A tribe of women with a long neck. Each person is beautiful in their own way

Svetlana Rumyantseva 18 September 2018, 14:02

Wedding rings have a sacred meaning, symbolizing the bright feelings of love and fidelity of the spouses in relation to each other. Such jewelry is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. and are not removed throughout the entire married life. However, you may notice that some men and women wear them differently, for example, on the neck, on a chain as a pendant. This option is also appropriate, especially if there are good reasons for it.

It is customary to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand, but exceptions to this rule are quite acceptable

Wedding ring on the ring finger

When can you wear a wedding ring on a chain around your neck?

There are many situations when wearing jewelry on the finger is inappropriate, undesirable and even dangerous to health.... These include:

  • professional activities in which the ring can lead to injury to a limb (car mechanic, welder, loader, slinger, builder) or is prohibited by sanitary standards (surgeon, pastry chef);
  • the size of the product is larger than necessary (it is easy to lose it);
  • burns, abrasions and other injuries on the finger should not come into contact with foreign objects, including the ring;
  • temporary swelling often occurs during pregnancy, expectant mothers are advised to remove jewelry from their fingers in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to do this later.

Swelling of fingers during pregnancy

There are situations when, for safety reasons, it is better to wear a wedding ring on a neck chain than on a finger.

Separately, it should be said about those whose marriage was interrupted due to divorce or widowhood. It would seem that there is no family relationship - there is no need to wear a ring symbolizing them either. But love knows no boundaries, it can overwhelm the heart even when a close and dear person is no longer around. This feeling is also intertwined with respect and gratitude, so the ring is valuable as a memory, as a link with the past... You always want to carry such a piece of jewelry with you. The option with a chain in this case is appropriate, many do not remove the ring even when entering into a subsequent marriage.


The importance of a wedding ring on a chain often worries those who do not have the opportunity to wear this jewelry in the traditional way, that is, on the right ring finger. Many are worried if this will bring negative consequences to the family, for example, quarrels, divorce and even the death of a spouse?

It is definitely not worth worrying about, if only because thoughts have the properties of materializing. Moreover, no signs that foreshadow misfortune only because of the "wrong" wearing of the ring does not exist... Negative thoughts are far more harmful than wearing your wedding ring off your ring finger.

Yes, some widowers and divorced people put the ring on a neck chain, but they also wear it on their left hand, on different fingers (for example, on the middle or little finger), and some just keep it in a box. Everyone chooses for himself what to do with the jewelry after a divorce or the death of a soul mate... There are even those who wear two rings at once on a chain - their own and their ex-spouse.

Two rings on a chain

An engagement ring is a beautiful piece of jewelry, the main purpose of which lies in symbolism. This jewelry is worn on the finger of the second half as a sign of loyalty and love on the day of the wedding, and its loss is considered a bad omen. If the marriage is interrupted, the jewelry on the ring finger loses its symbolic meaning. You can wear them as a memory of the past anywhere.


Many people consider wearing a wedding ring on a chain around their neck as negative signs. But in fact, there are a number of reasons why this special piece of jewelry still needs to be removed from the finger, for example, so as not to lose it or to avoid health complications. In such cases everyone is free to do what he thinks is right and convenient: put the product in a safe place (in a box, casket) or always have it with you, closer to your heart.

Widowers and divorced people have their own reasons for wearing a wedding ring on their neck chain. Someone cannot part with the past, jewelry is dear to him as a memory, while someone does not attach symbolic meaning and continues to wear the ring as a simple product made of precious metals.

Elderly couple

Summing up, we can say that the engagement ring is really just a symbol... There are many examples of married couples who never remove these jewelry from their finger, but live "like a cat and a dog." And there are also families where a husband and wife, not having wedding rings at all, maintain love and loyalty to each other throughout a long and happy life.

The interesting people of Padaung (or Kayan) live in the highlands of Southeast Asia. Padaung girls from the age of 5 wear copper spirals around their necks. First, a spiral of six rings is put on the neck, and then each year their number is increased by one. By the time of marriage, the number of rings reaches its maximum, and after the wedding, as a rule, they are not added. At the same time, the woman's neck is stretched, which sometimes leads to an increase in its length up to 40 centimeters. Due to their exotic appearance, they began to be called female giraffes, and their areas of residence are very popular with tourists.

Padaung live in the border areas of Thailand and Myanmar, and their number is more than 50,000 people. The traditional occupation of the Padaung people is growing rice and raising livestock. The custom of wearing copper spirals around the neck dates back to ancient times. In every settlement there are women who have mastered the art of putting on rings. As soon as the girl turns 5 years old, she puts on her first rings.

In the future, the number of rings increases, and sometimes the design is so high and uncomfortable that it hinders movement and it is difficult for girls to turn or tilt their heads. In addition to rings on their necks, women wear rings on their arms and legs, and their national costume is complemented by a white shirt decorated with braid.

Tourists are told that the custom of wearing rings is associated with specific ideas of the Padaung tribe about beauty. The long neck is considered a symbol of well-being and beauty. But this custom has a more practical explanation.

According to the padaung themselves, such a design was intended to save them from tigers, meeting with which is still not uncommon in this region. Apparently, the men of the tribe could fight with the predator and fight back, but the neck of the women had to be protected.

According to another version, such rings served to identify the women of the tribe. The fact is that theft of girls by neighboring peoples, as well as unauthorized flight, flourished in this region. Therefore, the padaung came up with such an original way to protect their beauties from the encroachments of neighbors. After all, rings cannot be removed without special skills and devices, and men who go in search of a man can easily find a padaung girl. And even if they are removed, the girl's longer neck will be noticeable, which immediately arouses suspicion.

According to doctors, wearing conventional spirals does not negatively affect women's health. But sometimes the spirals are deliberately made too high. In this case, a greater effect is achieved and the neck becomes very long. But this hinders the mobility of the head, and the muscles designed to provide this mobility atrophy. If such women remove the rings, a neck fracture may occur.

Today, not all padaung women want to wear rings that were worn as a child. Some take them off and do fine without spirals. But in some villages in Thailand, the custom of wearing rings is considered not only a sign of beauty, but also a way of earning money. Tourists who come to Padaung settlements are happy to buy souvenirs and clothes, and also take pictures with amazing long-necked women.

Women of the Padaung tribe in Burma, starting at about the age of five, wear copper rings around their necks (more precisely, spirals made of a rod about one centimeter thick, giving the impression of rings), which are installed by local women with proper qualifications. Gradually, the number of rings (or rather spiral turns) increases, which leads to the effect of "stretching the neck", which is why tourists call them female giraffes.

In an adult woman, the number of rings can reach a couple of dozen, and their weight is four to five kilograms. Periodically, the rings (spirals), at will, or as necessary, are removed and put on again, this does not cause harm to health.

In the case of a complete refusal to wear rings, the neck takes on a normal appearance for a period from a year to three. There is a widespread myth that female giraffes cannot live without these rings. This is not the case, women with rings removed do not suffer from their absence.

Women stop growing rings by the time they get married, but also by this time the neck simply no longer lengthens, due to age-related changes in the skeleton, and their replacement, for example, in order to improve their appearance, or if it is inconvenient to wear old ones, is allowed after that, any age.

X-ray studies of Padaung women showed that, in fact, due to the rings, the neck is not stretched, but the shoulder area is deformed, the shoulder girdle gradually sinks under the weight of the rings, since it is attached to the skeleton with only one joint. As a result, the appearance of a long neck is created, but no changes occur in the neck itself.

Sometimes the spirals are deliberately made unnecessarily high - very tight to the shoulders and head, and keep the head constantly in an elevated state. In this case, the woman may lose the ability to turn and tilt her head, simply because it becomes quite difficult to do, and not because of anatomical changes. Also, if such spirals are removed, there is a danger of breaking the neck, because the muscles that support it can atrophy. But this is not often observed, most often the upper edge of the rings does not reach the chin, which gives some freedom of movement of the head.

Women also wear rings on their arms and legs. Their costume usually consists of a long white sweatshirt with a closure in the front and a knee-length skirt.

The reason for the custom of wearing rings is not clear. According to the stories, they supposedly protect against tiger bites. They also say that the rings are designed to limit their ability to escape to a neighboring village, which was associated with the customs of trafficking in women. According to other sources, this is how precious metals were "stored" in the family. The women themselves claim that this is a tradition of self-identification of the tribe, which they received from their mothers. In addition, a long neck is considered a sign of beauty and well-being.

According to local legend, the ancestors of the Padaungs descended from the union of the wind and the dragon. Hearing from the dragon that she was pregnant, the wind began to happily circle around his wife, until she gave birth to a large cocoon, from which a padaung emerged. In memory of this whirling of the happy wind, women wear hoops around their necks.

Although the removal of the hoops is possible, the movement against this custom in Burma has been unsuccessful. Nowadays, women continue to wear rings also because it attracts tourists and creates a good opportunity to sell handicrafts. In fact, long necks have become a kind of business to attract tourists. The largest village of Nai Soi receives 1,200 tourists annually, setting an entry fee of 250 Thai baht, the money remains the property of Thai travel agencies.

This article will focus on one exotic ethnic group that tourists have to encounter in Thailand. It will be about the Karen people, known for their long-necked women.

The Karen people came to Thailand from Burma, fleeing the persecution of the military junta, from unrest and war. The Thai government and the King of Thailand personally took part in the fate of this people and provided them with the opportunity to live on their land, although many Karen are still in the country illegally. Karen and other peoples who received shelter in Thailand have refugee status, and, according to this status, are not allowed to leave the territory of the provinces in which they live. Once they leave Thailand, they lose the opportunity to return to this country. Karens live in Thailand, preserving their traditions, language and culture. One of these traditions is wearing rings around the neck.

Women of the Karen tribe begin to wear rings from 4-5 years old, gradually building up spiral rings. Originally worn only by those born on Wednesday, the full moon. Over time, all of Karen's women began to wear rings. Rings were added every three years, and by the age of 26, this necklace could weigh 6-8 kg. Outwardly, the illusion of lengthening the neck is created, but this is only an illusion. In fact, it is not the neck that lengthens, but the collarbones fall and the chest is pressed. They say that this process is reversible, and if the rings are removed, then gradually, in 2-3 years, the skeleton comes to its original forms. Of the numerous groups of the Karen people, only the Paduong women wear rings, which means "copper ring".

Why do Karens wear rings?

There are several versions of why Karen's women began to wear rings around their necks. Some versions are more like legends, while others are not devoid of meaning.

Version with tigers. The rings on the neck protected from the attack of predators. When the men went hunting, the women and children were in danger of being attacked by the Tigers. This version is now taken too literally. These rings will not interfere with the tiger's plan, but if we consider the rings as amulets that protect against tigers, then the version has a right to exist.

Protection from kidnapping by representatives of other nations. Women and Buddhist relics have always been considered an expensive trophy and wars resulting from this have been frequent. In order to make their women unattractive to neighboring tribes, the Karen thought of putting rings on their women.

Decoration. Just a decoration. The longer the neck, the more attractive a woman is.

The version about the origin of the Karen people from the Dragon and the God of the wind. According to this legend, love arose between the dragon and the god of the wind. Once the Wind learned that the dragon was pregnant and began to circle around her with joy! The dragon gave birth to a cocoon from which the first representative of the Karen people appeared. In memory of this event, the women of Karen wear spiral rings around their necks.

According to one of the legends, a man could take off a woman's rings if he convicted her of infidelity and thereby tied her to bed, tk. the woman could not walk without rings. The legend refers rather to a tribe that lives in Africa.

In any case, now the woman Karen who wears the rings is in a better position than the rest. They don't work on plantations, they don't do hard work. The main activity for them is folk crafts - embroidery, weaving, weaving. A man whose wife with rings had a higher status compared to other men whose wives did not wear rings.

Wearing rings leads to a change in the body, the collarbones fall, the muscles that support the neck atrophy.

Near the city of Pattaya there is a small village where women and men of the Karen tribe live. The main activity is selling souvenirs to tourists, weaving scarves and national clothing items. In the same village you can find a woman with a heavy headdress on her head and in national dress, but without rings. This woman belongs to the Akha people, who also live in Thailand.

A visit to the village of Karenov is paid, the ticket price is about 250 rubles. per person. You can get there either as part of an organized excursion from Pattaya, or on your own by hitchhiking or by renting a motorbike. The village of Karen is located next to the rock art of Buddha.

Women with rings around their necks - Kayan Tribe Thailand. Once in the border area with Myanmar, you have to decide - to cross the border and plunge into the atmosphere of ten years ago or visit one of the nurseries in the northern part of Thailand. But if you want something really extraordinary and memorable, you should visit the outlandish Karen tribe, located near the Thai-Burmese border. And this settlement is unusual in that natives with unnaturally long necks live in it.

Women with rings around their necks. History

The Karen tribe formed about twenty years ago, when the inhabitants of Myanmar fleeing the aggression of the Burmese military crossed the border. Themselves as representatives of the tribe call themselves Kayan. Most of the inhabitants of the settlement are natives of Thailand, but they do not have citizenship of this state. At one time, the UN tried to make a proposal, according to which assistance is provided in finding a residence for the long-necked tribe. However, the Thai government has awarded those economic migrant status, not refugee status. That is why the UN has no influence on this issue. They just say that this state of affairs is very beneficial to some businessmen who, by building a village for the Karen tribe and attracting tourists to them, earn quite good money.

Women with rings around their necks. Service for tourists

In relative proximity to the city of Mae Hong Son, located in the northwest of Thailand, various tribes live, including the Kayan. For an excursion to this place, everyone will have to pay 500 baht. Many tourists expect unforgettable and vivid impressions from a trip to the territory of Karen, however, sometimes their expectations are not met.

Women with rings around the neck of the tribe all day sit at the counter of souvenir stalls, waiting for someone to buy one of the memorabilia, most of which are too monotonous so that later you ask yourself: "Why did I buy this?" Someone is making checkered fabrics at the loom. There are also those who are trying to make money by singing and playing the guitar. There are even discs with recordings of world singles, not very skillfully sung by the locals in their native language. All this is somewhat reminiscent of the chaos in the zoo.

But according to the confessions of the inhabitants of the tribe themselves, it is better to live here than in the place where you are bullied, raped or even killed. This is at least some kind of refuge. This is how the representatives of their tribe live in Myanmar. But it is not clear: the cruel persecutions against them have recently either stopped, or they still exist. For some reason, it seems that all the women living here with rings around their necks realize that they are putting their lives on display. And in their eyes reads: "After a few years, no one will be able to force me to do at least something for these curious onlookers."

Trying to strike up a conversation with the locals in Thai, which most residents speak at a basic level, you only come across unequivocal answers, languid smiles and simple politeness. Few people here can smile and laugh sincerely. Probably, the arrival of tourists is not quite the right moment for this.

Women with rings around their necks. Myths and reality

Not all women and girls of the Karen tribe wear rings around their necks. It depends primarily on the date of birth. Among the locals there was a little girl with such rings, and her mother, who was present nearby, did not have a single ring at all. It turns out that the rings do not lengthen the neck, but, on the contrary, put pressure on the collarbones. In the future, this entails unpleasant and even downright dangerous consequences: the body is shortened, problems begin in the work of the respiratory system, since the lungs are constantly under serious pressure. Logical, but somewhat uncomfortable questions arise: "How to scratch your neck?" or "How do you wash your neck?"

Sometimes you can hear talk that the rings should never be removed. Choking will occur due to atrophied muscles in the neck, unable to support the head. However, this is not true. In souvenir shops there are photographs of women with rings removed from their necks. Only such a sight leads to a state of incomprehensible confusion and stupor. It would be like the moment when women are forced to strip for the amusement of curious tourists.

Women with rings around their necks. Male pride

It is not known when exactly the tradition of decorating the neck with rings appeared. It is only clear that the men of the Kayan tribe are downright in awe of women with rings and consider such an attribute an important indicator of femininity and beauty. Of course, this is very striking. But, probably, this is akin to trying to stand out by correcting your appearance with the help of surgical operations.