The main stages of healing of permanent eyebrow tattoo. How long does it take for permanent makeup to take shape? Eyebrow tattoo brightens

The most complete article on the topic: eyebrow tattoo and eyebrow color: optimal combinations of permanent makeup and a little more for real beauties.

With permanent make-up of eyebrows, the master will make their arches of an ideal shape, suitable for a particular client, taking into account her desires and facial features. Also, the makeup artist knows very well how to choose the color of the eyebrows for tattooing correctly, most successfully. After all, the line he created will last 2-5 years.

The introduction of the dye is shallow, so the pattern remains for a couple of years.

The outline of the arcs is made with a special device that injects a dye under the skin to a depth of only 1 mm. Before the implementation of this procedure, a consultation with a cosmetologist is needed so that the new color and shape of the eyebrow lines are liked and perfect.

You can choose the most suitable tone on your own, experimenting with shadows, pencils, tint gels. So, by drawing eyebrow arches with your own hands, you can find the most advantageous color. Then the master will correctly reflect it in the tattoo for all 5 years.

An experienced cosmetologist knows that after a permanent procedure, the shade may change slightly over time. So, for optimal results, you should initially use a more saturated, dark tone.

Kohler and types of permanent

The hair method is preferable: the master applies the pattern with individual hairs.

The choice of shades depends on the method of applying such makeup.

  1. With the hair method, the shape, direction of growth of natural hair and their tone are taken into account. Suitable if the client's color type is bright, prone to contrasts.
  2. The look of shading is more natural. They correct an unsuccessful color after the hair technique of eyebrow tattooing.
  3. 3d effect: its technology is similar to hair, but the specialist uses several close shades, highlights at once. From this, even eyebrows with naturally sparse hairs seem beautiful and thick enough. And the price of the procedure is slightly higher.

Tattoo inks

All methods are valuable precisely because of the unique combination of the necessary tones.

When performing tattooing, only black, ashy, gray and brown paints are used. And already the variations from mixing them are over 500 shades. It is they who give the desired color for eyebrow tattoo after tattoo, individually selected for each client.


  1. Paints are based on minerals or plant extracts.
  2. In the latest generation of dyes, there are much more plant components, since they give the finest natural shades.
  3. The instruction confirms the presence of color stabilizers here so that the pattern does not turn blue over time.
  4. These plant pigments are not durable, and the rate of their destruction is further increased by the acceleration of metabolic processes. The skin of the face is updated faster than on the body.

In the photo - permanent tones to create a unique make-up.

Combination with natural tones

The shade of the eyebrow lines is selected to match the tone of the curls:

  • with warm golden brown tints of curls, brown eyebrows are in perfect harmony;
  • with a cold ashy glow of curls - grayish outlines of eyebrow lines;
  • make-up artists advise girls with natural blond hair to make their eyebrows 1 tone darker, and lighter for natural brunettes;
  • if the hairs are thin and sparse, then the dark color will emphasize this drawback: arcs - the threads look frankly unnatural;
  • dark eyebrows emphasize wrinkles and facial disproportion.

The color of the eyebrows should be in harmony with the skin tone, as well as curls.

Hair color

Suitable eyebrow tone

Unfortunate combination

Grey-brown shade

Intense black eyebrows.

Brown hair from light to dark chestnut tint

  • Chocolate;
  • dark brown;
  • dark gray (depending on eye color).

Blue-black tone.

Light brown

Black or deep brown eyebrows.

  • Terracotta;
  • chestnut;
  • brown;
  • chocolate.

Gray tides.

Ashy or with gray hair

Add a gray tone.

Red tones are unnatural unless the eyes are brown.

  • Cold black;
  • with dark skin - deep black;
  • with light - dark gray, dark brown shades.

Eyebrows with red.

Color development

Experts specify when the color will appear after eyebrow tattooing. They warn that at first the tone is richer than necessary, and only a week later the desired shade will appear. Then the pigment will appear without mixing with lymph and blood, and the primary crust will fall off.

After healing, this make-up brightens: 30-50% of the original color is retained.

And the secondary peeling, when the damaged epidermis is replaced by new cells, will end in another week. That's when the color shows up after an eyebrow tattoo.

Conditions for a successful tattoo

The high qualification of the cosmetologist guarantees an unmistakable choice of shades and their correct application:

  1. If the final color is lighter than desired, the specialist will enhance it.
  2. It is problematic to correct a drawing that is too dark: it can only be lightened slightly by repeated shading.
  3. If the paint floats, a laser will help eliminate the flaws.

Advice! In the salon, it is worth studying photos with samples when choosing a color and the result of working out hairs.

  1. Permanent makeup with brown pigment can become reddish after a couple of years, and dark gray can become bluish.
  2. Restoring the color of the tattoo for color correction is possible at the first correction. The master will remove pigment imperfections due to the production of antibodies by the body.
  3. On further corrections, you can increase the saturation of tone and pattern.

care note

The durability of the effect by 50% will ensure competent subsequent care, so that there is no question why there is no color after eyebrow tattooing.

Note! In the first hours, a liquid emerges from the wounds - an ichor, and dries up in a day with a crust. The crust should fall off by itself in 5-6 days, otherwise the drawing will also be chipped with it.

The principles of basic care are as follows:

  1. Wash and dry your face carefully. At the same time, the wound should not get wet, that is, a sauna, a bathhouse, a pool are still prohibited.
  2. Sunburn should be avoided for another month so that the fragile pigment does not burn out. On sunny days, it is worth using a protective cream (SPF) and glasses.
  3. Before healing, you need to minimize the use of decorative cosmetics.


Eyebrows set the expression on the face, determine further makeup. Therefore, it is worth trusting a qualified master when choosing the color of future eyebrow outlines. You can pre-select their shade at home, experimentally, with cosmetic pencils.

Professionals choose the color of the eyebrows according to the color of the hair, while brightly defined eyebrows are always darker than curls. For admirers of natural beauty, make-up artists advise other criteria: for blondes - eyebrows are 1 tone darker, and for brunettes - 1 tone lighter than natural curls. This corresponds to the individual color type as much as possible.

The video in this article will help you decide on the color scheme, and ask any questions in the comments.

Most women are unhappy with the shape and appearance of their eyebrows. That is why many of them decide to correct. Currently, there are many techniques that help to give the arcs a beautiful shape and rich color. One of them is eyebrow tattooing, or permanent makeup. Is it worth doing such a procedure? Let's talk about its features.

Types of tattoo

So what is an eyebrow tattoo? In fact, this term is understood as an ordinary tattoo of a certain color, which covers the skin. Thanks to this, the eyebrows appear more defined and neat.

Currently, the following tattoo techniques are used:

Advantages and disadvantages

Before doing permanent makeup, you need to analyze the pros and cons. Of course, this procedure has many advantages.

The positives include the following:

Eyebrow tattooing also has certain disadvantages:


This procedure can damage the skin and hair follicles. Therefore, tattooing has a number of contraindications. These include the following:

It should also be borne in mind that the day before this procedure is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. On the day of the tattoo, you should not drink coffee and other drinks with a tonic effect. A professional will not perform the procedure if there are acne, severe scars or purulent rashes at the site of the procedure.

How to choose an eyebrow color

To get the most attractive and natural result, before the procedure, you need to pay attention to the choice of colors. It is affected by the tone of the skin and hair:

Equally important when choosing a shade of eyebrows is the tone of the eyes. Remember that as a result you should get a contrasting, but at the same time quite natural result.

Features of choosing the thickness and shape of the eyebrows

The facial expression directly depends on the shape of the eyebrows. To make the right choice, you need to take into account the features of appearance and natural contours. In this case, the shape of the face is of key importance:

If you use glasses, be sure to take them with you for correction. The specialist must evaluate the result, taking into account their wearing.

Features of the procedure

Eyebrow tattooing takes about 30 minutes. However, the duration is affected by the amount of work.

As for the coloring composition, it is quite possible to use both mineral and vegetable substances. If you have intolerance to any products, be sure to inform the master.

Eyebrow care after tattoo

  • After the procedure, the eyebrows will appear too bright. At the same time, the skin in this area may turn red, some girls experience swelling. The treated area may become slightly wet. These symptoms should go away within a day.
  • If there are weeping areas on the skin, you need to gently blot your eyebrows 4-5 times a day using chlorhexidine or miramistin. Ready-made solutions of these drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • The next day, crusts will appear on the treated surface. As a result, the tattoo will not look too bright. These places still need to be wiped with an antiseptic solution.
  • If the skin in this area seems too dry, it should be treated with a thin layer of bepanthen. You need to do this 2-3 times a day.

During this period, it is very important to protect the crusts that have appeared, which contribute to the healing of the skin. The later they leave, the better. In most cases, these phenomena persist for 5-7 days. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to wet your eyebrows, touch them with your hands or apply decorative cosmetics.

After the convergence of the crusts, the skin can not be wiped with solutions, while the treatment with bepanthen should be continued. For 2 weeks after tattooing, it is not recommended to wet the eyebrows with water, so you should refuse to visit the sauna, pool or bath.

If you did this procedure in the summer, it is worth treating your skin with a sunscreen cream for 2-3 weeks before going outside.

After 3 weeks, the make-up will become brighter. This will help you evaluate your results. If there is a need for correction, you should contact your beautician again.

Eyebrow tattooing is a fairly effective procedure that will help make them more beautiful and neat. To get a good result, it is very important to find a good master and strictly follow his recommendations for eyebrow care after correction. Thanks to this, you can look stylish and attractive for a long period of time.

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Beautifully shaped eyebrows give the face sophistication and charm. Properly selected tonality helps to emphasize all the advantages of your face. Now there is a large selection of techniques for tattooing. However, the most important thing is to choose the right color scheme. When choosing a tone for the procedure, the specialist mixes paints and as a result receives a color that is ideal for your face.

Light eyebrow tattoo

Every girl who decides to get a tattoo wonders about the choice of color for the procedure. Do not choose too dark shades.

Owners of light eyebrows should also pay attention to the color of the hair and skin of the face. On girls with blond hair, the color will harmoniously look darker than natural by no more than two tones.

For blonde women, you can experiment with brown and gray shades for eyebrow shaping.

Owners of light brown hair are better off opting for terracotta and chestnut flowers. If the eyebrows are too light, you can choose a dye three tones darker than natural.

The representatives of the fairer sex with fair skin will add a little mystery to the tattoo, made in golden colors.

Girls with red hair can use brown shades for eyebrow shaping.

Eyebrow tattoo brown

In many cases, a brown tattoo will look spectacular if you choose the right tone. A specialist, mixing paints, can create an individual color that will perfectly harmonize with your face.

Blondes with fair skin should pay attention to lighter shades of brown.

Red-haired girls can get a tattoo using medium brown colors.

Girls with light brown or black hair and light skin can dye their eyebrows in dark brown tones.

Brown is the perfect color for women with gray hair.

Eyebrow tattoo for blondes

It is quite difficult for blondes to choose a tone for dyeing eyebrows. Too bright tones can ruin the whole makeup. Properly selected color will give the face naturalness and grace.

Do not forget about the main rule of make-up for fair-haired girls. When coloring eyebrows, choose a color slightly darker than natural, no more than three tones.

If your hair has an ashy hue, choose a color among gray colors.

Girls who have golden notes in their hair color can use terracotta colors to color their eyebrows.

Black eyebrow tattoo

Women with dark hair can use black and gray colors of the darkest shades. When choosing a dye, rely on the color of your hair and choose a tone that is about two tones darker.

And one more important rule regarding brunettes. Such girls, in addition to hair, need to pay attention to complexion. Owners of fair skin are better off with brown and gray colors in dark colors. Dark-skinned women can perform eyebrow tattooing in black.

Do not forget that black dye in its pure form is never used for eyebrow tattooing. After a certain time, it acquires a bluish tint. Therefore, experts achieve black by mixing other colors.

How to lighten eyebrow tattoo

After the tattoo procedure, many girls are afraid of too bright eyebrow color. Some try to lighten them up. I would like to note that it is very difficult to do this at home. To do this, you'd better contact a specialist. However, do not rush to the salon immediately after the procedure. It takes about a month for the correction to take place. In some cases, the paint does not lay down too tightly and is partially washed out.

If after a certain time the shade still does not suit you, try lightening your eyebrows with a laser. It will take about five sessions to achieve the desired result. To enhance the effect, use castor oil lotions at night.

Some specialists lighten the tattoo with a chemical peel, but here, too, several procedures will be required.

Some salons lighten with Tattoo Removal. However, many experts do not advise resorting to this method. Additional skin irritation from needles can adversely affect the skin. In addition, the recovery period after the procedure is much longer than after laser procedures.

If you want to slightly discolor the tone of the eyebrows at home, use special formulations. Of course, this is a long procedure, but less painful. Regular application of the ointment for several weeks will help to slightly discolor the tattoo. Hydrogen peroxide will help to slightly correct the eyebrows, but you need to use it carefully if there is no damage to the skin. If redness appears in the eyebrow area, stop using the product.

At home, you can try to lighten your eyebrows with 5% iodine. Gently apply iodine to the tattoo site with a small brush. After some time, the skin will begin to peel off and die, along with it, the coloring pigment introduced into the upper layers of the dermis will also fall off. Use this option for a month.

So, if the eyebrow tattoo was not too successful, try the methods above, maybe one of them will help you. You can contact a specialist if you are afraid to do the manipulations yourself. In any case, professional advice never hurts.

Eyebrow tattooing is a great opportunity for many to get the eyebrows of their dreams without having to spend a lot of time on makeup every morning. Permanent eyebrow makeup is applied once, worn without color loss for at least six months, makes the eyes expressive, gives the face a completely new look.

Pros and cons

The benefits are obvious:

  • well-defined eyebrows that do not need to be tinted every morning;
  • along the contour of the tattoo, you can pluck the hairs yourself without fear of spoiling the shape created in the salon;
  • there are no gaps and gaps in places where your own eyebrows do not grow;
  • you can add color to light eyebrows;
  • appearance with or without makeup is perfect;
  • you can move the eyebrows higher if desired;
  • you can correct asymmetry, lengthen the eyebrows, if necessary.

There are only 3 disadvantages of tattooing:

  • if there is no taste and sense of proportion, you can get black tattooed commas on the forehead, which will give out the artificial origin of the eyebrows per kilometer;
  • if the master’s hand “trembles”, then the results of his “arts” will have to be covered up or removed with a laser for a long time (something about a year);
  • Most tattoo inks gradually change hue and can go from black to blue or greenish, and from brown to pink or brick red.

How to choose the shape and color of the eyebrows

It just so happens that most masters shape their eyebrows using a common pattern. Many have already seen the corresponding pictures and read descriptions on the Internet and tutorials.

But there are actually many more forms. And not every type of face is suitable for a standard scheme.

Here, for example, will look like the same face with eyebrows of different shapes.

As you can see, even recognized beauties such as Denise Richards, Sharon Stone and Sarah Jessica Parker can be spoiled by an unsuccessful selection of the shape of the eyebrows.

The best option is to seek advice from a professional make-up artist who can choose the right shape and color for you, based not on fashion trends, but taking into account the shape, depth of fit and cut of the eyes, the shape of the nose, and your other features.

By changing the eyebrows, you can visually change the proportions of the face, give it a harmonious look. As for the color, the color of the eyebrows can be half a tone darker than the hair on the head. Only then can you expect the tattoo to look natural.

If you need to choose an eyebrow color for a blonde, and at the same time not remain a “pale moth”, again, it is better to contact an experienced makeup artist. Otherwise, there is a risk of agreeing to unfashionable already black eyebrow-threads, which, if performed carelessly, can look very vulgar.

Video: Eyebrow Correction Methods


You should not agree to an eyebrow tattoo in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during menstruation;
  • in the presence of an oncological disease of any localization;
  • polyvalent allergy, intolerance to local anesthetics and antiseptics;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars.

Learn about the hair eyebrow tattoo method, which gives the eyebrows a beautiful, well-groomed look, changes their shape and color.

How do eyebrows look after a tattoo? See photos at this link.

How do they do

To perform permanent makeup, special pigments are used, which are different from the pigments used for a regular tattoo. They do not change color over time and gradually fade. They also use a special machine for tattooing, which introduces the pigment to a shallow depth (maximum 1 mm).

Photo: tattoo machine

Before the procedure, without fail, a new shape of the eyebrows is drawn with a cosmetic pencil and corrected several times until it completely suits the client.

  • Anesthesia.

Some masters prefer to work without anesthesia, believing that the use of anesthetics can negatively affect the future result.

Most people use ointments containing lidocaine or other drugs for local anesthesia before the procedure. Creams and ointments are quite enough for people with a normal or increased pain threshold.

In order for the tattoo to turn out even, it is necessary to lie still, regardless of whether it hurts or not. If there is no desire or opportunity to endure pain, then you can choose a master who injects an anesthetic before the procedure. Then there will be no pain at all.

  • Disinfection.

Before you start stuffing a tattoo, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic solution without fail. For the procedure, disposable sterile needles are used, which are opened in the presence of the client.

  • Direct drawing.

The whole procedure can take about 1-2 hours. That's why you need to be patient. Experienced craftsmen work faster. Less time may be needed to perform a tattoo with a hair technique.

Video: Permanent makeup

Care in the first days

Proper care in the first few days after the procedure depends on how well the dye will remain in the skin. If you damage the skin, break the crusts ahead of time, then you can get white bald spots.

Read our article - What is the rate of hair loss when washing your hair?

What is a non-surgical facelift? Details here.

How do the crusts come off?

Crusts usually form in the first hours after the procedure. On about 3-5 days, they begin to gradually peel off at the edges and hang in lumps. Such "beauty" usually disappears in 2-3 days.

But noticeable crusts are not for everyone. It may be that the crusts are so soft, thin and inconspicuous that they come off during hygiene procedures, so they don’t spoil the appearance at all.

How long does an eyebrow tattoo last?

The duration of the result depends on a number of factors, such as the depth of the pigment in the skin, skin type, metabolic rate.

But the main of these factors is the quality of the pigment that is used for the procedure.

Ordinary tattoo ink lasts about 10 years and is removed only with a laser. High-quality tattoo inks gradually fade and disappear completely after 6 months - 3 years after the procedure.

In this article you can watch the video: laser removal of eyebrow tattoo.

See a photo of an unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo and reviews here. Read here how long eyebrow tattoo heals.

Video: How to find the perfect shape


Service Price per procedure Price per correction
Eyebrow tattoo 4 500 rub. 2 500 rub.
Hair method 4 500 rub. 2 500 rub.
Eyelid tattoo 4 500 rub. 2 500 rub.
Upper and lower eyelid tattoo 6 000 rub. 3 000 rub.
Lower eyelid tattoo 3 500 rub. 2 000 rub.
Lip tattoo with shading 6 000 rub. 3 000 rub.
Lip contour 3 500 rub. 2 000 rub.
front sight 1 000 rub.

Only masters know how many angry calls come from clients in the first days after the procedure. The reasons for them are very different, but 90% of them are due to insufficient awareness of the client about permanent makeup. This article is for our beloved customers: don't worry, in most cases you need to wait a bit!

Bright tattoo of lips or eyebrows

One of the most common complaints from clients in the early days. The fact is that in the first days after the procedure, you see not only the pigment embedded in the upper layer of the skin, but also the pigment remaining on its surface. The brightness of the tattoo in the early days also depends on the technique of its implementation and. In addition, different pigments have a different yield percentage - the proportion of pigment that remains after healing. As a rule, it is 40-60%. That is, roughly speaking, after healing, the pigment will lose half brightness! Do not rush to panic, wait for the crusts to converge and with a 99% chance the result will please you.

Too pale tattoo

This complaint usually arrives 3-5 days after the completion of the procedure. By this moment, the crusts come off (completely or partially) and clients see a tattoo that is pale in their opinion. “The pigment came off with crusts completely!”, “Nothing left!” customers exclaim. Here again we advise you to wait. Yes, there are situations when, due to certain characteristics of the body, but they are rare. In fact, the color of the tattoo is pale because the top layer of the skin has not completely healed, and we see particles of pigment through the whitish film of young skin. After 2 weeks, the color will stabilize, darken and you will see the final result. If it does not seem bright enough, we will add intensity at the second stage of the procedure (correction). By the way, in the process of convergence of crusts, a “visual deception” also occurs - against the background of a rich, contrasting color of the crust, the skin under it seems very light!

Cosmetics after tattoo

It is strictly forbidden to use decorative cosmetics on the tattoo area in the first weeks after the procedure. Do not tint places where the crusts have partially come off or the gaps between them. So you can damage the thin young skin and the remaining crusts, which will negatively affect the result of the tattoo procedure. Also, by tearing off the crusts, you can injure the skin and leave a scar in this place. Let the skin go through the healing process without your intervention!

And please, don't rip off, don't scratch, don't wet the crusts! Be patient! After a couple of days, skin regeneration will end and the crust will come off by itself! If you deliberately speed up the process of convergence of the crusts, this will make the tattoo uneven, spotty, and additional correction may be required to correct these defects.

Too graphic edges of the tattoo, gray tint, wide shape

Such reactions occur in customers for a number of reasons. This and the aforementioned visual deception, when against the background of dark crusts, the work seems pale and inexpressive. And the suspiciousness of many clients, their susceptibility to the opinions of others.

But at the heart of all these reactions lies a banal haste! Permanent makeup is not makeup! It is necessary wait for the skin to heal. This period lasts from 28 days (for young skin) to 45 (for aged skin). Only after this time has passed you will see the final result, get used to it and be able to formulate objective requirements like adding brightness, correcting the shape, etc. All of them will be performed by the master at the second stage of the procedure.

Victoria Rudko, international permanent makeup trainer, leading specialist of the Pyubo Academy (Ukraine)

Often, immediately after a permanent eyebrow tattoo, clients of a beauty salon remain dissatisfied with the result of the procedure, as it differs significantly from the desired one, and there are reasons for this fact.

Immediately after the eyebrow tattoo, their shape is not so elegant, and the thickness and color can be frustrating at first. But do not be upset! This is quite a normal effect for the initial stage.

If after the eyebrow tattoo procedure you are not satisfied with the resulting color, you can fix it in a month, during the correction.

It should be remembered that permanent eyebrow tattoo does not give an instant effect. In order for the eyebrows to acquire the desired shape and color, some time must pass for healing, or, in other words, the eyebrows must “get sick” and fully recover.

As a rule, the healing process of an eyebrow tattoo after the procedure takes approximately 4 or 5 weeks and can be assessed after a month.

During the healing period, along with the crusts, excess thickness will disappear. The color of the eyebrows will also change, since the pigment does not appear immediately.

Do not forget also that permanent makeup, like any operation, causes superficial edema, because of which the shape of the eyebrows can be distorted and it also takes time to fully recover.

Note! Before going to a beauty salon, you should definitely take an interest in reviews about the skill level of the institution and the cosmetologists working there. Assess the quality of service, compliance with sanitary standards, inquire about certificates for the provision of cosmetic services.

Natural effects of eyebrow tattooing in the first week after the procedure

Permanent eyebrow tattooing is the pigmentation of the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. Like a regular tattoo, this procedure must go through a healing period, during which natural consequences occur:

  • redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • swelling and itching;
  • secretion of the ichor;
  • the appearance of crusts;
  • overly saturated tattoo color;
  • distortion of the shape and size of the eyebrows.

Note! Before the tattoo procedure, a professional, experienced cosmetologist will definitely take an interest in health, existing chronic diseases, the state of the blood and the presence of allergies in order to avoid complications. If there are contraindications, then the tattoo procedure can be canceled.

Complications that occur after eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattoo after the procedure and after a month, as a rule, does not cause serious complications or they are very insignificant in the number of cases.

The most common case of complication can be attributed to an increased allergic reaction, both to the coloring pigment itself and to the physical effect (piercing) of the skin.

Often, the tattoo master recommends in such cases a course of antihistamines that remove this problem or minimize it.

Complications can also arise from improper eyebrow skin care in the first days after the permanent.

Poor hygiene, washing with chlorinated water, drinking alcohol, and using make-up can cause severe inflammation, swelling, and intense itching. The consequence of this, in the future, may be a poor-quality tattoo with blurry shapes and the wrong shade.

How to care for eyebrows in the first 7 days after tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing immediately after the procedure and during the first week requires constant care in order to get positive results after a month.

In the first few days, an ichor appears on the skin of the eyebrows subject to tattooing, which must be very carefully washed off with neutral soap (preferably for children), dried with a towel, gently blotted and lubricated with a healing cream.

Later, when the ichor dries up, crusts appear on the skin of the eyebrows. Crusts absolutely can not be torn off! Otherwise, you can introduce an infection, make wounds and the uniformity of eyebrow coloring will be disturbed.

The crusts must be lubricated with Panthenol, Bepanten or Solcoseryl creams, which promote active healing of the eyebrow skin and have an antibacterial effect. In the first period of time, for softening, it is recommended to apply almond, peach or sesame oil to the skin of the eyebrows.

Important to remember! During the healing period, for several days after permanent makeup, you should refrain from taking hot baths, visiting steam rooms and saunas, as well as swimming in open water and pools with chlorinated water.

All types of exposure to the skin of the face during this period of time should be minimized.

What happens to the eyebrows a week after the procedure

A week after the procedure, with proper care, swelling and redness around the tattoo lines should disappear.

At the end of the first week, the crusts begin to fall off and the preliminary result of permanent makeup is visible.

The color of the eyebrows has not yet been finally revealed, but you can see the uniformity of staining of the eyebrows along their length. If the edema has gone completely, then the shape of the eyebrows, the bend and their width are already clearly visible.

During this period of time, there is an active healing of the surface layer of the epidermis, small wounds are healed, and the recovery process is underway.

What further care is needed for eyebrows after tattooing

In order for the eyebrow skin to heal completely, intensive care and adherence to the recommendations of a cosmetologist are required for a month. They are simple, but must be performed regularly and rigorously:

  • Eyebrow tattooing both after the procedure and a month later requires hygiene. To avoid infection, the skin of the eyebrow area should be cleaned with lotions (not alcohol!), neutral tonics or boiled water.

  • In no case do not rub your eyebrows with a towel, but dry them, slightly wetting the moisture.
  • Use healing creams or ointments. In summer, be sure to use sunscreen, and in winter, use creams or ointments with vitamins.
  • Protect the skin of the eyebrows from excessive heat or cold.
  • During the healing period, you can not use cosmetics, you can not tint and pluck your eyebrows.

What not to do during the healing period of eyebrows after tattooing

Eyebrow tattoo after the procedure and after a month involves special recommendations. Within a week after the tattoo, it is strongly not recommended:

  • when crusts appear - independently and forcibly tear them off;
  • it is not recommended to try to tint or powder eyebrows;
  • it is forbidden to wet your eyebrows without the need, rub them with a towel and touch them with your hands;
  • it is not recommended to independently correct eyebrows, pluck hairs, paint with a corrective or cosmetic pencil;
  • in the first days after tattooing, any thermomechanical and ultraviolet effects on the tattoo area should be avoided;

  • it is recommended to refuse visits to the sauna, steam room, solarium and the beach;
  • when caring for the skin of the face, the use of alcohol-containing lotions is not recommended.

Be careful! Eyebrow tattoo after the procedure and a month later requires simple, but mandatory rules of care. Failure to comply with these conditions can cause serious inflammation and swelling of the skin in the area of ​​the tattoo, and further affect the quality of the entire procedure as a whole and the need for repeated microblading.

What eyebrows look like a month after the tattoo

A month after the tattoo, the eyebrow skin is completely restored and now you can evaluate all the work done. By this time, all the shortcomings in the choice of shape and color become obvious.

Ideally, if everything turned out as planned, then you should say a big thank you to the master for the good work and get advice from him on how to keep the eyebrows in this form longer and discuss the schedule of corrective procedures.

For a sustainable effect, you will need 2 or 3 more trips to the beautician, after which the eyebrows will remain the same as a month after the tattoo, for a long time.

However, in rare cases, a month after the procedure, unwanted defects may appear, which are best corrected by your master.

Eyebrow tattoo defects both after the procedure and after a month Possible reason How to fix
Uneven staining or non-staining of a particular area1. Poorly performed procedure

2. Care errors in the first 10 days after the procedure

Too bright or too pale color (exotic color)1. The wrong tone

2. Wrong care in the first week after the procedure

Can be corrected after complete healing (after 4 weeks) in the salon at the master
Unsymmetrical or unacceptable brow shape1. Wrong eyebrow shape

2. Unprofessionalism of the master

Can be corrected after complete healing (after 4 weeks) in the salon at the master

Eyebrow care after a month after tattooing

At the end of a month after the tattoo, the eyebrows also need to be looked after. So that the contours of the eyebrows are not smeared and the color is stable, periodically, as necessary, it is recommended:

  1. Depilation (plucking with tweezers) of regrown hairs that have appeared outside the pigment form.
  2. Trimming with scissors of long hairs along the entire length of the eyebrow.
  3. Eyebrow tinting. Over time, the pigment paint will fade, so tinting will be required for color uniformity.
  4. In winter, it is recommended to use vitaminized creams for care, and in summer - sunscreens to protect the color.
  5. Tattoo correction in a beauty salon.

Interesting fact! The quality of permanent makeup depends on the skin type. On dry skin, the tattoo is more intense and lasts much longer than on oily or combination skin. When carrying out a tattoo procedure, this circumstance must be taken into account.

When is the first adjustment necessary?

In most cases, some time after the tattoo, it is necessary to make an eyebrow correction, since it is very rarely possible to do everything perfectly at once.

This does not mean that the master was not professional enough, just after healing, some errors may remain or occur, which are difficult to predict during the first procedure. All this can be corrected only after a while.

Experienced masters will always recommend making a correction in order to analyze the result of the procedure itself and the degree of healing of the eyebrow skin after it. Therefore, even if the appearance of the eyebrows seems perfect, the correction still needs to be done.

The first eyebrow correction is performed after the final healing, approximately one month after the first procedure.

At this point, the superficial skin in the eyebrow area, as a rule, is completely healed and additional actions can be performed without the risk of infection and making new wounds.

Note! Permanent tattoo makeup under different conditions can last from 1 to 10 years. If there is a need to remove it, then this can be done in a beauty salon with a laser, 5 or 6 procedures.

Recently, the procedure of eyebrow tattooing has become very popular among women of any age, as it solves several problems at once - look beautiful and well-groomed, save time on everyday makeup and be "on top" at any moment.

How and for what period do the eyebrows heal after the tattoo procedure?

How eyebrows look a month after the tattoo:

Watch the video: HOW MICROBLADING HEALS by day (January 2020).

Surprise, and in some cases bewilderment, causes many clients who have done permanent makeup, the result of the color rendering of the pigment after the first procedure.

"Work" of the pigment: expectation and reality

Going to a permanent makeup salon for an eyebrow, lip or eyelid tattoo procedure, every woman expects that in two hours she will come out with a perfect result.

It is these expectations that are the cause of the disappointments that come in the first few days after the procedure. This is due to the fact that many clients do not fully understand the principle of the "work" of the coloring pigment.

"Work" of the pigment at different stages after the procedure

Tattooing, as an appearance modeling procedure, involves the sequential introduction of a coloring pigment along the treated surface (lips, eyebrows, eyelids) into the upper layers of the dermis. The penetration depth of the pigment, in order to obtain an optimal result as a result of the work, should be at least 0.7 to 1 mm.

The introduction of the pigment is the first stage of the procedure. In the first hours after its completion, the introduced pigment differs in deeper saturation (by 1.5 - 2 tones) from its base color, which the master demonstrates to the client in the palette catalog before starting work.

A few hours after the completion of the procedure, the treated areas of the skin are covered with a scab - a crust that forms as a result of damage to the surface of the skin and protects them from the ingress of microorganisms that cause purulent formations. The resulting crust hides the shade of the pigment, and at this time it is visually indeterminate.

After a few days, the crusts formed after the procedure begin to come off, and you can see the first manifestation of the color of the pigment. But this is not the final result, since it depends on the characteristics of the skin of each individual person, and its reaction to exposure to light and ultraviolet radiation.

In some cases, after the scab has been shed, it may seem that there is no pigment at all on the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. This is due to the fact that the dense structure of the scab prevented the penetration of light, which is the main catalyst for pigment development, to the treated skin surface. That is why, in fact, the pigment begins to “work” - to appear only after the formed crusts come off.

An increase in the intensity of the pigment shade occurs within three to four, and in some cases, with low skin photosensitivity, up to five to six weeks. In each case, this indicator is individual, and depends on the personal characteristics of the client and the selected pigment.

The final result of the first stage is formed by the sixth week after the introduction of the pigment.

The final is near!

The second stage is correction. During the correction, the master introduces the necessary additional amount of pigment to add and equalize the color intensity over the entire area of ​​the treated area.

The procedure of permanent make-up / tattoo (PM) is quite a complex and multifaceted process. After the procedure with the micropigmentation zone, the following changes will occur:

1 - 5 day: swelling, redness, slight asymmetry due to skin injury, quite bright, dark color, vascular reaction. Healed permanent makeup will be 40-60% paler than immediately after the procedure.

5 - 7 day: lowering the intensity of the color, when the crust comes off, everything will be very light.

15-30 day: stabilization or gradual color saturation. In the area of ​​pigmentation, color will gradually appear.

* If a suddenly after 28 days the color did not appear in the right amount - the master is correcting necessarily will add brightness or make the PM zone 1-2 tones lighter, correct the shape if the pigment is rejected, or the client improperly looked after the PM zone, and even worse, he picked out the crust. Be sure to remember that the fixation of the pigment in the skin also depends on the body's defenses.

We remind you that an additional procedure (correction) is an obligatory component of the PM procedure. Without correction, the PM procedure is considered incomplete. Everything: color, brightness, saturation, symmetry, is being finalized in an additional procedure.

At all stages of healing, you will have an irresistible desire to call us or write and tell us: that you are upset, that you are very worried, that the color is very bright, that eyebrows, arrows, lips are a little different (they will be different during the healing period due to swelling and crust ) that there is no color left in the PM zone after the crusts have come off, etc. etc....

This is a normal reaction of clients to color, brightness, symmetry. Do not worry, the process of stabilization and healing is underway.

Until the PM (permanent makeup, tattoo) has healed and stabilized, please do not call us on these issues. It is absolutely impossible to add anything before correction in the PM zone, since the skin must recover.

At this stage, you need to calm down and be patient. Please, do not worry and do not be upset. You will receive a positive final result only 28 days after the correction.

Irina Zakharova Permanent Makeup Center St. Petersburg,OGRN 312784702000810 IP Zakharov Permanent Make - Up Center