Is it possible to wash the spermatozoa. Is soap an effective spermicide? How long do spermatozoa with X and Y chromosomes live

The answers to these and many other questions are the topic of today's article.

What factors affect the viability of spermatozoa

The importance of spermatozoa in human life cannot be overestimated. It is on their viability and mobility, under favorable circumstances, that the outcome of sexual intercourse and the birth of a new life, the birth of a baby and even his family depend.

The life cycle of male spermatozoa is conventionally divided into two periods:

  1. Birth and maturation in the parent organism. It takes about 2 months for the sperm to become an adult, get stronger and get its own individual set of chromosomes. For another month, he waits for the moment of ejaculation, then dies, becomes unable to fertilize the female egg.
  2. Life in the external environment- occurs from the moment of orgasm, when the sperm leaves the parent's body. He either gets into the female vagina, where he has a chance of fertilization, or dies in the open air.

Once every three months, the cellular composition of gametes is updated, which continues throughout the life of a man.

It is important to know how long the sperm is alive and at the same time retains its activity from the moment of ejaculation. On average, life expectancy ranges from several minutes to several days.. It all depends on where they got - into the female body or into the external environment.

The lifespan of spermatozoa depends on many factors, the main of which are:

  • the condition of the reproductive organs of men and women, the presence or absence of chronic or acute diseases, inflammatory processes;
  • body temperature of a man or the environment;
  • the type of environment they entered after sex;
  • exposure to light, including sunlight;
  • the use of lubricants during sexual intercourse;
  • indicators of acid-base balance in the vagina. If the environment is alkaline, then the sperm live longer;
  • taking medications or contraceptives;
  • a set of chromosomes of a particular spermatozoon;
  • individual indicators of the state of sperm: quantity, composition, activity of germ cells;
  • synthetic compounds that may be found in condom lubrication.

The female egg after ovulation lives for a day. This time is enough for a viable sperm to reach it, because it takes him only half an hour.

How long do spermatozoa with X and Y chromosomes live

But there is a difference in the life of spermatozoa. And this is especially important for couples who are planning a child and dream of a girl or a boy:

In fact, scientists still refute such calculations, but why not try?

Sometimes it also happens that in the male line, spermatozoa with Y-chromosomes or with X-chromosomes always die, having structural disturbances and being unviable. This is due to heredity, and in such families, from generation to generation, either only girls or only boys are born.

How does low or high temperature affect spermatozoa

The temperature of the male body and the environment in which he spends a sufficient amount of time plays the most important role in how long sperm live and how active they are.

The most favorable body temperature for sperm is up to 37 degrees. A couple who are planning a pregnancy should also live at home at optimal room temperature.

Elevated temperature

  • if the main working time is associated with elevated temperature conditions, for example, in a production workshop or mine, then most sperm die, and those that survive are not distinguished by activity and viability, are almost incapable of fertilization;
  • a decrease in mobility is also observed in the summer heat, when the thermometer shows 38ºС above zero;
  • a man should avoid wearing tight, tight, and, moreover, synthetic underwear;
  • those who like to take a steam bath and sauna should be on their guard, because they, too, may have problems conceiving a child.

Low temperature

The impact of low temperatures on the body of a man is also fraught with consequences. If a man is in conditions where four degrees below zero for a long time, then not only the death of gametes occurs, but also an imbalance in the functioning of the reproductive system as a whole.

Therefore, it is so important not to ignore warm underwear during frosts, not to sit in the cold, not to touch ice and snow with your hands. Especially during the period when the birth of a new life is planned.

But what about sperm freezing for a donor bank?

After all, she is frozen at high temperatures, but at the same time she retains her abilities during artificial insemination?

It's all about the special technology of such freezing and the conditions for its storage. The process takes place in just a few seconds so that the spermatozoa in a state of shock do not have time to die. But at the slightest deviation from certain storage conditions, they immediately lose their properties and die.

How long do spermatozoa live in the female body

Once in the female body, sperm behave differently. The time of their ability to fertilize depends on various factors related to the state of the female body, the menstrual cycle, their viability:

  • into the vagina an acidic environment prevails, supported by special lactobacilli, under the influence of which most sperm die within 1.5-2 hours. Only the strongest and most mobile remain. They then reach the cervix;
  • in the cervix their life expectancy increases from 4 to 8 days due to the fact that the environment here is alkaline. They begin to move much more actively and in half an hour already reach the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • in pipes during ovulation, an egg ripe for fertilization may already be waiting for them. If it is absent, then sperm live for a week, but lose their fertilizing ability after 3-5 days.

The lifespan of gametes directly depends on the state of health of the female body, including the organs of the reproductive system. Any inflammatory processes change the pH of the medium in the direction of increasing acidity, which has a detrimental effect on most sperm. The presence of genital infections, such as chlamydia, generally have a cytotoxic, killing effect on cells.

How long do spermatozoa live after getting on the genitals, is there a possibility of pregnancy in this case?

The answer to the question is positive. Yes, you can get pregnant, even if, since the spermatozoa are contained in the lubricant and remain on the penis and in the urethra. And in the case of their endurance and activity, they can very much help to get pregnant.

Especially if the sexual intercourse is repeated without having previously performed the necessary hygiene procedures, without washing off the traces of the first.

How long do spermatozoa live in the environment

The spermatozoa in the composition of the ejaculate are in the secretion of the prostate, which contains biologically active substances that support them, nourish them and have a protective effect against the acidic environment in the female vagina. Immune cells perceive them as foreign proteins and try to destroy them. Therefore, it is easy to imagine what happens to spermatozoa when they find themselves in the external environment and lose this protection. In this case, they live for a very short time.

In water

There are from 5 to 10 minutes in the composition of the ejaculate. Once without a nutrient medium, the sperm die in a second.

On the head of the penis and underwear

They die within half an hour. Therefore, during this time, the most active of them, under a positive set of circumstances, can penetrate the vagina, uterus and fertilize the egg.

Under the influence of light and sunlight

Light has a detrimental effect on them, life expectancy is no more than 20 minutes.

In a tied condom

About half an hour if there is no synthetic spermicidal lubricant. Otherwise, they die instantly.

The stories of women tricking them into using sperm from a used condom to get pregnant are true. Inserting sperm into the vagina is not so difficult and time consuming. And some of the gametes may well fertilize the egg.

On open air

After a man has finished outside the female body, sperm can exist for no more than 2 hours. And even having the greatest activity, having overcome the acidic environment of the vagina, they are unlikely to be able to move on.

The high fertility of a man involves the release of a large amount of sperm. In this case, the death of gametes occurs within the next 5 hours.

In the mouth, on the hands, in saliva, in the anus, on any parts of the skin and household items, spermatozoa die within 3-5 hours. And in this case, you should not worry about whether an unwanted pregnancy can occur or not.

On sheets and towel sperm die as soon as the seminal fluid dries up, and the risk of pregnancy in this case is reduced to zero.

Many women want to know if it is possible to conceive a child by collecting fresh sperm in a syringe. Yes, you can, but under favorable circumstances, which depend on the day of the menstrual cycle and the purity of the sperm. This should be done immediately after orgasm in a clean cup, and only then use it in a syringe. In an hour, the possibility of fertilization will be reduced by 5 times.


This analysis of sperm is very relevant today, since the number of childless couples has significantly increased precisely because of male infertility, which is often associated with the composition of sperm, the mobility and viability of gametes, their defects, etc.

After three days of abstinence, a man ejaculates into a special cup, and then experts do a test in which they determine:

  • what is the shape, appearance and size of gametes
  • their activity, how fast they move;
  • density, that is, the content of gametes in semen, is expressed in millions per milliliter;
  • the amount of ejaculate released, which should be no more than a teaspoon.

According to the indicators of the spermogram, they determine how high the ability of a particular man to reproduce offspring, how long spermatozoa live, the ratio of mature and young in the composition of the ejaculate.

Do not forget that such an analysis should be carried out in specialized medical centers with the participation of qualified specialists.

How to increase gamete viability

  • give up tight tight underwear, give preference to free, so-called family shorts;
  • do not overcool, maintain the desired temperature regime of the body and the environment;
  • give up going to the bath or sauna at least a few weeks before the planned conception;
  • do not use various lubricants and gels that reduce the life of the gamete;
  • avoid stress, try not to react to difficult life circumstances with depression and irritability.
  • rest more, do not forget that you need to sleep at least eight hours a day;
  • get rid of bad habits, especially smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • increase physical activity, do not take anabolics and steroids, but at the same time avoid heavy lifting and professional sports;
  • change your diet, do not eat soy and fatty foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, fill your body with the missing nutrients;
  • take vitamin-mineral complexes and immunomodulators, especially during the off-season.

Knowing how long sperm live, you can easily plan a pregnancy or avoid it. And even if scientists are wrong, guess the sex of the long-awaited baby.

Experiences on the basis of the possibility of an accidental pregnancy from sperm that fell on the fingers are many, even among virgins. So is it at least theoretically possible?

First, it should be immediately noted that spermatozoa retain their vitality and mobility only in seminal fluid. Being in the external environment outside the seminal fluid, the sperm cell dies within 10 seconds to 10 minutes.

Secondly, nature is arranged in such a way that from one environment to another (from the male body to the female), spermatozoa enter under pressure, erupting during ejaculation. Then they still have to go about 18 cm to get to the egg. Moreover, this should take place in the most favorable conditions. As soon as these conditions lose their favourability, the spermatozoon loses its mobility, its energy depletion occurs, and then death. After an ejaculation that occurred during a normal sexual intercourse, almost 99% of the spermatozoa that got into the female body die in the first two hours. poses a serious threat to them and only a few have a chance to reach the goal and perform fertilization. Such a vaginal environment protects the reproductive organs of a woman, being a barrier to pathogenic male microflora during sexual intercourse. And spermatozoa, by the way, are no exception, because they also need to go through the same acidic environment.

What conditions are favorable for spermatozoa?

What conditions are favorable for spermatozoa? The most favorable for them is an alkaline environment, only in it the vital activity of spermatozoa is complete. The body of a man, when excited, produces the so-called lubricant (pre-ejaculate), which is an alkaline environment and helps sperm enter the vagina with minimal loss. On average, the retention time for spermatozoa that have entered the vagina during sexual contact ranges from 15 minutes to a maximum of 3 hours. That is, even under favorable conditions, conception is not such a simple matter.

Is it possible to get pregnant from a finger?

A spermatozoon that has fallen on the fingers of the hand loses the protection of the seminal fluid in the air, loses its mobility, oxidizes and dries up. And the subsequent entry into the acidic environment of the vagina, which is detrimental to him, does not at all betray him the energy that is so necessary to overcome the difficult path to the egg, which is beyond the power of many spermatozoa that are not deprived of being in favorable conditions. It is hardly possible to transfer viable spermatozoa into the vagina on the fingers of the hands and fertilize the girl at the same time, especially if the fingers were previously wiped off.


Hello. I had a very ridiculous situation, because of which I am very worried. My last period was September 6th and lasted 7 days. The cycle consists of approximately 30 - 33 days. It follows from this that ovulation was somewhere around the 20th of September, right? In October, I was with a guy, he went to the toilet (it turns out to masturbate, I didn’t know about it). After that, he wiped the sperm with paper, washed his hands with soap and dried everything with a towel. So, is pregnancy possible if he touched my genitals with his hands (did not insert his fingers into the vagina) after these procedures? I took 4 pregnancy tests, the last one I did this morning - all negative. Can pregnancy be ruled out? I `m A virgin.

On this issue, consultations are carried out by practicing physicians. Medical education is verified by the site administration. The service bears full moral and legal responsibility for the quality of consultations.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Surprisingly, despite the abundance of contraceptives offered by pharmacies, long-standing folk remedies do not cease to be of interest to women. It is difficult to give an absolute explanation for this, given that the percentage of their effectiveness is very low.

The effectiveness of various folk remedies for contraception

It is worth considering in more detail the existing folk methods of protection, and also find out how not to get pregnant without protection.

Douching with acidic solutions protects against pregnancy by only 40-50%

Thanks to acidic environment has a paralyzing or even fatal effect on spermatozoa , there is such a way of douching. Many women in the last century actively used it. The main ingredients are a liter of water, naturally boiled, and 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar (not essence!) or half a teaspoon of citric acid. The solution is washed with the vagina in the first minutes (or even seconds) after intercourse. After all, nimble "tadpoles" are moving very quickly towards their cherished goal - the egg. An acidic solution is indeed able to stop moving spermatozoa, but the efficiency of this method does not exceed 40-50% . Don't forget about the hazards of regular contact of the delicate vaginal mucosa and its microflora with such solutions .

A useless method of protection - douching with potassium permanganate

The explanation for this method is most likely this - if a weak manganese solution is a disinfectant for wounds or intestines, that is, it kills various microbes and bacteria, then, therefore, it has the same effect on male sperm cells. The only truth is that a strong jet is really capable of washing the cum out, but nothing does not guarantee that individual active spermatozoa are not hidden in the folds cervix until the onset of "better times". The percentage of effectiveness here is approximately equal to that of the douching method. acidic solutions.

Lemon or soap is a sure way to earn erosion

Another method, which is based on the incompatibility of seminal fluid cells with an acidic environment. The meaning is in the introduction into the vagina before sexual intercourse of a lemon slice or tampon dipped in lemon juice. Irrigation of the vagina with lemon juice was even practiced. Along with a slice of lemon, some advise a bar of laundry soap. Using these methods, just in case, you should be ready to receive burns of the mucous membrane with an aggressive lemon or inflammation of the vagina up to cervical erosion.

Washing urine does not prevent pregnancy

No matter how strange it may sound, there is an opinion that one has only to wash oneself with one's own urine at the end of sexual intercourse, and pregnancy does not threaten a woman. The rationale for this ridiculous method is not clear. . It is clear that there is nothing to say about protection from pregnancy in this case. By the way .

Lovemaking Positions Are Not Pregnancy Prevention

Like to change positions? So it is argued that if ejaculation occurs at a time when a woman is on top or in a standing position, then you can not worry about pregnancy. From the point of view of physics and the laws of attraction, this makes some sense. However, no one told spermatozoa about physics. Moreover, the sperm is ejected with such force that it turns out instantly near the cervix , even though there will be a woman standing, even sitting, even lying down. The verdict is that if you use this method of protection for a healthy man and woman, then pregnancy will happen in the next cycles, that is efficiency is equal to or tends to zero .

Exposure to high temperatures - Japanese method of protection

According to history, this method comes from Japan. Its meaning lies in a man taking a hot bath for 1 hour before lovemaking , as a result of which the spermatozoa die, unable to withstand the elevated temperature for a long time. In fairness, we can note the expediency of such a method. Indeed, even after the usual acute respiratory disease, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the sperm counts of ordinary men are far from normal. It takes at least 3 months to recover. In its turn, a woman can take a hot bath after intercourse that will prevent pregnancy. This is how it is considered by many ancient peoples. To enhance the effect, it is advised to pour liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. mustard powder and pour the resulting mixture into the bath.

Daily lovemaking won't prevent pregnancy

It is widely believed that if a man starts exercising several times a day , then after a few days in his sperm there will be no active spermatozoa suitable for fertilizing the egg. Maybe there is some truth here. After all, it is not for nothing that couples who want to conceive a child are even advised not to exercise 2-3 weeks before ovulation so that the seminal fluid becomes concentrated. But even so, such a method can hardly be called a means of protection. Although it is quite suitable for men with poor quality indicators of spermogram. It is necessary to know that even in dilute semen there is always some amount of spermatozoa present .

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

alya asks:

Hello! Tell me, on the 7th day of the cycle, we caressed each other with a guy, maybe he had pre-ejaculate, then he went to the toilet and urinated, washed his hands and dried with a towel. Then he touched me near the labia, but did not insert his fingers.

In this case, pregnancy can be excluded, because. ejaculation did not occur in the vagina.

Anya asks:

In the presence of timely menstruation, the likelihood of pregnancy is absent. Survival of sperm in the open air depends on many factors. However, any genital intercourse that potentially leads to the penetration of spermatozoa into the vaginal cavity retains the possibility of conception.

alya asks:

Hello. On the 28th day of the cycle, the guy caressed me (inserted his fingers into the vagina). After 2 days, as expected, menstruation began. The cycle is regular. Is it possible that the guy had a little lubrication on his hands after the shower (although 2 hours passed after the shower) And, accordingly, fertilization occurred? !

Fertilization of the egg could not occur, because. you were in the luteal phase of the cycle and a new egg could not be formed. Spermatozoa do not live in the air and are washed away when they enter the water. You don't have to worry because the probability of pregnancy is completely excluded, tk. you have started your menstrual cycle, which in itself rules out pregnancy.

alya asks:

1) Could the spermatozoa, which may be contained in the pre-ejaculate, keep their activity for 3 hours and NOT be washed off with soap and water?
2) Could there be a second ovulation per cycle?
3) Could there be such a late (27-28 day cycle) ovulation? With a 30-day cycle?
Thanks a lot for your answers!!

1. spermatozoa do not retain their viability when they enter water or come into contact with soap.
2. Double ovulation within one cycle is possible.
3. Ovulation on the 28-29th day of the 30-day cycle is not possible.

alya asks:

Thanks for your reply!
Tell me more, my sister had PA, after 2 weeks she was supposed to have her period, but instead she only anointed for 1.5 days, is there any chance that she is pregnant, thanks :)

alya asks:

How often can ovulation occur during one cycle?
Thank you.

During the menstrual cycle, as a rule, one ovulation occurs - this happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Nadia asks:

Unprotected PA occurred on the night of the 7th to 8th day of the cycle (out of 26). He came inside me, but most of it came out the back.
What is the chance of getting pregnant?
Should I use Escapel after 48 hours?
Was it worth taking it at all with erosion on the cervix, and uterine myoma (node ​​2 cm), algomenorrhea and malfunctions in the endocrine system?
3 years ago I took this drug, but almost immediately after PA. I wasn't pregnant, but I got very fat. I don't know if this is it or not?

There is a chance of pregnancy, but if you have pronounced changes in the hormonal background and uterine fibroids, then after taking the emergency contraceptive drug, the condition may worsen. The decision to take this drug is yours. To exclude the development of pregnancy, you can donate blood for hCG, 10 days after intercourse and then consult a gynecologist.

Nadia asks:

Time goes by, but there is still no answer from Vaps :(
Soon it will be simply useless to accept anything.
My boyfriend asks not to take pills. She says that there will be no pregnancy. He has inactive sperm. The doctor told him that his ability to fertilize an egg is only 10-15%.
I'm already worried, please answer soon

Our consultants answer your questions to the best of their ability. The answer to your question has already been sent. Here is its duplicate:
There is a chance of pregnancy, but if you have pronounced changes in the hormonal background and uterine fibroids, then after taking the emergency contraceptive drug, the condition may worsen. The decision to take this drug is yours. To exclude the development of pregnancy, you can donate blood for hCG, 10 days after intercourse and then consult a gynecologist.

alya asks:

Hello, sorry for the intrusiveness, but now the middle of the cycle, and I began to urinate frequently. I don’t doubt your professionalism, but is it really possible to exclude pregnancy in my case? Zoids live in the air? Is it possible for a new egg to mature so late? Or am I panicking in vain, thanks! menstruation proceeded as usual. Thanks a lot!!

Frequent urination may be a manifestation of a urinary tract infection. In the event that there was no hit precisely sperm in the vagina, the possibility of pregnancy is excluded.

alya asks:

Thanks! However, there is a lot of information on the Internet that you can get pregnant from lubrication, that is, with interrupted intercourse, is this true ??

That is, in my case, the probability is completely excluded?

Indeed, spermatozoa may be in the lubricant. In your case, pregnancy is completely excluded.

lerk asks:

at my first sexual intercourse, the member did not enter completely, because it was painful (without a condom), they tried it 4 times. that is, I can still be a "girl". menstruation has passed. nausea in the morning, sometimes below the temperature yesterday, pain in the lower abdomen. went for an ultrasound, everything is fine with the stomach, while a liquid was found in the uterus, the uterus is cold and shifted a little, the doctor said that the liquid is similar to pregnancy, prescribed treatment (such as an inflamed uterus)
Can you tell me if this is pregnancy? I did a test - negative. Please tell me!

Layla asks:

Two weeks ago we were petting with a guy. I am a virgin. He caressed me with his fingers, drove his penis along the genitals and inserted the head literally a centimeter or two, he finished in his hand. Then he went to the bathroom and popped his hand and most likely the penis too. When he returned, I asked where he had finished and he said that it was in his hand and everything was fine. Is there a possibility that I got pregnant? I have a delay of one day, but I have delays, for example, due to stress. I have already read a lot about the symptoms of pregnancy and probably got nervous. It already seems to me that the nipples have become darker, although another time I look and they seem to be the same. And if you look closely, you see that the veins on the chest are visible. The guy assures that she could not get pregnant, but I still worry. What is the probability?

Under the circumstances described above, pregnancy is practically excluded, since there was no ejaculation in the vagina. Delayed menstruation can be associated with feelings and stress. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Delayed menstruation

Milyausha asks:

Please tell me, after the interrupted PA, the partner did not carry out hygiene procedures, then there was a repeated PA, I don’t remember how much time passed, in my opinion somewhere 1 hour maybe more, if the possibility of pregnancy, the question is how many spermatozoa live in the open air, and if there is a possibility that live spermatozoa remained on the penis) I’m waiting for an answer, thank you)

In this situation, the probability of pregnancy is practically absent, since the concentration of spermatozoa in this case is incredibly low for pregnancy. You can get additional information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant

Xenia asks:

On the first day after my period, my partner and I had PA, during which I lost my virginity. They used a condom. Before I put it on, I touched my cock and then didn't wash my hands. After all, some amount of lubricant got on the outside of the condom - could pregnancy have occurred in this case.
It's been about 15 days now, and I feel tension in the lower abdomen, it seems that my breasts have grown. Can I be pregnant?

In this situation, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle and the circumstances, pregnancy is absolutely excluded, so there is no reason for concern. You can get additional information on the issue that interests you in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. You can also get additional information in the following sections of our website.