Cinnamon during pregnancy: the danger of a fragrant spice. Spices during pregnancy: which are possible and which are contraindicated

Is it possible or not consume cinnamon during pregnancy? Despite good reviews about its benefits, the spice has serious contraindications.

It is worthwhile to figure out the possible dangers of this product during the period of bearing a baby.

General information

Cinnamon is a spice, which is obtained from the bark of tropical trees belonging to the laurel family.

The spice has several types. Typically, the following types of cinnamon are distinguished:

What is cinnamon made of? The product is quite a lot of saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates prevail over fats and proteins. The spice contains mono- and disaccharides.

In spice there are vitamins, especially high content of choline, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine. Cinnamon is rich in both N and E, as well as niacin.

In addition, the composition includes:

  • cinnamic aldehyde;
  • eugenol;
  • essential oils;
  • resin;
  • tannins;
  • starch.

Useful properties and harm of cinnamon - the program "Life is healthy!"

Cinnamon during pregnancy


The spice has diuretic properties, has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. During pregnancy, many women complain about, so this is a good remedy for delicate problems.

Cinnamon Eases Various Kinds of Pain, in particular the head and muscle. Due to the ban on many medicines, this can serve as a way to get rid of discomfort.

Besides the spice useful for colds as it has powerful antiseptic properties.


A large amount of cinnamon consumed causes the uterus to contract. Smooth muscle activation in this organ can cause adverse effects.


In the absence of contraindications Cinnamon can be used in the following cases:

  • colds;
  • pain with hepatic and renal colic.


Cinnamon is contraindicated in pregnant women who have a history of obstetric pathologies.

If the course of pregnancy proceeds with such a feature as the threat of miscarriage and a tendency to, then eating tropical spices is dangerous.

Methods of use

How can you use cinnamon during pregnancy?

Cinnamon can be used in cooking, the presence of spices in pies, rolls and other products will not harm the mother and fetus. Although here you need to adhere to a reasonable rule of use - do not get carried away with sweet pastries.

What do doctors say about external use? The ban on the use of cinnamon also applies to cosmetic products, as well as essential oil.

May adversely affect the fetus, cause termination of pregnancy. There is list of dangerous essential oils during gestation compiled by doctors, cinnamon is on this list.

It is advisable to postpone aromatherapy with cinnamon essential oil for the gestation period. You can calm down and cheer up in other ways.

Precautionary measures

It is worth giving up the spice for individual intolerance, obstetric problems.

For using cinnamon in cooking it is advisable to use the Ceylon type of the product... In addition, you should not eat expired or poor quality spices.

Cinnamon imported from China or Vietnam raises concerns due to the coumarin content.

This substance is dangerous to humans, as it harms the liver tissue, so expectant mothers are not allowed to eat it. Its smallest content is in Ceylon cinnamon, and in fake analogues it is a hundred times more.

So, can pregnant women be cinnamon or not? Cinnamon can be used in cooking, where it is present in small amounts.

Spice contraindicated for obstetric problems... If there is a history of a threat of miscarriage, the spice should be discarded.

Cinnamon essential oil is also considered harmful and dangerous during pregnancy.

A woman in a position seeks to revise the diet. She excludes harmful products from it. Eating right during pregnancy is commendable, but bigotry is undesirable.

A pregnant woman should understand that she is not sick and should not overshadow the period of waiting for a child with excessive caution and worries. Besides a sharp change in diet - stress for the body undergoing stress. So, gynecologists do not advise to radically change the menu. It is enough to adhere to moderation.


Before answering the question, is it possible for pregnant women to cinnamon , it is worth talking about this seasoning. It is obtained from the bark of tropical trees belonging to the laurel family.

There are several varieties of this spice. First, it is chinese cinnamon... She has a pungent smell. It is sometimes called Indian spice.

Also known ceylon cinnamon... It's a sweet spice. It has a pungent taste, but a delicate shade. It is expensive. It is made in India and Ceylon.

Popular malabar cinnamon... She has a pungent and bitter taste. Another variety of this spice, cinnamon, grows in Indonesia. It has a spicy aroma and a pungent taste.

This seasoning contains saturated fatty acids. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, but low in fat and protein. Also, this spice is composed of disaccharides.

This spice contains many vitamins, for example, choline, pyridoxine. Also, this spice is rich in vitamins E and C.

It contains many trace elements, such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus. In addition, it contains a lot of zinc. Cinnamon also contains eugenol, resin, starch, aldehyde and tannins.

Are all seasonings healthy

Expectant mothers wonder if pregnant women can use cinnamon. Many people like this seasoning, especially in baked goods. However, on the Internet you can find many stories of pregnant women who write that it is dangerous to consume cinnamon during this period. As a result, the expectant mother begins to be afraid to look at this spice.

In reality, if a woman has obstetric pathologies, it is not recommended for her to use cinnamon. However, this does not apply to the rest. By the way, some spices are necessary for pregnant women because they are good for their body.

During gestation, eating cinnamon is useful. ... Firstly, this seasoning is a good antiseptic... This is necessary for the expectant mother during the epidemic. Secondly, it stimulates the excretory processes in the liver and therefore is an excellent detoxifying agent. Also Cinnamon has laxative properties and is good for treating swelling.

Therefore, it is good for pregnant women to eat cinnamon, but you cannot eat more than half a teaspoon of this seasoning per day.

Doctors still cannot unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to have cinnamon. But it is known for sure that with its excessive use, it provokes a contraction of the muscles of the uterus. The active motor skills of this organ are fraught with disastrous consequences. So, in the first months, a pregnant woman may have a miscarriage.

Remember, it is not recommended to eat expired or low-quality cinnamon. For example, cheap spice imported from Vietnam or China. It contains coumarin, which is dangerous to health. Real spices contain 0.02 g / kg of this substance, while fake spices contain a hundred times more. This element is not life-threatening, but in large quantities it causes headaches and damages liver tissue.

How to eat cinnamon for pregnant women


In addition to whether it is possible for pregnant women to eat cinnamon, it is worth talking about how to use this seasoning. It can be used in cooking to make pies, rolls and other foods that are not harmful to the health of the mother and fetus. However, it is undesirable to eat a lot of sweet pastries.

But the external use of cinnamon is undesirable. That is you can not use cosmetic products and essential oils, which include it. They adversely affect the fetus and cause abortion. By the way, cinnamon is on the list of essential oils that are dangerous during gestation.

Aromatherapy with cinnamon is recommended for expectant mothers to postpone... After all, you can calm down in other ways.

Why is cinnamon useful after pregnancy?

The benefits of cinnamon

If a woman in labor uses this spice every day in small quantities after childbirth, then it will be useful to her. Cinnamon will help her to restore strength, strengthen immunity, and also increase efficiency, which is important in the future.

By the way, according to Indian traditions, women in labor are immediately given tea with cinnamon. As a result, the uterus contracts faster and takes on a normal shape. Also, this spice provides milk flow. This is essential for healthy lactation.

Pregnancy is a crucial period. Do not overshadow him with meaningless experiences. However, amateur performance is undesirable. It is recommended that you make decisions in consultation with your doctor.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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We are especially suspicious during pregnancy. And it’s not unreasonable. Too many different "no" and "better not to risk" the expectant mother hears for 9 months. Cinnamon is one of those foods that pregnant women look at with apprehension. The Tips Editors decided to learn more about the effects of this spice on pregnancy.

Pros and cons of cinnamon during pregnancy

Cinnamon is known to help control gestational diabetes due to its ability to regulate insulin production. This spice improves blood circulation and increases heart rate. Those. it turns out that cinnamon can even be useful during pregnancy ?!

It's all about quantity. A little cinnamon in desserts is fine. This spice is used in minimal quantities in cakes, pastries, and various types of coffee drinks. And with such a low concentration of cinnamon, there is no threat to pregnancy. This has been confirmed by research and eminent doctors.

In the case of the use of cinnamon in tea, due to the higher concentration, there is indeed a threat to pregnancy. Cinnamon stick tea can trigger uterine contractions.

In the absence of studies on the use of cinnamon at this concentration, it is best to avoid cinnamon tea or foods high in this spice, especially if the cinnamon has been boiled for several minutes.

However, some studies state that under normal circumstances, a woman never consumes enough cinnamon that could negatively affect pregnancy.

Summing up, I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that you should not wrap yourself in a shawl out of fear and apprehension. Always try to discuss issues of concern with your doctor overseeing your pregnancy. And in the case of cinnamon, as with any other food or especially medicine, your doctor should be your main advisor.

In expectant mothers, a restructuring of food habits is observed, the sense of smell and taste preferences change. That is why, for the preparation of various dishes, pregnant women are increasingly using various spices, for example, cinnamon.

In addition to its gastronomic indicators, this oriental seasoning brings extraordinary benefits to the body of a woman and a child, saturates it with vitamins and antioxidants, and prevents diseases. But, like all spices, cinnamon has a number of restrictions on its use and in some cases it can be harmful.

Cinnamon is a source of vitamins and minerals

The overseas spice surprises with its diverse composition, thanks to which it is successfully used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. And it consists of a number of useful components:

  • cinnamic aldehyde;
  • organic acids (eg pantothenic acid);
  • mono - and disaccharides;
  • eugenol;
  • ethers;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • resins, etc .;
  • vitamins of almost all groups, including choline, niacin, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid;
  • macro- and microelements (sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, zinc).

Vitamin A in the composition of cinnamon is involved in the formation of the baby's visual organ, the development of the retina. It also provides metabolism in the body of the expectant mother, helps maintain visual acuity, which may slightly decrease during pregnancy. Vitamin A is involved in the production of collagen and elastin and improves the health of the skin, hair and nails.

Ascorbic acid provides general and local immunity for mothers and children, prevents colds and viral diseases.

Vitamin E destroys cancer cells and radicals, ensures cell regeneration, which is important during the period of complex restructuring of the body for carrying a pregnancy. Also, the vitamin affects the circulatory system: it stimulates blood flow, increases the tone of the vascular walls, promotes the development of the placenta and its circulation. Vitamin E is actively involved in the production of hormones that support pregnancy and ensure the formation of the baby's internal systems.

Vitamin K affects hemostasis - the blood coagulation system. It is thanks to him that prothrombin is actively produced, which ensures blood coagulation during significant blood loss (for example, during childbirth).

Vitamins of group B are comprehensively necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. B1 ensures the growth of the child's organs, strengthens the mother's central nervous system, and stimulates the metabolism in the brain cells. B2 participates in the development of the baby's visual apparatus, stimulates the production of hemoglobin, which is also necessary for pregnant women with anemia. It also promotes the active breakdown of lipids and carbohydrates, preventing excessive weight gain during pregnancy. B5 is responsible for the production of hormones by the adrenal glands, and also has the ability to reduce the level of bad "cholesterol", thereby cleansing the vessels of the expectant mother. B6 affects the synthesis of neurotransmitters, amino acids, provides energy metabolism, supports the heart muscle with increasing load at 8-16 weeks (formation of the placental circle).

Also, cinnamon contains a significant amount of trace elements, without which the laying and development of the child's internal organs does not occur. Manganese ensures the development of the baby's skeleton and facilitates the absorption of calcium. The latter, in turn, lays the bone and cartilage tissue of the fetus, maintains the strength of the teeth of the expectant mother. Both manganese and calcium are involved in the process of hematopoiesis and ensure its effective clotting. The iron in cinnamon stimulates the production of hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia. Zinc regulates plasma glucose levels, protecting the mother from gestational diabetes. Potassium stimulates the brain and heart, promotes pregnancy and even eliminates edema - the scourge of late pregnancy. Magnesium provides a good mood for the expectant mother, prevents the development of pre- and postnatal depression, normalizes sleep, reduces nervousness and anxiety. Sodium is essential for the regulation of water exchange.

The aromatic spice has a number of properties that are beneficial for a pregnant woman and her baby.

  1. Cleanses the body. The spice is characterized by light diuretic, choleretic and laxative properties, due to which the kidneys, gallbladder, stomach and intestines are cleansed of toxins and toxins. Also, a natural diuretic removes excess fluid from the body through urine and sweating, thereby reducing the swelling of internal organs and tissues. The laxative effect of cinnamon can help overcome chronic constipation common during pregnancy.
  2. Eases pain. It is known that it is undesirable for an expectant mother to take chemical drugs to relieve spasms. Cinnamon helps to dull pain, renal and hepatic colic, intestinal spasms, and relieves headache and muscle pain.
  3. Produces disease prevention. Antioxidants, organic acids, esters and vitamin C - all of these components act to protect the body, providing the antiseptic properties of cinnamon.
  4. Reduces sugar levels. Cinnamon is often prescribed for pregnant women with type 2 diabetes and those at risk of developing gestational diabetes.
  5. Cleans and strengthens blood vessels. The spice dissolves the plaque of cholesterol, allowing normal blood flow to the baby. It also tones up blood vessels, reduces their fragility, protecting the expectant mother from blood loss during childbirth.
  6. Normalizes digestion. Firstly, the spice stimulates the release of insulin, which increases appetite even during toxicosis and general malaise. Secondly, it mildly irritates the stomach receptors, promoting the secretion of hydrochloric acid. As a result, assimilation of products and breakdown into components occurs without problems. Thirdly, it participates in metabolism, due to which fats are qualitatively broken down and not deposited on the figure, carbohydrates release the necessary energy, and proteins are directed to the growth of the child. Fourth, it stimulates peristalsis and digestion, relieving both constipation and diarrhea.
  7. Improves mood. Many doctors believe that spice consumption can reduce irritability and anxiety, improve mood, and get rid of obsessive thoughts and apathy.

Limitations and harm

In order for cinnamon to bring exceptional benefits to the body, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of nutritionists and gastroenterologists.

  1. The optimal dosage for pregnant women is half a teaspoon per day.
  2. The spice should be added to food and drinks, but in no case should it be consumed in its pure form (powder or stick).
  3. It is forbidden to do cinnamon aromatherapy during pregnancy. Volatile ethers can cause anxiety and active movement of the fetus, increase the tone of the uterus, and even in rare cases, provoke abortion or premature birth.
  4. If cinnamon is taken to stimulate uterine contractions before childbirth or to increase lactation, then treatment should be carried out with the permission and under the supervision of the attending physician.
  5. The spice must be chosen correctly, since under the guise of cinnamon they can sell cheaper and less useful cassia, which is outwardly difficult to distinguish. Avoid using ground seasoning in sachets. The cinnamon stick will be the most beneficial - so you know for sure that this is exactly the plant you need. Prefer spices from India or Brazil, avoiding Vietnamese and Chinese varieties (the latter contain coumarin, which can cause liver problems, as well as migraines).

Gynecologists point out strict contraindications to the use of spices in the case of:

  • hyperacidity of the stomach, gastritis, enterocolitis or ulcer in history;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • heart disease;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • uterine or vaginal bleeding;
  • problems of carrying a pregnancy;
  • individual sensitivity to the composition of the spice, including allergies to other spices, citruses.

With reasonable restriction and adherence to the doctor's recommendations, cinnamon will become a fragrant medicine on your shelf. Applying the spice during pregnancy, you will get rid of headaches, improve your appetite, restore healthy sleep and strengthen your immune system.

Video: useful properties and harm of cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the most common spices. It is used for baked goods, meat dishes and desserts. Cinnamon goes well with chocolate. But during the period of bearing a child, not all spices are equally useful for a woman's body. Therefore, they cannot be used for cooking. Today we will talk about whether cinnamon is good for pregnancy.


Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the bark of tropical trees. They belong to the laurel family. Cinnamon differs in types:

  1. Chinese. The spice has a pungent aroma and taste. It is sometimes called an Indian spice.
  2. Ceylon. The spice has a pungent taste, as well as an aromatic shade. The most expensive of the other types of cinnamon. Its origin is India, Ceylon, Brazil, Indonesia.
  3. Malabar. The spice has a pungent and slightly bitter taste.
  4. Cinnamon. The homeland of this type of cinnamon is Indonesia. It has a spicy scent and a pungent taste.

Before including this spice in the diet, it is necessary to determine whether cinnamon can be consumed during pregnancy, as well as to find out about its effect on the woman's body.

Spice composition

Cinnamon is successfully used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. It contains the following substances:

  • cinnamic aldehyde;
  • organic acids;
  • ethers;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • resin;
  • vitamins C, B, A and E, niacin;
  • macro- and microelements.

Vitamin A in cinnamon is involved in the formation of the baby's eyes. It also promotes collagen and elastin production and improves the appearance of skin and hair.

Vitamin E has a positive effect on the circulatory system. He is actively involved in the production of hormones that support pregnancy and ensure the formation of the internal organs of the baby.

Ascorbic acid strengthens the immunity of the mother and the fetus, and also prevents the development of colds.

B vitamins are essential for the normal course of pregnancy.

Can I get cinnamon early? During pregnancy, namely in the first trimester, the spice will be especially useful, since it contains many substances, without which the laying and development of the baby's internal organs cannot occur. However, it should be used with caution.

The benefits of cinnamon

The aromatic spice has many beneficial properties. Cinnamon during pregnancy is capable of:

  1. Cleanse the body. The spice has a diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect. As a result, the kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines are cleansed. As a natural diuretic, cinnamon removes excess fluid from the body. Due to its laxative properties, it prevents the development of constipation.
  2. Reduces pain sensations. A pregnant woman is advised not to take medications to relieve pain. Cinnamon relieves negative symptoms.
  3. Reduce glucose levels. Cinnamon is prescribed for pregnant women with type 2 diabetes and at risk of developing gestational diabetes.
  4. Strengthen blood vessels. The spice dissolves plaque cholesterol and ensures normal blood circulation.
  5. Normalizes digestion. The spice irritates the stomach receptors, which stimulates peristalsis and digestion.

Here are the main benefits of cinnamon. However, it must be taken on a pinch. Large amounts of cinnamon can lead to miscarriage, and later in pregnancy, to premature birth.

How to use cinnamon?

Most often, the spice is an additional component to all kinds of dishes and drinks.

Cinnamon honey is considered a remedy for many diseases, therefore it can be used to treat colds. The combination of these products contributes to:

  • activation of metabolism and digestion;
  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • protection of the heart and blood vessels;
  • activation of immunity.

Cinnamon drink with honey should be consumed in small quantities - 1-2 tbsp. l. per day. Otherwise, it can harm the body of the mother and baby.

Most often, the spice is used to give tea a special taste or aroma. Not many people know that the drink can have a powerful effect on the body.

The interaction of the active components of tea and cinnamon with daily use helps to improve the condition of the expectant mother, as well as to increase the general tone of the body. The vitality and well-being of the pregnant woman increases. It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups a day.

Kefir is a drink that is considered the basis of a healthy diet for a pregnant woman. The fermented milk product contains a large amount of calcium, as well as protein for the proper growth and development of the unborn child.

You can add a pinch of cinnamon to kefir, as a result of which it turns into a valuable drink. It helps fight obesity and improves the condition of the skin and hair. You should not abuse the intake of kefir with cinnamon, so as not to cause a negative effect on the woman's body.

Precautionary measures

So can cinnamon be used during pregnancy or not? Experts do not recommend the expectant mother to consume the spice in large quantities. The optimal rate is a pinch or 0.5 tsp. cinnamon once a day.

It can be used for baking pies, buns, which will not harm mother and baby. Although it is also not recommended for a woman to get involved in flour during this period.

In order for the spice to only benefit the body of the expectant mother, the recommendations of nutritionists should be followed.

Can I use cinnamon during pregnancy? It is forbidden to carry out aromatization with spices during the period of bearing a child. Volatile ether can cause vigorous fetal movement.

If cinnamon is taken to stimulate labor, then treatment should take place with the permission and supervision of a specialist.

The spice should be chosen correctly, because under its guise cheaper and less useful cassia can be sold. Avoid the use of spices in bags in ground form.

Cinnamon sticks are especially helpful. Preference should be given to spices from India or Brazil.


Cinnamon should not be consumed in the following cases:

  • diseases of the digestive tract (increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis, ulcer);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • uterine or vaginal bleeding;
  • problems with bearing the fetus;
  • individual intolerance to the composition of the spice;
  • increased blood clotting.

If there are no contraindications, then a small amount of cinnamon will not harm the health of the woman and the unborn child.


Cinnamon during pregnancy is an important spice for a woman's body, which is able to saturate it with nutrients and activate metabolism. However, expectant mothers need to use it with caution and after consulting an experienced therapist. Otherwise, it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.