Why does the baby spit up after feeding with the formula? Why does the baby often spit up after breastfeeding? Why does a newborn spit up like a fountain

Regurgitation is an involuntary throwing of the contents of the stomach into the oral cavity. This is a very common condition in infants and is a concern for their mothers. Most often, this phenomenon is "benign" and goes away on its own at the age of one and a half to two years.

Regurgitation should not be confused with vomiting. When the child spits up, the ejection of food occurs without effort and tension of the abdominal muscles. Vomiting is characterized by the tension of the abdominal muscles and the release of food under pressure, not only through the mouth, but also through the nose. In infants, vomiting often begins unexpectedly and is not preceded by nausea. Sometimes at first there is a general anxiety, there is a pale face, cold extremities. As a rule, vomiting is accompanied by fever and loose stools. The vomit may contain unchanged milk, an admixture of blood, bile or mucus.

Why does a baby spit up?

Why do newborns and children under one year of age tend to regurgitate? This is due to the structural features of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Their esophagus is short and straight, and the stomach is vertical. The circular muscle is poorly developed - the sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus, which, by contracting, prevents food from flowing in the opposite direction. Gradually, as the child grows, maturation and final formation of the digestive system occurs, then regurgitation stops. Therefore, it becomes clear that it is not possible to avoid such a condition in newborns and infants. However, you can make sure that the baby spits up as little as possible. To do this, you should know the reasons that provoke regurgitation.

Regurgitation can be physiological, normally occurring in healthy children, and pathological.

Causes of physiological regurgitation:

- Overfeeding. The overfeeding situation usually occurs in actively sucking babies with abundant excretion of breast milk from the mother. It can also be when switching from breastfeeding to mixed or artificial, when the amount of milk formula is incorrectly calculated. In this case, regurgitation occurs immediately or after some time after feeding in a volume of 5 - 10 ml. The milk flows out unchanged or partially curdled.

- Swallowing air while feeding(aerophagia). This situation can occur when the baby is greedily sucking on the breast with a small amount of milk from the mother. The inverted, flat nipple of the mother's breast also contributes to aerophagia, since the baby cannot completely capture the entire nipple, including the areola. Artificial children often have feeding defects when the opening in the nipple of the bottle is large or the nipple is not completely filled with milk and the baby swallows air. Children with aerophagia are usually restless after feeding, there is a bulging of the abdominal wall (the tummy is inflated). Then, after 10-15 minutes, the eaten milk is poured out unchanged, accompanied by a loud sound of belching with air. Basically, children with low or high birth weight are prone to aerophagia.

- Constipation or intestinal colic... In these conditions, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases and the movement of food along the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, which provokes regurgitation.

Up to four months of age, the norm is to regurgitate up to 2 teaspoons of milk after each feeding or regurgitate more than 3 spoons a day. To find out how much a child has regurgitated, you need to take a diaper, pour 1 teaspoon of water on it, and compare this stain with the stain formed after regurgitation.

What to do if a child spits up

Children with physiological regurgitation do not need any correction and treatment. You just need to try to eliminate the cause, if it depends on you, and carry out prevention.

Prevention of frequent regurgitation in infants:

1. After each feed, hold the baby upright (in a column) for 15-20 minutes. Then the air trapped in the stomach will come out. If nothing happens, put the child down and after a minute or two, lift it up again.
2. Check if the hole in the bottle is too large and if the teat is full of milk while feeding. Try different nipples - maybe another will work better.
3. While feeding, keep the baby in a semi-upright position, check that he completely captures the nipple with the areola.
4. Place your baby belly down on a hard surface before each feed.
5. After eating, try to limit the child's physical activity, do not bother him unnecessarily, and change clothes only when absolutely necessary.
6. Make sure that the clothes or diapers do not squeeze the area of ​​the baby's abdomen.
7. With a good appetite, try to feed him more often, but in small portions, otherwise a large amount of food will cause an overflow of the stomach and, as a result, regurgitation of excess food.
8. The surface in the crib, on which the child usually lies, should be with the headboard raised by 10 cm.

If regurgitation becomes more frequent or more abundant, or first appears after six months of life, or does not decrease by the age of one and a half to two years, the child should be consulted by a pediatrician, and most likely a gastroenterologist will need to be consulted.

There is a scale for assessing the intensity of regurgitation:

5 regurgitation per day or less, up to 3 ml - 1 point,
More than 5 regurgitation per day, in an amount of more than 3 ml - 2 points,
More than 5 regurgitation per day, in the amount of up to half the volume of milk eaten, but not more than half of the feedings - 3 points,
Regular regurgitation of a small volume for 30 minutes or more after each feeding - 4 points,
Regurgitation from half to the full volume of milk taken in half of the feedings - 5 points,

Regurgitation with an intensity of 3 points and above requires a mandatory visit to a doctor.

Pathological regurgitation occurs for the following reasons:

Surgical diseases and defects of the digestive system;
- hernia of the diaphragm;
- pathology of the central nervous system;
- food intolerance;
- increased intracranial pressure.

Such regurgitation is characterized by intensity, regularity, and a large volume of milk that the child regurgitates. At the same time, the general condition of the child is disturbed - he becomes very whiny, loses or does not gain weight, does not eat the amount of food prescribed by age. In this case, an examination by a pediatrician, surgeon, neurologist, gastroenterologist, allergist using laboratory and instrumental examination is required.

Milk thickeners for regurgitation

If the examinations did not reveal any diseases, the mother of the child takes preventive measures against regurgitation, and the child still retains regurgitation, the doctor may recommend using special thickeners that make breast milk thicker, which will contribute to prolonged retention of food in the stomach and, thereby, prevent returning it to the oral cavity. Rice or corn starch, carob flour, and carob gluten are used as thickeners. Usually take 1 teaspoon of starch per 30 ml of breast milk. You can use Hipp's Bio-Rice Broth.

With artificial feeding, you can use medicated antireflux mixtures.

Depending on the type of thickener, these mixtures are divided into two groups:

The greatest effect is observed when using mixtures containing gum. They are given to the child both in full and as a replacement for part of the feeding. In this case, the amount of the mixture required by the child is determined by the time when the regurgitation stops. The duration of use of these mixtures is on average 3-4 weeks.

Artificial mixtures containing starch as a thickener act "softer". They can be given to children with mild regurgitation (1-3 points). It is recommended to appoint them to completely replace the mixture obtained earlier. The duration of their use is somewhat longer than when using artificial gum-containing mixtures.

When using an antireflux mixture, it should be remembered that this group of mixtures is already a child's treatment and is recommended only by a doctor, as well as medications prescribed when diet therapy is ineffective.

Pediatrician Sytnik S.V.

Many breastfeeding women face a widespread occurrence - the baby often spits up. Sometimes the baby "gives out" a little of the eaten food, sometimes breast milk or an artificial mixture comes out in a fountain.

Usually, such a reaction is considered a completely common reaction to overeating, but in some cases it can indicate a serious illness. It is necessary to understand why the child spits up after feeding with breast milk or formula, whether he is healthy and what should be done.

The factors provoking regurgitation in newborns can be roughly divided into functional and organic. The first reasons are quite harmless and are usually associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the digestive tract.

The esophagus of a small child is short, the sphincters are not developed, and the stomach has a small volume. In addition, the child's body produces few digestive enzymes that are needed for digestion. Specialists identify the following functional regurgitation factors that you need to know about:

Recent studies have shown that regular regurgitation can be caused by an allergic reaction to a certain product used by the mother, or an increased sensitivity to cigarette smoke.

If a child spits up, the reasons may be organic in nature - for example, an abnormal structure of the digestive tract. These factors include:

  • underdeveloped lower esophageal valve;
  • a narrowed junction of the esophagus into the gastric tube;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • lactase deficiency - a pathological inability of the child's body to process milk sugar;
  • diaphragmatic hernia, in which milk cannot move from the stomach to the next section of the gastrointestinal tract due to an excessively narrow duct;
  • neurological disorders (hydrocephalus, infant encephalopathy, neck injury during childbirth), in this case, emetic urges appear immediately after eating.

In such situations, the child spits up a lot - literally like a fountain. You should contact a specialist who will determine why the newborn regurgitates and how to solve this problem - medication or surgery.

Spitting up with a fountain, in which the eaten food comes out to a long distance, can happen if the baby was born prematurely or there was a sharp transition from natural nutrition to a mixture. Another reason for regurgitation by a fountain is a spasm of the muscles of the gastric pylorus.

Often, newly-made mothers do not distinguish between regurgitation and vomiting. If a baby spits up after each feeding, and with a fountain, parents may think that this is vomiting due to some kind of infection. However, these two states must be distinguished.

Distinctive features of regurgitation:

  1. After the release of the milk, the baby is cheerful and walking, since such a phenomenon does not bother him in any way.
  2. The contents of the burp did not change the smell or color in any way. In consistency, it may resemble slightly thickened cottage cheese.
  3. In the process of regurgitation, muscles are not involved, that is, the gastric contents are released in a free manner.
  4. The usual volume of belching is about three spoons, this is easily determined by the size of the speck.

Before an emetic attack, the baby begins to behave differently:

  • the heart beats more often;
  • the child breathes more often;
  • increased salivation begins;
  • the baby is naughty and behaves restlessly.

Babies can also push out the nipple or push away the mother's breast, refusing to eat - this is a symptom of nausea. When vomiting, the amount rejected is much greater than when regurgitating - more than three tablespoons.

How to understand that belching in a child is a normal process, and not signs of an illness? If children burp regularly, strongly, sometimes with a fountain, but at the same time they gain weight in accordance with the normative indicators, then you should not worry.

What to do?

Does the baby often spit up after feeding with milk? Before you panic and see a doctor, follow these helpful tips:

  1. If you are used to giving your child too much food, give up such a bad habit. Normal breastfeeding allows the baby to eat the amount of milk he needs.
  2. Track the tightness of the baby's grip on the mother's nipple. The infant must grasp both the nipple and the areola to avoid swallowing air.
  3. Observe the belly of the child who has eaten regularly. A bloated and hard stomach may indicate gas or constipation.

If a baby often spits up while feeding with formula, it is important to understand the provoking factor that underlies this phenomenon. The steps can be as follows:

  1. Eliminate overfeeding again. It is much easier for an artificial person to control the amount of food. The amount of content in a baby bottle must be in strict accordance with age standards.
  2. Check the hole in the bottle, it is normally small. In addition, during feeding, exclude the ingress of air - the papilla must always be filled with the mixture.
  3. Probably, the toddler regurgitates milk replacer due to poor tolerance of the composition of the mixture. Talk to your pediatrician for an antireflux product.
  4. Check your belly - the same rule applies here as with breastfeeding.

Expert opinion

The opinion of doctors about regurgitation is quite unambiguous. If the baby is younger than a year old, other symptoms of any diseases or organic lesions are not visible, there are no signs of dehydration, it is better to calm down and let him spit up.

You cannot find a specific drug for constant regurgitation on pharmacy counters. Parents can only carry out special preventive measures and eliminate the factors leading to this condition:

If children spit up while lying on their back, there is a high risk of airway blockage (suffocation) and respiratory disease. To avoid such serious consequences, turn the little one onto the stomach so that the child can get rid of food debris.

When to see a doctor?

So, in most cases, regurgitation should not scare mothers, however, the following signs are simply obliged to alert parents and force them to sign up for a doctor's consultation:

  • if children began to spit up more often, the contents changed in volume, smell, color (it turned brown or green, mucus or blood appears), now it flies out like a fountain;
  • if the baby, after spitting up, constantly screams, cries, begins to worry and bend;
  • if the child has a fever (one of the first symptoms of an incipient disease).

In addition, regurgitation in children over 12 months of age should also alert parents. By one year, this phenomenon stops by itself due to the "maturation" of the gastrointestinal tract.

Otherwise, a latent course of any pathological process is possible.

When seeking medical attention, the pediatrician may refer the child to a neurologist, surgeon or gastroenterologist. In this case, the following diagnostic procedures are assigned:

  • radiography;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • general study of blood and urine.

The results of such diagnostic methods help to establish the organic causes of frequent regurgitation in infants. Only at the end of the research can the doctor prescribe any medication.

The question of why the baby spits up breast milk or formula is quite important and, of course, it is necessary to solve it. However, first of all, you need to look at the general well-being of the crumbs.

If his development and weight gain corresponds to all age indicators, such a problem should not bother mothers. The parental task is to carefully monitor the toddler and prevent flooding of the torn out liquid.

But if anxiety does not leave you, you should contact a doctor who can dispel or confirm your suspicions.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising children. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

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The child's body develops during the first 12 months. It is not surprising that certain malfunctions of the body can occur. As a vivid example, the baby spits up a lot after feeding. The question arises: why is this process peculiar to a baby? Why does the child spit up like a fountain? There can be many explanations for this unpleasant process. The most common cause of spitting up is the air that the child swallows with milk or formula while eating food. However, there may also be structural features of the internal organs in children, which provoke the process of regurgitation with milk or a mixture. If you find the root cause of regurgitation in a child, then you can get rid of their consequences.

Regurgitation is the dumping of food from the esophagus into the mouth. This unpleasant process affects newborns. Most often, they can regurgitate within the first 15 minutes after eating. It is important to note that parents should not worry if they regurgitate a little. Especially in those moments when they do not disturb the baby. However, the case when the child spits up a lot after feeding should alert the parents. Since inflammation of the esophagus can be a consequence of such regurgitation.

So, the question arises: why can a baby burp like a fountain? There are several reasons for this.

Fetal growth retardation is characterized by a slow mode of operation of the digestive system. This leads to the fact that the food that enters the child's body is poorly absorbed. Fetal growth retardation occurs most often in children who were born prematurely. In this case, the child can suffer from regurgitation by a fountain for up to 8 weeks.

A possible reason for such a phenomenon as regurgitation by a fountain can be overfeeding of the child. It occurs when breastfeeding is replaced by formula feeding.

It can also appear as a result of changes in the order of feeding the baby. Aerophagia (swallowing air) is another possible cause of regurgitation by a fountain. She disturbs the baby in those moments when he is constantly moving during the meal, unable to concentrate only on the process of eating food. Aerophagia is also possible in the case of improper attachment of the child to the breast by the mother, when the child has not gotten the hang of taking it correctly.

Spitting up a large amount of food is possible in the case of the wrong choice of bottle or nipple for feeding. The baby may suffer from regurgitation due to colic in the intestines and muscle spasms. They disturb the baby in case of improper movement of food through the stomach and intestines.

We have identified the main causes of regurgitation in infants with a fountain. However, it is important to note the existence of other reasons, which are quite rare, but are associated with congenital structural features of the baby's internal organs. Let's list them: chalasia (weak lower part of the esophagus), achalasia (narrow passage between the esophagus and stomach), pyloric stenosis (narrow passage between the stomach and duodenum), hernia (abnormal position of internal organs). These structural features of the baby's internal organs lead to problems during bowel movements or create difficulties in the process of promoting food. In this case, the intervention of qualified doctors and the treatment of a child who spits up breast milk or formula is necessary. This is necessary in order to further insure against possible complications with the child's health.

Spitting up with a fountain in a child under 9 months old should not cause anxiety among parents. In more rare cases, regurgitation may continue after the specified period. However, it is necessary to highlight the moments when parents should turn to a specialist for help. This regurgitation of a large amount of food immediately after eating it, late regurgitation, frequent belching and regurgitation after any meal.

As a result of the structural features of the internal organs, the food that has entered the body cannot enter the stomach, which can lead to regurgitation in a fountain immediately after feeding. As a rule, excess food comes out through the baby's mouth once about an hour after feeding. If this phenomenon occurs more than once, then the child should be shown to a qualified specialist.

If such an unpleasant process as regurgitation with a fountain bothers the baby 2 - 3 hours after eating food, the so-called late regurgitation, then urgent consultation of a highly qualified specialist is also needed to prescribe the necessary treatment. Since in this case there is a high probability that the work of the stomach has malfunctioned, since the internal microflora does not contain those enzymes that are needed to digest food.

Spitting up a large amount of food after any of its eating may indicate congenital features of the internal organs. In this case, the intervention of qualified doctors and the treatment of a child who spits up breast milk or formula is necessary.

The simplest solution to the problem of regurgitation by a fountain is to establish breastfeeding by correctly gripping the nipple by the baby, correct positioning of the baby during a meal, and, finally, timely and long-term breastfeeding.

Treating a baby who is spitting up breast milk or formula

In the case when the baby suffers from regurgitation of a large amount of milk or mixture, then it becomes necessary to make every effort to put in order the work of digestion in the child's body.

Let's highlight several methods for treating a child who regurgitates food. First, it is necessary to correctly position the baby while eating, since for the most part this is the root cause of regurgitation by a fountain. The baby must be kept raised so that the child's upper body is just above the horizontal line.

The sleeping baby needs to change positions. He should sleep on his right side or stomach. These positions will not allow food from the stomach to enter the baby's mouth.

After feeding the baby, you need to hold it vertically for a while. There is a need for the air that entered the child's body during the meal to be able to freely leave it. In the case of frequent regurgitation of food after taking it, it is necessary to increase the number of meals, while making the amount of food eaten smaller.

A possible way to treat a child who is suffering from regurgitation by a fountain is casein nutrition. It includes those mixtures that contain a complex milk protein. These mixtures stimulate the proper digestion of food in the stomach. Certain mixtures contain special thickeners. They slow down the digestion process in the stomach to avoid getting milk or formula back into the baby's mouth.

If these methods did not help the child to get rid of regurgitation with a fountain, then the only way to help him is to prescribe treatment with medications by a specialist. To improve bowel function, doctors prescribe Motilium, Coordinax, and Riabal can help in the fight against spasms. It is important to take into account that any medications can be given to children only after consulting a highly qualified specialist and prescribing appropriate treatment for them.

The best way to avoid possible problems with the stomach and intestines of the baby is to arrange for the correct feeding by the mother right after his birth. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the possible consequences of disrupting the child's stomach and intestines.

All functional systems of the newborn are far from perfect. A variety of conditions are inherent in an immature body, and some of them cause anxiety for parents - for example, when a baby spits up after feeding with formula.

This can happen for various reasons - both quite serious and quite harmless. If regurgitation seems dangerous to parents, it is necessary to understand why it occurs.

How to spot regurgitation

Almost all children spit up to one degree or another in infancy. It is not always possible to talk about a pathological condition - often this is a variant of the norm.

It is worth distinguishing between regurgitation and vomiting. In medical practice, the following definitions are given.

Regurgitation is the return of some of the undigested food from the stomach or esophagus to the mouth. Food masses from the intestines are not involved. What is the nature of the food masses? They are usually in the form of fresh or partially curdled milk.

It is important that when spitting up, the child's condition remains normal, the state of health and behavior does not change. Parents may notice that the child's abdominal muscles are not involved in the process.

Vomiting is the eruption of food masses from the stomach and intestines through the mouth. A distinctive feature of vomiting is the inclusion of several systems. Rapid breathing and accelerated pulse are observed as precursors, salivation increases. Nausea is expressed by anxiety, the baby may be capricious, refuse to eat. The abdominal muscles tense.

Vomiting is usually associated with some kind of disorder and stops with recovery. This is its difference from regurgitation, which can last for several months.

Incessant vomiting is an alarming symptom that requires medical advice, while regurgitation is a physiological process that young children are susceptible to.

Physiological causes

Why does regurgitation occur and how long can they last?

If the child does not have serious health problems, then normally there are two reasons why regurgitation occurs:

  • anatomical features of the digestive tract;
  • features of the hormonal background.

In an adult, a valve is located at the exit from the esophagus, which keeps food in the stomach. In babies, such a valve is formed only by the end of the first year of life. And before that, the entrance to the stomach is covered with a thin fold of mucous tissue, which ineffectively copes with the retention of food. If the stomach is full or immediately after feeding the baby has taken a horizontal position, food can be partially thrown into the esophagus and enter the oral cavity.

The second reason why regurgitation occurs is an increased concentration of the hormone gastrin in the baby's body. Even during pregnancy, the fetus produces a hormone in large quantities, causing the expectant mother to have an increased appetite. This allows the woman to eat enough food to carry the baby.

After birth, all the gastrin produced remains in the baby's body, launching its own digestive system. The hormone promotes the production of hydrochloric acid and the digestion of food. The infant grows and develops especially intensively in the first year of life, which explains why the concentration of gastrin remains high. A large amount of hydrochloric acid allows you to handle a huge amount of food.

The increased concentration of the hormone increases the tone of smooth muscles and provokes regurgitation.

No matter how many months spitting up lasts (normally up to 6-8 months), they should stop as soon as the baby gains sufficient body weight. After that, the concentration of gastrin will decrease.

Influence of external factors

In addition to physiological reasons, there are other factors that provoke regurgitation after formula feeding.

  1. The stomach is full. This can happen when the baby swallows too much air during feeding, or if he eats too much food, some of which is thrown out.
  2. The baby takes food horizontally or fits into this position immediately after feeding, as a result of which the food does not have time to fall through.
  3. The mixture used is not suitable in composition. In this case, indigestion, bloating, and intestinal colic are observed. The baby is worried.

So that external factors do not aggravate the situation, it is worth adjusting the child's regimen and nutritional system.

Why is it worth reviewing the feeding procedure? Despite the fact that regurgitation is typical for almost any infant and normally this phenomenon is not dangerous, it can cause inconvenience to the baby.

What is necessary

  1. Feed the baby in such a position that the entrance to the stomach is higher than the exit from the stomach to the intestines.
  2. Make sure the nipple is age-appropriate for the baby. The mixture should flow out in drops, and not in a stream, so that the baby does not choke and does not swallow air.
  3. After each feeding, keep the baby upright for at least 15 minutes. It is advisable to wait until the baby regurgitates the swallowed air (a characteristic sound will be heard).
  4. Make sure the nipple is full of formula during bottle feeding. Prevent the baby from swallowing excess air.
  5. If the baby is breastfed, the mixture is used as a supplement, and it is after it that the baby spits up. This may indicate that the baby is overeating, so the supplementation should be canceled.
  6. If the baby spits up after each formula feed, you need to change the diet: reduce the amount of food taken at one time, and offer food more often.
  7. Consult a doctor about the mixture used - it may not be suitable. Ask your doctor for a different mixture.
  8. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a special antireflux mixture. It is used in small quantities before feeding. Or the baby can be completely transferred to it until a therapeutic effect is achieved. The doctor must definitely recommend how many ml to start feeding with the antireflux mixture.

When you don't need to worry

If the baby spits up infrequently and not profusely, but at the same time feels normal, and there are no other symptoms, then spitting up can be considered a variant of the norm. It is enough to follow the feeding recommendations to reduce the frequency and intensity of regurgitation. It is important to ensure that the baby maintains normal weight gain at the same time. In other cases, you should see a doctor.

Normally, regurgitation in infants can last up to 6-8 months. After reaching this age, they should stop.

What should alert parents

  • the first regurgitation appeared after 6 months;
  • after a year the regurgitation did not stop;
  • regurgitation is frequent and profuse, more like vomiting;
  • regurgitation takes place against the background of an increase in temperature;
  • the child has signs of dehydration;
  • during spitting up, the baby cries and bends;
  • low weight gain.

Why should these symptoms be alarming? They may indicate a serious illness, so in such cases, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

We can say that regurgitation, which does not have other symptoms, is a variant of the physiological norm. Almost all children at an early age are prone to regurgitation to one degree or another. Why this happens and how long they can last is discussed in this article.

How to relate to this phenomenon? Both a completely healthy child and a baby with health problems can spit up. In order to avoid serious consequences, parents should consult a doctor, and in the absence of any pathologies, follow the feeding recommendations.

Regurgitation in babies after feeding is common in the first year of their life. However, this fact is very frightening for inexperienced parents. Especially if it happens often and abundantly. Let's talk about why regurgitation most often occurs after feeding with formula and breastfeeding, whether it can be prevented and how, whether this phenomenon goes away on its own or you need medication.

Let's start with breastfeeding. Possible causes of regurgitation in newborns and methods for resolving the problem.

1. Improper attachment. Care should be taken to prevent the baby from swallowing air during feeding. And for this, in his mouth there should be not only the nipple, but also the areola. If babies often regurgitate after feedings, then the mother may need to hold the baby in a different position. It will be useful in this case to try to keep the torso and head of the child higher.

2. Too fast and active sucking. There are children who drink heavily. Accordingly, a lot of air is swallowed at the same time. There is only one way out - if there is a lot of milk, it splashes with a stream at the beginning of feeding - to express a little before giving the breast to the baby. Well, feed the baby more often so that his appetite does not play out too much, and he sucks more calmly.

3. Outdoor games, changing clothes immediately after feeding, exercising and the like. Are you wondering why the baby spits up after each feeding? Try to analyze your actions after feeding him. It is recommended to keep it in an upright position, that is, in a "column", for about 20 minutes, until the child belches up air. If the baby still does not hold his head well, you need to create reliable support for the neck, you can do this with a towel or blanket rolled up several times, which is placed on his hands, and the child is on top of them.

4. Overeating. Spitting up after eating is an absolute norm if the child overeats a little. Breast milk is very well absorbed. But the stomach of the child is still very small. And babies often suckle. And regurgitation of breast milk after feeding is nothing more than getting rid of excess food. In this case, parents should definitely not worry. Nor is this a reason to switch from on-demand feeds to scheduled feedings.

In bottle-fed children, when before, the reasons for this phenomenon are approximately the same. This is swallowing air while sucking a bottle and overeating. Care should be taken to ensure that while sucking the baby's nipple is not empty, there is always a mixture in it. The opening in the nipple should be very small. If the bottle is turned over, the mixture should not flow out of it in a trickle. Thus, the baby will not be able to drink too quickly. During feedings, it is better to take 2-3 breaks, during which you hold the baby upright so that the swallowed air immediately comes out.

Spitting up in newborns with a fountain may indicate intolerance to cow's milk protein or simply that this mixture is not suitable for the child. Sometimes you just need to change it, as everything will return to normal, and regurgitation will become less abundant and less frequent.

Also, with any type of feeding, it is very useful to raise the half of the crib on which the baby's head rests. You can even put bricks under the legs of the crib. The baby will not sleep in a horizontal position, the air from the stomach will leave on its own, regurgitation will become less frequent, and the sleep will be calmer.

What if the baby spits up a lot and should the doctor's attention be focused on this?

Regurgitation should not be distressing to the child or lead to dehydration and poor weight gain. If the baby spits up in small amounts, albeit often, but at the same time urinates at least 10 times a day and gains at least 600 grams of weight per month - everything is within normal limits.

If the baby clearly has problems, an examination in a hospital and subsequent administration of drugs may be necessary, since sometimes the cause of frequent regurgitation is pylorospasm. It is useful to introduce thick artificial mixtures, they are also called antireflux.

Many parents consider this to be a sign of neurological disorders as well. Without other signs of pathology, for example, seizures, regurgitation should not be taken into account.

The timing of when a baby stops spitting up is individual. But usually the situation gets much better from the time the child begins to sit up and get up, that is, he brings himself to an upright position. And it becomes easier for parents. At such moments, after feeding, you can hear how the baby leaves the air from the stomach.

But even later, sometimes spitting up in infants after feeding with cottage cheese can be noticed. This is totally normal. Not many children sit quietly after they have eaten. Well, outdoor games contribute to belching.

Thus, regurgitation is a very common problem. But she usually worries more parents than children.