Oil for cuticles and nails, which is better to use at home

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are an important touch to the image of a well-groomed and successful woman. Many of us worry about the brittleness and flaking of our nails that keep our manicure from looking perfect. Regular expensive procedures - hand massage, manicures of various types are not always effective and take a lot of time. However, it is quite possible to take care of the health and beauty of nails at home, with the help of essential oils. Essential oils whiten nails, strengthen them and protect against fungus and care for cuticles.

The Best Essential Oils for Nails

The most effective oils for nail care are:

  • Myrrh essential oil- strengthens nails, prevents their delamination, treats cracks and inflammation of the cuticle. One of the best oils for nourishing nails. It also heals cuticles due to its antiseptic properties.
  • essential oil of lemon- heals damage to the cuticle due to antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Whitens nails and gives them shine. Stimulates nail growth.
  • grapefruit essential oil acts on nails similarly to lemon.
  • moisturizes nails, disinfects damage. Gives shine to nails.
  • rosemary oil stimulates nail growth and is also a good antiseptic. Whitens nails.
  • Tea tree essential oil heals and restores the cuticle. Promotes nail growth.
  • strengthens nails, protects against delamination. Polish your nails with one drop of ylang ylang oil on a polishing file and they will become strong and shiny.
  • Essential oil of geranium— Moisturizes cuticles and nails, adds shine.
  • — treats and protects the cuticle, strengthens the nails and prevents their delamination.
  • : strengthens nails, stimulates their growth, heals cuticles.

The best base oils for nails

  • hemp oil- helps to take care of the cuticle, excellent nutrition and treatment.
  • Camellia oil Rich source of omega 3,6 and 9 fatty acids plus vitamin E and polyphenols. Great for anti-aging nail care and accelerates nail growth.
  • Wheat germ oil rich in vitamins A, D and E, also contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, F, essential fatty acids, proteins, minerals. Because of its antioxidant and regenerative properties, wheat germ oil is an excellent ingredient to add to nail care products.
  • Linseed oil: rich source of alpha-linolenic acid. Using flaxseed oil allows the body to absorb some of the essential fatty acids needed for healthy cellular activity. Great for fast nail growth!
  • argan oil: Argan oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Great for brittle nails.
  • amla oil: the fruit of this tree is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. Promotes hair growth, and is also ideal for growing nails!
  • Jojoba oil: nourishes nails, prevents their delamination. Protects nails, due to the presence of natural wax in the composition and gives them shine.
  • Castor oil: stimulates the growth of nails and strengthens them, has a beneficial effect on the cuticle.
  • Coconut oil: low fat and light, nourishes nails.
  • Olive oil: very nutritious.

Recipes for essential oils for nails

Nourishing nail oil


  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 4 drops of myrrh essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil

Pour all the oils into a dark glass container with a dropper. Mix by shaking the bottle. Leave for a day in a dark place at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. Use the resulting oil mixture every day, 1 drop per 1 nail. Massage with a soft flannel cloth, then apply a moisturizing hand cream.

Essential oils for nail fungus


  • 5 drops cinnamon essential oil
  • 1 drop cinnamon essential oil
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 15 grams of calendula oil

Rub the oil around and under the nail 2-3 times a day until the fungus is gone.

Nail strengthening essential oil blend

  • 2 teaspoons grape seed oil
  • 15 grams of jojoba oil
  • 3 drops carrot seed oil
  • 8 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 3 drops of myrrh essential oil

Mix all the oils in a dark bottle. To use, dilute 10 drops of oil blend with 1 teaspoon of mala avocado and massage into cuticles and nails.

Nail strengthening essential oil blend 2

  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
  • 2 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 2 drops of myrrh essential oil
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil

On steamed hands, apply 1 drop to each nail and cuticle with massage movements.

Bath for nails with essential oil

Such a pleasant bath can be done at home. Before taking your nails in a bath with essential oils, remove the varnish from them with an acetone-free liquid and file. Take half a liter of water, the temperature is about 50 degrees. Add essential oils mixed with an emulsifier (base oil, salt, cream, honey or milk) to the bath at the rate of 4 drops of oil per tablespoon of emulsifier. Soak your nails in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

The benefits of vegetable oils in home cosmetology have long been known. With their help, the hair can be made healthy, and the skin can be protected from wrinkles and premature aging. This is due to the high content of nutrients and vitamins in the oils. But the scope of oils is not limited to hair and skin. Using vegetable oils, you can significantly improve the structure of nails.

Vegetable oils for nails are especially useful - they soften the cuticle well, nourish the nails, strengthening the nail plate, and prevent the nail from exfoliating and breaking from the smallest mechanical influences. In addition, they protect the nails from possible fungal diseases. This effect can be enhanced by adding their essential analogues to the oils.

Vegetable oils that are used for home nail care

It is necessary to use natural vegetable oils in nail care, if only because they have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. If the nails are too brittle, weak and dry, then apricot, peach, olive, castor, burdock and almond nail oils, as well as rosehip, jojoba, cocoa and slow-growing nails are treated with olive, burdock, castor avocado and watermelon seeds. Rosehip, pine nut and peach kernel oils, sesame, burdock and olive oils will help to improve or strengthen nails.

Nail oil: benefits

The complex use of vegetable and essential oils for nail care gives a much greater effect than separate ones. For nails, oils of grapefruit and lemon, lavender, tea tree and bergamot, as well as sandalwood, patchouli and pine, rosemary and thyme, cedar, calendula, rose and myrrh are better suited.

Any has a huge number of useful properties compared to the usual. It is on their basis that you can make a bath for hands and nails for a specific purpose. For example, you can eliminate delamination of nails by using bergamot, pine, patchouli, myrrh, thyme, ylang-ylang, frankincense. Rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, thyme, bergamot oils can strengthen the nail plate and make it more durable. Whiten nails with widely used oils of grapefruit, lemon, myrrh, eucalyptus and rosemary. And extra shine will add oils of eucalyptus, lavender, rose and lemon.

Oils of rosemary, tea tree, chamomile, sandalwood can easily stop inflammatory processes, and even fungal infections. If the nails are already healthy, then the oil of bergamot, lemon, chamomile, myrrh and ylang-ylang will support their condition. Weakened nails can also be strengthened by adding a few drops of vitamin E and A solutions to vegetable oils.

How to make oil mixture for nails at home?

Having decided on the choice of means with which the problem of nails will be solved, it is necessary to properly prepare the oil mixture to obtain the maximum effect. The structure of preparation is the same for all types of products.

One or more vegetable oils must be heated in a water bath, after which 1-3 drops of essential oil should be added to the already warm nail solution (if there are several, then the total number of drops should not exceed 10). Optionally, you can add 4-5 drops of an oil solution of vitamins. All ingredients must be mixed and left to brew for about 7 minutes.

The resulting mixture is applied to the nails with a brush and left there for 15 minutes, and then the remaining nail oil can be applied to the cuticles or dipped into it with the fingertips for a few minutes. If there is not much time, then the product can be applied to the nails before putting on special gloves.

Nail care is an integral part of every woman's daily routine. If you do this with the help of natural vegetable oils, you can avoid many problems, as well as help your nails get a shiny, well-groomed look. As a rule, the effect of the use of oils is visible almost immediately, after the first application. They nourish the nail plate very much, soften the cuticle, help strengthen the nail plate, help against delamination and brittleness. In addition, they protect against fungal infection. It is best to cut your nails before starting treatment, they should not be long. The effect will be even more noticeable if you try to eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, as well as foods rich in calcium.

Almost all vegetable oils are very useful for nails: olive, almond, castor, flaxseed, burdock, nut, peach, avocado, jojoba, lemon, tea tree, as well as essential oils. Let's consider them in more detail.

Castor oil

This remedy is obtained by hot pressing the seeds of the castor bean. You can find such a product in any pharmacy. The triglycerides of oleic, ricinoleic and linoleic acids included in its composition help the nails to maintain health and beauty. The restorative properties of castor oil are enhanced when used heated. You can heat it in a microwave oven or in a water bath up to 40 degrees. Next, the product is rubbed into the nail plates. For greater effect, the procedure can be done daily at night. When using gloves made of cotton materials, the result will be even more convincing. This tool can be rubbed into the cuticles and skin of the hands. It makes the skin moisturized and soft.

Castor oil can also be used to make oil mixtures together with other oils. For example, take 7 parts castor, 3 parts soy and a few drops of bergamot oil, mix and rub into nails and skin. This mixture can be stored for 8 months in a dry, dark place, but after pouring it into a dark glass bottle and tightly closing the lid. Oil can be applied with the same brush. Castor oil baths with the addition of sunflower and olive oil are also very productive. Everything must be taken in different parts, but so that in the end you get 80 ml of the finished mixture. Here we add a few drops of 1% iodine and heat in a water bath. Next, lower the nails into the bath for 15 minutes, after which we wash off the remnants with warm water. You can also use jojoba, avocado or tea tree oil as additives to castor oil. These baths prevent delamination and brittleness, and also level the surface. It is very useful to add castor oil to hand cream.

avocado oil

It is great for nail care. With its constant use, the nails are strengthened. In addition, it prevents inflammatory processes. This tool also perfectly softens the cuticle and moisturizes it, it is very convenient during a manicure.

To strengthen nails and cure brittleness, it is necessary to massage the nail roller with the application of this remedy and only then apply varnish. Massage can be done with the following mixture: 2 tablespoons of avocado oil, 5 drops of lemon juice and 5 drops of rosemary, patchouli and lavender esters. A mixture of avocado oil with 2 drops of chamomile or eucalyptus oil is great for healing wounds. If you mix it with almond or olive oil, you get a good tonic.

Jojoba oil

It copes well with problems such as delamination, brittleness, uneven surfaces. To overcome these troubles, it is enough to add liquid vitamin E to it, which can be found in a pharmacy. The agent is applied to the plate and rubbed into it. Next, you can cover the nail with vitamin E. Jojoba oil helps the nail to better absorb the vitamin, as it contains it. The procedure can be repeated 2 times a day. Wear gloves when in contact with water. You can also make a balm. This will require 10 ml of jojoba oil, 2 drops of rose, 3 drops of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply at night on the nails and nail roller.

lemon oil

It is extracted from the peel of ripe fruits by cold pressing. As a nail care product, it has been used for a long time. It strengthens and protects the nail and the skin around it. The brightening properties of this agent are also known. To do this, it is enough to regularly make baths of lemon oil or juice, or simply rub them into the plates. In addition, lemon oil perfectly softens the skin around the nail and cuticles and helps the skin regenerate. It also has antiseptic properties, so you can easily protect yourself from inflammation and infection in these areas. It is also advised to use it after a manicure, as its wound healing properties are known. To improve the result, experts advise using lemon in combination with other oils and some products. For example, with olive oil, as well as honey, iodine, or solutions of vitamins E and P. However, you need to use it very carefully and not for long, as it tends to dry out the nails.

Tea tree oil

This remedy is extracted from the leaves of the melaleuca tree by steam distillation. It has long been scientifically proven that tea tree oil is effective in the fight against fungal nail infections. In concentrated form, it is very strong, so it is dangerous to use it in its pure form. However, it is the concentrated product that is used to treat the fungus.

First you need to wash and clean the nail, cut and file it, be sure to dry it. On a dry surface, you need to drop a few drops of the product and use a cotton swab to distribute it over the entire surface of the nail, trying to penetrate deeply under the nail plate. Be sure to lubricate the edges, as the fungus is destroyed only in direct contact with the oil. Everything must be done as carefully as possible so that the product does not get on the skin. Next, you need to bandage the nail with sterile bandages. The procedure should be repeated in the morning and evening. If redness or pain occurs when using this remedy, then you can mix it in equal proportions with olive oil.

Linseed oil

It is used both independently and together with others in equal proportions. A good result is a mixture of a spoonful of linseed oil and 2-3 drops of eucalyptus, lavender or lemon. You can mix flaxseed with lavender, chamomile, rosemary, or patchouli and thyme essential oils. Massage the mixture into the nails and skin of the hands, preferably from the bottom up. You can prepare a healing ointment. To do this, you will need 1 tablespoon of linseed oil, raw egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey and the juice of one lemon. Mix everything, wash your hands in the water in which the potatoes were boiled, apply ointment and put on gloves for 3 hours.

Almond oil

Rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. They help strengthen nails and eliminate delamination. In addition, this tool is very useful for the skin of the hands, moisturizes and nourishes it. Oil should be rubbed into the nail itself, cuticles and skin. For preventive purposes, you can use it after a manicure, and to restore the plate, you can use it several times a day. For a greater effect, you need to use oil heated to body temperature. To make it convenient to apply the product on the nail surface, you can use a brush, cotton swabs or gauze. Now on sale you can find ready-made bottles such as bottles for varnish. The healing properties will be more noticeable if you make a mask at night. Apply the product to the entire surface of the hands, put on gloves and leave until the morning.

If you combine almond oil with essential oils, then the effect can be complex. For example, for faster nail growth, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of almond and a few drops of esters of lavender, lemon, ylang-ylang, chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, sandalwood, grapefruit, tea tree. This mixture should be stored in a dark place in a dark glass bottle. The mixture is rubbed into the nail plate and cuticle. Each nail should be massaged for half a minute. With daily use, the effect will be noticeable in the shortest possible time.

In addition, almost all vegetable oils are antiseptics and contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. Therefore, it is highly desirable to use the mixture after a manicure. Procedures are best done at night before going to bed, after applying the oil mixture, you can not do housework. In addition, almond oil is added to daily hand cream. The cream should be applied directly to the hands and also rubbed into the nails. And most importantly, masks should be used regularly, not periodically. Temporary procedures are not at all effective.

Burr oil

Burdock oil contains a huge amount of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts. It also contains palmitic and stearic acid. This affordable tool perfectly restores and strengthens nails. To achieve tangible results, it is necessary to rub it into the nail and into the cuticle 2-3 times a day. You can also do warm oil baths once a week.

Olive oil

This tool can be used every day. You can do this with a regular soft brush. This method helps to cover the entire surface of the nail and at the same time save the product. But you need to apply it not only on the nails, but also on the skin around them. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then you can rub the product into the nails and skin, and spread the rest on your hands or just wash it off. Also, the oil can be applied and left overnight, wearing gloves made from natural materials. For the entire duration of treatment, it is better to refrain from using varnishes, even strengthening ones. It is better to wash dishes with gloves to avoid interaction with detergents. During work that threatens to stain your hands, it is also better to use gloves. If they are not there, you can simply scrape the soap so that it gets under the nails, in which case the dirt will not be able to penetrate there. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to olive oil, it is very rich in vitamins. Apply this mixture at night, put on cotton gloves and leave until morning. Such procedures should be done 1-2 times a week. For growth and strengthening, it is necessary to nourish the nail fold and cuticle. Therefore, do not forget to rub the oil into these areas, and, of course, into the nail plate too.

Peanut butter

Sooner or later, each of us faces the problem of delamination. The main prerequisite for this is insufficient nutrition of nails, cuticles and growth zones. In addition, the cause of brittleness can be a violation of the protective properties of the nail. Walnut oil can have a good restoring effect. It is extracted from the nut shell and is one of the strongest and most concentrated natural products. It has a long lasting effect after the first application. It nourishes nails, refreshes, improves appearance and strengthens. You just need to cover the nails with a small amount of product. These procedures can be carried out every day 2 times.

Peach oil

Extracted from peach pits by cold pressing and filtering. Despite the fact that this product is maximally saturated with vitamins and nutrients, it remains quite light in consistency. Its vitamin complex is ideal for nail care. The composition contains micro and macro elements, iron, potassium, calcium and more. It also contains the so-called beauty vitamin - B15. Peach oil nourishes, protects and restores the plate. Thanks to him, the nails will acquire a healthy appearance, shine and strength. However, in addition to the nails themselves, it is necessary to nourish the cuticle and the periungual plate. If this is not done, then their condition may worsen dramatically.

This tool also perfectly disinfects the surface and prevents the appearance of fungus. You can massage daily with this tool, it will help strengthen your nails. For greater effect, you can prepare an oil mixture. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of peach ether and 3 drops of eucalyptus, lemon, lavender. Massage should be done with this mixture, 3 times daily for 15-20 minutes before coloring the nails. For severely weakened nails, you can prepare a mask. To do this, melt in a water bath 4 grams of beeswax. The yolk of a hard-boiled egg is rubbed with this wax and peach oil is added in portions until a thick homogeneous mass is formed. This mask can be applied every day.

Essential oils

Essential oil can be added to baths and nail masks. Before using such products, you need to prepare your nails - massage with a soft toothbrush. The brush helps to gently cleanse the surface of dead cells, subsequently the mixture is even better absorbed. Also, after baths and masks, you need to wear gloves made of cotton materials, this will achieve a greater effect. Baths can be prepared according to several recipes:

Cedar. For a bath, you need 10 grams of cream, 5 grams of jojoba oil, 2-3 drops of cedar ether. All this is mixed until the components are completely dissolved. Next, this mass is applied to the nail with massage movements, and gloves are put on. The mask should be kept for at least 2 hours, after which the remnants are gently wiped off with a cotton pad. This mask strengthens nails and saturates them with vitamins.

With sour cream. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of sour cream with two drops of grapefruit and rose esters until smooth. We apply this mixture on the nails for 2-3 hours and put on gloves. The rest is removed with cotton wool.

Bergamot Blend. 1.5 tablespoons of almond oil should be mixed with 2-3 drops of grapefruit, bergamot and ylang-ylang esters. Apply to the nail for 3 hours, wear gloves. Remove the rest with cotton.

To nail beauty preserved for a long time, and the manicure looked perfect, it is necessary to regularly use oils when caring for nails.

They maintain the elasticity of the skin and quickly restore rough skin, giving healthy looking skin and nails. The trace elements and vitamins contained in the oils can eliminate any problems associated with nails.

If the nails become brittle have lost their shine, became rough and began to exfoliate, they urgently need help. The spa salon offers all kinds of procedures aimed at restoring the nail plate:

  • hot manicure (nails are placed in a hot composition, useful substances penetrate better into the expanded nail plate, the course consists of 4 procedures within a month);
  • biogel coating (after applying the biogel to the nail, its surface becomes smooth and durable, the course requires 3-4 treatments);
  • wax sealing (effectively restores nails, after a warm oil bath, a cream with beeswax is rubbed into the nails).

Oils that are used at home for strengthen nails, allow:

  • nourish the nail plate from the inside, penetrating deep into the nail;
  • eliminate brittleness and delamination of nails;
  • protect the nail from fungal infection;
  • accelerate the growth of nails;
  • make them beautiful.

Types of oils to strengthen nails

What kind of oil to smear nails to strengthen them at home? With self-care of nails, it is possible to use oils of vegetable origin:

  • olive;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • wild rose;
  • cocoa;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • grape seeds;
  • wheat germ.

With their help, delamination of nails, brittleness is eliminated. For accelerating nail growth use oils: olive, castor, burdock.

Rosehip, burdock, olive and cedar oil gives nails healthy look.

  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • bergamot;
  • sandalwood;
  • tea tree;
  • patchouli;
  • pines;
  • cedar;
  • rosemary;
  • myrrh;
  • thyme;
  • roses;
  • calendula.

By adding essential oils to the base oils, they are used to prepare oil baths, taking into account the problems that need to be solved. deal with stratification of nails oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, thyme, myrrh, pine, cedar help.

Oils also help strengthen nails: bergamot, thyme, rosemary, sandalwood, lemon.

Application methods

To do nails strong and preserve their health, you can use the oil in the form of applications, rubbing, baths. It is desirable that oils be part of the cream for daily hand care (if not, add a few drops).

Good strengthens nails(available at the pharmacy): inexpensive, easy to use.

Greater effect give baths from a mixture of olive oil with the addition of avocado oil, castor oil (5 ml each) and tea tree oil (5 drops). The mixture in a water bath is slightly heated, fingers are placed in it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water, lubricate with cream. Repeat every 2-3 days.

Strengthens nails olive oil: it is necessary to rub it into the nail plate in the evening, put on cotton gloves and leave it overnight. It is recommended to add a little lemon juice to it twice a week.

coconut oil strengthens nails well, applied in the evening on the nail plate, cotton gloves are put on top.

Successfully applied to strengthen nails, you can rub it into the nail plate by mixing it with lemon, calendula, wheat germ and castor oil.

Brittle nails can be quickly and effectively strengthened with jojoba oil and vitamin E(sold in a pharmacy).

Prepare jojoba oil and vitamin E, apply oil on the nail plate. Across 2-3 minutes rub it into the nails, apply vitamin E on top. So jojoba oil will act on the nails with greater efficiency.

Sunflower oil often used as a base for baths and masks. To 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil, add 2 drops of oils: eucalyptus, lavender and sage to enhance the effect. Heat the mixture, lower your fingertips, hold for 10 minutes.

Essential oils


Used for the purpose strengthening of the nail plate, protect nails from delamination. The action is enhanced with the use of vegetable oils. Coniferous essential oils effectively fight delamination of nails. Citrus oils strengthen the nail plate and prevent nail cracking.

Well prevents brittle nails a bath of a mixture of almond oil and myrrh oil, ylag ylang or bergamot.

Oil compresses strengthening nails. The base oil is mixed with essential oil, the mixture must be warmed up, soak a napkin in it, put on your fingers and cover with something warm.

For an oil application, the hands are pre-steamed in hot water, then a mixture of base oil with the addition of bergamot essential oil (1 tablespoon of base oil and 3 drops of essential oil) is rubbed into the nail plates. Wrap in cling film, leave for 5 minutes.

A wide variety of oils that effectively strengthen nails allow you to choose the most suitable option.

Hands are that part of a woman that always betrays her age and position, so experts insist on being attentive to them. One of the elements of the basic care of the masters of the beauty industry is called cuticle oil, but not everyone understands what composition a quality product should have and what effect it should give. What tasks does this tool solve, how to choose the most effective one, and is it possible to independently make a useful mixture for yourself?

Why you need cuticle oil

Before analyzing the functions of this tool, it is worth emphasizing the essence of the cuticle itself, to which women pay less attention than they should. This thin strip of skin, which is adjacent to the nail plate in the region of the hole, acts as a protective barrier. It does not allow bacteria to get close to the most delicate zone of the nail, i.e. to the matrix through which all nutrients penetrate. When the master does a manicure, he cuts off the keratinized cuticle cells, however, this provokes a reaction from the body in the form of an increase in new ones and drying of the cut site.

A special cuticle oil is designed to solve this problem and perform several more tasks:

  • nourish the nail, because the agent is applied very close to the matrix;
  • prevent the appearance of burrs;
  • disinfect (for some varieties);
  • help soften already dried skin;
  • accelerate the growth of marigolds and strengthen them;
  • relieve inflammation after trimming manicure;
  • start the process of cell renewal.

DIY cuticle oil

Cosmetics stores (both large cosmetic and perfume chains and specialized points for professionals) offer the consumer cuticle oil of any price range, which raises a logical question - how significant are the differences between the drug for 500 r. and a product with a lower price? Can't tell from the photo. If, however, they are almost identical in composition, and there is nothing among the list of components that would justify such a high cost, a woman may think about whether to create cuticle oil at home?

To do this, you need to take into account several key nuances:

  • All products of this type for cuticle care are based on basic ones, i.e. vegetable oils - it can be almond, olive, grape seed, avocado, etc.
  • What kind of oil is good for nails and cuticles in your case, you can only say after specifying the requirements for it: nutrition gives jojoba, moisturizing - almond, regulation of metabolic processes - wheat germ.
  • It makes sense to add vitamins A and E, which are easy to get in a pharmacy (the classic name is Aevit): they are needed for the regeneration of the cuticle.
  • Essential oils in the care of cuticles and nails also play an important role - tea tree, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, etc. will give a pleasant aroma and increase the list of positive properties of the finished product. However, they are always added to the composition according to the classic recipe - 1-2 drops per 15 ml of the composition.

Cuticle oil pencil

This format of care product has an important advantage - it is convenient to use it, even if there is no time to sit down for a few minutes to carry out the procedure. The cuticle oil pencil is designed to be carried around in your purse, as it is the same size as a standard pen or felt-tip pen. The bottle may have a brush or a special tip made of porous material through which the product contained inside is fed under pressure.

You can decide in which format to buy cuticle oil by examining the disadvantages of each option:

  • A brush is more convenient to use, but the product can be applied through it in large quantities, so leakage and marks on the lid and the surrounding area are not excluded.
  • The felt tip dispenses the oil well, but can leave an unpleasant sensation when it comes into contact with the cuticle, since you need to press hard on it. From the reviews on this product format, it can be understood that the material of the tip, with frequent use, can conduct liquid worse.

How to use cuticle oil

The principle of using this tool is determined by the tasks assigned to it. For a preventive purpose, experts advise using cuticle oil after each manicure procedure (completing it), applying a small drop to the hole and gently rubbing with a fingertip for a minute. Such a short gentle massage will help the active substances to penetrate deeper into the cuticle, and the absorption of the product will be faster.

A few more instructions:

  • Owners of very dry and thick cuticles need to use a drop of the product daily, with an interval of 4 hours.
  • You can deeply moisturize the cuticle and help soften it if you steam your hands in a bath, apply plenty of oil to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the nail, be sure to touch the skin, and put on cotton gloves for several hours. It is better to do this procedure at night.
  • For the purpose of general strengthening and growth of nails, cuticle oil is applied once a day.
  • It also makes sense to use this product before any household chores that involve contact with water or chemicals.

Essential oils for nails and cuticles

Maximum effectiveness in skin care can be achieved only when using a whole range of useful substances, so a good oil for nails and cuticles involves the inclusion of both basic (vegetable) and essential oils in its composition. The latter must be selected with particular care, since even in low concentrations they have a pronounced effect. The following oil extracts are mainly added to hand and nail care cosmetics:

  • grapefruit (from seeds) - to relieve inflammation;
  • rosemary - as a disinfectant;
  • thyme - to increase skin elasticity;
  • lavender - to accelerate the growth of nails;
  • cedar - as a tonic.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil extract has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is desirable to add to the base for skin care around the nails. You can feel the full benefit of this remedy even from a small drop introduced into a standard 10-15 ml bottle. Tea tree oil for cuticles should only be used in combination with any vegetable after cuticle removal to reduce the chance of inflammation, and should not be used on very dry skin as it will only exacerbate the problem.

This product in cosmetology is valued above similar ones, because it is ideal for all skin types - from oily to sensitive and prone to allergies. Manicurists also appreciated it, and behind them the baton was taken over by cosmetics companies. Almond cuticle oil is an excellent helper in the fight for soft skin, which works more as a prevention, since it is not able to heal existing cracks. It is difficult to overdo it with it, so you can use this tool several times a day.

Castor oil

This remedy, along with burdock oil, is rarely used for cuticle care - it is often used as a hair growth stimulator. However, the benefits for the skin on his part are also invaluable: castor oil for cuticles has powerful regenerative properties, nourishes, protects, but has the disadvantage of high density, therefore it is recommended only for dry skin. Experts recommend applying castor oil in a thin layer at night, under gloves to help cuticles that are too rough, or as a protective agent during household chores (cleaning, laundry).

Coconut oil

Coconut butter can replace wax when polishing nails at home, but with one condition - the manufacturer must be Thailand. Only there you can find good, high-quality coconut oil for cuticles, hands, hair and body. The use of this product, due to the peculiarities of the structure, requires first heating a small amount until it melts, and then, after waiting for it to cool to a comfortable temperature, apply it. On the basis of a solid coconut butter, hand wraps (similar to paraffin) are made, which help to reanimate dry, cracked skin.

Liquid wax - that's what the masters of the beauty industry call this product. It is distinguished by a high price, due to the difficulty of obtaining, and an incredible amount of useful trace elements that have a protective, regenerating, moisturizing effect, nourish the skin, keep it young, and stop the inflammatory process. Jojoba cuticle oil is suitable for everyone, can be used in its pure form, especially for polishing healthy nails.