A career is better than a family. Family or career: the choice of a modern woman. What do you have an inclination for - family life or career

  • Official statistics
  • Where does the wind blow from?
  • Questionable arguments for choosing a career
  • Why can't a compromise be found?

Career or family, this is the choice the modern woman faces. Sometimes he becomes the cause of mental anguish, and a mistake brings dissatisfaction and hopelessness in the future. Why did women face this tough choice and why is it impossible to combine the joy of family life with career growth, and what is more important? The pros and cons between work and relationships need to be carefully considered.

Official statistics

Today it is fashionable to examine and expose all phenomena and even situations in the light of dry statistical data. Scientists conducted a survey among girls and women of different age groups and asked them a simple question: "What do you choose a career or a family?" Almost 60% of the respondents answered that they do not see themselves in the role of housewives and mothers. Does this mean that 60 out of 100 women have lost their natural maternal instinct? The human code failed, or did civilization embark on a new round of development, or rather, degradation? Family as a social institution has lost its relevance?

Fortunately, nature and instincts are not so easy to overcome, otherwise humanity would definitely come to an end, since more than half of the girls do not want to reproduce. In fact, the whole problem is in the stereotypes that are being shaped today by fashion magazines, films, television and the same scientists. We can say with confidence that most of the women who, according to the survey, do not want to start a family, will subsequently learn the happiness of motherhood and become excellent wives. And when weighing all the arguments for and against, the instinctive desire to start a family will prevail.

Where does the wind blow from?

So, why are they trying to convince a modern woman that family is not the main thing, but a career is more important? The answer is very simple - with the aim of controlling the birth rate, or rather, reducing it. This strategy was chosen by the countries of Europe, which seek to create parity between the remaining resources necessary to ensure the life of people and the number of people themselves. The result was a policy based on the following postulates:

  • a woman must be absolutely independent (such independence is provided by work);
  • a woman should not be inferior in anything to a man (career is no exception);
  • a woman owes nothing to anyone and decides for herself when and what to do (this concerns the issue of starting a family).

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There is nothing wrong with these postulates, because an intelligent, independent, independent woman is extremely admirable. But not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are able to adequately perceive and apply the above arguments in real life. This is due to the peculiarity of the psycho-emotional organization, a woman, a girl is more guided by emotions and is inclined to make momentary, impulsive decisions, which leads to behavioral distortions in the question of what to give preference to a family or a career. Therefore, the statistics are not encouraging.

Such a fashionable feminism today for most girls turns into a tragedy of personal life. After all, a woman is, first of all, a mother and a keeper of the hearth. Fashion trends upset the balance of natural forces and work, career comes to the fore, successfully bypassing relationships, family and love.

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Questionable arguments for choosing a career

Today, in the media space, the image of a strict business woman is being formed, who is immersed in work and does not need anything else. She earns a lot and can afford everything, she knows what to choose, what is more important for a brilliant future.


In fact, she is deadly tired and has not been able to go on vacation for the third year already, and in the evenings she cries quietly, cannot sleep for a long time and begins to regret that there are no children and a loving husband nearby. At the same time, work is mortally tired, but you need to continue to follow the chosen path, because a career is more important than a family.

Everyone respects and admires a purposeful business woman, she is trusted by her superiors and respected by her colleagues.


Colleagues despise her and consider her a bitch and a careerist. The bosses use her worse than the slaves on the plantation, loading more and more work, and she is afraid to object and lose her place, because she has nothing else in life. Career is the only and all-consuming goal in life.

She retired early and years of tedious work ensured her a comfortable old age. You can devote the rest of your life to yourself. A successful career gave her freedom, prosperity, peace.


She understands that no one needs her, children will not come to her, she will never be able to nurse her grandchildren and pamper them. She increasingly asks the question: “Why then, in her youth, did she need a career? What did she see in life besides work? Why doesn't money bring joy? " Arguments against family now seem to be evil.

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On the one hand, there are very tempting prospects, on the other, a frightening emptiness and hopelessness in the future. A woman is a mother and homemaker, which inspires respect and awe. The stereotypes and values ​​imposed today are contrary to nature, are artificial and make girls victims of fashion, and nothing more.

Attention! At the same time, it is difficult to find research data that say that 70% of the average male business women are pitying, and they would never start a family with them. Thus, a gender conflict is created, a single whole is broken, the balance is upset, the family is presented as a burden and a relic of the dark past of mankind. As you can see, there are many more disadvantages when choosing a career as a woman than there are advantages.

Why can't a compromise be found?

There is an opinion that a girl cannot combine a career and a family in the modern world. It is necessary to understand why this is happening, because progressive labor laws protect the rights of women and oblige the employer to keep a job for a girl who has gone on maternity leave. In addition, she is entitled to cash payments. The reality is that all privileges remain on paper.

The employer is trying in every way to protect himself from "fiddling" with girls who want to start a family and for this they conduct various aptitude tests and look for loopholes in the legislation so as not to keep the girl's job and reduce payments. But, in fact, the right to be a mother is legally protected and it is necessary to strive for the observance of their rights.

In the life of every woman there comes a moment when she is faced with a choice - a career or a family. Of course, there are women who know how to combine both, but it is very difficult to determine how well they do it, and, achieving career success, whether problems arise at the same time at home. Therefore, before making a choice, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons, and try to find a compromise. This will help you honestly answer the question of what you are willing to sacrifice, family or career.

What's more important, career or family

Now more and more women want to realize themselves in the professional field, to make a career. If earlier this trend was traced among women who have reached the age of 40, now very young girls who graduated from institutes or technical schools are striving for this. But sometimes, having reached career heights or disillusioned with work, they are left alone, sometimes destroying a family, but more often without creating it. To make the right choice and avoid loneliness, you should set all priorities for yourself from the very beginning of your career race. Indeed, often a woman who stubbornly strives to make a career simply could not establish her personal life at some particular moment, directing her energy in a different direction.

According to polls, it is by the age of 40 that most women begin to regret choosing a career. If, after getting married, a girl does not want to give up a career, it is necessary that her husband support her choice, otherwise she will have to give up either her family or her career. It is better to give up a career after all, because the concept of careerism is unusual for no woman, this applies more to men. In the nature of a woman, the role of not a director and manager is laid, but the role of the keeper of the hearth, never a real woman will fight for a place in the sun with tough men.

Choosing a career with a family, a woman cannot fully give her children her love, attention, affection and care. Children do not receive the warmth they need, which directly affects their development and very often in a negative way. In addition, a career is not always a carefully considered choice, but simply helps any person, not just a woman, to feel their own worth.

In pursuit of career heights, one should not forget that it is not only success in the professional field that is important in this world. Work plays an important role in our life, it helps to self-actualize, to show all our abilities, to develop the best qualities and skills. But every woman is destined by nature itself to become still a happy wife, a loving mother and a caring daughter. Only the inability to make the right choice and allocate time prevents you from achieving this in full.

The main advice of psychologists is that a woman should learn to feel herself, understand what she wants at the moment, so that later she will not regret her choice. Separately, I would like to mention that if you have made a career, but are still alone, you should not despair. Until a worthy man appears in your life, it is better to start building a career, and as soon as this meeting takes place, direct all your energy to your family.

How to combine career and family

Sometimes not just a desire to make a career makes a woman work, but also a banal lack of funds for a full-fledged existence, not all husbands can provide for a family. In such a situation, there is no longer a problem of choice, if a woman values ​​her husband, she can only learn how to combine work and family.

  • Sharing responsibilities between husband and wife will help reduce the burden on a woman and enable her to successfully climb the career ladder, if she strives for it. Therefore, talk about which of you and for what will be responsible.
  • Try to distribute responsibilities at work in such a way that household chores, and most importantly, your loved ones, do not suffer because of it. With the use of numerous methods of how to rationally distribute working time and responsibilities, this is quite possible. Organize your workspace both at work and at home so as to save time on performing various operations.
  • Do not take work home and do not discuss work issues all evening, devote your free time and weekends only to your family. Learn to separate work and home.
  • To avoid problems if you earn more than your husband and he is dissatisfied, try to create conditions for your husband to grow professionally and an atmosphere that will make him feel that he remains a full-fledged owner in the house, despite your success. It is even better if you let him know that only thanks to his support, help, good advice and faith in you, you have reached such career heights. Remind often that all your success at work is a shared achievement, but don't overreact.
  • Remember, workaholism and the desire for a career are incompatible.
  • Don't sacrifice time spent with your children. Gifts, sports activities, and the best babysitters are no substitute for moms for kids, so sacrifice your career for the kids. Spend all your free time with your children, arrange a joint vacation, play, be interested in school affairs and hobbies.
  • Be sure to remember that your husband also needs your attention and care. If you have to work overtime, let your spouse know and remember to make up for it next weekend with a romantic morning that turns into lunch and dinner. Try to avoid weekend work and overtime. Build your career not by increasing your working hours, but thanks to your professionalism and deep knowledge.

Career and family for a woman

If you think about it and honestly answer the question to yourself, it turns out that many of the women strive to make a career in order to meet a worthy man and at the same time achieve a certain material stability and level in society. There are no other clearly expressed reasons forcing you to persistently overcome step by step of the career ladder. Having achieved what they want, usually women no longer strive to advance even higher, this remains even today the prerogative of men. Women who have received the desired position and having reached a clearly defined level of income begin to think about starting a family, that it is time to direct all efforts towards finding a worthy man, having and raising children.

Therefore, if there is energy and ambition in the character, it is best for a woman to realize herself first as a business person and only after that start creating a family. Unrealized professional potential can become an obstacle for a happy family, as it becomes a source of quarrels, scandals and mutual claims. To avoid this, if a woman feels the need and desire to work, let her work and not be tormented by what to choose, a career or a family. After all, it is quite possible to combine a career and a family, simply by organizing your working day correctly and distributing responsibilities.

A self-realized woman is much calmer and happier than one who sacrificed her dreams for the sake of her family. Unfortunately, it is worth remembering that now men are no longer held back by society, the church, or children, and a woman who knows how to support herself will not find herself in a difficult financial situation if a man decides to leave her. In addition, everyone has the right to choose and freedom in making decisions, so make a career if you want to, but remember that after becoming an honorary former director of a retired plant, you will want to have family and friends nearby, so do not forget about family, a career will not give a glass of water.

You should not look at those women who have completely devoted themselves to the family. If you look closely, many of them simply do not want to work and are comfortable in their own world. They easily made their choice, because they do not have any overestimated goals and desires. They want to remain, first of all, a wife, mother, daughter and woman, and not a managerial employee, but their risk of being in a difficult situation increases if the family breaks up.

The best option is only one, if you have ambitions and abilities, realize them until you have a family, as soon as you get married, find time and energy for your family, and then you can successfully combine both your career and your family. without making a choice between them.

In the life of a modern woman, the question often arises of what is more important: family or career? You have to choose between family and career. When a woman is young, only on the verge of family happiness, the child has not yet appeared, then there is no question of family or career. The question of choosing a family or a career for a woman arises when a child appears. Only very few women manage to combine family and career in life.

Family or career for the modern woman

There are women for whom starting a family is not a priority. Such women are said to have married in a career. For them, a career and earnings are better than family concerns. They are in no way inferior to men in pursuit of a career and success.

And there are those who, on the contrary, abandon their careers without regret for the sake of their family and children. Although they could perfectly realize themselves in work ... But there are those who still manage to combine family and career. Such women do not ask the question of which is better: a career or a family? Everything is important to them.

How to make a choice: family or career?

You can argue for a long time about which is more important: family or career? There is no definite answer for everyone and there should not be, since we are all different in nature. But one thing can be said for sure: a person needs to be realized both in a couple and in society. In other words, both in the family and in the career. Without this, it is impossible to experience happiness to the fullest. And what is better for a woman, how to make a choice between family and career, is described in detail in the article.

Due to the economic situation in the country, in modern families there is often a situation where both spouses work. Psychologists believe that this is an important factor in family life. Women, who used to do household chores all their free time, began to work quite a lot, practically giving up their former duties. In many couples, the question arises of who and how will deal with household chores, how they will share household chores.

Often, couples who are committed to work are most likely to face conflicts in the family. Both men and women get tired of working everyday life, monotonous work. Arriving home, tired spouses can "break" on each other and, without noticing it, create a conflict. When both spouses are busy promoting their careers, it is quite difficult to get away from conflicts and quarrels. They often do not have enough time for family, household chores, or for themselves.

How can this threaten? The answer to this question lies on the surface. The marriage can fall apart. The spouses will be doomed to loneliness. They are deprived of family warmth and support of a loved one. And even the results achieved in the work may not bring the desired pleasure. How to avoid such a fate?

Couples with a similar problem need to try to protect their relationship. A marriage that is not nourished by feelings is doomed to the fact that work will push out thoughts of love and the other half. That is why you should recognize your mistakes in time. Before it's too late. You don't have to choose a career or family. You just need to learn how to combine them.

It is important for constantly working spouses to spend their free time together, organize joint trips to the cinema, cafes or museums. Joint dinners will warm up the family hearth. At least at home. Trips outside the city, to nature, will also have a beneficial effect on relationships. It is important to find at least 15 minutes to just chat with your loved one. Not on everyday topics, but on the feelings and experiences of each other. At such moments, you should carefully listen to your partner, try to give him advice. The main thing is not to forget about each other and not to put a career above family, because it is not so easy to find true love.

Household chores can also drag the couple down. Do not wait for family chores to escalate into conflict. Responsibilities just need to be negotiated in advance and divided between the spouses. Do not forget to leave the work that the couple can do together. Thus, combining the necessary housework with a pleasant time with a loved one.

What is more important - family or work? Everyone has the right to decide for himself. But those who value both the first and the second should be able to properly allocate their time so as not to end up with a "broken trough" later.

To the question “ What is more important than a career or family?»Each person can give only one correct answer for him. It will hardly be possible to find an unequivocal solution, since this is due to the individual characteristics of the life of each of us.

For some people, an important goal in life is a wedding and a large friendly family, while for others, high earnings and managing a large number of personnel are a priority.

If we refer to this issue from the side of generally accepted traditions, then a man has always been considered a breadwinner, and a woman - a keeper of the hearth. Now the time has come for equality, when it is not uncommon for a family to have a higher income on the part of a woman.

Perhaps the worldview passed down from generation to generation makes the majority of modern women think in such a way that the question itself “ choose a career or family"Seems stupid in principle.

At the DNA level, they consider themselves the keepers of family peace and believe that it is men who should deal with the money issue.

It is worth talking about less happy and calm ladies, and discuss this issue, which has become global for many. In order to find your answer, you should carefully consider all the pros and cons of going too deep in a career.

Career pros

Considering the benefits of a career separately, there are three main incentives:

  1. Self-realization;
  2. Improving self-esteem;
  3. Financial freedom.
  • Self-realization is every person's dream. Each of us wants to feel like a person who does not depend on outside circumstances. Nowadays, women are considered to be a great rarity, bringing family well-being to the forefront.

Among today's youth, there are more and more girls who do not know how to make a home cozy and warm, but understand the intricacies of organizing work in a large team. Whether it has to do with parenting or the media is a completely different question. But most of us dream about self-realization.

  • And improve your own self-esteem based on a clean apartment, washed linen and ironed sheets, it is very difficult. Therefore, many people prefer to choose flirting on the side or realizing their potential in a career.

Creative personalities can express their individuality in music, paintings and other arts. But we also often meet people among us who want to constantly develop. And the best way to do this is to work.

Also, a situation often happens when a person lives alone for a long time. Then he got used to independence and perfectly understands how important it is to devote time to work and constantly learn new skills.

When such an individual has a family, it is very difficult for him to change his own principles and habits. It is against this background that disagreements often arise in families.

Another example is when a woman stays at home for a long time. She is engaged in cooking, cleaning and weighed down with the need to keep order in the house.

Nevertheless, subconsciously, she strives for constant development. And since a person is a social beast, he needs daily communication, which is abundantly provided at work.

  • Financial freedom is also an important priority in the life of each of us. Usually, it is for this reason that one has to wonder how to combine career and family.

Modern life requires constant expenses, but at the same time I really want to buy my own house, furnish it with the best furniture, annually have a rest in foreign resorts, and do what I really like.

Unfortunately, not many people can afford such an easy and beautiful life. Therefore, we all have to go to our not always favorite jobs and try to earn as much money as possible.

However, if you devote yourself too deeply to work and improving your financial condition, you can not only earn a nervous breakdown, but also worsen relations in the family. That is why the question of choice: family or career remains open to a woman or a man to this day.

Career cons

For a more adequate assessment, one should consider the disadvantages of full return to a career, and these are:

  • Lack of free time;
  • The problem is in the relationship.

A person who has plunged headlong into work cannot devote proper time to his own life, hobbies and relationships. And this is very problematic if you have a family. After all, spouses and their children need daily communication.

And when the head is busy all day with thoughts of how best to solve productivity issues at work, it is difficult for a person to shift his attention to household chores. Therefore, it is important to consider the question of the choice: family or career. What will be more important for a man or a woman in this case is up to him to decide.

You may simply not have enough time for cooking, cleaning the house, renovating, or other household chores. In the future, such an attitude towards the family hearth can completely destroy it.

The same goes for the relationship between a man and a woman. After work, I really want to relax in front of the TV or during a pleasant conversation with the family.

But if one of the family members is absorbed in thoughts about work to such an extent that he cannot pay due attention to the rest of the household, then disagreements and quarrels will certainly arise.