Abstract of nodes in the preparatory school group "animals of hot countries". Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group in the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development." Toddler Zoo Theme

To teach children to sculpt animals from hot countries, to determine the content of their work, to improve the ability to freely vary different sculpting techniques (pulling, pinching, fastening parts) to create an expressive image, conveying the characteristic shape and proportions of the body and parts.

To develop aesthetic feelings, the ability to work carefully. The desire to bring what has been started to the end.



Animals of hot countries

GCD summary for modeling

Toddler zoo

Software content: Teach children to sculpt animals from hot countries, determine the content of their work, improve the ability to freely vary different sculpting techniques (pulling, pinching, fastening parts) to create an expressive image, conveying the characteristic shape and proportions of the body and parts.

To develop aesthetic feelings, the ability to work carefully. The desire to bring what has been started to the end.


Demonstration: toys baby elephant, giraffe.

Dispensing : plasticine, stacks, sculpting boards, yellow cocktail tubes, wet wipes, flower seeds.


Educator: Guys, today we will continue to sculpt animals for the Zoo for our kids. We need to guess the animals that came to visit us

He's tall and spotted

With a long, long neck.

And he feeds on leaves-

Leaves of trees(giraffe)

He has a huge nose

He is strong, like a steam locomotive,

He is most of all on land,

Have you guessed? This is an elephant)

Today our guest is a giraffe and a baby elephant toys that came from Africa. They are very important guests. Let's give them a pat, they love it.

Baby elephant and giraffe:Hello. We are very proud that you invited us to visit, but let's be honest, how can we be useful to you?

Educator : Dear giraffe and baby elephant, we are very glad to see you as our guest. And that's why we invited you. Kids go to our kindergarten, they really want their group to have their own little zoo, in which beautiful animals live. We ask you very much to help us, to mold kids as beautiful as you for the zoo.

Baby elephant and giraffe: We will be happy to help. We have been given a great honor, we must try very hard to mold the same playful giraffes and elephants. Let's think about where to start?

Educator: For an elephant, you first need to mold the body, it is oval, roll the ball, then roll it out so that you get a column. and for an elephant from a column with the help of a stack, we cut it before reaching the middle at both ends and lower our legs down. It turned out to be a solid body with legs.

Educator: The elephant has a round head, with our fingers we pull out the trunk and apply the tusks. And the giraffe has a long neck. Pull the plasticine out of the molded piece of the body with your fingers, slowly pull out the plasticine, pull it from the very sides, the giraffe's neck is not thick or thin (shows the way of stretching.)

And we will make the head separately. The giraffe's head is oval, but where the nose is, it is narrower, and on the other side it is wider, it looks like a small carrot, only the end is not as sharp as that of a carrot.

Independent step-by-step examination of the subject. Highlighting its characteristic features.

Children: First, we shift the ball, then we roll it into a column but so that on one side the column is narrower, and on the other it is wider. We will make the mouth in a stack, and the eyes from flower seeds.

Educator: But still, something is missing on the giraffe's head. What?

Children: The giraffe has small pointed ears, and at the top they are thinner, and wider near the head. We will pull them out with our fingers.

Educator : And the giraffe also has horns, they grow between its ears. Well, they blinded the head, the horns. How do we attach?

Children: We put our fingers on the head to the neck.

Educator: Right. The legs will be cocktail tubes and should all be the same length. We also have a ponytail with a tassel at the end.

Guys, our giraffe has a feature thanks to which we know that it is a giraffe, not a zebra. What is this feature?

Children : Giraffe is yellow. it has brown spots.

Educator : Well, we examined our guests, and now let's blind them, but first let's play with our fingers.

Exercise game "Picked up plasticine"

Children take imaginary plasticine and then they perform movements along the text together with the teacher.

We knead plasticineKnead imaginary

Knead, knead... plasticine

Let's roll it on the palm,

Let's ride, we'll ride... Connect the index and

Tried, sculpted... the thumb is in rings-Small ball blinded balloons.

Show who got which ball?

Children show their balls

If we take more plasticine,

Let's start sculpting the little animal!

Eye, paws, abdomen Show

It turned out to be a little animal.

Educator: Well, here we have examined our animals, and now let's blind them.

Self-sculpting of children.

Baby elephant and giraffe:We really liked the animals of hot countries.

Physical education self-massage

"At the giraffes"

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, specks everywhere. everywhere 2p.

Clap their palms all over the body

On the forehead, ears. on the neck. on elbows

Both index fingers touchrelevant body parts.

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere, everywhere 2

We pinch ourselves as if collecting folds

On noses, stomachs, knees and legs

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes, there are stripes everywhere, everywhere

Run the edge of the palms over the body (draw stripes over the body)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows

On the legs, on the stomachs, on the knees and on the toes.

Well done guys, it's time for us to return, say hello to your kids.

Municipal preschool educational institution number 22
kindergarten "Ryabinushka"

Open lesson summary
on modeling
Topic: Animals of hot countries.

Compiled by: teacher of the preparatory group
Chudinovskaya Anastasia Nikolaevna.

Topic: Animals of hot countries. Turtle.

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to sculpt animals, transferring its characteristic
features, using previously learned sculpting techniques;
develop fine motor skills of hands when creating voluminous crafts from
salty dough;
to educate the ability to correctly evaluate their work and work

Material for the lesson:
Turtle illustration, clarity on the stages of modeling turtle, beach
for turtle, salt dough turtle;
Salted dough of different colors, stacks, napkins, modeling stands.

Course of the lesson:
- Good afternoon guys. My name is Anastasia Nikolaevna.
I'm glad to see you.

Children stand in a circle.
- Guys, let's play.
- Catch the ball, throw it
Name the animals of hot countries!
(Answers of children: lion, elephant, tiger, giraffe, etc.).

Children sit down at tables.
- Guys, what is it?
The shell is as strong as granite
He will protect from enemies
And underneath it knows no fear
Slow Turtle.

That's right, guys, well done!

Displaying a picture of a turtle. Examination of the picture.
-Guys, look, this is such a turtle.
-Where does the turtle live?
- What parts does her body consist of?
- What is the shape of its torso, legs, head of our turtle?
-What is the shape of the carapace?
Children's answers: oval, etc.

The story of the turtle.
-The turtle lives in hot countries, likes to bask in the sun, lying on the yellow sand.
I put on the table, a previously prepared beach for a turtle, on which one turtle is made of salted dough.
-Guys, quieter, do you hear?
I take the turtle and bring it to my ear.
-My turtle, whispered to me that
· She is very sad alone.
- What are we going to do so that she is not lonely and sad?
Children's answers: blind her turtle friends.

Explanation of the stages of sculpting with a show:
-Now, children, I will tell you how to mold a turtle from salt dough.

We make the tortoise shell in the shape of a gingerbread. Roll up the ball and flatten it.
You need to decorate the shell with cakes from cakes, sausages or spirals.
Blind your head by rolling out a column, bend your neck, attach your eyes.
We cut the mouth with a stack.
We make four thick sausages. These will be the legs of the turtle. Can
scratch the "fingers" with a stack.
We attach a small ponytail.
Physiotka standing "Tree".
Finger gymnastics
The shell is worn by a turtle,
Hides his head from fear.
Loves to run and play
Sunbathe on the sand.

Now guys, let's get to work. If you need help tell me about it.

Modeling turtles by children. The music "Baby by the Sea" is playing.

Examination and evaluation of work by children.
- Guys, what good fellows you are. My turtle says thank you very much to everyone, now she has a lot of fun and has someone to play with.
- Look, what beautiful and different friends she has.
Lesson summary:
Met a turtle
Something was sad to her,
We thought a little
And they blinded her friends.
-Guys, let's play with our turtle.
"The sea is worried once"
Assessment of the work of children.
- Guys, let your turtles bask in the sun, lying on the sand. Their shell will become as strong as my turtle's. And you can play with them.
-Thank you guys. Goodbye.

Attached files

Synopsis of the lesson on the topic "Animals of hot countries"

Lesson objectives:

    Consolidation of ideas about animals of hot countries and their characteristics.

    Consolidation of grammatical forms of genitive singular and plural nouns, names of babies.

    Exercise in aligning nouns with adjectives.

    Consolidation of words of complex syllabic structure.

    Strengthening the ability to form complex words by adding the foundations.

    Repetition of the scheme for drawing up a story-description of an animal.

    Development of the ability to compare animals according to essential characteristics.

    The development of coherent speech (the ability to compose a story-description).

    Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

    Development of general and fine motor skills.

    Development of attention.

    Cultivation of cognitive interest in the fauna of hot countries.

    Fostering positive motivation to practice.

Course of the lesson:


Good morning, guys!

All friends in this group

I you he she.

Hug your neighbor to the left

Hug the neighbor on the right.

Pet your neighbor to the left

Pat the neighbor on the right.

Smile at the neighbor on the left

Smile at the neighbor on the right.

We are all a friendly family

I you he she.

2. Setting a goal

Guys, today we are going on an unusual journey. We must visit different continents. What transport do you think we will travel the fastest on? (By plane)

Then get on the plane, please. Sit down, fasten your seat belts. See how high we fly. It's time to land.

3.The main part.

Where do you think we landed? Why? (In Africa) (On the board is a picture of the desert and savannah)

In Africa, there are deserts covered with sand, and there are savannas covered with grass. What other animals live in Africa?

Listen carefully to the riddles.

1. He walks with his head lifted,

Not because an important count,

Not because a proud disposition,

And by the fact that he…. (giraffe) .

2. A log floats along the river.

Ah, and it is furious!

To those who fell into the river,

The nose will bite off ... (crocodile).

3. When he is in a cage, he is pleasant

There are many black spots on the skin.

He is a beast of prey, although a little,

Like a lion and a tiger, he looks like a cat. (leopard)

4. What a miracle! What a miracle!

Top dish, bottom dish.

There is a dish on the road

The head sticks out and the legs. (turtle) .

5. They look very wonderful,

Daddy has curls in a wave,

And mom walks with a haircut.

Why is she offended?

Not without reason is often angry

For all the mother…. (lioness).

6. The hedgehog has grown ten times,

It turned out .... (porcupine).

The game "Continue"

    two-humped ... (camel)

    maned regal ... (lion).

    long-necked spotted ... (giraffe).

    big-eared gray ... (elephants).

    thick-skinned warlike ... (rhino).

    striped ... (zebra).

Comparison of animals, highlighting characteristic features.

- Look carefully. This is probably an African goose! He's just as long-necked!

- Guys, is this a goose? Let's help figure it out!

Children compare a goose and a giraffe:

Both the giraffe and the goose have long necks. BUT:

The goose is a waterfowl and the giraffe is a land animal.

The goose lives in our area, and the giraffe lives in Africa.

The goose is covered in feathers, but the giraffe is not.

The giraffe has a spotted skin, but the goose has no spots.

And this is probably an African cat. Prove that it is a lion.

- The jungle is a humid and hot forest. Palm trees and vines grow in the jungle.

What animals live here.

The game "Continue"

... a cheerful long-tailed ... (monkey).

... scaly sharp-toothed ... (crocodile)

Also, an armadillo, an anteater, a sloth lives here.

Physi-minute "funny Safari - park"

This is a lion. He is the king of beasts. Children go in a circle slowly,

He is not stronger in the world. Measured, with head held high.

And the funny monkeys Stop, put their feet shoulder-width apart and,

All the creepers rocked. Bending at the elbows with the fingers spread out, Perform a spring.

And here is a smart kind elephant. Fingers pressed to the head. Children perform

Sent bows to everyone. torso tilts forward - to the right, forward - to the left.

The leopard jumps so fast, they perform light jumps in place, bending their elbows.

Like my favorite ball.

Zebra shakes his head, Legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level.

He invites to visit him. Lifting the right and then the left leg, children swing from side to side.

Here's a boa constrictor scares me Hands are stretched forward in front of me.

And he does not let him near him. Children perform wave-like movements with their hands.

Here is a peacock, he is a miracle - a bird Walking in a circle. Hands back, fingers wide apart.

And he is always proud of himself. Children move gracefully, easily shifting from foot to foot, pulling the toe.

The pony runs, frolics, children perform light jumps in a circle.

He wants to make friends with us. Hands move in front, back in time with the movements of the legs. (according to S Marshak)

The game "Who is this big." (with a ball) .

I throw a ball at you and name the animal, you catch the ball and call this animal so that the name contains a part -isch.

For example:

ostrich - ostrich,

3 giraffe -

4 zebra -

5 crocodile -

6 rhinoceros -

7 hippo -

8 camel -

I know that animals, as well as humans, have each mother loving her baby. Let's tell African animals about it.

Game "Who does mom love"

I show you a picture, and you tell me who this mother loves. Tell me who this "mom" loves: (Show pictures)

The giraffe loves the giraffe

Lioness loves lion cub

The elephant loves the baby elephant

A camel loves a camel

The crocodile loves the crocodile ....

4. Anchoring

Game "Add a word"

Agile, tailed (monkeys) live in Africa

Big, thick-skinned (hippos) live in Africa

Huge, strong, fat-legged (elephants) live in Africa

Spotted, long-necked (giraffes) live in Africa

Hardy, two-humped (camels) live in Africa

Strong, yellow-maned (lions) live in Africa

In Africa live shy, fast (zebras)

In Africa live green, dangerous for everyone (crocodiles)

Slow, short-legged (turtles) live in Africa

Small, funny (monkeys) live in South America

The largest predators (jaguars) live in South America

The smallest birds (hummingbirds) live in South America

Scaly (armadillo) lives in South America

Drawing animals

Look, and here a surprise awaits us - a magic easel with blank posters with the names "Africa" ​​and "South America". But they don't have enough animals. Your task: paint your animals on the coloring pages, cut them out and glue them on a poster with their habitat. Paint gently in one direction and press down on the pencil.

5. Summing up

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? Where did we fly with you on an airplane today? What do you remember? What did you like the most? What didn't you like? What new things have you learned? Do not forget, guys, that we should not offend animals, but we should take care of them!

Modeling and applique work with children 6-7 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week "Animals of hot countries"

Lesson 19. Young ostrich

(Modeling from plasticine in combination with other materials)

Software content. Continue to teach children to combine plasticine with other materials in the craft. Strengthen the ability to convey the proportional relationship and arrangement of parts. Develop the ability to connect parts by pressing them together. Teach to achieve expressiveness of the image. Strengthen the ability of children to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

Demonstration material. An image of an ostrich.

Handout. Plasticine, ash lionfish, for each child, three straws 5 cm long, stacks, rags, cardboard stands, sculpting boards.

Course of the lesson Read a poem by S. Marshak to the children:

I am a young ostrich

Arrogant and proud.

When I'm angry, I kick

Callous and hard.

When I get scared I run

Stretching your neck.

But I cannot fly,

And I can't sing.

Ask the children:

- Who is this poem about? (About a young ostrich.)

- What does the poem say about the ostrich? (The ostrich is arrogant and proud, does not know how to fly and sing, but runs well.)

Consider the image of an ostrich with the children and invite them to make this bird out of plasticine and additional material. To do this, you need to roll two balls - medium (body) and small (head) and connect with a straw. Attach two more straws to the bottom of the body - legs with plasticine balls "put on" at the ends. Stick a lot of ash lionfish into the body of the ostrich, imitating feathers. Decorate the head of the ostrich: pinch the beak, attach the balls-eyes.

From the book Modeling and Applique with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 17. Uncle Misha (Modeling from plasticine in combination with natural material) Program content. To teach children to depict a scene from a fairy tale from natural material and plasticine. Continue learning to transmit proportional relationship

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 18. Dymkovo horse (Modeling from clay) Program content. Continue to introduce children to the art of the Dymkovo masters, to consolidate and deepen knowledge about the Dymkovo toy. Learn to sculpt from life, conveying the shape, structure, size and

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week "Animals of cold countries" Lesson 20. Penguins (Modeling from plasticine. Teamwork) Program content. Continue teaching children to sculpt with plasticine using the techniques they learned earlier. Develop the ability to convey a proportional relationship

From the book Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 33. An unseen animal (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Develop imagination. Teach children to draw non-existent animals on their own. To consolidate the ability to draw with colored pencils in accordance with their

From the book Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 35. Chickens (Shading with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue to teach how to create a plot composition. To consolidate the ability to draw a silhouette of a chicken with a simple pencil without pressure. Strengthen the ability to fit the composition into

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Animals of hot countries" Lesson 37. Lion (Drawing with sanguine and gouache) Program content. Learn to draw an animal, observe the proportions of the body. Strengthen the ability to fit an image into a sheet. Exercise in drawing with various materials (sanguine, gouache) in

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Animals of cold countries" Lesson 39. Fur seal (Gouache painting) Program content. Learn to draw on stone. Learn to give the drawing expressiveness, achieving similarity with the intended animal. Develop imagination, creativity. To anchor

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 20. Meeting of a fox and a gingerbread man (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to create a plot composition. Continue to learn to convey the features of the depicted objects using a hard, semi-dry poke

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 20. Bunny (Modeling from plasticine using natural material) Program content. Learn to combine natural material and plasticine modeling. Exercise in the ability to connect parts, pressing them together. Encourage children

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 17. Turtle (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Learn to combine plasticine and natural material in a craft. Develop speech, thinking, fine motor skills of fingers. Handout. Half a walnut shell,

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 18. Ladder for a squirrel (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Strengthen the ability of children to roll out the posts and attach them with their ends to the vertical posts. To form a desire to help those who are in it

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 37. Little goat (Shading - "loop" with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue to teach to outline the silhouette of an animal on four legs, conveying its posture and structure. Introduce a new way of transferring images -

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 17. Pig and kitten (Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Teach children to compose a whole object from parts, carefully glue the details of the applique; bring the product to

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 18. Hare (Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Teach children to make a whole object from parts and carefully stick them; bring the product to the desired image using

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 17. Kid (Drawing with fingers. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw points with their fingers, placing them close to each other. Learn to analyze and understand the content of the poem. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Learn

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 18. Hare in the snow (Poking with a hard, semi-dry brush. Gouache) Aim. Teach children to make jabs with a hard, semi-dry brush inside the contour. Develop the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme and imitate the movement of a hare along the text. Give an idea of ​​life

Program tasks:

  • to form an idea of ​​the climate in cold countries, about the typical inhabitants of a given climatic zone (polar bear, seal);
  • to systematize ideas about the peculiarities of adaptation of animals to their environment;
  • to consolidate the idea of ​​land and water spaces, poles;
  • develop the ability to compare animals of the same species, but different habitats;
  • to consolidate the ability to correlate the animal with the habitat;
  • activate words and expressions on the topic of the lesson in speech;
  • stimulate the development of coherent speech (the ability to build complete sentences);
  • cultivate a cognitive attitude in nature,.

Material and equipment: telegram from doctor Aibolit; snowflakes from napkins,; cut pictures by the number of children with the image of a seal and a polar bear; one large cutaway picture of several inhabitants of the north; an envelope for sending pictures to Dr. Aibolit; vitamins for children; globe.

Explanatory note: the game-lesson is carried out in the form of a trip to cold countries using a multimedia presentation ().

Educator (V.). Hello guys! My name is ..., today I want to play with you. Can? (Answers of children)

V. First, let's check if everyone is awake.

Psycho-gymnastics with massage elements"Good morning!" (children repeat the movements behind the teacher).

Good morning, eyes! (circular massage movements of the eyes).

You woke up? Woke up!

Good morning, ears! (stroking the ears).

You woke up? Woke up!

Good morning, pens! (stroking hands).

You woke up? Woke up!

Good morning, legs! (stroking the feet).

You woke up? Woke up!

Good morning, kids! (stroking the chest).

You woke up? Woke up!

And they smiled at each other! (smile).

V. Now I see that everyone is awake. Everyone is in a good mood.

After all, I came to you guys for a reason. I need your help.

(The teacher takes out a telegram from Dr. Aibolit).

V. I received a telegram today. Who do you think from? (Answers of children).

V. She is from Doctor Aibolit. What could have happened to him? (Answers of children).

V.(reads the text of the telegram).

Come doctor

To the North as soon as possible.

And save me doctor

Our kids!

V. The trouble is, guys, that Doctor Aibolit does not know where the North is, which of the animals lives there. How then can he treat them!

Can we help Doctor Aibolit?

Children. Yes.

V. Let's get ready for a trip to the North, to cold countries. Why are they called that? (Answers of children).

V. In the North, in cold countries, winters are long and very cold. Summers are short and cool. Even in summer there is snow and the ice does not melt.

(The teacher takes the globe).

V. Do you know what it is? (Answers of children).

V. This is a model of our planet Earth - a globe.

What's in blue on it? (water).

What's yellow-green? (land).

On it I will show you where the cold countries are. They are located at the poles - North and South. They are also called the snowy continent. This is where we will go on a journey.

Dynamic pause "We're coming!" (in pairs).

We walk, we walk forward, - 2 times (they walk in a circle).

We are very surprised. (turn to each other, shrug their shoulders).

Ice on the right and ice on the left (head turns).

There is also ice in front of us. (hands to the side).

Where does it end? (shrug their shoulders).

The icy winds are blowing (waving their hands).

The mountains are snowy, steep (hands up, rise on toes).

They did not hear about summer (they put the palm to the ear).

You can hardly get warm there ... (hug themselves).

It is not small and not large (they spread their arms to the sides and bring them together).

This snowy continent. (clap their hands).

Slide number 1

V. But here is the first obstacle on our way: we have reached the ocean. It has cold water.

To find out who will help us get through it, you need to solve the riddle.

The whole day is not lazy to lie -

Thick must be ... (seal).

Slide number 2.

V. Consider this animal carefully. What body parts does he have?

(Head, torso, tail). And what does he have instead of paws? (Flippers). Thanks to them, the seal swims very quickly in the water, but is very clumsy on land. A thick layer of fat protects it from the cold. We need to keep warm too.

Dynamic pause "Frost".

And the frost, oh-oh-oh, (grab your shoulders with your hands and shiver).

But I don't want to go home. (shake your head).

Slap the handles

And breathe on the handles.

Trample your feet.

Jump in place

Then sit down together.

Slide number 3.

V. This is a baby seal. Baby seals are called seals. Why do you think? (Because they are white.)

What do you think they need this color for? (Answers of children).

Slide number 4.

V. The mother comes to the little seal only once a day to feed its milk. The defenseless cub of white color is invisible to predators on the ice. Wool keeps your baby warm until he builds up a thick layer of fat.

Slide number 5.

V. It's winter in the Far North

The open spaces are covered with snow.

Six months instead of the sun, darkness

And the stars shine dimly.

V. In cold countries there is snow all around. What is he like? (Answers of children).

Snow slowly falls to the ground, whirls. And when the breeze blows, the snowflakes fly in different directions. Let's make a real blizzard.

Dynamic pause with breathing exercises.

Children are given snowflakes cut from napkins. After reading the words, you need to blow on the snowflakes so that they do not fall on the floor for as long as possible.

Blow, blow, don't yawn.

Don't let the snowflake fall.

To find out who else lives among the snow and ice, you need to guess the riddle.

The long fur is white as snow.

Eats seals and fish for lunch.

He's a great swimmer

And a caring father.

Three-meter giant

Weighs a thousand kilograms! (polar bear).

Slide number 6.

V. What kind of bear? (Answers of children).

The polar bear has a brother. Do you know who? (Brown bear).

Didactic game "Compare bears" Slide number 7.

Children answer the teacher's questions individually with full sentences.

V. Where do bears live? (A brown bear lives in the forest, and a white one lives in the north, on an ice floe.)

What is the color of the bears' fur? (Brown hair is brown, white hair.).

What do bears eat? (The brown bear eats raspberries, honey, fish, and the polar bear eats fish and seals).

Where do bears sleep? (The brown bear sleeps in the den, and the polar bear in the snow) Slide number 8.

V. Do you think the bears could change places and why? (Answers of children).

V. A brown bear would freeze in the snow, and a polar bear would be very hot in summer. In addition, the legs of a polar bear are covered with wool even on the underside, so as not to slip on the ice. Slide number 9.

V. Polar bears are very caring parents, they take care of their babies.

Let's play the game "Polar bears".

Outdoor game "Polar bears». Slide number 10.

One child is a bear, the rest are cubs. The "bear" catches the "cubs" on command, they become a chain and together they catch the rest.

One two Three. Catch!

V. The "bears" have frolicked, you need to rest. Sit down on the rug.

Relaxation break "Lullaby of the bear"

Children close their eyes, imitate sleep to music.

V. Wake up, it's time for us to return to send a letter to Dr. Aibolit.

Dynamic pause.

We're going, going forward!

We walk merrily.

We're going, going forward.

We dream of a house. (They walk one after another in a circle).

V. It's time for us to complete the last task.

Didactic game "Collect the picture".

Performed on an individual basis. After completing the assignment, the children name what they have done. If someone performs faster, he is asked to add another picture. All others are connected.

V. Where have we been with you today? (In the north, in cold countries.).

What kind of animals did you meet? (Answers of children.).

We will send their images to Dr. Aibolit.

What did you like and remember the most?

What do you tell your mums and dads, friends?

V. Today you all helped me and Dr. Aibolit, were very attentive. So that you do not get sick, Doctor Aibolit gave you vitamins. (Distributes vitamins to children.)