterine contractions caused by sexual intercourse should be avoided. In the first - third month of pregnancy, it is impossible to have sex even when there are no pathological phenomena, and the pregnancy is proceeding well.

To the question from which week of pregnancy you will not be able to have sex, only a personal doctor can give an unambiguous answer, because everything is individual. According to general recommendations, intimacy should be abandoned two to three weeks before the due date. At this stage of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is contraindicated, it is impossible to have sex because of the hormone, which, entering the bloodstream during orgasm, stimulates uterine contractions. This can cause contractions. Also, the cause of premature birth can be a mechanical effect on the cervix that occurs during friction.

Who, if not an obstetrician-gynecologist, knows better than anyone whether it is worth having sex during pregnancy. Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy? Sex during pregnancy, as well as sex outside of pregnancy, is safe and, one might even say, mandatory. Of course, there are a number of contraindications, which must be individually indicated by the doctor leading your pregnancy. But, if it is not there, then a woman must certainly live a sexual life, because regular sex is one of the necessary things that ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

How does sex contribute to the normal course of pregnancy?

Firstly, any woman during sex releases a huge amount of hormones. The hormones oxytocin and prostaglandins are formed, which are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Outside of pregnancy, they regulate the normal functioning of the menstrual cycle, and during pregnancy, they prepare the uterus for childbirth. This is especially true of the hormone prostaglandin, which provides a good contraction of the uterus during childbirth and is contained in large quantities in the sperm of a man. It is impossible not to mention the important role of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which are produced in large quantities during harmonious sex and have an extremely positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

Secondly, during sex, a woman, like a man, receives emotional and physiological relief, and for a normal pregnancy, it is very important not to have problems with congestion in the vascular bed of the small pelvis and maintain emotional stability.

Thirdly, sex accelerates the process of removing the waste products of the fetus from the body of a woman. The baby in utero constantly pees and poops, at the beginning of pregnancy, these under-oxidized products cause toxicosis in a woman, and at a later date, in combination with vascular and renal disorders, preeclampsia (increased pressure, edema, protein in the urine), which is quite difficult to deal with . During sex, metabolic processes increase many times, contributing to the speedy removal of substances harmful to a woman, which helps to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis and preeclampsia.

Plus, sex helps women keep themselves in good physical shape, because during sex a woman loses a huge amount of calories, which allows her not to gain weight and keep her muscles in good shape.

So, we can say that there are a lot of reasons for having sex during pregnancy. In America, for example, there is even a method of treating everything with sex, including threats of termination of pregnancy. Here, of course, a certain conflict of concepts arises, but, as American scientists say, those positive emotions and the relaxation of the uterus that occurs after an experienced orgasm affect the uterus much more beneficially than all drugs - antispasmodics, tocolytics, which relieve unnecessary early uterine contractions leading to abortion. I would not so categorically preach sex as a panacea, but there is some truth in this.

What are the contraindications to having sex during pregnancy?

It is worth saying that at present, due to poor ecology, busy daily routine, nervous work, social factors and emotional stress,
the course of pregnancy of many women is complicated by the threat of spontaneous miscarriages even in the early stages of pregnancy. During nervous conditions, a woman produces an increased amount of the hormone cortisol and adrenaline - the so-called stress hormones that pathologically affect the course of pregnancy. No wonder our grandmothers said that all diseases from nerves are golden words, especially in relation to pregnancy.
Ideally, a pregnant woman should be in a calm emotional state, have a measured daily routine, sleep at least ten hours at night, have a reduced working day, timely rational nutrition at least six times a day, walk in the fresh air and swim until the very birth. If these points are violated, then there is a response from the body - a threat of termination of pregnancy, the uterus begins to resist the foreign body in its cavity, since it is unable to cope with such a load without adequate support from the woman. In this case, sex during pregnancy must be stopped. A contraindication is any physical effect, including sexual contact, which can enhance the contractile activity of the uterus.

Separately, it is worth noting the extragenital pathology of pregnant women - diseases of other organs and systems that pathologically affect the course of pregnancy, forcing a pregnant woman to constantly be at risk for miscarriage, for example, chronic kidney disease, heart defects, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and others. Such women have to spend a lot of time in a hospital to maintain pregnancy or on an outpatient bed rest and, accordingly, there can be no question of any sex in this situation.
Also, absolute contraindications to sexual activity are such pathologies as cervical incompetence, partial placental abruption, tear of the fetal bladder.

If there are no contraindications, then until what month of pregnancy can you have sex?

It is believed that you should not have sex before 7 weeks of pregnancy and after 36. I am now talking about obstetric terms, that is, the terms that are counted from the first day of the last menstruation.
Up to seven weeks, you should not have sex, because after the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity, it needs time to strengthen and develop a reliable link between it and the uterine wall in the form of a chorion - the future placenta. Up to 7 weeks, the chorion is very weak and any contraction of the uterus, including that caused by physical impact during sex, can cause its detachment. Even women with very good pregnancies should follow this rule.
Starting from 36 weeks (8 calendar months), it is forbidden to have sex again, since from that moment the preparation of the body for childbirth begins. The uterus actively tones, periodically contracts (training contractions), softens and opens the cervical canal, the presenting part of the fetus descends, and in order not to provoke premature birth, you should not have sex.

Can an orgasm cause preterm labor?

Up to 36 weeks and the absence of contraindications to sex - can not. There is such a thing as a “birth dominant”, which occurs in a woman closer to 40 weeks. The generic dominant is that complex state of a woman in which all organs and systems work to secrete the necessary amount of hormones to contract the uterus, open the cervix, lower the pain threshold during contractions and attempts, bring the hemostasis system back to normal, that is, increase blood clotting, so that during childbirth and after them there is no uterine bleeding.
Until the dominant has developed, regardless of whether a woman lives a sexual life or not, childbirth will not begin.

Can parents injure a child during sex?

This question is asked to me constantly by all 100 percent of pregnant women and their husbands. The answer to it is unequivocal: at any time, it is impossible to harm a child during sex, you should not worry about this. Being in the uterus, the fetus is protected by three layers that absorb any physical impact: a fairly dense muscular skeleton of the uterus, the fetal bladder and amniotic fluid. Plus, a fairly long cervix of about 3-4 cm protects the child from all external influences.

Do I need to protect myself while having sex during pregnancy?
You may not be protected if:
the partners are in good health, there are no genital infections, the woman has no allergic reactions to her husband's sperm and thrush that bothers her during pregnancy. There is even a separate medical concept - candidiasis of pregnant women. The fact is that during pregnancy, the Ph environment in the vagina is oxidized in order to strengthen the body's defense against bacteria. But the altered acidic environment is favorable for the development of yeast fungi, this is called thrush of pregnant women. In some women, the adaptive mechanisms of the body are designed so that they easily defeat thrush, while in others, especially those who do not follow a diet, who love to eat marinades, smoked meats, and sweets, thrush is fierce. If a woman begins to have thrush, then it is necessary to protect herself, since in the presence of a large number of fungi, the vaginal mucosa becomes loose, easily permeable to conditionally pathogenic bacteria that are always present in the husband's sperm. In the case of a healthy mucosa, the barrier is maintained, but if it is injured, then bacteria can cause secondary infection. There is also a possibility of infection with candidiasis of a partner.

It is known that many women during pregnancy increase the level of libido, what is the reason for this?

As you know, the growth of any organ is always accompanied by the appearance of a large number of new vessels and nerve endings.
In a nulliparous woman, the uterus is the size of a walnut, while during pregnancy it grows to an enormous size. Accordingly, her entire muscle mass is permeated with a huge number of vessels and nerve endings. Increases blood flow to the genitals, clitoris, erogenous zones in the vagina, responsible for obtaining pleasant sensations. Against this background, the level of libido in a woman may increase.
But it also happens the other way around, a woman may lose interest in sex in general. The reasons for this may be different: hormonal changes occurring in the body, preeclampsia, accompanied by a violation of the overall quality of life, any bacterial or viral pathologies, candidiasis that causes discomfort in the genital area, constant pain in the lower abdomen against the background of the threat of miscarriage, depressive states, etc. .

What positions should be preferred when having sex during pregnancy?

The main thing is that the man does not put weight on the woman's stomach. The missionary position should be categorically excluded, especially after 20 weeks. The safest poses, those in which the grown tummy does not touch: knee-elbow, when the man is behind, on his side and the rider's position.

What would you like to advise couples who are expecting a baby, but do not want to forget about sex?

The most important thing, I think, is not to forget about spiritual unity, great respect and love, helping to solve all problems in sex and give each other not only physical pleasure, but also emotional and spiritual intimacy. If sex before pregnancy was harmonious, your man understood and felt you well, then very rarely something changes during pregnancy, because a pregnant woman is not much different in sex from a non-pregnant one, so all fears are, to a greater extent, unfounded. The only thing that a child experiences during the sex of his parents is the emotions of his mother, because the hormones of happiness (endorphins) through the blood come to him.

A person wants to have sex, but during pregnancy, certain difficulties may arise with this. A lot of prejudice has developed on this topic - is it possible to have sex during pregnancy, when and in what position you can do it, and when you can’t.

In fact, the question is far from idle - an excessive desire for physical intimacy can lead to premature birth, and the absence of sexual activity for such a long period - to family scandals.

In animals, a pregnant female does not seek sexual life, and males bypass future mothers in search of more suitable girlfriends. This is a physiological mechanism that protects against premature activation of labor. In addition, a pregnant female of any of the mammals is not capable of conception.

In humans, this physiological mechanism is dramatically weakened. Men continue to be attracted to pregnant women, and besides, the pregnancy lasts a long time. That is why it is impossible to live all nine months without having sex with your husband.

The debate about whether sexual activity during pregnancy is harmful or beneficial will never subside in gynecology. Nevertheless, all experts agree on one thing - despite the many reservations and restrictions, it is possible to have sex during pregnancy.

Do I need to use a condom?

Conception during pregnancy is impossible, so there is no need for contraception. However, the use of a condom may be necessary - the penetration of sperm into the female body, when her immunity is weakened by pregnancy, can lead to various adverse immune reactions.

Using other means of contraception, in particular hormonal preparations, is not only pointless, but also dangerous. This may lead to termination of pregnancy. Intrauterine devices are removed when pregnancy is planned.

If for some reason (for example, use longer than the established period), pregnancy occurred against the background of an established spiral, then the contraceptive should be removed as soon as possible.

When should you not have sex during pregnancy?

Despite the fact that modern gynecologists agree that sex during pregnancy is acceptable, there are situations when spouses need to love each other exclusively platonic.

These situations include the early period of pregnancy and its last weeks. In the first two months, important processes of implantation and placentation take place - the future baby establishes interaction with the mother's body, the placenta is formed.

It is from this period that it depends on how the pregnancy will proceed in the future. Small fluctuations in hormonal levels during sex can be fatal. Unfortunately, it is during this period that a woman may not yet know that she is pregnant.

Therefore, the most reasonable option is to refuse sex from the moment the test showed two strips and before the doctor says that the placenta has formed normally.

In the last month of pregnancy, the tone of the muscle fibers of the uterus plays an important role. The fact is that during an orgasm in a woman, the tone of the uterus rises, this is necessary to accelerate the movement of spermatozoa through the woman's genital tract.

But an increase in the tone of the uterus, only much more significant, occurs before childbirth during labor. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus begins to gradually increase in preparation for childbirth, and its sharp increase during sex can provoke premature birth.

These restrictions apply to a normal pregnancy in a healthy woman. If there are any diseases that pose a threat of termination of pregnancy, the doctor will recommend sexual rest.

This means the complete absence of sexual life until the moment when the threat of interruption has passed. Or before childbirth, if the pregnancy is difficult.
In no case should you have sex, and be sure to consult a doctor if a pregnant woman has the following symptoms:

  • pain or heaviness in the abdomen;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • discharge from the genital tract, especially bloody;
  • bleeding from the genital tract.

Does the feeling of having sex change during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there is a noticeable hormonal change in a woman's body, so her feelings during sex can change a lot. These changes are very individual, so one can only roughly describe what a pregnant woman will experience when having sex. There are women who are lucky to keep the same sensations during sex.

In some cases, there may be a decrease in the sensitivity of the genital tract, a less vivid orgasm, or its disappearance. This is a normal physiological reaction, a consequence of a decrease in the amount of estrogens, hormones responsible for sexual desire and pleasure from sex.

As a rule, after the birth of a child, the hormonal background returns to normal, and the old sensations return.

Sexual life can become painful, especially if a woman had problems with the lumbar spine before pregnancy, and when preparing to become a mother, she gained a lot of weight. This is also a manifestation of hormonal changes - gestagens, hormones that support pregnancy, also cause calcium to be washed out of the bones.

As a result, the bones become more pliable to make more room for the growing uterus.

But these same changes cause exacerbations of all diseases associated with a lack of calcium in the bone tissue, including lumbar osteochondrosis.

This condition will also improve after childbirth, but it is advisable to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

How to have sex during pregnancy: the rules

There are no strict rules for having sex during pregnancy, but there are a number of recommendations that it is advisable to follow in order to maintain the health of the mother and unborn child.

First, you should remember that a woman's feelings can change, and this is normal. A change in sensitivity can also lead to a change in addictions - some positions that were previously loved may begin to cause discomfort and vice versa. You should listen to your body, it dictates how to enjoy it without harming yourself.

Secondly, the duration of sexual intercourse. A pregnant woman gets tired faster, including from physical intimacy.

Fatigue is a physiological signal that a pleasant pastime should be stopped. But there are no big restrictions on the frequency - you can have sex every day.

Sex positions during pregnancy

Changes in a woman's body impose certain restrictions on possible postures. An enlarged belly makes most sex positions uncomfortable. And in this case, positions on the side come to the rescue, when the man is behind.

At earlier dates, when the stomach still does not interfere, a greater variety is possible. In any case, you should listen to your feelings and apply your imagination - the body itself will tell you in what position it is better to have sex.

Anal, oral sex during pregnancy

There is an opinion that anal or oral sex during pregnancy is much safer, because they do not affect the tone of the uterus. Considering that both of these types of sex are quite specific in themselves, and not all women like them, they should not be taken as a full-fledged replacement for traditional sexual intercourse.

About oral sex, we can say with confidence that it definitely does not affect the processes occurring in the uterus, therefore, it is permissible during pregnancy at any time, and even if sexual rest is recommended.

With anal sex, everything is somewhat more complicated. Due to the proximity of the receptors of the rectum and perineum, the same undesirable effect of increasing the tone of the uterus can be obtained, so it is better to refrain from anal sex in the later stages. Moreover, many women treat him badly.

Pain, discharge and blood after sex during pregnancy

The symptoms listed above indicate a complicated course of pregnancy and a possible threat of termination. If sexual intercourse itself causes pain, then it may be worth just changing your position.

But if the pain in the lower abdomen continues after sex, there are discharges, and even more so blood, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

If the pain is very intense, accompanied by copious bleeding, you need to call an ambulance.

Sex should be stopped until the gynecologist allows it.

Why don't you want sex during pregnancy?

As mentioned above, the lack of desire during pregnancy is a normal physiological reaction, since conception is impossible. From a physiological point of view, sex during pregnancy does not make sense.

If a pregnant woman has ceased to feel passion for her husband, you should not regard this as a disaster - after some time after the birth of the baby, the desire will be restored.

How to have sex after having a baby?

Immediately after childbirth, you should refrain from sexual activity, especially if the woman has tears and stitches. Sex in this case not only causes pain, but also increases the risk of injury to the woman's genitals. In addition, there is often discharge from the uterus after childbirth, so having sex can be just unpleasant.

A return to the usual sexual life in a couple is possible after the woman's stitches heal, the normal state of the uterus is restored. This usually happens within one and a half to two months.

And a few more tips from a sexologist on the topic of the article - in the next video.

Many couples are concerned about this issue, especially wives. On the one hand, they do not want to harm the developing fetus, on the other hand, there is a fear that the husband will not withstand long abstinence and will seek contacts outside of marriage. The answer to the question of whether sex is acceptable and how many weeks of pregnancy depends on the conditions of its course and the health of the expectant mother.

The positive side of sex during pregnancy

If a healthy woman's pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, then intimate relationships during it are even useful, because a favorable hormonal background is created in the body. A sexual life that brings pleasure, relaxes a woman, creates an atmosphere of pleasure and happiness. It is believed that these feelings are transmitted to the fetus. Abstinence, on the contrary, brings excessive nervousness, increases mental instability, because sometimes libido increases during pregnancy.

Pregnancy has already come, so you can have sex and not think about contraception. Some doctors believe that the baby in the womb develops a pleasure expectation reflex with contractile movements of the uterus, and childbirth for him will take place in a less stressful mode.

Medical indications:

  • the husband's seminal fluid contains prostaglandins that soften the cervix, which will have a beneficial effect during childbirth;
  • moderate contractile movements of the walls of the vagina and uterus during orgasm are a training in labor activity;
  • with a post-term pregnancy, intimate relationships can stimulate the onset of the birth process;
  • regular sex has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of a man.

A full sexual life gives a woman self-confidence and that emotional intimacy with her husband is not lost. It is important for her to see that his eyes, full of love and passion, are turned to her.

Precautionary measures

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Despite the fact that condoms are not needed during sex with a pregnant wife, they are only allowed if the husband does not have infectious diseases of the urogenital area. If he has undergone a course of treatment, it is still better not to risk it and have sex with a remedy. The uterus and vaginal mucosa during pregnancy can be sensitive to any change in the microflora, in which case a condom will be needed even in the absence of such a disease.

For the same reason, cunnilingus is undesirable, since the composition of saliva can have an adverse effect on the vaginal microflora and shifts the pH balance. In the presence of labial herpes, this type of sexual contact is unacceptable.

The couple should choose safe positions with minimal penetration of the male genital organ. It is important not to put too much pressure on the uterus and not injure its neck. You should not engage in anal sex, as exposure to the tactile receptors of the rectum can provoke a miscarriage. In addition, there is a risk of introducing intestinal flora into the vagina and exacerbating hemorrhoids.

A prerequisite is compliance with hygiene requirements. Before intercourse, you need to take a shower, wash your genitals well.

Features of sex at different stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy is divided into three stages (trimester), consisting of 3 months. Each period has its own physiological and hormonal characteristics. The answer to the question "Is it possible for pregnant women to have sexual contacts?" depends on what week you are pregnant. General recommendations for all trimesters - attention to your feelings and well-being, consultations with a doctor, duration of sexual intercourse no more than 20 minutes, breaks between acts.

In the first trimester

A feature of the 1st trimester is toxicosis of the first months. If nausea does not last all day, then intimate life is not contraindicated. It should be borne in mind that the act of oral sex (blowjob) can provoke an attack of nausea and vomiting.

Another feature of the early period of pregnancy is that in the first weeks the embryo may be poorly attached to the wall of the uterus and there is a risk of miscarriage. This is especially true for those women who have already had a spontaneous or medical abortion. The organism could form a reflex of "habitual miscarriage".

In this case, from the first days of diagnosing pregnancy, you should be observed by a doctor and strictly adhere to his recommendations, including regarding the possibility or prohibition of sexual relations. If there is spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine tone, then you cannot live sexually.

One of the signs of pregnancy is swelling and soreness of the mammary glands. The husband should take this into account and try not to cause additional pain when he caresses the chest.

In the second trimester

The most favorable period when you can sleep with your husband is the second trimester of pregnancy. The body has already adjusted to the new conditions, the hormonal background has leveled off, the toxicosis has subsided, the fetus has risen up and does not put pressure on the bladder. Soreness of the chest has decreased, and a slight increase in the abdomen does not interfere with caresses and makes a woman attractive in the eyes of a loving spouse.

Greater than normal vaginal blood flow and an enlarged clitoris stimulate sensuality and help you achieve orgasm faster and brighter. Some women only during pregnancy during the second trimester begin to understand what a pleasure it is to sleep with a husband.

If at this stage the threat of termination of pregnancy remains, sexual intercourse will have to be postponed until better times. The husband will need to be patient for the benefit of the health of the baby and the expectant mother. Sometimes toxicosis persists. In the later stages, it is more difficult and exhausts the spouse. Bed rest is indicated for such women, and hospitalization is often offered to preserve the fetus.

In the third trimester

With the well-being of the expectant mother and the standard course of pregnancy, intimate relationships in the third trimester are acceptable. The formed mucous plug at the entrance to the cervix and the placenta quite reliably protect the baby. The choice of positions is very limited, the woman must behave passively. In the 1st and 2nd months of the trimester, the fetus presses on the internal organs and the diaphragm, so it is difficult for her to breathe. Increased breathing during sexual contact can cause dizziness and shortness of breath.

Pressure on the abdomen should be avoided and penetration should also be kept to a minimum. If bleeding occurs after contact, a gynecologist should be consulted. The husband should keep in mind that the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum.

At this time, an orgasm can provoke contractions, so the couple should be careful and prioritize correctly. By the end of the term, especially with a transitional pregnancy, this fact can play a positive role. It is believed that childbirth that began with an orgasm is not difficult.

When is the best time to stop having sex?

The main contraindication for sexual relations is the threat of abortion. In some cases, it exists throughout the entire term. This is typical for women whose previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage.

In this case, it is recommended to abandon intimate contacts, especially in the first and third trimester, as well as on menstrual days. Sometimes, with an unfavorable course, pregnancy has to be maintained in a hospital. A contraindication to intimacy is a multiple pregnancy after 20 weeks, a low location of the placenta, its detachment (requires hospitalization).

There is an opinion that if there are contraindications, but intuition tells a woman not to refuse sexual contact, then she must trust the body. If there are no contraindications, but there is no desire, then one should also trust the inner feeling. During pregnancy, the instincts become aggravated, the body is programmed to bear the fetus and itself will tell you what is best for the woman and the child at the moment. Perhaps the acute desire for sex is the need to even out the hormonal background.

If you don’t want to sleep with your husband, you don’t have to force yourself to please him and for the sake of strengthening family relationships. It is better to kindly explain your arguments, thank you for your understanding and patience. You should not criticize yourself for the changed appearance and clumsiness either out loud or mentally. Many men are able to adequately perceive the new unusual state of their woman.