When and what can you introduce complementary foods to a child. Introduction of complementary foods to premature babies. When introducing complementary foods, you should follow some rules

Immediately after the first difficulties of breastfeeding are left behind, the mother faces another serious problem - the first complementary foods. The recommendations given in this case by thematic sites, local pediatricians and friends with grandmothers are very different from each other, so inexperienced women are simply lost in a sea of ​​conflicting information. How to introduce the first complementary foods correctly, and what age is optimal for this?

Several decades ago, it was believed that the first complementary foods for babies who feed exclusively on breast milk should be introduced at three months. But today this scheme is recognized not only as incorrect, but also dangerous for the health of the child.

In the body of an infant who has not yet reached the age of six months, there are no enzymes necessary for the digestion of new food, so "adult" foods create a strong load on his digestive tract.

In addition, up to six months, the child has enough useful substances and vitamins that he receives from mother's milk, that is, the earlier introduction of complementary foods simply does not make sense. Such measures are appropriate only for medical reasons - for example, in cases where the child is not gaining enough weight. True, introducing complementary foods too late is also not recommended, since at 7-8 months the baby can already perceive unfamiliar food much worse.

To get acquainted with new food, the child must have a sufficiently formed nervous system for this, as well as some skills and reflexes.

There are a number of signs by which you can determine his readiness for the introduction of the first complementary foods.

  1. The child has the first chewing movements, the force of sucking increases, and the gag reflex moves from the middle of the tongue to its root.
  2. Having completely emptied the mother's breast, the baby continues to show signs of hunger.
  3. Demonstration of interest in adult food and the first attempts to try something from the plates of parents.
  4. When a mother tries to offer a new product to a child, he does not try to push the spoon away.
  5. The baby can sit in one place for a long time and take food with his hands.

If a baby has at least three of the five above signs, then his body is quite ready to get acquainted with new dishes.

In order not to harm the baby when introducing complementary foods, the mother must follow several important rules:

  • new products are introduced into the child's menu no more than once every 7-10 days;
  • it is impossible to acquaint a child for the first time immediately before or after vaccinations, with a change in climate, after illness, during teething, etc .;
  • food should be given to the baby when he is hungry, and in no case should he be forced to eat what is offered;
  • initially, all complementary foods (for example, vegetable purees) should be prepared from one vegetable: you can mix different vegetables or cereals only when the child has already tried each of them separately;
  • complementary foods should not be a reason to stop breastfeeding - it is intended not to replace mother's milk, but to supplement it.

Where to begin?

There are two options for the introduction of the first complementary foods, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first is a more modern and radical variant, which is called infant food, as well as the traditional scheme, that is, the introduction of special baby food (purchased or prepared by oneself) into the diet. The choice of the most optimal scheme, of course, is up to the mother.

Peculiarities of feeding

The main principle of infant feeding is to acquaint the baby with the food familiar to his family, so that he can quickly “get involved” in the diet. Of course, this does not mean that six-month-old babies should immediately begin to feed fried and fatty adult food. You need to start with tiny (no more than a quarter of a teaspoon) portions of boiled or steamed foods, which should be prepared accordingly: chop or grind.

The list of products that may be included in the food supplement includes:

  • boiled meat and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled and steam vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • cereals and side dishes (peas, potatoes, beans, etc.).

At first, the baby only gets acquainted with the taste and texture of the new food, after which its quantity begins to gradually increase. This feeding pattern gives children the opportunity to develop communication skills, fine motor skills and coordination, and forms the basis of proper nutrition for the rest of their lives.

Complementary baby food

The first products that are recommended to be introduced into the baby's diet are white vegetables (cauliflower) or green vegetables (zucchini, broccoli), as they rarely cause food allergies. Then pumpkin and carrots are added to them, and the latter is given to the child no more than 2-3 times a week, along with other vegetables, otherwise yellow-orange spots may appear on his feet and palms. An exception to this rule is children with insufficient weight gain - in this case, complementary foods begin with gluten-free cereals.

It is not recommended to start complementary foods with fruit juices or fresh fruits - they have a sweet taste, which is why the child immediately begins to develop cravings for sweets, and in addition, they can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing digestive disorders.

There is a special scheme for the introduction of new products, compiled by WHO experts, which is recommended for all lactating women.

Type of complementary foodsOptimal age for administrationHow to enter correctlyRecommended Serving Size
Vegetables6 months (if there are relevant indications 5 months)Green and white vegetables (except potatoes) are introduced first in the form of mashed potatoesTo begin with, it is recommended to give ½ tsp, and then gradually bring it up to the volume of one feeding (100-200 g)
Vegetable oils6 monthsIt is recommended to introduce olive oil first, after sunflower and corn, which are added to the pureeFrom a few drops (up to a teaspoon)
Kashi (dairy-free)6.5-7 months (with insufficient weight gain from 4-5 months.)The first to introduce cereals that do not contain gluten (buckwheat, corn, rice), after which you can enter multi-cereal cerealsWith ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Butter7 monthsAs an additive to cerealsWith 1/8 tsp. (up to 10-20 g)
Fruit7-8 monthsIn the form of one-component purees, gradually moving to purees from several types of fruitsWith ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Dairy porridge8-9 monthsFirst, gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, corn, rice), and in the absence of allergies and gastrointestinal disorders, oatmeal and multi-cereals can be introducedWith ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Meat8 monthsTo begin with, turkey, rabbit, veal are recommended, after which chicken and beef are gradually introduced (pork is not recommended as a complementary food)With ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Eggs (yolks)8 monthsIt is recommended to start with quail eggs, as they cause allergies less often than chickenFrom 1/8 tsp chicken (if quail egg, then from ¼), bringing to ½ (whole quail) per day
Baby savory biscuits9-10 monthsMaximum 5 pcs. in a dayFrom small pieces (approximately 1/8), reaching the whole cookie
Dairy products9 monthsSpecial baby milkWith ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Cottage cheese9 monthsSpecial curd without additivesWith ½ tsp (up to 50 g). From the age of one year, you can give 100 g
by-products9-10 monthsAs part of multi-component purees, at first more than 1-2 times a weekWith ½ tsp (up to 50-100 g)
A fish10 months (in the presence of allergies - from 12)Steam or boiled, twice a weekWith ½ tsp (up to 150-200 g)
fruit juices10-12 monthsTo begin with, give clarified juices diluted with water (proportion 1 to 1), preferably appleWith ½ tsp (up to 100 ml per day)
Kashi (semolina, barley, millet, etc.)12 monthsStart with well-cooked multi-component cerealsFrom 2-3 tsp, (up to 200-250 g)
Berries12 monthsAs a puree (preferably with bright berries)With ½ tsp (up to 100-150 g)

When introducing complementary foods, the crumbs immediately need to start their own dishes: a plate and a spoon. A special spoon can be purchased at the pharmacy - it can be silicone or plastic (some mothers use silver spoons).

It is unacceptable to feed children from a bottle, even if the manufacturer indicates that it is designed specifically for such purposes. Getting to know the pacifier is the first step towards giving up the mother's breast and developing unhealthy eating habits.

When introducing a child to new products, it is very important to monitor the reaction of his body - for this it is recommended to keep a special diary in which the mother will write down each of them (time of introduction, quantity, etc.). If your baby suddenly develops a food allergy, constipation or other digestive problems, it will be very easy to identify the “culprit” with the help of records. The product that caused such a reaction should be excluded from the diet for at least a month.

It is very important to remember that with the introduction of complementary foods, the nature of the stool in a child will change in any case. Vegetables contain fiber, so they can loosen the stool slightly (which is why they are especially recommended for children prone to constipation). Different fruits also affect the digestive system in different ways: more watery fruits (for example, kiwi, apples, apricots) have a laxative effect, and denser ones (bananas, pears), on the contrary, fix them.

The first complementary food activates the liver and the enzymatic system, due to which the stool may acquire a greenish tint or mucus inclusions and undigested pieces of food will appear in it. If the child feels normal, such phenomena should not frighten parents - after the stomach learns to “work” with unfamiliar foods, the stool immediately returns to normal (usually this happens within about a week).

The introduction of new products should not be rushed, otherwise the child may refuse complementary foods altogether - in order for the baby to fully get used to a particular dish, he must try it at least 10 times. With a categorical refusal of a particular product, you can go a little trick - add a little breast milk to the puree or porridge. Feeling the familiar taste, the baby will eat the offered with pleasure.

Purees and cereals for the first feeding can be bought in specialized stores or prepared independently. To do this, you need to take vegetables, rinse them well in boiled water, if necessary, peel and seeds, finely chop, then boil or cook in a double boiler (the second option is preferable, since steaming retains more nutrients). Grind the boiled vegetables with a blender with the addition of a small amount of broth or water.

The consistency of the product should be liquid, reminiscent of kefir. When the baby grows up a little, you can give him a thicker puree, and closer to 10-11 months, vegetables should simply be kneaded with a fork so that the child learns to chew. It is impossible to store ready-made meals for complementary foods - each time you need to prepare a fresh portion.

To prepare porridge for the first feeding, you need to rinse and dry the cereal well, then grind it in a coffee grinder and brew it with boiling water (you can add a little breast milk). In no case should a child be forced to eat everything without a trace - the main goal of complementary foods is not to feed the baby, but to familiarize his body with adult foods, form the correct eating behavior and skills that will be needed in the future.

Complementary foods are called food, which is assigned to the child when he reaches a certain age and physiological indicators. It supplements breast milk or milk formula, the nutritional value of which can no longer meet the needs of a growing organism. Thanks to complementary foods, when a baby eats a relatively small amount of food, he receives a lot of energy and nutrients in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Since in the first year of a baby's life the foundations of his future health of the child are laid, proper nutrition, including complementary foods, plays a very important role.

First complementary foods - when and how to introduce

The question of when to introduce complementary foods worries all mothers. However, this question cannot be answered unambiguously. It is important to understand that an indicator of a baby’s readiness for complementary foods is not only age, but a number of parameters of its growth and development, including:

- type of feeding the baby (breast or artificial);
- the weight of the child, which should be at least twice his weight at birth (in premature babies - 2.5 times);
- the baby’s lack of a pushing reflex of the tongue (that is, if he is offered a drink in a spoon, he will be able to drink it, and not smear it on his chin). This is important, since complementary foods should only be given from a spoon so that it is processed by saliva for proper digestion.
- the ability of the child to sit, bend the body to the spoon (showing a desire to eat) or lean back (refusing to eat);
- the presence of a feeling of hunger in the baby after feeding with formula or mother's milk, even from both breasts;
- the presence of a great interest in the food that his parents eat, and the desire to try it.

Each child fully all the factors manifest themselves at different ages. As practice shows, the most common introduction of complementary foods to a baby occurs between the ages of 5 months and 9 months. When breastfeeding, the opinion of pediatricians on the introduction of the first complementary foods is unequivocal - this should not be done, a baby up to 6 months needs only mother's milk. For children who are bottle-fed, earlier complementary foods are provided.

Mom should remember the main thing - with complementary foods it is better to be a little late than to hurry. For example, complementary foods at 3 months can cause adverse reactions from the body of a child who is physiologically not yet ready to accept new food. These reactions can be manifested by abdominal pain, intestinal colic, regurgitation, vomiting and stool disorders. Early complementary foods can cause serious disruption of the digestive system, requiring long-term treatment. Another complication of thoughtless early feeding can be allergies, which are caused by the high permeability of the intestinal wall for large molecules and the immaturity of digestive enzymes and the immune system. In this case, the developing immune system of the baby can be severely affected, which can lead to frequent infections and the occurrence of various chronic diseases.

If complementary foods are introduced to a child who has immature mechanisms for swallowing thick foods, there is a danger that he may choke, begin to vomit and generally lose interest in food. Subsequently, due to the load that will be experienced due to the early introduction of complementary foods, the unformed children's liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal system, these organs will be very vulnerable.

Another negative result of the early introduction of complementary foods is a decrease in breastfeeding, as a result of which the mother may decrease lactation. That is why the first complementary foods should be introduced only at favorable times for this and only after consultation with the pediatrician observing the baby.

Complementary foods at 3 months

As we have already said, by 3 months, enzymes are already ripening in the baby’s digestive system, the permeability of the intestinal mucosa decreases, its normal immunity and mechanisms are formed that allow you to take semi-liquid and solid food. However, at this age, complementary foods should be treated with extreme caution. For children who are breastfed, its introduction is not recommended. The issue of feeding infants who are formula-fed should only be decided by a pediatrician at this age.

Complementary foods at 4 months

Babies who are breastfed by their mother still do not need complementary foods, receiving all the necessary nutrients from their mother's milk. Although at this time the body is already preparing to receive food other than breast milk and formula. Children who are bottle-fed can, with the permission of the doctor, begin to give fruit juices, and they must be one-component. It is better if it is a few drops of apple juice familiar to all of us.

Then, after observing the reaction of the child and not noticing any alarming manifestations in the form of a skin rash, intestinal colic, stool disorders, you can begin to gradually increase the amount of juice by a few drops a day.

In the beginning, the easiest way to get juice is by rubbing an apple on a fine grater and squeezing a few drops of juice into a teaspoon from the resulting mass through a sterile bandage. It is important to remember that complementary foods cannot be introduced using a bottle with a pacifier. You should feed the baby with a spoon, and later - use a drinking mug.

Complementary foods at 5 months

At the 5th month, babies who are bottle-fed can be introduced into the diet of vegetable purees, starting with 5-10 grams and bringing their daily amount in the children's diet to 100 grams.

Complementary foods at 6 months

At 6 months, most babies should already be given complementary foods in the form of vegetable puree (weakened children can be started with cereals). The best vegetables for the first feeding are zucchini or cauliflower, but it is better to be careful with carrots, as they can cause allergies. You can add a few drops of vegetable oil to vegetable puree. Gradually increasing the portion of complementary foods in the form of vegetable puree, one milk feeding should be completely replaced with it. By 10 months, the baby should eat up to 200 gr. vegetable puree at a time.

Complementary foods at 7 months

A 7-month-old baby can be safely fed with porridge. In the first week, porridge should be liquid, made from 100 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of cereal. Then you can start making it thicker and cook with 100 ml of water and 2 teaspoons of cereal. A baby at this age can be fed rice, buckwheat or corn porridge made from cereals, previously ground in a coffee grinder. Porridge is boiled in a small amount of water, and then diluted with breast milk or a mixture diluted to the desired consistency (but not cow's milk, which is a strong allergen). In the early days, you can give only a few teaspoons of porridge, then gradually increase its amount to 150 grams. in a day. Such a portion of porridge can fully replace one breastfeeding or a mixture. If a young mother does not have enough time or skill to prepare such a porridge, you can use ready-made cereals, the choice of which is very large today. When preparing them, be sure to follow the instructions.

In addition, the diet of a baby at this age can be supplemented with the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, chicken or quail. The first portion should be no more than a match head, then it can be brought up to half a teaspoon.

Complementary foods at 8 months

An 8-month-old baby should already be offered fermented milk products, which are very useful for regulating his digestion and strengthening immunity, as well as fruit purees. At this time, the peanut menu can be supplemented with cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt. The purchase of these products should be made in the departments of baby food or prepared by the mother herself. At 7 months, the baby can receive 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese and 30 ml of yogurt and kefir. In a year, a healthy child can eat 50 gr. cottage cheese and 100 ml of fermented milk drinks. Fruit purees should start with 1 teaspoon. Then, daily increasing the portion, it must be brought to 100-130 g.

Complementary foods at 9 months

9 months is the best time to introduce into the baby's diet such a healthy product as meat, which is a source of protein, iron and vitamins for a growing organism. However, when introducing meat complementary foods, great care should be taken, and if the baby refuses to try a new dish, there is no need to show great perseverance.

You can start meat complementary foods with rabbit, turkey or veal (some children are allergic to cow protein - therefore, their diet should not contain veal). You should not offer meat broths to your baby yet, it is better to give him chopped meat in a blender or finely chopped meat with vegetable soups or mashed potatoes, so it will be better absorbed. Meat complementary foods should be started with 0.5 teaspoon per day, eventually increasing the portion to 3 tablespoons.

Complementary foods at 10 months

Fish is characterized by an ideal amino acid composition, it is well absorbed by the children's body. However, it can be an allergen. Therefore, for the first time it should be given to the baby during breakfast, in order to observe the reaction of his body during the day. Nutritionists believe that children under one year of age should not receive meat as complementary foods, but white sea white fish (such as hake, cod, etc.). The first daily portion of fish food should be equal to half a teaspoon, eventually increasing to 50 grams.

Complementary foods at 11 months

At this age, you can further expand the baby's diet by offering him different vegetables and fruits. Children of this age, as a rule, already have 4 to 6 teeth. Therefore, you can try to give your child food without grinding it in a blender or meat grinder, but cutting it into small pieces. Instead of mashed meat, you should already give steamed meatballs or cutlets, and leave pieces in vegetable puree.

Feeding introduction. How to do everything right so as not to harm the health of the baby?

Thank you

The introduction of complementary foods in the diet of the baby - this is a rather crucial moment that scares almost all young mothers. Feeding is nutrition, which they begin to introduce to babies from about 5 to 6 months of their life. This food can be an addition to both breastfeeding and artificial feeding. Complementary foods at this age are really needed, as it helps to enrich the growing body with all the necessary nutritional components, especially carbohydrates, proteins and fats. First twelve months of life baby are the most important, since it is during this period that the foundations of the general state of health, including the immune system, are formed. Given this fact, every parent is obliged to provide their baby with proper nutrition.
How to do everything right so as not to harm the health of the baby?

What are the main reasons for the introduction of complementary foods?

First of all, it is the need for additional introduction into the growing body of both minerals and vitamins, microelements, as well as energy. In addition, new foods contribute to the development of the chewing apparatus and the entire digestive system, while also developing the motor function of the intestine. Complementary foods contribute to the development of completely new taste qualities.

Feeding and taste development:

Taste belongs to the category of the most important sensations, which tend to cause extremely positive emotions. All foods that will be introduced into the baby's diet should be healthy, tasty and varied. Sweets on the menu should be as small as possible, since it is sweet dishes that are a predisposing factor for the development of allergic reactions, dental caries, obesity and other pathological conditions. Remember that it is not so easy for a baby to get used to new tastes, which is why he may not be entirely willing to eat certain foods offered to him. Be patient, a few more attempts and the child will definitely fall in love with a new dish.

What are the signs that a child is ready to introduce new foods?

1. The child is 6 months old;
2. He sits confidently without support;
3. Weight from birth increased by 2 times;
4. The baby shows interest in the food you eat;
5. He has an extinction of the expulsion reflex ( regurgitation disappears);
6. The child is often applied to the breast;
7. He turns his head on his own and turns away from the spoon if this or that product does not suit his taste;
8. He is perfectly healthy.

Approximate scheme for the introduction of complementary foods:

Name of products and dishes 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 9 - 12 months
Fruit juices (ml)5 - 30 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 70 80 90 - 100
Fruit puree (ml) not earlier than 14 days after the introduction of juice5 - 30 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 70 80 90 - 100
Curd (g) 10 - 30 40 40 40 50
Yolk (pcs.) 0,25 0,5 0,5 0,5
Vegetable puree (g) 5 - 100 150 150 170 180 200
Porridge (g) 5 - 100 150 150 180 200
Meat puree (g) 5 - 30 50 60 - 70
Kefir and other fermented milk products or whole milk (ml) 100 200
Fish puree (g) 5 – 30 - 60
Wheat bread (g) 3 - 5 5 5 10 - 15
Cookies, crackers (g) 3 - 5 5 5 10 - 15
Vegetable oil (g) 1 - 3 3 3 5 5 6
Butter (g) 1 - 4 4 4 5 6

Metabolic and physiological characteristics of the child's body, which determine the timing of the introduction of new products:

1. Reducing the excessive permeability of the intestinal mucosa - 3 months;
2. Maturation of local immunity processes in the intestinal area - 3 - 4 months;
3. The maturation of the enzymatic processes of absorption, as well as the digestion of food:
  • increased production of pepsin and some other enzymes - 3 - 4 months;
  • decrease in pH ( concentration) gastric juice, as well as increased production of hydrochloric acid - 3 months;
  • increased amylase activity ( an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates) - from 2 - 3 months to 12 months;
4. The maturation of all reflex mechanisms that are responsible for swallowing semi-liquid and solid food - 4 - 5 months.

Early and late complementary foods:

Early introduction of new products is a direct path to the development of allergic reactions. In addition, in such cases, the child may experience intolerance to certain foods. Excessive amounts of fat and carbohydrates in the daily menu can lead to the development of obesity.
The late introduction of new products is, in turn, a direct path to a lag in both mental and physical development. In addition, the baby may develop protein-calorie deficiency. It is very important to pay attention to the composition of the menu. A monotonous diet increases the risk of developing a wide variety of deficient conditions. The list of such conditions can include iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis, rickets, and malnutrition.

Iron-deficiency anemia - This is a syndrome accompanied by a violation of the production of hemoglobin due to a lack of iron.

Hypovitaminosis is a condition that occurs when there is a violation of the correspondence between the expenditure of vitamins and their entry into the body.

Under the concept " rickets » hides a disease of infancy and early age, which is characterized by a violation of bone formation due to vitamin deficiency D.

Hypotrophy is an eating disorder that is characterized by a varying degree of deficiency in total body weight.
Late introduction of complementary foods often affects the formation of far from the most correct eating habits in the future.

Five commandments of the first complementary foods from Dr. Komarovsky:

  • no need to use the experience of grandmothers;
  • do not rush;
  • no variety;
  • no need to get carried away by quantity;
  • no violence.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods:

1. Supplementary food can be introduced only when the child is completely healthy;
2. Complementary foods should only be given before breastfeeding;
3. All complementary foods should be homogeneous ( homogeneous) in their consistency, so that the child has the opportunity to swallow them without difficulty;
4. All dishes should be given warm using a spoon; during meals, the child should be in a sitting position;
5. In no case should you give the same type of complementary foods 2 times a day;
6. All products must be introduced gradually according to the existing sequence, another type of complementary foods can be introduced only when complete adaptation occurs ( addictive) to the previous product;
7. During the introduction of a new product, you should carefully monitor any changes in the stool, if no changes are observed, then the next day, increase the amount of the proposed dish;
8. It is strictly forbidden to introduce new foods into the diet if you are preparing a child for any preventive vaccination;
9. Initially, vegetable or fruit purees should consist of one single type of vegetable or fruit, it is best to opt for potatoes and zucchini in the first couple, since these products do not tend to cause allergic reactions and flatulence;
10. If you decide to feed your child with porridge, make sure that it consists of gluten-free cereals, namely corn or buckwheat flour or rice;
11. It is strictly forbidden to introduce cottage cheese into the diet of a baby if he is not yet six months old;
12. Raw vegetables and fruits can be given only at 7 - 8 months;
13. In no case do not give broths up to a year, since they contain a fairly large amount of purine bases ( organic natural compounds), which tend to have a negative impact on the work of not fully matured kidneys;
14. If you decide to cook soup puree, then use vegetable broth as a base;
15. Be careful with kefir, as this product can provoke an imbalance in the acid-base balance;
16. Children at the age of 9 months should not eat fish and meat more than 2 times a week, and it is best to opt for low-fat varieties;
17. Between meals, you can give fruit juices, but without sugar.
18. Cheese is allowed to enter the menu only from 1 year.

When should complementary foods not be introduced?

1. the child is sick;
2. he has an intestinal disorder;
3. he has recently received a preventive vaccination or is preparing for it;
4. there is an increase in body temperature.

Fruit and vegetable juices:

Both vegetable and fruit juices are in the category of educational complementary foods, as they have a liquid consistency that resembles breast milk. Juice contributes to the enrichment of the baby's body with microelements, mineral components and vitamin WITH. In addition, it satisfies the needs of the child's body in water. All juices are divided into monocomponent and polycomponent. Monocomponent juices are juices that contain only 1 vegetable or fruit. So, for example, it can be apple, carrot or plum juice. Multicomponent juices contain 2 or more types of vegetables or fruits. Multi-component juices may consist of apple and pumpkin or blackcurrant, apple and banana. Without a doubt, such juices are much more useful, but their introduction is especially dangerous, since in the event of an allergic reaction, parents will not know which component it arose on.

Juices can be clarified or with pulp. The largest number of juices that are intended specifically for babies are clarified. If we talk about juices with pulp, then they contain the so-called dietary fibers, which tend to have a stimulating effect on the motor function of the intestine. As a result, stool disorders caused by incomplete maturation of the intestinal mucosa can make themselves known. Given this fact, experts recommend introducing such juices in a later period of life. In most cases, juices consist only of natural carbohydrates. Sugar is rarely found in them. The introduction of juice is recommended to start with 0.5 teaspoon. Within 5 - 7 days, its total amount can be increased to 30 - 40 milliliters.

Apple juice - the very first training food. It is very important that the juice is made from green varieties of apples. Moreover, it should not contain sugar. Since apple juice contains a large amount of organic acids and natural carbohydrates, its use increases appetite and also enhances the production of digestive juices.

pear juice - "pantry" of folic acid, which takes an integral part in the process of hematopoiesis. In addition, in this juice there is an accumulation of phosphorus, fiber, calcium, magnesium and cobalt. Its use improves peristalsis ( wall contraction) intestines, and also eliminates certain violations of the digestive process.

Carrot-apricot juice - contains in its composition a huge amount of pectin, dietary fiber and fiber. This juice is especially useful for all those babies who suffer from constipation, as it tends to enhance the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. In addition, he fights against various pathologies of the skin, enhances the secretion of bile, reduces the amount of cholesterol. Carrot-apricot juice should be given on an empty stomach.

prune juice - endowed with a number of useful properties due to the presence of dietary fiber and pectin in it. This juice is recommended to be given with a weakened immune system, as well as with a tendency to constipation.

Fruit puree:

fruit purees it is considered to be the second type of complementary foods, which is recommended to be introduced into the baby's menu only 2 weeks after the juice. Modern experts distinguish 3 types of such puree, namely homogenized, puree-like and coarsely ground. Homogenized puree is intended for children whose age varies from 3.5 to 5 months. Puree puree can be given from 6 to 8 months, but coarse puree is intended for children from 9 to 12 months. The daily amount of such puree is equal to the age of the child in months multiplied by 10. All fruit and vegetable purees have a denser consistency, since they also contain vegetable fibers that are involved in the regulation of intestinal motor function.

Blueberry puree - suitable for all babies without exception. This berry has a fairly powerful anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. It contains both manganese and a tannin called tannin, a provitamin A, aromatic acids, carbohydrates and many other components. Blueberries tend to improve vision, increase appetite, improve brain function, regulate hematopoiesis, and also provide the body with the necessary amount of energy.

Broccoli puree – enriched with beta-carotene and various vitamins, mainly vitamin WITH. The introduction of this product into the diet will help improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia. Regular consumption of this puree helps cleanse the body of cholesterol and improve metabolic processes in the liver. Broccoli is an excellent means of prevention and atherosclerosis.

carrot puree - has a very beneficial effect in the very first place on biliary activity. In addition, carrots have bactericidal and antioxidant properties. This vegetable normalizes epithelialization ( formation of epithelium in the affected areas) of the intestinal mucosa and contributes to its emptying. It is especially useful to give carrot puree to all those babies who have a fairly low growth rate. Carrot puree is considered to be an excellent means of preventing respiratory pathologies, as well as recurrent ( frequently repeated) bronchitis.

Cauliflower puree - has a high nutritional value. As part of this puree, there is an accumulation of a large amount of mineral salts, vitamins, vegetable fiber, as well as trace elements.

Grain food:

Cereal complementary foods, that is, cereals, are considered to be a traditional type of complementary foods, which must be introduced into the diet closer to 6 months. Cereals are enriched with a large amount of carbohydrates, which supply the growing body with the energy it needs. In addition, the composition of cereals includes microelements, proteins of plant origin and vitamins of the group V, which tend to have a stimulating effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Note that cereals in the form of a powder, unlike dry milk cereals, have a number of advantages, namely:
  • consumption safety;
  • guaranteed chemical composition;
  • the presence of a large number of trace elements and vitamins.
For the first time, a child can be given no more than 1 teaspoon of porridge. It is very important that it is gluten-free porridge, that is, it should not contain gluten protein, which can provoke the development of celiac disease, a condition accompanied by such signs as an increase in the volume of the abdomen, poor weight gain and loose stools. Gluten-free cereals include corn, buckwheat, and rice cereals.

We cook porridge ourselves:

To cook porridge yourself, you should first carefully sort and rinse the cereal, and then grind it in a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting flour with cold water and leave to cook, stirring occasionally. To improve the taste of porridge, as well as increase its nutritional properties, add about 20-30 milliliters of adapted milk formula or expressed breast milk to it right before feeding. After that, pour the porridge into a plate and let it cool. As for salt and sugar, it is best not to add them to porridge, especially if the child is not yet a year old. Over time, you can add butter to the porridge.

Dairy products:

The composition of fermented milk products contains a large amount of phosphorus, calcium, riboflavin and protein. All these products tend to suppress the growth of pathogenic ( pathogenic) microorganisms. They are also an excellent means of preventing allergic reactions, malignant neoplasms, atherosclerosis and gastrointestinal pathologies. Particularly useful for the child's body are kefir, yogurt and hard cheeses.
The use of dairy products helps:
  • improve intestinal motility;
  • reduce the amount of cholesterol;
  • improve the absorption of proteins, fats and milk sugar;
  • enhance the secretory activity of the digestive glands.

Meat food:

Meat is a universal product, however, it can be introduced into the baby's diet only after his gastrointestinal tract is fully formed. It is meat that is the main supplier of complete proteins of animal origin, which are so necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Under the erythrocytes are hidden red blood cells, which tend to increase the level of hemoglobin. Available in meat and extractive ( organic) components necessary to stimulate digestive function.

Cow's milk for babies:

It is forbidden to introduce milk as an additional food product at an early age, as it can cause the development of intestinal bleeding, followed by the formation of iron deficiency anemia, that is, microcytic anemia resulting from a strong decrease in iron stores in the body. Babies who consume whole milk may develop intolerance to its proteins.

Egg as food:

Eggs have a fairly high biological value, due to the presence in them of a large amount of amino acids, lipids, iron, as well as saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. All these components play an important role in both the physical and mental development of the baby. In addition, they improve the intake of animal proteins. Before use, it is very important to subject the eggs to a thorough heat treatment in order to protect the baby from salmonella poisoning.

Fish and seafood:

Fish and seafood are one of the main sources of complete proteins and amino acids. In addition, these products contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the development of the central nervous system. They also contain trace elements such as zinc and iron. There is a lot of iodine in sea fish.

What mom needs to know when making juice at home:

  • we follow all the rules of personal hygiene ( well-washed hands, short nails, a scarf on the head);
  • utensils intended for making juice should not be used for other purposes;
  • before making juice, the pot, as well as other necessary utensils, should be washed in hot soda water using a brush, then the utensils should be boiled for 10 minutes;
  • we also use soda water to wash the juice bottle, after which we boil the bottle for 10 minutes;
  • immediately after boiling, it is recommended to close the bottle with a tight stopper made of sterile cotton wool;
  • utensils intended for making juice should be stored in a separate clean and closed container;
  • brushes used for washing dishes should be washed in soda water, after which we boil and dry them thoroughly;
  • the prepared juice should be given to the baby immediately after preparation. In summer, it can be stored for no more than 120 minutes, but in winter - no more than 240 minutes.

Is it possible to feed a child with kissel?

Experts do not recommend giving jelly to babies, so as not to provoke overfeeding. Both fruits and berries are best given fresh or canned, as during cooking they lose the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals.

How can you teach a child to bite?

In such cases, an apple comes to the rescue. Take a small apple, peel it and place it in your baby's hand. It is very important that the apple is whole, because in this form, pieces do not break off from it. The child will initially scrape it with his teeth, and then begin to bite off a piece.

Should children wash their hands before eating?

Yes need. The thing is not only hygiene, but also the fact that water is a very strong irritant of the nerve endings of the skin. Irritation of such endings increases appetite and enhances the production of active digestive juices.

Complementary foods and dysbacteriosis:

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the normal ratio of microflora in the body, resulting in a violation of both absorption and assimilation of nutrients. In children suffering from dysbacteriosis, various disorders of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are most often observed, which is why complementary foods should be introduced to them very carefully, which will help to avoid fatal ( life-threatening) lack of vitamins and nutrients. Careful introduction of new products will help to avoid the development and diathesis, as well as atopic dermatitis ( a chronic disease that occurs in children with a genetic predisposition to allergic pathologies).

The introduction of complementary foods for atopic dermatitis:

If the diagnosis of "atopic dermatitis" has already been made, then new products are allowed to be introduced only when there are no fresh elements of the rash on the skin. Such children should not be introduced to new foods before 6 months of age. The very first complementary foods should consist of vegetable puree, it is best to opt for zucchini or cauliflower puree. Initially, you can give no more than a quarter of a teaspoon of complementary foods. The general rule is: 1 product in 7 - 10 days. It is very important to have a special food diary, in which you will need to enter all the foods that cause an exacerbation of this disease. In the event of very strong reactions from the skin, you should get the advice of a specialist who will prescribe the necessary local and systemic treatment.

The introduction of complementary foods for lactase deficiency:

Lactase deficiency is a congenital or acquired pathological condition, accompanied by a lack or complete absence of the lactase enzyme, which is responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar. The organisms of such children are not able to absorb milk.
The main symptoms of lactase deficiency are:
  • flatulence (excessive formation of gases in the intestines);
  • diarrhea after drinking milk;
  • insufficient weight gain;
  • signs of dehydration.
The consumption of whole milk in such cases must be reduced to a minimum, replacing it with sour-milk products, cheeses and butter. Porridges and vegetable purees should be prepared on lactose-free bases. Juices are introduced into the diet only after 6 months. If the child is breastfed, then he is prescribed special medications that tend to break down lactose.

Introduction of complementary foods to premature babies:

Premature babies are especially in need of vitamins and nutrients, which is why they should be introduced to complementary foods much earlier than all other babies. So, for example, vegetable and fruit juices are introduced to them at the age of 1 to 3 months. Initially, the juice should be no more than 5 drops. Giving juice to a premature baby should be after meals. As for beetroot, strawberry and strawberry juices, it is strictly forbidden to give them during the first 12 months of life. The thing is that these juices are endowed with a fairly powerful allergenic effect. Fruit purees are introduced to such babies at the age of 2 months. As early as 3 months, they can begin to give egg yolk. In the same period, you need to start introducing cottage cheese. Porridge is introduced into the diet from 4 months. To prevent the development of anemia, meat should be introduced from the 5th month. At 8 months, the baby can be pleased with unsweetened cookies, bread, vegetable soup or meat broth.

What to do if complementary foods cause constipation?

Improper introduction of complementary foods is dangerous not only by the occurrence of rashes on the skin. Quite often, new foods cause development and constipation, which is very harmful to a growing organism. In babies, constipation occurs in the form of a feedback reaction to a particular new product. Thus, the body shows that it is not able to cope with a new product for it. If you notice that your baby has begun to suffer from constipation, then first change the mode of introduction of new products. New food can be given to such children no earlier than 6 months, and these should be special products of industrial preparation in the form of mashed potatoes. Such purees are much safer for children's intestines. As for homemade dishes, they can be used no earlier than 8 months. Abdominal massage will also help to cope with constipation, which should be carried out 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes. To strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall and improve bowel function, put your baby on your stomach as often as possible.
Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

When a child reaches the age of 6 months, his need for proteins, vitamins and minerals increases significantly. Previously, doctors recommended the introduction of complementary foods from 4 months. But it doesn't make much sense. If there are no problems with growth, development and health, then it is better to start feeding at 6 months. If the baby is thin, with poor appetite, low hemoglobin, then it is better to start complementary foods early, at 5 months.

In general, it is believed that complementary foods begin to be introduced when the baby's first tooth grows. After all, the first tooth is a signal from the body that it is ready to take food other than milk. But sometimes teeth begin to cut even at nine months, then, of course, you don’t have to wait.

How to act?

Any new food is included in the diet gradually and with caution. It is best to start introducing complementary foods at the 2nd morning feeding. Offer your child 1-2 scoops of the new product. After that, it is better to supplement the usual food - breast milk or formula. If the baby refused, do not despair - you can try again in a few days.

After that, it is necessary to monitor the reaction to complementary foods - the appearance of a rash, changes in stool. If everything is in order, the next day the dose is increased by 2 times and so on, exponentially, up to 150-200 grams. If something is wrong, the experiments are temporarily stopped.

Thus, it takes, on average, 7 - 10 days for one feeding to be completely replaced by complementary foods.

Where to start feeding?

There are no clear guidelines for this. Someone starts complementary foods with vegetable purees, and someone with juice. Many pediatricians recommend starting with vegetable purees, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals. But, on the other hand, the structure of the new food is too different from milk, which may be unusual for a child.

If parents decide to start with vegetables, then at first it is better to give white or green vegetables - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower. Later - pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. Vegetables must be boiled and wiped, but you can buy ready-made mashed potatoes in jars. In jars, it is even preferable, because there are guaranteed high-quality products, perfectly homogenized, without fiber fibers, to which children are often allergic.

If the child is thin, then you can start with cereals. It is best to use rice, buckwheat and corn as the first cereals. Then oatmeal is added. You can cook yourself, but it is better to buy ready-made children's ones. First you need to give dairy-free cereals, and closer to a year you can cook with milk. Porridge is better to replace the very last feeding, before a night's sleep. Then a satiated child will sleep better and longer.


Some start with fermented milk products - optimally kefir from children's dairy cuisine. Babies perceive this complementary food well, since there is no fundamental difference in composition in comparison with milk. In addition, dairy products contain beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

So, at 8 months, the child eats 4-5 times a day, of which 2 feedings are completely replaced by kefir, vegetable puree and porridge. At the age of nine months, 3 feedings are completely replaced with complementary foods. Cottage cheese is added (up to a year you can give no more than 50 grams per day) and fruits. From fruits, it is better to give those that grow in the same lane where the child was born. So, for example, you should not give a baby from Moscow kiwi and bananas as the first fruits, optimally - green apples, pears, berries.

At ten months, vegetable soups can be introduced. It is better to cook soup first on water, and then on meat broth (ideally - chicken). If there are no problems, mashed meat is added directly to the soup, after a couple of days, again directly to the soup, - hard-boiled chicken egg yolk - at the beginning 1/5 part, then more. In any case, before the age of one year, more than half of the yolk should not be given.

Meat products are daily present in the diet from ten to eleven months. It is best to introduce rabbit meat first (it is low allergenic). Then - lamb, chicken, pork, beef. It is better not to give fish until a year old - this is a very allergenic product. Meat can also be wiped, or steamed meatballs can be made so that the child learns to eat in pieces.

Closer to the year, you can give juices, and milk-cereal cereals with fruits, and just a piece of a peeled apple or a cracker - suck, scratch your gums, play. Juices do not replace the main meal, they are given in addition, after being fed by breast or milk formula.

It is desirable that from the year the child's menu is quite diverse. If the mother has a desire and milk, it is advisable to feed the child with milk for up to a year - one and a half at least once a day. High-quality milk mixtures can be given up to 1.5 and up to 2 years - 1 time per day.

At night, it is advisable to give kefir, or breast milk, or an adapted milk formula.

If the baby does not eat

If a child, for some reason, does not want to eat complementary foods, do not insist. If his growth and mental development correspond to age norms, the tests are in order, then the delay in the timing of the introduction of complementary foods is not so important.

An approximate menu for a one-year-old child looks like this:

8 ocloc'k

  • Porridge - 200 gr.
  • Fruit puree - 30 gr.
  • Juice - 50 ml.

12 hours

  • Vegetable soup with croutons - 40 gr.
  • Vegetable puree - 150 gr.
  • Steam cutlet - 60 gr.
  • Juice - 30 ml.

16 hours

  • Cottage cheese - 50 gr.
  • Fruits - 50 gr.
  • Kefir or milk - 200 ml.

20 hours

  • Vegetable puree or porridge - 100g.
  • Fruits - 50 gr.
  • Juice - 50 gr.

Every mother sooner or later wonders how to introduce complementary foods to a child? Many listen to grandmothers, relying on their experience, many look for information on the Internet, someone trusts doctors. But the recommendations may not always be correct. Grandmothers and some doctors do not know the latest research in this area and use old schemes, and this can lead to disastrous consequences. The Internet gives a lot of results for the query "complementary foods for children of the first year of life." Many of the articles contain very strange and dangerous information. That is why this article contains all the information about the most correct introduction of complementary foods. For convenience, a table of complementary foods for children up to a year is provided. But before that, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the information below. It will let you know when you can start introducing complementary foods to your baby, keep your baby's digestive system healthy and competently introduce complementary foods to your baby.

When can and should breastfeeding be introduced?

Very often, grandmothers, recalling their long-standing experience in this matter, recommend starting complementary foods early. The child is 3 months old, the first complementary foods from grandmothers will not be long in coming. The main thing is not to let grandma do it! Previously, indeed, such early feeding could be recommended, but times are changing, and science does not stand still. According to many studies, it has been proven that the introduction of complementary foods to a child who is breastfed should begin no earlier than 6 months. Formula-fed babies may start introducing new foods up to a month early, but they shouldn't. It is perfectly acceptable to start complementary foods for them at 6 months. Why can't we introduce complementary foods earlier? Up to 6 months complementary foods are not only unnecessary, but also harmful. A baby under 6 months old does not have the necessary enzymes that could digest new types of food. It follows that even if you start to give him new food earlier, it will not be digested and will be useless. If the food is not digested, it creates an additional load on the baby's digestive tract. Even a couple of teaspoons can put a heavy strain on his stomach. Therefore, you should not rush with the first feeding of an infant. Until six months, he has enough nutrients obtained from breast milk or formula. Babies who eat the mixture, their enzyme systems can mature a little earlier, so the introduction of complementary foods to a child at 5 months is acceptable.

A single rule for the introduction of complementary foods for each type of food is that any new product is introduced from 5 grams per day. Gradually, the volume increases to 100-150 grams per day. The increase in volume should be gradual over the course of a week.

Complementary feeding table for a child on breastfeeding and artificial

6 months Vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots

7 months Kashi: rice, corn, buckwheat. Dairy-free!

8 months Meat (turkey, rabbit, veal, beef, chicken, lamb), yolk, potatoes.

9 months Cottage cheese, kefir.

10 months Fruits: apple, pear, prunes.

What and how is introduced as complementary foods for a child at 6 months

Introduced complementary foods for the child for months. In one month, only one type of new food is introduced. Vegetables are usually introduced first. The exception is children with a lack of body weight, for them cereals are introduced first, then vegetables. Vegetable puree is given at lunch. The best order of introduction of vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots.

Vegetables are introduced first, which are the least likely to cause an allergic reaction. Pumpkin and carrots are introduced last, as children often have allergies to them. Carrots should not be given more than 2-3 times a week and should be given along with other vegetables. Otherwise, you may notice deposits of yellow-orange pigment on the feet, palms of the baby.

Always first puree should be one-component. You can mix different types of vegetables only when the baby tries them separately and he will not have a reaction to any of them. A new kind of food is always offered to a hungry child.

If you plan to cook vegetable purees yourself, then do not be afraid, in fact it is very simple. Vegetables are pre-washed in running water, if necessary, peeled and seeds. Chopped vegetables are placed either in a saucepan or in a double boiler. It is better, of course, to steam, so more useful substances are preserved. Ready vegetables are chopped with a blender with the addition of water or vegetable broth. The consistency should be liquid, similar to kefir. As the baby gets older, you can give him a thicker puree. Ready-made puree can not be stored. Every day you need to cook fresh. Do not add salt, sugar and other spices.

Using the example of the introduction of vegetable puree, we will tell you the order of administration by day.

Day 1 - 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of zucchini puree, then when breastfeeding, supplement with breast milk, with artificial - with a mixture.

Day 2 - 10 grams of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula.

Day 3 - 20 grams of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula.

Day 4 - 40 grams of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula.

Day 5 - 80 grams of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula.

Day 6 - 120 grams of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula.

Day 7 - 150 grams of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula.

The next day, give 5 grams of mashed cauliflower and build up as you did the previous week. You can add zucchini to cauliflower if there was no reaction to it. Etc. This scheme will also apply to other complementary foods where no other scheme is described.

If the child does not eat the entire portion, then a smaller amount is enough for him, do not force him to finish eating. Remember that eating habits are formed in the first year of a child's life.

The first month of the introduction of complementary foods has been completed, what to give at 7 months?

The next thing that is given to the baby is porridge. It is important that cereals are dairy-free and gluten-free. Cow and goat milk should not be given for at least a year. They negatively affect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, are not absorbed and increase the risk of gastric and intestinal bleeding. If the baby does not want to eat dairy-free porridge, then you can add some breast milk or formula to it, depending on the type of baby's food.

Until the age of one, the child should receive only those cereals that do not contain gluten. Gluten can provoke the development of celiac disease - a severe pathology of the small intestine. Gluten-free cereals include rice, corn and buckwheat. Such a variety is quite enough for a child in the first year of life. You can cook your own porridge, but you don't have to.

There are many baby cereals in grocery stores. Many are afraid to buy them, but in vain. These are the same cereals, crushed under industrial conditions, cooked and dried. Therefore, all that is needed for their preparation is to add water. No chemicals for instant cooking, they are not processed.

Porridges are introduced for breakfast according to the scheme indicated in the previous block.

During the introduction of complementary foods, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child, whether his tummy is bothering him, whether the nature of the stool has changed, whether there is an allergy. The reaction may not appear on the first day, but with an increase in the volume of the new product. Therefore, you should not give several different new products at the same time and should slowly increase the volume!

Complementary foods at 8 months This month is very diverse. During this period, they introduce: meat yolk potatoes Potatoes are introduced later than other vegetables, as it is considered a highly allergenic product. It is introduced starting from 5 grams, at the end of the week it is necessary to reach a volume not of 150 grams, but only 50 grams. Potatoes should not make up more than a third of the total vegetable puree. The yolk can be given quail or chicken. Preferably quail, as it rarely causes allergic reactions.

The yolk is given 2 times a week. The first time a few grains are given. The second time - half a quail yolk or ¼ chicken. The next week, you can give one quail or half a chicken yolk. In this amount and continue to give 2 times a week. The yolk is given in the morning feeding. It is easier to rub it with breast milk or add it to porridge.

The first types of meat puree that are given to a child are turkey and rabbit, they are considered the least allergenic types of meat. Then you can give veal, closer to 9 months - beef, chicken and lamb. It is better not to give pork until 1-1.5 years. Meat is introduced for lunch with vegetables, weighing 5 grams. At the age of 8-9 months, the daily intake of meat is not more than 50 grams. By the year you need to give about 100 grams of meat. If the child does not want meat puree in its pure form, it can be mixed with vegetables.

For those who want to cook their own meat puree - a convenient cooking method

Minced meat is made without any additives, small balls are formed from it - meatballs. Boil the balls immediately in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Then you freeze. If necessary, take them out of the freezer, boil them for a couple along with vegetables. Grind with a blender with broth, like vegetables. These minced meat balls will not stick together when frozen. Grinding with a blender is not minced meat, but a piece of boiled meat is difficult and inefficient, mashed potatoes are sticky, and meatballs are easily crushed.

9 months - it's time to introduce the child to fermented milk products

Cottage cheese and kefir are introduced very slowly! The slower the better. The first is cottage cheese. Naturally, it is necessary to give not the cottage cheese that is sold in packs, granular or with additives! For a child, you need to purchase children's cottage cheese - Agusha, Tema. It should be without any additives, sugar and fruits! The first time is given 1 teaspoon. Every day, 1 teaspoon more is given until the serving is 25-30 grams. For a child aged 9-10 months, this is quite enough. By the year, a serving of cottage cheese can be increased to 50 grams.

Dairy products are given in the evening, a couple of hours before dinner.

Kefir is given for the first time in a volume of 5-10 ml. Of course, it should also be for children and without any additives, fruit fillers and sugar. The volume gradually increases to 100-150 ml. By the year you can give 200 ml of kefir. Not all children love kefir, some may refuse to drink it. This is not a reason to "acquaint" the baby with sugar by adding it to kefir. It is better to offer the child yogurt in a couple of weeks or a month. It is not scary if he does not drink it for some time. There are children who never drink it at all, while growing and developing no worse than others.

10 months - time for desserts

At this age, you can already pamper your baby with fruits. Only in this matter should be selective. It is recommended to give fruits that grow in our country. Tropical fruits are best left for later. You can give applesauce, pear or prunes. Most children already have teeth by this time and can chew on pieces of fruit. Begin the introduction of each of the fruits should be with 1 teaspoon or one small piece. About 100 grams of fruit can be given per day. Fruits are given as a snack.

Many may be wondering why fruits are so late, are they rich in vitamins? If a child is breastfed, then vitamins come with breast milk, if not artificial, then they are part of the mixture, so there is no need for fruits as a source of vitamins (besides, they are almost not absorbed from fruits in babies). The main thing that a baby needs up to a year for growth is proteins and fats. Fruit is a delicacy containing carbohydrates and an abundance of fruit acids, which greatly irritate the mucous membrane. Store-bought fruit juices are especially useless in this regard - this is essentially a squeeze of these acids, moreover, devoid of the beneficial properties of natural freshly squeezed juice. Regarding drinks - from 7 months you can try to give your baby herbal tea for children, and after the child tries prunes, you can cook compotes from dried fruits (apples, prunes), dried apricots can be added after a year.

The child does not eat complementary foods, constipation, diarrhea, allergies are typical problems during the feeding period

Sometimes problems arise after a baby has been introduced to complementary foods, such as constipation, diarrhea, an allergic reaction, tummy pain, and as a result, the baby becomes restless. If any of these problems occur, the product that caused the reaction should be discontinued. Re-introduction of the product is recommended not earlier than after 1-2 months with careful monitoring of the child's condition. It is reintroduced as slowly as the first time. Another problem that mothers may face is that the child does not eat complementary foods. The child himself knows well when it is time for him to eat something, and from what he becomes uncomfortable due to the immaturity of the enzyme systems.

Therefore, in the case when a child does not want to eat complementary foods, refuses, do not force him to try to make food tastier by adding salt and sugar. You just need to take a break for 1-2 weeks. Then offer the baby this food again.

About canned food Moms often argue about what is better - canned food or home-cooked food. They will never agree on their own, since each has a couple of good arguments “in their pocket”. Both sides are right. You can cook yourself, and at some point it will even become necessary when the child's diet begins to expand after a year. But canned food is no worse. The main thing is to follow a number of rules when choosing it. Those terms of introduction that are indicated on the banks have nothing to do with the real norms. This is marketing and the "fresher" the product, the better. The product must not be expired. The composition should not contain artificial additives, it is desirable that there be as few components as possible. What can not be given up to a year and what they mistakenly like to feed babies Juice! Grandma's favorite recommendation. You can not give juices at all, even after a year. There is no benefit from them, but there are a lot of acids that irritate the mucous membrane (see store juices are not only not useful, but also harmful). Semolina and other cereals with gluten. Fresh vegetables - cause bloating and are hard to digest. Sweets, including cookies. Tropical fruits. Cow and goat milk. What a mother should remember about feeding a baby Follow these recommendations and not give the child too much, since it is very important to introduce complementary foods to the child correctly, the health of his digestive system in the future depends on this. Complementary feeding up to a year is an acquaintance with new food, and not a full-fledged feeding. Do not give a new product more than once a week. You can not give several new products at once. Complementary foods are only the necessary macro- and microelements, and not pampering or delicacy. You should not treat it playfully, experimenting with products, the health of your child depends on it. Salt, sugar and other spices should not be given at this age. To our “spoiled” taste buds, a simple zucchini on the water will seem disgusting, but for a child it is not only healthy, but also tasty. In addition, salt is contained in all products in the required amount, adding salt is an exorbitant burden on the baby's kidneys. With the introduction of complementary foods, you need to start giving the baby water if he is breastfeeding and has not drunk it before. If someone recommends giving a new food when the baby is 3 months old, complementary foods in the form of anything, then explain that this should not be done. And before, there were a lot of problems from this, only they were not diagnosed. If the child refuses to eat complementary foods, do not rush, you need to take a break for a week and try again.