Folk remedies as a panacea for wrinkles around the eyes. Composition of honey and egg for the prevention of wrinkles. Honey for rejuvenation

Every woman, no matter what her age, certainly wants to have elastic and toned skin that does not have wrinkles. This is especially true for those ladies who have already begun to count their second or third thirty years.

The skin near the eyes becomes the most vulnerable to fine wrinkles on the female body, because it is much thinner than the rest of the dermis of the body. Below it are many facial muscles that contract thousands of times a day. Because of this, eyelids have a natural elasticity that is lost over time. Consider how you can cope with the problem, which remedy for wrinkles around the eyes is the most effective.

Reasons for the development of wrinkles

Since the skin here is devoid of sweat glands, it tends to overheat or overcool much more. Gradually, this causes a partial loss of elasticity - the first wrinkles appear. Also, the stretching of the dermis is affected by spontaneous eye movement.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained IS FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Women who smoke are at risk, because when they exhale smoke, their eyes usually squint. The same situation applies to those who suffer from nearsightedness or farsightedness. Then women also have to squint often in order to concentrate their vision.

Ways to eliminate wrinkles

To answer the topical question for many women: “What is an effective remedy for wrinkles around the eyes?” not so easy, although there are several simple recipes. Even our ancestors used folk remedies proven for centuries for wrinkles around the eyes. The most common among them were various masks applied to the skin.

Skin care rules

However, it should be remembered that now women use cosmetic preparations much more often than before.

A very important component of the process of eliminating wrinkles and preventing their prevention is the timely and complete cleansing of the skin.

It should be competently, and also extremely carefully remove makeup applied to the face in the morning. It is best to use various means for this purpose, performing the manipulation in several stages. It is convenient to apply oil, and after it tonic. The first tool perfectly removes the remnants of shadows, pencil and mascara, and the second will remove all traces of oil.

The importance of skin hydration

Since the skin in the eye area does not have sebaceous glands, it practically does not moisturize. The most acceptable remedy for wrinkles under the eyes is the most trivial aloe plant. It contains vitamins, various nutrients, perfectly moisturizing the skin. And yes, it is quite simple to use.

It is enough to pick a leaf, and then wipe the poorly moisturized skin around the eyes with it. There is no house code for such a plant - you can purchase a preparation containing aloe juice. An effective remedy similar to wrinkles under the eyes is recommended to be used constantly.

How oils fight wrinkles

The healing properties of essential oils have long been known. They are used to accelerate the growth of nails and hair, to moisturize overdried and soften the roughened dermis. Now it has become popular to use essential oils to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes.

Elimination of wrinkles after 30 years

Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes after 30 years are:

  • To urgently restore skin tone, you should use the best remedy for wrinkles around the eyes - fresh cucumbers or apples. It is necessary to cut round plates from the fruits, and then apply them for a quarter of an hour to the skin around the eyes. The procedure should be performed in the morning to relieve night puffiness, and also in the evening for a preventive purpose.

  • Another really best remedy for wrinkles under the eyes will help - a linden mask mixed with honey. For cooking, you need to carefully pour a spoonful of well-chopped lime flowers with a glass of boiling water and then insist for two-thirds of an hour. When the liquid has cooled, a little flower honey should be added to it. This tool must be lubricated not only around the eyes, but also on the forehead. The duration of the manipulation is from a quarter to a third of an hour. It is necessary to repeat the manipulation every other day.
  • A very effective mask, among the ingredients of which is honey, simple glycerin and fresh chicken eggs. It is prepared simply, just mix the components taken equally. The resulting product is required to lubricate the skin, subsequently applied mask must certainly be washed off. This manipulation is also recommended to be repeated every other day.

  • A folk remedy such as a mask made from ground cherries along with strawberries will help remove wrinkles around the eyes. After the procedure, wash off the mask with a cotton pad, soaking it in a decoction of chamomile.
  • Folk remedies following wrinkles under the eyes are incredibly effective - frozen fruit or vegetable juices. Any product can be used. You just need to squeeze the juice, and then freeze it in cubes. Icicles periodically need to wipe the face, especially the eye area. It is recommended to perform the manipulation in the morning, as well as every time after the bath. You can not wipe the juice - wait until it is completely absorbed into your skin.
  • When a woman's age has exceeded thirty, it is recommended to use an ointment prepared on wax. Its recipe is as follows: mix a tablespoon of onion juice with the same volume of liquid squeezed from a white lily in an earthenware bowl. Then add a similar amount of wax and flower honey to the drug. Place the container on fire, waiting for the wax to melt. The finished potion must be cooled, and then rubbed all over the face twice a day. After completing several such manipulations, it is necessary to take an indispensable two-week break.

Elimination of wrinkles after 40 years

Around the eyes, wrinkles are removed by slightly different folk remedies after 40 years. The most effective drug against wrinkles at this age is a slurry of only three fairly simple substances: sea buckthorn, as well as cocoa butter, vitamin E (all this can be purchased by visiting a nearby pharmacy). The ingredients must be mixed, taking the same amount of them. Melt the cocoa butter first. The resulting liquid is recommended to rub the skin around the eyes.

It is necessary to apply masks from wrinkles around the eyes after 40 years, because at this age the skin sags, losing its natural elasticity. According to reviews, the best drug for wrinkles is a drug made from ordinary potatoes with grape oil. To prepare such a mask, you need to perform several procedures. First, grate half a fresh potato using the finest possible grater, then add grape oil to the gruel (a couple of drops are enough). Then put more cream (a couple of tablespoons) into the potion, mix everything thoroughly. The resulting composition has a certain elasticity, it does not drain from the skin at all. The duration of applying the mask is half an hour (maximum two-thirds of an hour). After the procedure, you need to wash everything off your face using warm water.

Wrinkles that have begun to appear under the eyes can be removed with folk remedies if you periodically use a kind of slurry obtained from freshly picked parsley as an ingredient in the mask. After this procedure, rub the skin with high-quality olive oil - this will enhance the effect of manipulation. Such an oil prevents the development of wrinkles, since the elements included in it prevent the formation of peroxide substances in the dermis that destroy the collagen protein. Even in the oil there are phytoestrogens that increase the production of this protein, so the skin becomes elastic after manipulation, the wrinkles that appear are smoothed out.

To tighten sagging eyelids, there are many folk recipes for wrinkles around the eyes. Take the yolk separated from the egg and pour a dozen and a half drops of liquid vitamin E into it, add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to the solution, drip vitamin A (a few drops), as well as a spoonful of oil squeezed from wheat germ. Thoroughly mix the prepared product, apply on the eyelids. After half an hour, wash off the gruel, lubricate the skin with any baby cream. This manipulation is recommended to be repeated every other day.

It is easy to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes with folk remedies when flower honey is used for this. This is the most saturated with microelements and all kinds of vitamins product. For a cosmetic potion, you must use a melted product. The mask is prepared as follows: mix a spoonful of flour and thoroughly beaten egg white, then pour a tablespoon of flower honey into these ingredients. The resulting healing potion is recommended to be used periodically as a slurry applied to the area around the eyes. Leave the gruel on your face for a moment until it has completely cooled down, becoming rough. Then it must be washed off with slightly warm water.

All kinds of folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes perfectly help to restore the skin. One of the recipes recommends a honey-sour cream mask for a fading epidermis, which should be prepared as follows: mix sour cream, bee honey, always fresh banana and chicken yolk (take all the ingredients in the same volume). Lubricate the areas of the skin that have problems with the prepared gruel. It is recommended to use manipulation every other day.

Also, folk remedies will eliminate wrinkles if you prepare a milk-apple mixture. To do this, you need to cut a medium-sized apple into small slices, after removing the peel from it. Pour the resulting cubes into milk. Then put a bowl of liquid on the flame and cook until a potion with a consistency resembling a thick gel is obtained.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, from folk methods to procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed IS FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

Other Alternative Means

Having considered how to get rid of wrinkles with proven folk remedies, one should not forget that it is necessary to supplement the masks with various modern creams - they will become reliable means to be applied around the eyes. When choosing a cream for yourself, you should focus on your own preferences, your skin type and your age.

In addition to folk remedies that quickly eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and purchased creams, one should not forget about such a procedure as peeling.

Although it is not recommended to perform such a manipulation near the eyes on your own - you can only harm yourself with this. It is better to visit a beauty salon, where experienced craftsmen will professionally perform this procedure, after which a woman literally does not recognize herself because of her transformed face.

Let's find out what folk skin care products can really help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, or at least make wrinkles around the eyes almost invisible.

The skin in the eye area is very thin, delicate, prone to drying out, which is why wrinkles form around the eyes so quickly. How to solve the problem of wrinkles around the eyes for a woman - let's find out what folk skin care products can really help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, or at least make wrinkles around the eyes almost invisible.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes - moisturizing

We draw your attention to folk remedies that actively moisturize the area around the eyes and help remove wrinkles - these are aloe and essential oils. So, aloe vera is a wonderful folk moisturizer that effectively eliminates dry skin in problem areas - around and under the eyes. Regularly lubricate dry skin with aloe juice before going to bed to get rid of wrinkles. To do this, just pick a fresh leaf and squeeze a little juice out of it directly on the skin (but not on the eyes). If aloe vera does not grow in your home, purchase either the same juice from the pharmacy or a special gel containing about 98% of the juice of this medicinal plant, and use it in its pure form or inface mask with aloe fight wrinkles in the eye area.

Essential oils of natural origin have a wonderful moisturizing effect on wrinkles around the eyes and under the eyes. Drip a little oil on the pads of your fingers and, barely patting, apply it to the skin of the eyelids. To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, according to traditional medicine, peach, apricot or almond oil is perfect. And on the eyelashes you can apply a little burdock orcastor oil that strengthen eyelashes and accelerate their growth.

If you are not satisfied with the anti-wrinkle eye cream that you bought in the store, we offer you a home-made anti-wrinkle eye cream with nourishing oils. You will need a mixture of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of vitamin E (in the form of an oil solution) and the same amount of cocoa butter and sea buckthorn. By shifting this, you will get an excellent wrinkle cream around the eyes. Lubricate the upper and lower eyelids liberally with the resulting mixture, and fix the mask in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outer corner of the eyes by placing small pieces of parchment or wax paper on top. Hold for a quarter of an hour, then remove the excess with a napkin (but do not rub, it is contraindicated for wrinkles!). Do this procedure for getting rid of wrinkles in the eye area several times a week 2 hours before bedtime.

Olive oil for wrinkles around the eyes

In the fight against wrinkles around the eyes, olive oil has proven itself well. It can be applied to the eyelids in the form of a compress, after which it is recommended to massage the eyelids and the area under the eyes. There are several optionsface mask with olive oil , for example, a mask of 50 ml of oil and 10 ml of vitamin E. The mixture is applied with light patting movements on wrinkled areas and left for 5 minutes, after which the remnants are blotted with a napkin. This mask is suitable for daily use, it is advisable to do it at night. Another option that will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the eye area is a mask of olive oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice. The mask is applied to the skin around the eyes with light movements, and after 10 minutes, removed with a napkin.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes - folk recipes

  • The simplest mask for wrinkles around the eyes is wheat bread crumb crumble and grind with warmed milk. Gently spread the resulting mass around the eyes and hold for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water.
  • You may like the folk recipe for an anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes with honey. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey (if thick, then melt it first) and wheat flour, beat 1 protein, mix everything. Apply the mixture on problem areas around the eyes and under the eyes and leave until the mask dries, then rinse. Wheat flour can be replaced with oatmeal, then the mask will need to be kept a little longer - about half an hour.
  • Another folk option to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes is to grate raw potatoes. on a fine grater and add a little cream to it. Apply the mixture under the eyes for 15 minutes. At this time, you can make a mask for the upper eyelids: moisten cotton swabs in strong tea leaves and cover the upper eyelids with them.
  • Well, the simplest recipe is to use a fresh cucumber. Just put them on the problem areas around the eyes, where you have wrinkles, cucumber slices or, even better, its pulp, natural on a grater, for a quarter of an hour. This mask, judging by the numerous reviews, is very popular with all readers of our magazine.

My opinion on cosmetics for wrinkles around the eyes

A couple of years ago, I was offered to write an article for an online store that sells anti-wrinkle cosmetics. Payment was offered by barter: I write, they give me a fee with different creams. I asked - what are the best creams for wrinkles around the eyes?"Secretly" I was told that there is no big difference between expensive and budget cosmetics, the main thing is that it contains collagen, retinol or hyaluronic acid. It is these components that put in order the delicate near-eye zone, everything else is advertising. Draw your own conclusions, dear readers. From my point of view, the most correct solution would be an integrated approach, when cosmetics are supplemented with folk wisdom, the recipes of which I introduced you to.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes if home and folk remedies do not help

  • Botox is one of the most effective methods to quickly remove wrinkles around the eyes. Literally in one procedure you will see positive results - wrinkles will be smoothed out for a long time. Botulinum toxin is injected into the area around the eyes. It partially blocks the facial muscles, due to which they relax and wrinkles are eliminated. The action of Botox lasts up to a year, then it is necessary to repeat the procedure. See the article for all the details.what is botox and where to inject it .
  • Fillers are intradermal fillers. Fillers actively eliminate not only facial wrinkles, but also those that are visible without facial expressions. In addition, fillers are very useful when there is a loss of tissue turgor as a result of rapid weight loss or age-related tissue atrophy. Fillers are injected into the problem area. Thanks to the filler, you can remove not only wrinkles around the eyes, but also bruises under the eyes - just one procedure is enough. Duration - up to a year, then the procedure is repeated. You can read more about fillers and their actions in the fight against wrinkles in the article.what are fillers and how they work..
  • Laser resurfacing. This procedure can smooth out even the deepest wrinkles. The procedure is performed with a special fractional laser device. As a result of grinding, the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed, thereby reducing the depth of wrinkles. Moreover, laser resurfacing provokes the production of its own collagen and elastin, which increases the elasticity and tone of the skin.
  • Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. These procedures are a bit similar to laser resurfacing. The only difference is that the effect of these procedures is more delicate - only a small layer of damaged or keratinized epidermis of the skin is removed. In view of this, thanks to this procedure, it is possible to remove not pronounced wrinkles around the eyes. Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion can also be used to prevent wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Blepharoplasty. This method involves surgery. It is resorted to when there is excess skin on the upper eyelid, and it begins to overhang or there is a hernia or bags under the eyes. In this case, excess tissue is removed and thus age-related changes are corrected. This radical technique should be resorted to only in the exceptional case when all of the above methods are ineffective.

Ekaterina Beautiful

Additionally on the topic Wrinkles around the eyes, folk recipes for wrinkles under the eyes
Eyelash care - an indispensable condition for working with wrinkles around the eyes
Face masks help keep skin beautiful and youthful
Caring for the skin around the eyes - a few more folk and not only secrets of fighting wrinkles around and under the eyes
Fading skin What else can be done to combat skin aging

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes - reviews and comments

I use many of the proposed methods myself, but I want to add to them from myself - ice is perfect for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes. Cooling causes a sharp influx of blood, which improves metabolism and promotes rejuvenation. I carry out the procedure in the morning, first I wipe the wrinkles with a piece of ice, then I lubricate them with olive oil, as in your article. I drink coffee, then wash off the oil and enjoy the reflection in the mirror)))

Alyona, how to get rid of wrinkles around eyes
To remove wrinkles, I make such a mask - women, the effect is visible almost immediately! The friend who gave me this recipe said it was called Parisian. First you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face, incl. and around the eyes. You will need sauerkraut in the amount of 100 grams, two gauze, between which cabbage is placed, the width of the strip is about the size of a palm, just to close the area where the eyes have wrinkles. After that, everything is placed on the face. I advise you to make this mask in the dark, then the eyes are calm, and the skin around them too. To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, hold for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water, apply a light nourishing cream. Course - 10 masks in two days on the third. The skin seems to glow, and small wrinkles are tightened.

Reviews and comments (26)

To the attention of readers of the magazine. You can leave your feedback, comments, opinions on how to remove wrinkles around the eyes in this block.

I fully support you - you won’t get off with home remedies alone, you have to go to a beautician. I’m very afraid of any radical methods, such as plastic surgery and even cleaning is a little scary, so I chose photorejuvenation: it’s such a non-surgical peeling, it’s safe, fast and without pain. The skin is elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.


Please post my review - I have a couple of good tips for those who want to remove wrinkles around the eyes. Firstly, it is necessary to get enough sleep, at least 8 hours, otherwise wrinkles cannot be removed. It is very important to always remove makeup at night, which prevents the skin from breathing freely. Secondly, do not wash your face with soap - this product dries the skin a lot, which we absolutely do not need.

It is necessary to exercise at least 5 minutes a day with the simulator, then there will be no wrinkles in the area of ​​​​the eyes, nose, lips until the age of 70.


Plasma therapy helps, its advantage is that platelets remain alive (it is they who return youth to the face). I started with the face, now I’m doing the same with my hands (otherwise they still give out age). Several procedures per month give an incomparable result, in any case, I have not come across more effective methods to combat wrinkles and age-related changes.

I read your advice on how to make the cream for wrinkles around the eyes myself, but the mixture of oils seemed to me to be very liquid. I mixed them with the usual nourishing baby cream and now I use them. It doesn't run and absorbs well.

Fish oil helps to remove wrinkles around the eyes.

How many I did not use such folk remedies, there was no special effect. No, of course, the skin began to look better, but not the way I wanted. Botox pierced and all problems solved. It seems to me that it is necessary to assess the condition of your skin objectively, when it can be helped on its own, and when cosmetology intervention is required.

In addition to homemade masks for wrinkles, I regularly use creams, I try to choose those that contain collagen and elastin, vit. A and E are great antioxidants! I have noticeably improved the condition of the skin around my eyes!

In three weeks, bags in the eye area went away, puffiness, the cheeks decreased, in this area the oval of the face became clearer, the general condition of the skin improved. I'm still working on my chin.

We all grow up and age accordingly. Our skin ages along with us. Usually unsightly changes are most noticeable on the most sensitive areas, such as the eyelids.

So, you have wrinkles around your eyes, what should you do?

Remember, the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is insufficient nutrition and dry skin of the eyelids. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to anti-wrinkle masks, home ones are better.

Folk masks for wrinkles in the eye area

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes with folk remedies? You can fight wrinkles around the eyes with folk remedies using honey masks, because it is known that honey is very important in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Recipe. Honey mask for wrinkles around the eyes

This mask will help women without difficulty get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of honey, mix them with two tablespoons of barley flour, and one egg white. Apply what you received. mixture on the whole face (including the skin near the eyes), walk with a mask for 30 minutes. Rinse off the mask first with hot water and then with cold water. This mask is great for removing chicken feet, but do not use it too often.

Recipe. Mask with honey and oatmeal around the eyes.

Mix a few tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of stronger tea, and two tablespoons of oatmeal. To get the desired consistency, add a little water and slightly heat it for a couple. Apply the mask on the skin of the face for twenty minutes and on top, for the best effect, cover with a towel. Rinse off the mask first with hot water and then with cold water. Be sure to apply a little moisturizer to your skin. With this mask you can finally remove wrinkles around the eyes, it is very useful for dry skin of the face.

Recipe. Mask of flax seeds against wrinkles around the eyes.

A very good folk remedy to help smooth wrinkles under the eyes is a flax mask. Pour two tablespoons of seeds with a glass of water, wait until it boils and cook until a more or less thick mass is formed. Strain it and put it on the skin around the eyes for twenty-five minutes. Rinse off the mask first with hot water and then with cold water.

Recipe. Mask against wrinkles under the eyes of cornflower flowers.

Cleans up better wrinkles around the eyes folk remedy- in the form of a mask of cornflowers. A tablespoon of cornflower inflorescences (whether fresh or dried) pour a quarter cup of olive oil, leave for about a week. The skin around the eyes is smeared with infusion at night, before going to bed. Regularly using this tool, you will noticeably smooth wrinkles around the eyes.

Grandma's recipe

Recipe. Raw potato wrinkle eye mask

Even among our grandmothers, a mask around the eyes from wrinkles from raw potatoes and parsley broth was popular. To prepare the mask, chop parsley and pour hot water in the proportion of four tablespoons of parsley per 100 ml of water. Let it brew for up to twenty minutes. At this time, rub the raw potatoes and pour the resulting potato mass with three tablespoons of the prepared broth. In an almost finished mask, add vegetable oil - one teaspoon. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply to the eyes with a gauze pad for 8-10 minutes. After washing off the mask, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Recipe. Potato mask with cream for wrinkles around the eyes

You can get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with a potato mask with cream. Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, add heavy cream (a few tablespoons). Apply this compress to your eyes every night, before going to bed for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week.

Recipe. Carrot mask for deep wrinkles around the eyes

Since the time of our grandmothers, a carrot mask has been considered an effective recipe for deep wrinkles around the eyes. Grate two fresh carrots on a fine grater, mix them with egg yolk and two tablespoons (depending on their size and the amount of other ingredients) of potato flour. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and wait twenty minutes. Wash off the mask first with hot, then with cold water. Carrot remedy for wrinkles around the eyes nourishes and smoothes, refreshes the skin. This mask for deep wrinkles around the eyes can be done quite often, because it works well on the skin and is absolutely harmless.

Recipe. Oatmeal mask for aging skin around the eyes.

Pour half a tablespoon of oatmeal (crushed) with hot milk or heavy cream. Wait until the oatmeal swells up, then while it is still warm, put it on your eyelids. After 20 minutes, wash it off with warm water. The mask perfectly smoothes, removes wrinkles around the eyes.

Mask for wrinkles around the eyes

It is known that the skin around the eyes is very delicate, prone to negative atmospheric influences, which means that it urgently needs additional hydration and nutrition. In this regard, the egg yolk is indispensable. It contains lecithin and cholesterol, as well as other nutrients that smooth the skin and help remove wrinkles around the eyes.

Recipe. Mask of chicken yolk to combat wrinkles around the eyes.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix one yolk with it. Add the grated zest of a whole lemon and one teaspoon of olive oil. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, then wash it off with a swab dipped in warm milk. Anti-wrinkle eye mask has a nourishing and smoothing effect and is an excellent assistant in the fight against wrinkles.

Recipe. Nourishing mask for wrinkles around the eyes.

Mix the egg yolk with a teaspoon of melted honey and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix the ingredients well. If the mixture is too thick, add warm milk. Apply the mixture on the eyes and leave for ten minutes, then wash with warm water.

Recipe. Oil mask for wrinkles around the eyes.

It is not uncommon for women to use various oils in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes. Especially valuable in this regard is considered olive oil from wrinkles around the eyes. If you don’t have wrinkles yet, making prevention with oil masks, you will not soon ask yourself with horror the question “wrinkles around the eyes, what should I do?”

Take 50 ml of olive oil and 10 ml of vitamin E. Apply the mixture with light patting movements on the areas affected by wrinkles and leave for 5 minutes. Remove the mask carefully with wipes and try not to get it in your eyes.

Recipe. Oil mask against wrinkles under the eyes.

Take one tablespoon each of dry mint, marigold and burdock. Pour a quarter cup of corn or olive oil over the herbs, then close the container as tightly as possible and place it for 7 to 8 days in a dark place.

Recipe. A mask that slows down the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

To slow down the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, use a mask of olive oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask with light gentle movements on the skin around the eyes. After ten minutes, remove it with a napkin.

The greatest effect of a mask with oil from wrinkles around the eyes is given if they are taken in the form of monthly courses, daily or every other day, before going to bed.

Recipes for wrinkles around the eyes

Recipe. spanish mask

The so-called Spanish mask is considered an excellent remedy for wrinkles around the eyes; it has a smoothing and nourishing effect on the delicate skin of the eyelids. To prepare it, take about one cup of beans and soak them in water for a few hours, then boil them in a small amount of water until they are quite soft. Rub the finished beans with a sieve, and add the juice of half a lemon to the hot mass. Tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir. Apply the mask to your face while it is still warm and walk around with it for 20 minutes. flush away eye wrinkle remedy hot water first, then cold water.

Recipe. Oatmeal mask for wrinkles in the eye area.

Oat flakes are more than a useful thing in the household, even if you do not like to eat them at breakfast (although oatmeal or oatmeal is very useful for stomach diseases). We all know that the thin and delicate skin around the eyes especially needs various kinds of soothing, nourishing, moisturizing products. To prepare wrinkle eye mask of oatmeal, which has a smoothing effect on delicate and dry skin, pour two tablespoons of cereal with four tablespoons of cream or full-fat milk. Wait for the oatmeal to swell and place the mass between several pieces of gauze, making a kind of compress and put on the skin. Keep the oatmeal mask on your face for about 20 minutes, then rinse your face with cold water.

Recipe. Smoothing strawberry-cream mask for wrinkles in the eye area.

If you decide to eat strawberries with cream, take care of the skin on your face, because it, like your whole body, suffers from a lack of vitamins: leave two or three berries and a spoonful of cream on the mask around the eyes for wrinkles. Preparing a miracle cure is very simple. Mash strawberries and cream with a fork until a homogeneous thick (cream should be very fat) mass. Add a spoonful of honey. Put the mass between several pieces of gauze and put on your face for twenty minutes. Then gently wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in milk. The mask is effective remedy for wrinkles around the eyes, has a smoothing and nourishing and refreshing effect on the skin.

Recipe. Banana mask for wrinkles around the eyes.

Mix a tablespoon of melted butter with the pulp of a ripe banana. Adjust the resulting composition with your fingertips, lightly driving it into the skin under the eyes. Leave the mask on for thirty minutes, then wash with warm water.

Recipe. Apricot vitamin mask against wrinkles around the eyes.

Mash the pulp of apricots to a state of gruel. A tablespoon of gruel requires a teaspoon of vegetable oil or fatty sour cream (cottage cheese, cream). Mix everything and apply on the skin around the eyes for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Wrinkles around the eyes folk remedies

Recipe. Honey mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Undoubtedly, folk are good eye wrinkle recipes using honey. To prepare one of these masks, take a tablespoon of honey (if it is thick, melt it first) and a tablespoon of flour, mix them, then add one already beaten egg white and mix again. Apply the resulting mask to problem areas of the skin around the eyes. Wait until it dries, then wash with lukewarm water. Instead of wheat flour, in this recipe for wrinkles around the eyes, you can use oatmeal, but then the mask will have to be held longer - about half an hour.

Recipe. Nourishing mask smoothing wrinkles around the eyes.

Well cleaned wrinkles around the eyes folk remedy prepared according to the following recipe: Mix a tablespoon of fat cottage cheese and a teaspoon of melted honey, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of heavy cream, a tablespoon of warm milk. Rub the ingredients, apply the mask on the eyelids for fifteen minutes, wash with warm water.

Recipe. Moisturizing mask against wrinkles under the eyes.

In the egg yolk, add a teaspoon of pre-melted honey, the same amount of vegetable oil and fat sour cream, two teaspoons of slightly warmed milk. Stir the ingredients, apply the mask for fifteen minutes. Remove the mask very carefully. It is advisable to use a cotton swab dipped in warm milk.

Recipe. Bread mask smoothing wrinkles around the eyes

To prepare the mask, take a crumb of white bread and soak it in a little warm vegetable oil or melted butter. Mix. Apply the resulting slurry to the area under the eyes and leave for thirty minutes. Rinse off the mask gently with warm water.

Recipe. Oil mask against wrinkles under the eyes.

An oil-based nourishing mask has proven itself in the fight against wrinkles, because there is nothing better than anti-wrinkle oil. around eyes. To prepare such a mask you will need: cocoa butter, vitamin E solution, sea buckthorn oil - one tablespoon each. Lubricate the area around the eyes with the resulting mixture. After fifteen minutes, remove excess with a tissue. The procedure should be done 2 hours before bedtime, at least a couple of times a week.

In addition to masks, do not forget to use various anti-wrinkle creams around the eyes daily - they are not your last assistants in this matter. When choosing a cream for wrinkles around the eyes, be guided by your age, skin type and personal preferences.

In addition to homemade and purchased masks, creams for wrinkles around the eyes, peeling is of great importance. True, in such a tender place it is better not to perform such a complex procedure on your own - you can only make it worse. It would be better if you go to the salon, where they will do a high-quality, professional peeling, after which you literally won’t recognize your transformed face and will answer in more detail the question of interest to every woman: “how to remove wrinkles around the eyes”?

Other news, popular.

The article discusses the main methods of dealing with wrinkles around the eyes, recipes for masks, tips and tricks.

The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, unfortunately, is an inevitable phenomenon. Many external and internal causes contribute to this trouble, the primary factor is, of course, the aging process.

The very first wrinkles begin to appear at the age of 30-35, sometimes even earlier - from 25 years.

Stress, improper, irregular skin care in the periorbital zone, the use of low-quality cosmetics, bad habits, malnutrition, frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays, heredity - these are all factors that accelerate the formation of wrinkles and wrinkles around the eyes.

Over time, wrinkles become deeper, lengthen, puffiness and “bruises under the eyes” join. In the fight against this trouble, the main thing is to moisturize and tighten.

The main methods of getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Cosmetic: professional products, as well as for home care. These are all kinds of creams, serums, lifting products, tonics, oils.
  • Hardware cosmetology, which is aimed at improving the metabolism in the skin and its tightening
  • Peelings - getting rid of the uppermost layers of the skin and stimulating the production of elastin and collagen
  • Beauty injections – lipofilling, botox, contouring, plasmolifting, mesotherapy
  • Plastic surgery is the most radical method of getting rid of deep folds and wrinkles.

Preparations for cosmetic care have a different composition and features.
However, they all have some similar components:

  • powerful humidifiers
  • collagen responsible for the elasticity of the skin
  • ceramides, which have a protective effect
  • vitamin complex
  • plant extracts
  • peptides and antioxidants
  • coenzyme Q10 - stimulator of recovery processes
  • SPF filters - protectors from ultraviolet radiation

In combination, these substances are very necessary for daily care. Their first priority is prevention. That is, they slow down the development, deepening of existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

In addition to these means, to combat the main enemies of female beauty, it is necessary:

  • get enough rest, get enough sleep
  • give rest to your eyes, especially if you work at a computer, read a lot
  • take care of your skin regularly and efficiently
  • use good cosmetics and natural care products
  • care must be taken correctly: do not rub the skin, washing off cosmetics; gently applying cotton pads soaked in makeup remover, remove cosmetics; apply creams with fingertips pointwise, without rubbing or stretching the skin
  • for the skin around the eyes it is useful when you sleep on your back with a slightly raised head end, the room should be well ventilated before going to bed
  • in addition to creams and masks, ice cube massages and contrast compresses are very useful, such procedures perfectly tighten the skin

Vitamins for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles. Aevit around the eyes from wrinkles

By themselves, vitamins cannot be building blocks for cells, so they are not able to smooth out wrinkles. But these substances are very actively involved in all metabolic processes, so they can be called assistants in the development of elastin and collagen necessary for the beauty and smoothness of the skin. The most necessary and important vitamins for the skin are A and E.

  • The combined vitamin preparation Aevit, which includes retinol and tocopherol, enjoys great deserved popularity. The drug is used both internally and externally. This drug is available in the form of small oil capsules.
  • Aevit is very useful for dark circles under the eyes, crow's feet, flabbiness of the eyelids, puffiness under the eyes. The drug can be used both in pure form and in combination with various ingredients in the composition of creams and masks.
  • Before you try to apply Aevit externally, be sure to take a sample
    Squeeze out the oil from the capsule, apply a small amount on the inside of the forearm. After 20 minutes, wipe off the remaining oil and observe the test area for 2 hours for itching, burning, rash, hyperemia, that is, signs of an allergic reaction. If none have arisen, it is fashionable to safely use the drug

Important: vitamins do not tolerate high temperatures, so cosmetologists warn that the drug cannot be used in formulations with heated ingredients, everything is only at room temperature.

  1. Before applying the mask with Aevit, thoroughly cleanse the skin of the eyelids.
  2. Gently work the product with your middle fingers along the massage lines - from the inner edge to the outer, apply to the upper eyelid and lower
  3. It is better to limit the first procedure to 5 minutes of exposure. Next time, you can add more time to leave the mask on. If the reaction to the drug is good, you can bring the total exposure time of the mask up to 20 minutes
  4. Since the product has an oil base and a greasy film forms, it should not be washed off, but should be removed with a dry cotton swab.
  5. Apply the mask in the evening, an hour and a half before bedtime
  6. After the mask, apply your evening gel or cream to the skin

The frequency of application of the mask with Aevit is determined individually. With very dry skin, you can make such masks daily, in total a course of 15 procedures and a mandatory break.

For the purpose of prevention, Aevit can be used for masks 2 or 3 times a week.

Glycerin for wrinkles around the eyes

The pharmaceutical preparation glycerin has long earned popularity as a good tool for rejuvenating and moisturizing the skin. Glycerin is the enemy of "crow's feet" and "bruises" under the eyes.

The main properties of glycerin:

  • moisturizing - saves the skin from peeling and excessive dryness
  • smoothing - fine wrinkles are effectively smoothed out
  • healing - used to treat eczema
  • protective - skin treated with glycerin is inaccessible to microbes, toxins, pollution

When using glycerin, you need to remember some rules:

  • be sure to check the expiration date of the drug
    before use, it will not be superfluous to test for sensitivity (on the back of the forearm or wrist)
  • store the vial in a cool place away from sunlight
  • shake the bottle before direct use
  • if you want to make a vitamin-glycerin mask (with vitamins A and E), oil solutions of vitamins can be added directly to the glycerin bottle
  • you can prepare masks with other components only in ceramic or glassware
  • in its pure form, it is advisable not to use glycerin, it is better as part of masks in combination with herbs and other folk remedies
  • Apply masks with glycerin in a very thin layer and leave for 10, maximum 15 minutes
  • remove the remnants of the glycerin mask with a wet swab dipped in warm milk
  • after a glycerin mask, it is better not to apply anything to the skin
  • make masks in the evening, before going to bed
  • recommended course: 2 times a week for a month, then a mandatory break

Recipes for masks with glycerin in the composition:

With vitamin E

Add the contents of 10 capsules of tocopherol to 30 ml of glycerin (pharmaceutical vial), mix well. Apply in the evening as directed above.

With vitamin A

The scheme of preparation and use is the same as with tocopherol

Glycerin-oil mask with chamomile and vitamin E

Mix 10 capsules of tocopherol (contents) with a bottle of glycerin (30 ml), add 100 ml of chamomile decoction and 5 ml of castor and camphor oil. Apply twice a week.

Glycerin-vitamin mask with yolk

An excellent moisturizer. Mix 30 ml of glycerin with the oil from 10 vitamin E capsules, add 1 raw egg yolk to the mixture. The mask cannot be stored and must be used immediately after preparation.

Multifunctional glycerin-oatmeal mask

Refreshes well, smoothes wrinkles and wrinkles, eliminates dryness. For such a mask, prepare oatmeal in milk without salt and sugar. Mix 1 tbsp. with 1 tsp glycerin, you can add egg yolk.

Gelatin for wrinkles around the eyes

Gelatin is a unique product in its properties and composition. It is difficult to overestimate its benefits for youthful skin, because it is almost pure collagen. Masks with gelatin have an excellent rejuvenating, stimulating, whitening, nourishing and tightening effect.

However, it is worth mentioning that despite the obvious benefits for the skin, cosmetologists are in no hurry to recommend using gelatin masks for the periorbital area. Gelatin masks tighten as they dry, and since the skin around the eyes is extremely thin and delicate, it does not need such tightening.

Some sources recommend using a gelatin mask for the skin around the eyes in combination with honey and mineral water or glycerin and vitamins. Whether or not to use gelatin to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, each woman must decide for herself.

Ice and cold water wash for wrinkles around the eyes

Cold is a friend of beautiful skin and an enemy of mimic wrinkles. What better way to tone, firm and stimulate the skin than ice? Especially if it's not just ice, but in combination with healthy herbs. Morning washing with cold water will give you a fresh open look and toned skin.

Beauticians consider cubes of frozen herbal decoctions to be an excellent tool for caring for the area around the eyes.

Frozen decoctions will bring you great benefits. parsley, nails, chamomile, series, sage both singly and in combination.

Decoction will help relieve fatigue from the eyes horsetail.

1 tbsp chopped herbs, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, then pour into ice molds and put in the freezer. Wipe the skin around the eyes with cosmetic ice gently along the massage lines, morning and evening.

Good for softening and tightening the skin around the eyes frozen cubes made from a mixture of milk and water (1:1).

Can be frozen sliced strawberries and use them in the morning every other day. Such care effectively fights wrinkles, dark circles and swelling.

Masks with aloe for wrinkles around the eyes

Aloe is simply a magical remedy for the skin due to its amazing properties. Aloe juice is great for both young and mature skin.

Aloe properties:

  • aloe is a powerful moisturizer
  • has pronounced regenerating properties
  • soothing and restorative properties good for sensitive skin
  • stimulates metabolic processes
  • protective properties

Aloe can be applied to the skin around the eyes in its pure form. To do this, squeeze the juice from the cut leaves, but before that, the cut leaves should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 7 days. Apply aloe juice to the skin under the eyes every night for 10-14 days, then take a break for two weeks.

Aloe mask recipes

Oil mask with aloe juice

Mix in equal parts the prepared aloe juice and any of the oils - sea buckthorn, almond, olive. You can apply the mask in the morning and evening.

Moisturizing mask with aloe

Mix 100 ml of aloe juice with the same amount of milk and 1 egg yolk. A well-mixed mixture should be applied immediately after preparation. Keep the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Mask with aloe and honey for wrinkles

In equal parts, mix aloe juice, liquid natural honey and homemade cottage cheese. Cottage cheese can be replaced with heavy cream or sour cream. Apply the mask on the skin, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask with aloe and glycerin

It has excellent anti-aging and moisturizing properties. Mix 10 g of glycerin with 10 g of liquid honey, 10 g of aloe juice, dilute with the same amount of warm water and add a pinch of oatmeal. Mix all the ingredients and apply a thick layer under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. Remove residue with a damp swab. Do this mask 2-3 times a week and the result will surprise you.

Anti-wrinkle eye massage

Massage of the periorbital zone is necessary to stimulate blood circulation, lymph flow, and improve the permeability of care products.

Make sure to massage after thoroughly cleaning the skin and applying cream to the skin.

Massage with your eyes closed with the pillows of the middle and ring fingers. Repeat all movements 3-4 times.

  1. Stroke the skin above the eyes under the superciliary arches from the bridge of the nose to the temples, under the eyes along the upper edge of the zygomatic arch in the opposite direction - to the nose
  2. Describe the figure eight with one hand: from the outer corner to the inner bottom of the eye, across the bridge of the nose - from the inner corner to the outer along the top of the other eye
  3. Gently press the pads of your fingers pointwise along the contour of the eyes
  4. Gently tap the bunches in shifts on the upper and lower eyelids
  5. Pull the eyelids slightly from the outer edge to the temples
  6. Close your eyelids, press (slightly) your fists against them and make an effort, trying to open your eyes
  7. Press your palms on the temple area and quickly take your hands away
  8. You can finish the procedure by washing with cool water and applying your usual eye cream.

Regularly do such a massage and the existing mimic wrinkles will noticeably decrease, and the appearance of new ones will significantly recede in time.

Cream for wrinkles around the eyes

Modern cosmetology offers the widest selection of all kinds of creams for the skin around the eyes. It is worth learning to understand this diversity.


First, pay attention to the ingredients of the cream. Some expensive creams consist of natural ingredients, are absolutely harmless, but also ineffective in the fight against wrinkles.

The composition of an effective cream should include

  • Retinol- a strong antioxidant. Coenzyme Q10- an essential component of the cream around the eyes, especially in summer
  • Green tea extract- natural antioxidant
  • Hydroxic acids- exfoliate the upper epidermal layer and stimulate the formation of new cells
  • Kinetin- slows down the formation of wrinkles and skin pigmentation.
  • Copper peptides have a regenerating, wound healing, antioxidant effect
  • Tretinoin- a very strong component, you should not choose a cream with this substance until a certain age and without consulting a cosmetologist
  • Wrinkle cream must be with SPF- a sun protection factor, because solar radiation is one of the main reasons for the formation of wrinkles around the eyes

Anti-age and Anti-rides

  • The meaning of these important marks on the cream must be known. Beauticians advise using a good anti-wrinkle cream after 25 years
  • From the age of 30, we buy an anti-age cream, since at this age the skin begins to lose elasticity, it becomes dry
  • From the age of 35, we will boldly purchase anti-rides products, especially if visible wrinkles have already formed
  • Stronger creams with a lifting effect can only be used regularly from the age of 45

When choosing an eye cream, it is worth considering not only its cost and manufacturer, but also your age and the characteristics of your skin. And of course, do not neglect the advice of an experienced cosmetologist.

Honey helps to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Honey masks for wrinkles around the eyes

The remarkable properties of honey are due to its rich composition. Honey is just a godsend for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Properties of natural honey:

  • tonic
  • high permeability
  • cleanses pores and retains moisture in skin cells
  • antioxidant properties
  • accelerates tissue regeneration
  • whitening properties
  • versatility - suitable for all skin types

Important: Before using honey, be sure to check your skin for sensitivity to this product, as it can cause a severe allergic reaction.

You need to use honey regularly, only then you can count on a visible result.

Honey mask with parsley juice

Anti-aging and whitening

  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 tsp freshly squeezed parsley juice
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil

Apply the mixture to the area around the eyes, wash off after 20 minutes.

Protein honey mask

  • 1 tbsp honey
  • whipped white of 1 egg
  • cornmeal - 1-2 tsp

Stir the ingredients, apply warm under the eyes, hold until the mixture cools, then rinse with warm water.

Honey mask with oatmeal

Very good recipe for wrinkle smoothing

  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp green tea brews

Mix the ingredients, dilute with warm water, warm a little. You can apply such a mask not only under the eyes, but also on the entire face.

Honey mask with banana

  • 2 tsp honey
  • 0.5 ripe banana
  • 1 tbsp heavy cream

Mix everything in a blender, add 6 drops of lemon. Apply to skin for 15-20 minutes.

Top tips for effective fight against wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Care must be regular
  • Use homemade natural masks and compresses in combination with good modern cosmetology products.
  • Care cosmetics, as well as decorative ones, must be of high quality and correctly selected for age.
  • Avoid stress, lack of sleep, overwork - this negatively affects the skin around the eyes

Svetlana, 36 years old: For me, a miracle cure is ordinary ice. At first, I rubbed my face with a piece of ice for tone, and then I saw that the wrinkles began to go away. Now I regularly wipe my eyelids with ice, and then lubricate with olive oil. After 20 minutes, I wash it off and enjoy my reflection in the mirror!
Katerina, 42 years old: I've been making green tea lotions every night for two weeks. Then for two weeks I make a mask with diluted glycerin. I see that there are no more wrinkles yet, and crow's feet have become smaller and thinner.
Marina, 30 years old: I like to smile! And as a result - wrinkles. I struggle with them with the help of oils, I have tried a lot, but I especially like sea buckthorn and castor.

Video: Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

Good day! It is said that the facial wrinkles that surround our eyes are a symbol of wisdom. With these words, I still see the old herbalist, who teaches Ivan, who got lost in the forest, the mind-reason. And something does not appeal to me the prospect of being like her ...

Who agrees with me? I think the bulk, and not only women, but also men. In that case, follow me! On this occasion, I decided to post today my best recipes for wrinkles around the eyes.

But not all at once! First, let's look at what mimic wrinkles are and how they occur.

Where does it come from

The skin around the eyes has a special structure - and we know this very well, because we buy different face and eye creams. It is generally accepted that the skin around the eyes is ten times thinner than the epidermis of the body. And, of course, it dries much faster and is more susceptible to adverse factors. Especially now, in winter.

When we squint, smile, we see how mobile facial expressions are in the eye area: it’s not for nothing that they are called the mirror of the soul. Therefore, these wrinkles are called mimic. So what now - to freeze the face, like the mask of the Japanese Kabuki theater, and try to avoid any external manifestations of emotions? Well, of course not. But you also need to take care of the "frame for the mirror of the soul" accordingly.

Important! In sunny weather, in order to squint less, use sunglasses, do not expose the skin around the eyes to strong winds or cold.

Low-quality cheap cosmetics are completely excluded - it dries and spoils the skin, deprives its cells of the necessary nutrition, and the result is the ubiquitous "crow's feet".

And, of course, the reason for the appearance of "wrinkles of wisdom" is the woman's age, or rather, her hormonal status. If you take care of yourself, cleanse your body and eat right, go outside every day, and even better with physical activity, then you will feel better and look younger. And the hormones in your body are produced as if you were a couple of years younger - and this is a serious objection to wrinkles.

How to warn

My dears, these are common truths again ... And I never tire of reminding you of them:

  • normal sleep
  • No stress
  • Using only high quality cosmetics
  • Cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing the skin around the eyes twice a day
  • Reading only in good lighting, not straining the eyes
  • Massage
  • Gymnastics for the eyes
  • A complete diet (it must include foods containing protein)
  • Physical activity (within reasonable limits)

You just, please, do at least half of it! Honestly, your “wisdom” will appear a-a-a-a-much later. If you question my authority in this area, I suggest watching the video. Here are the experts' opinions:

Well, if “the train has left”, and all the beauty is already with you, we will catch up, although no one has canceled the above requirements for you.

Get fit if you want to be healthy

What do you need to do to forgive less? That's right, heat up. We will do the same with the skin around the eyes: it is thin, delicate, afraid of dryness, wind, frost. And we are her ice! Yes, not simple, but cosmetic.

I read that Russian beauties, when snow fell, considered it their first duty to wash themselves with the first snow, and even from a silver bucket - and retained their beauty until old age.

Why? Yes, because the touch of scalding cold snow makes the blood vessels shrink sharply. And then, when the cold was removed from the face - unclench. Here is such a kind of gymnastics for blood vessels. Blood circulation improves, and, therefore, skin nutrition. It becomes elastic, elastic, swelling and dark circles go away.

And if the ice is still not simple, but with a decoction of parsley, which from time immemorial has been considered the best remedy for "crow's feet"? Then the absorption of the active ingredients of parsley increases and wrinkles disappear, smooth out.

And now - attention! - the secrets of making magic ice.

Parsley - fight against "crow's feet" and whitening

Let's take a couple of bunches of parsley and tear off the leaves from the stems: we won't need the stems. Grind the greens, pour two cups of boiling water - and boil for 10-15 minutes. Remove, wrap with a towel and put in a warm place for a couple of hours. Strain the cooled broth and pour into ice molds. After half an hour in the freezer, we have the best folk remedy for crow's feet.

We use ice only once a day, in the morning (in winter, an hour before going outside!). But if urgent rehabilitation measures are required, you can take the magic cube out of the freezer at any time and refresh your face in a few seconds, smooth the skin around the eyes and give it elasticity and radiance.

Linden and flax - folk recipes for shallow wrinkles

Infusions of linden flowers and flax seeds have a slimy consistency. Due to this, they nourish the skin well and protect it from drying out.

For infusion on a glass of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lime blossom (or flax seed). Pour, cover with a lid, insist in heat. Has it cooled down? We filter, pour into molds - and forward, towards beauty.

Well, if the wrinkles around the eyes are deep, oatmeal ice will help us.

Oat ice - a resuscitator for tired skin

For two tablespoons of oatmeal - a glass of hot milk. We pour, we insist in heat. The cooled milk from oatmeal becomes so thick that it almost stretches. But we still manage to strain it! Strained, poured into molds, frozen. We wipe the face and keep this mask for 10 minutes, try not to frown, not to squint, not to grimace. The mask will tighten the face, and even deep “paws” will smooth out.

Contraindication for the use of ice - vascular diseases (rosacea). Learn more about cryotherapy this article.

The girl eats butter and honey, gets fat and prettier

So they wrote in a Russian folk tale, which I read as a child. I remember, for a long time I tried to understand how you can get prettier from such a diet. But the tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

Any oil is incredibly beneficial for the skin due to the abundance of vitamins A and E in it. But not all of them are suitable for caring for the most delicate skin.

Castor oil is best known. It thickens hair, improves the structure of eyebrows and eyelashes, but most importantly - it has a unique property to smooth out mimic wrinkles surrounding the eyes. It is part of makeup removers, in general.

Jojoba oil is considered an elixir of beauty and youth, it contains a lot of vitamin E, which reanimates dry, aging skin. Wheat germ oil contains a range of B vitamins and is a powerful antioxidant.

Oils are also great for aging skin:

  • avocado,
  • peach,
  • coconut,
  • almond oil,
  • grape seed oil,
  • Shea Butter.

And the most-most considered sesame oil. Mixed with wheat germ oil, it eliminates wrinkles in a few days - or rather, nights, because it is applied before bedtime.

Tip: be careful! With individual intolerance, you run the risk of waking up with slits instead of eyes.

Mask, compress, cream

Very useful for the skin around the eyes of aloe. The juice of this wonderful home plant heals wounds, relieves swelling and eliminates fine wrinkles. If you wipe the skin around the eyes daily, the “legs” will form much more slowly.

A folk remedy that is older than wrinkles is bread. It nourishes and does not irritate the skin around the eyes, saturates it with natural collagen. There is no need to talk about the benefits of fruits. Well? Let's experiment?


  • Aloe juice (1 tablespoon), sesame oil (1 tablespoon), oil solution of tocopherol (vitamin E, 5 drops). Mix, heat up to 30-36 degrees, apply with fingertips, driving into the skin, for 20-30 minutes.
  • Mash a piece of banana in puree, add butter or olive oil, apply for 20 minutes.
  • Three raw potatoes on a fine grater, add cream to form a slurry, apply for 20 minutes.
  • Soak white bread (pulp) in milk, apply gruel for 15 minutes on the area around the eyes. You can add olive oil.


Hot homemade compresses soaked in decoctions of herbs or oil refresh the skin around the eyes well. They activate blood circulation, improve skin nutrition. You can make them with water, tea, potato juice, natural and essential oils. The main thing is the temperature of the compress: about 40 degrees.

And cooking it is nowhere easier. We heat oil or another prepared product in a water bath, dip cotton swabs into it - and lie down to get prettier. It is recommended to withstand such a compress for as long as 40 minutes, but I don’t have enough patience, I give up after 15 - and so good. It is necessary to make such compresses for a two-week course, daily, only then it will be effective.


We will prepare the cream for the skin around the eyes on our own. For its base, wax and lanolin are used, which are melted in a water bath in a ratio of 1: 3. After removing from heat, add vegetable oil (peach, jojoba, almond, coconut oil, sesame) in an amount of 4 ml and carefully pour in and mix 6 ml of hot water (herbal decoction is even better!). Stir until smooth, cool, store in the refrigerator. If you are interested in the topic of homemade anti-wrinkle creams, follow the link.

How to get rid of wrinkles with homemade cream with mummy - the famous Tibetan medicine for all diseases - and you will learn from the corresponding article.

We apply correctly

How to apply the cream around the eyes? In no case do not press, do not stretch the skin. In order for the product to be better absorbed, “drive” it into the skin with your fingertips.

Movements when applying the cream should be directed on the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. At the top, the direction changes: from internal to external. Movements should be light, pressure should be point. It is recommended to apply the cream with the pad of the ring finger: the pressing force is optimal for delicate skin.

And, of course, remember that any remedy is applied to cleansed skin.

Good luck in your fight against wrinkles, my dears! Comment on the article, subscribe to updates - and always be beautiful.