Is it possible at the 28th week of pregnancy. Digestive problems and shortness of breath. What to do this week

From conception went 26 weeks, and 24 weeks have passed since the start of the delay in menstruation. It may seem to a woman now that all these events were quite recent. Time in the first two trimesters did fly much faster. Now the state of health is changing, it is no longer so cloudless, and the expectant mother may feel that time is now passing more slowly.

Only 12 weeks remain until the cherished date of the expected birth. However, you should not tune in to it, only 5% of babies are born in the PDD. The rest choose other terms for themselves - either earlier or later than the DA. If a woman has a planned cesarean section, its date has not yet been determined at all, but it will be approximately 38-39 weeks or a little earlier.

At 27-28 obstetric weeks, which we are talking about, a wide variety of changes occur with the baby and mother.

Feelings of a future mother

More and more often a woman wants to lie down and rest, it is more and more difficult to stand, sit for a long time, walk. The expectant mother began to tire quickly, and this is quite natural: it becomes very difficult to carry a grown baby and her own increased weight.

The woman's figure is rounded, and now there is not even a hint of the waistline at all, wider than the steel and the hips. At 28 weeks, a woman may notice that she has accumulated "fat" on her thighs and abdomen. This is not a consequence of overeating, but a normal physiological process.

Such fatty deposits are provided by nature in order to protect the fetus, as well as provide it with energy in case the mother's nutrition suddenly disappears completely (in nature, this also happens).

Increased fatigue makes it very difficult to work and study at this time. Pregnant women with one baby begin to kindly envy those who carry twins or triplets - such mothers go on maternity leave in the coming days, while everyone else will have to wait up to 30 weeks.

It is very helpful to take the next vacation if the woman has not yet been in it before the maternity leave. The law does not prohibit this. And female students can take an academic leave or agree on home schooling with the obligation to take all exams and tests in person, in person.

Fetal movements and counting methods

At 28 weeks, many pregnant women notice that fetal movements have become somewhat "quieter" and less frequent. There is still enough room in the uterus for movement, and the baby is not so large as to occupy the entire intrauterine space. The reason for the temporary "fading" lies not in the parameters of the baby, but in the next stage of the formation of his nervous system - now the baby has better control over his movements, and the spontaneous flapping of the arms and legs, which the mother feels like jolts and kicks, becomes less.

The baby moves at 7 months as a whole quite regularly. Already this week, a woman can receive recommendations from a doctor to keep a diary and write down the number of fetal movements in it. There are several methods for calculating them, but in each of them, not a separate movement is taken as a movement, but a series of movements. Example: the baby pushed his mother with his foot and turned over - these are not two different movements, but one.

Pearson's, Cardiff's methods, Sadowski's test are the most common. One of them can be chosen by the attending physician as necessary.

The Sadovski test is a determination of the baby's motor activity after a meal by the mother. If an hour after the meal a woman manages to record 4 episodes of the baby's movements or more, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

If the movements are too active (more than 15 episodes per hour) or sluggish (less than 4 per hour after a meal), you should definitely go to see your doctor to find out the reasons for this behavior of the crumbs.

The most popular and widespread is the Pearson method of calculating perturbations. A woman is given a special table in which she must enter the time of movements from 9 am to 9 pm or from 8 am to 8 pm.

The time interval between 1 and 10 wiggle has a diagnostic value. If no more than half an hour has passed, the result is good, if about an hour or more, you should consult your doctor.

Counting movements is needed not so much by the doctor, because he has in his arsenal a lot of more accurate ways to find out the nuances of the state of the fetus, as by the expectant mother herself. This gives her more peace of mind, because she learns to control the condition of her baby on her own and pay attention to possible changes in his behavior. But at each scheduled appointment, the doctor will certainly be interested in how many movements are there and what they are.

In general, the nature of the movements at week 28 becomes more pronounced, that is, it hits the baby with its legs and arms already weighty, sometimes giving pain to its future parent. By this week, most pregnant women manage to establish close contact with their baby - the baby begins to react to the touch of the mother's hand to the stomach, to stroking, and the mother, by the nature of the movements, knows what the baby wants and what he is doing at the moment.

However, you should not assume that the baby will respond with enthusiasm with a kick to someone's other hand on his stomach. It is difficult to say how the baby defines friends and foes, but in fact this is exactly what is happening. When a stranger touches the belly of a stranger, the baby cautiously calms down.

Most babies do not even "trust" their own dads yet. If a man is persistent, will talk with the baby more often, put his hands and cheek on his wife's belly, the baby will surely reciprocate.

Your child at the 28th obstetric week is very meteosensitive, and also very dependent on the state and well-being of the mother. When the weather changes, his physical activity changes. If a woman is happy, the baby behaves more actively compared to the moments of her mother's sadness. In response to a delicious dinner or lunch eaten by her mother, the baby in the womb also revives. The temperament of a child is already quite obvious: he is a mobile and joyful "fidget" or a calm and imperturbable "sleepyhead".

Painful sensations

By the 28th week, a rare pregnant woman can boast of a complete absence of pain. Most expectant mothers, as a rule, already have a large supply of complaints and ailments.

7 months of pregnancy is a solid period, during this period the female body begins to experience overload.

Various pains in the lower back and back are most common at this time. The lower back hurts and "aches" mainly due to the fact that the center of gravity has shifted, and it is quite difficult for the muscles to keep the woman in balance. The uterus grows, and with it the ligaments that hold it are stretched. This causes various pulling sensations on the sides of the lower abdomen, in the lower back and in the sacral region.

Sharp "lumbago", which women often compare with an electric shock, occur when the uterus that has become large compresses certain nerve endings. The back hurts not only because of the large abdomen and the stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, but also due to the fact that the chest has become a couple of sizes larger, and the load on the back muscles has increased accordingly.

From the 28th week, the ribs may begin to hurt. The uterus compresses the diaphragm, the internal organs have to "make room", the costal arches slightly "diverge", which causes palpable aches. Increasingly, a woman experiences fatigue in her legs, joints may hurt, or varicose veins appear - all these are the consequences of an increase in the weight of a pregnant woman. Weight grows faster than the body can compensate for it. Knee joints and ankles are especially vulnerable.

More than half of pregnant women at 28 weeks have pubic bone pain. There is no need to be afraid - this pain suggests that the body has begun to actively prepare for childbirth. The hormone relaxin is produced, which softens and makes the pelvic bones more elastic. At the right time, they should move apart and let the baby out. The process of softening of bones and ligaments is accompanied by aches and small "lumbago" in the pubic articulation.

If the pain becomes unbearable, a woman cannot walk, stand, climb stairs on foot, it is difficult for her to sleep because of the pain intensifying at night, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this - it is possible that symphysitis develops - a pathological discrepancy of the pubic articulation, in which quite often a woman is shown exclusively childbirth by cesarean section.

A woman at the 28th week should know that any pain that is accompanied by discharge from the genitals that is different from the usual, growing, cramping or cutting pains are reasons for calling an ambulance, because at this time, premature birth is quite possible.

The nature of the discharge

In a woman, with the onset of the third trimester, the production of estrogen increases. Because of this, the discharge at 28 weeks may become thinner than it was before. The amount of discharge remains quite abundant, a lot of vaginal secretion is produced. This is necessary so that the composition of the vaginal microflora is maintained at a level that will provide a "correct" cut in the genital tract.

Watery discharge should not be confused with watery discharge. If a woman now has abundant watery discharge, it is imperative to notify the doctor to make sure that the water does not leave or leak.

The norm for the 28th week is considered to be a light, slightly liquid, homogeneous discharge without impurities or an unpleasant odor. A variant of the norm is a slight yellowish tint (the pregnancy hormone progesterone can give this color to the vaginal secretion). If the discharge has acquired a rich yellow color, has become thick, smearing, it is imperative to visit a doctor and do a smear analysis.

Unpleasant greenish or gray discharge, which is accompanied by a bad smell and itching in the perineum, may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection of the genital tract, a genital infection. The discharge is white, with flakes and accompanying itching - this is a thrush.

Discharge with blood impurities is now considered the most dangerous. They can talk about the threat of premature birth, placental abruption, and the onset of premature birth. Bloody discharge can have a different appearance - from pure scarlet blood to pink, cream, brown discharge of varying intensity and consistency.

The habit of wearing thin daily sanitary napkins will help to notice changes in time. They will not only "show" the color and consistency of vaginal secretions, but also help get rid of the feeling of moisture in the perineum, which is associated with the natural increase in the amount of discharge for this period. Tampons cannot be used.

The mood of the expectant mother

At the 28th week of pregnancy, mood swings, increased irritability, and resentment are not excluded. The state of health worsens, and this is directly related to changes in mood.

Most women expect help from relatives and friends, but the very fact that they sometimes cannot do without this help depressing and makes them feel some inferiority. So, it is already difficult for a pregnant woman to tie her laces or fasten “zippers” on her boots, stand by the stove or hang out the washed clothes. It is often impossible to pick up a fallen object without kneeling down.

Anxiety is also facilitated by the early exit on maternity leave, because working women are worried about the safety of their workplace: the expectant mother needs to be sure that she will go to work after the vacation and they will be waiting for her there. It is illegal by law to fire a woman who is on maternity or parental leave. So now you don't have to worry about it.

The most worrisome at 28 weeks is the fear of the upcoming birth. Not only pregnant women with their first child are afraid to give birth, women who have already given birth are often much more worried, since they have a better idea of ​​all the dangers and risks, are familiar with the sensations and possible complications.

If you cannot talk about your experiences with relatives or the woman does not feel support and understanding, you can seek help from a psychologist who accepts expectant mothers in every antenatal clinic on a free basis.

Changes in the body

All organs and systems of the expectant mother are working at the limit of their capabilities. When their condition is compared to congestion in space, this is not so far from the truth. The uterus grows so fast that now it is the largest organ, the rest of the "inhabitants" of the abdominal cavity have no choice but to make room.

Growth of the uterus

It's getting hard to breathe. Deep breaths are not easy, because now the uterus tightly compresses the diaphragm from below. Shortness of breath appears, which increases even after little physical exertion. Climbing stairs, walking, household chores are more difficult.

The uterus, which before pregnancy was the size of a woman's fist, has now grown to an impressive size. The height of her day this week is 27-29 centimeters. Above the navel line, the uterus rises by 8 centimeters.

Shortness of breath is not the only problem caused by this increase. Heartburn and belching are a consequence of stomach compression, diarrhea and gas formation are associated with pressure on the gallbladder and a violation of the outflow of bile, constipation is a consequence of the pressure of the uterus on the intestinal loops. Frequent urination is the scourge of all pregnant women, because the bladder is one of the first to be compressed by the uterus.

The length of the cervix is ​​normally 35-45 mm, a slight shortening is not considered a pathology, especially with multiple or repeated pregnancies. But shortening less than 35 mm is seen as a threat of premature birth.

The baby is already quite heavy, he noticeably presses on the neck from the inside. A healthy, well-to-do cervix can withstand such pressure up to 38-40 weeks of pregnancy. With isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the risk of having a baby prematurely due to the fact that the cervix simply cannot keep it in the uterus is ten times higher.

The uterus may be toned more often than before. If this happens too often, the woman is prescribed treatment. "Ginipral", "Papaverine", "No-Shpa" help to relax the uterine muscles.

Wearing a prenatal brace is beneficial at 28 weeks. This device allows you to relieve the stress on the lower back, legs and back, which will manifest itself in a decrease in discomfort.

Weight gain

Weight gain at week 28 is intense and does not give the expectant mother the most pleasant sensations. The woman has already noticeably "grown heavier", but this is caused not only by her own weight, but also by the weight of the child, which is now more than a kilogram, the weight of the placenta, which is already approaching 400 grams. Amniotic fluid is about a liter, and the uterus itself now weighs about 600 grams. The amount of blood in the body of the pregnant woman has increased, and this is also reflected in the weight.

The weekly increase during this period should not exceed 400 grams. If we evaluate the overall increase for the entire period of bearing the baby, then it is already solid - more than 9 kilograms.

  • Skinny girls can gain 10 kilograms by this week.
  • Representatives of the fair sex with a normal weight - about 9 kilograms.
  • Women who had problems with being overweight before conception should not gain more than 6 kilograms.

Women often pay attention to the fact that different doctors use different tables of weight gain. One doctor, with an increase of 8 kilograms at 28 weeks, will say that this is an excellent result and everything is fine, and another will suggest a diet for weight loss. You need to focus only on the standards of the doctor who monitors your pregnancy, without comparing your gain with others.

A strong lag in weight gain can alert the doctor, since it can talk about pathologies of the placenta, intrauterine growth retardation of the baby. Dangerous and "overkill" - the frequency of complications in childbirth in women with pathological weight is higher than in those who gained less.

Also, excess body weight can be a sign of the presence of internal edema - preeclampsia.

Training contractions

According to available statistics, approximately 50% of women experience Braxton Hicks contractions at 28 weeks. Basically, these are those who are going to give birth to their first child. In women who are carrying their second, third or next child, false contractions usually appear closer to childbirth, sometimes a few days or even hours before. There are women who do not have false contractions at all. For example, pregnant women again after the first pregnancy, which ended with a cesarean section, very rarely encounter such a phenomenon as false contractions.

The true nature of Braxton-Hicks contractions is not entirely clear to physicians and scientists today. The widespread version of what is happening explains their preparatory "work" of the uterine muscles.

A woman does not feel such contractions often. They are manifested by a slight tension of the abdomen, the woman for a few seconds or minutes feels that the uterus becomes "stone". If you lie down and rest, the smooth muscles of the uterus relax again.

This is the main difference between false contractions and real ones. If labor begins, then nothing can stop the contractions. Neither rest nor a warm shower will help.

Other changes

Blood pressure rises, and at 28 weeks it comes to a level that was natural for this woman before pregnancy. But expectant mothers prone to high blood pressure may begin to suffer from hypertension. Therefore, now, more than ever, it is important to control blood pressure by taking daily measurements of its level on two hands.

The skin of a pregnant woman becomes drier, in places there are areas with increased pigmentation. Moles and freckles become brighter. Now you shouldn't sunbathe, because the sensitivity to ultraviolet light grows tenfold.

Itching may appear in the thighs, chest and abdomen: this is a consequence of the stretching of the skin. The formation of "stretch marks" is also a fairly common phenomenon associated with the rupture of elastin and collagen fibers in the stretched areas of the skin.

The level of cholesterol in the blood rises. And this is the very rare case when such a phenomenon is considered the norm. This substance is necessary for the placenta so that it can cope with its hormone-forming function.

Sweat glands continue to cause a lot of hygienic and aesthetic inconveniences: sweating is increased, a woman is often thrown into a fever. The breast swells, the amount of colostrum increases.

At this time, a woman is most susceptible to allergies - contact and food. This is due to a temporary decrease in immunity. And even those women who have not previously had allergic manifestations can begin to suffer from itching and unusual rashes, coughs and runny nose after using cosmetics for "stretch marks", after buying imported strawberries in January, after taking the most common multivitamins.

Baby development

New organs and systems are not formed at 28 weeks (corresponding to 26 embryonic weeks). Everything has already been formed and is preparing for the fact that soon the baby will begin to exist separately from the mother. The prenatal period has ended, from the 28th week the perinatal stage or perinatal begins. Now the main task of your baby is to grow and get stronger, by the time of childbirth he needs to accumulate mass.

The growth of the baby this week has increased slightly compared to the previous week - by only 1 centimeter. Now it is about 36-37 centimeters.

The weight of the fetus increases more noticeably: at 28 weeks, it is on average in the range from 1300 to 1400 grams. There is already a difference in weight between children of different sexes. So, girls at 28 weeks are lighter than boys by about 150-200 grams.

The vast majority of babies have already taken a head-down position in the uterus. The cephalic presentation is considered the most appropriate for birth. If your baby is still sitting on the bottom (breech presentation) or lying across (transverse presentation is quite rare), there is still a chance that the position will change to the head position.

There is still free space in the uterus for the baby to roll over. For this, a woman is recommended special gymnastics and standing in the knee-elbow position. This helps a lot.


The accumulation of subcutaneous fat is one of the most important processes during this period, because how much of it is formed depends on how the baby will be able to retain heat after birth. While fat deposits predominate on the cheeks, lower back, neck. The deposition of subcutaneous tissue begins in the buttocks. A cute chubby booty is coming soon.

The child looks proportional enough. Head, body, limbs - everything is in visual "balance". A week earlier, the baby began to take a natural "flexion" posture. It ceases to fit in the uterus in an unbent state, it becomes cramped.

Now, due to the fact that the baby is tightening the legs, it may be difficult to diagnose the baby's gender by ultrasound. If earlier it was not possible to find out the sex, now the accuracy of the determination is low: the genitals are closed with legs, umbilical cord, handles.

All facial features of the baby are fully formed. The eyes still seem large, but this is due to some thinness. As you gain weight, this visual "deception" will dissipate.

The ears are slightly protruding: the cartilage tissue does not harden immediately, it takes time. The eyebrows, which a couple of weeks ago resembled Brezhnev's - heavy and large, decrease, stop hanging over the eye sockets.

There is a layer of cheese-like lubricant on the baby's body, which protects the skin, which has not yet completed the formation of all its protective functions. The lubricant fixes and holds the layer of original lanugo hair. They appeared almost immediately, as soon as hair follicles were formed, and at 28 weeks the baby begins to get rid of them.

The skin becomes more and more perfect, the need for lubrication remains only in folds, where friction is possible, and in vulnerable places - groin, folds on the arms and legs, neck folds. Closer to childbirth, the lubricant will remain mainly there. There is almost no need for lanugo either. Hair falls out. By this week, the baby has gotten rid of about a tenth of the hairline.

Nervous system

The baby's movements are already reminiscent of the movements of a newborn baby. To achieve this, the nervous system had to work hard, and its formation is not yet complete. The kid owns several reflexes that are important for survival - sucking, swallowing and grasping. This is just the "tip of the iceberg". In addition to them, the baby already has muscle and tendon reflexes, tonic and cervical.

Experts also refer to reflexes as respiratory movements, which are now perfectly visible on ultrasound. The kid does them irregularly. Doctors believe that this is how the baby improves its blood circulation, since during such movements the pressure inside the abdominal cavity decreases and the blood flow to the vena cava increases. Also, respiratory movements at 28 weeks actively prepare the lungs and bronchi for future spontaneous breathing.

All major divisions of the central and peripheral nervous systems are formed. The development of the brain proceeds most intensively. Now centers have been formed in it, which will subsequently be responsible for thinking, analytical abilities, perception of speech, and images. The functional component of the thermoregulation center is laid.

New neurons are produced in huge numbers every hour. They build new neural and neuromuscular connections, connecting muscles with the brain, so the baby is already quite good for its age to control the movements of the arms and head.

The brain is now interconnected with the adrenal cortex, the child has its own hormonal background, and growth hormones are one of the first to be synthesized.

In a baby, one of the hemispheres already predominates over the other. If he prefers to suck on the cam of the right handle more often, he is already right-handed, if with the left, he is left-handed. In rare cases, ambidexters are born - people who are equally good at using both the right and left hand.

The brain is already receiving signals from the senses. The kid listens and hears how the mother's body sounds from the inside, he especially likes her voice and the beat of her heart.

External sounds are heard with difficulty: the thick abdominal wall, placenta, amniotic fluid interfere. But the baby is able to hear something - loud bangs, calls, loud voices, music. The kid becomes less fearful than a week earlier, he gradually gets used to sounds from the outside.

The optic nerve begins to send the first images to the brain. While these are colored spots of different sizes. But now the baby "understands" the danger of bright light: the corresponding reflex makes him close his eyes if a strong beam of light is directed at the pregnant woman's belly.

The sense of smell is practically formed, the baby has mastered the sense of touch a long time ago. From the 28th week, he becomes more picky about "food" - taste buds are improved. Now the baby has access to subtle nuances of tastes.

The baby sleeps about 21-22 hours a day. He sees dreams, since his REM sleep phase is already recorded in hardware. The baby is very sensitive to maternal emotions and experiences, so now it is very important to protect the expectant mother from stress and shock.

Internal organ development

All internal organs of the baby are working normally. They are formed and now only increase in size. Digestion is established: the baby drinks amniotic fluid, lanugo and the epithelial cells that are present in it are not digested and are sent directly to the intestines, where, mixing with bile, they become the basis of the original feces - meconium.

The baby will empty the intestines after birth. In some cases, intrauterine bowel movements occur. It is usually associated with severe fetal hypoxia, and meconium in the waters is the basis for early delivery.

The baby's heart pumps more than 20 liters of blood per day, works like a clock, the normal heart rate at the 28th week of pregnancy is 140-169 beats per minute. All blood vessels are fully formed... The baby develops all the structural blood cells. The kidneys are busy with the production of urine, the baby pees once an hour or a little less often.

The most global processes this week are taking place in the baby's respiratory organs. In the lungs, the formation of alveoli - small bubbles - direct participants in gas exchange is completed. To prevent their walls from sticking together after the first exhalation, a special substance is needed - a surfactant. Immature alveoli are now engaged in its production.

The more a crumb accumulates a surfactant by the time of its birth, the more chances of survival it will have. A common cause of death in premature babies is acute respiratory failure, which develops due to a small amount of surfactant.


7 month old babies survive very well if they are born prematurely. Everyone knows about this, even people who are far from medicine. If childbirth occurs at 28 weeks, the baby will be considered exactly seven months old. About 95% of babies are viable at this time.

According to the medical classification of prematurity, they are considered deeply premature, and for a certain time they will need a special incubator. In it, the child will "ripen", receive oxygen and warm up, since the amount of subcutaneous tissue that has accumulated in the child by the 28th week is not enough for the body to keep warm.

In the incubator, the baby will have to spend as much time as it takes for him to gain 1 kilogram 700 grams in weight. Then the baby will be transferred to a heated bed, and when his weight exceeds 2 kilograms, the baby and mother will go home.

Those born at the 28th week of pregnancy have not only high chances of survival, but also slightly reduced risks for the development of pathologies of the nervous system, although this option cannot be completely ruled out: an immature nervous system can present a lot of unpleasant "surprises", which no one will undertake to calculate and predict even the most experienced doctor.

Your baby is on ultrasound

A referral to an ultrasound scan at the 28th week of pregnancy is issued only for special medical reasons, which include the threat of premature birth, suspicions of fetal dysfunction, and pathology of the placenta.

There is no official harm from ultrasound.

Opponents of the study point out that the effects of ultrasound are not yet fully understood. Therefore, this question remains at the discretion of the pregnant woman herself and her family members.

If, nevertheless, an ultrasound is planned to be done at week 28, you should know what the norms of the baby's development are on average typical for the current week:

  • BPR - 65-79 mm;
  • LZR - 83-99 mm;
  • DBK - 49-57 mm;
  • DCG (tibia or length of the tibia) - 45-53 mm;
  • DCT (length of the shoulder bones) - 45-53 mm;
  • Head circumference - 245-275 mm;
  • Abdominal circumference - 220-280 mm.

The placenta is now 22-37 mm thick, most often 28-29 mm. Her degree of maturity this week is normal - zero. In case of premature aging of the placenta, a woman is prescribed a special treatment, which is designed to maintain the “child's place” in a functional state as long as possible.

Dangers and risks

The woman's immunity is greatly reduced, and it is this reason that becomes the main risk factor at the 28th week of pregnancy. At the very beginning of pregnancy, a decrease in immune defense is indispensable: this mechanism is provided so that the mother's immunity does not reject the embryo. As a result, by the middle of pregnancy, immunity decreases by about 30%, and by 28 weeks it becomes even weaker.

This creates a real threat of infection with influenza or ARVI, other viral and bacterial infections. Even a common cold can haunt a woman more often and be more severe than usual. Often women at this time are faced with angina, conjunctivitis, rhinitis and bronchitis.

By themselves, these ailments for the baby are no longer as dangerous as it was at the very beginning of the gestation period. It is much more dangerous for a woman and a child now to try to treat a runny nose or reduce fever with folk remedies or drugs, the reception of which is not agreed with the doctor.

The danger of premature birth can lie in wait for any woman, not only pregnant women at risk of miscarriage, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, etc.

To reduce the likelihood of the onset of labor at such an early date for this period will help a correct lifestyle and a woman's attentive attitude to her health and the need to follow the recommendations.

Now you should avoid sudden movements, injuries, heavy lifting and unbearable physical exertion. In case of deterioration of health, you should immediately consult a doctor: in many cases, premature birth can be stopped in a hospital with the help of medication. Under the supervision of doctors, such a pregnant woman will have to stay for several weeks.

Improper nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and pressure of the uterus on the intestines and lower vena cava at this time can cause symptoms of hemorrhoids - itching in the anus, pain during bowel movements, burning, blood during bowel movement. You don't need to endure them: in the third trimester, you can use a fairly wide range of drugs for this delicate ailment. A doctor may recommend a specific remedy.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a full examination is required for women who go on maternity leave - expectant mothers of twins or triplets. For other women, as before, only a general blood test is recommended, which will show if the woman has gestational diabetes and anemia, and a general urine test, according to which the doctor will assess the work of the pregnant woman's kidneys and make sure that she does not have preeclampsia.

Rh-negative women this week have a blood test for an antibody titer, if the test was not done a week ago, and if necessary, an anti-Rh immunoglobulin is administered.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman's diet should become more high-calorie - the need for calories rises to 3200 Kcal. This does not mean that you can now eat fried and fatty foods.

  • Plan to go on maternity leave, try to transfer all cases to colleagues, do not leave unfinished business and unresolved issues. You are entitled to sick leave from 30 weeks. You can calculate the amount of maternity payments taking into account income for the last two years using special calculators.
  • Going on vacation or traveling to gain strength before childbirth, be sure to check with the airline company if you need a doctor's certificate that the flight does not threaten your health. Usually, such certificates are required from all expectant mothers starting from the 28th week of pregnancy.
  • Sex itself at 28 weeks is not prohibited if the pregnancy proceeds without complications and threats. But now he demands from partners a more reverent attitude towards the position of a woman. Anal sex, positions that put pressure on the abdomen, and positions with deep penetration are contraindicated.
  • If the child's dowry has not yet been prepared, you can go shopping this week. The pregnant woman still has the strength for this, a trip to the store will not turn into a continuous torment. If you put it off until a later date, you will have to make purchases with the last effort.

  • Remember that your little one feels everything. Read fairy tales to him and sing songs, watch good films, in which there are no bloody scenes and violence, listen to soft, pleasant music: good taste and a sense of beauty are being formed now. Avoid scandals, screams, swearing, negativity and stress.

28 weeks pregnant: what happens during this period?

By the twenty-eighth week, the woman had already experienced many new sensations associated with her "interesting position." Now most of her worries associated with the need to maintain pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus are left behind: more and more often her thoughts are occupied by the upcoming birth, especially since childbirth at 28 weeks of gestation can already happen and occur without disastrous consequences for the baby.

The level of development of modern medicine is such that the chances of a successful delivery and survival of a child born at twenty-eight weeks are great.

And yet it is necessary to continue to carefully monitor your well-being: after all, nature provides for bearing a fetus for 9 months - so the baby will be born fully prepared for life.

  1. 28 weeks pregnant: fetal development - what happens to the baby?
  2. Discharge at 28 weeks gestation

28 weeks pregnant - how many months is it?

Week 28 marks the entry into the last, third trimester of pregnancy. How many months has the expectant mother been in the waiting process? Calculations will show that it is 7 months.

A child born during this period in official medicine will be called a newborn, that is, the process of fetal rejection is no longer a spontaneous abortion, but childbirth, which should end with the birth of a viable baby. Knowing which month is the 28th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother will take preterm birth a little more calmly: at the 7th month they should pass without disastrous consequences.

28 weeks pregnant: fetal development - what's new with the baby?

At 28 weeks pregnant, what happens to the baby? At this stage, the child has a set of reflexes characteristic of an infant:

  • hears perfectly;
  • begins to see;
  • senses.

He feels the taste of amniotic fluid: so, as soon as the mother eats some sweet piece - for example, a chocolate bar - the movements in the lower abdomen become more active, the baby is happy to swallow water.

At 28 weeks, the baby has a real dream, only it does not yet look like an adult's dream. It resembles a phase of REM sleep, in which there is a change in the expression of the baby's face and the movement of the eyeballs. Slow sleep will form to. Most of the time of the day, the fetus sleeps, occasionally waking up.

In the cerebral cortex, the centers of perception and reproduction are laid. B - it is possible to determine which hemisphere of the cerebral cortex prevails so that parents know who they will have: right-handed or left-handed, and are ready for the fact that, for example, the left hand will become the leading one in the baby. By the way, left-handers are usually very talented and versatile people, so there is no need to be upset that a child is not like others and try to retrain him.

But this already refers to a rather distant future, but for now let's talk about pregnancy at 28 weeks:

  • what happens to mom;
  • what is the rate of perturbations;
  • what should be the location of the fetus;
  • is it worth worrying if a small belly;
  • what should be the size of the mother's abdomen;
  • what her weight gain will be, and let's pay attention to a number of other issues.

Pregnancy 28 weeks: baby development

At 28 weeks, the weight and height of a child are a little closer to those parameters that a normal full-term baby has: for example, the height of a future inhabitant of the Earth is about 39 cm, the weight of a child can be a kilogram or a little more. However, the norm of the child's weight is relative, because, for example, in the case of multiple pregnancies, this figure will be less. If, genetically, a woman has a large fetus, then the future baby weighs a little more.

What happens to the fetus? The fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy is already an almost fully formed little person. At 28 obstetric week of pregnancy, what does the baby look like? He looks like an ordinary newborn, only too small and too "thin". His main goal for the remaining couple of months is to gain weight. In addition, at this stage of the child's development, his respiratory system is actively formed, going through the last preparatory "steps" before the upcoming birth.

Baby at 28 weeks pregnant: preventing complications

If the baby is developing normally at 28 weeks of gestation, the mother should not experience acute painful and other unpleasant sensations. However, as the fetus develops, the woman's sensations will still change. What can be considered the norm, and what should be the reason for going to the doctor and undergoing additional examinations?

The 28th week of pregnancy is characterized by the following sensations:

  • periodically pulls the stomach (more precisely, pulls the lower abdomen);
  • at times the stomach turns to stone;
  • pulls the lower back;
  • colostrum is excreted;
  • , constipation;
  • lower back hurts;
  • are possible.

All these are normal phenomena that have physiological reasons: the weight of a child at 28 weeks of gestation is already very noticeable, and if you add here the weight of the amniotic fluid, it turns out that a woman constantly carries an additional load with her. Naturally, such a load affects the condition of the spine, causing pain in the lower back.

On an ultrasound scan, the doctor will notice the tone of the uterus (Utrozhestan can be prescribed to normalize the situation), determine how the child lies, see the reasons why the baby has begun to move less, say whether the baby's development is normal, is the weight of the fetus normal, what are the chances of a premature birth child. In addition, he will see a short cervix - if it has undergone such changes long before the expected date of birth, measures will need to be taken to maintain the pregnancy.

Tests may include amniotic fluid analysis. A special smear will be taken from a woman, which contains fetal scales, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, hormones. Based on the results, they will give a conclusion about possible pathologies.

They will also take blood and urine tests. If found, this may indicate the development of gestosis, especially in combination with edema. An exacerbation of pyelonephritis will also cause protein to enter the urine, but in combination with. All of these conditions require hospitalization and treatment.

If amylase is elevated in the blood, then most often this indicates problems with the pancreas and the threat of development. The mother needs to pay close attention to her nutrition.

Stirring at 28 weeks gestation

By the time of 28 weeks, the child often worries his parent. Regular movements are a sign of the normal development of the baby.

How much should the baby move? On average, there are 8 to 10 movements per hour. But this is if the child is awake. If it seems to you that the child does not move much, wait a few hours - perhaps your future heir is simply asleep. And he is able to sleep for a long time. However, this is quite individual: children are all different.

Some features of the "interesting position"

So you have reached the 28 week mark. What do you need to know in order to behave correctly during this period?

You should find out what is the rate of weight gain for the mother (most likely, the doctor will give a figure of up to 11 kg), so as not to "go over too much": this will lead to difficult childbirth, a large fetus can cause ruptures. It is important to know the rate of fetal movements so as not to miss the moment when they, for some reason, become weaker.

It is advisable to know the location of the child: the breech presentation of the fetus at this time is still subject to adjustment.

How to sleep for a future mother? Best on the side so that there is no pressure on the inferior vena cava. It is necessary to treat any, observe bed rest for the duration of treatment in order to avoid complications.

And finally, about the most interesting thing: pregnancy with a boy and a girl: are there any differences? If the ultrasound does not show anything due to the baby's unwillingness to turn around "correctly", pay attention to folk signs:

  • the volume of the abdomen is small, the weight "went" to the sides?
  • craving for sweets?

You are probably pregnant with a girl!

The belly is "sharp", you want more salty, the expectant mother blooms with beauty, like a May rose? Most likely, you will have a boy!

Regardless of whether you are expecting a girl or a boy, try to tune in as positive as possible, think only about the good and lead a correct lifestyle. A new stage in your life will soon begin - difficult, incomprehensible, filled with troubles, but very happy. I wish you health and patience!

28 week of pregnancy - video

28 obstetric week is 26 weeks from conception - embryonic gestation, as well as 28 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation.
Wait for the birth of the long-awaited baby you do not have so long. The last trimester starts this week and ends on the last day of your pregnancy, which is usually 40 weeks or so. You dream of a child and your child dreams of you!

Baby size at 28 weeks gestation

What happens to the fetus at 28 weeks

As the baby grows, there is less room for movement in the uterus. It fills all the free space. Although the baby still remains active, he develops his own regime, thanks to which he is awake at one time and asleep at another. All mothers feel such wakefulness of babies in the womb. The fetus continues to actively develop tactile skills. This is manifested in feeling the reach zone and holding the umbilical cord with the handles. The baby recognizes the mother's voice, this will allow him to calm him down after birth.

Maturation processes in the lungs continue. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the adrenal glands of the fetus produce hormones that stimulate the formation of surfactant in the alveoli more intensive than before (it covers them like a film from the inside). The alveoli themselves (small vesicles at the ends of the bronchi) begin to come into contact with the blood vessels. This is a preparation for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood, which will be necessary for the fetus after birth, when it begins to breathe on its own.

The lungs of a child at 28 weeks of age, in urgent need (in case of premature birth), can inhale oxygen with hardware support. Surfactant (a substance that prevents the alveoli in the lungs from sticking together) is still quite small.

The structures of the central nervous system mature - there are more cells in the cerebral cortex, convolutions and grooves are formed. The centers responsible for taste and sound perception are activated. Sucking and grasping reflexes are formed (the baby is already sucking his finger and pulling the umbilical cord with his handles).

The next few weeks of gestation will be largely devoted to the development and improvement of the brain.

What does a baby look like at 28 weeks pregnant

The child is recovering sharply and his weight reaches 1–1.3 kg. The skin becomes smoother and softer. The cilia are lengthened, becoming more fluffy. The hair on the head becomes longer and thicker, in addition, pigment begins to be synthesized, which colors them. The baby loses its transparency and colorlessness. The fingernails and toenails continue to grow and approach the edge of the toes.

The formation of muscles is completed, muscle strength is growing, which the mother cannot but notice from the intense movements of the child. The formation of the skeletal system is also coming to an end. Further, the bones will accumulate calcium and harden.

The formation of brown fat, which is necessary for heat exchange processes, continues. If premature birth occurs, this fat will prevent the baby from hypothermia.

Your baby is the size of a large eggplant! Weight approximately 1200-1300 grams, height 370-380 mm, heart rate 120-160 bpm.

Fetal development at 28 weeks gestation

With the onset of the 28th week of pregnancy, a full-fledged person is already in the uterus of the expectant mother.

  • The alveoli in the lungs continue to develop.

  • The mass of the brain increases.

  • Typical convolutions and grooves appear on the surface of the cerebral cortex.

  • The ability to distinguish between subtle varieties of taste appears.

  • The ability to respond to sounds is developed (the baby can respond to the voice of the mother and father with slight movements).

  • Such reflexes are formed as sucking (the baby in the mother's tummy sucks its thumb) and grasping.

  • Muscles are forming.

  • The child's movements become more active.

  • A certain biological clock is set (period of activity and period of sleep).

  • The baby's bones are finishing their formation (however, they are still flexible and will harden until the first weeks after birth).

  • The kid has already learned how to open and close his eyes, as well as blink (the reason is the disappearance of the pupillary membrane).

What happens in a woman's body at 28 weeks of gestation

The belly is already so rounded that you can only wear special clothes for pregnant women. The child grows and the uterus increases in size, now it is located at a distance of 28 cm from the pubic articulation. The fundus of the uterus has risen to the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum.

By the end of the 28th week, the woman is gaining 7-9 kg relative to her pre-pregnancy weight.

Expectant mothers note that urination has become more frequent than in previous weeks. The reason for this is the growing uterus, which presses on the bladder with more force.

Heartburn can occur due to the release of certain hormones that relax the muscles of the digestive system. Many hormones also affect stomach acidity, which can cause discomfort. To get rid of this unpleasant sensation, exclude smoked meats, salty and fermented milk products from the diet, take antacids approved during pregnancy.

Already from the 28th week or from the seventh month, a pregnant woman should gain no more than 50 g per day, and no more than 500 g per week, or, best of all, 300 g. The most normal weight gain of a pregnant woman is 8-10.5 kg for the entire period ... The weight of a pregnant woman should be very carefully monitored, constantly weighed and adhere to the correct diet, which is necessary for both mother and baby.

Discharge from the genital tract of a light milky color, uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir are considered normal.

Hormones do not always have a positive effect on the skin, it becomes dry, which further contributes to the appearance of stretch marks on the hips, chest and abdomen. In addition to an aesthetic problem, stretch marks also cause a feeling of constant itching. Scratching and infection should be avoided.

If seizures occur, it is recommended to rest, massage and lead a healthy lifestyle. Very often, calf cramps are manifested due to a lack of nutrients in the body that are spent on the development of the baby. You can read more about preventing calf cramps during pregnancy at.

Feelings of pain in the back and abdomen are caused by the growing uterus, which displaces nearby internal organs and presses on the sciatic nerve. When the sciatic nerve is affected, pain occurs in the legs and lower back. You can relieve this condition by lying on your side, thereby reducing the load on the spine, sciatic nerve and internal organs.

Belly at 28 weeks gestation

The belly is getting bigger and bigger, it may be more difficult for you to move around, do your usual work. Do not be zealous, ask loved ones for help.

Video blog - 28 weeks pregnant

A pregnant woman does not yet experience severe severity at this time, but heaviness in the legs is already beginning to appear, spider veins may appear on the hips and legs. The fact is that the 28th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the rapid growth of the uterus, which now compresses the blood vessels, causing venous congestion in the lower half of the body. If you have had varicose veins before pregnancy or if your immediate family suffers from this ailment, take care of your legs now. In orthopedic stores, you can find special tights or stockings that will moderately compress the lower legs, supporting the walls of the vessels. If you experience cramps or pains while urinating, see your doctor. These symptoms may indicate cystitis.

If the weight gain is more than 9 kg, you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The most common cause of excess weight gain is gestosis. The sooner treatment is started, the less likely it is that pregnancy complications will occur.

If we take into account the fact that weight gain accelerates at 28 weeks of gestation, then it is worth very carefully monitoring the regimen. It is best to eat small meals and often about 5-6 times a day. Also choose healthy, wholesome food, which will fill the body with various useful microelements. If we take into account the calorie content of food, then for a pregnant woman in the seventh month, the total number of calories received per day should not exceed 3000 units. The bulk of these calories should be in the first half of the day. And after 7 pm it is best not to eat at all, well, except that kefir or milk, apples and light vegetable salads are also allowed.

Invest energy in your food! For a change, try the following nutritious and energy-rich snacks:

  • fresh vegetables,

  • puree with fresh vegetables,

  • low-fat cheese and fruits,

  • low-fat cottage cheese and fruits,

  • low fat yogurt and fruits,

  • nuts,

  • nut butter and apples,

  • nut butter and celery with grapes,

  • peanut butter on whole grain crackers or bread.

Good to know
Eat not for two, but for two. The contents of your plates should be healthy and balanced. It is imperative to include fresh and thermally processed vegetables and fruits in the diet - they will help to normalize the bowel function. It is best to drink pure non-carbonated water, compotes, fruit drinks, green tea. Set aside coffee and sodas until you stop breastfeeding.

A pregnant woman should be very careful - the softening of the ligaments and joints contribute to the fact that her gait becomes "duck". She can easily slip, fall, not support the kettle with boiling water and drop it. The 28th week of pregnancy is a very "traumatic" period for a woman, and therefore she must abandon unstable heeled shoes in favor of shoes with a closed heel and low flat soles.

During this period of pregnancy, a woman should not be on her feet for a long time - just like sitting in one position all day. As often as possible, she needs to change her body position, warm up, walk. The movements of the expectant mother help to deliver the baby more nutrients and oxygen. The activity of a woman within reasonable limits, changes in the position of the body in space contribute to the elimination of pain in the back and legs, edema, and serve as the prevention of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

In late pregnancy, many women choose to sleep on their sides with a pillow under their belly - this way they wake up less at night.

Stirring fetus. Pearson test

Experts recommend counting fetal movements, starting exactly from the 28th week of pregnancy.

Doctors-obstetricians recommend using the test of fetal movement D. Pearson "Count to ten." On a special card, the number of fetal movements from 28 weeks of pregnancy is noted daily. The perturbations count starts at 9:00 and ends at 21:00. Start counting fetal movements at exactly 9 am, record the time of the 10th movement in a table or graph. A small number of movements (less than 10 per day) may indicate oxygen deficiency in the fetus and is a reason to see a doctor.

You are tormented by conflicting feelings: on the one hand, it seems to you that you have been pregnant for a hundred years, on the other, you are worried about childbirth and the birth of a baby. A checklist of things to do before giving birth will distract you. Start by choosing a name and think about how your life will be after childbirth.

Think about the upcoming birth. How do you want them to proceed? Whether your meeting with your child at home or in the hospital, whether you need a pool or a bath, what is your attitude to pain relief during childbirth - it is better to think over all this in advance. Make a birthing plan. The better you can imagine what you want, the more chances that everything will go the way you want it. But remember, it's always worth thinking about fallbacks, because your little one's plans may not quite coincide with yours.

As a rule, by 28 weeks, the fetus is in the uterus as it plans to be born. Most often, head down. If a transverse, oblique or breech presentation is found, the woman may be assigned exercises that will help the baby roll over. If he cannot be “persuaded”, then he will most likely have to be born by caesarean section. But do not panic in advance - the baby still has enough time to roll over, the tactics of childbirth in any case will be determined by your doctor in conversation with you, you have time to make a decision of your doctor, convince him or wait for a miracle from your baby.

Do not forget to wear a bandage - it will help to avoid the pressure of the baby's head on the neck and prevent it from early disclosure. The bandage will also relieve the back and reduce discomfort. It is not recommended to wear a bandage only for women in whom the baby has not taken the correct (head) presentation.

If you're working, it's time to think about whether you're going to take maternity leave on time.

If you have multiple pregnancies, take a sick leave from your obstetrician-gynecologist. Your maternity leave starts at 28 weeks.

Dangers at 28 weeks gestation

The risk of premature birth is also present this week - a rapidly growing baby puts pressure on the cervix and can contribute to its early disclosure. When weights are lifted, sudden movements or for no apparent reason, rupture of the membranes with rupture of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor can occur. The same reasons can cause premature placental abruption - this is the most dangerous condition - oxygen supply to the baby is disrupted and he may die.

Sharp, severe pain in the lower abdomen at 28 weeks gestation may indicate premature placental abruption. With placental abruption, the separation of blood from the genital tract is usually also observed. However, internal bleeding can also occur: then the blood does not come out, and the expectant mother feels severe sharp pains in the abdomen, often so strong that it is almost impossible to touch the abdomen.

Good to know

In any case, bloody discharge from the genital tract, repeated regular cramping pains in the abdomen, or sudden acute pain in the abdomen are the reason for an immediate call to the ambulance team and hospitalization.

There is also a significant risk of fetal infection, which is associated with a decrease in immunity during pregnancy, and colpitis that is constantly repeated against this background.

Note! Aching pain in the lower abdomen may be associated with a malfunction of the digestive system. Flatulence, constipation, colitis, dysbiosis, and even a too heavy dinner - any or the above factors can provoke the onset of painful sensations in the abdomen.

Tests at 28 weeks of gestation

If you are scheduled to appear at the antenatal clinic at this time, then, most likely, the doctor will recommend passing such control tests as a general urine test, a general blood test, an antibody titer with a negative Rh factor. In addition, according to indications, smears will be taken for flora, sowing will be performed.

It is mandatory to measure the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, blood pressure on both arms and the weight of the pregnant woman with an estimate of the increase for the entire pregnancy and since the last weighing.

With normal gestation, the ultrasound procedure is performed only three times during the entire period of pregnancy.

For an ultrasound examination at week 28, a woman is sent only for indications, or, if for some reason, she did not have time to do it earlier. In this case, all measurements included in the study protocol are made.

With an ultrasound scan of the fetus at 28 weeks of gestation, measurements are made of the main parameters that are important for assessing the normal pace of development of the fetus. Also this week of pregnancy, ultrasound will allow you to correctly determine the volume of amniotic fluid, the state of the placenta and blood circulation.

With ultrasound of the fetus at 28 weeks of pregnancy, the position of the fetus is determined: head, transverse or pelvic. More often than not, children are already in a head position. If you were told that the child is still sitting on the priest or lying across - do not be discouraged! He still has a lot of chances to roll over into the correct head presentation for childbirth. When the fetus is in the pelvic and lateral position, the likelihood that you will need a C-section is much higher.

Fetometry (fetal size) with ultrasound of the fetus at 28 weeks of gestation is normal

  • BPR (biparietal size) 6–79 mm.

  • LZ (frontal-occipital size) 83–99 mm.

  • OG (fetal head circumference) 245-285 mm.

  • Coolant (fetal abdominal circumference) 21–285 mm.

Normal size of long bones on ultrasound of the fetus at 28 weeks of gestation

  • The femur is 49–57 mm.

  • The humerus is 45–53 mm.

  • Forearm bones 39–47 mm.

  • The lower leg bones are 45–53 mm.

28 week of pregnancy- this is already the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy, its third trimester. There is very little time left until the baby is born. Ahead is preparation for this wonderful event. Although many women continue to go to work at the 28th week of pregnancy, thoughts of rest are more and more frequent. Many expectant mothers from time to time forget about their interesting position and lead a normal life, despite some ailments. At the 28th week of pregnancy, it is unacceptable to carry weights and over-tire yourself.

Stirring at 28 weeks of gestation.

At this stage of the development of pregnancy, the baby's movements are clearly felt, which indicates the high activity of the fetus. Women can both feel and see superficial movements of the skin of their abdomen. This means that the baby makes active movements inside the womb. Sometimes you can observe how the woman's belly shifts to the right and then to the left.

At 28 weeks gestation, active fetal movement is normal. This will last until about 32 weeks of gestation. When the grown-up baby finds itself cramped in the woman's uterus, its activity will decrease.

Despite the fact that by the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman is gaining about 9 kilograms of weight, she can still afford sufficient activity. Though the moments of awkwardness are already present. Many possible ailments accompanying period of pregnancy, the woman is already used to it. Since every woman has different symptoms of pregnancy, not all expectant mothers are prone to feeling unwell.

Fetal weight at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

On At 28 weeks pregnant, the baby already weighs more than a kilogram, in length, the fruit can reach 34 cm. The fruit has changed significantly, it has become large, can blink and distinguish between sour and sweet tastes. But despite this, the future baby does not yet have clearly formed taste preferences. He likes what his mom eats. If the future woman in labor likes to eat spicy and seasoned food, the child will also get used to it. Now is the time to instill healthy taste in your baby.

Fetus at 28 weeks gestation.

On 28 weeks of pregnancy the future baby is already quite strong, has become stronger, its weight fluctuates within 1.3 kg. This is evidenced by its strong tremors in the womb. An interesting fact is that the activity of the baby is manifested mainly at night. During the day, he behaves more calmly. This is due to the fact that in the daytime the movements of the mother calm him down, lull him to sleep. Therefore, the child prefers sleep during the day.

Most babies by this period of pregnancy are placed in the womb, head down. Often, babies who have not yet taken a head-down position by the 28th week of pregnancy do it a little later. So, there should be no reason to worry.

There are cases that children are born prematurely, namely at 28 weeks of gestation. Their chances are not great, but modern medicine is taking care of such crumbs more and more confidently.

There is no reason for fears and worries at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman is already less worried about the possibility of premature birth and various complications. Most of the pregnancy was left behind and the woman was psychologically already tuned in to a positive outcome. And the upcoming maternity leave is inspiring. If fear and anxiety persist, it is advisable to make an appointment with a psychologist who will help you tune in to a positive result.

Healthy eating at twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

In this period development of pregnancy many women do not avoid edema. In this case, you should change the drinking regime. An observing doctor will help to understand this, and he will give appropriate recommendations. Salt should be consumed in minimal amounts, as it promotes water retention in the body. You should also not eat spicy and pickled foods. Having tuned in to a healthy diet from the very beginning of pregnancy, you must adhere to it now.

You should continue to eat vegetables, fruits, sour - dairy products, juices, cereals, beef in the diet.

Rhesus analysis is a conflict at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

If a woman has a negative blood rhesus, she will have to be tested for antibodies. This must be done in order to exclude the presence of Rh - a conflict between a woman and an unborn child.

Urine and blood tests at 28 weeks of gestation surrender before the examination, ultrasound is prescribed only for special indications.

Weight of a woman at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight changes significantly.... And this entails changes in her figure and gait. It is necessary to put on beautiful clothes according to your size. You should not wear tight-fitting dresses, as this will entail some discomfort. The use of oils that help prevent stretch marks on the body is essential.

28 weeks pregnant - mid-seventh month and third trimester. There is not much time left before the birth, however, you should still thoroughly prepare for this event physically and mentally. Most expectant mothers continue to work actively, but are already thinking about a well-deserved rest - decree.

At the term - 28 weeks attention of the baby's photo
how much change
in the clinic phase

By week 28, the baby's height is 33-34 cm, weight is about 1-1.3 kg. What happens to the baby at this stage of pregnancy.

  1. The baby already uses the senses, feels the taste and smell of products that enter the mother's body, gets used to them. A woman's taste preferences become the main ones in the formation of a child's tastes. So, if the mother prefers spicy dishes, the child also gets used to them.
  2. Eyes open, the baby starts blinking.
  3. The brain is actively developing, improving, and increasing its mass. Gyrus appears in the cortex.
  4. The heart rate is 140-150 beats per minute. Changes in heart rate are observed. For example, a baby's heart begins to beat faster when he hears his mother's voice.
  5. The cartilages of the ears and nose are still soft, the nails continue to grow, however, they still do not protrude beyond the edges.
  6. At 28 weeks, the fetus takes a certain position in the uterus. The position of the baby with the head down is considered correct, but he can also rest his legs against the mother's pelvic region. Do not worry about this, it is possible that before giving birth, he will still change his position.
  7. The fluffy hair covering the baby's body is starting to fall off gradually this week. Remains a little on the lower back, back and shoulders.
  8. The child's endocrine system begins to work independently, freeing the pancreas and thyroid glands of the mother from double work.
  9. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the development of the bronchi occurs. The adrenal glands synthesize hormones responsible for the intense formation of surfactant in the alveoli. The alveoli themselves (vesicles located at the ends of the bronchi) begin to contact the blood vessels. This is preparation for the baby's spontaneous breathing after birth.

Already in the third trimester

If premature birth occurs at 28 weeks, the baby is not yet able to survive on its own, since his lungs are not fully developed. However, with the help of qualified neonatologists, special equipment, it can go out. Therefore, childbirth at this time mostly ends positively, it is just that later the baby is in the jail for some time, where it continues to develop.

Starting from 28 weeks, even with a fatal birth, a newborn baby is considered a full-fledged person, he is issued an identity document. Premature birth before 28 weeks, resulting in fetal death, is officially considered a miscarriage.

The 28th week of pregnancy with twins follows a similar scenario, but still has its own differences. Since there are two babies in the uterus, their weight may be less than 1 kg. However, from next week, the twins will certainly put on weight and begin active preparation for birth. If twins develop in a woman's womb, 28 weeks is the period for maternity leave. With triplets, rest is relied on from the 26th week of pregnancy.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound is usually not done, since the second planned study has already passed, and the third will come at 32 weeks. The exception is vital indications and the need to establish some kind of diagnosis in order not to miss the presence of pathology in the mother or child.

If you look at the ultrasound photo at 28 weeks, you can see a fully formed little man who is not much different from an ordinary newborn. The video clearly shows his movements, changes in facial expression. The kid can smile or frown, clap his eyes, suck a finger, squeeze and unclench his hands.

Changes in the mother's body and her feelings

Week 28 is a pretty solid period when a woman has already got used to her position. What changes are taking place with her by this time.

  1. By the end of week 28, the total weight gain is approximately 9 kg. With twins or triplets, the increase may be 15 kg.
  2. Expectant mothers notice that they urinate more often than in the previous weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the enlarged uterus, which increases the pressure on the bladder.
  3. The uterus has risen above the pubic joint by 28 cm, the weight of the placenta is about 0.4 kg.
  4. You may feel severe itching on your abdominal skin as it stretches more and more every day. With insufficient skin elasticity or lack of prophylaxis, purple stripes appear - stretch marks.
    5. Heartburn continues to torment, to which back and lower back pains are added, caused by an increase in the load on the spine.

If you look at the photo of the mother's belly at the 28th week of pregnancy, you can see a rather large and heavy belly, because the weight and size of the baby are quite large.

Treat yourself with great attention, because now there are two of you

Feelings of a woman are quite versatile. On the one hand, the exciting period, when she waited with trepidation for a miscarriage or complications, was left behind. Peace of mind comes from the realization that in an unforeseen situation, the baby can be saved. On the other hand, new experiences appear about the upcoming birth.

  1. The woman feels the active movements of the baby. He can kick quite sensitively in the ribs or in the bladder area. Moreover, the baby is most active at night, preventing the mother from fully sleeping. This is due to the fact that during the day, the movements of the mother have a calming effect on the child, so he prefers to sleep during the day.
  2. The expectant mother constantly listens to the movements of the child, showing concern about the lack of movement, or, conversely, the excessive activity of the baby. From this time on, it is already necessary to count the movements of the fetus. Normally, there should be about ten of them per hour.
  3. On the eve of the 29th week of pregnancy, a woman may feel mild abdominal cramps - the so-called false contractions. This is considered the norm and is a signal that it is time for the expectant mother to go on a well-deserved rest. However, if you experience sharp cramping pains, you need to urgently call your doctor.

The main task of a woman is to listen to her condition, to maintain a good psycho-emotional background. The following recommendations should be adhered to.

RecommendationWhat to do?
Have a good restIt has been proven that pregnancy requires healthy sleep and proper rest. If you continue to work at 28 weeks, take several breaks during the working day, often place your feet on a horizontal surface.
Eat rightThe nutritional scheme now plays a particularly important role, since the expectant mother helps the child to develop fully, instills in him eating habits. It is optimal to consume about 3100 kcal per day, and it is advisable to adhere to a fractional diet (5-6 meals a day). The food should not only be tasty for the mother and child, but be of undoubted benefit to both. Pay special attention to foods high in iron: honey, dried apricots, nuts, cranberries, etc.
Limit fluid volumeSince pregnant women are prone to edema, it is recommended to consume no more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.
Walk moreUnhurried walks in the fresh air perform several functions at once:
  • provide the expectant mother with oxygen;
  • provide the necessary physical activity;
  • bring positive and pacification.
Monitor the psycho-emotional backgroundThe baby is already sensitive to the mood and worries of the mother. If you feel that you cannot control your emotions on your own, start seeing a therapist.
Start preparing for childbirthIt's time to start actively preparing for a responsible event - childbirth. Start attending preparatory courses, special breathing exercises, and gymnastics to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

Potential risks

Starting from the 28th week, expectant mothers should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at least 2 times a month, regularly take urine tests. This will help to control the condition of the pregnant woman and prevent such unwanted complications as edema, gestosis, pregnancy diabetes.

Photo of the baby after ultrasound

Many women are worried about discharge at 28 weeks of gestation. In general, they do not change their character and remain the same as in previous periods: light, uniform consistency.

If the mother noticed any suspicious changes: the appearance of mucus or pus, a yellowish, grayish, greenish color, itching in the perineal region, it is necessary to go to the hospital and get tested, as this is a consequence of an infection and needs treatment.

The following symptoms may indicate preterm birth:

  • bloody vaginal discharge, signaling presentation or placental abruption;
  • pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen;
  • copious watery discharge, indicating the discharge of amniotic fluid.

In the presence of these warning signs, you need to act immediately, take a horizontal position and call an ambulance. Premature birth is often rapid, so you shouldn't try to get to the doctor yourself. Remember: the chances of a baby to survive are great, but only if you immediately seek help.

Many parents during pregnancy are afraid of intimacy because of the fear of harming the baby. Doctors reassure: sex at the 28th week of pregnancy is not prohibited, and even useful as a source of positive emotions. However, you should have sex carefully, choose such positions to avoid pressure on your mom's belly.