Cinnamon for cleansing the skin of the face. Lightening and hair masks with cinnamon - before and after photos. Classic face mask with honey and cinnamon

Home care often uses a mask for the face, neck, décolleté area with cinnamon, which is suitable for all skin types. The fragrant seasoning is mixed with fruits, vegetables, bee products. Most often, the powder is used in emergency cases when an unhealthy complexion is urgently needed. With regular use, women note the smoothing of fine wrinkles, an increase in the tone of the dermis, the elimination of blackheads, acne, pigmentation.

Pros and cons of cinnamon face masks

Cinnamon is a common condiment that is often used in cosmetology and medicine for its warming properties. The fragrant powder contains vitamins A, E, PP, K, riboflavin, retinol, peridoxin. Due to its rich composition, masks with this component perform the following functions:

  • toning;
  • elimination of pathogenic microorganisms from the skin;
  • restoration of smoothness, elasticity;
  • acceleration of the regeneration of epidermal cells.

Regular use of homemade masks with aromatic spices helps to improve blood circulation. The woman prevents the appearance of early wrinkles.

It is interesting! Besides the famous powder, cinnamon can be purchased in the form of an essential oil. It is more concentrated, in large quantities it can provoke hyperemia, burns.

The cons of cinnamon cosmetics is the risk of scalding the skin due to not observing the correct proportions in the recipe. Therefore, before applying the homemade mass to your face, apply it on your wrist. If your hand does not turn red, you can safely use the mixture.

What problems will help to cope

Cinnamon mixtures are the most effective face masks for women with gray, earthy skin tones. It is recommended to use the seasoning for all types of dermis, but in different proportions and combinations. Home cosmetics will get rid of the following problems:

  • acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • oily sheen;
  • painful appearance of the face;
  • lethargy and flabbiness of the skin;
  • peeling.

The mask has a pleasant scent, which allows you to combine skin care and aromatherapy. After using the seasoning, women notice a decrease in the number of wrinkles, a general rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté.

Are there any contraindications for use

Home care products are safe due to their natural ingredients. But cosmetologists do not recommend experimenting on your own. Refuse cinnamon in masks in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the main component;
  • the presence of inflammatory elements, abscesses, unhealed wounds;
  • exacerbation of herpes, eczema, or psoriasis on the face;
  • visible manifestations of rosacea.

Use warming seasoning with caution in case of high blood pressure, vegetative dystonia. Avoid masks during pregnancy and lactation.

You will learn about the beneficial properties of cinnamon from the video:

Best cinnamon face mask recipes

Use proven recipes to make safe homemade cinnamon face masks. In order not to get burned, peeling, rosacea, take into account your skin type, age.

Best cinnamon face mask recipes:

  1. Honey-cinnamon composition for oily skin. Ingredients: half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, protein. Beat the protein until thick foam using a whisk or mixer, add honey in a thin stream, thicken with aromatic powder. Apply the entire mixture for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Cleansing blend with cinnamon and orange. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of seasoning, 5 drops of orange oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar, protein. Combine dry ingredients, gently add protein foam and citrus oil to them. Apply the mixture in a thin layer, after 25 minutes, rinse under running water.
  3. Scrub mask. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, turmeric, salt, 1 tablespoon of ground coffee, 5 ml of olive oil. All components are mixed until a homogeneous creamy mass is formed. During application on the face, it is necessary to massage the mixture into the skin with massage movements. Then leave the mass for 10 minutes and rinse under running water.
  4. Banana with cinnamon to combat age spots. Ingredients: 5 g of cinnamon, half a banana, 20 ml of sour cream or cream, 5 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mash the fruit with a fork or crush, add cinnamon and acid, dilute the thick mass with cream. Apply in an even layer on face, neck and décolleté and leave for 20 minutes. If you have dry skin, the exposure time is reduced to 10 minutes.
  5. Express toning with ginger and aromatic seasoning. Ingredients: 5 g of seasoning powder or 2 drops of cinnamon oil, 20 g of ginger root, 10 ml of ready-made green tea. Peel and grate the ginger, add the remaining ingredients. Distribute the mass and take a horizontal position for 20 minutes. The mask can be used a few hours before going outside if you urgently need to even out your complexion.
  6. A mixture of clay and cinnamon to get rid of the oily sheen. Ingredients: 2 drops of cinnamon oil, 20 g of white or blue clay, 50 ml of mineral water. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply in a thin layer and let sit for 20 minutes. If the mask starts to dry out ahead of time, refresh it with a few drops of water.

Important! In cosmetology, any face masks should be applied to clean skin. Before the procedure, use a moisturizing tonic and steam your face.

The procedure is carried out 2-3 times (toning, moisturizing, rejuvenation) or 1 time (cleansing, scrubbing) a week. After rinsing off the natural mixture, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.

Another cinnamon mask recipe is presented in the video:


Cinnamon is a versatile cosmetic used by women with all skin types. The powder, in combination with other products, tones, moisturizes, rejuvenates. Regular use of masks will get rid of blackheads, oily sheen, blackheads. Do not increase the dosage of the seasoning hoping for a better result. Observe the proportions of ingredients in homemade recipes so as not to get burned, dry, rosacea.

Home-made cosmetic preparations are sometimes not inferior to industrial counterparts, especially when it comes to products with bee products. So, a mask with honey and cinnamon for acne is a popular therapeutic and prophylactic agent that is designed to relieve inflammation, cleanse the skin of the face, and give it a healthy and attractive look. Read on to learn how to make a mask with these delicious and healthy products.

Honey is actively used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology practice. The unique rich biochemical composition gives this product an incredible amount of beneficial qualities, so that it can be included in preparations for the care of problem skin. Let's consider these properties in more detail.

  • Removal of inflammation. Fruit acids and vitamins contained in honey reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes, additionally destroying pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Exfoliation of keratinized particles. Thanks again to fruit acids, a rather gentle removal of the dead epithelial layer occurs.
  • Moisturizing the skin. The composition of honey contains about 20% water, which, together with polysaccharides, penetrates into the skin and moisturizes the deep layers of the dermis.
  • Skin restoration. The microelements contained in bee nectar accelerate tissue regeneration, resulting in the healing of acne marks and restoration of the normal condition of the skin.
  • Normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands. Zinc and selenium prevent the release of excessive amounts of sebaceous secretions. This helps to reduce the oily skin.

Read also: Face masks with starch and honey for the youthfulness of your skin

Cinnamon is a popular oriental condiment that is well known for its medicinal properties. Its presence in cosmetic preparations allows solving several serious problems at once.

  • Removal of inflammation. Natural antibacterial components that make up cinnamon powder destroy the pathogenic flora and stop the progression of the infection.
  • Improving cellular metabolism. Cinnamon helps to accelerate metabolic processes in cellular structures. As a result, the skin removes harmful metabolic products more efficiently and faster.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation. The vitamin complex improves the condition of the capillaries and activates the local blood circulation. As a result, the condition of the epithelium improves.

Thus, the usefulness of honey and cinnamon separately is not in doubt, but in combination, these products work much more efficiently. It turns out a kind of cocktail of freshness and youth, combating dermatological defects, in particular - with acne.

Recipes for cinnamon and honey masks for acne

There are many varieties of products, including honey and ground cinnamon powder. Most often, these products are combined with fruit, vegetable and dairy ingredients. In addition, the option with the inclusion of medications in the masks is not excluded.

Classic face mask with honey and cinnamon

A traditional face mask with ground cinnamon and honey is great for blackheads. For its manufacture, it is necessary to prepare the main components in the following quantities:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

The components of the cosmetic product are mixed in a glass container, and then the composition is applied to the face. After waiting a quarter of an hour, the mask must be washed off with warm water, and then rinsed with cool.

However, this drug will not work in a situation if the acne is too extensive, excessively inflamed, or began to burst.

Acne mask with chamomile and clay

The next option involves deeper cleansing and disinfection of the skin. For the manufacture of the drug, you must take:

  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 3-4 drops of chamomile oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of clay (to get an easy-to-apply mask).

Read also: Chinese beauty mask recipes made from honey, starch and salt

First, the bee nectar is dissolved in 20 ml of hot water, the remaining ingredients are put into the sweet liquid, achieving the appropriate consistency. After application, wait 10 minutes, after which they are washed off with water.

Sour cream mask

This cinnamon and honey mask, enhanced with sour cream, is more suitable for dry skin that is prone to inflammation and pimples. We will need:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream.

The honey is heated in advance in a water bath, cinnamon powder is poured into it and low-fat sour cream is poured in. The mixed mass is spread over the face and left for 20 minutes. The composition is wiped off with a napkin and the skin is rinsed with chamomile broth.

Acne mask with cucumber

The cinnamon and honey face remedy can be supplemented with crushed cucumber pulp, which is famous for its pronounced cleansing and disinfecting properties. Have to take:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder;
  • pulp of a medium cucumber.

The honey sweetness is warmed up, cinnamon is poured and cucumber pulp chopped on a grater or meat grinder is introduced. The composition is thoroughly whipped and applied to the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is removed with a damp cloth.

Aspirin mask for acne

Crushed aspirin not only relieves inflammation, but also helps to open pores and remove purulent contents to the surface. To make a cosmetic product, you need to take:

  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder;
  • 3 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid.

The tablets should be crushed in advance to obtain a powdery mass. Add honey to the bowl, then pour aspirin and cinnamon. The mixture is left on the skin for 5-7 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water and a moisturizer is applied.

Acne mask with honey, yeast and cinnamon

Yeast is added to the honey and cinnamon mask to speed up the regeneration processes, cleanse and disinfect the skin. For manufacturing take:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder;
  • 25 grams of yeast.

A spice that first appeared in Ceylon, it is most often used in the kitchen - in baked goods and desserts. However, the rich composition of microelements of cinnamon makes it indispensable in facial care: there are several options for simple masks that improve the appearance of the skin, relieve signs of fatigue, and help hide wrinkles.

The seasoning is suitable for all skin types and is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance. Cinnamon masks do not require complex ingredients and are easily made from products that every housewife has in the house.

Cinnamon is the inner layer of the bark of small shoots of an evergreen tree, which can reach 15-20 meters in height. Today, such plants grow not only in Ceylon, but also in China, Brazil and other southern countries.

Collecting cinnamon takes a long time and is conventionally divided into several stages:

  1. Growing a tree (it takes about 2 years).
  2. Cutting the tree under the root (at this stage, a small stump remains on the ground).
  3. Waiting for young shoots that have arisen on the hemp (takes about a year).
  4. Cutting off the shoots, removing their inner bark and drying it thoroughly.

This bark, losing moisture, turns into a spice familiar to us - it rolls up into thin tubes, which are cut, packaged and sent to store shelves.

Cinnamon has a rich composition of trace elements that are equally beneficial to human health:

  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins C, E and K;
  • choline;
  • thiamine;
  • beta carotene.

You can find 3 types of spices in stores - sticks, powder and oil. The former are often used only to decorate dishes, but powder and oil are often used in cosmetics.

Properties and benefits of cinnamon for facial skin

The composition of the spice has a systemic effect on the epidermis:

  • tonic.

The pores shrink, the skin takes on a radiant appearance, and the process of epidermal cell renewal starts.

  • antibacterial.

Cinnamon effectively fights microbes on the surface of the skin, reduces inflammation and irritation of various kinds.

  • antioxidant.

Thanks to the antioxidants contained in cinnamon, the skin becomes smooth, velvety and elastic.

  • anti-aging.

The seasoning activates the cells, improves blood circulation on the face, smoothes fine wrinkles and gives the skin a fresh and renewed look.

We must not forget about the general anti-stress property of the spice - inhaling the aroma of cinnamon during the preparation and aging of the mask replaces a full session of aromatherapy, calms the nerves, invigorates when tired and reduces stress.

Indications and contraindications for use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, cinnamon is used to eliminate unwanted effects on different skin types:

  • removes acne, inflammation and redness on problem skin;
  • narrows pores, promotes deep cleansing of oily skin;
  • supports the work of blood vessels, provokes increased production of collagen with aging skin;
  • nourishes and tones dry skin.

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon for cosmetic purposes are individual intolerance to the product, severe inflammation on the skin and nervous irritability.

Cinnamon masks by skin type: popular recipes

The following composition is applied to oily skin:

  • honey (1 tbsp. l.);
  • cinnamon (0.5 tsp);
  • chicken egg white.

Mix everything, cover the face with the composition and leave for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with water. Apply 1-2 times a week.

For the dry type, the composition is the same, but instead of the protein, use the egg yolk. The scheme of application is the same as in the mask for oily skin.

Recipe for normal to combination skin:

  • lemon juice (1 tsp);
  • cinnamon (1 tsp);
  • a quarter of a ripe banana.

Apply the composition to the face for 10 minutes, rinse with water. Apply once a week.

Mask to reduce wrinkles:

  • honey (2 tbsp. l.);
  • milk (2 tbsp. l.).

Heat the mixture, then add 0.5 tsp there. cinnamon. Keep the mixture on your face for no more than 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask is applied 1-2 times a week.

Mask for comedones, acne and various rashes:

  • 1 egg white (beaten);
  • orange oil (3-4 drops);
  • cinnamon (1 tsp);
  • sugar (1 tsp).

The composition is applied for at least 25 minutes and then washed off with water. The frequency of application is 2-3 times in 7 days.

Rejuvenating mask:

  • oatmeal (3 tbsp. l.);
  • cinnamon (2 tsp);
  • dry cream (3 tsp);
  • vitamin E in oil (2-5 drops);
  • warm water (0.5 cups).

Leave the mixture on the face for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. The mask should be applied at least 2 times a week.

The recipe for a mask with cinnamon and honey that improves skin condition is in the video.

Tips before using cinnamon masks at home

2 hours before applying any cinnamon mask to the face, an allergy test should be carried out: apply a teaspoon of the prepared mixture to the skin around the elbow, rinse off after 15 minutes. If within 1.5 hours there is no cough, a burning sensation in the throat, irritation on the test area, there is no allergy to cinnamon and the mask can be applied on the face.

  1. 10-15 minutes after washing off the mask, you can apply the usual tonic, light day or evening cream (depending on the time of day) on your face.
  2. Any facial treatment should be performed no later than 2 hours before going out into the fresh air.

Many people know the aromatic spice as an additive used in the preparation of desserts. However, due to its unique composition, the spice is also used in cosmetology, for example, a cinnamon face mask is very popular. Easy to make at home, this product is suitable for all skin types. What are the beneficial properties of cinnamon?

The widespread use of cinnamon in cosmetology is due to the rich composition of the spice. It contains a large number of:

  • B vitamins that rejuvenate aging skin;
  • vitamin E, which promotes rapid cell renewal;
  • vitamin K, which improves subcutaneous blood supply and increases the strength of the vascular walls;
  • ascorbic acid, useful for acne-prone skin, giving the face a natural glow;
  • vitamin PP, which protects the epidermis from negative external factors;
  • essential oils that make the skin silky and healthy;
  • tannins that cleanse the pores from excessive sebum;
  • antioxidants that prevent skin aging, protect it from ultraviolet rays and other adverse factors.

The aromatic spice goes well with other natural products, for example, formulations with honey and cinnamon are very effective.

If you choose the right face mask recipe and apply the product regularly, you will be able to achieve excellent results:

  • homemade cinnamon-based formulations activate blood circulation in the tissues, due to which the cells are enriched with oxygen, the complexion improves;
  • signs of aging gradually disappear: wrinkles are smoothed, skin elasticity and firmness increase;
  • Cinnamon also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it treats acne. Especially effective are formulations based on honey with cinnamon for acne.

Cinnamon cosmetic formulations are indicated for the following skin problems:

  1. unhealthy shade;
  2. decrease in firmness, elasticity;
  3. increased fat content;
  4. excessive dryness;
  5. wilting;
  6. acne eruptions.

Cinnamon face masks have no serious contraindications. Allergic reactions to the spice itself or to any component of the mixture may occur, for example, if used on the face. To avoid negative consequences, the prepared product must be tested. To do this, apply a drop of cinnamon to a sensitive area of ​​the body, such as the inner side of the wrist. If after 12 hours there are no allergic reactions on the skin, the mask can be safely used.

To reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences from using the mask and get the maximum effect from it, the following rules must be observed:

  • you need to use the composition immediately after preparation: cinnamon mixtures cannot be stored;
  • you can apply the mask to the face with your hands or with a special brush strictly along the massage lines: from the chin to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the auricle, from the center of the forehead to the temples;
  • cinnamon mixtures are not applied to the area of ​​the eyes and lips;
  • masks can be used not only for the face, but also for the neck;
  • if discomfort occurs, for example, a burning sensation, you must immediately wash your face and revise the composition of the mask;
  • after applying the mask, you need to relax your face, you can not talk, eat or drink, actively do business;
  • unless otherwise indicated in the recipe, the procedure should last 15-20 minutes;
  • the cinnamon composition should be washed off with water of a pleasant temperature (if the skin is oily, you can make the water cooler);
  • after the procedure, apply a cream appropriate to the skin type on the face;
  • masks should be applied in a course: 2 times a week for 30-45 days.

Mask recipes

For the preparation of cosmetic formulations, only fresh cinnamon is needed. In order not to doubt the shelf life of the spice, it is better to purchase it in sticks (), which will need to be crushed immediately before the procedure. It is important to strictly observe the proportions indicated in the recipes. The following cinnamon face masks have the largest number of positive reviews.


Already after 3-4 applications, the effect of this honey and cinnamon face mask is noticeable: the skin is smoothed, begins to shine, and its elasticity increases. Prepare the tool like this:

  • 12 ml of liquid honey (solid honey will not work) is combined with 5 g of cinnamon powder;
  • if the skin is prone to dryness, add 30 ml of olive or corn oil, to the fat content - egg white, for normal skin use 20 g of low-fat sour cream or 70 g of yogurt without additives;
  • all products are well mixed, the composition is applied to the face for 12 minutes.


With regular use, this honey and cinnamon mask with nutmeg will help smooth even deep wrinkles and nourish the skin with essential substances. The recipe is as follows:

  • 20 ml of liquid honey is mixed with 6 g of chopped cinnamon;
  • add 6 g of ground nutmeg;
  • the thoroughly mixed composition is applied to the face, washed off after 12-15 minutes.


Thanks to this recipe, you can get rid of age spots and freckles. Cooking steps:

  • mix a third of a banana, 20 ml sour cream, 4 g of cinnamon powder;
  • 5 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice is added to the composition and mixed again;
  • a brightening mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes;
  • the use of additional cosmetics (creams, scrubs) after the procedure is not required.


The composition for the face of honey and cinnamon with pumpkin is indispensable in winter or very hot time, when the skin suffers from chapping and dehydration. The mask helps nourish the epidermis, eliminate flaking, and relieve redness. Cooking steps:

  • 15 g of raw pumpkin crushed on a grater are combined with 10 ml of liquid honey, 4 g of cinnamon;
  • add 10 ml of milk to the composition, stir;
  • the mask is applied to the face with a thick layer, hold for 20 minutes.


This mask will help to cleanse pores, reduce oily content, eliminate unpleasant greasy shine, and after the first application - give the skin a toned look. For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • beat the egg white;
  • add 2 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 6 g of cinnamon powder and the same amount of granulated sugar are carefully introduced into the protein composition;
  • the mask is applied to the skin of the face, washed off after 15 minutes.


The mask perfectly cleanses, improves the complexion, fills the cells with important chemical elements. After the first procedure, the skin is visibly refreshed. The composition is prepared as follows:

  • mix 6 g of crushed cinnamon, 20 g of ground oatmeal and 20 ml of melted honey;
  • to obtain a homogeneous mass, add a few ml of warmed milk, mix the composition;
  • the mask is kept on the face for 10 minutes.


Cinnamon for acne is very effective, especially in combination with other active ingredients. The mask allows you to get rid of the traces left by the wen. The recipe for the cleaning and drying agent:

  • combine 6 g of cinnamon powder and 10 ml of grape seed oil;
  • add 3 drops of essential oils of lavender, tea tree, bergamot, stir thoroughly;
  • the composition is applied only to problem areas of the face, after 10 minutes it is washed off.


This honey-based cinnamon face mask can be made to improve subcutaneous circulation, smooth wrinkles, and improve shade. It is prepared like this:

  • 3 g of cinnamon powder is mixed with 5 ml of liquid honey;
  • the ingredients are poured with hot green tea and stirred until the honey is completely dissolved;
  • in the resulting infusion, gauze is moistened, folded in several layers, then it is applied to the face;
  • as it cools, the fabric is re-moistened;
  • the whole procedure should take about 15 minutes.


A mask based on cinnamon and cosmetic clay is effective against acne: it helps to remove traces of acne and prevent the appearance of new inflammations. For these purposes, it is better to use green or white clay. Recipe:

  • 6 g of clay is combined with the same amount of cinnamon powder;
  • the mixture is diluted with boiled cooled water until a creamy mass is formed;
  • the mask is distributed in a thin layer over the face, wait for it to dry completely, then rinse off.

Cinnamon is a unique spice. If you used to eat it only, now you know that on the basis of this ingredient you can prepare effective masks for the skin of the face: from wrinkles, dryness, oily, dullness, acne.

Recipes for honey and cinnamon face masks with anti-acne, nourishing and other actions are used if there are no contraindications to honey or cinnamon. An important point is the timing of the procedure, skin testing.

Face mask with cinnamon and honey nourishes, improves elasticity, evens out color and rejuvenates the skin. This combination of ingredients cleanses the pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands, microcirculation, accelerates the maturation of acne, and in the treatment of post-acne - softens scars, scars, eliminates blemishes. Other ingredients are added to enhance the effect of these products.

Honey is effective in nourishing, rejuvenating or healing masks. It is saturated with vitamins, microelements, has antimicrobial, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect. Honey disinfects skin with acne, prevents purulent processes, accelerates the healing of acne that has opened, and clears comedones.

Cinnamon is rich in vitamins B1, B4, E, C, K and trace elements. Its beneficial properties: increasing skin tone, improving microcirculation, intercellular metabolism and functions of the sebaceous glands, enhancing the action of honey.

Optimal time for procedures

A face mask with honey and cinnamon will bring the expected effect if the time is right for its application. Physiological increase in the activity of metabolic processes of the skin will enhance the beneficial effect of the composition.

Types of masks and the desired time to apply them:

  • tonic - after sunrise until 10:00;
  • nutritious - 7-8 in the morning;
  • cleansing - 9―10: 00;
  • soothing - 11―12: 00;
  • moisturizing - 10―12: 00;
  • brightening - after 17:00;
  • masks of all types of action - 17: 00-20: 30 (at least half an hour before bedtime).

It is necessary to take into account both the daily biorhythm and the phase of the menstrual cycle. To prevent acne from the day of ovulation, it is better to do more antibacterial and cleansing masks. After menstruation, the renewal mechanism is triggered in the body, so you can apply the nutrient mixture more often.

Limitations and Side Effects of Honey Cinnamon Blends

The honey and cinnamon face mask is not applicable for skin hypersensitivity to these products.

Other contraindications:

  • wounds, abscesses, sunburn, other injuries on the face;
  • hirsutism (increased hair growth);
  • rosacea (spider veins).

Honey and cinnamon for the face sometimes make the skin dry or irritate. Adding moisturizing and soothing ingredients to the blend will prevent these side effects from developing.

Honey cinnamon mask for acne

For problematic or oily skin, the mask is applied every two days. The composition is kneaded, distributed evenly over the face. After 15 minutes, the mixture is washed off with warm and then rinsed with cool water. Blot the skin with a paper towel.

For one procedure, mix:

  • 1/3 tsp honey;
  • 5 ml of water;
  • 5 crushed Aspirin tablets;
  • 1/3 tsp cinnamon;
  • a drop of eucalyptus oil;
  • 1 tsp fat-free sour cream.

Attention! For acne, honey from linden, acacia, angelica or sage works better. Tea tree oil can be used in place of eucalyptus oil, but its antibacterial effect is less effective.

Nourishing mask

With normal or dry skin, buckwheat honey is included in the nutritional formulations. The product is applied every three days.

For one mask, combine and knead until smooth:

  • mashed pulp of one avocado;
  • quarter teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2 drops of rose oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Avocado fruit can be replaced with 1 tbsp. l. whole milk or raw chicken yolk. On sensitive skin, after application, the mask is kept for up to 10 minutes, and with other types of it - half an hour. The composition is washed off with water without soap.

Honey-cinnamon mask for acne treatment

A mask for spots after acne or blackheads is made up of 5 ml of cinnamon oil and 1 tsp. acacia honey or herbs. The components are kneaded, stored in a container with a lid.

Attention: the peculiarity of the mask is the way it is applied! The mixture is applied daily only to pigmented areas, scars and the surface of blackheads, until traces of acne disappear and comedone plugs collapse.

Best honey cinnamon face mask recipes

The recipe is allowed to include additional ingredients that match the skin type and do not cause allergies. To prevent unwanted reactions, each new component is separately tested for sensitivity.

Cinnamon honey mask

Treatments are carried out up to 3 times a week. The effect of the honey-cinnamon mask depends on the proportions of the ingredients taken.

The purpose of the appointment and the number of products required for one procedure:

  • prevention of acne - 1 tbsp. l. honey and 12 tsp. oil or cinnamon powder;
  • treatment of the consequences of acne (post-acne) - honey with cinnamon in equal parts;
  • increasing skin tone - 1 tsp. honey, 1.5 tsp. cinnamon powder or 10 ml of oil.

The ingredients are mixed. Then the mixture is applied precisely on age spots, scars after acne, or on the entire surface of the face, except for the lips and the area around the eye.

Honey-cinnamon remedy to improve the elasticity of the skin of the face

With normal skin, the mask includes 1 tsp. oil or cinnamon powder, 3 tbsp. l. sugar-free fruit yogurt, 1 tbsp. l. honey. The mixture is kept on the face for 20 minutes, washed off with warm and rinsed with cool water. The procedure is carried out every 3 days.

For dry skin, raw chicken yolk is added to the composition instead of yogurt. The mixture is applied every fourth day. For oily and combination skin types, the fermented milk product is replaced with beaten egg white, and the procedure is done every other day.

Honey cinnamon for a healthy complexion

Base ingredients of the cinnamon and honey mask: 1 tsp. spices, 1 tbsp. l. honey and soaked oatmeal. Then 1-3 tsp are introduced into the composition. serum for oily skin or cream, if it has a dry type. The mixture is whipped and applied to the face every 2-4 days. The composition is kept for 10 minutes, washed off.

Honey cinnamon tonic

For a vitamin tonic, they buy saline (for injections, droppers), aloe vera extract, or 50 ml of boiled water is defended. Then diluted in liquid in 1/3 tsp. honey, cinnamon. Rub the face with tonic in the morning. The maximum shelf life of the product is a week after preparation.

Cinnamon and lemon honey mask

For the mask, combine 0.5 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. After mixing, the mixture is applied pointwise to the pigmentation, kept for no longer than 15 minutes. The tool is used 1-2 times a week.

Healing clay recipe

For the mask, dilute 1 tsp in warm boiled water. sea ​​salt, 1 tsp. honey and 14 tsp. cinnamon. Then the composition is supplemented with 5 drops of essential oil (select according to your preference) and 20 g of pink or blue clay. The mixture is kneaded, washed off 15 minutes after application.

Cinnamon mask with yolk

Honey-cinnamon mask with raw egg yolk tone and moisturize the skin. In the mixture for one procedure, combine 1 tsp. honey, 1 dessert spoon of refined olive oil, a third of a tsp. spices. The mogul is whipped from the components, the air mass is distributed over the face. After 20 minutes, the composition is washed off.

Ginger recipe

The product has a lifting effect. For one mask, rub 50 g of ginger root, the pulp of half an apple and persimmon, add a pinch of cinnamon to the composition, 1 tbsp each. l. honey and almond oil. The composition is applied to the face, neck and décolleté, and washed off after 10 minutes. For rejuvenation, it is recommended to repeat the course twice with a break of three weeks.

Banana recipe

Cinnamon honey banana mask refreshes, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

For one procedure, connect:

  • 100-150 g of chopped banana pulp;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cream or kefir.

The ingredients are mixed until smooth, spread with a brush over the face, hold for no more than half an hour and washed off with water heated to 36 C.

Recommendations for using honey-cinnamon masks

For a honey and cinnamon mask, instead of a banana, you can use melon, orange, strawberry, cherry, peach puree. Yogurt is replaced with olive oil, sour cream, whey. Nutmeg or avocado pulp has the same health benefits as clay. To lighten pigmentation, instead of lemon, it is better to use cottage cheese, chopped parsley, or a decoction from the collection of calendula and yarrow.

  • the agent is used in a course of 7-14 procedures;
  • honey for the mask is first softened in a water bath to a temperature of 36 C;
  • the composition is applied to cleansed skin, peeling cannot be done;
  • the mixture is not applied to lips, eyelids and the area under the eyes;
  • after the procedure, the face is wiped with a soothing agent.

With dry skin type, the mask with honey and cinnamon is kept for 10 minutes, and with oily skin - a maximum of half an hour. Also, the duration of application is affected by the sensitivity of the skin: the higher it is, the earlier the mixture is washed off.

Honey is a hyperallergenic product. It provokes skin irritation, especially in combination with lemon, can cause capillary rupture in rosacea due to blood flow. Cinnamon rarely causes allergies, but it often dries out the skin.

Before applying the mask, the skin must be tested for sensitivity.

A honey-cinnamon mixture is smeared on the bend of the elbow with a 2 * 2 area, kept for an hour, then washed off. The first mask is applied to the face after 2 days. The remedy is not suitable if a burning sensation or other skin reaction begins during the testing period or over the next 2 days.