At what stage can pregnancy be determined. Altered vaginal discharge. Discharge of a bloody tint

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Each person is unique in nature. What one likes may not be perceived by others at all. The same applies to women in a position: one may not guess about her pregnancy for months, since no suspicious symptoms were observed, while in others the first signs appear already in the first week of pregnancy. Some women literally on the first day of conception somewhere inside feel that a new life has arisen within them. Be that as it may, doctors always adhere to general symptoms that may indicate pregnancy. Of course, some women may have a whole list of them, while others only have a few. Let's take a closer look at them.

Early pregnancy signs

It is known that fertilization of the egg takes place throughout the day. Later (7-10 days after ovulation) implantation occurs, and only after that some pregnancy symptoms may appear. This is because the embryo, which is firmly attached to the walls of the uterus, begins to produce a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It begins to be intensively produced from the very first day of pregnancy, and by the third month its number increases several thousand times. After this period, it begins to gradually decline. It is because of this hormone that all the symptoms of pregnancy are most pronounced in the first 3 months. After all, as soon as its level in a woman's body decreases, all "painful" symptoms disappear.

And so, in the normal course of pregnancy, its first signs may appear at 1-2 weeks. As a rule, they are not very pronounced, but if you have any suspicions, you can confirm them using a home pregnancy test. After all, hCG is a protein that manifests itself through the urine of a pregnant woman, and the longer the period, the darker the second strip on the test will be. In addition, a blood test can also confirm the reliability of the diagnosis, because it contains no less of the hormone.

To confirm our suspicions, let's talk in more detail about the first signs of pregnancy:

  1. Absence or delay of menstruation. The most obvious symptom of pregnancy is a missed period. If menstruation has not come on time, women first of all begin to suspect it is pregnancy. The fact is that a woman's body is equipped as follows: when the egg matures, it goes through the fallopian tube into the uterus, ovulation occurs (the body prepares for a possible pregnancy). If intercourse occurs during ovulation and a sperm enters the uterus, the egg is fertilized. If fertilization has not taken place, the mucous membrane that covers the inner layer of the uterus departs and menstruation begins. But it happens that menstruation can continue even after fertilization for several months or even the entire pregnancy. In any case, if you know for sure about your situation, any suspicious discharge should alert you and be a reason for immediate medical attention. After all, this can speak of both a possible risk of termination of pregnancy, so it can be just minor bleeding that can occur during the implantation period (this is the norm). It all depends on the nature of the discharge and the general condition of the pregnant woman. Even if your period is late, it may not always mean that you are pregnant. Very often this happens due to intense excitement, fatigue or stress. It may also indicate the presence of some diseases, for example, polycystic disease, erosion of the cervix, etc. Often, menstruation does not occur for a long time after some kind of surgical intervention. Typically, the body can recover for several months.
  2. Pain in the abdomen and chest. For many women, the first symptom of pregnancy is chest discomfort and minor abdominal pain. Pain and cramps can be felt already in the second week of pregnancy, because during this short period of time the body begins to intensively rebuild: all organs are preparing for active work, as a result of the formation of the fetus and the placenta, the uterus often contracts, tingling and discomfort are observed in the lower abdomen. Also, changes occur in the breast - the mammary glands are preparing for the upcoming breastfeeding, milk is gradually accumulating for the unborn baby. In addition, you can see how the halos on the chest (circles around the nipples) have changed, they darkened and even increased slightly. The longer the pregnancy, the larger the breast itself will become. Veins are clearly visible above the mammary glands, which is associated with accelerated blood circulation during pregnancy. Indeed, during this period, blood circulation increases by 40-50%. This is necessary so that the woman's body can more easily endure blood loss during or after childbirth. Some of the women, when pressing on their breasts, observe the release of a clear liquid - this is also a clear sign of pregnancy.
  3. General weakness of the body. Due to hormonal changes in the body, a pregnant woman often feels constant fatigue and weakness. She also constantly wants to sleep, at any time of the day. Sometimes in the first weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother feels a sore throat or nasal congestion. In fact, the forces leave her due to the fact that, being in an "interesting position", the metabolism in the body accelerates several times. This, in turn, does not happen imperceptibly, and she feels unwell. As for the symptoms of a cold, pregnancy is exactly the period when immunity also "suffers". Due to the complete restructuring of the functioning of all organs and systems, the body's defenses are reduced, and there is a risk of catching a cold, even while in an air-conditioned room. Therefore, be careful!
  4. Change in emotional state. A large percentage of women who have been pregnant claim that mood changes during pregnancy from the very first week. Moreover, all these changes may be completely unfounded. For example, mommy can be in high spirits, and after a few seconds she can cry, and take offense, and scream for no reason. In general, this is the norm, because a change in the hormonal background during the period of bearing a baby greatly affects the emotional state of a pregnant woman. Throughout this period, a woman may be disturbed by various questions ("is the baby developing normally?", "How will the upcoming birth go?", Etc.). That is why such sharp changes in emotional mood are understandable.
  5. Nausea and vomiting. This symptom is perhaps the most striking symptom throughout most of pregnancy. Already from the first weeks, the expectant mother begins to feel not strong nausea, as a rule, most of all she torments the expectant mother in the morning. A little later, at 4–5 weeks, vomiting appears along with nausea. The condition can be aggravated by various pungent odors, which make a woman feel even worse. For example, pregnant women often do not perceive the smell of perfume or even the smell of food, so cooking can be a real torture for them. All this is explained by the fact that the body, preparing for bearing a fetus, gets rid of all harmful substances, and therefore these symptoms are normal in this condition. In the normal course of pregnancy, these symptoms disappear by the end of 3 months. But sometimes there are cases when nausea and vomiting torment a woman in the third trimester of pregnancy. Doctors call this condition "gestosis" (late toxicosis). With such a diagnosis, it is mandatory to be treated in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.
  6. Increased natural secretions. Already at the beginning of the first week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may notice how much cervical mucus is released. If before pregnancy the discharge was insignificant, now their number has increased several times. In addition, in every woman they are white in color, and in those who are expecting a baby they are transparent with a rather slimy structure. All this is the norm, since this discharge is needed in order to protect the fetus from various infections that can penetrate the uterine cavity. It is thanks to the hormone progesterone, which is now very abundant in the body, that these secretions are produced.
  7. Change in basal temperature. Many doctors claim that this method of detecting early pregnancy is very reliable. To measure basal temperature, it is not necessary for all of us to do this in the usual way, namely, measuring the temperature in the rectum. But this must be done in the morning, as soon as you woke up. Since your body has not yet experienced any stress, and therefore the result will certainly be 100%. If there is a pregnancy, then the thermometer will show 37 degrees Celsius or more. If conception has not occurred, the rates will be low. By measuring basal temperature, you can also determine the period of ovulation - the most appropriate time for conception.
All these signs of pregnancy are just a possible manifestation of them. As already mentioned, each woman is individual and the body can react in completely different ways to her new state. In other words, if you suspect pregnancy, then only an experienced specialist can confirm it 100%.

  • Remember that at a very short time, pregnancy is difficult to determine by ultrasound. An analysis for hCG will help determine your condition at an early date.
  • If you are concerned about lower abdominal pain, be sure to consult your gynecologist about this. Since this may indicate both a possible termination of pregnancy and a slight contraction of the uterus. It is very dangerous to take any pain relievers on your own, because it can harm the fetus.
  • If you know for sure that you will soon become a mother, your life should change dramatically. This applies to food, which should contain only healthy foods, completely give up all bad habits and rest more.
  • Since all pregnant women, due to changes in hormonal levels, the emotional state changes greatly, it is advisable to contact a psychologist so that he can help you "come to your senses."
  • Do not panic if your pregnancy is not proceeding like that of a friend or as your mother told you about it. Each organism reacts in its own way to the development of new life in it. And if you are constantly nauseous or you are exhausted from constant vomiting, remember - everything will pass very soon, you need to be patient a little. All this is normal, it just happens differently for everyone.
  • In order to register, a pregnant woman should contact an antenatal clinic no later than 12 weeks. Indeed, in order to control the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother, the doctor must conduct all the research and give the necessary advice to the woman.

Basic advice: less stress and anxiety. Now this is exactly the period when you should be completely shielded from all negativity. Walk more often in the fresh air, sign up for fitness for pregnant women, which will only improve your physical and psychological condition. After all, if the mother is healthy and happy, then the baby will feel good and will be born healthy!

What to do with nausea in early pregnancy and how to recognize that a woman is in an interesting position, see here:

Pregnancy is a wonderful and desirable condition for many women.

With its onset, a lot changes in our life and body.

But women and girls always ask the question, is it possible to find out about your interesting situation at home.

Determine pregnancy at home: is it possible?

Have you been planning a pregnancy for a long time and are looking forward to the results?

Perhaps a delay in your menstrual cycle is finally a sign that you are pregnant? But how do you know that this is really so if you don't have time to go to the doctor yet, and the test is not at hand?

You just need to listen to your body. Indeed, during the period of gestation, various changes occur in a woman's body, which are simply impossible not to notice. In addition, folk methods are actively used.

If you are interested in knowing what methods exist for determining pregnancy, then just read this article.

How to determine pregnancy at home: signs

The most classic sign of pregnancy is, of course, the end of the menstrual cycle. But this factor is not always reliable. After all, there may be a delay without the fact of pregnancy, for example, with nervous tension. However, the presence of menstruation does not always mean that you are not in such an interesting position! In some women, menstruation can go on after the fertilization of the egg. Therefore, if you are sure that pregnancy has come, but the critical days have not stopped, visit a doctor. There are also other signs:

A characteristic symptom of pregnancy is swelling of the mammary glands and their soreness... However, during the period of PMS, many can observe a similar condition. There is a feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands, the breast slightly increases in size, and if you touch it, it starts to hurt.

Another sign of pregnancy is change in taste preferences... If you notice that those products that you didn’t admire before, now suddenly began to like it, then this fully characterizes your new state. Sensitivity to odors may increase, especially tobacco or perfume odors.

One of the signs of early toxicosis is vomiting and nausea... This condition mainly appears in the morning.

Change in the nervous system, does not apply to all women, but it is quite possible. So, for example, a calm and friendly woman, after the onset of pregnancy, can scream, cry, and be constantly nervous for no reason. This is influenced by the hormonal background of the expectant mother, which also undergoes changes.

The main signs of the first weeks of pregnancy are fatigue and constant sleepiness... If you constantly want to go to bed, but you haven't noticed this before, then maybe you are pregnant?

Pain in the lumbar region, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen are also signs of a new condition. The thing is that the uterus begins to increase in size, thereby causing painful sensations.

Number of secretions from the vagina may be more than before. But at the same time, they should be transparent, and not be accompanied by any unpleasant odor.

How to determine pregnancy at home: tests and their types

In recent years, have become popular pregnancy tests, which at home allow women to determine whether a pregnancy has occurred or not. Their action is primarily based on determining the level of the hormone.

There are many ways to determine the hormone in a girl's urine and blood. So, for example, according to a blood test carried out by specialists in medical institutions, one can say with 100% certainty about a possible pregnancy. But texts conducted at home can give an accurate answer within a few days after the delay, while the level of the hCG hormone will not be so high.

Test strips

Households use device-free tests. The simplest and most economical form is the strip test. They are made of thick paper and impregnated with a special substance - a reagent. You just need to immerse the strip in a container of urine and hold for 30 seconds. After a few minutes, you can evaluate the result.

If one strip appears on a white background, it means that the pregnancy did not come, or perhaps the test was done too early. The appearance of the second strip will indicate the onset of pregnancy.

There are many factors to consider before choosing a test. Despite the fact that all manufacturers promise 100% results, their quality still differs from each other. Therefore, it is not recommended to save money, it is better to buy a more expensive product.

When checking the test, certain conditions must be taken into account, namely, correctly collecting urine and immersing a strip in it. That is why, before doing the test and getting the long-awaited result, carefully study the instructions on the package.

Inkjet and flatbed tests

In order to get a more accurate result, it is recommended to use tablet tests. The reagent layer fits in one of the two windows. Unlike strip tests, data is more expensive. Today, the products are considered the most reliable. For many girls, they are convenient in that they do not need to collect urine at certain times of the day.

How to determine pregnancy at home: traditional methods

Previously, women asked the question of how to determine pregnancy at home. Indeed, in those days there were no tests or ultrasound, and many wanted to know about a possible pregnancy. That is why our grandmothers came up with their own methods for determining pregnancy, all of them have been tested over the years, and many continue to be popular to this day:

1. Method 1 - iodine... The main component for determining pregnancy is, of course, urine. Take a small container and fill it completely with urine. Then you need to take a pipette and drop a drop of iodine into the container. It was believed that if a drop spreads, it means that this urine does not belong to a pregnant woman. If iodine is on the surface and does not sink, the suspicions are confirmed.

2. Method 2 - determination using urine... Take one sheet of paper and soak it in urine, then drop a drop of iodine. If after that, the iodine begins to acquire a lilac hue, then the result was positive. If the test is negative, the iodine color will turn blue.

3. Method 3 - study urine... At home, it is quite easy to find out about the presence of pregnancy at an early stage, for this you need to carefully study the color of your urine. Our great-grandmothers also noticed that a pregnant girl's urine has a dark yellow color, and regardless of the time of day. In addition, it contains special hormones that can affect the growth of flowers. The following method was used, and to many it seemed even strange: they collected urine, watered flowers in a pot on it. If after a while they become magnificent and beautiful, then the woman is in a position.

4. Method 4 - pulse... Lie on your back and feel for your pulse just below your belly button. Put your hands there and press them a little to your stomach, if you clearly feel the pulsation, then the fetus of the unborn baby is inside you.

5. Method 5 - bow... This funny method also belongs to the folk remedies that our ancestors used with you: take two onions and plant them in two glasses. As you probably already understood, the first means pregnancy, the second does not. Wait until they begin to sprout. The bulb that first reaches 4 centimeters is the answer.

In addition, our ancestors have always attached special importance to dreams. It was believed that if in a dream a woman dreamed that she was fishing, then in reality she was pregnant. Swimming in a clear, clear body of water also speaks of pregnancy. Moreover, many women, to this day, believe in deciphering such dreams.

Determining pregnancy at home: causes of failure

Many women complain that a pregnancy test stubbornly shows negative results while they are expecting a baby. This is really possible, it's all about the wrong application of the test.

It is important to know that the exact result will be shown only 10 days after conception. But in what cases the test will be incorrect, what affects it in the first place:

The woman has an ectopic pregnancy. The hCG level will be much lower;

Frozen pregnancy;

Before the test, the girl drank a large amount of liquid;

Taking diuretic drugs;

Kidney disease;

The gestation period is too short;

After an abortion;

The test has expired;

Stale urine was taken for it.

As you can see, it is really possible to determine pregnancy at home, you just need to know the proven methods. But if you have the opportunity, of course it is better to go to the doctor.

Very often, pregnancy comes as a surprise, both for the woman herself and for her environment. Some, on the contrary, plan a pregnancy for a long time and listen to all the changes in their body, sometimes, taking wishful thinking. How to accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages, our infographics will tell you.

Pregnancy symptoms

Well, of course, based on symptoms alone, it is impossible to determine pregnancy for sure. Although they might suggest doing a test. Let's consider the main symptoms in more detail:

1. Sensitive breasts. Within a few days after conception, a pregnant woman may notice the first changes. The nipples become more sensitive than usual. This also applies to the rest of the chest. But sensitive breasts are not always a sign of pregnancy. Similar sensations can occur during ovulation or before menstruation.

2. Delayed menstruation. One of the main signs indicating pregnancy, but not 100 percent. Perhaps you are experiencing a climate change, hormonal imbalance, or diseases in the gynecological field. This is a serious symptom and it is best to consult a doctor. However, a delay of no more than five days is considered normal. It may happen that you are pregnant, but your period continues to go. Here you can only advise: after unprotected intercourse, listen to your body and do a pregnancy test.

3. Frequent urination. It is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. But it can also be a symptom of illness, hypothermia, stress, etc.

4. Darkening of the areola of the nipples. It usually occurs no earlier than two weeks later. However, darkening can be caused by the influence of sex hormones in a non-pregnant woman.

5. Increased salivation. It usually appears with nausea in the first three months of pregnancy. Also, salivation is a characteristic symptom in almost all diseases of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, and even with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

Types of tests

Any symptom characteristic of pregnancy can be a harbinger of a disease. Therefore, you need to listen to your body, but you should not diagnose yourself based on symptoms alone. Moreover, medicine has long allowed women to determine pregnancy with an accuracy of up to 100%. For a more effective result in the early stages, you can donate blood for the pregnancy hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). With each day of pregnancy, the amount of this hormone in the body increases, but at a very early stage only very sensitive tests can catch it. Pregnancy can be determined by the level of hCG in the blood within a few days after conception.

If you cannot go to a medical facility for one reason or another, then home tests will help. Of course, a few days after conception, such a test will show nothing. All tests for determining hCG in urine should be done no earlier than a week before the start of menstruation. The cheapest test strips will show a valid result only from the first day of the delay. More expensive tests - inkjet or tablet, can determine pregnancy just a week before critical days. In general, in order not to guess on the coffee grounds - whether it is too early to do the test, or is it already time - you need to know some values. These home tests have a sensitivity of 10 to 25 Mme / ml. So the lower the number, the more sensitive the test. For example, a 10-point test can show pregnancy as early as four weeks. What week you can have is easy to calculate, you need to remember the first day of your last menstruation - this will be the starting point.

Test results

Any pregnancy test can show both false positive and false negative results. False negative results are usually associated with incorrect test performance, violation of instructions. Or too little pregnancy. It may be that the second stripe is poorly expressed. This is possible if you got the test before the expected delay, or if you have an ectopic pregnancy. False positive test results are rare, but possible. It can occur due to taking medications containing hCG, tumors, recent miscarriage, etc.

The most accurate result will be shown by ultrasound. It will confirm the pregnancy and help exclude the ectopic. You can do it no earlier than 3.5-4 weeks after conception. If you do not know when conception occurred, then you can count about 5-6 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation. There is no point in going to the ultrasound before this time. It is better to consult a gynecologist, and he will prescribe the necessary examinations in the early stages of pregnancy.

Ancient peoples used very original techniques. For example, the famous physician Hippocrates argued that in pregnant women the iris of the eyes darkens slightly. To confirm his diagnosis, he made a solution of wine and which he gave to the woman. If she had pain in the navel, it was a sign of pregnancy.

Other folk remedies for determining pregnancy were also used by healers. Presumptive signs of pregnancy have always been considered nonspecific symptoms... These include: special sensitivity to odors, changes in taste, vomiting, mood swings, increased oily skin.

If you notice such symptoms, then you should carry out. Doing it at home is as easy as shelling pears. For this, you can use folk tricks.

The most interesting diagnostic methods are listed in our article.

Determine pregnancy

By urine

To do this, take a small container and fill it with urine. Next, you need to add a drop there. iodine.

If a drop spreads out, then there is no pregnancy. If stays on the surface(in one place), then the woman is pregnant.

At home, you can determine an interesting position if wet a piece of paper in urine... Iodine is dripped on it. In a pregnant woman, iodine turns purple. If conception has not occurred, then the iodine will be blue.

The urine can be boiled in a saucepan... As soon as the boil begins, it is poured into a glass container. In pregnant women, flakes appear in the urine, which precipitate.

The urine of a pregnant woman is saturated with hormones. If you water the flowers with such urine, then they begin to grow rapidly and magnificently. To see the growth of flowers, you need to water the flower bed for at least three days. After this period, you can draw conclusions about your situation.

Put urine in a glass and add some baking soda... If bubbles begin to form, then this is an indicator of a positive response. If it settles at the bottom, then there is no pregnancy.

With a bow

A woman can catch her, buy or cook her. Tested in practice for a long time that such dreams are a sign of an impending pregnancy.

The appearance of discharge

If you have for no reason there is a vaginal discharge then this is a sign of pregnancy. Highlights are like

With a delay in menstruation, a woman is visited by a joyful thought about pregnancy. Many female representatives do not want to go straight to the gynecologist. Are women interested in, without a test, in the early stages at home?

Diagnostics of the interesting position of a woman

Pregnancy cannot be asymptomatic. Signs that appear in the early stages help a woman to suspect an interesting situation. Symptoms of the onset of motherhood may occur even before the delay in menstruation.

Almost from the beginning of pregnancy, the hormonal background of the female body changes, which is manifested in a change in taste and olfactory preferences, emotional lability. You can also find out about pregnancy by increasing the sensitivity of the woman's breasts and its swelling. Some females develop age spots. They disappear after the birth of the child.

Women can find out about their interesting position on toxicosis. It manifests itself already in the early stages. At this time, in women, the body temperature can rise to 37.3 degrees. It is forbidden to eliminate such hyperthermia with the help of medicines. During this period, the expectant mother's sense of smell changes: it is difficult for her to tolerate certain smells (perfumes, dishes). A feeling of heaviness may appear in the lumbar region. This indicates the growth of the uterus, a shift in the center of gravity. During early pregnancy, almost all women experience increased drowsiness.

In the early stages

In the early stages, a pregnant woman becomes touchy, tearful, irritable, sensitive. Such signs resemble the manifestations of menstrual syndrome. If menstruation does not occur, then this indicates a possible pregnancy. In the lower abdomen, at the initial stage, pains of a cutting or stabbing nature may appear. If there is no discomfort in this area, this indicates a normal pregnancy. Otherwise, it will be best to appear to a specialist.

With a sharp increase or decrease in desire in sexual relations, one can also judge pregnancy. The condition is explained by the presence of changes in the hormonal background of a woman in position. During the initial period of pregnancy, mucus is secreted from the vagina, which is odorless and colorless.

Attention! A different coloration or texture indicates a woman's health problem. You need to see a gynecologist.

With the onset of pregnancy, women have an increased urge to urinate. They are completely painless. This is due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. If during the urge pain and discomfort occur, this indicates the appearance or other diseases of the woman's genitourinary system.

Weight gain may increase in early pregnancy. Many women claim that they did not change their diet and lifestyle, but began to gain weight. This is the main sign of pregnancy. It is quite possible to determine pregnancy by these symptoms, but they do not appear in all women. In this case, it is necessary to take more rational measures.

Important! Read in our article at home.

Determination of pregnancy by basal temperature

Basal temperature is one of the main indicators by which you can determine an interesting position. The method has advantages due to its availability. To measure basal temperature and determine the presence of a fetus by its indicators, you must use a thermometer, a pen and a sheet of paper. The temperature is determined in the same place.

The temperature can be measured in the vagina or rectum. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in the morning, immediately after waking up. The temperature is determined throughout the entire cycle. When using a digital thermometer, it is held in the vagina or rectum for 5-10 minutes, and when using a mercury thermometer, for 10 minutes.

Important! During one cycle, use the same thermometer for measurements.

Accurate conclusions about the presence of a fetus can only be made after three months of basal temperature measurements.

Using folk ways

To determine the presence of a fetus from a female representative, you do not need to buy tests: you can use an ordinary first-aid kit. You can determine pregnancy at home without a test using:

  • urine;
  • soda;
  • iodine.


Urine is often used to determine pregnancy. After urinating in the morning, it is collected in a container and a few drops of iodine are dripped. If the droplet remains in its original state, then the woman has a fetus. Also, a white sheet of paper is moistened with urine and a drop of iodine is dripped onto it. The lilac color of iodine on paper indicates a positive result, and purple indicates the absence of the fruit. The plant bushes are poured with urine. It is popularly believed that a woman's pregnancy can be determined by whether a flowering bush will bloom. Doctors consider all these methods to be completely unreliable.


A teaspoon of soda is dipped into a glass of urine. The hissing of soda speaks of a woman's pregnancy, and its precipitation indicates a negative result. During pregnancy, a woman's urine is acidic, which explains the coming into contact with soda.

Important! The method is not 100% effective: increased acidity of urine can be in the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system or in vegetarians.


In ancient times, the presence of the fetus was determined by the pulse. The female representative lies on her back and gropes for a place 7-8 centimeters lower than her navel. The presence of pulsation indicates the presence of a fetus. However, in fact, this is the pulsation of the abdominal aorta - a vessel that every person has. It is easier for thin women to feel it.

You can also learn about conception in a dream. Pregnant women often dream about fish.

Pregnancy can be diagnosed at home for various reasons. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can give a 100% result. If your period is delayed, it is best to see this specialist. You can use a pharmacy test beforehand.