Nan 2 milk from what month. Equal milk mixtures for newborns: what better, how to enter, rating and overview brands. Nan basic mixtures assortment for healthy kids

Children from 6 months

Equal milk mixture NAn 2 from 6 months 400 gr.

Acid mixture, intended for healthy children from 6 months as a dairy component of the diet of a child along with foods supplies. Can not serve as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months of life. NAN Equaliferous 2 improves digestion processes, as well as additional protective properties with respect to the risk of developing intestinal infections. Children quickly get used to a pleasant and soft dairy taste. Bio-fermentation is a special technology, as a result of which the mixture acquires additional protective properties, helping to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal infections. This is the process of biological farmation of the product with living lactic acid bacteria. Blipobacteria BL - live probiotic cultures that help strengthen the immunity of your baby.

. BF bifidobacteria
. Without GMOs, preservatives, dyes and flavors.

To preserve living bacteria, the boiler water should be cooled to roughly up to the body temperature (37 ° C) and then add dry powder. For the preparation of the mixture, it is necessary to use the accompanying measuring spoon filled with a slide. Breeding the wrong amount of powder - more or smaller compared to the number specified in the table - can lead to dehydration of the body of a child or a disruption of its power. These proportions can not be changed without a board of medical worker. At this age, it is often recommended to gradually introduce porridge, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. In view of the individual differences in the needs of children, see the advice to the health worker. If your doctor is recommended earlier introduction of new products, reduce the amount of the mixture in accordance with the recommendations.

Storage conditions:

Before and after opening, it is not more than 75% at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C and relative air humidity. The contents of the bank should be used for 3 weeks after opening, it is not recommended to store in the refrigerator.


Safety milk, maltodextrin, lactose, dairy serum, palm olein, starch potato, oil rapeseed oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, calcium phosphate, corn starch, calcium citrate, sodium citrate, emulsifier (soy lecithin), potassium chloride, vitamins (A , D, C, C, C1, B2, PP, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, B12, biotin), iron sulfate, magnesium carbonate, culture of thermophilic bacteria (at least 107 CFU / D), bifidobacterium culture (not Less than 106 CFU / D), zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenament.

Nutritional value (per 100 ml of finished mixture): proteins 1.5 g, carbohydrates 8 g, fats 3.2 g, energy value 67 kcal / 281 kJ

Nutritional value (per 100 g of dry product): proteins 11.25 g, Carbohydrates 59.97 g, Fats 23.9 g, Energy value 500 kcal / 2093 kJ.

Shelf life of 18 months.

In box 12 pieces.

ATTENTION: For the nutrition of young children, breastfeeding is preferable.

It is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Unquestioned. After all, it is breast milk that provides the most rational nutrition of the baby and forms his immunity. But, unfortunately, there are situations when you have to use a mixture for one reason or another. Stamps and types of baby food at the moment a huge range in which you can easily get lost. And as practice shows, the pharmacies advise the mixtures of more expensive and those whose shelf life on the outcome. Here we will try to figure it out in this article in one of the types of baby food - in fermented milk mixtures.

All mixtures are divided into ,. Equal milk mixtures, which will be discussed relate to the group of therapeutic mixtures. What does it mean? Therapeutic mixtures are used at, and when, and with frequent joins. For each problem its mixture. A distinctive feature of therapeutic mixtures is that they are used only by appointing a doctor if a child has direct testimony to this. For daily and long use are not suitable.

You can not take and simply replace the usual mixture of fermented only because your girlfriend feeds his child with her and he has no problems with the chair, and sometimes there are constipation or a liquefied chair.

In everything you need to look for the root cause. First, it is necessary to revise your diet if, it happens that the adapted mixture also has to pick up a long time for changing different grades. Below you learn how to correctly enter the therapeutic mixture into the diet or replace one mixture to another without harm to your baby.

All the mixtures are designed specifically for children from birth to 6 months (they are indicated by the number 1 after the name, for example, "Nan 1 Suklometer", "Nutrilon 1 Sucception") and from 6 months to a year (they can be found in digit 2 on the package, for example , "Nan 2 milk", "Nutrilon 2 milk"). Also, all fermented milk mixtures are very easy to find on the shelves, since they are most often an inscription after the company's company's name is "fermented", as in the above examples.

Main readings for the appointment of fermented milk mixtures:

  • unfavorable environment in infectious relations;
  • moderate functional disorders of digestion;
  • an alternative to non-adaptic acid milk products for children from 6 months;
  • as diet and therapy with acute intestinal infections;
  • prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in children up to year.

The therapeutic effect of fermented acid mixtures is based on the action of probiotics included in its composition, which in the collapse of the acidic medium of the gastrointestinal tract helps the growth of healthy flora and prevent the excessive growth of conditionally pathogenic bacteria.

How to feed the milk mixture?

Just take into the next feeding to give the baby a new mixture instead of the usual one for it. Need any.

We begin to introduce for 30 milliliters of the dairy mixture through one feeding (the rest of the food depending on the age is breast milk or adapted mixture) for two or three days. Then 2-3 days we use the mixture with each feeding. Then we increase the volume up to 60 milliliters through feeding is also 2-3 days. Again 2-3 days each feeding for 60 milliliters. After that, 90 milliliters through feeding 2-3 days, and another 2-3 days each feeding. And now we can oust either several feedings, or completely switch to the milk mixture.

Consider this scheme on a visual example. Suppose a child for 2 months. Its necessary daily power supply is at a weight of 4500 g of 770 ml. On one feed, 770: 7 \u003d 110 ml is necessary.

So, the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th feeding remains the same. But during the 2nd, 4th and 6th, first, the child gives 30 milliliters of the milk mixture, then I register the remaining 80 ml breast milk or an adapted mixture, which you use constantly. Remember that the new mixture is given first, this is a prerequisite. So we continue for 3 days. The next 2-3 days all 7 times with feed first in terms of 30 ml of dairy mixture + 80 ml of milk. Further 3 days 2nd, 4th and 6th feeding 60 ml of dairy mixture + the remaining 50 ml adapted. Another 2 days all feeding according to the scheme described above. Then 3 days 2nd, 4th and 6th feeding according to the scheme 90 ml of the dairy mixture + 20 ml of adapted. 2-3 days fix the diagram each feeding, and then we move by 110 ml each time the fermentation mixture. If you need to replace only a few feedings, it is better to replace the same second, fourth and sixth. It is recommended that children under the year the first and last feeding consisted of milk.

Depending on how purpose you enter the sour-colored mixture, the volume of the mixture will differ, and the duration of its use. If the fermented milk mixture is assigned to the doctor with the aim of preventing the problems with digestion, then most often replace 2 feeding per day (second and penultimate), if the mixture is used with the medical goal, then, most likely, you will have to fully go to the milk mixture for 2-3 Middle months (the doctor will decide, given the condition of the baby).

Let me remind you that the mixture is recommended to be prepared directly before feeding, maximum can be prepared for a mixture for one day. Store open bank with a mixture, keep no more than 3 weeks in a cool, dry place at temperatures from 0 to 25 degrees and air humidity not more than 75%.

Overview of popular marks

"Nan 1 Sucception" and "Nan 2 Suklometer" (Nestle, Switzerland)

Normalizes the intestinal microflora, protects against intestinal infections, improves absorption, lactose and, is a mixture of choice in case of lacking or absence of breast milk. B. Lactis L. Reuteri - 2 single probiotics recommended from birth due to its status of absolute security for newborns. For children over 6 months to achieve a more pronounced protective effect, a combination of probiotics is used: B. Longum + L. Rhamnosus.

The advantage of a mixture of "Nan sour milk" is that it can be used as the main nutrition of healthy children in the absence of breast milk at the mother. This mixture has a pH of 4.75-4.9, which corresponds to the pH of infants and does not contribute to the negative adjustments to the digestion.

"Nutrilak Sucception" (Nutritek, Russia)

It is an adapted dry milk mixture that fully meets the energy needs of the child aged from birth to the year.

Showing a newborn for the restoration of intestinal microflora after antibiotic therapy, transferred intestinal infections, for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, with functional disorders of digestion: constipation, liquid stools.

  • Strains of lactobacilli and living bifidobacteria, which not only have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, but also contribute to the strengthening of immunity;
  • omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids contribute to the development of immunity, the structures of the central nervous system and organs of vision;
  • nucleotides are the necessary plastic material for microflora;
  • lutein who protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • the antioxidant complex, which includes selenium, taurine;
  • does not contain starch.

"Nutrilon 1 Sucception" and "Nutrilon 2 Suklometer" (Nutricia, Holland)

This dry milk mix is \u200b\u200bdesigned to feed children from birth. Due to the action of lacto and bifidobacteria, the mixture effectively improves the digestion of infants and stimulates the growth of healthy intestinal microflora.

  • Skimmed milk;
  • maltodextrin;
  • mixture (sunflower, rapeseed, palm, coconut);
  • lactose;
  • taurine;
  • leaven;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • pH mixture 6.0-6.4.

"Agush 1" and "Agusha 2" (Russia)

  • Whole milk;
  • bifidoacidophily starter;
  • lactose, fructose;
  • a mixture of vegetable oils (high-oleic sunflower, corn, soy, rape, coconut);
  • maltodextrin;
  • cream, breast protein concentrate;
  • mineral and vitamin premix;
  • nucleotides;
  • drinking water.

The composition of the mixture is too artificial due to a large number of vegetable oils, additional food additives (breast protein concentrate), which absolutely do not need a child of this age.

You can also find domestic milk mixtures on sale: "Bifilin", "Adapted Bioolat", "Acidolact," Lactofidus ".

"Bifilin" is a new mixture, which consists capable of multiplying bifidobacteria and their livelihoods. It can also be used in adults to restore intestinal microflora. I consider it not very useful for the children's body, because the pH of the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults is completely different. And once the mixture is allowed for adults, and for children, it means that it is not adapted for a children's body. I do not recommend giving her early children.

"Adapted Bioolat", "Acidolact Soy", "Lactofidus" is a number of domestic mixtures that have passed all necessary research and deserved trust in both the population and doctors.

What a mixture is better to say hard, because they are all balanced, clinical trials passed. You always have to choose parents. Of course, the mixtures of domestic producers will cost cheaper. But foreign ones are much more in the market and, no matter how cool, the latest technologies, equipment are used in their manufacture. In addition, they exist longer on the market. It is not always possible to immediately pick up a suitable mixture, sometimes you need to try several brands to find your own. And my advice to you: Never rely on acquaintances, because every child is individual in everything.

More about the rules of feeding with artificial mixtures, the program "School of Dr. Komarovsky" says:

Among baby food for newborns, a special, very honorable place occupies a special, very honorable place. It belongs to therapeutic products and allows you to adjust the functional disorders of the digestion at the smallest - from birth and up to the year.

It can not be introduced into oblivion on their own - only on the recommendations and appointment of a pediatrician who found some deviations in health from the kid. Parents should not be afraid of transition to such a type of feeding, because it brings with him exclusively benefits.

The main advantages of fermented milk mixtures are in their composition and functionality. The ingredients are selected in such a way that they perfectly fit into the work of a small organism and normalize the health of the child during the occasional diseases and violations.

The pediatrician approves such a nutrition takes into account the condition, age and individual features of the kid. What does it differ from the usual?

  1. The most important advantage of fermented milk mixtures is that they relate to the category of medical, adapted products that are used exclusively to appoint a pediatrician in case the child has health problems.
  2. The composition includes probiotics that contribute to the growth of a favorable flora in the intestine and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in it.
  3. For the production of fermentation of living bacterial crops.
  4. The requirements for their quality are determined by the sanitary legislation of Russia, the European Union and WHO recommendations.
  5. These can only be strains of microorganisms isolated from humans and do not have toxic and pathogenic effects.
  6. Bacteria must be maximum resistant to external influence and maintain stability when preparing and storing the product.
  7. Finding into the digestive tract of the child, the probiotic microorganisms are isolated for milk acid, which stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, normalizes the chair, eliminates.

This is how the milk mixture differs from the usual: its useful composition in which lactobacilli and probiotics are necessarily present, as well as therapeutic effect on the body of children from birth to the year. To go to such food, special medical testimony and pediatrician appointment are needed.

Keep in mind. There are many fermented fermented in the market (kefir, yogurt, nyrine), but they are not children's nutrition, since they are not adapted to the needs and features of small organisms. In their composition there is a one-piece, non-fermented protein of cow milk, which causes allergic reactions and functional disorders of the GCT in children.


The pediatrician, assigned the transition to a new meal, must explain to parents, for which it is necessary for the milk mixture specifically their baby. It is usually used with a decrease and impairment of digestive functions.

Medical indications for its use by children up to year are:

  • risk of infection with infections;
  • when;
  • functional disorders in digestion;
  • stomach dyspepsia (bad ability to digest food);
  • with diarrhea and constipation;
  • reduced appetite or its absence at all;
  • against the background of this - a bad weight set;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • with colic;
  • reduced immunity;
  • rickets;
  • intestine dysbiosis.

But with allergies, fermented milk mixtures are not prescribed. Yes, they are perfectly absorbed, do not cause rejection from the side of a small organism. But their main task is the correction of the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, at a given disease, they are most often prescribed, but adapted.

As studies have shown, the use of baby food products with lacto and bifidobacteriums increases the intensity of the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal suction, improves protein and calcium digestibility. The kids begin to recover and develop in accordance with their age characteristics, no lag behind the peers.


Parents should know which sour milk mixtures are not to purchase a product that will be useless. In the modern market there is a variety of species of such baby food. They differ in composition, consistency, degree of adaptation and what are being developed for children of different ages.

According to the degree of adaptation:

  • fully adapted fermented milk mixture for kids under the age of half;
  • partially adapted meals for children after 8 months.

By age:

  • the figure "1" on the package means that these are fermented milk mixtures for infants, which can be given from birth to six months;
  • the number "2" is fermented milk mixtures for children up to a year, starting from 6 months.

By consistency:

  • dry milk mixture to be breeded with water (proportions are indicated in the instructions), has a long shelf life, the market is represented by the most famous brands - NaN, Nutrilak, Nutrilon, Nutricia, Similac et al.;
  • liquid, which must be used within 2-3 days (represented by awesome, bifiline).

Finding children's fermented milk mixtures in the current market in accordance with the age of the child, individual preferences (liquid or dry forms) and the financial capabilities of the parents are not difficult. The choice is significantly facilitated by the recommendations of pediatricians, which can assign some particular product.

Feeding rules

You need to know how to enter the sour-colored mixture into the diet of the child so that it does not harm it with health. If it is sharp and in large quantities, it turns out the opposite effect, i.e., the digestion of the crumbs will be upset even more. The main principle is here - graduality and accurate compliance with all medical recommendations.

  1. If the fermented milk mixture was prescribed as prevention, it completely replaces only 2 feedings - the second and last.
  2. When constipation and diarrhea, which are inconsistent, is recommended to alternate "through one". For example, the 1st, 3rd and 5th feeding are carried out using the usual baby breast milk (adapted mixture). A 2nd and 4th - using a product with lactobacteriums.
  3. If it is prescribed for treatment, feeding is gradually replaced entirely.
  4. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such a power enhances joining the kids to 3 months, so it is rarely prescribed as the main one at this age.
  5. The duration of use is determined by the pediatrician and averages 2-3 months.
  6. Many parents are asked whether it is possible to feed only the sour milk mixture: with a weakened health and a complete replacement of all feedings for the prescription of the doctor - yes.
  7. Power is prepared immediately before feeding in accordance with the instructions.
  8. An open bank is stored for 3 weeks in a dry, cool place at a temperature mode from 0 ° C to + 25 ° C and air humidity not more than 75%.

For what time and how to give the fermented milk mixture, a doctor should tell. It is he who adjusts the use of the appointment of the state of the kid. If he began to gain weight well, reached its age norm, the problems with digestion disappeared, you can go back to food, which was before, but there is no particular need for this.


The list of fermented milk mixtures includes products of domestic and foreign production. Their compositions are very similar, they have a roughly the same effect on the baby gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Nan. Nestle (Switzerland). $ 7.5.
  2. Nutrilak. Nutritek (Russia). $ 5.2.
  3. Nutrilon. Nutricia (Holland). $ 8.1.
  4. SIMILAC. Denmark / Spain / Ireland. $ 7.6.
  5. Agush. Russia. $ 0.6.
  6. Bifilin. Russia. $ 0.9.
  7. Adapted bioolkt. Russia. $ 7.
  8. Acidolact soy. Russia. $ 3.9.

However, no rating can determine which of these products will be optimal in one way or another. As a rule, the best milk mixture is the one who willingly eats a child and which really normalizes digestion and improves the state of the disease.

With minor differences in the composition and functions of these products can be found in a more detailed review.

Overview of the best

After identifying problems with digestion, the pediatrician will tell parents, which fermented milk mixtures for newborns are better - Russian or foreign production, with or without oils, enriched with biodevices or containing only lactobacilli. Most often doctors advise several products, providing parents the right to choose a brand and brand themselves in accordance with their financial capabilities.

A small overview of the most popular and well-proven to help parents understand the variety of the range.


It is represented by two products: "Nan 1 milk", "Nan 2 milk". Produced by the famous Swiss company Nestle.

Very useful for kids with disorders in digestion:

  • normalizes microflora;
  • protects against infections;
  • increases the absorption of protein, lactose, calcium, iron.

This contributes to the useful and adapted composition:

  • B. Lactis + L. Reuteri - a combination of two unique probiotics recommended from birth due to absolute security;
  • B. Longum + L. Rhamnosus - This tandem probiotics is used for children who have already been half a year, it performs not so much therapeutic, how many protective and preventive functions.

Often NaN is appointed even a healthy baby who lacks maternal milk and even with its absence. This acidic mixture has a pH level of 4.75-4.9, as in newborns, therefore does not make any negative adjustment in digestion.


"Nutrilak fermented milk" is an adapted dry mix that fully meets the energy needs of the baby from birth to the year. Indications for application:

  • restoration of microflora after antibiotics;
  • transferred intestinal infections;
  • prevention;
  • functional disorders of digestion: diarrhea, constipation, colic.

Nutrilak has a very rich and useful composition:

  • strains of live bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system;
  • nucleotides are the necessary plastic material for microflora;
  • omega-3 fatty acids are needed for immunity, normal formation of CNS and organs of vision;
  • lutein protects a small organism from the harmful effects of ultraviolet;
  • an antioxidant complex that includes vitamins and minerals: ascorbic acid, vitamins B, zinc, taurine, selenium.

Another advantage of Nutrilak - it does not contain starch and sucrose, which are poorly absorbed by newborns.


The Dutch firm of baby nutricia is presented on the market two products - "Nutrilon 1 milk", "Nutrilon 2 milk". This is a dry mix for feeding babies from birth. Contains lacto and bifidobacteria, due to which efficiently normalizes digestion, stimulates the growth of useful, healthy intestinal microflora.

Besides them, in the composition you can find:

  • skimmed milk;
  • taurine;
  • maltodextrin;
  • lactose;
  • a mixture of vegetable oils: sunflower, rape, palm, coconut;
  • zavskaya;
  • complex of vitamins and minerals.

The pH level of Nutrilon is 6.0-6.4.

SIMILAC (Similac)

Very popular fermented milk mixture, which is represented by a wide range:

  • "SIMILAC-1" - the main or additional food product for children from birth to six months;
  • "SIMILAC-2" - prescribed pediatricians from six months;
  • "SIMILACK PREMIUM-1" - to strengthen immunity in weakened kids up to 6 months;
  • "SIMILAC PREMIUM-2" - the continuation of the previous product is used after half a year;
  • "SIMILAC NEOSURE" - to feed premature babies.

The composition of Similak includes:

  • live bacteria to improve intestinal microflora;
  • iron;
  • fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • lysozyme;
  • taurine;
  • lactulose.

The production of the mixture was transferred several times to different countries, so on the packages you can find the mark that the product is made in Ireland, Denmark or Spain. It contributes to a constant baby weight set within the age standards, and also favorably affects its general development. After all, in composition, it is as close as possible to breast milk.


Equal milk mixtures of Russian production "Agusha 1" and "Agusha 2" are good for those who prefer domestic firms, the prices for the products of which are not so biting.

The composition includes:

  • whole milk;
  • lactose;
  • bifidoacidophily starter;
  • fructose;
  • maltodextrin;
  • a mixture of vegetable oils: highly rigid sunflower, corn, soy, rape, coconut;
  • cream;
  • concentrated breast protein;
  • nucleotides;
  • mineral and vitamin premix;
  • ordinary drinking water.

However, the composition of Agusha's mixture causes a lot of complaints from specialists, as it is too artificial because of the abundance of vegetable oils and completely unnecessary to such small children of food additives (such as concentrated protein of dairy serum).


"Bifilin" is a new fermented milk mixture of Russian production. On the one hand, its composition is unique, as it contains bifidobacteria that can multiply, as well as their products of their livelihoods. On the other hand, it is recommended even adults to restore intestinal microflora.

This fact sets doubt on the benefit of the mixture for small stomachs, because the pH in children and adults is radically different. Specialists argue that for the children's body, it is not adapted, and do not recommend it to give newborns.

All these products passed all the necessary clinical studies and earned the trust of the population and doctors. It is difficult to say which milk mixture is better, because they are all very useful, adapted and balanced. Choose parents.

On the one hand, the products of Russian producers are cheaper. But overseas are presented on the market in much more. In addition, it is well known that they are manufactured on the latest equipment and using modern innovative technologies.

Pick up the appropriate healing nutrition is difficult, as each child is individual. So do not rely on the experience of a neighbor or acquaintances: in this issue you need to be guided solely recommendations and the appointment of a pediatrician.

Block of questions and answers

Answers to the most relevant issues of parents about the use of fermented milk mixtures for children will help dispel doubts and use the product for its intended purpose.

  • Is it possible to feed the child with a milk mixture constantly?

It is possible, but only by appointing a doctor.

  • How often can I give the fermented milk mixture?

For prevention - 2 times a day, for treatment - to completely replace all feedings.

  • How to give it right?

The rules for use, dosage, the proportions of breeding with water are detailed in the instructions. Focus on them.

  • Is it possible to mix with usual?

It is impossible. Give first - one (with gradual replacement of feeding), then only - the other, in different bottles.

  • Is it possible to give a fermented mixture of another company?

The transition from one source mixture to another from another manufacturer should be carried out gradually. It is impossible to mix them.

  • When to give?

The first are replaced by the second and last feeding. Then gradually - all the others, in accordance with the regime of the child.

The beneficial properties of fermented milk mixtures make it possible to treat and prevent digestive disorders in children under the year. No need to take the initiative and use them without the appointment of a doctor. This may lead to the fact that a healthy stomach will stop working independently, constantly hoping for help from probiotics and lactobacilli, which are contained in such nutrition.

Golden middle, literacy and clear observance of medical testimony - these are the basic principles of using this type of baby food.

For the nutrition of young children, it is preferable to breastfeeding. Perfect food for a breast child is Mother Milk. Breastfeeding should continue as long as possible. Before making a decision on artificial feeding using a children's mixture, seek advice to a health care.


The mixture should be prepared immediately before feeding. Follow the preparation instructions for sure. The diluted mixture remaining after feeding is not subject to storage and subsequent use. During feeding, it is necessary to maintain a child so that he does not choose. When the child is growing, go to feeding from a cup.

Dry instant subsequent fermented milk mixture "Nestle®"
"Nan® Sucception 2" for children from 6 months.

Helpful information

Bio-fermentation - Special technology, as a result of which the mixture acquires additional protective properties, helping to reduce the risk of intestinal infections. This is the process of biological fermentation of the product with the help of living lactic acid bacteria.
Bl. bifidobacteria - Live probiotic cultures that help strengthen the immunity of your baby.

Find out more

Nan® Acosple 2. - Acid mixture, intended for healthy children from 6 months as a dairy component of the child's diet, along with food supplies. Can not serve as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months of life.
Nan® Acosple 2. Improves digestion processes, as well as additional protective properties regarding the risk of developing intestinal infections. Children quickly get used to a pleasant and soft milk taste.

The product is made of raw materials produced by specially selected suppliers without the use of genetically modified ingredients, preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Dry instant subsequent fermentation mixture "NESTLE®" "Nan® Sucception 2" for children from 6 months.

Safety milk, maltodextrin, lactose, dairy serum, palm olein, starch potato, oil rapeseed oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, calcium phosphate, corn starch, calcium citrate, sodium citrate, soy lecithin curtain, potassium chloride, vitamins (A, D , E, K, C, B1, B2, RR, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, B12, biotin), iron sulfate, magnesium carbonate, culture of thermophilic bacteria (at least 10 7 Core / d), bifidobacterium culture (at least 10 6 CFU / d), zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenament. The product is packaged in a modified atmosphere with nitrogen.

Manufacturing date (MAN), suitable to (EXP) and batch number are indicated at the bottom of the bank.
Before and after opening, the product is stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C and relative air humidity not more than 75%. The contents of the bank should be used for 3 weeks after opening, it is not recommended to store in the refrigerator.
Manufacturer: Nestlé Nederland B.V. (Nestle Nestem BW), Stroombaan 14,1181 VX Amstelveen, Netherlands, Factory in Nunspeet, NL-8071, Laan 110, 8071 JC Nunspeet, Netherlands.
Importer: LLC Nestle Russia, Russia, 115054, Moscow, Paveletskaya Square, d. 2, p. 1.
Suppliers in the Republic of Belarus: IOOO "Alidi West", Belarus, 220140, Minsk, ul. Dombrovskaya, 9, of. 7.3.1.; SOOO "TPG West Ost Union", 223043, Minsk region, Minsk district, Pappernian S / C, 45/1, Dubovlyani district, Abk building.

The volume of the mixture consumed and the frequency of feedings can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the child. Contact advice to the health worker.
** To preserve the number of live bacteria, the bockered water should be cooled to approximately before the body temperature (37 ° C) and then add a dry powder.
*** Note: For the preparation of the mixture, it is necessary to use the accompanying measuring spoon filled without a slide. Dilution of improper amount of powder - more or less compared to the number specified in the table, can lead to dehydration of the child's body or its disorders. These proportions can not be changed without a board of medical worker.
**** At this age, it is often recommended to gradually introduce porridge, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish into the diet. In view of the individual differences in the needs of children, see the advice to the health worker. If your doctor is recommended earlier introduction of new products, reduce the amount of the mixture in accordance with the recommendations.