Why does the tailbone hurt in pregnant women. Relief of pain syndrome. Useful video about why the tailbone hurts during pregnancy

The physiological changes that occur in the body during pregnancy are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and painful sensations. Pain occurs in different areas and for a variety of reasons. Often, women in position complain of soreness in the coccyx. Usually the coccyx stops hurting after childbirth. But if the pain persists, it is urgent to see a specialist.

It is possible to determine exactly why the coccyx hurts in pregnant women only after diagnosis and examination by specialists, since the factors for the development of the pain syndrome can be different.

Pain can develop throughout pregnancy. The causes of discomfort can be:

  • damage to the vertebrae of this department in the past;
  • anatomical change in the structure of the skeleton during pregnancy - the pelvic bones diverge, the rudimentary process deviates back;
  • from the 4th month of pregnancy, an increase in the uterus causes stretching of the bones of the pelvis, sacrum and tailbone;
  • pinched nerve;
  • in the first trimester, pain in this area indicates a possible miscarriage - pain appears in the back and lower abdomen;
  • lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • inflammation in the joint that articulates the sacrum and coccyx;
  • pathology of the neuromuscular apparatus behind the anal region and pelvic floor;
  • neurological pathologies of the spine;
  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures, sigmoiditis, etc.;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • pathological processes in the genitourinary system;
  • psychoemotional stress.


It is rare that a woman goes through her entire pregnancy without discomfort. Toxicosis, blood pressure, swelling and leg cramps, toxicosis, pain - all these symptoms accompany a woman in position. Often during pregnancy, the tailbone hurts. Sometimes the pain syndrome is so strong that any movement is accompanied by an increase in pain. The reason may be the physiological restructuring of the body before childbirth. But when this unpleasant sensation appears, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to find out the true cause of the pain. Therapeutic measures may be required. The pain usually goes away after childbirth.

In some cases, the coccyx hurts for 3-4 months after childbirth. When wondering why this symptom occurs, it is necessary to understand that the main factor lies in the process of attempts, when the pubic bones diverge, which negatively affects the coccygeal spine. Soreness during childbirth can occur due to the narrow size of the pelvis and large fetus, excessive tilt back, injury to the ligaments, etc. Pain in the coccyx with minor injuries goes away on its own. If the pain lasts more than 2 weeks, the pain syndrome increases, it spreads to the buttocks, it is similar to the symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, you should immediately seek medical help. A strong displacement requires adequate treatment.


Damage to the coccyx can be hidden and appear during pregnancy. Any trauma suffered can be expressed in intense pain during the period of bearing a child.

The coccyx hurts in women during pregnancy after sitting in one position for a long time, when trying to get up from a chair. Women may wonder why this is happening. Pathologies of the rectum, the presence of neoplasms in the pelvic organs are the causes of pain in this area.

Inflammatory processes in the lower spine (pinching of the nerve root, inflammation of the joint in the lower part of the spinal column, etc.) are the causes of pain in the coccyx.

The nature of the pain

The coccyx during pregnancy hurts many women, but the genesis of this symptom may vary. Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to pay attention to how and when pain occurs in order to describe as accurately as possible the nature and factors that provoke uncomfortable symptoms.

Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can be:

  • continuous or intermittent;
  • intense or manifest as a pulling pain;
  • local or widespread;
  • projected into the lumbar region, perineum, hip joints, anus.

More details about.

With pain in the coccyx in the early stages of pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. It is necessary to contact your doctor as soon as possible, as this may signal the development of dangerous phenomena.

Pain Relief Methods

Pain can appear at any time during pregnancy. It is necessary to take measures to stop the pain syndrome after consultation with a gynecologist and a neuropathologist. Pain of physiological origin in a pregnant woman can go away if she rests more, sits less.

In the first trimester, when the coccyx hurts, it is necessary to exclude the threat of miscarriage. In this case, the load on the lumbar spine is relieved, it is not recommended to take medications, since they can harm the health of the unborn baby. Warm dry compresses on the area will ease the condition of the expectant mother. For acute pain, Traumeel ointment with 5 essential oils for joints can be used.

In the second trimester, with pain (if prescribed by a doctor), you can undergo acupuncture sessions, apply painkillers ointments or suppositories. Yoga classes, exercise therapy, balneotherapy will also alleviate the condition of a woman.

In the third trimester, a pregnant woman should use:

  • a special bandage for pregnant women, which relieves the load from the lower back;
  • special pillows while sleeping.

If the pain in the coccyx arose as a result of pathologies, therapeutic measures are prescribed by the attending physician after identifying the cause.

When a pregnant woman has a coccyx pain as a result of a physiological restructuring of the body, doctors advise to refrain from taking medications. The pain symptom can be reduced by using traditional medicine recipes, after consulting with a gynecologist. Interesting to read -.


Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy of a non-pathological origin can be stopped:

  • compresses from fresh burdock - the procedure is done daily for 20 days, after a 10-day break, the course is repeated;
  • decoction of geranium - 2 tbsp. per liter of hot water, insist, a bandage of several layers of bandage or gauze is moistened in a warm infusion and applied to the painful area;
  • with a mixture of honey and mummy in a ratio of 1: 1 - apply with light, rubbing movements to the painful area.
  • warm sitz baths with geranium decoction for 20 minutes;
  • compresses of blue clay and apple cider vinegar - dilute both ingredients until a slurry is obtained, apply the mixture to gauze or bandage, attach to the coccyx, wrap with a warm shawl, leave overnight.

Pain in the coccyx after childbirth will reduce:

  • use of an orthopedic mattress and a special seat cushion;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • fitball exercises;
  • proper diet, etc.


If there are no contraindications during pregnancy, and the coccyx hurts, a fitball complex, gymnastics, yoga for pregnant women, exercise therapy will alleviate the woman's condition.

Exercises for pregnant women with pain in the coccyx:

  • In the supine position, squeeze the gymnastic ball with your feet. Pull the coccyx forward and down.
  • Do the same exercise with legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor.
  • Sitting on a fitball, resting your hands on the floor, perform various movements: forward, backward, to the sides, in a circle.
  • In the same position, legs are widely spaced, tilts to the left and right. Try to touch the heel with your hand.
  • In the supine position, legs bent at the knee joint, shoulder width apart. Raise the pelvis up.

Repeat each exercise no more than 15 times.

If the coccyx hurts after childbirth, a set of exercises, traditional medicine methods, massages that are recommended during pregnancy will alleviate discomfort.

To avoid pain in the coccyx, you must:

  • monitor the proper functioning of the digestive tract (avoid constipation and diarrhea);
  • after 6 months, use a bandage;
  • do yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women;
  • avoid stressful situations.

During the period of bearing a baby, most women are concerned about various ailments and painful manifestations. Often there are pains in the lumbar region. If the coccyx hurts during pregnancy in the second trimester, it is important to know what causes the causes of this condition and how pain can be relieved.

In most cases, the main cause of tailbone pain in the second trimester is physiological. It is due to the transformations in a woman's body that occur during pregnancy.

From 13 to 26 weeks, the pelvic bones gradually move apart, their position changes, the coccyx moves back. Such changes can provoke pain in the lumbar region and coccyx.

The development of the fetus affects the center of gravity, which continues to shift. The pressure on the lumbar region becomes more and more obvious, which causes coccygeal pain.

In general, the condition of the expectant mother in the 2nd trimester is stable, while increased fatigue is observed. A sedentary lifestyle, a decrease in physical activity, a constant desire to lie down and sit lead to an increased load on the lumbosacral region and pain in this area.

An enlarged uterus leads to coccygeal pain. The more it becomes, the stronger the ligaments are strained and stretched, due to which pain occurs.

Perhaps the infringement of the nerve roots of the lumbosacral region, provoking the occurrence of a pronounced pain syndrome.

Giving all the strength and nutrients to the unborn baby, the mother's body may feel a lack of some important elements, in this case: calcium and magnesium. In some cases, the coccyx begins to hurt due to a lack of these substances.

Hormonal changes in the period from 13 to 26 weeks often cause instability of the psycho-emotional state, which in turn leads to neuralgia.

Digestive disorders that cause constipation or diarrhea. Such violations often provoke coccygeal pain.

Descent of the perineum.

Severe previous childbirth.

In some cases, the pain syndrome in this area signals the threat of abortion. In this case, the pains are aching in nature, localized in the coccyx and lower abdomen.

In addition to various conditions caused by pregnancy, soreness of the coccyx can be triggered by pathological processes that are not associated with the period of bearing a baby. These include:

What to do with tailbone pain during pregnancy

If you experience pain during any period of gestation, you must consult a supervising doctor. The specialist will find out the cause of the pain syndrome, based on this, the optimal treatment will be prescribed. But what to do if the doctor did not find a serious reason or in the second trimester the pain in the coccyx was taken by surprise? There are a number of methods that will help alleviate the condition without harming the expectant mother.

Gymnastics. The most effective way to relieve pain is exercise:

  1. Fitball. Exercises on the ball will relieve pain, help strengthen the spinal muscles:
  • When the coccyx starts to hurt, you need to sit on the ball and gently rock the pelvis from side to side;
  • Press the ball with your lower back against the wall, slowly rotate the pelvis, wag. Such an exercise will gently and efficiently massage the painful area, which will relieve tension and spasm;
  • Lie on the ball with your shoulder blades and slowly raise your pelvis;
  1. Knee-elbow position. A simple and effective exercise that allows you to relieve tension and soothe soreness not only of the coccyx, lower back, but also of the pelvic organs. You need to kneel, slowly lower yourself to your elbows. Stand in position 1-7 minutes
  2. Kegel exercises. When the coccyx begins to hurt, it is recommended to perform one of these exercises on the ball or in the knee-elbow position. It is necessary to compress-unclench the muscles of the perineum, alternating with compression-relaxation of the gluteal muscles.

Massage, which means light rubbing movements of the painful area, with gradually increasing intensity. It is optimal to lean on the table with one hand (this will relieve tension from the lower back and tailbone), rub the painful area with the palm of the other.

Correct lying position. This applies to sleep and rest. Despite the fact that the tummy of the expectant mother in the second trimester is not as large as in the third, it is necessary to lie on your back as little as possible. Especially when the tailbone starts to hurt. This situation will only exacerbate the situation. In case of discomfort and soreness, you need to rest, here it is recommended to lie on your side. This is the best position to sleep in.

If the coccyx begins to hurt - you must abandon any load. It is necessary to limit physical activity, but not completely eliminate it. A special bandage will help relieve excessive stress on the spine and eliminate pain. An observant doctor will help you choose a bandage that is optimal for a particular expectant mother.

Stability of the psycho-emotional state. One of the necessary conditions for the elimination of pain. When the coccyx starts to hurt, there is no need to panic, you need to calm down, lie down, relax, do a massage. Panic, irritability can increase spasm and painful manifestations.


If the coccyx begins to hurt, self-medication is not recommended, it can worsen the condition and increase the pain. Before visiting a specialist, you need to rest more and avoid exertion, rub the painful area with your palm, perform a series of exercises on the fitball (depending on the nature of the pain). As soon as possible, you should consult a doctor - a competent specialist will make an accurate diagnosis. Depending on the root cause of the pain, treatment will be prescribed:

  • Diseases of the spine. With the permission of a specialist, a course of acupuncture, physiotherapy exercises, taking Ibuprofen, Paracetamol can be prescribed;
  • When the coccyx begins to hurt due to disorders of the digestive tract, medications are prescribed to improve its functioning, eliminate symptoms, taking into account pregnancy. A prerequisite is diet therapy.
  • Coccyx pains against the background of psycho-emotional disorders are eliminated by teas for newborns. The expectant mother can drink drinks recommended to improve the sleep of babies, which have a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system. These teas will not harm the expectant mother, due to the hypoallergenic composition, natural ingredients approved by pediatricians. Reception of teas will help in restoring an unstable psycho-emotional state.
  • In case of a threat of termination of pregnancy, treatment in a hospital is necessary. The condition of the expectant mother will be monitored by doctors, medication will be taken under the supervision of specialists.

From the recipes of traditional medicine, in the second trimester, the use of the following means is allowed:

Iodine. Before going to bed, you need to grind the tailbone and smear with iodine, wrap the lower back with a towel. Manipulations are repeated 2-3 times a week.

Valerian. Moisten a bandage folded in several layers with a pharmacy tincture of a plant, apply to a sore spot, put polyethylene on top, wrap with a towel and go to bed.


In order for the pregnancy to proceed successfully and allow the expectant mother to enjoy her condition, it is worth observing simple preventive measures:

Adequate physical activity. Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy in the second trimester may be due to a sedentary lifestyle. From the very beginning of pregnancy, adequate physical activity is necessary: ​​short walks, swimming, exercises recommended for expectant mothers. Physical exercise will not only prevent back problems, but also help to avoid congestion and inflammation of the pelvic organs. Overload and overvoltage should be avoided.

Proper rest. It is recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress using a special pillow for pregnant women. It is necessary to limit rest on the back, it is preferable to sleep and rest on the side. The well-being of the expectant mother depends not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of sleep: it is recommended to go to bed before 23.00, read books or watch movies before bed that do not cause strong emotions (both positive and negative).

Nutrition rules. Rational and nutritious nutrition will help prevent many diseases and pathological conditions. Fatty, overly salty and spicy foods should be avoided. Frequent meals in small portions (up to 7-8 times) will allow the expectant mother to eat fully and not have weight problems. The diet should include vegetables and fruits allowed for pregnant women, which will not only saturate the body of the expectant mother with important trace elements, but also eliminate the problem of constipation.

Stabilization of the psycho-emotional background. Breakdowns, irritability, depression negatively affect the general condition of a pregnant woman, provoke spasms, which can cause pain in the coccyx.

Regular visits to the gynecologist will help prevent many diseases, cure existing pathologies of the pelvic organs, which are often the cause of pain in the coccyx.

A woman in position is warned of all kinds of ailments. As a rule, most often they have pain in the tailbone during pregnancy. It mostly happens in the third trimester. This symptom can inform about the presence in the body of the expectant mother of any disease. And if the coccyx hurts during pregnancy, then you should contact your doctor. It is he who can make the correct diagnosis. In addition, he will send for examination to specialists of a narrow profile.

What is the source of pain?

In this section of the article we will talk about the disease, about its causes. The coccyx hurts during pregnancy, usually due to diseases.

These include such as anal neuralgia, proctalgia or anorectal pain. Unpleasant sensations in the coccyx area can be manifestations of both physiological and pathological processes. Next, each of them will be discussed in more detail.

About physiological causes

One source of this species is the spreading of the pelvic bones. As a result, the coccyx is deflected from behind. And this is explained by facilitating the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Basically, in the second trimester during pregnancy, the coccyx hurts for the same reason. No special treatment is required. But how to relieve this pain? The answer to this question will be given in the next section of the article.

Why else does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy? This may be due to the intensive growth of the uterus. This period falls at the end of pregnancy. Unpleasant sensations in the coccyx are explained by the pressure of the uterus on the nerves and ligaments of the pelvis.

The next physiological cause of pain is a large baby. It can contribute to the infringement of nerve endings.

Why does the tailbone hurt during early pregnancy? The main source of discomfort in this area are psychosomatic disorders. Also, hemorrhoids, which are formed due to frequent constipation, contribute to pain in the coccyx.

About the sources of the pathological process

When the tailbone hurts during pregnancy, you should definitely consult a doctor. Since a threat is possible, and a woman may have a miscarriage.

Also, the cause of discomfort is often the echoes of old injuries.

Other sources of pain in the coccyx during pregnancy include inflammatory processes, a lack of magnesium and calcium salts, the formation and enlargement of a cyst on the coccyx, and pathology of the rectum.

About diagnostics

During pregnancy, the coccyx hurts, what to do? First you need to contact your gynecologist. He will prescribe all diagnostic examinations that are required. Thanks to them, it will be possible to find out the cause of discomfort in the coccyx area.

With this problem, most girls in the position turn to the doctor. The specialist can determine whether the pain is the source of a physiological or pathological process. If the discomfort is of the second type, then the gynecologist will send the woman to a narrow specialist.

About the nature of pain during pregnancy

Basically, girls in position complain of discomfort in the coccyx area. But the nature of the pain in each of them may be different. This is explained by the difference in mechanisms, the source of spasms. Before visiting a specialist, a woman should know exactly where the discomfort comes from. It is thanks to this that a highly qualified doctor will be able to indicate the cause of the disease without conducting an examination.

What can be the pain?

When the coccyx hurts during pregnancy, discomfort manifests itself in different ways. Some of the girls in the position complain of constant, while others of periodic pain. There may be a pronounced attack or aching character. In addition, you should pay attention to what these sensations are: cutting, stabbing or pressing.

Also, pain can be given to the lumbar region, the anus or perineum.

Another discomfort in the coccyx in pregnant women occurs after a long sleep or when sitting in one place for a long time.

About treatment

If the coccyx hurts during pregnancy, in which case is it necessary to undergo a course of therapy? If we are talking about physiological causes, then no medical treatment is required.

But when a woman in a position has an inflammatory disease as a source of discomfort in the coccyx, then a course of therapy is necessary. It is prescribed by the attending physician.

What are the ways to alleviate the condition?

Performing relaxing gymnastics by girls in position will help reduce muscle tone.

In order to relieve the discomfort of a aching nature, dry heat should be applied. For this, a bag of salt is suitable. It must be preheated. But there are some diagnoses in which heating the coccyx and lower back is strictly prohibited. Therefore, before doing this, you should consult with your gynecologist.

You can also use the method of acupuncture. It is he who will relieve the spasm in the striated muscles. This will reduce discomfort.

Another way to alleviate the condition are compresses with warming ointments. They should be applied to the region of the sacrum.

A woman in position does not need to move a little, unless, of course, there is evidence from the attending physician.

As a rule, due to moderate physical activity, pregnant women not only do not gain excess weight, but also feel much better.

About prevention

Carrying a child is considered a big burden on a woman's body. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain your health. In order to minimize the risk of discomfort in the coccyx area, preventive measures should be taken. They, in turn, are aimed at maintaining the physical well-being of the body.

So, while sleeping, you should take a comfortable position. To do this, you need to ensure a comfortable rest. You can also purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. Thanks to her, a woman in a position is more comfortable to sleep.

To avoid pain in the coccyx, it is also necessary to deal with the prevention of constipation. The diet should include foods that are saturated with coarse fibers. Also, do not sit in the same place for a long time. You should also do a set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor.

In addition, it is necessary to create support for the growing belly. In this case, we are talking about the use of a bandage. It is prescribed from about the second trimester of pregnancy. Thanks to him, a woman in a position will have less back pain due to the load on the spine.

During pregnancy, do not forget about yourself. Do some gymnastic exercises yourself at home. You can also sign up for special courses for pregnant women.

Very good for relieving stress from the spine, fitball helps with the coccygeal region. In addition, this ball will be useful to you after childbirth. Since with the help of it you can do special exercises with the baby. Also, mom can recover herself with the help of a fitball.


If your tailbone hurts during pregnancy, then try not to lift heavy objects. Also, do not sit in one place for a long time. A woman in position should change her body position as often as possible. A pregnant girl should walk more in the fresh air and take walks.

Still, as mentioned above, it is necessary to do special exercises that are aimed at relieving tension from the muscles.

In addition, you can massage the affected area. To do this, you will need to use the help of loved ones.

Remember, if the tailbone hurts during pregnancy, you should not immediately think about the bad, most likely you have physiological reasons. Contact your doctor, and if necessary, he will prescribe the right treatment for you.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman may encounter such a problem as pain in the coccyx; during pregnancy, during the next visit to the gynecologist, one should report the discomfort that has arisen and describe the nature of the pain. They are sharp, dull, aching. Often women complain that it is difficult to clearly determine their localization. Unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the perineum, anus, lower back, coccyx.

Causes of discomfort

Examination allows you to understand the causes of pain. The gynecologist directs the woman to narrow specialists (surgeons, neurologists, proctologists), who can determine what provokes the appearance of anokoccygeal pain syndrome.

Factors that provoke the appearance of discomfort are divided into pathological and physiological.

Causes of tailbone pain during pregnancy:

  • history of trauma;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion in the early stages;
  • tension of the ligaments between the sacral, pelvic bones in the later stages;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • operations in the anorectal region, after which cicatricial deformities of the anus remained;
  • deviation of the lower spine due to the gradual expansion of the femurs (begins from the second trimester of pregnancy);
  • spinal problems that cause neurological disorders;
  • gynecological diseases: inflammation of the appendages, ovaries;
  • accumulation of salt deposits in the joints located between the coccyx and the sacrum;
  • lack of calcium or magnesium in the body that occurred during pregnancy;
  • pinching of the nerves in the region of the lower spine (possibly if the fetus in the uterus is large);
  • proctological diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, sigmoiditis, proctitis;
  • omission of the perineum;
  • psychoemotional disorders.

In women during pregnancy, unpleasant painful sensations are aggravated by defecation, frequent bending over, or the need to stand for a long time.

Not always doctors can determine the exact cause of pain. If there are no health problems, the pains are physiological, then drug treatment is not prescribed.

Ways to relieve pain

When the first complaints from future women in labor for pain in the coccyx and lower back appear, gynecologists recommend starting to wear a support bandage. Doctors also advise to abandon soft chairs and armchairs in case of discomfort.

Doctors can recommend several ways to normalize the condition:

  • performing special exercises for pregnant women, they must be done regularly;
  • applying dry heat to the problem area: a boiled egg, a bag of salt will do;
  • a compress of warming ointments with essential oils on the coccyx area;
  • acupuncture.

But before using any of the ways to relieve pain, a consultation with a gynecologist is required. Not everyone can use dry heat or compresses during pregnancy.


The tactics of therapy are selected after a comprehensive examination and the establishment of the cause of discomfort. In the early stages of pregnancy, the lumbar region, abdomen and tailbone may hurt due to the threat of miscarriage. A woman needs to be completely calm. Prescribe drugs that relieve spasm of smooth muscles: No-shpa tablets, Papaverine suppositories. If the threat of termination of pregnancy is caused by a lack of progesterone, then Utrozhestan, Duphaston are prescribed.

If the cause is pinched nerve endings near the coccyx, then the doctor will recommend doing special exercises aimed at stretching the muscles. Some advise acupuncture. Rubbing and the use of dry heat can improve well-being.

These methods of therapy do not always relieve the pathology that provokes the onset of pain. In such situations, special anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines are selected.

Many drugs related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) are forbidden to use in the third trimester. In the first and second trimester, the use is permissible on the recommendation of a doctor.

In cases where the coccyx hurts during pregnancy due to hemorrhoids or anal fissures, the treatment is selected by the proctologist. Candles and ointments are prescribed, which have an analgesic effect, promote the healing of the mucous membrane. The doctor may also recommend venotonic agents that restore vein tone and reduce vascular permeability. Most often prescribed local medicines:

  • candles with sea buckthorn;
  • Neo-Anuzole;
  • Hepatrombin G.

Attention during pregnancy is given to the prevention of constipation. It is necessary to adjust the diet in such a way that every day a woman consumes a sufficient amount of coarse vegetable fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals) and fermented milk products.

If the cause of frequent complaints of pain in the coccyx is its injuries in the past, then it will be difficult to normalize the condition during pregnancy. Manual therapy gives good results. But resorting to the help of a chiropractor is possible only after coordinating such treatment with a gynecologist who observes a woman during pregnancy.


Anokopchikovy pain syndrome is not an independent disease, but a symptom of malfunctions in the body. You can prevent the occurrence of discomfort in the coccyx during pregnancy if you adhere to the following recommendations of doctors:

  • perform exercise therapy for pregnant women daily, exercises on a gymnastic ball give good results;
  • abandon the need to carry weights (weight more than 5 kg is considered unacceptable);
  • normalize the diet to prevent constipation;
  • sit on hard surfaces;
  • avoid hypothermia, drafts;
  • do not linger in the toilet (it is undesirable to push for a long time with constipation);
  • wear maternity bandages (starting from 20-24 weeks of pregnancy).

Particular attention is paid to the position of the body during sleep, if necessary, you can use special pillows under the lower back.

The implementation of the recommendations allows you to prevent the development of some problems during pregnancy: excessive sprain, curvature of the spine, exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease. It is important to monitor nutrition and stay active - this will prevent the occurrence of many complications of pregnancy.

While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother does not always feel well - sometimes she experiences a number of unpleasant sensations. For example, if you ask, many women will remember how badly their tailbone hurt during pregnancy. Acute or dull pain in the coccyx region torments almost all women in the early and late stages of a delicate position. Read about the causes of such discomfort and how to treat it in the article.

So, pain in the coccyx during pregnancy, as a rule, attacked every expectant mother at least once. The nature of such discomfort is different for everyone: some women describe to the doctor how a sharp and stabbing pain pierces the lower back and coccyx in particular, while others note that the pains are mostly dull in nature and extend not only to the coccyx, but also to the perineum, thighs and buttocks. And sometimes the clinical picture of the deviation is unclear, so the pregnant woman finds it difficult to say exactly where she hurts, describing her feelings as discomfort in the rectum. Unpleasant feelings may not be associated with pain in the coccyx as such, but with an intense feeling of stiffness or burning in this place.

What causes tailbone pain during pregnancy

This problem is so common among pregnant women because there are so many reasons why a mom-to-be can suddenly get pain in her tailbone. And, of course, the most obvious reason for what is happening is pregnancy, or rather the effect of this condition on the woman's musculoskeletal system. When the fetus begins to rapidly gain weight, all the internal organs and the center of gravity of his mother are shifted under this pressure. This happens in the second trimester, when the uterus, which has become heavier at times, stretches the ligamentous complex that unites the sacrum, coccyx and pelvic bones, thus causing some discomfort in this area.

The second common cause of an unpleasant condition is the risk of spontaneous abortion, especially if a woman experiences severe stabbing pain that radiates to the lower abdomen.

And closes the top three reasons why the coccyx hurts a lot during pregnancy, pinching the nerve coming out of the coccyx. The nature of the pain is very burning and extremely unpleasant.

In some cases, the expectant mother notices discomfort in the lower back with a pronounced lack of calcium and magnesium in the body.

Of course, we have not listed all the reasons for the poor health of a pregnant woman due to pain in the coccyx. Situations are different - trauma to the coccyx before pregnancy, severe inflammation of the ovaries, exacerbation of hemorrhoids or the appearance of an anal fissure - and the outcome is the same. All these conditions may well cause painful sensations in the coccyx during pregnancy.

Why does the tailbone hurt during early pregnancy

Expectant mothers have health problems both at the beginning of pregnancy and at its end, and periodic or persistent pain in the coccyx is no exception.

With the onset of pregnancy in the female body, an active synthesis of specific hormones estrogen and relaxin begins, which has a significant impact on the density and elasticity of the pelvic ligaments. Under the influence of these special substances, the ligaments become looser and stretch more than usual. The load on the bones is increasing every day. Naturally, the musculoskeletal system reacts to such metamorphoses with pain.

Other factors that can cause back pain in early pregnancy include:

  • periodic constipation;
  • hernia (in this case, the legs and sacrum mostly hurt);
  • complication of a previous injury (for example, a severe bruise of the coccyx before pregnancy);
  • malignant tumor in the pelvic area.

Why does the tailbone hurt during late pregnancy

Discomfort in the coccyx region shortly before childbirth is experienced by almost all women: the child rests on the coccyx head. It is especially hard for a future mother when her child sneezes or coughs. In addition, prolonged sitting or lying of a pregnant woman on a hard surface will necessarily be accompanied by dull pain in the lower back and coccyx. Particularly severe pain in this area can even frighten a woman in the last month of pregnancy during intimacy or with the onset of contractions.

To make life easier on the eve of childbirth, the expectant mother should always have a small soft pillow or inflatable ring on hand - these devices will help to cope with tailbone pain during prolonged sitting.

How to deal with tailbone pain during pregnancy

More than half of pregnant women go to work until the very birth. Naturally, the load on the body in this case increases significantly: often severe pain in the coccyx or sacrum worries the expectant mother due to prolonged standing or walking. But for one reason or another, a pregnant woman is ready to put up with such costs of the profession. By following simple recommendations, a pregnant woman can to some extent relieve discomfort in the coccyx area:

  1. Avoid long walks or prolonged sitting in one place.
  2. To pick up a fallen object, sit down, but do not bend over - this will only put additional stress on the sore spot.
  3. Avoid high heels, wear shoes with a light, stable platform.
  4. Try wearing a supportive maternity bandage to work.
  5. Do not stay in one position for a long time: if you have to sit a lot on duty, get up every half hour to take a few steps and stretch your legs. And if your work is “on your feet”, sit down more often to relieve tension from the spine.
  6. Try to resolve stool problems if you have any. Constipation is especially dangerous during pregnancy: the rectum that has not been emptied in time puts a lot of pressure on the coccyx, which provokes the development of severe pain.

What to do if the tailbone pulls during pregnancy

A delicate position obliges a woman to be very attentive to her well-being. This means that any, even the most insignificant discomfort, cannot be ignored during pregnancy. There is no need to wait until the pulling pain in the lower back and tailbone becomes acute, but it is better to try to cope with the problem in advance.

Unfortunately, there are no specific methods for treating pain in the coccyx area for a future mother, and after childbirth, everything, as a rule, returns to normal. But if a woman experiences too much discomfort, it is impossible to endure it for the months remaining before childbirth - you need to seek help from specialists. At the doctor's appointment, you need to convey your feelings in all details, to tell at what postures the pain intensifies or, on the contrary, weakens. Perhaps the cause of the pain is not hidden in the coccyx itself, but in a pinched nerve.

Pain in the coccyx is almost always treated conservatively, without resorting to surgery. To help the patient, they use painkillers, massage to stimulate blood circulation, manual therapy, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises. Unfortunately, all these methods are not suitable for the treatment of pregnant women, since their situation makes them too vulnerable to such treatment: neither anti-inflammatory and pain medications, nor X-rays will be of benefit in this case. Therefore, expectant mothers need to be patient and steadfastly wait for the birth of the baby. For a while, a rubber bagel circle, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, will help relieve pain. A simple device reduces the load on the coccyx when a woman is sitting, and thereby reduces pain.

What does traditional medicine offer

An expectant mother can consult with her doctor about treating tailbone pain with non-traditional methods - what if something really helps her?

To get rid of discomfort in the lumbar region and coccyx, traditional medicine offers the following treatment options:

  • exposure to a sore spot with a magnet. Around the coccyx, they make rotational movements with a magnet clockwise (for a quarter of an hour 2-3 times a day);
  • valerian compress. A piece of cotton fabric should be soaked with an alcohol tincture of valerian (sold in a pharmacy) and applied to the diseased area on the back. From above, the fabric is covered with cling film, which is then hidden under a warm woolen scarf or scarf. The compress must be fixed and left overnight;
  • coccyx treatment with fir oil. The remedy should be rubbed into the sore spot 2-3 times a day. This will help relieve inflammation and overcome pain;
  • coccyx treatment with iodine. Before going to bed, you must first grind the coccyx, and then smear it with iodine and wrap it with something warm. The procedure is repeated no more than 2-3 times a week for 1 month;
  • clay compress. To prepare a compress, take 500 g of blue clay, add 1 tsp there. fruit vinegar and mix thoroughly. Apply the therapeutic mass in a thick layer on the coccyx, cover with cling film on top and insulate the lower back. The compress must be left for the whole night;
  • rubbing from radish juice. You will need about 300 ml of fresh radish juice, 100 ml of alcohol and 150-200 ml of liquid honey. Thoroughly mix all components until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. The remedy is rubbed into the affected area 2-3 times a day. Store the medicine in a cool place in a jar with a tight lid;
  • application of joint ointment. Buy Traumeel ointment at the pharmacy. Mix a small amount (for 1 time) with 5 drops of any essential oil and make a compress on the sore coccyx.

Prevention of tailbone pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a real test in the life of every woman. In order not to further complicate the already difficult 9 months, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, then the risk of being a victim of pain piercing the tailbone is sharply reduced. So, the expectant mother should know the following rules by heart:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle, if any, should be a thing of the past. You need to spend as much time as possible outdoors, away from the TV.
  2. You need to sleep on a flat and fairly hard surface. The feather bed and soft pillows will only aggravate the situation of the pregnant woman if she suffers from pain in the coccyx. It is best to purchase a high-quality orthopedic mattress, on which the back of the expectant mother will fully rest.
  3. From the second half of pregnancy, you need to wear a special bandage - it will partially reduce the load that has fallen on the bones and muscles of a woman.
  4. From the first months of pregnancy until the very birth, you should be observed by a doctor, especially if there is such a problem as pain in the back or coccyx. There is nothing dangerous if the discomfort arose specifically due to pregnancy or due to a long-standing injury. However, it happens that the complication is a symptom of another disease - hemorrhoids, proctitis, or diseases of the urogenital area. Only a doctor can detect the danger in time and prescribe the right treatment.

Fitball exercises for expectant mothers. Video