Crochet openwork T-shirt for girls 3 years. Knitted summer crochet tops with a description. Openwork top: video instruction

This fall, crocheted tops, sweaters, T-shirts and jackets have returned to the trend again. You can find them in any fashion boutiques with clothes, but it is best to knit such a thing yourself. For this, there are many detailed master classes, video lessons, step-by-step descriptions and detailed schemes (S / X). They will be mastered by both experienced needlewomen and beginners to knit.

How to knit a women's top, how to choose the right size, find original patterns, choose a striped, fringed or cropped top - the answers to all these and other questions in our knitting section.

Crochet top - schemes with a description

Summer crochet top in turquoise color with white border ... It will turn out to be very loose, with a pattern from " pineapple ". To knit it, you need to use a hook number 2 and threads of two colors, 100 grams of each skein. This beautiful top will be short sleeved, a bit long. It is better to choose threads not cotton, but microfiber- it is easier to work with it, and the product will turn out to be light and airy.

So, as usual, you need a pattern. Knitting - from top to bottom.

It can take a lot of work time. But the result is worth it! The technique is simple, you can take different colors (white, blue, beige, green or red). It is especially good that the product is knitted with one fabric and you do not need to collect anything. Then you can sew large beads or large rhinestones on the finished thing to make it more elegant. Also, it is perfect for pregnant women, only you will need to slightly change the size of the pattern.

How to crochet for beginners step by step

How to crochet a topic for beginners? Almost all newcomers to this business ask this question. Do you want to knit a beautiful feminine thing for the summer or fall? To do this, take a warm color - orange and hook # 3. With these simple materials, we will connect you with a long stylish wardrobe item made of flowers. It is very easy to make it if you adhere to the detailed description. Things with such a branch theme will not leave anyone indifferent!

  1. first motive bind like this: 7 V.P. - chain in a ring. Follow 2 -6 R. on C / X one. Cut the thread after knitting.
  2. motive number 2 : according to the scheme one - 1 - 5 R. When you get to the sixth row, start connecting the motive with the previous one. In this simple way, connect all the motives by analogy.
  3. you need 52 motives , made in 1 C / X, and in the second - 2 halves. And tie the neckline in the same way along C / X 1.

How to crochet a topic for beginners video

How to knit a summer top - crochet T-shirt for beginners

To bind top - jersey , you need to find good schemes with a description for beginners. For such a sweater with a pattern you will need: sniffer number 2 and white thread, preferably made of cotton, 250 meters.

So our future off shoulder spaghetti strap t-shirt fits in one continuous fabric. We start with top future jersey: 200 V.P. in the ring, 3 V.P. for lifting. Further circular R. from S.S.N. Thus, start each new R. - with 3 V.P., and end it with the help of S.S. When you make 8 centimeters S.S.N. - knit C / X 10 - 1 (exactly forty rapports). Now the lower part according to the scheme 10 - 2. The width of the canvas should accommodate 10 repeats of the pattern. The following order will help you not to go astray: repeat 1 time 14 -19 R., then 1 time 26 - 31 R.

When you have finished all the steps above, proceed with the straps: 12 V.P. - forward and backward R. - S.S.N. to the length you need. Tie the second strap in the same way. After - sew them to the product. In order for a crocheted T-shirt to look harmonious, it must be tied in a C / X 10 - 3.

Crochet: women's summer sweaters, tops, t-shirts

Let's start with the coral shade. This versatile piece can be worn by a teenage girl, woman or little girl. In the latter case, it can be worn like a tunic. Materials: hook number 2, 150 grams of the main color, 25 grams each (5 more colors): raspberry, pink, cream, coffee, purple.

Main color: chain 120 V.P. in a ring - knit a yoke on S / X 1. After 9 R. change the color to cream (3 R.), again coral, to get 18 R. For the armhole, dial 10 V., for the sleeves, leave loops on both sides. Further in a circle (scheme 2). After 20 R. are ready, start alternating shades based on the diagram. Tie the edges of the product with S.S.N. The flower should be done according to C / X three.

Beautiful top "tenderness". Take 50 grams of green thread, red, pink and light green on it. The tool is still the same - No. 2. Flowers and leaves : S / X 1 and 2. To make the work beautiful, the pattern must be made in full size. Place the finished motifs face down on the pattern and sew together.

Summer crochet top from motives: photo

Great top for a teenager - a beach option for the summer ... You will find the schemes below in the picture, and the description - right now:
Knit all elements according to the scheme ... For the product you will need 27 triangles for front parts and the same for back. Total: 54 triangles. You can knit them in different colors, you can have one or two. Then they need to be sewn to each other. But it is better to leave the thread at the end (1 m) after sewing all the elements together, and tie all the parts with it. Neck, sleeves and bottom tie S.B.N. + 1 V.P.

Crochet crop top

Crochet crochet top is the trend of the outgoing summer and the coming autumn. The next mk will tell you in detail how to knit it correctly: diagram and description.
This crop top looks very good with knitted shorts. We will knit it in two parts: front and back. For front dial 120 V.P. in a chain. Knit on C / X the second 30 centimeters. To do neck- both shoulders will have to be knitted in turn, leaving 22 cm for the cutout in the center of the fabric. The size of the shoulder is 10 x 10 cm.
Back: 120 V.P. - along C / X 2 to the size of a rectangle with sides of 42 and 48 cm.
We collect, performing side seams, not forgetting about the armholes.

Openwork Crochet Top for Beginners

This top is calculated on full ladies ... It is made in the classic black color, which will noticeably hide all the extra centimeters. The pattern will be required in full size, because we will knit strictly according to the pattern, but by reducing / adding loops according to the pattern. This should be done in order for the pullover to fit perfectly.
Tie the armholes and the bottom edge, as well as the neck of S. B. N. You can make flowers for decoration according to the three scheme, this is optional.

The next option is more small size. It will turn out more light and air... Because you need to take thin threads and hook # 1.

  • We recruit 8 V.P. into the ring, close the floor of S.T.
  • 3 V.P. underground - and further along the agricultural sector. When you complete the first 2 R. - you get a pattern that resembles a flower.
  • 3 R .: 4 V.P., S.B.N. - behind the flower.
  • Make 44 motives and sew them together.
  • Tie the finished element " like a crustacean».

How to crochet a topic for a girl?

Children's top for a girl of 4 - 5 years old. You will need: multi-colored yarn (we have pink, white and purple colors) and hook number 3.

Each row is a different color.

We did it front... To bind back part - do all the same steps, but making a smaller cut. After that, the seams can be sewn, and tied around the perimeter with a "crustacean step" (SS.6 N.).

Summer openwork T-shirt is knitted without shoulder and side seams.

The size: 5 years (height 110-116 cm)
Yarn: Etamin (100% acrylic, 250 m / 50 g).
It took a little more than 100 g for this T-shirt. If you want to knit longer, you need to take more yarn.
Hook: № 1,5

Work description:

Crochet baby T-shirt knits as one piece. Knitting begins at the neckline.
Cast on a chain of 172 air loops and knit a yoke according to the "Yoke Pattern" pattern.
The loops are distributed in this way: 37 loops on the back and in front and 49 loops on the side of the armhole.

T-shirt yoke scheme.

Knit nine rows according to the yoke pattern. Then fold the yoke in half (along the shoulder seams) and continue knitting in a circle only in front and back.

10th row: * double crochet, air loop *, repeat from * to *. Work 14 stitches between the back and the front.
11 row: double crochet.

The work should be 170 loops.

Penultimate row: 3 double crochets with a common top in each arch (under 2 air loops), 2 air loops.
Last row: 3 air loops, single crochet in the arch (under 2 air loops).

Photo: Summer crochet T-shirt for a girl.

Attention! If you liked our model of a summer crochet T-shirt for a girl and you knitted it for yourself according to its description, and now you want to show your work - you can place it yourself on this page under the description of this model - click on the green button "Add a photo of your work". Brief information is desirable from you - what is your name (name or nickname), from which city, what materials were used and how the work was progressing (easily or there were difficulties), wishes and suggestions.
We are waiting for your work!

Your works

In the hot summer season, both adults and children strive to wear the lightest and least covering the body outfits. Beautiful children's dresses, shorts and T-shirts for summer can not only be bought in stores, they are very easy to create with your own hands, sew or knit and crochet. A crocheted T-shirt will not only become a popular item in the wardrobe of babies, it will also demonstrate the highest degree of mother's love and care for her baby.

Needlewomen knit children's products from natural threads such as cotton, linen and silk. Crocheted T-shirts turn out to be very delicate and lacy, in most cases such things are suitable only for girls, while caring needlewomen figured out how to knit very beautiful T-shirts for boys. They use sirloin and get great summer T-shirts for boys.

Bright summer T-shirt made of sectional dyeing yarn for a 6-year-old girl.

You will need:

  • 200 g of 100% cotton yarn (230 m / 100 g);
  • Hook No. 1.75.

In front and back (154 air loops close in a ring) knit 8 rows according to scheme 2, then continue according to scheme 1. After knitting 21 cm, knit decreases for armholes in every second row as follows 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one top, 3 tbsp. with a crochet with one top 4 times. After knitting 27 cm from the typesetting edge, finish the work.

For shoulder straps, work 12 rounds as follows.

Dial 8 air. loops and connect in a ring,

  1. First row. Knit in the ring 16 tbsp. with a crochet replacing the first st. with a crochet for 3 air. lifting loops, finish 1 conn. column.
  2. Second row. In each loop of the row below, knit 2 tbsp. with a crochet. Only 32 loops, replace the first st. with a crochet for 3 air. lifting loops. Finish 1 connection column.

Pattern according to scheme 1.

  1. First row. 3 air lifting loops, 2 tbsp. with a crochet, * 1 air. loop over 1 loop of the bottom row, 3 tbsp. with crochet *, finish with 1 connecting post.
  2. Knit all other rows in the same way, knitting double crochets in st. with a crochet row below, above 1 air. loop to knit 1 air. loop.

Pattern according to pattern 2 knit like pattern 1, but instead of 3 tbsp. knit 7 tbsp with a crochet. with a crochet.

A blue and white T-shirt for a girl of 8-9 years old with thin straps.

You will need:

  • 50 g of blue and 10 g of white yarn from 100% cotton (240 m / 50 g);
  • Hook number 2.

Measure chest girth. Dial the necessary length (+3 cm for a free fit) chain of air. loops and close into a ring. Knit according to scheme 1, changing the color of the threads as shown in the photo. For the yoke, knit 6 rows in front, making loops decrease (1 report), guided by the pattern. Tie the top edge of the T-shirt 1 row st. without crochet, 1 row "picot". Fasten and cut the thread.

Bottom. Knit in the original chain of air. loops 1 row st. without crochet, then knit according to scheme 2, changing the color of the threads according to the photo.

Twist 4 laces and sew them like straps, focusing on the photo.

Pattern according to scheme 1.

  1. First row. 3 air lifting loops, 2 air. loops, 1 tbsp. with a yarn over the base in the same loop, skip 3 loops, tie in every fourth loop of the row (3 tbsp. with a yarn + 2 air loops + 1 tbsp. with a yarn), finish 2 tbsp. with a crochet in the first loop of the base, 1 connection. column in the third lifting loop.
  2. Second row. 3 air lifting loops, 2 tbsp. with a crochet in the same base loop, skip 3 loops, knit in every fourth loop of the row (1 tbsp. with a yarn + 2 air lifting loops + 3 tbsp. with a yarn), finish 1 tbsp. with a crochet in the first loop of the base + 2 air. hinges, 1 connecting post in the third lifting loop.

Pattern according to scheme 2.

  1. First row. 3 air lifting loops, 2 air. loops, 2 tbsp. with a crochet in the same base loop, 10 air. loops over 10 loops of the row below, in each 11th loop of the row, knit (2 tbsp. with a yarn + 2 air loops + 2 tbsp. with a yarn), finish the row with 1 tbsp. with a crochet in the first loop of the base, 2 connecting posts.
  2. Second row. in each arch of 2 air. knit loops (2 tbsp. with a crochet + 2 air loops + 2 tbsp. with a yarn), knit 10 air between the structures. loops. Start row 3 air. lifting loops, finish row 1 st. with a crochet in the first loop of the base and 2 connecting posts.
  3. Third row. 3 air lifting loops, 2 air. loops, 2 tbsp. with a crochet in the same base loop, * 5 air. loops, thread the loop on the hook under the arch of 10 air. loops of the first row, 5 air. loops, into an arch of 2 air. knit loops (2 tbsp. with a yarn + 2 air loops + 2 tbsp. with a yarn) *, knit from * to *, finish the row with 1 tbsp. with a crochet in the first loop of the base, 2 connecting posts.
  4. Repeat from 1 to 3 rows until the desired length of the product.

Delicate T-shirt in different shades of pink for a girl aged 2-3 years.

This T-shirt is very simple to perform, even beginners in needlework can knit it.

You will need:

  • 10 g of 100% cotton yarn (87 m / 10 g) of white, light pink, pink, dark pink, raspberry, and burgundy.
  • Hook number 1.

Both the front and the back are knitted with one fabric. Start with white yarn, starting from row 12, knit with light pink yarn, start row 21 with pink threads, start knitting row 29 with dark pink threads, knit with raspberry yarn from 36th to 41st, from 42nd on the 46th knit with a shade of burgundy.

Straps (2 pcs.) Knit with white yarn 35 rows of 7 tbsp. with a crochet in the loops of the top of the T-shirt. Fasten them to the back.

The scheme of the main pattern.

Connect a chain of 204 air in a ring. loops.

  1. First row. 3 air lifting loops, * skip 3 loops, 4 tbsp. with a yarn, knit a loop in the next (1 tbsp. with a yarn + 3 air loops + 1 tbsp. with a yarn), 4 tbsp. with a crochet *, knit from * to *, finish the row of st. with a crochet, 1 connecting post in the third lifting loop and 1 connecting post in the last st. with a row crochet.
  2. Second row. 3 air lifting loops, * skip 2 loops, 4 tbsp. with a crochet, in an arch of 3 air. knit loops (1 tbsp. with a yarn + 3 air loops + 1 tbsp. with a yarn), 4 tbsp. with crochet *, knit from * to *, finish the row in the same way as the previous one.
  3. Knit further according to the scheme.

Next T-shirt for a girl aged 5 years... Its main highlight is that the T-shirt is knitted in one piece, starting with the yoke and ending with the bottom of the product.

You will need:

  • 120 g of yarn (250 m / 50 g);
  • Hook number 1.5.

Link 172 air. loops and connect them in a ring, select 37 loops for the back and front, 49 loops for the armholes. Knit 9 rows of the yoke, fold in half and continue knitting around only the front and back, knitting 14 air between them. loops on both sides. Start working on the pattern to the desired length.

  1. First row. 3 air lifting loops, 17 tbsp. with a crochet, 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, 2 air. loops, in the next loop of the row after 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, knit another 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, 47 tbsp. with a crochet, 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, 2 air. loops, in the next loop of the row after 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, knit another 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, 35 tbsp. with a crochet, 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, 2 air. loops, in the next loop of the row after 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, knit another 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, 47 tbsp. with a crochet, 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, 2 air. loops, in the next loop of the row after 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, knit another 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, 17 tbsp. with a crochet, finish row 1 connection. column.
  2. Second row. 3 air lifting loops, knit alternating 1 tbsp. with a crochet and 1 air. loop, in 4 arches of 2 air. knit loops (1 tbsp. with a yarn + 2 air loops + 1 tbsp. with a yarn), finish 1 connection. column.
  3. Third row. 3 air lifting loops, in each loop of the row knit st. with a crochet in 4 arches of 2 air. knit loops (2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base + 2 air loops + 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base), finish the row with a connecting post.
  4. All subsequent even rows knit as the second row, odd rows as the third.

Pattern of the pattern.

  1. First row. 3 air lifting loops, knit st. with a crochet, finish 1 connecting post in the third lifting loop.
  2. Second row. Knit with arches of 3 air. loops, securing them with 1 tbsp. without crochet in every second loop of the row. Finish off with 2 connecting posts.
  3. Third row. 3 air lifting loops, knit 5 tbsp into the arch. with a crochet, * 3 air. hinges skip 1 arch, 1 tbsp. without a crochet to the next arch, 3 air. loops, 1 tbsp. without a crochet to the next arch, 3 air. loops, skip 1 arch, 6 tbsp. with a "fan" crochet into the next arch *, knit from * to *, finish with 1 connecting post in the third lifting loop.
  4. Fourth row. 3 air lifting loops, in the first "fan" knit (1 air loop + 1 st. with a yarn) 5 times, * 1 air. loop over 3 air. loops, into an arch of 3 air. loops, knit an arch of 4 air. loops securing it st. without crochet, 1 air. loop over 3 air. loops of the row below, knit in a "fan" (1 item with a crochet + 1 air loop 5 times + 1 item with a crochet) *, knit from * to *, end row 1 with a connecting column in the third lifting loop and 1 connection. Art. in the first air. row loop.
  5. Fifth row. 3 air lifting loops, 1 tbsp. with a crochet in the same base loop, 2 air. loops, each 1 air. knit the loop of the fan in 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one top and base, alternate them with 2 air. loops, * 2 air. loops, 1 tbsp. without a crochet in an arch of 5 air. loops, 2 air. loops, in each air. knit the loop of the "fan" in 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one top and base, alternating 2 air. loops (a total of 5 such designs in a "fan" and 4 times 2 air loops) *, knit from * to *, finish with 1 connecting post in the third lifting loop.
  6. Knit further according to the scheme.

The next T-shirt is for a boy aged 5 - 6 years.

You will need:

  • 100 g of blue yarn (350 m / 100 g);
  • Hook number 2.

Before starting work, you need to make a full-size pattern.

The front and back are knitted in the same way according to the pattern. To cut the neckline on the back, leave the middle 24 loops not knitted, knit 1 row with decreasing focusing on the pattern. To cut the front neckline, knit 30 rows, divide into 2 parts and knit separately, referring to the decrease with the pattern and pattern.

Join side and shoulder seams. Tie the neckline and armholes with three rows of st. without a crochet.

Cast on 86 loops for the front and back, knit 3 rows of st. without a crochet.

  1. The first row of the grid. 4 air. lifting loops, 1 tbsp. with 2 yarns, * 4 air. loops, skip 4 loops, 2 tbsp. with 2 yarns *, knit from * to *
  2. Second row. 1 air. lifting loop, knit a row of st. without a crochet.
  3. Knit odd rows as the first, even as the second.

Here are a few more patterns and photos of T-shirts for boys using crochet sirloin lace technique. Due to the simplicity of knitting and calculation, such a T-shirt is easy to knit in any size or you can come up with your own unique pattern.

You can knit a T-shirt-top for a party, it is also relevant on a trip to the beach. Lightweight breathable blouse will come in handy more than ever in everyday life, especially in the summer heat. Today we will tell you about beautiful crochet T-shirts with descriptions, diagrams and detailed MK for beginner craftswomen.

White Summer T-shirt for Beginners

We need:

  • yarn (70% cotton, 30% viscose, 350 meters per 100 grams), 2 skeins;
  • cr. No. 3;
  • about 1.5 meters of white narrow satin ribbon.


  • Cups: stick to cx. 1, where cr. R. from 1 to 6, etc. and arr. from 7 to 16.
  • Back: cx. 2, where pr. And arr. pp ..
  • Openwork: cx. 3, where cr. R..

Finished size: 36.


Model Description

We carry out the work in stages.


Knitting is carried out in the direction from the bottom up.

The rise to a new row is determined in the middle of the front side, between the cups.

Having knitted 6 cm from the typesetting row, close 53 sts of the back and continue knitting each cup separately with straight and reverse pp., Adhering to cx. 1 from 7 to 16 pp.

Without cutting the thread, we proceed to knitting the straps (about 20 cm in length), repeating 17-18 pp in height. Sew its free end to the back.

We knit the second cup in exactly the same way, make another strap and sew it on.

Bottom part

Here we will use circular knitting from top to bottom, knitting an openwork pattern according to cx. 3 (about 10 reps). At this stage, we place the transition line to the new row on the side.


Finish the top of the bodice and along the edges of the straps (see cf. 4). In the place of transition from the top to the bottom, we pass a satin ribbon, which will regulate the volume under the breast and serve as a decoration.

Tank top with an open back: video master class

Sunny T-shirt with openwork stripe

We need:

  • yarn (60% cotton, 40% polyacrylic, 130 meters per 50 grams), 5 (7) skeins;
  • cr. No. 3.5.

Dimensions of the finished product: 36/38 (42/44).

The main pattern: the number of p. Cr. 3 + 2 + 3 v. p. p. Knitting is carried out according to ch .. Beginning. with p. before rapp., rep. rapp., zak. p. after rapp .. Replace the first with. with n. each p. by 3 in. p .. Repeat x 1 from 1 to 3 p., then alternate 2-3 pp ..

Knitted flowers x 10 (x 12): 6 in. n., ss. We continue knitting cr. R. by cx. 2, each new cr. R. starting with c. p. p. instead of the 1st p. and end with ss. in the last century. p. p. Repeat from 1 to 3 cr. R. x 1. The second motive and further joining. in the last. cr. R. in the places indicated by the arrow using ss. to the previous motive, in order to get a circle, we connect the last motive also with the first.

Density of knitting dop. uz .: 24 p. x 9.5 p. = 10 x 10 cm, flower 8.5 x 8.5 cm.

Scheme and pattern

Model Description


We knit a chain from 101 (122) in. n. + 3 c. p. p., main. pattern within 8 (9) cm.

For the top, we again make a chain from 101 (122) in. n. + 3 c. p. p., main. pattern until reaching a length of 16 cm, where we leave for armholes on both sides 9 p. and in each 2 p. x 3 p. = 71 (92) p.

Having knitted 26 (27) cm from the emb. row, leave the central 39 (46) p. (neck cut), finish each side separately.

For rounding, we leave from the inner edge in each p. 2 x 3 and 1 x 2 sts. We finish the work after 35 (36) cm on the remaining 8 (15) sts of the shoulder on both sides.

front part

It fits in the same way as the back, but with a deeper cut: after 21 (22) cm from emb. we leave the central 27 (34) p. and in each p. 4 x 3 and 1 x 2 p ..


We carry out seams of the lower and upper parts. We connect a strip of flowers with the top and bottom with chains from v. p .. We tie all the edges 1 cr. R. "Shells" (= * 1 s. Without n., Skip 1 p. Pr. P., In the next p. 5 pp. With n., Skip 1 p. Pr. R. *, From * to *).

Top T-shirt Loin crochet diagonally: video mk for beginners

Air top for beginners

We need:

  • yarn (50% cotton, 50% acrylic), 150 grams;
  • cr. No. 3.

Finished product size: 46-48.

Knitting density: 22 p.x 17 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Pattern and pattern of the model

Model Description


At the height. 42 cm from the beginning. for armholes, subtract p. from both sides, as shown in cx ..

At the height. 59 cm from the beginning. leave 59 p. in the center and then knit both sides separately (1 rapport + 1 p. symmetry). We finish the work in 2 rubles.

front part

Knits in the same way as the back. To make a deeper cut, go up to 37 cm, leave the central 27 p., Knit the sides separately.

To cut the neckline, we leave on the inside in each p. alternating 3 sts and 2 sts each until we get 1 rapport + 1 symmetry point. We finish knitting at a height of 60 cm.


We carry out the side and shoulder seams, we make the processing of the edges of the armholes and the bottom of the product with a crochet hook and 3 r. with. without n., and then - 1 p. "With a crustacean step."

Knitting fishnet T-shirts for beginners

We need:

  • yarn (57% viscose, 20% linen, 8% cotton, 15% popiacryl, 105 meters per 50 grams), 5 skeins;
  • knitting needles number 4;
  • cr. No. 3.5.

Finished product size: 36-38.

Lace square: chain from 6 in. p., ss., further on cx. crochet 1. Knitting each cr. R. start indicated in. p. instead of the first p.

We finish 1 and 4 cr. R. 1 pp. in the last. v. p. p., second cr. R. we end with 1 s. with n. and 8 pp. 1st cr. r., third cr. R. we end with 1 s. without n. in v. p. p .. Repeat 1 x 1-4 cr. R..

Edging of arches (number of p. Cr. 9): according to cx. crochet 2 directly for 5 cr. R. bottom edge, this cr. R. given under cx .. We start from 1 century. p. instead of 1st p. without n. and p. before the rapport, we repeat the rapport, finishing. 1 pp. in v. p.p ..

Important! We knit arches in purl and front pp. The arrows indicate the direction of knitting.

Openwork pattern (23 p. + 2 edging): according to cx. for knitting needles (only facial pp. are indicated, in purl pp, we knit all stitches and yarns with purl). Let's start and finish. 1 edge loop, repeat 1-12 pp ..

Knitting density: square - 9 x 9 cm; openwork - 25 p. x 28 p = 12.5 x 10 cm; front surface - 18.5 p. x 28 p. = 10 x 10 cm; 20 s. with n. bottom = 10 cm.

Important! The direction of knitting changes in the process, follow the pointers on the pattern!

Pattern and pattern of the model

Model Description

Lower front and back

We need to make 8 squares, then sew them into a strip, connecting the first and eighth, resulting in a circle, where 1-4 motives are the front part, 5-8 are the back part.

For the upper finishing strip, we tie the right long edge of the strip 4 cr. r., each cr. R. starts from 1 or 3 c. p. instead of the first p. without n. or the first s. with n. and finished. 1 pp. in the last. replacing c. NS..

1 p .: 152 p. without n. (= 19 s. Without n. On a square).

2 p.: 1 s. with n., * over 1 s. without n. pr. cr. R. do 1 v. n., 1 p. with n. in sl. with. without n. *, from * to *, 1 c. n. and 1 ss. in the 3rd c. p.p ..

3 p.: In each s. with n. and in. p. 1 s. with n ..

4 p .: p. without n. The height of the top bar is 3 cm.

For the bottom strap, we tie the left long edge of the strip 6 cr. R.:

1 p.: 160 s. with n. (= 20 s. With n. Per square).

2 p .: p. without n ..

3 p .: 2 c. p. instead of the first half-st., * over 1 s. without n. pr. cr. R. do 1 v. n., 1 semi-st. in sl. with. without n. *, from * to *, ending. 1 c. n. and 1 ss. in the 2nd c. p.p ..

4 p .: in each half-st. and each in. p. 1 s. with n, while in the 1st and 80th century. the item needs to be tied for 2 s. with n. = 162 s. with n ..

5 p.: 3 c. p. instead of 1st p. with n., * over 2 s. without n. previous. cr. R. do 2 v. n., 1 p. with n. in the next. with. without n. *, from *, over 2 s. without n. previous. cr. R. 2 c. n., 1 ss. in the 3rd c. p.p ..

6 p.: We knit 1 edge of the arches along the cx. crochet 2 (= 18 rapports, incl.beginning). Lower plank height = 6.5 cm.

Center of front and back

We crochet 25 stitches and press between the edge stitches with an openwork pattern. Through 72.5 cm = 204 p. from the emb. the edge is all closed. Sew the first and last pp, the left long edge of the openwork strip to the final edge of the strip of squares, slightly adjusting it.

Upper back

We crochet 66 stitches, front surface. For bevels approx. from the emb. edges on two sides in each 4 p. 6 x 1 p. = 78 p. After 10 cm = 28 p. from the emb. to. closing. for armholes of two sides 2 p. and in each 2 p. 4 x 2 and 7 x 1 p.

Knitting 18.5 cm = 52 p. from the emb. to. closed. for the neckline cut the last 44 p.

Top front

66 p., Front surface. Through 2 cm = 6 p. from the set. because we mark the 16th and 51st points for the bust shape. In the next. persons. R. do on both sides of the mark. p. 1 crochet and knit them in out. R. purl (= 4 approx. p.); these increments are repeated. more x 3 in each. 2nd p. Through 5.5 cm = 16 p. from the set. c. approx. for bevels from two sides 1 p. and in the next. 6th p. 1 more x 1 p. = 86 p.

Important! Arr. and killed. for the bust on the pattern are not taken into account; on the contrary, it is based on the size of the back.

We carry out the armholes as on the back. Simultaneously with the 1st decrease of the stitching, we perform one double for the bust shape. prot .: remove the marked item from the previous one. etc. together as a front, a trace. we knit the front one and stretch it through both removed stitches. These reductions are rep. another x 3 times each. 4th p .. At the same time. with the first decrease of the armholes closed. to cut the neckline, central 2 p. and ending both sides. separately. For bevel cutout close crochet in each. 2 p. 4 x 2 and 6 x 1 p .. At the height. back we knit the remaining 3 sts from each. sides double prot .; we do not cut the working thread.


We carry out side seams of the upper back and front; Sew on the upper back and front along the pattern to the right long edge of the lace strip. For straps, we include a loop and a working thread on the upper toes of the front, we knit a chain from 60 century. n. + 1 v. etc., we tie the set. chain end 60 sec. without n. and finished. on the toe of the front 1 ss ..

For the final edge, we tie the common edges of the straps, armholes and neckline with 2 cr. R..

1 p .: p. without n., pay attention to an even number of p. In the corners of the back, we knit for rounding by 4 s. without n. in the edge p ..

2 p .: 3 c. p. instead of 1st p. with n., * over 1 s. without n. prev. cr. R. you need to do 1 in. n., 1 p. with n. in the next. with. without n. *, repeat from * to *, order. 1 c. n. and 1 ss. in the last century. p. p.; we sew on the straps.

Openwork top: video instruction

White Beach T-shirt

We need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 125 meters per 50 grams), 5 (6) 6 skeins;
  • cr. No. 3;
  • 3 buttons.

Dimensions of the finished product: 34-36 (38-40) 42-44.

It is important to prepare the pattern in advance and carry out approx. and killed. crochet, checking the workpiece with it.

Openwork u. (number of p. cr. 8 + 3 v. p., p.): circular pp. on cx .. Beginning. with p. before rapp., rep. n. rapp., order. p. after rapp., issue. 1 x 1-7 pp., Then alternate 2-7 pp.

Border: 1 sec. s.n, pass. 2 p., 5 p. with n. in 1 p. basics, pass. 2 p. *, From * to *.

Knitting density: with. with n. - 18.5 p.x 12 p. = 10 x 10 cm; openwork. at. - 22.5 p.x 12 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Model diagram

Model Description

Right cup

34 c. n. + 3 c. p. p., p. with n., while each. R. start. from the 3rd century. p.p. instead of 1st p. with. n. After 9 cm from the set. we leave on the left side 17 p. After 18 cm from the set. we finish work.

Left cup

Symmetrically right.


224 (240) 256 c. n., ss. in the ring, openwork. at .. In the 13th p. we subtract 40 pts for fitting: prop. 40 x across each 5 and 6 p. without n. (40 x each 6 pages without n.) 35 x each 6 and 5 x each 8 p. without n. = 184 (200) 216 p.

These ub. we repeat in the 25th p., pass. 40 x across each 4 and 5 p. without n. (40 x each 5 s. Without n.) 25 x across every 5 and 6 and 16 x every 5 s. without n. = 144 (160) 176 p.

After 24 cm from the set. for the cut, we divide the work at the beginning of the cr. R. and knit etc. and arr. pp .. Through 32 cm from the set. do 3 p. with. with n ..


Issue crochet the central seams of the cups, tie them on both sides with a border. We sew them to the bottom so that the lion. calyx beginning. at the neckline. For each strap, attach a thread to the corner of the cup, make a chain from to. p. 30 cm long and tie it with a border. Sew on straps, tying. cut 1 p. with. without n., while performing 3 loops for buttons. Sew on buttons.

Top t-shirt: video mk for beginners

Elegant summer white top

We need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 150 meters per 50 grams), 4 skeins;
  • cr. No. 3.

Dimensions of the finished product: 34-36 (38-40).

Floral u. (number of p. cr. 19 + 18 (5) + 3 v. p. p.): according to c ..

Knitting density: 24.5 p.x 10.5 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Model diagram

Model Description


94 (100) v. n. + 3 c. p.p., floral u ..

Through 17 cm from the set. because we add two sides 1 s. with n. = 96 (102) p.

Through 27 (28) cm from the emb. we finish work.

Front side

The same, but with bust cutouts. We draw and cut out a pattern in full size and 20 cm from the embankment. no. Decreases under the bust, applying knitting to the pattern.

Bust (x 2)

6 c. p., ss .. By cx. 2 forward and backward pp. Replace the 1st s. with n. or semi-st. each p. 3 or 2 v. p.p ..

Repeat 1 x 1-4 pp., Then alternate 3 and 4 pp., While continuing the increments in the middle. After 18 (19) p. from the emb. we finish.


Sewing a little, we sew on both bust honors, then vol. crochet side seams. We tie the bottom to 1 cr. R. with. without n. and "shells" (1 c. p., * 2 c. p., prop. 4 p., issue in the next item 1 semi-art., 1 s. n., 1 s. s 2 n., 1 s. s., 1 semi-st. *, from * to *).

We tie the top 1 cr. R. "Shells". To knit the straps, we attach the thread to the upper cape of the bust, knit along a chain from to. p. 35 cm long, and a harness. their 1 p. semi-st. We tie the straps around the neck or sew to the back.

Selection of schemes