In the Urals, they found a child who disappeared four days ago. In the Sverdlovsk region, a four-year-old baby was found who was lost in the forest four days ago

For more than four days in the Sverdlovsk region they were looking for four-year-old Dima Peskov, who was lost in the forest. The hope of finding the child alive was dwindling by the hour. And yet they found him!

About Dima Peskov, who was vacationing with his parents on the banks of the Reftinskoye reservoir, the search engines, who were closely following the search in different parts of the country, joke that he was born not just in a shirt, but in a down jacket as a whole. Judge for yourself.

Dima's family rested on the banks of the Reftinsky reservoir. Dima and his dad were fishing, the child was capricious, and dad, not looking up from fishing, sent him to his mother in a tent, which was literally a few meters from them. But the boy did not reach his mother.

First danger. When the special services and volunteers came to the place of the search on call, they immediately had bad feelings. The fact is that the tent stood right next to the water on a prominent promontory, surrounded on all sides by a reservoir. In addition, in the forest, which began behind the road (which, as it turned out, Dima crossed), there were two serious swamps. When the search for a lost child begins, unfortunately, the worst assumptions are often justified. Moreover: water is the biggest danger for children who find themselves in the natural environment.

However, of course, a search and rescue operation was fully launched. The police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters, cadets, the local population, volunteers from the Sokol and Liza Alert search and rescue teams arrived in search of Dima. All four days divers and dog handlers worked. And, I must say, the way government services and local residents worked on searches is an amazing example of human indifference. Every day, about 600 people were looking for Dima, representatives of the special services were removed from duty and called from leave.

The curator of "Liza Alert-Yekaterinburg" Stanislav Kovalev says that the Ministry of Emergency Situations, almost in full force, remained to spend the night on the search after the end of the shift, that many police officers, having completed their task, continued to search for Dima voluntarily, that the local administration at the place of the search organized a field kitchen and a deputy the head of the administration stood at the distribution of food, and the head of the administration himself walked through the forest with search teams.

Stas notes that this is a very important step forward in the attitude of state services to the search for children, because two years ago, in a similar situation, the search for one and a half-year-old Sasha Zolotina, in the same place, in the Sverdlovsk region, also disappeared near the big water and was never found, representatives of the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations worked out the shift and went home. Search engines from time to time found children's tracks, but it could not be reliably asserted that they belonged to Dima, because, for example, on the first day of the search, local residents were looking for Dima, and some of them were with children.

Second danger. Upon entering the forest, it was immediately discovered that there are many animals in it, and they rightfully feel themselves masters in it. The searchers saw closely elk and smaller animals, but most of all they were alerted by the numerous tracks of bears. Near big cities, they do not pose a danger and do not approach people, but in a real forest they may well attack an adult or a child. Therefore, each search group went into the forest on a mission, accompanied by a hunter with a gun.

Third danger. The longer the search lasted, the less hope remained to find the child alive. In addition to water and wild animals, for a person, especially a small or elderly person, there are two more dangers in the forest: dehydration and hypothermia. Unfortunately, situations are not uncommon when the lost person dies for these reasons a few tens of meters from the settlement. A child who finds himself in the forest without food, drink and warm shelter risks his life, especially in bad weather and at night, when the temperature drops and his clothes get wet. Dima Peskov was lucky with the weather - the temperature at night did not drop below ten degrees, and it rained only once - on the night from the third to the fourth day of the search, it was really strong. Dima, as it turned out later, drank water from puddles and ate grass ...

On the fifth day of the search, when the whole Sverdlovsk region was already sick and praying for Dima, during the expansion of the search zone, one of the groups set off to carry out the next task. The group consisted of eight people, including representatives of the police, the Sokol search and rescue squad, and the Liza Alert search and rescue squad. During the combing, one of the search participants noticed a boy lying on the ground. At first it seemed to him that the boy was not breathing, and the headquarters were told that he had been found dead, but Dima opened his eyes ...

The kid was emaciated, emaciated and bitten by ticks, his condition was critical, although he sat down himself, delighting the search engines. He looked, according to those who found it, was wild: dirty, wet, five ticks on his body ...

After consultation with the headquarters, a decision was made to evacuate immediately. The group that found him made a stretcher and carried the child for several kilometers to the nearest country road, where a car was waiting for them. On it, the boy was taken to a meadow, where a helicopter was already waiting for him for transportation to a hospital in the city of Yekaterinburg.

After the examination, the doctors said that the boy's internal organs were not damaged and Dima was no longer in danger.

Dima was saved by a miracle and hundreds of caring people. But there are fairly simple safety measures that will help preserve the life and health of children and the health of parents.

Lisa Alert reminds:

Whenever you go to the forest with your child, dress him in bright clothes. He should have a whistle around his neck, a fully charged phone in his pocket, and a bottle of water and a chocolate bar in his backpack. Teach him the main rule of the lost: if lost, stop! This is a dangerous illusion that the baby will not go far - four-year-old Dima was found 7 kilometers from the place of loss, and even children less than three years old are able to go several kilometers, and the search for a child within a radius of several kilometers may require hundreds of people and take dozens of precious hours. ...

A child should not go to the forest alone or only with peers.

A child in a natural environment should always be in front of adults.

A child should never go alone to the water, even if he is good at swimming. Teach him that the biggest wrongdoing in his life is safety, and this is one of the worst.

If you have a hike or camp in the forest, the child should not leave the camp alone.

Children should be supervised while sleeping in the forest. An adult should always know if a child leaves the tent and supervise his being outside the tent, or his return.

Published on June 16th, 2017 |

Views: 900


The family pitched a tent, and father and son went to fetch firewood. But soon the boy became bored with picking branches, and he asked his mother. Then his father sent him alone through the forest. According to the man, the baby only had to walk 50 meters in a straight line. But Dima did not come out to the tent.

They searched for the child for 5 days. About 300 people came out in search, and employees of the Emergencies Ministry and the police even used a drone and a thermal imager. But it was all in vain. Rescuers feared that a bear might have killed the boy. During the search, the volunteers more than once ran into the owner of the taiga. Once the clubfoot even got up on its hind legs, preparing for an attack. And now, when there was no longer any hope, the child was found alive.

As the volunteers say, the day before, they found the footprints of the boy in the forest. They were left after the rain - which means they are fresh. All forces were immediately pulled to the place and began to strenuously search for the child.

The entire leadership ran to the cars, gathered all the military on buses and left. The first time there was such a noise. Fresh traces were found very close to the place of his loss, the volunteers explain.

As a result, in the morning the boy was found 7 kilometers from the place of loss. The child was lying under a tree. The search engines gasped - the boy is breathing!

About 300 people were looking for a child Photo:

I just got a call from a policeman who said that Dima was found in the forest, - the boy's mother, Alfiya, told KP-Yekaterinburg. - They said that he is alive and well. I don’t know which hospital, but now I’m trying to find him.

Dima was conscious. One of the volunteer groups stumbled upon him.

The boy was found in the area of ​​the power line, near the swamps, - adds Valery Gorelykh, head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region. - The child is in a haggard state. Now they are deciding the question of his evacuation by helicopter.

Divers surveyed all swamps and reservoirs Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sverdlovsk Region

Security officials clarify that the child is in serious condition.

The boy was found 7 kilometers from the place where he disappeared, - added to the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk region. - The doctors are now helping him.

Now two ambulances have already arrived in Reftinsky. The child is carried out of the forest in his arms. Hundreds of people meet him.

Two ambulances arrived at Reftinsky Photo: overheard Kamyshlov

A drone was used in search of a child Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sverdlovsk Region

Chronicle of searches

On Saturday at 09.15 am, the father returned with firewood, but did not find his son. The worried parents decided to search for themselves. After an hour of futile searches, they called rescuers and the police.

Around noon on Saturday 10 June, nearly 300 people had already been pulled into the search area. Among them are rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police officers, Rosgvardia and volunteers. The security forces, together with trained dogs, combed the forest meter by meter. A drone with a thermal imager was raised into the air in order to find any living creature within a radius of five kilometers. Divers examined the bottom of the reservoir. The first day of searching gave no result.

On Sunday morning, the number of people involved in the search exceeded 1200 people. Resumed search by land. By noon, 25 square kilometers of the territory were surveyed. So far in vain.

By three o'clock in the afternoon on June 11, the volunteers came across the first footprint of Dima's boot. It was found three kilometers south of the swamp. By the evening, a quadrocopter found a bear and wild elk in the area.

On Monday morning, the volunteers continued to walk around the forest. The security forces took on the nearby residential area, as well as any holes, collapses of trees and structures where the baby could hide.

By Monday evening, fishermen were found, who on Saturday morning noticed a boy in the forest. But then they decided that everything was fine with the child. And he doesn't need help. Dima walked in the opposite direction from his handkerchief.

The fourth day of searches also gave no results. During this time, the number of volunteers and security officials at the site has grown to two thousand people. More than 150 square kilometers of forest have been explored. “Until the child is found, we will assume that he is alive,” the rescuers say and continue the search.

The fifth day of searches. In the morning, volunteers found children's footprints that remained after the rain. All the search engines were pulled to the place and the child was found under a tree. The volunteers gasped - the child was breathing.

Two thousand volunteers, rescuers, police, military, dogs and even a drone. For four days they all tried in vain to find 4-year-old Dima Peskov in the wilderness. And on the fifth day a miracle happened. Experienced search engines cannot give another name to the fact that the boy was found alive.


On the morning of Saturday, June 10, Dima, together with his mother (a nurse in the kindergarten) and his father (a handyman at a poultry farm), went on a hike. The family pitched a tent, and the father and son went to fetch firewood. But soon the boy became bored with picking branches, and he asked his mother.

- I have done utter stupidity. I sent Dimka one, - dad Andrey Peskov lamented in a conversation with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - There you had to walk only 50 meters. Foolishly thought that the son would come in a straight line.

But Dima never went to the tent ... The Peskovs spent three hours trying to find their son on their own. When they realized that trouble could happen, they called the Ministry of Emergencies ...

The rescuers scared the bear

On the second day of the search, the volunteers were frightened by the brown owner of the forest. Mikhailo Ivanovich came out of the windbreak, reared up and growled sternly. There and then there was talk that it was the bear who had dealt with the boy.

- Quite a lot of time has passed since the moment of awakening from hibernation. The bear could attack, but not eat the boy, but strangle and hide in the den, the foresters speculated.

Dima was found a kilometer from the bear's den Photo: ! SOCIAL NETWORK


And on the fifth day, Dima was found seven kilometers from his parents' tent. Despite the fact that it was surveyed (!) 150 square kilometers of forest. So why wasn't the boy found earlier?

“We found Dima's tracks on the first day of the search,” admitted to KP-Yekaterinburg, the head of the Sokol search group, Sergei Shirobokov. - We followed this trail. But they lost it in the swamp area. I had confidence that the child was there. But the foresters assured that the boy could not walk through the swamps. He's already 4 years old. Like, the boy should have guessed that it is better not to walk in the direction of the swamp - you will get bogged down. Therefore, the search parties were sent in the opposite direction. But 4 days led nowhere. Then, at my own peril and risk, I gathered a small group of my employees and nevertheless went through the swamp. And after a few hours they came across a child's footprint from shoes. It was fresh! An hour later, my employee found the boy.

Pasha serves in special forces Photo: ! SOCIAL NETWORK

The child was found by special forces soldier Pavel Karpenko, who joined the search only in the morning. The guy came on vacation from the army and decided to help the rescuers.

“I came across the root of a fallen tree,” explains Pavel. - Looked into the hole from him. And there the boy lies! We began to provide first aid, gave me a drink. They immediately built a stretcher of trees and clothes, and carried Dima out into the swamp.

On June 11, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on negligent death on the fact of the boy's disappearance, but the four-year-old child was found alive. Doctors recorded that the boy Dima was severely hypothermic and dehydrated, and he was also severely bitten by ticks. More than 500 people were looking for the child, including the police, investigators, emergency responders and volunteers.

Four-year-old Dima, who disappeared in the Sverdlovsk region four days ago, was found alive. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Gorelykh.

“Today one of the groups combing the area found a child. It happened near a swamp, in the area of ​​power transmission lines, ”said Gorelykh.

At the time of the discovery, the boy was in an exhausted state; he needed to be evacuated to the hospital by helicopter.

In the public "Typical Yekaterinburg" in "VKontakte" it was reported that the child had hypothermia, dehydration, and was severely bitten by ticks. The child was under the supervision of doctors, he was given droppers and injected with immunoglobulin.

A helicopter was sent for Dima, which is to take him to a hospital in Yekaterinburg.

In the search squad "Falcon", which took part in the search, it was clarified that the boy was found near a swamp, approximately seven kilometers from the deployed headquarters of rescuers.

The child disappeared on the morning of June 10 on the banks of the Reftinskoye reservoir near Yekaterinburg. As the portal "Our Ural" notes, this is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the region. The boy was resting there with his parents. On Saturday morning, he left with his dad to get some wood, but he quickly got tired and began to ask his mother, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Having decided that the parking lot, where the family pitched their tent, was not far away, the father let Dima go alone. Since then, until Wednesday, no one has seen him.

The Ural newspaper Argumenty i Fakty writes that, according to his father, the distance from him to his mother was only about ten meters, and he had no doubts that the child would find his way. However, when he returned, the boy was not there.

Realizing that the child was missing, the parents searched for him themselves for an hour. As local fishermen told them, the boy approached someone else's tent, but when he realized that he was mistaken, he went into the forest. After an unsuccessful search, the parents turned to law enforcement agencies for help. For four days, the forest was searched by police officers, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies, IC investigators and volunteers.

As clarifies, 300 police officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from Asbest, Yekaterinburg, Sukhoi Log and Bogdanovich, as well as volunteers, including the Liza Alert and Sokol search teams, were looking for Dima. A total of about 500 people immediately joined the search. An unmanned aerial vehicle of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was also involved in the operation.

The parents of the missing boy explained to the rescuers that he was not sociable and would not ask for help himself.

The law enforcement officers checked the father and mother of Dima on a lie detector: the behavior of the mother of the child seemed strange to them. After learning about the loss, the mother left the scene some time later, citing the fact that she was frozen - this alerted the police.

The father stayed where he was and assisted the rescuers.

As the police found out, Dima's mother works in a kindergarten, which the boy himself goes to. They are in a civil marriage with the child's father. The child's father himself has several convictions, including those under the articles "Illegal arms trafficking" and "Theft".

The day after the boy's disappearance, rescuers found in the forest traces of children's boots that had broken off near the swamp. On the same day, a drone involved in the search found traces of moose and a bear in the forest. Experts came to the conclusion that the predator could not attack the child, so it took quite a long time after he left hibernation.

At the same time, it was because of the bear that the search and rescue group had to reduce the number of volunteers from among women and children. As explained in the Sverdlovsk Region Ministry of Internal Affairs department, in the evening a brown bear came out on the road in the forest where one of the search groups was located, which had a "psychological effect" on the volunteers, in connection with which some of the non-professional rescuers had to be removed from the forest.

On June 1, the Department of the Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case on the fact of the boy's disappearance under Part 1 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). Despite the lack of evidence of the death of the child, investigators did not rule out the possibility of such an outcome.

Fortune-tellers and psychics, who were also asked to help find the child, also did not rule out the likelihood of death, the local newspaper Nasha Gazeta writes. So, the fortuneteller Elina Hoffman did not see the boy among the living and advised his parents to look for his body in the water. Medium Zarina, in turn, stated that the boy was alive, but she agreed to give more detailed information about his whereabouts only for money. “I can go into a telepathic session and pinpoint the exact location, but it’s paid,” she said.

Two thousand volunteers, rescuers, police, military, dogs and even a drone. For four days they all tried in vain to find 4-year-old Dima Peskov in the wilderness. And on the fifth day a miracle happened. Experienced search engines cannot give another name to the fact that the boy was found alive.


On the morning of Saturday, June 10, Dima, together with his mother (a nurse in the kindergarten) and his father (a handyman at a poultry farm), went on a hike. The family pitched a tent, and the father and son went to fetch firewood. But soon the boy became bored with picking branches, and he asked his mother.

I have done utter stupidity. I sent Dimka one, - dad Andrey Peskov lamented in a conversation with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - There you had to walk only 50 meters. Foolishly thought that the son would come in a straight line.

But Dima never went to the tent ... The Peskovs spent three hours trying to find their son on their own. When they realized that trouble could happen, they called the Ministry of Emergencies ...

The rescuers scared the bear

On the second day of the search, the volunteers were frightened by the brown owner of the forest. Mikhailo Ivanovich came out of the windbreak, reared up and growled sternly. There and then there was talk that it was the bear who had dealt with the boy.

Quite a long time has passed since the moment of awakening from hibernation. The bear could attack, but not eat the boy, but strangle and hide in the den, the foresters speculated.

Dima was found a kilometer from the bear's den Photo: Social network


And on the fifth day, Dima was found seven kilometers from his parents' tent. Despite the fact that it was surveyed (!) 150 square kilometers of forest. So why wasn't the boy found earlier?

We found Dima's traces on the first day of the search, - admitted to KP-Yekaterinburg, the head of the Sokol search group, Sergei Shirobokov. - We followed this trail. But they lost it in the swamp area. I had confidence that the child was there. But the foresters assured that the boy could not walk through the swamps. He's already 4 years old. Like, the boy should have guessed that it is better not to walk in the direction of the swamp - you will get bogged down. Therefore, the search parties were sent in the opposite direction. But 4 days led nowhere. Then, at my own peril and risk, I gathered a small group of my employees and nevertheless went through the swamp. And after a few hours they came across a child's footprint from shoes. It was fresh! An hour later, my employee found the boy.

Pasha serves in special forces Photo: Social network

The child was found by special forces soldier Pavel Karpenko, who joined the search only in the morning. The guy came on vacation from the army and decided to help the rescuers.

I came across the root of a fallen tree, explains Pavel. - Looked into the hole from him. And there the boy lies! We began to provide first aid, gave me a drink. They immediately built a stretcher of trees and clothes, and carried Dima out into the swamp.

The boy was carried out on a makeshift stretcher Photo: