Moonstone useful. Who is the gem suitable for? Moonstone healing properties

Science has proven that the Moon is the Earth's sister. And if so, then on the earth's land there is an innumerable number of fragments formed at the time of the separation of the planets. This or something like this explain the variety of the so-called "moon stones" shopkeepers somewhere in Thailand or Ceylon.

In this case, the main role of the most "lunar" of all stones is rightfully assigned to the adularia. The iridescent glow emitted by the gem is mesmerizing. raise it to the highest step of the podium among the mineralogical relatives of the moonstone.

Meticulous lovers of natural beauty of the stone sometimes object: in their opinion, only selenite can be considered a real moonstone! Such dogmatism is not welcomed by gemology. The beautiful name for a decorative variety of gypsum arose at the whim of a Swedish chemist just two hundred years ago - while feldspars have been proud of the name of moonstone for many millennia.

The physical nature of the moonstone

The aluminosilicate group Al2Si2O8, chemically bonded to one of the alkaline (K, Ca, Na) metals, is the molecular basis of the mineral called feldspar. All feldspars are visually interesting to one degree or another, but only the KAl2Si2O8 compound has a high aesthetic expressiveness.

Nature has disposed wisely, mixing solid solutions of spar isomorphs with each other. Unpredictable mixes give rise to minerals that connoisseurs of natural beauty rush to classify as precious materials.

It is difficult to confuse a moonstone with another gem: the misty glow of a polished surface seems to be streaming from within the stone mass. The thin-lamellar structure of the mineral determines the beauty of the gem. The decomposition of light in the microscopic internal structures of spar gives rise to that glow that is considered mysterious, and thanks to which legends are born.

Moonstone legends

Satan, who turned into a serpent, and was looking for a way to seduce the first people, noticed: Adam and Eve admire the moon at heavenly nights. Then he created a stone that repeats the light of the moon, but eclipses the night star with its iridescent beauty.

The tempter generously scattered moonstone along the banks of streams and rivers, and people were happy to sort through the gems. But the Moon, God's creation, they liked more, and therefore the satanic sparkles were soon forgotten.

In anger, the owner of the underworld cursed his creation and began to look for a new way to plunge man into sin. Since then, moon stones have brought their owners only tears of disappointment ...

Medieval alchemists, discussing the nature of minerals, endowed the moonstone with the property of "accumulative" origin. In their opinion, any pebble that had lain under the moonlight for a long time was saturated with the energy of the luminary and began to shine dimly.
At the same time, it was believed that already, continuing to take moon baths, acquired the properties of the eternal preservation of the night cold. The theoretical studies of some alchemists were devoted to calculating the duration of the moonstone's stay under the light of night, sufficient to instantly cool boiling water.

Both magicians and astrologers were fond of interpretations of the role of the moonstone ...

Moonstone magical properties

The mentors of curious youth teach: a girl who takes care of her virginity should wear a moonstone. The cold glow of the gem will not allow the fire of passion to flare up in a girl's soul.

For a married couple, moonstone jewelry is a guarantee of marital fidelity. If a moonstone of a warm color is inserted into the husband's ring, his desires will not go beyond the family circle. Jewelry with a moonstone for a wife is preferable in cold colors: then magical powers will protect the lady not only from internal passions, but also from external encroachments.

The medicinal properties of the lunar are highly dependent on the characteristics of its color. The stone of cold pearl shades soothes the nerves, tames mania, cools the body. It is noted, however, that the abuse of the capabilities of the gem leads to the appearance of cold sticky perspiration ...
Colored stones with a characteristic lunar glow are able to positively affect blood pressure in both hyper- and hypotension. However, not every sign of the zodiac can count on constructive help from the moonstone.

The moonstone helps the signs of Water and Air perceptibly, but not always evenly. The signs of the Earth can, with desire and diligence, find points of spiritual contact with a gem. But to the signs of Fire, the moonstone is shown only as a limiter of their aspirations.

Moonstone - a popular material for modern jewelry

Those who consider the moonstone to be uninteresting, rustic, unworthy of an expensive intricately made frame are mistaken. Look at the photo: what a great combination of white and yellow gold with a honey-colored moon moon! Buying such a piece of jewelry is a rare success.

The stone and noble silver organically complement each other in a ring with a large insert in a beige and smoky tone. It is difficult to find a piece of jewelry in which the expressiveness of the gloomy radiance of the moonstone would be played so advantageously!

A gray stone in a blackened silver setting cannot and should not become a color accent of an image. However, this pendant will rive your attention! The restraint of the color scheme of the round cabochon, the rhythm of the frame ornamentation, the high aesthetics of the product, combined with the modesty of the overall decor, brings the decoration with a gray moonstone closer to the most successful pieces of jewelry.

The contrast between the metallic sheen of the greenish blue moonstone and the dark yellowness of old gold is impressive. Such a ring can become a symbol of a domineering, spiritually strong woman. No wonder models with multiple moonstones put together are so popular with customers!

Lemon yellow gold, adularia and topaz look like an outlandish cluster of whimsically selected precious stones. The price of such a product cannot be a priori low. It's gorgeous!

The golden “flower”, assembled from a dark blue center and six petals of a smoky ocher color scheme, looks bold and catchy. The master who created the ring emphasized the exaggeration of expressiveness. Everything in this ring is "too much", everything is too much! However, thanks to the mysterious flickering of blue sapphire framed by the warm glow of the satellites, the jewelry claims to be an outstanding one.

Not only very beautiful in appearance, but also has various properties that are of great value. For example, it is considered a very strong amulet and talisman. In terms of chemical composition, the mineral belongs to potassium aluminosilicate. The most revered stone among Indian soothsayers. Considered sacred.

A translucent color with a bluish-silvery sheen looks very impressive in jewelry. That is why it is very fond of those who choose discreet dull gems for themselves. It is easy to distinguish a real stone from a fake. It scatters the radiance at a specific angle.

Prices for a stone will depend on the quality of the mineral, with the largest being up to $ 30 per carat. Such a cost is usually for a blue stone.

Moonstone application

Amulet used as a talisman in meditation. Jewelry made of semi-precious stones is very popular: rings, earrings, pendants, brooches.

Moonstone Crafts

Most often it is jewelry. Rings in a silver setting look very good.

Moonstone Jewelry - Shop

Other names for moonstone

Fisheye, aglaurite, mother-of-pearl, pearl spar, water opal, Ceylon opal, hecatolite, jandarakand

Varieties of moonstone

Selenite, or a stone from Madagascar. Belomorite, it has a bluish tint. Feldspar with blue shine.

Where moonstone is mined

Sri Lanka, Austrian Alps

Moonstone healing properties

Treats depression, sadness, suicidal tendencies. Such people should have a stone with them all the time. Helps with epilepsy and nervous diseases. An excellent helper for paralysis, dropsy, asthma, blood poisoning, insomnia, liver and gall bladder problems. Helps with colds, can relieve fever. Improves the healing of fractures, has a beneficial effect on the spine. Protects the body from infections, helps to improve reproductive function, improves hormonal levels, the stone is taken with them to childbirth.

Moonstone magical properties

Some peoples valued the moonstone more than gold. And not, but enchanting beauty, but for its magical capabilities. The mineral is fed on the growing moon. They spread it out under the moonlight so that it absorbs her energy. It relieves anger and nervous breakdowns, attracts love to a person and allows you to get peace.

Awakens creativity and imagination, helps to remember the past. Most often it is recommended to be worn by historians, archaeologists and clairvoyants. He helps them in their work. A talisman for speakers and self-confident individuals.

Very much the magical properties of the stone depend on where the owner wears it. To attract love, it is worn as a pendant closer to the heart. For those who do not like to get annoyed, it is worth wearing a ring on your left hand. Creative people, on the other hand, should wear a ring on their right hand. For those who constantly doubt and find it difficult to make a decision, it is worth picking up a stone and mentally repeating what you need to ask about. And then the decision comes by itself.

The stone is also used to fulfill desires. It is necessary to wait for the full moon, make a wish and ask the talisman to help. More often than not, it comes true.

Moonstone jewelry is believed to be a guarantee of marital fidelity. That is why virgins were often given such jewelry so that they would not be tempted ahead of time.

Products are selected for a couple according to the colors of the stone. Warm shades are taken for a man, and cold shades for a woman, then their addictions in love will not leave the circle of the family.

Moonstone - Influence on the chakras

Ajna, Vishuddha, Svadhisthana, Anahata

Moonstone - Energy

Sensitive Yin (absorbs energy)

Moonstone - Associations with names

Raisa, Elena, Evdokia, Avdotya, Gleb, Igor

Moonstone - Element

Wind, Water, Earth

Moonstone - Signs of the Zodiac

The mineral gives each zodiac sign a special feature. For example, Virgo - harmony and happiness in family life, wisdom to Leo, and Cancers will worry less. Gemini will become balanced, and Scorpios will become self-confident.

Suitable for everyone except Aries and Capricorns. The advantage of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The article will tell you about the magical properties of the moonstone and how it affects each zodiac sign.

Moonstone: value, magical and healing properties for humans: how to wear it correctly

Many people call the moonstone "adularia". Adularia is a fairly rare mineral and belongs to potassium orthoclases, low-temperature (scientific interpretation). The mineral got its romantic name "moonstone" due to its pleasant blue overflow.

INTERESTING: For the first time, the "moonstone" was discovered on the mountain "Adula", which is located in Switzerland.

How is it different from other stones?

Distinctive features of the moonstone

Differences of adularia as a mineral:

  • The stone is fragile enough
  • Sensitive to shocks and even tight squeezes
  • Most often, the pebble is in the form of a prism.
  • According to its external characteristics, the stone is similar to chalcedony.
  • The stone is considered semi-precious

INTERESTING: In ancient mythology, you can find scriptures that say that this crystal comes from solidified moonlight. It is also believed that the brightness of the stone increases, depending on the phase of the moon - the crystal shimmers more strongly into the full moon.

Moonstone is most often mined in pegmatites and alpine-type veins. Crystals in nature do not grow larger than 10 centimeters in diameter. It is also mined in the western part of Russia, in the Urals, in the Irkutsk area, in the Khabarovsk region. Another famous volcanic deposits are Sri Lanka, Myanmar.

What is the difference between a stone?

Moonstone magical properties

The moonstone is credited with powerful magic, and indeed, every witch and wizard had such a crystal. It was believed that this pebble can both endow with abilities and take them away. If an ordinary person owned the crystal, he could count on good luck in love and personal relationships.

INTERESTING: Adular was a must-have adornment for young girls from time immemorial, since it was believed that it was he who attracted the opposite sex to her and helped to find a groom.

Another property of the crystal is to protect a person from evil and warn him against any negative:

  • Annoying people
  • Disputes
  • Nagovorov
  • Envy
  • Evil eye
  • Evil spell
  • Electric shock and lightning

Adular ("moonstone") is one of the best amulets for humans. He is able to harmonize with any sign of the zodiac and will especially organically fit into the life of a creative person, allowing him to reveal in himself the unknown facets of talent.

The crystal will easily inspire its owner, promote the awakening of creativity in a good and bad mood. Interestingly, the most famous swindlers and gamblers had the moonstone with them, as they believed that it was the reason for their luck. Adularia was endowed with special power on the days of the full moon and carried only a positive character, taking with it all human aggression and awakening tenderness.

Magical properties

Moonstone healing properties

It is believed that the pebble exhibits its healing properties through direct contact with the human body. The interesting thing is that it doesn't matter where you wear the stone - it will still have an impact on you, whether it be a ring, bracelet, necklace or earrings.

It is noticed that adularia, touching the human skin, first of all examines the human nervous system. It relieves unnecessary irritation and tries to calm down its owner. In addition, the moonstone instills in a person self-confidence and removes fear and simply "disconnect" his owner from worries that drive him into depression.

It is also known that the moonstone helps people suffering from epilepsy and all kinds of sleep disorders (insomnia, restless sleep, short sleep, not a rash, nightmares).

Astrologers confidently assert that the moonstone "belongs" to water (the element of water). It is this factor that helps a person to eliminate urolithiasis. Another property is to "flush" salt deposits from the joints.

Women in labor often take a moonstone amulet with them in order to easily cope with childbirth and complete this process safely. In addition, the peculiarity of adularia is to positively influence the hormonal background of a person, to improve the quality of blood.

Healing possibilities

How to choose and wear a moonstone?

The cost of adularia can vary, depending on its transparency and "purity". The most beautiful crystals are considered to be blue and blue pebbles, tearing off deep shades when transfused. The stone is very valuable in collector circles.

Real moonstone is not cheap, but there are minerals that imitate it, which are much cheaper, for example, the Indian moonstone. It is multi-colored and fairly frequent in nature. A moonstone weighing 1 carat costs up to $ 30. Some copies cost up to $ 80-100 (up to 3, 4-5 carats).

Moonstone is often used to make:

  • Rings
  • Earrings
  • Bracelets
  • Necklace
  • Brooches
  • Key rings
  • Pins with stone inserts
  • Amulets

IMPORTANT: To eliminate the excessive fragility of the stone, it is covered with a special substance - a cabochon. It not only makes the stone stronger, but also makes it shimmer more strongly.

Most often, the stone is framed with silver or white gold, since the cold shade of these metals does not dominate the crystal, but only emphasizes its beauty, highlighting its blue shades.

Of course, wearing a moonstone should be correct:

  • The moonstone should not be lost against the background of other decorations. It should take its dominant place and be combined with other elements: accessories, clothing, and so on.
  • Do not combine moonstone with other stones so that it does not lose its properties and can positively influence you.
  • Silver enhances the effect of the moonstone; choose jewelry where the crystal is framed in silver.
  • The crystal should not be worn by an aggressive and overly angry person, since increased and frequent outbursts of anger can only aggravate his situation, in the presence of a moonstone.
  • Wear the stone on your body but not on your clothes

How to wear it correctly?

Types of moonstone - agate, amethyst adularia, labradorite, belomorite: what it looks like, where it is mined, color, photo

This crystal attracts many and many want to have a pebble at home, as an amulet. The very name "moon" stone has a great influence and, unfortunately, this "name" is attributed to many minerals that have nothing to do with the original.

"Moonstone" is often referred to as minerals such as:

  • Quartz
  • Amazonite
  • Belomorite
  • Selenite
  • Labrador

A characteristic feature of adularia is white tint, but blue is more valuable. The listed minerals have some similarities with adularia, but they can hardly convey all the depth and beauty of the original.

Photos of minerals:

Quartz is often passed off as a moonstone

Amazonite is often passed off as moonstone

Belomorite is often passed off as a moonstone

Gypsum is often passed off as a moonstone Selenite is often passed off as a moonstone

Spar is often passed off as moonstone

Agate is often passed off as moonstone

Amethyst is often passed off as a moonstone

Labrador is often passed off as moonstone

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Aries man and woman

Aries (both women and men), such a crystal as a moonstone is suitable and can act as a reliable talisman. He will calm down a little, active and self-confident Aries., making it possible to adequately assess controversial situations and not enter into conflicts.

It is good for Aries men to wear a moonstone on their little finger, like an insert in a ring. In this way, the mineral can touch the body and have a positive effect on mental and physical health. Aries women are better off wearing a moonstone on their left hand (bracelet, ring). This will warn the ladies from irascibility and aggression, that they are often not painted.

Some Aries (both women and men) have frequent mood swings and depression. It is the moonstone that can save Aries from a similar problem and change a bad mood with a good one. Adular is a good gift for Aries at any age. If a person does not like to wear jewelry or it is simply difficult for him to please with a choice, present him with a moonstone figurine for a house.

Aries men adularia will help develop such a unique feeling as intuition. In addition, those who wear adularia are always good fathers to their children. Aries women adularia will help to find "cold" logic and understanding, sympathy. He will reveal all the good qualities of the Aries lady, hiding the flaws.

Influence on Aries

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for a Taurus man and woman

For Taurus, adularia is a panacea for mental "wounds"... The stone will not only soothe the natural aggression of Taurus, both men and women, but also give him inspiration. A balanced Taurus, in harmony with feelings and body, will be able to feel love, peace, happiness.

Taurus men this stone will allow you to gain confidence in yourself and your strengths, as well as the ability and ability to understand yourself: feelings, thoughts, emotions, actions and conclusions. The moonstone will be able to favorably influence the health of the Taurus man, who often plays sports and leads an active lifestyle.

A charge of positive energy from adularia will help Taurus cope with any mental and physical work. Too "loving" Taurus men, prone to "one-off" relationships, the moonstone will help settle down and find their true love.

For a Taurus woman adularia will be very useful - it will help to reveal not only your natural beauty, but also femininity, will strengthen the feeling of motherhood and tenderness. Such a crystal will “calm down” a hot-tempered Taurus woman, allowing her to make calm and correct decisions.

Influence on Taurus

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Gemini man and woman

The moonstone will be an excellent talisman for Gemini. Just as this stone shimmers with colors, Gemini is multifaceted and mysterious. Adularia jewelry is not only suitable for Gemini, but also in harmony with their state of mind.

This crystal will inspire endlessly Gemini man, which will serve as the beginning for many talented works. In addition, the stone will help in work: give perseverance, self-confidence, positive mood and love of life in general.

If the Gemini man is modest or shy, adularia will help him to loosen up and make himself more "open" to others. In Gemini men, adularia instills "prudence and wisdom", while simultaneously allowing more romance and sensuality to develop within the soul.

Gemini women this pebble makes life a lot easier by helping to connect with others, developing speech and creative talents. Adularia will allow ladies to be more confident in themselves and achieve their goals.

Influence on Gemini

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for men and women of Cancer

It is good to wear a moonstone and Cancers, prone to depression and mental disorders. This amulet will allow you to hide all the negative and negative character traits, both men and women of Cancer. In addition, the crystal will positively influence mood and promote creativity.

Cancer Men it is good to wear the stone as a body amulet, hidden from view. Such a talisman will allow him to easily find communication, both with the women he likes and with higher ranks. In addition, adularia will save you from rash words, actions and emotional "outbursts" that do not paint men.

Cancer woman adularia will help to cope with insecurity and constant dissatisfaction with oneself. Women should wear a moonstone close to their body, for example, a necklace or bracelet, amulet. You can wear such an adornment either to important meetings and events (to calm down and eliminate anxiety), or every day.

Influence on Cancer

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for a man and a woman Leo

Everyone knows that Leo is an eccentric and emotional person. Often Leos themselves suffer from their excessive aggressiveness and anger. That is why they should acquire such a talisman as a moonstone. This crystal will help Leo women and men to direct their strong energy in the "right direction."

Leos are advised to wear any moonstone jewelry and amulets that can be placed in the chest (heart) area. So the crystal can have a positive impact on non-Leo, give him poise and tranquility, the ability to make deliberate decisions. What can you choose:

  • Pendant
  • Brooch
  • Safety pin
  • Suspension

Men Leo adularia will give health to soul and body, comfort and harmony inside. He will be able to teach Leo to forgive offenders and will not allow a man to commit too rash acts. Domineering and dominant women Leo adularia will return natural tenderness and love for others. The moonstone will make the lady calm and affectionate, take away excessive pride. As a talisman for the home, the moonstone will bring peace and happiness, understanding and true love to the Leo family.

Influence on Lviv

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Virgo man and woman

Overconfident and hardworking Virgos also need a talisman. The moonstone is perfect for them, which can not only develop its best qualities, but also emphasize the already present mind, conscientiousness, decency.

Virgos are strongly recommended to wear adularia, as an insert in the ring and only on the left hand. Only in this way will the amulet be able to attract the magic of happiness and success. What will the moonstone give to a woman and a man to Virgo? - Self-confidence, calmness, patience, empathy and compassion for others.

For Virgins who are often depressed, the stone will help improve their mood. If the Virgins also keep figurines from adularia in the house, this will bring harmony and happiness, peace and harmony to the house. Virgo men adularia will be able to get rid of the stinginess of compliments and pleasant words to others. In addition, he will give them self-confidence and determination.

Dame adular will help to reveal femininity and natural tenderness in oneself and at the same time get rid of shyness. And for some ladies who are distinguished by selfishness, the crystal will help "hide" the flaws of the soul, making Virgo more friendly, sociable and communicative. The moonstone will help Virgo easily get involved in relationships and find happiness in life.

Influence on Dev

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for men and women Libra

Libra adularia can not only help to find harmony, but also relieve this sign, vulnerable to the Moon, from its negative influence. Moonstone gives Libra peace of mind and serenity. In order to do only good deeds and achieve success, Libra should wear a stone as an insert in a ring, and on the index finger.

Libra men Moonstone jewelry and amulets should be worn every day. In addition, you should constantly talk to him in order to regularly teach a charge of positive energy. Adularia will relieve a man of impulsiveness and explosive nature, allowing him to make correct and reasonable decisions.

For a woman, this crystal- more than a "find". It will help to reveal all the beauties of the soul: tenderness, spiritual beauty, care for loved ones, motherhood. Having such an amulet, Libra ladies can easily find a way out of any difficult situation, always treat their loved ones with kindness, are sociable, confident and not shy. Lonely Libra adularia will help to find and build strong relationships.

Influence on Libra

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Scorpio man and woman

Moonstone for Scorpio is an excellent talisman. This crystal helps to "hide" the natural aggression of the sign, revealing only its positive qualities. Adularia gives Scorpios calmness, pacification, tenderness, a desire to take care of others.

Scorpions need to wear a moonstone closer to their heart and head. Therefore, earrings, pendants or beads, brooches, pins will be ideal jewelry. Try to make the stone touch the skin for it to have an impact.

Scorpio men adularia will help to gain prudence and calmness, the ability to restrain oneself, not to get excited and not to make sudden decisions. Scorpio women moonstone is necessary in order to be gentle, loyal and devoted spouses to their husbands.

Influence on Scorpions

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Sagittarius man and woman

Sagittarius are often susceptible to doubtfulness, depression, and the ability to experience a breakdown due to their own insecurity. Such a stone as adularia will help to restore vitality and zest for life. It has a special power that can give Sagittarius inspiration, the desire to be creative.

Men Sagittarius adularia is needed in order to reveal eloquence in oneself and to interest a woman. The moonstone will completely absorb all the negative qualities of Sagittarius: fear, self-doubt, will give emancipation, the desire to create romance. Women Sagittarius a crystal is needed in order to find a loved one, the desire to create a cozy family hearth.

Influence on Sagittarius

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Capricorn man and woman

The moonstone is the perfect talisman for Capricorn. He will be able to “live” with this zodiac sign in harmony, revealing positive qualities and hiding flaws (shyness, fear, aggression). Capricorn is always a creative personality and adularia, like nothing better, will help to reveal creative abilities.

Adularia will become a Capricorn man not only a helper, but also a talisman that instills confidence. Equipped with a moonstone, Capricorn can easily complete any task and achieve the desired goals. In addition, he will allow this sign of the zodiac to boldly express their thoughts, have a good mood, and use intuition.

For impulsive and hot-tempered Capricorns, adularia will help to cope with temperament, eliminate "outbursts" of anger and add softness. The moonstone will not allow vulnerable men Capricorns to absorb negativity from the environment, and for Capricorn women attract love. Adularia to cope with any mental disorders. In love with Capricorn, the crystal will "give" the desire to remain faithful to your partner.

Influence on Capricorn

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the man and woman of Aquarius

The Moonstone will reveal the very best character traits of Aquarius. It will reliably protect its owner from any evil and give self-confidence. If the Aquarius man is quick-tempered, the stone will give him peace and tranquility. For family Aquarius, the stone will help strengthen relationships, and single ones to start a family.

The moonstone belongs to the water element, because it can give Aquarius harmony, not only with the surrounding world and people, but also within the soul.

Influence on Aquarius

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Pisces man and woman

For Pisces Men moonstone is a very good talisman. He will reveal their creative abilities, allow them to communicate eloquently and clearly express their thoughts, endow them with wisdom and confidence.

Pisces women adularia will be able to warn against emotional breakdowns and depression, reveal feminine features: tenderness, sensitivity, desire to take care. Moonstone will help insecure Pisces gain a spiritual core and influence.

Influence on Pisces

How to distinguish a real moonstone from a fake?

The moonstone is very beautiful, but, unfortunately, its deposits around the world are starting to dry up and therefore the crystal is becoming more expensive. In turn, manufacturers are trying in every possible way to replace an expensive crystal by selling a fake.

How to distinguish a moonstone:

  • A real adularia shimmers with a deep blue-blue color.
  • The blue tint disappears from the stone when viewed from a right angle.
  • The original adularia does not heat up in the hands, it does it for a very long time.

How to charge a moonstone for love?

Reading the conspiracy over adularia will help you achieve greater success in love affairs. This should be done on a growing moon or on a full moon. You should read the conspiracy alone, it is good if the sky is clear and moonlight can fall on your amulet.



A bracelet

Video: "Moonstone: magical properties"

Interestingly, the moonstone, despite its name, has only an indirect relationship to the moon. Amazing, foggy, emitting a pale light crystals were once found in the Mons Adularia mountain range. The beautiful mineral got its scientific name from the place of discovery and description of the rock. The common name - lunar - was assigned to it by jewelers, combining several completely different gems under this trade nomination.

Interestingly, the moonstone, despite its name, has only an indirect relationship to the moon.

Depending on the variety, prices for products with an iridescent stone can fluctuate significantly. In addition to natural samples with a similar structure and properties, you can find a large number of frosted glass imitations on the shelves. How to distinguish the original from analogs and artificial crystals that do not have magical power?

All types of minerals that are commonly called moon stones belong to the group of feldspars. The difference lies only in the internal structure, which assumes the presence or absence of microcracks, air inclusions, intergrowths of layers into each other and other features. In geology, it is customary to distinguish orthoclases, oligoclases, and plagioclases on these grounds. The structure also depends on how the processed gem looks like.

The magical properties of a moonstone are provided by its structure: thin plates of crystalline substance pressed together. Regardless of the name, all representatives of this "species" belong to the element of Water, influencing their owner in a completely definite way. That is why esotericists do not distinguish any particular mineral like a real moonstone. The magic of all varieties is of the same nature, slightly differing in the strength of manifestation. But in geology, this name is attributed to only one type of orthoclase - adularia.

In retail outlets, the following minerals can be called lunar:

  1. Adularia - differs from the rest of its group in the absence of microcracks in the internal structure. It is quite rare and therefore a very valuable gem. Samples of high gem quality are mined on about. Sri Lanka, in India, in the north of Russia (Chukotka, Siberia, Ural). The gem differs from other varieties of moonstone in blue iridescence (adularization). It is not characterized by iridescent tints, multi-colored flashes. This elegant stone, when cut in cabochon, exhibits a single-beam asterism ("cat's eye" effect). The ghostly bluish glow is unlike any other species. Only adularia is inherent in the amazing, visually three-dimensional depth of the crystal.
  2. Rainbow - plagioclase, or white labrador, - outwardly similar to the previous one, if you do not pay attention to the iridescence. In contrast to adularia, it is much less valuable, in its untreated form it is almost opaque, white in color with a pearlescent tint at the fractures. When cut in cabochon, it is devoid of asterism, but it acquires translucency and iridescence with an iridescent tint, reminiscent of gasoline stains on the surface of the water. Simultaneously with the blue glow, you can see yellowish, pink and purple reflections. When contemplating a stone, there is no sensation of its extraordinary depth, like in adularia.
  3. The mineral Belomorite was once isolated from the plagioclase group and named with its own name. In contrast to adularia, it iridescent with multicolored small flashes in blue-green and reddish shades. Even a polished specimen often has visible cracks on its surface.
  4. Labradorite, or black moonstone, has an iridescent blue-green and purple sheen of polished surfaces. Among the people, it is often called the peacock for the similarity of shades of iridescence. Translucent plagioclase is darker colored than other varieties, which made it possible to distinguish it from other related rocks.

In addition to those listed, chalcedony, albite, microcline crystals and other types of translucent feldspars are included in the number of gems, as if illuminated by the light of the moon. Despite their own beauty, they do not have an iridescent effect. The jewelry value of such stones is extremely low, and they are used as ornamental.

Moonstone and its secrets (video)

How to distinguish an imitation from a gem?

Along with similar varieties of natural minerals, synthetic spinel is often passed off as moon stones. When growing its crystals, a defect sometimes occurs, which is expressed in the inclusion of microbubbles of air in a monolithic structure. The resulting irisation resembles the effects of belomorite or rainbow plagioclase. Products with defective spinels are often passed off as jewelry with moon stones, but their price is relatively low compared to natural gems. The easiest way to recognize this fake is precisely because of the price.

Decorative varieties of frosted glass with glitter inclusions are sold as inexpensive jewelry. Nevertheless, manufacturers consider it possible to designate the inserts as "moonstone". Acquiring such jewelry as amulets or talismans would be a waste of money.

Those who expect to buy not just a piece of jewelry, but a magical companion of their own life, need to know how to distinguish natural minerals from a fake. The main feature, noticeable even to an inexperienced eye, is the constant iridescence of synthetic or glass "jewelry". The absence of asterism, that is, a clearly visible luminous strip moving along the surface of the cabochon, should also be alarming.

Due to its layered structure, natural moonstone is able to glow, give the effect of flashes or pearlescent overflows of color only at a certain angle to the surface. Having slightly turned jewelry with inserts from adularia or other representatives of the species, even an inexperienced buyer may notice that the semi-precious inserts have lost their glow. The glass, on the other hand, will shimmer constantly, as the sparkles are evenly distributed throughout its entire array.

Another sign of a natural gem is its high heat capacity. Glass (or synthetic stone) will noticeably heat up if squeezed in the palm of your hand. Natural crystal keeps cool for a long time, practically without heating from the warmth of the hand. This method can help to accurately determine the naturalness of the gem.

Gallery: moonstone (25 photos)

How are moon stones used in magic?

Even in ancient Indian treatises on the properties of minerals, a moonstone (jandarakand) is mentioned. For his extraordinary glow effect, he was credited with magical properties to open the future. Similar abilities to give mystical revelation to the contemplative of the depths of the crystal were known in Ancient Greece. The Chaldean mages used the shimmering shard by placing it in their mouths. The prophecies spoken at the same time were considered very truthful, especially on the full moon.

Endowed adularia and medicinal properties. The moisture released by the crystal on a moonlit night was believed to be able to cure malignant fever. Medieval healers used the gem as a remedy for epilepsy.

Modern lithotherapists take into account the belonging of these minerals to the element of Water. Their property is widely known to help in the treatment of urolithiasis. In case of nervous disorders and depressions, one should contemplate the overflow of shades inside the crystal. This helps to drive away anxiety, to achieve sound sleep without nightmares.

Who is the gem suitable for?

The mobile and receptive energy of the element of Water is not suitable for every character. It is possible to establish who the moonstone is suitable for only when taking into account the date of birth of a person. Constant contact with him will be beneficial only for signs related to the trigone of Water: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces.

The main properties of the gem - dissolving negativity, appeasement, relaxation - will help contain outbursts of anger, calm down in stressful conditions. Even aggressive and energetic representatives of the Fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries), he can give a little prudence. But for the representatives of Air, constant contact with the mineral can turn into apathy and unwillingness to act. For those whose zodiac sign belongs to the elements of the Earth, not too frequent communication with the powerful energy of the gem can be beneficial, moderating unnecessary ambitions.

For magical and healing purposes, the gem is best worn only on the growing moon. At this time, and especially during the full moon, the energy of the stone grows. As soon as the luminary passes into the 3rd and 4th quarters, the strength of the mineral also decreases. At this time, it is better to use it to reduce negativity, relieve pain.

Moonstones (video)

Moonstone Jewelry

How to wear a moonstone depends both on its ability to help the owner, and the showiness of the jewelry itself. Its characteristic as a discreet mineral with a faded color does not allow combining such an insert with a gold frame. The moonstone in silver with blackening is very good: the dull shine of the metal does not suppress the material of the inserts. The iridescent tints of labradorite or the bluish glow of adularia are successfully emphasized by the calm color of the metal.

Jewelry made of stone that shines like the moon is very rarely decorated with faceted inserts. The iridescence on the facets is not so noticeable, and asterism does not appear at all. Therefore, adularia, belomorite, and labradorite are often cut in the form of a cabochon. There are practically no combinations of moonstone with other gems: a silver pendant or ring usually contains a single large insert. This is the only way to appreciate the beauty of the mineral and see the exquisite play of light in its depths.

Necklaces are also made from lunar minerals. Large adularia beads can be quite expensive, and a necklace 45-50 cm long reaches a price of several tens of thousands of rubles. Therefore, such decorations are quite rare.

You also need to tastefully combine products made from these gems with clothes. A shining drop on a small black dress will look exquisite. A very elegant combination can also be obtained from a strict classic suit with a pendant and earrings with shimmering stones.

A moonstone ring can also be worn by a man. Usually such jewelry is acquired by people with a penchant for practicing magic. A silver ring with adularia is considered to be an accessory for clairvoyants and psychics. In this case, they consider not the correspondence of the energy of the stone to the owner, but its value as an amulet that causes visions. The decoration most often serves these purposes, since it has sufficient contact with its owner, and the silver of the frame further enhances the magical properties of the insert.

Large adularia beads can be quite expensive, and a 45-50 cm long necklace reaches a price of several tens of thousands of rubles

Known Gem Deposits

From ancient times to the present day, it is believed that the most beautiful adularia are mined in Myanmar and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). It is from there that the most expensive varieties with a bluish iridescence and three-dimensional effect come from. The mineral is located in the thickness of volcanic rocks, where it crystallized millions of years ago from the melt of silicon and other substances.

A large amount of adularia is mined in Russia. Domestic samples are famous for the inclusions of gold and silver nanoparticles. This provides an unusual play of light in the crystal, although it does not cause the flickering inherent in Belomorite.

This variety also belongs to the Russian ones. The Belomorite deposit was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century in Karelia. Geologists accidentally drew attention to the emergence of a light rock with an unusual nacreous tint. It is believed that only a poetic description of this oligoclase allowed it to get its own name.

Labradorites are found both in the Russian North and on the American continent, where they have been mined for more than a century. The iridescent tints made the peacock very popular among urban fashionistas back in the 19th century. The relatively low cost of the stone makes jewelry with it quite affordable in terms of price.

The pacifying cold shine, akin to moonlight, makes the gem desirable for many of the fair sex. But do not forget that its magical properties and energy may conflict with the character of the owner. A beautiful piece with iridescent or shimmering precious adularia or rainbow labradorite can bring more than just joy. When choosing a moonstone for yourself, you need to take into account some subtleties, and then you will not have to regret the funds spent on its purchase.