Round collar crochet. Collar in the form of "Bells". Collar Delicate pineapple


Openwork collar.
An openwork collar is best knitted. Crochet allows you to not only immediately tie the collar to, but also tie it separately, then sew it on. Take your favorite scheme of their Internet. Basically, for openwork knitting, the double crochet technique is used, the rest is a matter of fantasy.


  • crochet knitting patterns

For jackets and polo pullovers, it is important that the collar looks equally good from all angles.

You will need

  • - yarn
  • - hook
  • - circular needles


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Useful advice

When tying the neck with a crochet, it is important that at the beginning and at the end of the strapping, in the areas of the rounding of the neck, there are the same number of columns.

Collar collar is always in fashion. This is both a great scarf and an elegant accessory. And it is easier to knit than other collars.

You will need

  • - circular needles
  • - threads


If you want to decorate with your collar, there is nothing easier. Cast on the neck loops on circular needles (the shape of the neckline does not matter). Knit in the round with an elastic band, or stockinette stitch, or the main pattern of yours. The size of the collar depends on yours, but no less than the height of your neck, multiplied by 2. If you knit with a pattern, then the front collar will be from the inside out. In the process, to adjust the length of the clamp, you can try on. Close the loops at the desired length.

If you decide the collar is a separate element, knit like this. Type on the spokes the number of loops needed to obtain the desired collar width. Connect knitting in a circle. Knit in ribbing, garter stitch or choose a pattern for your product. The height of the collar depends entirely on your desire.



Fans of fashion and being always in the spotlight will be very happy to know that there is such a wonderful warm and soft collar clamp. They can decorate any sweater and jacket. Thanks to the comfortable wear, every time you can present yourself in a new original image and be still at the height of fashion. To tie collar clamp not so difficult.

You will need

  • Yarn 32/2, knitting needles No. 5, scissors.


Knit one row of knit loops.

Secure the resulting fabric with front loops of paper thread.

Sew the loops that appear using the loop-to-loop method.

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Iron only the ends of the front loops, otherwise the product may deteriorate. Pay special attention to the paper thread that is involved in the work; it is worth untwisting with extreme caution so as not to unravel the collar collar.

Useful advice

Use fluffy yarn for a softer collar.


  • Different ways of knitting a collar collar with the presented photos.

Collar- « clamp has not gone out of fashion for many decades. It originates from a stand-up collar. Such a collar can be of different shapes, different sizes. It can fall freely on the shoulders or almost hug the neck. It can be part of a sweater or dress, or it can exist separately, like a shirt-front, which, if necessary, turns into a headdress.


When knitting from separate parts, knit to the end, but do not close the loops, but remove them on an additional thread. Do exactly the same. When all the details of the sweater are ready, cast on the removed loops on circular needles. The thread on which you loop the last row must be pulled out.

There is another way to knit this. Calculate the number of stitches needed for the desired collar height. Cast on the required number of loops on the needles and knit a rectangle for a length equal to the volume of the neck on the modified pattern. Close the loops and sew.

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  • How to knit a collar collar
  • collar collar knitted

Unique, handmade items are becoming increasingly valuable. And if you want to link pullover for yourself or as a gift, then you will certainly face the question of how to calculate the size collar and tie the collar correctly. One of the most common options is an elastic collar that fits around the neck, in the same way as a turtleneck.

You will need

  • Knitting needles, yarn, needle, thread in the color of the yarn, centimeter.


We start knitting an elastic band 4/1 by measuring the length of the neck. From the resulting length, you need to subtract 1 or 2 centimeters, depending on how loose you want to make the collar.

Knit a small one to calculate how many loops there are for each centimeter. The sample must be knitted. In order to count the number of loops, you need to measure the sample and calculate the number of loops obtained for this width. Then the desired length of the neck is divided by the number of centimeters obtained in the sample and multiplied by the number of loops in it - the number of loops for knitting the neck is obtained.

Based on the data received, we collect the required number of loops for collar. It should be equal to the length of the neck (minus 2 centimeters) multiplied by the number of loops in one centimeter of the sample knitted by the smooth surface.

Work rib collar 4/1 to desired length. Then you should knit 3 rows with stitch. We finish knitting with 10 rows of an auxiliary thread.


Before the collar is sewn, many advise steaming it. However, not all yarn can be steamed. If you are using a material that does not allow steaming, simply skip this step in the instructions.

Useful advice

A sweater with a collar of such knitting will look great, if the sleeves are also knitted.


  • On this site - several options for calculating the size of collars and ways to knit a collar on a sweater.

The fashionable trend of our time is false collars. They are made in a variety of techniques: knitted, sewn, embroidered, weaved. To create a spectacular accessory, needlewomen carefully select materials. For example, beaded collars look stylish.

Spectacular do-it-yourself collar

False collars are a great way to diversify your wardrobe. With their help, an ordinary blouse will turn into a spectacular outfit. Having several collars, you can change your look daily.

However, acquiring so many accessories can be expensive. Another thing is to create a collar. For this you need quite a few materials:
- dense fabric / shirt collar;
- beads;
- needle;
- satin ribbon;
- kapron / nylon thread;
- scissors;
- sketch.

You can create both a monophonic product and a patterned, multi-colored one. Sketch carefully using colored pencils: you will have a clear idea of ​​​​the final form of the collar.

A beaded collar can be woven, but for this you need to know the basics of beading, and also be prepared for difficult and painstaking work. Another thing is bead embroidery according to a prepared sketch. The product will turn out spectacular, beautiful and original. In addition, creating a collar in this way will take less time.

Prepare the base. From a dense fabric, cut out two rounded shapes (they should resemble droplets) and arrange them mirrored to each other. Sew satin ribbons to the sharp edges - with their help you will put on and fix the collar. Sew the rounded ends to each other on the wrong side. Please note: you can use a ready-made base, rebuffing the collar from a shirt or blouse.

According to the prepared sketch, start embroidering the collar with beads. Needlewomen recommend the following scheme of work. If the product is monophonic, sew on beads starting from the bottom edge. Move from left to right and back until the entire base is covered with beads. If you are planning a fantasy / abstract pattern, it is better to start work from the middle of each part and gradually move towards the edges. Before sewing on beads, be sure to draw the base according to the sketch.

How to wear a homemade beaded collar

Not every girl decides to wear a made product. Some are shy, others do not understand how and with what to combine beaded collars. However, it should be remembered: your accessory is one and only, so you should wear it with pride, correctly combining it with clothes.

The first collars may not be very even. This can be avoided by gradually increasing the skill: first, create a product decorated at the edges / corners or embroidered with plain beads. Then move on to complex patterns.

A patch collar is a great pair for a laconic blouse. It also goes well with an evening dress or top. Some wear embroidered collars with sweaters, giving the illusion of a shirt underneath. In summer, the accessory can be worn even with simple T-shirts - this will give the look style and originality. Remember: if you wear a beaded collar, you should refuse additional decorations around the neck.

Collar - a piece of clothing that decorates the neck. The turn-down collar is the most commonly used style, it is suitable for many types of products. Since this element is in plain sight, it is important to sew it neatly.

Attaching a flat collar

Turn-down collars are flat and stand-up. The method of connecting the turn-down collar with the neck depends on the shape of the style of this part. Cut out the flat-lying gate from two parts - the lower and the upper. Strengthen the lower part with adhesive interlining to give it shape. Fold the pieces right sides in and sew, stitching along the edge and leaving the bottom edge unstitched. Trim the seam allowances, cut the corners diagonally. Turn the product inside out and iron it.

An easy way to attach a collar to the neck is to insert it between the product and the inner hem and topstitch. Grab the collar along the bottom edge for a sweep, fastening the ends with an overlap. Pin it with pins to the front side of the product. Cut out the facing, attach it face inward along the neckline and chip off, sew all layers on a typewriter. Remove the pins, trim the seam allowances, turn the facing onto the product, iron and stitch, closing the stitching seam. Wrap the open cut of the facing or fold it over and sew it with a blind seam.

On light products: blouses, shirts, often there is no facing. In this case, fix the lower layer of the collar along the neckline, leaving the upper part free. Sew with machine stitch, iron the seam inside the collar. Place the top part of the collar over the seam, fold the cut 5-6 mm, secure with pins and lay a machine line or hem it manually with blind stitches.

How to sew a stand collar

If you have a turn-down collar with a detachable stand according to the model, then it will consist of a flying part and the stand itself. Connect the parts of the flying part to each other, folding them with the right side inward. Carefully align all the cuts and sweep, and then stitch, stepping back from the edge by 1 cm. Turn the collar inside out and straighten the corners.

Now, on the racks, mark the line for attaching the flying part. Fold the parts of the stand facing each other, insert the detachable part of the collar between them, aligning the stitching lines, fasten everything with a running stitch or pins and lay a machine stitch.

Stitch the ends of the stand, turn it right side out. Iron the finished collar. Fold the lower part of the rack and the product with the right sides, lay a line 1 cm wide along the neckline, cut off the seam allowances, leaving 0.5 cm. mm.

Learning to knit V - shaped neckline

This type of neckline for knitwear is unlikely to go out of fashion. It is used in knitting sports and sophisticated patterns for men, women and children. You can wear a model with such a neckline over a blouse or just on the body, beautifully tie a handkerchief well matched to the model.

For a V-shaped cut, the loops are divided in the middle and bevels are formed on both sides of the middle with the help of reductions. With an odd number of loops, close the middle loop or leave it temporarily (see red ring in photo 3).

Simple reductions are performed directly at the edge, for this one loop is pulled through the other (of which 1 is chrome). For the right half of the work in every 4th p. knit a row, except for the last 2 p., then knit these 2 p. together with the front one (photo 1). For the left half of the work, knit the first 2 sts together with a slope to the left, i.e. remove the 1st st as a front one, knit the 2nd st with the front one and stretch it through the removed loop, then continue knitting with the main pattern (photo 1 ).

It is not so easy to pick up loops for inlay along such edges. Therefore, the 2nd method is recommended, in which the reductions are noticeable, because they are performed at a distance of one or more loops from the edge. For the right half of the work in every 4th p. knit a row, except for the last 4 p., then knit 2 p. together with the front one, finish with 1 front and edge loop (photo 2).

For the left half of the work, start with an edge and 1 front loop, then knit 2 sts together with a slope to the left, as described above, then continue knitting with the main pattern (photo 2). An inclined path is formed between the main pattern and the edge. Decreases, performed with some interval from the edge, may have a slope of the loops towards the bevel, then they are a decorative design of the cutout. In this case, knit as in the previous version, but 2 sts, knitted together with the front, and 2 sts, knitted with an inclination to the left, change places (photo 3). When knitting with some patterns, such as semi-patent or patent elastic bands, a cutout is not formed with simple reductions, because. they fall alternately on the front or back loop.

Decrease for V-Neck

In this case, it is recommended to perform double reductions, which are done not in every 4th, but in every 8th p. In photo 4, the part is made with a semi-patent rubber band. For the right half of the work, knit all the loops of the row, except for the last 6 p., Then knit 3 p. Together (= 1 double decrease), finish the row with 2 p. For the left half, start with the hem and 2 sts of semi-patent gum, then double decrease, i.e. remove 1 st as a front, knit 2 sts together and stretch the removed loop through the knitted one (photo 4). If a pattern motif is made in the middle of the knitted part, it is recommended to use it to decorate the V-neck.

For example, two slanted front loops of a rhombus serve as the edge of a V-shaped neckline (photo 5). The middle "braid" continues on both sides along the bevels of the cutout (photo 6). The symmetrical middle motif of the white pullover from page 23 at the beginning of the V-neck is divided into 2 sections that continue on both sides of the neckline. Decreases in this model are performed at a distance of 27 points from the edge.

V-neck trim

When knitting the inlay in the middle of the front, an angle should be formed. There is a very simple way to knit the inlay. Cast on circular or flexible needles along the edge of the neckline (start and end in the middle of the front) and knit the trim with an elastic band (alternately 1 front, 1 purl) in rows in forward and reverse directions to the desired width.

In every 2nd p. at the beginning and at the end of the inlay, add 1 p.

Put the ends of the inlay on top of each other and sew along the edge of the cutout (photo 7). If the V-shaped neckline is deeper and the inlay is wider than in the photo, then the design of the neckline with such an asymmetric inlay is very impressive.

For a symmetrical inlay, the loops decrease in the middle of the front. Dial on short circular needles along the edge of the neckline an even number of loops and knit in a circle with an elastic band (alternately 1 front, 1 purl).

In every 2nd p. knit the last 2 sts before the middle of the front together with a tilt to the left, knit the next 2 sts together with the front (photo 8). If the middle loop of the main pattern was closed or temporarily left, then it is included in the inlay. For the inlay shown in photo 9, in every 2nd p. knit the loops of the row with an elastic band, except for 1 p. in front of the middle loop, remove the next 2 p. together, like faces. (i.e. insert the needle from left to right, first into the middle, then into the previous loop), knit the next loop in accordance with the pattern and stretch the removed loops through it. If the neckline is made out with a double trim, then first on the faces. on the side of the inlay on the middle loops, decreases are performed, then on the inside. side of the inlay also on the middle loops - increases. Decrease the trim as described above to the desired width and mark the fold line = purl row. Then, on both sides of the middle loop, increases are made (knit 1 crossed loop from the broach) in the same rhythm as the decreases, until the initial number of loops is on the knitting needles, respectively. double-width inlay is tied (photo 10).

If the inlay is done with an elastic band 2x2 (alternately 2 front and 2 out), then 2 front loops should fall in the middle of the front. In every 2nd p. knit loops, except for 1 p. before the middle 2 p., then knit 2 p. together with the front one, knit the next 2 p. together with a slope to the left (photo 11).

If the main pattern is embossed, especially along the edge of the neckline, then the processing of the edges should be simple and inconspicuous. Pick up loops along the edge of the neckline, tie 1 p. elastic band (alternately 1 person. and 1 out.) and close the loops (photo 12). The pullover from page 23 has an edge tied with st. b / n and pico, emphasizes the romantic openwork pattern.

A well-shaped and neatly knitted collar plays a big role in the design of the product, as well as in creating your appearance. Collars can make your neck "shorter" or "longer". When choosing a collar for a knitted product, one should take into account the texture of knitting, pattern and ornament. Collars can be knitted separately, or they can be whole-knitted.

Stand collar"

The stand-up collar can fit snugly around the neck or be looser. Having made all the details of the product, we collect loops for the stand-up collar. We start the set from the middle of the back and knit in a garter stitch to the desired height. After that, we make a fold line. The fold line can be decorated with cloves. We knit the second half of the rack with knitting needles of a smaller diameter, repeating the rows in reverse order and increasing the knitting by one row. We close the extreme loops of the collar with a "pigtail". The edge of the second half of the collar is sewn along the front side of the work.

Rolled collar

It is convenient to process the neck of the half-way with a hosiery trim. After the half-way is already sewn and the neck loops are closed, we collect from the wrong side, along the edge of the neck, an even number of loops, pulling them out of the fabric. We knit the inlay with stocking knitting 4-6 cm wide. The last 2-3 rows are made with paper thread. Without closing the loops, remove the knitting from the knitting needles and iron. We fold the inlay in half and tack to the front side. We dissolve the rows connected with paper thread, and sew the opened loops to the neck of the half-way at regular intervals. In this case, the edge will be even. It can be decorated with teeth.

Ruffle collar

This collar can be knitted in 2 ways.

1st way

For the sample, we collect 30 loops and knit:

  • 1st row - 1 facial, 1 purl, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 2nd row - chain 1, knit 1, chain 1, purl 1, etc. to the end of the row (an air loop is made by knitting a loop between the loops or a crochet (we cross the crochet in the wrong row);
  • 3rd row - 1 air, 1 facial, 1 air, 3 purl, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 4th row - 1 air, 3 facial, 1 air, 3 purl, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 5th row - 1 air, 3 facial, 1 air, 5 purl, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 6th row - 1 air, 5 facial, 1 air, 5 purl, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 7th row - 1 air, 5 facial, 1 air, 7 purl, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 8th row - 1 air, 7 facial, 1 air, 7 purl, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 9th row - 1 air, 7 facial, 1 air, 9 purl, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 10th row - 9 facial, 9 purl, etc. to the end of the row.

According to the connected sample, we determine the required number of loops for ruffle in the neck. Then we knit the collar with circular knitting needles (or on 4 knitting needles).

2nd way

We collect a quantity equal to the double number of loops along the neckline (when dialing along the edge, we stretch the loop between the loops), and knit 1.5-2 cm elastic band 1x1.

  • 1st and 3rd rows - purl 1, front 1, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 2nd row - purl 1, knit 2 together, 1 yarn over, etc. to the end of the row;
  • 4th row - purl 1, yarn over 1, knit 2 together, etc. to the end of the row.

Next, we take the knitting needles 0.5 mm larger and knit the pattern again from the 1st to the 4th rows. Having connected the required height, we close the loops on the front side with purl loops. We iron the finished ruffle and carefully sew along the neckline or fastener.

Sports collar under the throat

On the pattern of the front and back of the sweater, 1.5-2 cm below the neck line, draw a line parallel to it. If the sweater is raglan cut, do not forget to mark the same line on the sleeve pattern. When knitting the details of the sweater, close the loops tightly along the new line. Sew a sweater, measure the neck line and calculate how many loops for the collar. Using a 1x1 ribbing, knit a collar 12-16 cm high on round needles (cast on an even number of loops) or regular needles (odd number of loops). After that, take the knitting needles a full size more and knit the front loops of the elastic band with the front loops, and string the wrong ones on an additional knitting needle. From this moment on, the collar seems to fall apart, a stand is formed, each part of which is knitted separately. At the same time, the purl loops of the back of the rack are also knitted with facial knitting, but 2 more loops are added on both sides of the row. The height of the rack should be no more than one and a half centimeters, the front part is 1-2 rows longer than the back. Knit the last 2 rows of both parts of the rack with paper thread (these are temporary rows, then they bloom).

The collar should be round. Therefore, if it is not knitted on round needles, sew it and sew separately both parts of the rack (except for rows knitted with paper thread). Iron the rack without touching the elastic. Insert the neck of the sweater between the 2 parts of the rack, apply the back of the rack to the wrong side of the sweater. Dissolve the loops connected with paper thread, sew the opened loops with a “back needle” seam (Figure 461).

Then, to the front of the sweater, baste the front of the collar stand. Having dissolved the rows connected with paper thread, sew the opened loops with the same seam. Thus, the neck of the sweater will be hidden in the collar stand.

Collar with decorative corners

Such a collar and cuffs will decorate a dress and blouse of the simplest style, the simplest knitting. They are knitted very tightly, with a garter pattern (all rows of facial loops).

First of all, measure the length of the neckline, add 2-3 cm for the fit and 9 cm for both sides, this will be the width of the collar. Let's say the neck length is 36 cm, which means the collar width is 36 cm + 3 cm = 39 cm. The collar height is 9 cm. So, you need to dial 39 + 9 + 9 = 57 cm. Tie a sample and determine the density of knitting. We remind you how this is done: if there are 30 loops in the sample, and its width is 11 cm, then the knitting density is 30: 11 \u003d 2.7 loops in 1 cm. Knowing the knitting density, it is easy to calculate the number of loops for the first row: 57 x 2.7 = 153.9 loops, or 154 loops.

Type the loops of the initial row with a thickened thread, knit the next row with a facial viscous ordinary thread. On both sides of the row, nine centimeters from the edge, mark with a colored thread along the loop, near which it will be necessary to reduce the loops to get right angles (Figure 463).

It is necessary to decrease in every second row, knitting two loops together in front and after the marked loop (it is knitted with a front loop on the front side of the work, and on the wrong side of the knitting, the thread is removed without knitting in front of the removed loop). It is necessary to decrease until the loops from the side of the collar run out. Then, in short rows, without knitting 3-4 loops on both sides, knit 2-2.5 cm, after which close the loops tightly. Iron the collar and sew.

Cuffs can be knitted in a similar way.


We begin to knit the cape-shaped neckline at the same height as the armhole. We divide the half-way into 2 parts and knit each separately. In each row, from the side of the neckline, we decrease to the line of the shoulders. Sew shoulder seams. We collect loops around the neckline on 3 knitting needles, starting from the seam on the left shoulder. Mark a loop in the middle of the cutout. Knitting in a circle (about 3 cm), we decrease (we make one of 3 loops) along the 1st loop to the left and right of the central cutout.

Having knitted the bar to the desired height, we close the loops with a “pigtail”.

Cutout "square"

We collect loops of the back, front and 2 sleeves on 4 knitting needles and knit with an elastic band 1x1, subtracting 1 loop in each row (it is possible in each 2nd row). Having connected the cutout of the desired height, we close the loops with a "rope".

Collar "golf", turning into a helmet

This collar, knitted with a long fabric, can fit around the neck, or can serve as a hat.

Knitted on the basis of the neck (under the throat). Cast on 4 needles and work in the round in rib 1x1 for double collar height and continue to head height to crown. After the collar is ready, we close the loops with a "rope".

Polo collar

The collar can be knitted on 4 knitting needles, it is possible on circular ones.

After sewing the shoulder sections, we collect the neck loops on the knitting needles without a strap for the fastener and knit a straight fabric to the height of the collar with an elastic band 1x1 or front stitch (you can tie it with a "rope"). At the end of the work, we close the loops with a "rope", without tightening.

Collar "opash"

Having tied the shelf to the neck, we remove the strap loops on a pin and finish the shelf according to the pattern pattern. The neckline is done with partial knitting. When the shelves are ready, we sew them. We remove the loops of the strap (on the right shelf) from the pin to the knitting needle, then we knit them. With the same knitting needle, along the neckline and sprout, we collect loops for the collar. Having knitted to the left shelf, we transfer the strap loops to the knitting needle and knit the row to the end. Next, we finish the collar with the main pattern, keeping the trim pattern along the edges. You can knit the entire collar with a strap pattern.

Shawl collar

The shawl collar is knitted simultaneously with the shelf in the vertical direction or by tying loops from the edge row of the shelf in the horizontal direction.

Crocheted openwork collars are always in fashion. We offer to master their knitting schemes and descriptions of which offer many options for execution, give the image sophistication and femininity. Moreover, it will take quite a bit of time to make a cute and beautiful little thing.

Such an accessory is worn not only with dresses or blouses, it can transform the collar of a jumper and even a coat, and a crocheted school collar can be a wonderful decoration if the requirements for appearance are strict.

What you need

To get started, you need to prepare a centimeter tape, hook and yarn. It is desirable to give preference to natural, for example, cotton threads. They are easily washed and starched. Use thin threads to make a light crochet lace collar. The scheme, if present, and the description are sure to come in handy, they should be carefully studied.

The optimal hook size should be selected depending on the thickness of the threads. you will need to measure the neck of the clothes with which the collar is to be worn.

Combined crocheted openwork collars look interesting and unusual, for this you need yarn of several colors. This activity requires patience - for needlewomen who painstakingly master crocheting, collars of even the most intricate patterns will be able to do it.

How not to make a mistake with the length

Natural fiber shrinks after steaming. Therefore, it is first recommended to complete the sample with any simple knit, for example, several rows of single crochets. And only after processing it with steam, it is necessary to measure the length and calculate how many loops are in one centimeter. Accordingly, you should calculate the total number of air loops to start crocheting. Collars in this case will be the desired length.

Small round collar

For those needlewomen who have recently mastered knitting skills, we suggest considering the implementation of a simple but very elegant collar. There are no complex elements for additional explanation, so let's start crocheting the collar right away. The scheme serves as a real helper for needlewomen, so learn to understand them and be sure to use them.

V-neck collar

Crocheted lace collars can be either round or V-shaped. So that knitting brings only pleasure, and the end result is sure to please, we will analyze the scheme of a collar of this form.

Children's collar

Want to spruce up your little girl's wardrobe? Accessories in children's style will fit perfectly, and a crochet collar will provide this opportunity. There is no diagram, because the model is so simple that we will get by with a description:

Collar decoration

Now we will deal directly with the decoration of the collar and learn how to knit simple flowers. Multi-colored leftover yarn will do, it will take quite a bit.

So, the yellow flower consists of one row - a single crochet, then three double crochets. This should be repeated five times in a circle of five air loops.

The pink flower consists of five fluffy double crochets, which are knitted into a ring of air loops. The blue flower is also easy to make: depending on the desired density and length of the petals, it consists of a series of single crochets, and between them it is necessary to tie a chain of 10-15 air loops.

From different flowers, you can make small compositions by adding knitted leaves to them: eight air loops (one for lifting) art. b. n., then a half-column, followed by art. with n., and then two similar columns in one loop, repeat 1 tbsp. with n., again a half-column and st. b. n. The second row is knitted in the same way as the first, but on the reverse side of the chain of air loops.

White collar

Please note that this model is a double crochet collar. Its scheme is simple, it does not have complex elements. The rapport of the narrow part is 17 loops, and the wide lower part is 8. But the number of loops in both parts of the collar must be the same so that they match when sewing. This model can serve as a collar for a school uniform. Crochet ties, at the ends of which small flowers are knitted, similar to those described above.

elegant option

The collar can be present not only in everyday clothes. For example, if you pick up yarn with the inclusion of shiny lurex threads or embroider the finished work with beads, or you can create an elegant accessory with your own hands. For example, such a crocheted collar (pictured right). The pattern according to which the model is knitted is easy to read.

This collar has a small button for fastening, then there is no need to sew it to the neckline. Collars, which are tied with a narrow satin ribbon, look very romantic.

It will easily pass through if the second or first row is knitted with double crochets through two loops into the third, between which two air loops must be connected. If the ribbon is wider, then knit

How to "age" lace

Classic white collars can be given a touch of antiquity, as if they were taken from an old chest that was inherited. Moreover, vintage style is now very fashionable. To do this, the finished work can be dyed, and we will use natural dyes, which are definitely in every home: tea or natural coffee.

A shade with an orange tint will turn out if you use ordinary black tea, green tea will give it. Creamy shade or characteristic of coffee. There is no exact recipe for how to achieve this or that color, so you have to experiment on a thread cut from a skein of 15 centimeters long.

Take 2 tablespoons of tea or coffee, add one and a half liters of water and a tablespoon of salt. Tea should be heated to boiling point, and coffee should be brewed. Immerse the lace in a hot solution (about 70 degrees) and keep it there for 10-15 minutes. For a darker color, you can boil.

From time to time, take out the lace and check the intensity of the color, but keep in mind that after rinsing it will become lighter. If overexposed, you should quickly wash the lace until it dries. To fix the color, the collar can be rinsed in water acidified with vinegar.

Fantasy must necessarily accompany crochet. Collars, patterns of their execution and elements can be changed, making your own adjustments and creating truly exclusive things.

Having determined the desired collar length along the neckline, cast on a chain of air loops with white yarn at the rate of - 1 repeat = 6 loops + 3 loops for symmetry + 1 lifting loop. Knit 4 rows according to the scheme, cut the thread and carefully hide the tail.

Tie the collar along the neck line with black yarn with one row of single crochet stitches, at the same time forming ties. To do this, knit a chain of 20-30 air loops, tie the neck and finish the row with a chain of air loops.

Fillet collar Crosses

Filet collar from Magic Crochet magazine is crocheted of thin cotton threads #1. The width of the collar is about 6 cm, the length along the neck line is 40 cm.

They begin to knit a collar from the Bruges braid, which goes along the neckline (in the diagram, half of the collar is marked with an arc). Next, on this braid, a collar is knitted with a sirloin net. In conclusion, the collar is tied with 2 rows of arches from air loops.

A silk ribbon 1 cm wide and 110 cm long is inserted into the bows of the Bruges braid, which acts as a tie.

Collar Katharina

Another collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted with thin cotton threads #1. Collar width 7 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted from a chain of air loops of the required length. The rapport of the pattern consists of only 4 loops, so any length of the collar along the neck line can be made. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk.

The collar pattern is simple, but requires accuracy and even knitting. The expansion of the collar occurs due to an increase in the number of air loops in the arches and columns knitted on the arches. After knitting 16 rows, finish knitting the main part of the collar at the point indicated by the circle divided in half.

Attach the thread to the starting point of knitting and tie the collar on 3 sides with arches of air loops, along the neck line, knit single crochet stitches through 2 air loops and knit the 2nd row of binding along the narrow sides and the flyaway part of the collar. The knitting end point is indicated by a black square.

Starch the finished collar, lay it out in size and let it dry completely.

Openwork collar Pineapple

An openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2008 is crocheted from fine cotton yarn No. 1. Collar width 8 cm.

The collar is knitted with the popular and loved by many pineapple pattern. This pattern has many options and looks spectacular in a variety of incarnations. This collar combines a small pattern with a French mesh, which gives the collar a special airiness.

They start knitting with a chain of 217 air loops (18 reports of 12 loops + 1 loop for symmetry) and then knit according to the pattern.

Starch the finished collar, stretch to size and leave to dry.

Collar Peter Pan

Openwork collar from Magic Crochet magazine is crocheted from fine cotton yarn #1. Collar width 8 cm, neckline length 47.5 cm.

They start knitting a collar with a chain of 183 air loops and then knit 4 rows according to the scheme. In the 4th row, each half ring is knitted separately, the direction of knitting is shown in the diagram with arrows. Having tied the 4th row, the thread is cut, the end of knitting is shown in the diagram with a black arrow. The 5th and 6th rows are knitted in the same direction as the 4th row. The starting points for knitting these rows are indicated in the diagram with light arrows.

When finished knitting the 6th row, attach the thread to the beginning of the 1st row, knit a loop for a button and tie the neck line with single crochets. Tie a button and fill it with padding polyester or tie a bead of a suitable size.

Butterfly Wing Collar

Openwork collar from the Fashion Magazine, model Tatyana Piskunova. The collar is crocheted from 100 g of cotton yarn No. 1.

The collar consists of two halves, each half is knitted according to the scheme, repeating rows 1-14 9 times. Single crochets are knitted behind the back wall. The halves of the collar are connected with half-columns so that the scallops are turned towards each other. Tie the neck line with one row of single crochet stitches with 2 air loops between them and one row of single crochet stitches with “picot”.


An openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted of thin cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 7 cm.

The collar is knitted in the transverse direction according to the principle of continuous knitting. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk. Having connected the collar of the required length, without cutting the thread, tie the collar along the neckline. The knitting end point is indicated by a black square.

Collar Alice

A cute double collar from a Japanese magazine is crocheted from round motifs No. 4. Yarn consumption 45g.

The width of the collar when unfolded is 15 cm, the diameter of the motif is 8 cm.

The collar consists of 15 motifs, which are connected to each other in the process of knitting. The location and junctions of the motifs are clearly visible on the diagram. The length of the finished collar on the long side is 64 cm, on the short side - 56 cm.

A silk ribbon 6 mm wide and 130 cm long is inserted into the finished collar, which serves as a tie and slightly trims the collar. It is due to this shirring that it lies so effectively. The line for pulling the ribbon is shown in red in the diagram.

Collar Isabelle

An openwork collar from Magic Crochet magazine is crocheted of thin cotton threads No. 1.5. Collar width 7 cm, neckline length 37 cm.

They start knitting with a chain of 151 air loops and then knit 8 rows according to the pattern. The 9th row is knitted in a circle, having finished knitting along the flying part of the collar, the narrow sides and the neck line are tied. The black triangle in the diagram marks the end point of knitting.

Lay out the finished collar on a horizontal surface in size, moisten and let dry completely. Knit a chain of chain stitches and thread it into the edge of the neckline as a tie.

Openwork collar Buttercups

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine is crocheted from cotton yarn No. 0.8. Collar width 7 cm.

They start knitting a collar with a chain of air loops at the rate of 1 rapport \u003d 10 loops + 1 loop for symmetry. Next, knit 10 rows according to the scheme. Starch the finished collar, arrange it in size and leave to dry completely.

Collar Quatrefoil

A wide openwork collar from an Asian magazine is crocheted from 90g of cotton yarn No. 2.5. Collar width 19.5cm, neck length 40cm.

The collar is knitted, starting from the middle line, in one direction and the other according to the scheme. At the end of the knitting of the main part, the collar is tied in 3 rows along the neckline and one row on the other sides.

Separately, a tie 90-100 cm long is knitted with flowers at the ends, which is pulled into the second row of the neck line tying

Collar Pearl

Collar with pearl beads from Magic Crochet magazine made of thin cotton threads crochet No. 1.5. Collar width 8 cm, neckline length 38 cm.

They start knitting the collar with a chain of 149 air loops and then knit according to the pattern, knitting pearl beads, indicated by circles. You can see the methods of knitting with beads in the next model. At the end of knitting, without cutting the thread, they tie the narrow side of the collar, the neck line and the second narrow side.

Collar with beads Alicia

An openwork collar with knitted beads from Beaded Crochet magazine is crocheted with thin cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 7.5 cm, neckline length 32 cm.

They start knitting with a chain of 147 air loops + 3 lifting loops instead of the first column and then knit according to the scheme. Pay attention to the additions needed to expand the collar.

Circles and crossed out circles indicate the places for knitting beads. Binding can be done in 2 ways.

If the hook passes freely into the hole of the bead, then the thread is pulled by the hook through the hole in the bead.

In the case of a small hole, you must first string the beads on a thread and put them into knitting according to the pattern.

Thread a narrow satin ribbon into the first row of columns of the finished collar, matching the color of the beads.

Collar Sakura

Delicate collar from the website of the Japanese manufacturer of yarn and needlework products Daruma, crocheted from 45g of fine yarn with crochet hook No. 1.5. Collar width (maximum) 21 cm, length along the neck line 58 cm.

The knitting of the collar begins with 2 strips of Bruges braid, on which 18 rows of French mesh are knitted with arches of 3 air loops. Next, an openwork strapping is performed, with which 14 flowers and 13 shamrocks are attached, connected separately.

The free edges of the Bruges braid are tied and laces are tied from air loops with shamrocks at the ends.

Richelieu collar

An openwork collar with voluminous pop-corn elements from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads No. 1.25. Collar width 7.5 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted from a chain of air loops and then knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of the strapping is indicated by a crossed out circle, the end - by a black square.

You can watch a video tutorial on knitting a volume element "popcorn" here.

Openwork collar Amelia

An openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from fine cotton threads #1. Collar width 10 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted from a chain of air loops and then 16 rows are knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of knitting is indicated on the diagram with an asterisk, the end of knitting is indicated by a circle divided in half.

Attach the thread to the beginning of knitting, this place is indicated by a circle with a cross inside. Knit 1 row of piping along the narrow sides and flyaway of the collar. The end of knitting is indicated by a black square.

A graceful collar from The Knitter magazine is crocheted from 25 g of yarn (67% merino wool, 33% nylon; length 95m / 25g) with hook No. 4. Collar width 6 cm, length along the neckline 41 cm.

The collar is presented in 2 versions - simple with ties and with beads on a button. For a collar with beads, you will need 106 glass beads with a diameter of 6 mm.

Both options for collars begin to be knitted from a chain of air loops (for a collar on a button, immediately form a loop for it), on which 71 single crochets are knitted, and then knitted according to the pattern.

Before knitting a collar with beads, first put them on a thread. Beads are knitted into double crochets of the 5th row and into the pico of the last row.

Romantica collar

The elegant collar I found on the Pink Rose Crochet Internet blog is crocheted from cotton yarn No. 2.5.

The collar is tied across, which makes it possible to adjust its length in the knitting process. They start knitting with a chain of 17 air loops + 5 lifting loops and then knit according to the pattern (the number of rows in the finished collar should be a multiple of 6). The beginning of knitting is indicated on the diagram with the letter A.

The knitting pattern uses crossed columns with one crochet. You can watch a video tutorial on knitting this element here:

Upon reaching the desired length, perform 2 rows of strapping, forming corners.

The ties are knitted in one strip along with the neck line strapping - 3 rows of single crochets behind the back wall. When casting on the neck line of the collar, adjust it so that the collar lies better.

Lace trim for a square neckline

Lace trim for a square neckline from Puntillas Aplicadas magazine is crocheted from cotton yarn #3.

Collar Blossoming pineapples

An openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2005 is crocheted from cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 12 cm.

They start knitting with a chain of 182 air loops (9 rapports of 18 loops + 17 loops for symmetry + 3 lifting loops) and then knit 16 rows according to the scheme.

After knitting 16 rows, do not cut the thread, but continue knitting, tying the collar in a circle. Finish the row with a connecting column at the beginning of the 16th row.

Starch the finished collar, stretch, shaping, and leave to dry.

Dolly set - collar and cuffs

Delicate set consisting of a collar and cuffs from Magic Crochet magazine. The set is crocheted from cotton yarn No. 3.5. Collar width 6.5 cm, neckline length 42 cm. The cuffs are 17 cm long and 5 cm wide. Start knitting the collar with a chain of 165 air loops + 1 lifting loop. Starting from the 3rd row, they begin to knit a "thickened mesh". It knits like this (it’s not very clear on the diagram) - 2 single crochet stitches, 3 air loops, single crochet stitch to the top of the second stitch.

After 4 rows of “thickened mesh”, cut the thread and knit 3 rows from the initial chain towards the neck. Next, tie a narrow edge, tie the 5th row of “thickened mesh” around the perimeter of the collar and tie the second narrow edge of the collar. Cuffs begin to knit with a chain of 58 air loops + 3 lifting loops. After 2 rows of “thickened mesh”, the narrow edge, the initial chain and the second narrow edge of the cuff are tied.

To decorate the collar, a flower is knitted according to the pattern, it is embroidered with pearl beads and a clasp is hidden under it - a button, a button or a hook.

Collar Bella

A small collar from the Brazilian Pinqouin magazine is crocheted from Pinqouin Bella yarn (100% mercerized cotton, Length 405m/150g) with crochet hook No. 2.5.

Knitting a collar begins with a chain of 150 air loops. 1st row of single crochets from the 6th from the chain hook, forming a buttonhole, and then knit 5 rows according to the scheme.

Lay out the finished collar in size, moisten and let dry completely. Sew on a button.