When, after the birth of a child, you can practice. Sex after childbirth: when can you? And is it worth using protection? The nuances of intimacy after childbirth

Many pregnant women think that after giving birth it will finally be possible to forget about anxiety and relax a little. In fact, with the birth of a baby, the most exciting and crucial stage in life begins - motherhood. How will the first days after childbirth go? How to behave immediately after a natural birth? When can I get up? How long will you have to wait for the baby to be brought? What else happens in the hospital in the first hours after a natural birth or cesarean section?

How are the first hours after the birth of a child?

Immediately after giving birth, the young mother stays in the delivery room. If the delivery process went well, without complications, then the woman will be transferred to the postpartum ward in a couple of hours. During this period of time, the doctor will examine and interview the mother, the medical staff will observe her condition. In some clinics, in agreement with the patient, they put a dropper with medications that stimulate uterine contractions.

Possible ailments in the mother in the first days after the last childbirth

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Despite the fact that childbirth is a completely natural process, a woman's body is exposed to severe stress. Fatigue, dizziness, general weakness, nervous tension often accompany the first days of motherhood and are not considered abnormalities. The first day after giving birth, a young mother should devote to rest and taking care of the newborn (we recommend reading :). Immediately after the birth of a baby, the following may appear:

  1. pain, numbness at suture sites (especially after a cesarean section);
  2. fatigue;
  3. muscle pain;
  4. slight increase in body temperature;
  5. thirst and hunger;
  6. chills.

How long does it take to get up?

The process of childbirth takes a lot of energy from a woman, and it is quite natural that she wants to give a rest to overstrained muscles. However, one should not lie around the clock without getting up - physical activity contributes to the normal contraction of the uterus.

Of course, you can't do exercises or actively play sports, but you can and should take a walk along the corridor, go to the toilet and bathroom on your own.

How long does it take to lie down? After uncomplicated natural childbirth, the woman is allowed to get up after 6 hours. If a young mother feels well, the doctor will allow her to “walk” to the toilet herself even before this period expires, but while visiting the toilet room alone is impossible - she may suddenly feel dizzy, and urgent help is required.

If a cesarean section was performed, the woman will have to stay in the delivery room (or in the intensive care unit) for at least 24 hours after giving birth. The condition of the young mother during this period will be monitored by a doctor, the medical staff will carry out antibacterial therapy, blood loss is corrected, and if necessary, the work of the intestines is stimulated.

When is the baby brought in?

Almost every mother is worried about how soon the child will be brought to her. It all depends on the condition of the woman and the baby, as well as on the policy of the hospital. In some medical institutions, babies are put to the breast after natural childbirth, then the medical staff weighs, measures and dresses the newborns, and if the condition of the mother and the baby is satisfactory, then from that moment they are in the postpartum ward together.

In some medical institutions, mothers are allowed to rest after childbirth for several hours (see also:). During this period of time, babies are monitored by a neonatologist, they are given the first vaccination (if the mother has consented to the vaccination). If a caesarean section was performed in the maternity hospital, then the waiting time will depend on a number of factors:

  1. after a planned operation under local anesthesia, the baby is brought in and can be left with his mother immediately after birth;
  2. if the surgical intervention was carried out under general anesthesia, the mother and the baby will see each other only when the effect of the anesthesia stops (that is, not earlier than after 3 hours);
  3. after an emergency caesarean section, which was carried out at night, the mother will be able to rest before the meeting with the newborn until the morning.

After the young mother was transferred to the postpartum department, she can already take a shower (so far only accompanied by a nurse). For the hygiene of the genitals, it is not recommended to use soap on the first day - it is better to do with rinsing with warm water. Front-to-back flushing should also be done after each visit to the toilet.

Due to the abundant postpartum discharge, you will have to change special pads or disposable mesh panties very often in the first days. In some medical institutions, the doctor may recommend using a diaper rather than a pad - this will make it easier for him to assess the amount of discharge and notice abnormalities in time.

Being in an "interesting position", a woman gets used to eat what she wants. Having become a mother, she must carefully monitor her diet, because not everything that an adult likes will be useful for a baby (dieting is important only for those who plan to practice breastfeeding). It is recommended to include the following products in the menu from the first days:

  • soup in low-fat broth or borscht (cabbage from borscht is not advised to eat);
  • boiled beef of low fat content;
  • high-grade or 1st grade pasta;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • rye croutons;
  • vegetables - stewed or steamed;
  • fruit drink;
  • still mineral water;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • warm tea with a small amount of sugar.

Over time, mom will be able to make her menu more varied. The main thing is to introduce new products gradually, in small portions, in order to keep track of the baby's reaction. In general, the diet of a nursing mother should comply with the principles of a healthy diet - light, fractional, without hot spices and seasonings, no allergens, smoked meats and canned food, and, of course, a complete rejection of alcohol.

Establishing breastfeeding, caring for a baby

If the condition of the mother and baby allows, then the newborn is applied to the breast immediately after birth. The mother has no milk yet, but the child will have enough colostrum in the first hours of life - it contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. In addition, early lactation helps to induce lactation faster.

It is necessary to apply the newborn to the breast on demand. It is important to remember, however, that a healthy baby will only cry if he is hungry. If the child is constantly crying and refuses to breast, it is urgent to show him to the neonatologist - perhaps he has something in pain. How to feed your baby properly, and what hygiene rules to follow, the nurse will tell you in detail.

Possible complications after childbirth in the first days

On the first day after delivery, the medical staff carefully monitors the condition of the parturient woman in order to identify and stop possible complications in time. The doctor will often go to the postpartum ward and conduct examinations and interviews with young mothers. If the following signs appear, an urgent need to consult a doctor:

  1. too abundant discharge - if the pad fills faster than 1 hour, on the first day after delivery, or there are many clots, this is already considered a complication;
  2. the appearance of hemorrhoids - if they greatly bother the postpartum woman, she will be prescribed rectal suppositories containing an anesthetic;
  3. rashes on the face or redness of the eyes - usually this is not a cause for concern, rashes and dots on the skin appear with strong attempts, when small capillaries burst (everything should go away on its own within 2 weeks);
  4. cracks in the nipples - if the nipples began to hurt, it is possible that the skin is dry, and soon a painful crack will form, this can be avoided by correctly applying the newborn to the breast and using special creams to treat the nipples;
  5. impaired urination - if a woman was unable to urinate on her own within 5-6 hours after childbirth, you must definitely consult a doctor;
  6. pain in the perineum - pain occurs even if there were no cuts and tears, if sutures were imposed, then the doctor will give recommendations for the care and relief of pain;
  7. pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen indicate that the uterus is contracting, these sensations can increase during feeding, and if the pain is very severe, talk to your doctor about it.

An intimate life is intimate for that, so as not to let curious outsiders enter it and not to discuss it at every step, even if with friends. But still, there are situations when it is possible and even necessary to talk about sexual activity, for example, with a gynecologist after a successful birth. After all, it is known that pregnancy and the birth of a new small family member leaves its mark on the relationship of the spouses. Including, and on sex life, which also undergoes changes and requires a careful approach to the resumption after childbirth.

Sexual life after childbirth - abstinence for at least 4 weeks

Sexual life after childbirth is definitely necessary, but the question of when and how to make the first sexual contact after childbirth must be approached responsibly. It is no secret that childbirth is a certain stress for the mother's body, requires significant energy costs from her and leads to certain physiological changes. And after childbirth, a woman necessarily needs time to recover: in this case, sex life is usually shown no earlier than after 4-8 weeks. Of course, everything here depends on the individual anatomical and physiological characteristics of the "newly-made" mother, as well as on how the delivery took place, how difficult or easy it was.

In any case, earlier than 4 weeks later, doctors do not recommend sexual contacts. This is the minimum time required for the renewal of the uterus after childbirth, as well as for its cleansing of blood residues. Returning to an intimate life immediately after the birth of a baby is also contraindicated because during this period the uterus is most susceptible to infection. And the risk of infection will not disappear until it returns to its original state and does not recover.

If childbirth was difficult, with incisions, the time before the onset of sexual activity after childbirth should be even longer. Many people mistakenly believe that if the birth took place through a cesarean section, then such problems regarding sexual activity should not arise with the appearance of a baby. And this is a completely incorrect statement: after a woman needs even more time to recover, until the stitches from the operation completely heal.

Ideally, the "allowed" moment for the first sexual intercourse after childbirth for the couple is best discussed with the gynecologist. The specialist will examine the woman's genitals and assess the speed and degree of their recovery, which means he will be able to determine when to start resuming sexual activity. In addition, your doctor will be able to advise on the most appropriate method of contraception to prevent re-pregnancy almost immediately after the baby is born.

Possible problems

But, even if the first sexual intercourse is performed according to the recommendations of doctors, it still may not at all justify the "hopes" placed on it, both for the mother and the father. The most common problems that young parents face at first after the birth of a baby are anatomical changes in the vagina and its dryness. The first is due to the stretching of the vagina during the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Over time, doctors calm down, the vagina will take its original shape, and this process can be accelerated by performing special exercises (so-called). A woman can perform them even during pregnancy, thus avoiding unnecessary stretching of the vagina and its quickest return "to tone" almost immediately after childbirth.

Vaginal dryness is also a temporary phenomenon that is triggered by estrogen deficiency after birth. The same factor becomes decisive in the occurrence of postpartum depression and depression in the mother, which are aggravated by fatigue. Men in this case are advised to treat their beloved with understanding, not only helping her physically, but also supporting her morally. Special lubricants and creams will help to cope with vaginal dryness.

Often, women also complain about the discomfort they feel during sexual intercourse after childbirth, and pain. This situation can arise if the birth was carried out with tears requiring sutures. Painful sensations arise if the seams "catch" the nerve endings, and in this case it is recommended to jointly seek the most optimal position for sex, maximum attention of the man to the feelings of the woman. Over time, the nerve endings adapt to new configurations, but for now, you just have to take care and listen to each other during intimacy.

Maximum attention and tenderness

After the birth of a baby, a woman requires increased attention and tenderness from a man. Now, more than ever (about the same as during pregnancy), she needs psychological support from her beloved man. With regard to sexuality: even if sexual contact is undesirable at first, no one forbids tactile caresses. Now is the time to get acquainted with each other's body again, to find new sensitive areas and zones on it, treat each other with maximum affection and tenderness. But you need to be careful with women's breasts if a new small member of the family is breastfed. In general, the postpartum period is not only difficult, but also filled with new pleasant worries, joy and awe. This is a new opportunity to reevaluate the relationship between spouses, an opportunity to relive the first minutes of meeting on a physical level. The main thing here is love, mutual understanding, patience and the ability to listen to each other.

Specially for- Tatiana Argamakova

Many women argue that making love for the first time after giving birth was like "the very first time."

There are lucky women in the world who, while still in the hospital, dream of how they will have sex again. And, which is typical, they soon successfully make their dreams come true. But, alas, there are very few of them. Statistics say that about 50% of new mothers have problems in sexual relations within three months after giving birth, and 18% of these problems continue throughout the first year. How and when can they be resolved?


You can start having sex no earlier than after 4-6 weeks postpartum.

This requirement, first of all, is due to the fact that it is during this period that the uterus gradually returns to its previous, pre-pregnant size, the placenta attachment heals (after all, after the placenta separated from the uterine wall during childbirth, a continuous wound remained in its place surface). If an infection gets into an unhealed wound during intercourse, the case may end with endometritis (inflammation of the uterus).

The vagina should also return to its previous state - after all, after childbirth it is stretched. Most often, by the sixth week after childbirth, it gradually decreases in size. In order to help him do this, gynecologists recommend doing Kegel exercises that train the muscles of the perineum and vagina.

In the middle of the last century, gynecologist Arnold Kegel invented them for women who, after childbirth, had problems with involuntary urination. Subsequently, it turned out that these exercises also increase sexual tone, improve blood circulation and even allow you to control orgasm. In order to get a feel for which muscles you need to train, try to stop the flow of urine while urinating. The muscles with which you did this are the muscles of the perineum. Now your task is to learn how to strain and relax them as much as possible, first at a slow, and then at a fast pace. This can be done at any time - while walking, watching TV, lying in bed, etc.

It would seem that if childbirth occurred by cesarean section, then such problems should not arise, and sex can be engaged almost immediately after childbirth. Indeed, the vagina did not undergo any changes in this case, but the wound at the placenta attachment site should heal in the same way as after natural childbirth. In addition, a scar remains on the uterus, which heals within the same 4-6 weeks (the suture on the skin of the abdomen can heal much earlier).

Can't or don't want to?

It so happens that the doctor gives the go-ahead, but the woman still does not want any sex. Do not rush to diagnose frigidity, but rather figure out why this is happening. The reasons can be both quite obvious and deep in the subconscious.

By and large, the blunting of sexual desire is a kind of natural given. Indeed, as long as the cub needs constant maternal care and attention, it cannot survive on its own, the mother's next cub is not yet needed. Therefore, in the body of a woman who has recently given birth, the level of estrogen (the hormone of pleasure) decreases, hence the increased dryness of the vagina, even with a sufficiently high sexual arousal. If the birth was difficult enough, then subconsciously she wants to take revenge on her partner for the suffering she suffered.

There are other reasons for unwillingness to have sex, more deliberate:

  • severe fatigue (often combined with resentment against her husband, who does not help either with the child or with the housework), it is most often expressed in the phrase: “I have no time for sex now!”;
  • the feeling of one's own unattractiveness, indeed, after childbirth, the female figure loses its girlish angularity, but many men find this very attractive;
  • postpartum depression - this type of depression, which occurs in about 10% of women, can significantly reduce sex drive.

And a young mother is simply scared to have sex. She may fear, for example, that:

  • it will hurt or that the wound has not completely healed. To cope with this fear, it would be good to see a doctor in advance - he will determine if everything is okay after giving birth.
  • at the most crucial moment, the child will wake up. Fear leads to tension, and the woman cannot relax. A good option is not to wait for the night when you will literally fall from fatigue, but ask your grandmother or nanny to walk with your child on the street for an hour or two.
  • she is going to get pregnant again, which is so inappropriate now. Remember that contraceptive methods have not yet been canceled. You just have to choose the best way for yourself.


For some reason, there is a widespread belief among the broad masses that while a woman is breastfeeding or until her menstrual cycle has recovered, it is impossible to get pregnant. This is not true. Moreover, until the cycle has started or has become regular, it is very easy to miss a new pregnancy. Menstruation may begin as early as 28 days after giving birth, or it may not come during the entire lactation period, but this does not mean at all that you are insured against pregnancy. What is left?

Calendar method it is definitely not suitable for you now. It is effective even in "peacetime" times in only 50% of cases, and even when menstruation is irregular, there is no need to rely on it at all.

About hormonal pills the opinions of doctors differ. Some argue that hormones entering milk are not harmless to a child, others insist that modern hormonal contraceptives, skillfully selected especially for you, will not affect the baby in any way. It's up to you to decide, but in no case try to "prescribe" yourself a hormonal drug on your own - only a doctor should do this. In principle, this is a fairly reliable tool - it is 97-99% effective.

There are several options for administering a hormonal drug:

  • the pill itself (it is necessary to take it every day, and preferably at the same time);
  • an injection, which is also called a "contraceptive injection", indications and contraindications for it are exactly the same as for tablets - only the form of application changes (it lasts for 8-12 weeks, depending on the type of drug);
  • contraceptive capsule: inserted under the skin of the shoulder (valid for 5 years, and the capsule can be removed at any time).

Intrauterine device effective by 98%, but you can put it no earlier than 6 weeks after childbirth and provided that you do not have chronic gynecological diseases.

Barrier contraception(condoms, diaphragms, spermicides) are 85-97% effective. A combination of a diaphragm and spermicides is especially effective (the spermicide is applied to the dome of the diaphragm before its introduction).

Like the first time

Many women argue that making love for the first time after giving birth was like "the very first time." This must be borne in mind by a spouse who is burning with passion. From him now maximum patience and tenderness is required in order to renew the love relationship. To begin with, he will have to share with his wife not only the bed, but also the housework and the child.

Massage (especially with essential oils) is a good way to relieve muscle tension. To begin with, it is better to choose a pose in which you yourself will control the depth and frequency of penetrations - for example, the pose "rider". To reduce vaginal dryness, you can use special gels and lubricants from an intimate store. It is very important that you do not doubt your attractiveness to your partner. Believe me, the male look is much less demanding than the female one.

They say that it is the restoration of sexual relations that is the end of the postpartum period and the beginning of a new stage in family life. May it be happy for you!

Inessa Smyk, "Be healthy" magazine

Naturally, after childbirth, physiological changes occur in a woman's body, which leave an imprint on the sexual side of the relationship between spouses. In the first 6-8 weeks after the birth of the baby, gynecologists do not recommend having sex after childbirth. This is due to the fact that during this time there is a reverse development (involution) of all organs and systems that have undergone changes in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. The exception is the mammary glands, the function of which reaches its prime in the postpartum period.

The most pronounced involutional changes occur in the genitals, especially in the uterus. After the birth of the placenta, a large wound surface remains in it, which takes about 4-6 weeks to heal. During this period, lochia are allocated - in the first days they are bloody, gradually their color changes from red to brownish, by the 4th week the discharge almost stops and soon disappears completely. Sexual life after childbirth can promote the penetration of infection through the slightly open cervix into the uterus, and the released blood and an open wound surface will only contribute to the rapid development of inflammation.

After giving birth through the vaginal birth canal, there are often complications in the form of incisions or ruptures of the perineum, the walls of the vagina or the cervix. It also takes time for stitches to heal after childbirth. Even if there were no tears during childbirth, the muscle tone of the vagina and perineum after natural childbirth is significantly reduced. The recovery process after childbirth depends on the condition of these muscles before pregnancy, on whether the woman trained them while waiting for the baby, on age and genetic characteristics.

In women after a cesarean section, the walls of the vagina do not change, however, recovery after childbirth of the uterus is slower. In addition, it takes time to heal and form a full-fledged scar on the abdomen.

So, after 6-8 weeks after giving birth, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist who will determine the condition of the uterus, cervix, sutures on the perineum or vaginal walls, scar after cesarean section, take a smear on the flora to detect signs of inflammation. After that, the doctor will give recommendations on when to resume intimate relationships.

Sex after childbirth. Possible problems

When resuming sexual activity after childbirth, a couple may face the following problems:

Vaginal dryness. After childbirth, most women experience a sharp decrease in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens. As a result, the amount of natural vaginal lubrication produced is reduced. For this reason, intercourse can be uncomfortable and even painful for a woman. In this case, it is worth stocking up on a special lubricant (lubricant), which can be bought at the pharmacy. You just need to carefully monitor the composition of these funds and do not use those that contain hormones if a woman is breastfeeding.

Soreness of sex after childbirth can also be associated with the presence of stitches and scars on the perineum and vagina. Sometimes, because of the stitches, the configuration of the vagina can also change. Soreness is also often noted in the area of ​​the scar on the abdomen after a cesarean section. Of course, over time, as the tissues in the area of ​​tears and cuts are completely healed, these sensations will pass. But until this happens, in order to avoid discomfort or eliminate it, you need to choose a position during sexual intercourse in which minimal pressure is exerted on the scar. You can consult with your supervising gynecologist, who will recommend local preparations for accelerating the recovery of tissues in the area of ​​sutures after childbirth, which are approved for use by nursing mothers.

The weakening of the muscle tone of the vagina and its expansion can leave their mark on the sensations during the first sexual intercourse. However, this phenomenon is temporary, and within a few months the problem will go away, especially if the woman can find very little time to do Kegel exercises, which consist of contracting the pelvic muscles that support the vagina. These muscles can be felt during voluntary cessation of urination or vaginal tension.

For quick recovery after childbirth, their tone, it is advisable to exercise every hour for 3 weeks. The technique is very simple: for 5 seconds, you need to tighten the muscles of the perineum and anus (as if you really want to go to the toilet), then for 5 seconds you should keep them in a state of maximum tension, then gradually relax them for another 5 seconds. Then, after a 5-second rest, the exercise is repeated. You need to make at least 30 cuts at a time - it only takes a few minutes.

I must also say that many women do not experience any problems with sex after childbirth - on the contrary, they say that the attraction to her husband has become stronger and the orgasm is brighter.

No surprises

A very important aspect of sexual relations after the birth of a baby is the issue of preventing pregnancy. Doctors believe that the minimum interval between births should be at least 2 years. During this time, the woman's body is fully restored.

The choice of contraceptive method depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse, breastfeeding and the preferences of the spouses. It is also necessary to take care of preventing pregnancy in cases where the menstrual cycle has not yet recovered, because even in the absence of menstruation, ovulation, that is, the release of an egg from the ovary, can occur. Consider the main methods of contraception after childbirth.

Interrupted intercourse. The use of interrupted intercourse is a very ineffective method of contraception. Firstly, not every man is able to clearly feel the onset of ejaculation and control himself at this moment. Secondly, a certain amount of sperm is secreted during intercourse. According to some reports, it is they who are the most mobile and viable, which, accordingly, makes the probability of conception very high. In addition, with repeated intercourse, sperm remaining on the walls of a man's urethra after the first ejaculation can enter the vagina. The effectiveness of this method of contraception is only 70–75%.

Method of lactational amenorrhea. This method of contraception is based on the absence of ovulation during breastfeeding. During the feeding of the baby, the hormone prolactin is released, which increases milk production and has a contraceptive effect by suppressing the function of the woman's ovaries.

For the contraceptive method to work successfully, the following conditions must be met:

  • the child is exclusively breastfed, without the use of supplementary feeding and supplementation with water;
  • the baby suckles at least every 3 hours during the day;
  • the interval between night feedings should not exceed 6 hours (the more often feedings occur, the more effective the method of contraception);
  • lack of menstruation;
  • no more than 6 months have passed since birth.

However, with an increase in the intervals between feedings, the introduction of supplementary feeding, the method of contraception becomes ineffective. In addition, the more time has elapsed since childbirth, the higher the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy. In some women, even in spite of breastfeeding, within 1.5–2 months after giving birth, the ovaries may resume, as a result of which ovulation occurs and pregnancy may occur. If the woman has returned to her period, even if it is less than 6 months after giving birth, it is necessary to choose another method of contraception after childbirth. The effectiveness of the method depends on the interval after childbirth: in the first 6 months, subject to all conditions, pregnancy occurs in about 1-2% of cases, from 6 to 12 months - in 4.5-7%.

Barrier methods of contraception- condom, diaphragms, cervical caps. Barrier methods of contraception do not affect the breastfeeding process and the baby's condition. Therefore, they can be used without restriction in any period after childbirth. Effectiveness ranges from 90–98% with a condom, up to 70–80% with a cervical cap and 77–98% with a diaphragm.

Spermicide exist in various forms - foam, sponges, gels, dissolving films, tablets, ointments or suppositories. Spermicides contain a chemical that destroys sperm cells and a carrier through which the agent spreads into the vagina. They do not contain hormones, they act only locally, so they can be used during breastfeeding. In addition, spermicides have a moisturizing effect, which is a positive thing for women who do not have enough lubrication in the postpartum period.

Among the disadvantages of spermicides are the following: some forms of release of spermicides require you to wait a certain time before intercourse; some women, especially in the postpartum period, may experience skin irritation and allergic reactions to spermicide. The effectiveness of spermicides is just over 60%.

Intrauterine device (IUD)- an intrauterine contraceptive, which is a small plastic device with copper, silver or gold. The IUD is inserted into the uterus by a gynecologist. The mechanism of action of the intrauterine device is that it inhibits the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity, reduces the life of the egg and prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. The introduction of an intrauterine device is possible 6 weeks after delivery. Before that, it is necessary to undergo examination by a gynecologist. The IUD does not interfere with milk production, so its use is safe for breastfeeding. In addition to conventional intrauterine devices, there is a hormonal intrauterine system. It secretes a small amount of a hormone, an analogue of progesterone, which further blocks the growth of the endometrium and prevents the attachment of the ovum in the uterus. During lactation, the hormonal IUD can also be applied 6 weeks after delivery.

The negative aspects of this method of contraception after childbirth are: increased risk of developing an inflammatory process in the uterus; an increase in the likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy (against the background of the use of a hormonal coil, this risk is extremely small); a fairly large number of contraindications, the main of which are chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

For non-hormonal IUDs, the Pearl index1 is about 1-1.5, for hormonal - about 0.5.

Hormonal contraceptives. During breastfeeding, a young mother can take far from all hormonal contraceptives, but only those that do not contain estrogen - hormones that penetrate into breast milk and can get to the baby. Nursing mothers can use hormonal contraceptives containing only gestagens - analogs of the hormone progesterone. These substances enter the woman's body in very small quantities, even less of them penetrates into milk. These hormones are safe for a baby. Such contraceptives can be in the form of pills (mini-pills), injections (injections, most often long-acting) or implants that are implanted under the skin for several months. These products can be used 6 weeks after delivery.

The advantages of these funds include their high efficiency. The Pearl index for modern contraceptives is 0.1–0.5. The disadvantages are the need for daily intake at exactly a certain time and the presence of contraindications - therefore, before taking these drugs, be sure to consult with a gynecologist.

Surgical sterilization- ligation of the fallopian tubes. It is an irreversible method of contraception after childbirth. It is often performed during a cesarean section or after childbirth at the request of the woman. It can be recommended for women over 35 years old and with two or more children.

In order for everything to return to normal when resuming intimate relationships after such an important stage in your life as pregnancy and childbirth, there is no universal recipe - everything is very individual. But with patience and understanding, you can make postpartum sex even more enjoyable than before.

Most women ask their doctor if it is okay to have sex after childbirth, how soon after childbirth can you return to sexual activity, and what she is after the birth of the baby. However, it is worth noting that about half of new mothers experience certain problems in intimate relationships. For some, this continues during the first months, for others during the first year.

Why is this happening and how to make the return to the usual "sexual regimen" as comfortable as possible, the doctor will tell you.

When can I sleep with my husband after giving birth? How long can you not have sex after childbirth? Childbirth is a serious physiological process. A certain period must pass for the uterus and vagina to return to their previous size. The placenta should also heal. Typically, the entire postpartum recovery process takes 5-8 weeks... It is for this period that doctors recommend abstaining from sexual activity.

A month after giving birth, you must undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist. If all organs are in a pre-pregnant form, then he will allow you to resume sexual relations.

What is the danger of neglecting this recommendation? Why can't you have sex right after giving birth? The fact is that after childbirth, a wound remains at the site of attachment of the placenta. It takes time and sexual rest for it to heal. Otherwise, bleeding may occur and the recovery process may be delayed. In addition, a complication may appear in the form of infection in an unhealed wound and, as a result, endometritis.

When do you need a doctor's consultation? If after childbirth 1-1.5 months have passed, and pain is still persisting, you should contact your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Why does a woman sometimes do not want or can not

It is not uncommon when the recovery period after the birth of the child is over, and the woman still does not want sex. In such a situation, you should not make hasty conclusions, but you should understand yourself, because there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

First, it may be the fault of natural instinct... Until the baby is able to exist independently, the mother's second child is not needed. This is the factor that at a subconscious level dulls the desire for intimacy. It is for this reason that the level of the hormone estrogen is low in the body of the woman who has given birth, and as a result, there is a lack of natural lubrication in the vagina.

Besides, if the birth was difficult, in the subconscious of a woman there is a desire to take revenge on her partner for this torment.

Among the more specific reasons lack of sexual desire can be distinguished:

  • low self-esteem (the figure after childbirth changes, and this fact is very depressing for some women and makes them feel unattractive);
  • excessive fatigue (after all, now the woman has not only household chores, but also caring for the baby);
  • postpartum depression.

Also, dulling the desire for sex can be caused by fears: unplanned pregnancy; fear that it will hurt to have sex after childbirth; fear that the child will wake up at the most crucial moment.

"Like the first time…"

Very often, first sex after childbirth compared to the first time in principle... The fact is that in this case, during sexual intercourse, a woman may experience pain or discomfort. This is primarily due to the fact that during the birth process, the nerve endings of the genital organs are damaged. Also, scars and seams on soft tissues can be injured during sex, which provokes pain.

Another factor due to which sexual intercourse can cause discomfort to a newly-made mother is the woman's resistance on a subconscious level. To make the return to your normal sex life as comfortable as possible, you can use some recommendations.

  • Have a romantic evening: delicious dinner, bath with aroma candles, erotic film. All of these will help you relax and awaken desire.
  • Start slowly... Spend enough time petting. You can start with oral sex or petting (imitation of sexual intercourse).
  • Choose poses in which you can control the depth of penetration.
  • Use a lubricant: a special gel or cream that removes dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

Contrary to popular belief you can get pregnant during the lactation period, and before the onset of menstruation. How can you avoid the surprise?

Consider several methods of protection from unwanted pregnancy.

  1. Hormonal contraceptives. Forbidden while breastfeeding! There are several forms: pills (taken daily), injections (one injection lasts 8-12 weeks) and a contraceptive capsule (inserted under the skin of the shoulder and lasts for 5 years). The reliability of such funds is estimated at 95-99%, but it is not worth choosing a drug for yourself. You need to consult a doctor and, if necessary, get tested.
  2. Intrauterine device. It is also an effective method of prevention. You can put it in 1.5 months after childbirth and in the absence of chronic diseases of the genital organs.
  3. Barrier contraception. These are condoms, diaphragms and spermicides. The method is safe for health, but the least convenient of all.

During childbirth the vagina is undergoing changes: it stretches and it takes time to restore it to its original size. To speed up this process, gynecologists recommend regularly doing Kegel exercises that train intimate muscles.

These exercises also help to increase sexual tone and improve blood flow to the genitals. They also allow you to control your orgasm.

To understand what exactly needs to be done, you need to try to stop urine while urinating. It is these muscles with which you did it that you need to train. The essence of such a workout is to maximize muscle tension and relaxation at a slow and fast pace. This can be done at any convenient time.


In the video that we offer for viewing, you can also find a lot of useful information and answers to frequently asked questions about sex after childbirth.

Share your experience, how long did you decide to resume sexual intercourse, what were the doctor's recommendations * Were you scared or uncomfortable at first? Your story will help solve the questions of our readers!