Do-it-yourself soft cubes patterns. DIY educational toys for toddlers. Cutting out the cubes and creative tailoring

From the first years of a child's life, many parents are puzzled by the purchase of toys for their child. The main requirements for toys for young children are their safety, as well as the benefits for the development of the child.

Such requirements in all respects are met by a soft developing cube, ideas for creating which with your own hands you will learn from our master class.

Such soft cubes are used in the methods of early childhood development by world-famous authors: Zaitsev, Chaplygin, and Nikitin, known for creating transforming cubes on the principle of Rubik's cube.

At the master class, you will learn how to make Zaitsev's cubes with your own hands for your kids from improvised means.

So, in the process of work we need:

  • empty cartons of milk or kefir with a square bottom;
  • a ruler, a simple pencil, glue and wide tape;
  • filler for cubes (coins, cardboard cuttings, bottle plastic and iron caps);
  • self-adhesive paper in yellow, blue and gray colors;
  • stencils with letters or pre-cut letters from paper.

Operating procedure

  • To begin with, we measure seven centimeters along the side of the pre-prepared empty boxes of dairy products with a square bottom (with an edge length of 7 cm) and mark the place of the fold.
  • Then we measure another three centimeters from above and cut off the unnecessary part of the box.
  • We bend the cardboard of the box at the designated bend point and glue it with tape. The result is a cube with a hole on one side, which is useful for filling the cube with filler.

  • We fill the cubes with filler: future yellow cubes - with coins, gray - with cardboard scraps, blue - with bottle caps (this is necessary for the child to recognize sounds).
  • We glue the resulting cubes with self-adhesive foil.

  • We put letters on the sides of the finished cubes using a stencil, or we glue the letters cut out in advance.

That's all, our master class, in which we showed how to make Zaitsev's cubes with our own hands, is over.

Other cubes

Also in the world of needlework, there are many schemes for making a cube out of paper, as well as soft transforming cubes used in the methods of early child development by authors such as Chaplygin and Nikitin.

With the help of Chaplygin's educational cubes, your children will quickly learn to read and write correctly. To do this, during classes with a child, you need to adhere to a certain scheme, which contains the author's methodology of Chaplygin.

Making Chaplygin cubes with your own hands is quite simple: for this you can use the ideas and process flow diagram of our master class on creating Zaitsev cubes.

Today, Nikitin's method of developing children is very common in pedagogy. With the help of multi-colored transforming cubes created by this author and having a scheme similar to the device of the Rubik's cube, your children will learn to think, think logically. Such cubes, like the Rubik's cube, will help them improve visual memory, as well as develop color perception.

Nikitin's transforming cubes are easy to make with your own hands, using the ideas of a master class on creating Zaitsev's cubes (instead of letters on the sides of such a cube, you need to stick colored paper according to the author's scheme).

Also, Chaplygin and Nikitin cubes can be sewn using small pieces of natural fabric and filler to fill the cavity of the cubes. The resulting soft bricks can be used with the youngest children.

In addition, for the all-round development of your children, you can make a developing origami cube with your own hands, or sew a transforming cube, using all your imagination to fill it with meaning.

A self-made development cube will bring a lot of benefits and positive emotions to your child.

All children need toys. Among adults, there is not a single one who would not remember which toy was the most beloved in his childhood. Cubes that you make with your own hands together with him can become such an unforgettable thing for your child. Soft, bright, comfortable to play, they will become both a favorite pastime and an excellent decoration for the interior of a nursery.

What are developing cubes for?

Adults understand that a toy should help a child develop, spurring his imagination, teaching him patience and attentiveness. At the same time, it must be suitable for age, otherwise it will be difficult for a baby to understand it, and an older child can quickly get bored with it.

The developing blocks that we will learn to sew are suitable for children from six months to 5 years old. They will help the baby not only develop coordination of movements, but also teach him to identify colors, recognize animals, distinguish letters or numbers. It all depends on how and from what you make them.

Positive qualities of cubes

Some parents buy a bunch of toys for their kids, some buy a small amount, but they all agree on one thing: toys that are made with their own hands will remain an excellent memory for many years.

For your child to have a rich inner world, you must have toys in the house. With their help, your baby will be able to know the space around him, to show his imagination and feelings. Toys create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the children's room. They help the child not only learn about the world, but also develop his communication skills. After all, a game is a simulator of the ability to communicate, negotiate and find compromise solutions.

Children love to experience new sensations and learn the unknown, so you can always create development blocks with your child with your own hands. Select the color of the craft and decorations for its sides, cut out some details - what could be more interesting for the kid!

Every fidget will appreciate your efforts if you complete the craft together. To make him happy, you just need to allow the kid to dream up and choose what he wants. Many needlewomen can make educational blocks for children with their own hands, even without having a special pattern. After all, cut out squares of suitable size from the fabric, and then sew them even for novice craftsmen.

Such toys are made depending on what kind of fantasy format you have and what your child likes. In order to make a developing cube for a baby with your own hands without a pattern, you need to have:

  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • pen;
  • the cloth;
  • threads;
  • a needle.

Step-by-step instruction

As we have already said, making development cubes with your own hands will not be difficult. To do this, you need to adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Cut 4 equal squares from the fabric.
  2. Sew them together seamy side up.
  3. Leave a small hole.
  4. Push the filler into the unsewn hole with a handle until your cube becomes elastic (while trying to prevent it from becoming a ball).
  5. Sew up the hole.

That's all! You have made a developmental cube with your own hands. The master class is the simplest and most uncomplicated - even a child can use it.

In addition to simple crafts, you can use a more complex manufacturing scheme. We offer a pattern for it in the article. The sides of such a cube cannot be made multi-colored, but the craft will have few seams, which will make it more durable.

Another version of the cube

For a more difficult cube, you will need:

  • A4 sheet;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • pins with an eyelet;
  • the cloth;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • filler;
  • a pen;
  • ruler.

If you have a brightly colored fabric with an interesting print that keeps its appearance for a long time, then try using it. In any case, when the child sees how easy it is to cooperate with parents, the process will give him and you a positive charge for the whole day.

Making a cube

Consider, when making development blocks with your own hands, that they can have different sizes. That is, they can be both large, like poufs, and small, comfortably fit in the palm of your baby.

  1. Using a pencil and a ruler, draw the patterns on paper, making the sizes of the sides as you see fit.
  2. Cut it out.
  3. Use pins to pin the pattern to the fabric. When outlining future development blocks with your own hands or with the help of a baby with chalk, do not forget to leave allowances for the seams.
  4. According to the outline of the pattern made of fabric.
  5. Smooth out the future edges of the cube.
  6. Fold fabric sections with the right sides inward.
  7. Using a sewing machine, sew the pieces together, leaving a small gap to turn the craft out onto the front side.
  8. Turn out the future cube.
  9. Use a pen to fill the figure with filler.
  10. Sew the hole on a typewriter.

You will need to do this process several times. Until you get the required number of dice.

Now you have learned how to sew a developing cube with your own hands yourself.

Sometimes, with a small amount of imagination and desire, you can build crafts of unprecedented beauty and importance. Each item that you make for your own child is individual. Developing blocks for children, made with their own hands, a necessary thing.

Felt cube

We will share with you another way how to make a developing cube with your own hands. You will not need patterns here:

  • felt of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • dummies of cubes;
  • pencil;
  • glue for fabric.

You will make a developing felt cube with your own hands according to the instructions below. It is pleasant to the touch and durable. This material holds its shape well, is durable and will serve your baby for a long time as a toy.

DIY instructions

Getting started:

  1. Measure the side of the cube.
  2. Transfer measurements to felt.
  3. Use scissors to cut out the squares for the future sides of the cube.
  4. Using glue, attach the felt squares to the base of the craft.

Use fabrics of different colors to make a DIY exercise cube. You can come up with ideas for making it yourself. And to teach your child to navigate in colors, use their palette more extensively. This will be a useful activity and an exciting game for the child.

The need for cubes in the house

At a young age, children cannot have friends who would be constantly with them. But toys can become a good companion for a kid, especially when he loves them and distinguishes them from others.

With the help of developing blocks, each child is able to build a tower, learn to distinguish colors and images on them. Cubes can be the starting point for learning the alphabet. And if you show imagination in making crafts, then you will delight your child with the originality of the toy. For example, sew ribbons of different colors on it, buttons of different sizes, images, badges, large beads, funny applications - all this can be combined in one cube. A child will definitely appreciate such beauty and will quickly find something that will interest him in this toy.

To make a developmental cube for a child of 6 months and older, you need to have:

  • cube pattern;
  • fabric - several pieces of different colors;
  • accessories - buttons, fasteners, rings, etc .;
  • a needle;
  • pins with ears;
  • a thread;
  • scissors;
  • filler.

It is advisable to have a sewing machine, but this is not a prerequisite for work. It's just that you can quickly get the job done with it.

How to sew a cube for a kid

Now start creating:

  1. Apply the pattern to the fabric. Pin it with pins. Trace with chalk along the outline of the pattern.
  2. Remove the paper pattern, cut the resulting silhouette with scissors.
  3. Fold the fabric with the right side to the inside of the product.
  4. Sew the sides of the cube together, leaving one free.
  5. Turn the product right side out.
  6. Complement with accessories. Sew on buttons, fasteners, zippers, laces, shreds using a thread with a needle.
  7. Stuff with filler.
  8. Sew up the rest of the side.

Your cube is ready. It is ideal for the development of small and toes of a child. The kid will be happy to study the toy and perhaps even bite.

If among the accessories with which you will decorate the cube there are all kinds of simulators for scratching the gums during teething, this will be a great help for the child.

When there are older children in the house, you can ask them for help in making bricks. And the joint creation of a toy for the younger member of the family will surely bring the older child closer to the baby he has taken care of.

Toys you need

Undoubtedly, toys should be appropriate for the child's age, they should help the child in development. Each child should have a set of toys that really develop the necessary qualities.

If at first the baby does not play with cubes or does not pay attention to them, do not get upset. Just get him interested, it's easier than it sounds. First, place the toy in the most visible place. If the baby doesn't care, then try to play it yourself. Such a temptation is beyond the power of even the most persistent child. In any case, he will want to touch the developing cube with his own hands. The ideas of the game come to the kid in the process of its implementation, so you don't have to worry about his imagination.

Educational blocks for different ages

If your child is barely six months old, then a soft cube is suitable for him - a developing one, made with his own hands, from materials pleasant to the touch, it will be very useful. Because during this period of life, the child explores the world by touch and by tooth. And if your baby is teething, then various large accessories in the form of wooden and plastic rings attached to this toy will be very useful.

At the age of one, the baby is able to move the development blocks from place to place. You can already teach him to distinguish colors using these toys. Everything is simple here - you make cubes of different colors and play with your child.

After a year and a half, your child already knows how to build pyramids from cubes, if you have used them in the game before. Two or three constructions of towers are enough for the child to be interested in this action. He will be happy to try something new for himself. And when he succeeds in building, it is likely that he will begin to destroy the pyramids with even greater passion.

Two-year-olds already imagine what animals look like. Therefore, having made for them educational cubes with your own hands with images of animals, birds and fish, you can ask the kid to show where who is depicted. It may not be easy for him at first, but you need to convey the information to the child before making this request.

One of the useful functions of the cubes is the transformation of complex, at first glance, information for the child into the desired form. For example, letter cubes are great for learning the alphabet. As a rule, on two sides of such a cube there are letters, on the rest there are images that correspond to these symbols.

Let the toys you make become the favorite for your baby!

With the birth of a child, caring mothers face the question: when does a child need toys? My personal opinion on this matter: from the first days. But not all toys will be interesting, necessary and useful for the kid. And, given the wide choice that manufacturers of educational toys provide us, there is a chance that we will want to buy and buy, since it is not so easy to figure out and choose. Fortunately, all this, as a rule, is not cheap.))

The first requirement for toys for young children is safety. This condition is more than fulfilled when playing with the so-called "crumbs". There is also a wide variety of them in stores. From about 3-4 months, when the baby already knows how to take objects, this toy can become a popular toy. But there is an alternative to crumb - soft developing cube, which can also be bought or sewn do it yourself... Such a cube will interest the child much longer, because it can be made with different content: simple, tactile-sensory (for very little ones) or more complex, with the possibility of role-playing games.

Today we offer you a small master class on sewing such do it yourself developing cube... Author - Svetlana Shmeleva.

For work, prepare:

Multi-colored square pieces of fabric of the size you need (6 pieces, of your choice);



Materials for the desired developmental elements (buttons, beads, ribbons, felt, etc.);

Threads, a needle, a sewing machine (you can sew by hand, but on a typewriter, of course, of better quality);

Do-it-yourself developmental cube description of the process:

1. Cut out the squares from the fabric (if you have not already done this at the preparation stage).

2. Cut out squares from non-woven fabric with a side 1.5 cm smaller than those from fabric.

3. Place the non-woven fabric on the fabric and iron it to adhere.


Now it is necessary to arrange each square - to make an applique, to embroider decorative elements, to sew on buttons, beads, etc. Here, the fantasy will play out.

In my case, there will be such a design:

a) The first element is a spiral with moving beads. Draw a spiral on the square with a disappearing marker. We take a strong mesh fabric (tulle will not work, it is fragile), cut out a square and put it on the drawn spiral. We sew, and put the beads inside.
b) The next square will be with a butterfly, whose wings rustle.

Fold the fabric in half and draw a butterfly. Place rustling cellophane down under the fabric and sew along the contour.

Cut, cut 1-2 mm at the folds, make a longitudinal cut on one layer.

Now turn it out.

We take a lace as an antennae, fold it in half and sew in a zigzag in the right place.

Now we sew the butterfly with the same zigzag.

Close the incision with a reps tape, bending the edges.

I do not paint the rest of the squares in detail, since they are easy to sew.

c) A feast at the bears: we sew buttons:

d) Track: zigzag the lace.

For strength, a piece of felt is sewn under each button on the reverse side and the thread is tightly tied (safety first!).

e) Bunny - an applique made of fleecy fabric.

f) A bird with movable felt legs. The legs are sewn in the same way as the antennae of a butterfly

h) Moving hearts:

5. You can add ribbons of different textures to your taste (zigzag, narrow, wide, cords, as well as beads or buttons on the cords (we will sew their edges into the seams).

6. It remains to sew and fill the cube. First we sew 4 squares in one strip.

Now the rest of the faces:

7. The seams must be fixed, we sew along the contour of the non-woven fabric.

8. Sew a sweep to get a cube. We join two faces, and wrap the allowance of the thirds inward.

9. The corner, which we turned inside, is secured with a pin, so as not to accidentally sew on it. We sew on the non-woven contour.

10. When sewing the last edge, leave an unsewn hole in the corner. It remains to turn out, fill with padding polyester or other filler, sew up the hole with a blind seam, and you're done !!! Better not to stuff too tightly, but you can put bells inside.

Beloglazova Valentina Vladimirovna

I work in "Children's home"... There are 6 children in the group. Age - from 3 months to 3 years. The game is the first thing to teach the kid.

One day developing cube I saw in the store. It was expensive. I really wanted to do this cube for your children.

Cube I got 20 * 20 * 20. Playing with this dice, in children color perception develops, fine motor skills, coordination of movements, memory, thinking.

1 face. Wood. Development of fine motor skills(children open the lock, fasten flowers, the concept of "one", "many", color, shape.

2 side. The sun, the moon. Development of fine motor skills(lacing, the concept of "day", "night".

3 side. Butterfly. Rustling wings, fastened with buttons.

4 face. Apple. Pushing the worm into the holes.

5 face. The snail is a labyrinth. There are balls inside the labyrinth. The butterfly fastens with Velcro.

6 face. Pocket. Children put a butterfly, a worm in it. Fastens with Velcro.

Here is such I got a cube:

Children will love to play with it. dice... Unfortunately, photographing and posting of our children is prohibited. Therefore, I cannot post a photo with children playing.

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