Feeding newborns in the early days. Features of feeding with a mixture. The valuable properties of colostrum

Most expectant mothers begin to prepare for the birth of their baby in advance. Usually from the very first days of pregnancy. And if the birth of the first child is coming, then even earlier: even before it begins. For their training, convenience and psychological comfort, a lot of special literature has been published, videos have been shot and training programs are being conducted. And yet every woman, on the eve of replenishment in the family, seeks to learn as much as possible about the upcoming troubles, to master all the subtleties of handling a newborn child. Especially when it comes to his nutrition. After all, its complexity lies not only and not so much in the diet, but in the very process of eating food by a little man.

He cannot use either a plate or a fork, and even with the help of a spoon it will not be possible to feed him right away. The newborn also does not have his own teeth, and they will not appear soon. All this hungry little kid can do is suck and swallow. And on these two reflexes the whole process of his feeding is built, and for his mother - the process of feeding. Nature has prudently made sure that they are easily realized in a natural way. All of us, both people and most warm-blooded animals, belong to the class of mammals, which means that our offspring after birth receive the necessary nutrients from mother's milk. But modern man has become so distant from nature that even these basic processes of his life and development are often violated. And then a vital question arises: what and how to feed a newborn baby?

Mother's milk and artificial feeding
Feeding a newborn baby with mother's milk is a natural process that has formed as a result of a long and complex evolution of biological species. It meets all the needs of an organism that begins life, takes into account the peculiarities of its structure and functioning. This is not difficult to be convinced of, considering how different the composition of milk and the period of feeding in different mammals is. As for a person, nutrition with mother's milk from the first minutes of life provides the newborn with the correct development of the digestive system, metabolism and immunity. And all the alternatives to breast milk are only conditional substitutes that are not able to create optimal conditions for the development of tissues, organs and their systems. Children who have not received the required amount of breast milk adapt more slowly to the outside world, otherwise they develop physiologically and psychologically.

Especially important is breast milk, or rather colostrum, which is produced in the mammary glands after childbirth. Lying a baby to the breast immediately after birth gives him a few milliliters of this super-nutritious liquid, which creates reliable immunological protection, affects his endocrine system and helps to establish a subtle psychophysiological and biochemical connection between him and the mother. However, this does not mean that a child whose mother, for one reason or another, was not able to breastfeed him immediately after birth, will not grow up like his peer who was fed with milk. It's just that the nutrition of such babies needs to be given special attention and specially supplemented with all those substances that are contained in breast milk in natural form. To this end, the modern food and pharmaceutical industries produce special nutritional formulations designed to feed children from an early age.

Breastfeeding is usually called natural, and any other - artificial. But even in this division, not everything is unambiguous. First, breast milk can be produced directly by the mother of the baby, or perhaps by another breastfeeding woman. In both the first and second cases, nutrition can be considered natural. In addition, even if the mother does not allow the child to suckle, but she has milk and she decides it into a bottle from which the baby drinks, then this is also natural food for him. Donor milk from a nurse given in a bottle through a nipple can also be considered natural, that is, natural feeding. There are also different options for the so-called mixed feeding. For example, if breast milk makes up at least half of your baby's nutrition, you can talk about natural feeding. And only after reducing the daily volume of breast milk to 1/3, as well as completely replacing breast milk with substitutes, nutrition becomes artificial.

Thus, if you still have milk, but it is not enough to meet the full nutritional needs of a newborn baby, do not rush to completely abandon breastfeeding or milk expressed in a bottle. After consulting a doctor, it is possible to supplement and "improve" natural feeding, but it is not recommended to completely cancel it without an urgent need. Healthcare professionals have several ways to determine a child's daily nutritional requirements. They can help them calculate how much formula to give your baby in addition to breast milk every day. The same doctor will advise an adapted formula that is best suited for your child. This is a well-established practice all over the world, and one should not be afraid of it. It is also not worth giving up professional advice and independently prescribing nutrition for a newborn with animal milk (cow, goat, etc.).

The fact is that, as already mentioned, the nutritional needs of the young, and therefore the composition of milk in different biological species, is noticeably different. Milk of most animals contains much more fat than female milk, its protein has a different amino acid composition, and the content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the development of nerve centers and iron is low. All this is taken into account by manufacturers of adapted milk nutrition. Since the digestive system of a child under 3 months of age cannot yet assimilate dairy-free products, special milk-based mixtures are enriched with vitamins, microelements and other nutrients necessary for full development. And although they are less natural than human milk, they are not digested much better than animal milk. They are specially processed and therefore safe for the developing organism. In addition, adapted milk formulas differ depending on the age of the child and are clearly divided into feeding phases. In other words, the range of artificial nutrition is quite diverse and allows you to fully feed a newborn baby even in the absence of breast milk until he can consume complementary foods and "adult nutrition" in the form of vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, meat, etc.

How to breastfeed your newborn
So, in the previous section, we found out two most important principles of feeding a newborn baby. The first is that feeding should be complete. The second is that, despite many life-saving alternatives, there is no better product for feeding an infant than breast milk. And best of all, if it's his own mother's milk. Such nutrition ensures normal growth, development and functioning of all organs and systems of a young organism. This is especially important from the moment of birth and during the first year of life, when at least 80% of the nutrients the baby should receive from breast milk - this is the opinion of pediatricians all over the world. But how to properly feed your baby with this ideal product in order to establish contact with him and convey all the necessary nutrients and emotions from the mother? Nature itself will tell you, but you can prepare in advance with the help of these tips:

  1. Place for feeding. It is very important that it is comfortable and quiet, allows you to relax, and allows your baby to completely surrender to the sucking process. In the maternity hospital, this will most likely happen for the first time right in the delivery room, and then in the ward. At home, it is better to choose a wide sofa or chair for feeding, in which you can lean back and recline. In addition, many different devices have been invented for the convenience of a nursing mother: these are horseshoe-shaped pillows, various soft coasters, etc. The main thing is that you feel comfortable, and that nothing distracts the baby from eating. This process can take a long time, so put a book, magazine, or a couple of biscuit cookies next to you.
  2. Feeding position. The most natural breastfeeding position for a woman is lying on her back on a high pillow. The baby at this time is on her stomach and rests on her arms and legs. You can lie down on your side, then the baby will also be located on the barrel and suck on the breast that was higher. Use both hands to hold it. From time to time, positions need to be changed to use both breasts and develop different milk lobes. To feed the baby while sitting, lean back on the pillow, do not bend your spine and make a "cradle" out of your hands, in which you will put the baby.
  3. Breast preparation. First of all, it lies in personal hygiene: wash your breasts daily with mild soap, dry them with a hard towel and give her an air bath, that is, let's "breathe". Ordinary underwear is not suitable for a nursing mother: the bra should be natural in terms of the composition of the fabric, suitable in size and well supporting heavy breasts, have a special design of the fastener and cups to facilitate the feeding process. Small and naturally inverted nipples need regular massage so that feeding is not unpleasant for you or your baby.
  4. Psychological preparation. Your decision to breastfeed your newborn should be firm and sincere, otherwise, do not be surprised by the small amount or disappearance of milk. Breastfeeding is the most important step in building a psychological bond between mom and baby, so take it responsibly. Your family members should also understand this, surround you with attention and care. Only in such an atmosphere will feeding truly benefit both participants in the process. Many young mothers even admit that while feeding their baby they get real pleasure, can relax and even doze off.
  5. Attachment to the chest. Do it right from the start to avoid injury to the nipples and inadequate feeding of the baby. The most serious possible problems are squeezed milk ducts and cracked nipples. The first trouble can be avoided by timely feeding the baby and not allowing milk to stagnate in the breast. To prevent cracking, teach your baby to swallow the nipple deep enough so that he cannot chew it with his gums. Optimal swallowing depth is when the nipple touches the baby's palate. And in any case, do not let your baby breastfeed if her nipple is already cracked or sucking is causing you severe pain. Such sacrifices on your part are not useful for you or the baby!
  6. Duration of feeding. A very individual parameter. Some children suck greedily and with appetite, and gorge themselves quickly. Others must first "taste" the milk and eat slowly. Sometimes the duration of feeding can be up to an hour or even two. Do not rush the baby and let him empty the breast - this is necessary not only for him, but also for you. Do not forget that while sucking, your baby is not only satiated, but also calms down, warms up by your warmth, listens to your breathing and heartbeat. Do not deprive him or yourself of this pleasure, so that he literally absorbs care and love with his mother's milk. At this time, no one bothers you to talk on the phone, watch a movie or read.
  7. Feeding frequency. There is such a thing as on-demand feeding. This means that you will latch the baby to the breast when he wants it. If it seems to you that this happens too often, then remember that during intrauterine development, the child receives nutrition continuously, and this is natural for him. Breastfeeding is a period of smooth transition from fusion with the mother's body to independent functioning. Especially in the first months of life, when the baby can ask for a breast even every half hour. If you calmly satisfy his need, over time he will get used to the fact that there is always food and will learn not to be nervous in anticipation of it, but to wait calmly, and the periods between feedings will increase to comfortable for him and for you.
  8. Expressing milk. It is normal and even necessary if you have more milk than your baby can eat. Nevertheless, this process still causes a lot of controversy between its adherents and opponents. The former recommend pumping as stimulation of lactation and prevention of milk stagnation, the latter consider it unnatural and violating the natural composition of milk. You should know that expressing milk is indicated when it is necessary to store it for future use, but it is absolutely unnecessary if you are constantly near your baby and can breastfeed him. Special breast pumps are designed for expressing breast milk; they are sold in any pharmacy. Breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 12 hours without pasteurization.
Learning to breastfeed is not difficult, even if your parents have never had children younger than you, and you have never seen how to do it. The female body is designed to feed a baby and adapts easily to this process, especially under the guidance of attentive and experienced obstetricians. Think of breastfeeding as a temporary but wonderful time of being intimate with your baby. Believe me, you will not even notice how he grows up and becomes more independent, and you will remember with a smile how you held him to your chest and listened to his mouth-watering smacking. After a while, when you start giving your baby complementary foods, you may even miss those minutes of solitude with him.

How to feed a newborn with formula
Breast milk is ideal food for a newborn. But there are situations when natural feeding is impossible or you have to refuse it for one or a number of reasons (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, some diseases and / or taking medications). In this case, special adapted milk formulas are prescribed for feeding the newborn baby. There are also concepts such as complementary feeding (the introduction of complementary foods in the baby's diet if breast milk is not enough) and complementary feeding (a gradual transition from breastfeeding to eating regular foods), as well as the use of nutritional supplements. All these nutritional options, especially from the first days of life, should be carried out very carefully and according to certain rules:

  1. Choice of adapted food. All the variety of cans and boxes with artificial formula is labeled taking into account the age for which they are intended. It can be indicated as words (for example, "from 0 to 6 months", "from 6 months to a year", etc.) or a special index (1 - can be used from birth, 2 - from half a year, 3 - after 1 year of life). The composition of such mixtures is close to the composition of human milk in terms of the quantity and quality of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. High-quality baby food is difficult to manufacture and therefore cannot be cheap. Cheaper formulas are called, as a rule, partially adapted, and can only be used for older children, after about 6 months of age. It is more convenient and practical to use dry rather than portioned liquid mixtures. They can be standard physiological, for children without special nutritional needs, or therapeutic, taking into account certain deviations in digestion and weight gain.
  2. The amount of artificial nutrition depends on the age, weight and rate of development of the baby. On average, it is recommended to give a child up to 150 ml of the mixture for each kg of his weight. A child under 1 month old can eat no more than 30-60 ml of the mixture at one meal. If the baby does not receive enough nutrition, he will slowly (relative to standard norms) gain weight, become moody and restless. Overnutrition results in excess weight, bloating, and frequent regurgitation. In addition, bottle-fed babies are advised to give more drinking water because formula tends to be thicker and more concentrated than breast milk.
  3. Preparing an artificial mixture. Each package contains detailed instructions. Compliance with the dosage indicated in it is necessary, because an excess of the mixture will lead to overfeeding, and a deficiency will not saturate the child. Be sure to boil the water intended for preparing the mixture and cool it to a temperature of about 36-37 ° C, that is, body temperature. The mixture is scooped out of the package with a measuring spoon and poured directly into a bottle of water, where it is convenient to stir it until it is completely dissolved. After that, the freshly prepared mixture can be given to the child immediately.
  4. Feeding with artificial formula occurs with the help of a bottle with a nipple. Most babies prefer 150-200 ml bottles with a wide mouth and separate teat. The size of the hole in the nipple should be such that at first the liquid is poured through it in a thin stream, and then it comes out at a rate of about 1 drop per second. If the baby falls asleep while feeding, and there is still formula in the bottle, be sure to pour it out and prepare a fresh portion for the next meal. However, never leave your baby alone while feeding. Hold the bottle and generally stay close to at least create the illusion of mother feeding.
  5. Bottle feeding precautions. Pay attention to how comfortable the baby is with the shape and size of the nipple on the bottle - it may need to be replaced until the optimal configuration is found. Never replace the measuring scoop and use only the one sold with the mix pack. Never prepare artificial food for future use, long before your child uses it. Disinfect bottles and teats thoroughly before each feed. You should have a few bottles and teats in stock, as well as tools for washing and sterilizing them.
Even the highest quality adapted formulas cannot completely replace breast milk. And yet, depending on your life circumstances, do not despair if you cannot provide your baby with natural nutrition. With proper and attentive care, love and care, with proper and properly selected and prepared artificial nutrition, you can easily raise a healthy, strong and happy child. Most importantly, do not forget that the newborn child is connected with the mother on an emotional level, subtly feels her mood and attitude. Therefore, whatever you feed your baby, give him enough warmth and attention, do not save physical contact, play and talk with him. Do not forget to give a bottle-fed baby what he should receive with breast milk: love, tenderness and care.

Breastfeeding is undoubtedly the gold standard for baby nutrition. But what to do when mom is unable to breastfeed? Let's say she is sick, she has no or little milk, or there are other reasons. Artificial feeding with milk formulas is called for help. In order for it to be beneficial, it is important to know all the nuances - how often to feed a newborn with a formula, how much formula can be given, which one is better to choose, etc.

What is artificial feeding

This is the replacement (full or partial - 2/3 of the diet) of breast milk with artificial dairy products.

BTW: Ideal for twins, triplets, etc.

Selection rules

It should be done in favor of a quality product. It's not only about the date of manufacture, the duration of storage after opening the package. First of all, these should be the correct recommendations of the pediatrician, based on:

  • composition of food,
  • the age of the baby
  • his weight,
  • characteristics of the body,
  • reactions to food.
  • his weight,
  • characteristics of the body,
  • reactions to food.

Reasons for replacement

Do you have diarrhea or constipation, drowsiness, or gas? The dairy product may not be suitable. Does the feeding take place in the mode of tears and spits out? Something went wrong, didn't like the taste, or something else. This means that you need to consult a doctor for advice and advice. Because there are more serious reasons forcing a pediatric specialist to replace one formula for artificial feeding with another:

  1. Allergy to the composition (severe rashes).
  2. Requires another one suitable for the age.
  3. Due to illness (requires a special composition with medicinal properties).
  4. Stopping weight gain.

BTW: You cannot use several different mixtures, give food intended for a different age, or feed the child against his will.

How often can artificial mixtures be changed?

No, often and, moreover, arbitrarily, without talking to a pediatrician, it is not recommended to do this. It is difficult for a child's body to rebuild quickly or, worse, to do it all the time. Try to observe more closely the assimilation of the new food by the child:

  1. The rash may go away the next day.
  2. The unsuccessful chair got better by the evening.
  3. The tummy doesn't hurt the next morning.
  4. No regurgitation and the like.

ATTENTION: If something is wrong, pay a visit to the children's clinic. Ask what types of dairy products are ideal.

Formulas for artificial feeding - types and varieties

Manufacturers make products for artificial feeding of newborns, based on milk (goat or cow). It happens:

  • dry, liquid,
  • unleavened and fermented milk substitutes for human milk,
  • usual (in composition a little like mother's milk) and adapted (as similar as possible).

Varieties of formula for artificial feeding of newborns

  1. Most adapted: with the greatest degree of similarity to mother's milk.
  2. Highly adapted: thanks to the presence of tauric acid, the nutrition is ideal for premature babies.
  3. With less adaptation: from powdered cow's milk, without whey, but with the remaining adaptation parameters.
  4. With partial adaptation: without whey, with incomplete adaptation of carbohydrates and fats, starch and sucrose; unacceptable for newborns.
  5. Special: for special cases when special nutrition is required (babies with weakened immunity, premature babies).
  6. Therapeutic (lactose-free, soy, semi-elementary, with thickeners - for allergies, impaired absorption of food in the intestine, low weight, disorders of the intestinal flora, etc.).

ATTENTION: Medical and special mixtures are prescribed by a doctor according to indications!

How Often To Feed Your Newborn With Formula - Feeding Regimen

Can the baby be fed at will and on demand? No, it's best not to.

Firstly, this is not mother's milk, which comes in proportion to the one sucked by him in the previous feeding.

Secondly, the baby's body needs time to digest artificial food. Otherwise, if the break is not taken, nothing good will come of adding fresh food to undigested food.

When a baby is bottle-fed, he must consume the prescribed amount of food, and strictly according to the hour.

How to introduce the mixture correctly - cooking rules

If this is the first introduction of dairy products (or new) into the diet, then carry out the process within 5-7 days. Initially, a small volume is offered (no more than one third of the required portion). If everything went well, the amount of food increases over the course of the week.

Rules for the preparation of milk formula and feeding

The first thing to do is to carefully read the instructions for preparing a dairy product and adhere to it. More or less amount of the contents of the pack or can is fraught with belching, regurgitation, unstable stools and other consequences that are dangerous for the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs. When preparing a mass that a tiny artificial artist must certainly like, consider:

She prepares exclusively before feeding and in no case - not for the future.

Water (boiled) and the product are quickly mixed in the right proportion until completely dissolved. Then the bottle is shaken.

Cooking should only be done in a well-sterilized container.

For breeding, specialized water without harmful substances is used.

The nipple for feeding should be suitable for the baby.

REMEMBER: The temperature of the cooked food should be 36-37 ° (by dropping a drop on your wrist, check - the liquid should not be felt).

How to calculate the amount of formula you need to feed

The rate is calculated based on the age of the baby, weight and appetite. In principle, the so-called "volumetric method". For example, the main food per day should be:

  • in the first two months of life - 1/5 of body weight,
  • in 2-4 months - 1/6,
  • at 4-6 months - 1/7,
  • after six months - 1 / 8-1 / 9.

Example. The weight of an infant aged 3.5 months is 5700. Give him 950 ml of the adapted formula per day. But the approximate amount of food, as well as how many hours to feed, is specified in each case separately with the doctor, and not "by eye".

REMEMBER: Your little "artificial" can eat different amounts of food at a time. Well-being, appetite and other factors can be the determining factor.

How much food do you need per feeding?

For this, the daily volume is divided by the number of doses. Those. from the formula 950: 6 = 158 we see that at a time after the required period of time (with six meals) the little one should be given about 160 g.

BTW: The volume of an artificial product does not include juice, water, decoctions of fruits and vegetables. If the menu includes complementary foods (vegetable puree, yolk, cottage cheese), the fact should be taken into account when determining the required volume of the mixture.

How to properly feed your baby with formula

  1. Before feeding with powder or liquid products mixed with baby water, the temperature of the resulting mass is checked (should not be higher than 36.6-37 degrees).
  2. It is important to observe that the baby does not swallow air while sucking.
  3. You can not re-give an already unused mixture.
  4. The child should be in a semi-upright position.
  5. After eating, the dishes and the nipple must be sterilized with high quality.

NEED TO KNOW: Is there anything left in the bottle? Pour it out, because you can't leave a drop next time!

How many times to feed - feeding mode

How do you know after what time, how many times to feed the "artificial"? Their feeding schedule is usually traditional. So, in the first month of life it is necessary to give food 6-7 times, i.e. a break is maintained somewhere in 3-3.5 hours. (At night, the interval can be about 6 hours). After that, the gap increases.

ATTENTION: If you notice that the "artificial" baby is not enough, he does not gorge himself, consult your doctor about increasing the number of feedings.

In a word, everything is determined, and then, if necessary, the doctor will correct. For example, a crumb will not cope with the recommended volume at a time. This means feed more often, but in smaller portions.

One way or another, it is advisable to closely monitor the behavior of the little one. He should not be lethargic and inactive. Got good weight gain. Otherwise, go to the clinic!

BTW: Include water in your diet while artificially feeding! But do not take it into account when calculating the total daily allowance for a child's meal.

  1. When preparing food, take the mixture with a clean measuring spoon.
  2. In the first days, prepare the required volume by adding 10-20 ml. When the diet of the "artificial" baby improves, the amount will be easier to select.
  3. Yes, milk with artificial feeding is longer in the stomach, and therefore the regime is established. But if the baby gets very worried about 15-20 minutes before feeding, do not torment - feed.
  4. The nipple should be with a normal, and not a large opening - the milk does not flow in trickles, but drips.
  5. Hold the bottle so that the milk fills the neck. Otherwise, having swallowed air with milk, the baby will vomit.
  6. Do not leave him alone with the horn - after burping, he may choke.
  7. Do not feed while you sleep.
  8. Go to the clinic if you notice frequent regurgitation, insufficient weight and height gain, frequent (more than three times a day) stools with undigested lumps, any anxiety before or after meals.

Pros of artificial feeding

So, is there no breast milk, or are there other good reasons to stop breastfeeding? Do not rush to get upset! Yes, the formula recommended for you does not contain such unique elements of human milk. But still, this feeding system has its advantages.

  1. You can entrust feeding to your husband or someone from your family, and go away on business.
  2. Feeding the child in this way, the mother knows how much food he needs. Therefore, he will immediately notice health problems.
  3. You can, unlike breastfeeding moms, continue to eat as before.
  4. You are not at risk of mastitis or other breastfeeding problems.
  5. Due to the longer digestion of the mixture, the number of meals is reduced. This means you can devote much more time to yourself, your family and your favorite business!

Breastfeeding experts insist that mothers shouldn't deny their babies milk if they want to. It turns out that the child can be fed as much as he requires, but many pediatricians disagree with this statement, pointing out the different feeding regimes for natural and artificial feeding. A double opinion raises an obvious question for mothers: how often to feed a newborn - according to the regimen or at his request?

Feeding a newborn can be carried out on schedule or be guided solely by the desire of the baby

Colostrum Feeding Frequency

In the first days after childbirth, the mother's breast is filled with colostrum. Pure breast milk will begin to be produced after 2-3 days. Naturally, the newborn receives only colostrum these days. It is advisable to attach the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth and often apply the baby to the breast throughout the entire period of colostrum feeding. Its amount is small, but the newborn is full due to the high nutritional value of the product.

The frequency of breastfeeding is very important for the infant. First, the baby gets good nutrition. Secondly, a reflex addiction of the newborn to the way of obtaining food occurs, he adapts to the shape of the nipple, trains to suck correctly. Third, frequent applications stimulate lactation and prevent milk stagnation.

Additionally, there is a relationship between demand (feeding the baby) and supply (milk accumulates in sufficient quantities). By actively giving the baby a breast, the mother contributes to successful lactation.

For a long time, breastfeeding was carried out on an hourly basis, at regular intervals. Pediatricians recommended that mothers apply the baby every 3-4 hours and let him suck for 10-15 minutes. In addition, the remaining milk had to be expressed. Practical observations have shown the erroneous application of such a regime. The statistics of the past years indicate the frequent cases of the formation of mastitis in mothers and indigestion in children.

Today, experts have moved away from rigid frameworks and believe that the frequency of feeding should be determined by the mother at the request of the baby. What does it mean to feed at will? The breast is given to the newborn at any time at his first request and wherever the mother is at this time. The new feeding method is based on the frequency of feeding based on the behavior of the baby, rather than on the exact observance of the clock. Actually, the child sets the regime, and you submit to this choice.

How can you tell if your baby wants to breast?

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Following this method, mothers breastfeed the newborn at the slightest sign of anxiety, if he does not refuse it. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to attach the baby to the nipple when he is crying or very naughty. It is desirable that the mother learn to understand her child and distinguish the desire to suck on the breast from other reasons for his whims. Remember the following signs:

  • the baby smacks with lips;
  • your "chick" actively opens its mouth and turns its head;
  • begins to suck on the corner of the diaper or own cam.

Free feeding allows your baby to breastfeed not only when hungry. The child reaches for the breast for peace of mind, receives protection from the process, psychological comfort, absorbs the love and warmth of the mother. It is important that mommy also approaches the process with pleasure, receiving a lot of positive emotions from close contact with her treasure. Breastfeeding time is an invaluable time when a lifelong bond is established between mom and baby.

The great thing is that the participants in the process are mutually beneficial. The free method, as research has shown, has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical condition of mother and baby:

  • The development of newborns is fast and harmonious. Babies who receive breasts on demand grow stronger, are less susceptible to diseases, and differ in the balance of the nervous system.
  • The woman quickly regains her prenatal form. The contraceptive protection is preserved naturally. The mother avoids nipple problems as long as the baby has a correct grip on the nipple.
  • The produced breast milk is high in nutrients, has a high fat content and comes in large quantities.

With proper breast latching, breastfeeding becomes a natural prevention of lactostasis and mastitis.

Why is frequent breastfeeding beneficial?

Some mothers express doubts about this way of feeding, worrying about the amount of milk that the baby needs. Anxiety is associated with thoughts of overeating or malnutrition of the child. There is no need to worry, since such a frequency of feeding is balanced by the production of milk in sufficient quantities, and newborns eat so actively that they involuntarily provoke correct lactation (see also:). There is a kind of regulation by the child of the amount of milk that he needs. The little sly, intuitively controlling the amount of food, eats well and feels happy.

By the way, it is with hourly feeding that the milk is not completely drunk by the crumbs, which leads to its stagnation. Lactation is deteriorating, threatening to stop completely, which can push the mother to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In addition, the moment of stagnation provokes the formation of mastitis in the mother. After such conclusions, will you still have doubts about which method is better to feed your baby? Choose the one that suits not only you in all respects, but will also be optimal for the child.

When to change the number of attachments?

Considering that the frequency of feedings and breast fullness with the free feeding method are absolutely individual, it is impossible to give precise recommendations on the number of applications. There are babies who suck quickly and forcefully, and there are those who "roll" the nipple in their mouth, slowly pulling drop by drop. It is obvious that it is difficult to calculate the exact number of attachments, but one cannot but say about the periods of active growth of the child, when he needs more milk.

Observing the cyclical development of the child, experts have identified four bright periods up to the age of 1 year, in which the child dramatically increases in growth. Approximate indicators are as follows:

  • 7-10th days of life;
  • from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • by 3 months;
  • at 6 months.

Approaching these terms, mothers think that the baby is malnourished, that he is constantly hungry. Thinking that she has little milk, the woman tries to feed the baby with mixtures. This is not worth doing. 2-3 days will pass and your body will adjust itself to the needs of the crumbs, will begin to produce more milk. The instability of indicators in terms of the frequency of attachments is associated with the general development of the child and his appetite. Mums don't have to worry about these hesitations - just give your baby the breast when he needs it.

Statistics compiled by pediatricians indicate that a baby can ask for breast 8-12 times a day. The figures are, of course, tentative, they do not reflect the full picture. It is considered normal for a baby to suck milk 20 times a day. Breast milk is absorbed very quickly, so it's okay if your baby asks for a breast half an hour after feeding. Natural nutrition does not affect the functioning of the infant's digestive system.

How long does it take for one feeding?

Each baby decides for himself how much he needs to breastfeed. The hurry is controlled in a short time, and the thoughtful man stretches the pleasure and eats for more than half an hour. Growing up and mastering sucking, children increase the speed of food intake, choosing the required amount of milk in a few minutes. Pediatricians' recommended times are averaged, so take your treasure's abilities and feed as much as necessary - there is no exact rate. Special recommendations have been established only for formula feeding.

The older the child becomes, the less time it takes for him to eat a full meal.

How to alternate breastfeeding?

Breast rotation is beneficial for the mother and helps relieve painful breast swelling by the time the baby is eating. The duration of holding on one breast depends on the process of milk production in the mother and the baby's appetite. Some baby controls one breast in 5 minutes, while the other stretches the process for 10-15 minutes. If you act on the recommendations of specialists, then it is necessary to carry out a breast change, dividing the total feeding time in half.

Conservative moms prefer to give one breast per feeding. Those who have adopted the free method keep records to keep track of their meal schedule. Children are also different: some like to suck on one breast, others calmly change their nipples, thinking only about getting enough milk. Pediatricians agree that alternating breasts in one feeding is more convenient and correct.

Dr. Komarovsky positively comments on the free approach to feeding, but emphasizes that the child's demands should be based on hunger, and not on other reasons. If the baby's diaper is overflowing or the baby suffers from overheating, prickly heat pesters him, he can reach for the chest, trying to find relief from the uncomfortable sensations in it. Breasts should not be given to him. It is important for a mother to know exactly when the baby really wants to eat. It turns out that it is possible for a child to eat according to the free method, but observing an interval of 2 hours.

In addition, the famous pediatrician insistently draws attention to one essential point: no matter what method you feed a baby, both mother and child should receive pleasure.

If you are bothered by constantly holding the baby to the breast, give up free feeding and apply the usual hourly feeding. Plus, you can optimize your meals on demand by sticking to the sweet spot. Reduce the intervals between feedings, but keep the schedule.

Feeding frequency when using formula

Milk formula for babies, despite the assurances of manufacturers that it is as close as possible in composition to mother's milk, differs significantly from it. A baby who is fed formula takes more time to digest it, so a free meal schedule is not suitable. The mother should distribute formula feeds at fixed intervals. Optimally, the break lasts 3-4 hours during the daytime and 6-7 hours at night.

When analyzing feeding options for artificial people, it should be remembered that pediatricians have calculated approximate standard indicators, which it is desirable to adhere to. The kid receives as much mixture as he needs at a certain age. By improperly organizing the nutrition of the baby with the formula, you can provoke health problems for the baby. The baby's digestive system is especially vulnerable from the use of mixtures.

Realizing the need for breastfeeding, each established or expectant mother accumulates a lot of questions regarding the nutrition of the child. In order for breastfeeding to bring positive emotions to the mother and the full development of the baby, it is important to familiarize yourself with the accepted principles of this process. It is worth stocking up on information on how often to apply a newborn to the breast and how long a meal can last for a baby.

These questions are important in terms of the correct development of the baby and the success of subsequent lactation. Therefore, even before the lactation period of the expectant mother, it is necessary to find out how long a month-old baby and an older baby should suckle, how many times to feed a newborn with breast milk and other basics of successful lactation.

After separation from the mother, with a satisfactory condition of the newborn, he is placed on the belly and chest of a mature mother. Skin-to-skin contact should occur as early as possible after childbirth. Its significance lies in the need to populate the newborn's body with saprophytic microorganisms from the mother's skin. The first minutes of life for a baby are associated with stress: the formation of respiratory functions occurs, the baby cries, experiences discomfort from contact with an unfamiliar environment, he is cold and scared. Therefore, the child, due to a stressful situation, refuses to breastfeed.

An instinctive search for food occurs within 10–20 minutes after delivery. This period is considered optimal for the first application. The duration of contact with the mother for 30–40 minutes helps to strengthen the emotional connection, the immune function in the child's body is stimulated, and the process of milk production is established.

Earlier attachment is also useful for the woman in labor to establish close emotional contact in the future, it affects the reduction of postpartum bleeding and helps the uterus to contract.

It is important for a mature mother to study the feeding technique, find a comfortable position, and control the position of the baby at the breast. When properly gripped, the nipple is in the infant's mouth along with the areola, the mouth is wide open, the chin touches the breast. Pay attention to a feeding position that is mutually comfortable for mom and baby.

The maternity ward does not practice pre-attachment in the following situations:

  • in case of a serious condition of the woman in labor (loss of consciousness, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.);
  • violation of cerebral circulation in an infant;
  • with depression of the central nervous system of the newborn;
  • in case of violation of the child's breathing;
  • with prematurity with sluggish or unexpressed sucking and swallowing automatism;
  • in case of detection of galactosemia.

The success of subsequent breastfeeding depends on the condition of the baby and the mother in the future. The earlier and more intensively sucking begins, the more milk the iron is able to produce in the future. Therefore, it is important that the baby was "introduced" to the mother's gland within a few hours after giving birth.

How long does it take to feed a child, depending on age

The duration of the application varies significantly: from 15-30 minutes. With age, the baby's nutritional needs will increase, and the duration of feedings will also increase (on average, up to 40 minutes). Normally, feeding a newborn ends with sleep.

However, if the baby is breastfeeding for an excessively long time, the possible reason is not so much a desire to eat, but rather satisfying the need for sucking or a lack of close contact with the mother. Long-term sucking will not harm the breast, provided that the rules of attachment are followed.

Feeding is divided into stages. Active lasts the first 5-15 minutes, at this time the baby receives a large amount of food and consumes fore milk. In order for the crumb to receive nutritious hind milk, it is worth allowing the gland to empty completely.

The duration of feeding is directly related to the age of the toddler. The newborn has a small stomach, the volume of which does not exceed 5 ml. Therefore, the baby eats often and little by little. As the child grows up, the duration of feedings increases, and the interval between them increases (by six months, the child will be asking for breast in a few hours). At the same time, the baby receives more food due to the increase in milk in the mother's mammary glands.

How often to breastfeed

When feeding a baby, both the duration and the frequency of applications per day are taken into account. The more often a woman feeds, the more actively lactation is maintained. It is customary to distinguish two options for feeding - on demand (free feeding) and by the hour (according to the regimen). In the first case, the child receives food, signaling to the mother about the feeling of hunger by crying, anxiety, searching movements with his mouth. In the second, the mother deliberately waits for some time between feedings, the waiting interval increases with age. The need for on-demand feeding for baby development and subsequent lactation is increasingly emphasized today.

As the volume of the stomach increases, the interval between meals increases. In the first days, the child "asks for breast" from 6 to 12 times throughout the day.

How Often To Alternate Breasts When Feeding

The principle of natural feeding is consistent application to the mammary glands. The baby is fed alternately with one and the other breast, using one gland in one feeding. With hypogalactia, it is applied to two glands during feeding. In this case, the first breast is given for a long time until it is completely empty.

Neglecting this rule can lead to the fact that the baby does not receive the full amount of nutritious late milk, it will be bad to gain weight. In addition, ineffective removal of milk from the ducts is the cause of a blockage of the duct in the mammary gland (lactostasis), and, as a result, causes painful sensations and difficulty in feeding, the risk of mastitis.

It is not recommended to give both breasts in turn during one feeding. Only if the baby has drunk milk from one breast and is still hungry, attach it to the other. It is possible to determine that the baby needs a supplement by a number of signs:

  • after eating, the little one behaves restlessly, is capricious, looking for a chest with his mouth;
  • the baby is crying;
  • infants rarely have urination and defecation;
  • the child is slowly gaining weight.

Babies who are full and receive full portions of breast milk are calm, sound asleep, develop faster and gain weight. It is possible to increase the volume of breast milk in case of its deficiency with the help of medicines, traditional medicine, lactogonic mixtures.

How long does it take to breastfeed a newborn?

A lot of debate arises around the question "to what age to breastfeed." You can answer it by studying the WHO recommendations. The World Health Organization has ruled that it is recommended that exclusive breastfeeding be maintained until six months of age. Children over 6 months old, in addition to breast milk, as well as formula-fed babies, should be given complementary foods.

Dr. Komarovsky agrees with the WHO standards. The pediatrician recommends choosing one of three directions for the first complementary feeding, taking into account the characteristics of the child's development. These can be vegetables, cereals or dairy products. The introduction of complementary foods does not mean that natural feeding should be abandoned. You can continue to breastfeed the toddler for up to a year, one and a half or two years at the request of the mother. It is actively promoted to practice breastfeeding until the period of involution: 2.3–3 years of age of the child.

Do I need to feed the baby at night

The baby also needs food at night. However, night feeds are optional and are practiced if the baby expresses his need with concern. The first months of life, biorhythms are formed in the toddler. After giving birth, he has the same need for food for 24 hours. The baby does not distinguish between day and night.

Changes should occur by 5–6 months of age. During this period, the baby begins to receive more nutritious "adult" food in the form of cereals, vegetables and is able to do without food for about 6 hours. Having fed the baby late in the evening, the mother can get enough sleep and gain strength.

Feeding at night supports lactation, as prolactin, the hormone responsible for the "production" of milk, is produced during this time.

Not only hunger can cause frequent awakenings at night. The frequency of waking up can also be influenced by the comfort of the environment. Monitor the room temperature and humidity, ventilate the room, and have a soothing and relaxing herbal bath before bed. If a baby wakes up at night to eat, but eats poorly, gets tired quickly and falls asleep under the breast, he may not want to eat. Put the baby next to you, feeling the warmth and smell of your mother, the baby will sleep better.

Do you want to drink or not?

It is often difficult for mothers to accept the axiom that a healthy newborn baby (up to 6 months old) does not need water. He receives the necessary fluid from the front breast milk. It is 87% water. At the same time, the mother fluid cannot be compared even with spring water. Front milk contains solutions of salts, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. These components are most fully absorbed by the baby's body, stimulates the work of the organs of the small organism.

The argument that mother's milk is very sweet and should be washed down with water is also wrong. Breast milk tastes sweet due to its high carbohydrate content. This pleasant sweetness of lactose, which is important for the absorption of calcium and iron, nutrition of beneficial intestinal microflora and the development of the child's brain. Lactose not only does not require additional drinking, but also gives the baby a feeling of freshness.

There are exceptions to every rule. It is necessary to supplement the baby on HB in the following cases:

  • when he is sick, with an increase in body temperature, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • in the hot season, when there is a risk of overheating;
  • with the development of physiological jaundice;
  • with intoxication of the body;
  • if the baby is developing slowly, has stopped growing, does not gain weight.

Each case is individual and requires a personal approach. Feeding is an integral part of the life of the baby and his mother. At the same time, having properly organized this process, both the mother and the baby will learn to enjoy such a daily stay together, to appreciate the minutes spent together.

It is so established by nature that for a long time after the birth of a child, he feeds on milk. It seems that everything seems simple, but young mothers who are faced with babies and their feeding for the first time often have many important questions, about which it is sometimes embarrassing to ask a doctor or a health visitor.

Is colostrum nutritional?

Your first feeding will take place in the hospital ward 6-10 hours after giving birth. It is believed that the earlier the newborn begins to suckle at the breast, the better for both the baby and the mother's lactation.

In the mammary glands, colostrum production begins soon after childbirth, which must be fed to the baby. Its volume is relatively small - it is not more than 30 ml, but the process of its creation in the mammary glands occurs continuously. Previously, colostrum was considered empty, but as it turned out, on the contrary, they are fed correctly, and bring great benefits to the baby.

This liquid contains a large amount of bifidobacteria, which, entering the baby's esophagus and passing through the entire system, after a while settle in the baby's intestines. Thus, when feeding on colostrum, the microflora of the newborn is created, and the immune system begins to start. Do not be afraid that your baby will not gorge on colostrum in the first days: if you lie with the baby in the same room, then you have the opportunity and time to feed the baby often, at least every half hour, if he asks for it. Such attachment to the breast will stimulate the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, and, therefore, will only speed up lactation and increase its volume. If you and your baby are lying apart, the nurses will definitely feed him with a mixture.

When does breast milk appear?

Two to three days after giving birth, the first discharge from the breast will change, and milk will replace colostrum. It is correct to continue feeding the newborn as often as possible, so you will train his sucking skills and stimulate his own lactation. Feel your breasts carefully: at the first sign of painful bumps inside, massage, rub and express. Feel free to ask the medical staff for advice and assistance. They will tell and show you how to properly hold your baby, how often you need to feed him in the first days.

How to properly feed a newborn baby?

Often babies, demanding to eat, are so carried away by the crying process that they do not notice that their mother has been trying to feed him for a long time, and do not breastfeed. Any newborn has a developed sucking reflex, so in order for him to eat, you just need to tickle the baby's lips with your nipple. The mouth will open immediately and you can start feeding the baby.

Be sure to make sure that during the process your breasts do not interfere with the breathing of the baby. The baby's mouth should contain both the nipple and a part of the halo, if this is not the case, carefully “fill in” the missing parts inside.

If you still have little milk in the first days, and the baby has eaten and asks for more, feed the newborn from the other breast. Correctly observe the order of "food sources" and before offering the second mammary gland, make sure that everything is really sucked out of the first one.

If for some reason milk has not come to you, do not give up trying, let the baby try and suck as much as he can until he cries - then offer him a mixture from a bottle. If the nipples are stimulated frequently, this can eventually trigger the natural mechanism of lactation.

How often should a newborn be fed?

The standard break between meals for newborns is 3 hours. It is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to this time and torment the crying child with the expectation of the "X-hour". Modern pediatricians believe that on-demand feeding is optimal for both the newborn and the mother. You give your baby a breast when he asks for food, but first making sure that the cause of crying was not colic or discomfort. Also, the baby can whimper if he is lonely, and he just wants mother's warmth. When the baby cries, you have to determine what makes him behave this way - check the diaper, pat the tummy and hug. If the baby continues to cry, offer him the breast. You will often arrange such checks in the first days, then all mothers by the timbre of crying are able to correctly determine the cause of whims.

The newborn will wake up at night to eat. It is up to you to decide where to feed it correctly. Some mothers put the baby next to them and fall asleep together. Others are afraid of crushing the child in their sleep and, after feeding them, put them back in the crib, while losing precious night time for sleep.

Do I need to add water to the child?

It is believed that the mother's milk is sufficient to meet the fluid needs of the baby. But in practice, everything is not so perfect. The body of a newborn spends water on the production of urine and saliva, on softening stools, on moisturizing breathing, etc. Such fluid losses are considered physiological and are completely covered by the amount of water that comes through breast milk.

But there are situations when there is not enough moisture. For example, during the heating season, the air becomes too dry, or the baby's intestines will malfunction and diarrhea will begin, or the baby may be hot, he will start to sweat - in all these cases, the body becomes slightly dehydrated. You need to look closely at the baby and drink him to replenish the liquid, it is correct to do this with the help of ordinary mineral water.

What are the comfortable feeding positions?

The most important factor when choosing a feeding position is comfort. This process should be enjoyable for both mom and baby. There are two optimal feeding positions:

  • many mothers note the convenience of lying down. So the mother is resting, and the baby lies calmly, and both breasts are in the zone of his access. If it is inconvenient for the baby to reach the upper mammary gland, you can put a pillow under the newborn. Be sure to make sure that the mammary gland does not cover the baby's nose and prevent him from breathing properly.
  • while sitting, you can quickly react if your baby wants to burp. At the same time, the head of the newborn lies on the mother's forearm, and by raising her hand, she can adjust its position.

What foods are prohibited for a nursing mother?

It is known that a nursing mother needs to adhere to a fairly strict diet. After all, from now on, everything that she eats goes to the child. The baby's body is still weak and reacts to everything, so many familiar foods should be expelled from the mother's diet.

The older generation confidently declares that young mothers need to exclude everything red from the diet in order to prevent the manifestation of allergies in an infant. Indeed, nursing mothers are prohibited from eating tomatoes, red apples, pomegranates and berries - cherries, strawberries, strawberries and grapes. Sweets and honey should be used with caution. All these products can cause a negative reaction not only in the child, but also in the hormonally unstable mother. At first, due to the unsettled work of the intestines, the newborn almost constantly suffers from colic, so the mother should exclude from her diet foods that have a gas-forming effect: cabbage, radishes and legumes.

Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended for nursing mothers to ensure adequate lactation. A young mother should eat dairy products, lean meats and fish, cheeses and cottage cheese. You can eat any fruit - but not citrus fruits, not red and not grapes. From vegetables - avoid tomatoes and cabbage.

It is important to rest as often and for a long time as possible and be less nervous, because due to fatigue or anxiety, milk production can decrease, and with severe stress, it can stop altogether.

Do I need to pump?

Expressing will be necessary for you in the following cases:

  1. if you are not with your baby (for example, he or you have been admitted to the hospital) or are taking medication, but you need to maintain lactation;
  2. if you have to go away during the day (for work or business), and someone from your family can feed your baby with your milk from a bottle;
  3. if the newborn does not eat all the milk, in order to avoid stagnation and inflammation, you need to express and smooth, knead all the lumps and nodules in the breast.

It is not necessary to store “harmful” milk - with antibiotics or other medicines; Good milk can be frozen for future use, there are special sterile bags for this. It can be stored for a long time, while it will not lose its nutritional properties. Defrost it properly at room temperature and warm it up in a water bath. Storing expressed milk simply in the refrigerator for longer than a day is impractical, since in this case everything useful will evaporate from it.

Up to what age is it optimal to breastfeed a baby?

As a rule, by the age of six months, the infant does not have enough energy that he gets from milk. The newborn is often and actively moving, in addition, the baby's intestines are almost ready to digest new types of food. In breast milk, meanwhile, there are fewer and fewer nutrients than it was in the early days.

Pediatricians recommend starting to gradually introduce complementary foods from the age of 5-6 months. The doctor, based on his observations of the development of the baby, recommends you with what exactly to start with - with vegetables, fruits or cereals. So, gradually introducing new foods into the baby's diet and replacing whole feedings with them, you will lead the baby to give up breast milk.