Improvement of the body and the secrets of youth

Old age has troubled man since the beginning of time. For many centuries he has been trying to find the secret of youth. But instead of one secret, he found numerous methods of rejuvenation.

Why does the body age?

The human body begins to age from the age of 12, when its cells stop producing their own coenzyme. Each cell is coded for a certain number of divisions. The cell finally ceases to function when the telomere at its end, shortening with each cell division, dies after a certain number of such divisions.

We begin to grow old very early, when we do not think about it yet.

The brain is constantly losing and creating new neurons, as well as connections between them. Every night he is busy repairing the body, processing the information that he receives during the day. But there are other causes of aging, which are successfully created by the person himself. These are: ecology, sleep-wake mode, nutrition, sports, mental load, psychological mood.

Features of the aging of the female body

The first signs of a woman's aging appear on her face in the form of wrinkles.

The female body begins to age from adolescence. Already at the age of 17, a girl may notice the first signs - "crow's feet" in the skin around the eyes, fine wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, dry skin and a grayish tint. From the age of 35, a woman begins to wonder how to slow down the aging process of the body. Because at this age, depending on individual characteristics, other signs of aging begin to appear:

  • Hair grows dull, begins to fall out.
  • The skin becomes tighter, less soft. Skin tone becomes uneven. Over time, the corners of the eyes, eyebrows and lips droop. Cheeks begin to sag, forming "flews" in overweight women.
  • Dark circles form around the eyes, puffiness appears. Wrinkles on the forehead become deeper.
  • The general appearance of the face loses its “juiciness”, a tired look appears.
  • The skin of the hands becomes thinner and drier.
  • The neck also ages - it begins to wrinkle, but this becomes noticeable after 40 years. A second chin appears.
  • The chest begins to lose its shape.
  • Simultaneously with the aging of the body, fat in the body begins to be unevenly distributed, concentrating in the abdomen, shoulders, and hips. Sides appear. Buttocks lose elasticity.
  • When the rejuvenation of the body slows down, a woman's awareness of her sexuality decreases. Sex for a woman fades into the background.
  • After menopause, a woman's self-esteem drops sharply, she clearly feels the approach of old age, which is why the aging process only accelerates.

Can aging be slowed down?

You can slow down the aging process and prolong youth using various methods of rejuvenating the body. Although men and women age differently, they can slow down the aging process equally effectively. All methods of rejuvenation are suitable for a man, except for those that are aimed at specific areas of the body only for a woman.

Ways to slow down aging

The state of our bodies depends largely on ourselves, focus on a healthy lifestyle.

I must say that the aging process can be slowed down at any age. Even if a person has already retired, life can only begin for him. Chronic diseases, age-related diseases cannot interfere with those who have set themselves the goal of rejuvenation. The main thing is to take action and not give up. There are many ways to slow down the aging process and rejuvenate your body and spirit.

Geroprotectors for rejuvenation

Geroprotectors are substances that have not experimentally shown their effect on rejuvenation of the body and prolongation of life. Studies have shown that geroprotectors play an important role in slowing down aging, especially for people of mature age.

Preparations geroprotectors for rejuvenation affect everyone in different ways.

Some geroprotective substances have only been tested in animals, showing truly amazing results. But, in humans, their effect has not yet been 100% proven. Some studies suggest that uncontrolled use of these drugs can trigger the development of cancer. Be careful, do not overdo it in pursuit of youth!


These are geroprotectors of plant origin. They increase mental and physical potential, normalize metabolism, increase immunity, improve sleep. Adaptogens of natural origin: ginseng root, Chinese magnolia vine, aralia, eleutherococcus, pink radiola, zamaniha.


These are mixtures of active biological substances. They include peptides, vitamins, nucleoproteins, minerals. Their action is aimed at regulating cell production, improving metabolism, and improving the body. Drugs: hepatamine, vasalamin, etc.

Biogenic stimulants

Activate metabolism. Preparations: apilac, aloe extract, substances based on the placenta or pelloids.


These geroprotectors reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. If the disease is already there, then they slow down its progression. Here are some drugs for rejuvenation: eikonol, omega-3, clofibrate, nicotinic acid, etc.


Remove toxins from the body. taken periodically. Then, it is necessary to enrich the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Geroprotectors: polysorb, polyphelan, lactulose.


Reduce the level of harmful effects of free radicals that destroy cells. Fortunately, most vegetables, drinks, herbs, and a number of vitamins contain antioxidants. Literally all vegetables and fruits in raw as well as boiled form can be called anti-aging products.

Medicines for old age

There is no universal youth pill, but there are some anti-aging drugs that are aimed at combating certain diseases. Additionally, studies have shown that they prolong life.

Several anti-aging drugs still exist.

Leaders among youth pills:

  • Metformin, which prolongs the health of blood vessels and the heart;
  • Aspirin Cardio, which stops and slows thrombosis, a prophylactic against cancer;
  • Vitamins D, K, which prolong the life potential of the heart, blood vessels, and start the healing of the body;
  • Melatonin (Circadin), which compensates for the lack of its own melatonin in a person and starts the process of healing the body.

Fibroblasts to slow down aging

Stable and mature skin cells are called fibroblasts. Currently, many aesthetic medicine clinics offer fibroblast rejuvenation. This is a kind of facial rejuvenation program. For this procedure, the patient's fibroblasts are taken from the patient, which then multiply in the laboratory. After that, they are injected under the skin. Thus, the rejuvenation process starts. The results are visible within two weeks. The procedure is recommended for people with obvious signs of facial skin aging. That is, from about 45 years old.

How not to let the brain grow old?

To stay mentally active for as long as possible, you need to make the brain work. A few tips to activate brain rejuvenation:

  • read every day;
  • sleep fully;
  • drink water;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • eat foods with high nutritional value, as the brain needs food;
  • learn new useful information;
  • do not clog the brain with unnecessary information rubbish;
  • learn languages;
  • develop creatively.

Watch a very interesting interview with Sergey Savelyev, who talks about what destroys the brain:

Psychology of youth

The psychological aspect is important in human life. The psychological state can both slow down the aging of the body and accelerate it. Those who ignore this fact are deeply mistaken.

Youth should first of all be in the soul of a person.

Emotions trigger many chemical processes in the body, contributing to the prolongation of youth. Emotions can both stop aging for a while and activate it. Inner calmness with maximum awareness of one's reactions is recommended. This does not mean that you need to stop feeling emotions. This means that you need to learn to recognize them, to notice their shades, to notice the nature of their influence on the body. A person is like a musical instrument, when much depends on the correct tuning of the psyche.

There are a lot of psychological and mental techniques. All of them promise a great effect, and few of them really live up to the expectation. The most important adviser is the person himself. Only he can find for himself the best option for managing his psyche. But, first, you can learn some existing techniques by choosing something you like.

Sex and aging

Sex for youth is important no less than all other aspects of human life. During sex, the human body produces a hormone of pleasure, due to which the body is healed. Muscles are trained during sex.

Sex is an integral part of the life of an ordinary healthy person, tune in to it.

Sex to some extent can be called an excellent prevention of aging. It strengthens the immune system, helps to speed up the healing process during illness. It has been proven that sexually active people are happier and live longer than those who ignore it. Moreover, people of all ages can have sex. If a person is over 70, this does not mean that the topic of sex is closed to him. A person can do it all his life, starting the rejuvenation of the body, albeit a slow one. The main thing is to do it with love!