Why psychologists are in favor of natural childbirth. Scheduled childbirth: preparing in advance. Danger of amniotic fluid

Having a baby is an experience that many women would like to have without unnecessary medical intervention, such as epidural anesthesia or other pain relievers. If you want to have a baby as naturally as possible, then you will need to plan ahead. Careful planning, support from loved ones, and mental preparation will enable you to have a natural birth.


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    Find out if natural childbirth is right for you. Natural childbirth is not always possible. For some conditions and complications, such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, vaginal delivery can be difficult or too risky.

    • If the pregnancy is at increased risk, then the possibility of natural childbirth should be discussed with your doctor. Some women can give birth naturally, but only if they are monitored by a doctor and closely monitored for any complications.
  1. Enjoy all the benefits of natural childbirth. Finding out the positives of natural childbirth will keep you motivated throughout the process. Here are some reasons you might be attracted to vaginal birth:

    • Vaginal childbirth can save you and your baby from stress and unpleasant side effects from medications, surgery, or any physical stimulus. Many women who give birth by vaginal delivery find that they experienced less pain, anxiety and stress during the process than during a medically assisted birth.
    • Vaginal childbirth provides a more personal experience of the entire process, with a focus on the well-being of the mother and baby.
    • Since you will be fully conscious during labor, you will remember all the moments and you will be able to enjoy the process.
    • A vaginal birth reduces the risk of having a cesarean section.
    • Women who give birth naturally recover faster after childbirth.
  2. Be aware of the risks of natural childbirth. Despite the fact that for centuries women have given birth naturally and quite safely, there is always a risk of complications during natural childbirth.

    • Vaginal childbirth can be dangerous with certain diseases, especially without proper medical supervision and the availability of appropriate medical equipment in the event that, for example, the child is in an incorrect position.
    • Remember, if you have any difficulties, it is perfectly normal to deviate from the viable birth plan. There is no shame in this. The main thing is to do what is best for you and the baby, and in some cases, this may mean medical intervention in the birth process.
  3. Remember that in some situations, medical attention is needed. Even with careful planning and the best antenatal care, there is no guarantee that there will be no medical situations during labor. For example, such situations may be:

    • placenta previa;
    • herpes infection or HIV;
    • previous birth by cesarean section;
    • condition of the child incompatible with natural childbirth;
    • stimulation of labor in order to preserve the health of the mother or child.

    Preparing for natural childbirth

    1. Choose an obstetrician. Before planning a natural birth, there are a few things you should consider, namely where and with whom you want to give birth. You will probably need to find an obstetrician / gynecologist and arrange for the birth. Also, childbirth can be performed by midwives, perinatologists and general practitioners - the only difference is in the qualifications of these specialists:

      • The obstetrician-gynecologist can deliver or perform surgery if needed.
      • Nurse midwives can deliver the baby, but if any complications arise, they should call the obstetrician-gynecologist.
      • Perinatal doctors usually specialize in difficult labor, including birth to women over 35, women with STIs or diabetes.
      • General practitioners and family doctors are also capable of delivering childbirth, but they are not specialists in this field, and therefore, in case of any complications, they should call an obstetrician-gynecologist.
    2. Talk to your midwife to see if you want this person to help you with your birth. When choosing a specialist to help you have a baby, be sure to talk to potential candidates. This will help you understand who will provide sufficient support and who you can trust. Find out the obstetrician's attitude to natural childbirth, for this you can ask:

      • "What do you think about natural childbirth?"
      • "How many vaginal deliveries have you had?"
      • "Will you support me if I decide to give birth naturally?"
    3. Prepare a birthing plan. During pregnancy, it can be helpful to have a birthing plan. It should express your needs and desires regarding how you want to give birth to your baby. It is helpful to discuss this plan with those who will be present and assist during the birth. Discuss your birthing plan with your doctor, obstetrician, or doula. The birthing plan should include the following information:

      • where do you want to give birth;
      • who will help you during childbirth;
      • who will be your main support during childbirth;
      • who will be able to attend childbirth at all (at their various stages);
      • what kind of support and help you will need during childbirth;
      • what pain medications you want to use;
      • what to do with umbilical cord and cord blood;
      • whether the baby will stay with you after birth or will it be brought later;
      • special traditions that you would like to observe;
      • who should tell you if something goes wrong;
      • any other wishes for doctors and people who will be with you.
    4. Choose a birthing partner. Many women find it much easier to stick to a given path when, in difficult moments, when they are ready to give up, birth partners remind them of the reasons why they chose natural childbirth.

      • If you are planning to give birth in a maternity hospital, a professional midwife or partner will help you to have a natural birth and not give up at the last moment.
      • Having a birth partner will also help you get much-needed mental and even physical support so you can have your baby without medical intervention.
    5. Tell your obstetrician or doctor what you want. Tell your obstetrician or doctor ahead of time that you are planning to give birth vaginally so that he has time to plan and prepare everything. The doctor will also be able to ask you questions and arrange everything according to your wishes.

      Attend a natural birth preparation class. Surely classes on preparing for childbirth and talking with women who gave birth naturally or help others do it will be very useful and informative for you.

      • Discuss your fears, concerns, and expectations with other women in class. Oftentimes, simply talking to someone who has experienced this before can help calm you down. This will help you feel safe and relaxed about pain and health, and will help you to tune in decisively.

    Childbirth without pain medication

    1. Breathing techniques. Breathing exercises are most often used to relax and relieve pain during natural childbirth. You can learn these breathing techniques in special classes for preparing for childbirth. When choosing classes, try to prioritize courses that focus specifically on breathing techniques.

      Visualization techniques. Find an object or picture and focus on it so you can relax and not think about pain during labor. You can bring your favorite photo with you and look at it during your contractions. Choose an image that calms you down. For example, it might be a photograph of a sunset. You can also just close your eyes and imagine something pleasant. For example, you can imagine yourself sitting on the beach or standing on top of a mountain.

      Positions and travels. Listen to your body and adjust your position during labor in a way that is comfortable for you. If you feel that it is better to walk, sit, lie down or lean on someone, then do not hesitate and do as you want. Generally speaking, lying is not the best position for childbirth, so try not to lie down if possible.

Most expectant mothers dream of natural childbirth without unnecessary intervention and manipulation. When is it possible, how is natural childbirth going and how should you prepare for it?

Do not confuse natural childbirth with the gaining popularity. Natural childbirth is the physiological birth of a baby in a natural way, and not by caesarean section. Also, the ideal scenario for childbirth involves the absence of stimulation and. Naturally, natural childbirth can also take place within the walls of the hospital.

A lot has been told and written about natural childbirth, and while waiting for the crumbs, pregnant women manage to shovel tons of thematic literature. But how to get the most important thing out of this huge amount of information? For your convenience, we have collected the most significant facts, the knowledge of which will definitely come in handy before and during childbirth.

Natural childbirth: when not allowed

In most cases, natural childbirth is possible and desirable. There are only a few situations in which it is shown:

  • premature birth, premature baby;
  • pathological course of pregnancy, gestosis;
  • placenta previa;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • severe myopia, diseases of the cardiovascular system or musculoskeletal system in the mother;
  • multiple pregnancy, if not all fetuses are in a cephalic presentation, or if intrauterine growth retardation is observed in one or more fetuses;
  • breech presentation, if the fetus is large, and the mother's pelvis is narrow;
  • a very large fetus with a very narrow pelvis in the expectant mother;
  • the risk of uterine rupture (childbirth with a scar on the uterus, etc.);
  • multiple entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • prolonged anhydrous period in the absence of labor;
  • the impossibility of full disclosure of the cervix for one reason or another;
  • fetal hypoxia during labor, placental abruption;
  • loss of umbilical cord loops;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the uterus and birth canal.

Age, pregnancy as a result of IVF, a single cord entanglement, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and most chronic diseases in themselves are not indications for a cesarean section.

Pros of natural childbirth

Some mothers-to-be are so afraid of the pain and unpleasant consequences of childbirth that they voluntarily agree to surgical interventions. By the way, in vain, because only with natural childbirth:

  • physiological mechanisms are triggered that are responsible for the contraction of the uterus after childbirth, the establishment of lactation, as well as the establishment of a strong emotional connection between the mother and the child;
  • the passage of the baby through the birth canal stimulates the activation of his immune system, the seeding of the body with beneficial bacteria, the normalization of breathing and blood circulation;
  • the baby is laid out on the mother's belly immediately after birth and applied to the breast, from the very first minutes the baby is next to the mother and feeds on colostrum;
  • the mother's body recovers faster - there is no difficult postoperative period, you can immediately take the newborn in your arms, carry a stroller and live a normal life;
  • after a natural childbirth, a woman gets in shape faster - you can perform physical exercises in a month.

Preparing for childbirth

It is good if natural childbirth is preceded by psychological and physical preparation - this makes the process as easy as possible for mom and baby.

Psychological preparation involves a positive attitude, increasing self-confidence and self-confidence, preparing loved ones (if one of them is present at childbirth), as well as studying theory. During pregnancy, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the stages and features of the course of childbirth, the basics of correct behavior during childbirth, the basics of anatomy and physiology, as well as possible unfavorable scenarios, for which you also need to be prepared.

Physical preparation for childbirth is exercises that strengthen the necessary muscle groups, breathing practices to facilitate contractions and stimulate the passage of crumbs through the birth canal, studying ways to relieve pain without medication (lower back massage, special poses, etc.), as well as massage the skin of the intimate zone with a special oil that will increase its elasticity and help avoid tearing.

You can prepare for childbirth yourself with the help of videos and articles or in special courses.

Stages of labor

Stage 1: contractions

Contractions indicate that the opening of the cervix has begun (usually they are preceded by precursors - discharge of the mucous plug, training contractions, pulling pain in the lower back). They can begin as infrequent, painless contractions of the uterus, or be palpable and painful right away. Most often, in the first hours of labor, the expectant mother can be at home and do her usual things. The main thing is to detect their frequency. As soon as the interval between contractions becomes 10-15 minutes, it's time to go to the hospital.

This is the moment when massage skills, learned postures and proper breathing come in handy, which will help reduce pain and provide oxygen to the baby.

Stage 2: pushing

After the discharge of amniotic fluid and the full disclosure of the cervix, a period of pressure begins. At this time, it is necessary to take a comfortable posture, establish correct breathing, listen to the doctor and exactly follow all his instructions.

The baby goes through the birth canal, then the head is "cut through", and after it - the whole body. The baby is placed on the mother's stomach, applied to the chest and covered with a warm blanket.

Stage 3: discharge of the placenta

In the period up to 20 minutes after the birth of the baby, the placenta leaves, while the mother may feel weak contractions or not feel anything at all. The doctor checks that the placenta has come out intact, then the mother is stitched in case of ruptures, and the umbilical cord is bandaged and cut to the baby.

The baby is measured, weighed, in some maternity hospitals, swaddled and placed with his mother.


  1. Childbirth from 38 to 42 full weeks in the absence of any abnormalities in ultrasound and CTG is the absolute norm.
  2. The duration of labor in general and of each separate period is an individual indicator. You should not be guided by the average numbers, the stories of friends and the experience of a mother and grandmother.
  3. Each childbirth takes place according to a special scenario, which is rarely repeated even for the same woman.
  4. Silence, twilight, calmness and loved ones nearby - an ideal atmosphere for physiological childbirth.
  5. The supine position, common in our medicine, is perhaps the most uncomfortable for childbirth. Fortunately, some maternity hospitals practice vertical and free-standing deliveries.
  6. Epidural anesthesia makes the labor process longer and most often requires additional medical stimulation after itself.
  7. If there is no threat to the life and health of the mother and baby, the mother always has the right to refuse any medical manipulations.

Even if you have thoroughly studied the process of childbirth, doctors have more experience in this matter, and therefore it is better to listen to them. If you are afraid of doctors or do not trust them, choose in advance the doctor whom you are ready to trust, and conclude a contract with him for childbirth.


Is natural childbirth justified and isn't it better to agree to a cesarean section at the slightest deviation? Modern women want to get by with "little blood" and not feel anything, and doctors sound the alarm in such situations and, despite fears of pain, strongly recommend giving birth to a child on their own in the absence of indications for surgery. Preparing for such an important event, expectant mothers must weigh the pros and cons, listen to all the recommendations of doctors and make the right and balanced decision.

If you have a choice, give birth on your own or with the help of a cesarean section (read which is better), you need a detailed consultation with a doctor. It should illuminate to the woman all the advantages and disadvantages of both methods of delivery in her situation. Parents of the future baby should weigh the pros and cons and understand that all responsibility for the decision will fall on their shoulders. The undoubted advantages of natural childbirth are as follows:

  • fast establishment of lactation;
  • the birth of a child is a process programmed by nature itself, any outside interference in which can end in disastrous ways;
  • through natural childbirth, the newborn gains a difficult but rewarding experience of overcoming difficulties and obstacles;
  • natural adaptation of the baby to new conditions is guaranteed;
  • there is a hardening of a small organism;
  • a close, inextricable connection is ensured between the mother and the newly born child;
  • fast postpartum recovery of the female body;
  • the ability of the mother to independently take care of the newborn immediately after discharge.

Of course, natural childbirth has many advantages. However, a young mother will need to consider all the pros and cons of this process in order to represent the downside, not entirely attractive side of the medal. After all, this method of delivery also has disadvantages.


Compared to the pros, the cons of natural childbirth are few and far between. These include:

  • severe pain when there are contractions and attempts;
  • painful sensations after childbirth in the perineum;
  • frequent perineal tears, which dictates the need to apply in this place.

Many also refer to the disadvantages of frequent birth trauma to the mother and child, but this is a controversial point. According to statistics, with a cesarean section, the risk of such consequences is also very high. For surgical intervention in this natural process, serious medical indications are required.

Contraindications to natural childbirth

A situation may arise when the birth of a child without surgery can threaten not only health, but also the life of a woman and a baby. There are certain contraindications to natural childbirth, which at the same time serve as indications for a cesarean section.

During pregnancy

  1. As a rule, this is a narrow pelvis, when the baby cannot go through the birth canal on its own. Tumors and deformities in this part of the female body.
  2. The threat of rupture of the uterus due to its thinning or inconsistency of the scar.
  3. Abnormal, abnormal position of the placenta, when it is fixed over the cervix, thereby blocking the exit of the child.
  4. Pathologies (tumors, fibroids) in the development of the uterus or vagina.
  5. Symphysitis is the divergence of the pubic bones.
  6. Severe form of preeclampsia.
  7. Some chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, diabetes mellitus, myopia, etc.
  8. Plastic surgery on the vagina, cervix, suturing of the genital and urogenital fistulas.
  9. Severe rupture of the perineum in a previous birth.
  10. Expansion of the veins of the vagina.
  11. Fused twins.
  12. Transverse position in the baby's womb.
  13. Chronic, his hypotrophy.
  14. Prolonged infertility.
  15. Exacerbation of genital herpes.

During childbirth

  1. Early discharge of amniotic fluid.
  2. Various abnormalities of labor.
  3. Fetal hypoxia in the acute stage.
  4. Placental abruption.
  5. Prolapse or presentation of the umbilical cord loops.
  6. Wrong position of the fetal head (in an extended state, high upright standing).

These are absolute contraindications for natural childbirth, when even the desire of the woman herself is not taken into account. In all other cases, alternative options are possible, but at the same time the young mother will have to take full responsibility for the outcome of what is happening in writing. This situation can arise in the presence of the following factors, which in gynecology are called relative contraindications for self-delivery:

  • breech presentation (its causes and symptoms);
  • over 35 years old;
  • too large or small fruit;
  • previous cesarean section;
  • pathology of pregnancy.

Contraindications for natural childbirth are detected either at the stage of pregnancy, and then a cesarean section is performed as planned, or immediately before the onset of labor, when a decision is made about an urgent, unscheduled operation. If carrying a baby goes without any problems, you need to gradually prepare for an independent delivery so that everything goes with minimal losses and complications.


Even at the stage of pregnancy, physical preparation for natural childbirth is also very important, which allows you to avoid complications and unforeseen situations.

What things to prepare

  1. A month before giving birth, collect 3 packages: for childbirth, after them, for discharge.
  2. Purchase in advance a crib, bath, stroller, diapers, nappies, undershirts, a first aid kit and other items necessary for caring for a newborn for the first time.
  3. Prepare food for the husband and children during the absence.
  4. Prepare all the necessary documents.

Psychological preparation

  1. Make sure everything goes well. Do not doubt the successful outcome of the case.
  2. Avoid bad thoughts.
  3. Do only what you love.
  4. You need to tune in to natural childbirth as early as possible: calm down, not be nervous, not irritated, not upset, not cry.
  5. Take contractions as another step towards meeting your long-awaited baby.

About psychology and childbirth... Until now, scientists have no data on what exactly serves as a trigger for the onset of labor. It is believed that the clue is to be found in the woman's brain.

Physical training

  1. During pregnancy, you need to physically prepare for natural childbirth: regularly perform Kegel exercises, engage in special gymnastics, lead an active lifestyle, walk more, drink multivitamins and follow exactly all the doctor's recommendations.
  2. During contractions, it is recommended to massage the sacrum and lower back to yourself, which relieves pain, as well as to learn how to breathe correctly during natural childbirth.
  3. When pushing, you need to do what the doctors and midwives say.

As practice shows, if the preparatory stage was passed correctly, without fuss and with the confidence of a successful outcome, childbirth will take place naturally without complications and difficulties.


Any woman preparing to become a mother awaits this event with trepidation and wants to be as prepared as possible for this process. Therefore, you need to accurately imagine how natural childbirth takes place, what stages they involve.

Stage 1: contractions

  1. Rare, painless, almost imperceptible contractions begin (the uterus contracts). A woman can be at home, even go about daily activities.
  2. The contractions intensify, become painful, every 3-5 minutes. Water drain. It's time to go to the hospital. Here it is immediately important to establish, which will help reduce pain and ensure the supply of oxygen to the baby.

For your information...

Many scientists consider the uterus to be a unique organ. For 9 months, while a woman is carrying a baby, the uterus increases 10 times, and after childbirth it safely returns to its previous size.

Stage 2: pushing

  1. After the cervix is ​​fully opened, there is usually a strong urge to push.
  2. You need to take a comfortable position.
  3. You can give an anesthetic lower back massage.
  4. Establish proper breathing.
  5. Listen to the doctor and follow all his instructions exactly.

Stage 3: discharge of the placenta

  1. The placenta departs within a few minutes.
  2. At the same time, the woman feels weak contractions.
  3. The doctor must make sure that the placenta is completely expelled.
  4. After that, if there are gaps, sutures are applied.
  5. The baby is measured, weighed, applied to the mother's breast.

These stages are typical for normal natural childbirth, but each of them has its own difficulties and difficulties, which are overcome by the joint efforts of the woman in labor, doctors and the child. In some cases, pain relief may be required.

Epidural anesthesia

Many women in labor are afraid of pain, which is simply unbearable during labor. Today, epidural anesthesia is used as one of the methods of pain relief during natural childbirth, which is highly effective. It involves the introduction of a drug with a thin needle directly into the spinal canal, between the vertebral discs. The indications for its mandatory conduct are:

  • diseases of the kidneys, lungs;
  • myopia;
  • heart pathology;
  • toxicosis in the later stages;
  • premature birth;
  • improper placement of the fetus.

Benefits of an epidural used during vaginal delivery:

  • it can be extended as the pain syndrome develops, thanks to the catheter;
  • blood pressure does not drop with this method of pain relief (as with spinal anesthesia, for example).

However, doctors still rarely resort to this method and advise natural childbirth without the use of anesthesia, since it has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • side effects and consequences such as hematoma formation, leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, headaches, unconsciousness, spasms, fluid retention in the body and others;
  • delayed action of the drug, which begins to work only 20 minutes after administration.

If it is possible to give birth to a baby without using an epidural, you need to take this chance. Some very strong-minded women decide on a natural way, but at the same time they have to imagine what they are going for.

Home birth

In some cases, natural childbirth is carried out at home, which can be both emergency, when the ambulance team does not have time to deliver the woman in labor to the hospital, or by an independent decision of the parents of the unborn baby. Before making such a choice, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Benefits of natural home birth

  • appropriate psychological atmosphere;
  • naturalness of the process without outside interference;
  • any position can be taken to relieve pain;
  • no harmful hospital microflora;
  • independent control over the entire process of childbirth;
  • the rapprochement of parents with each other and with the baby.

Disadvantages of natural childbirth at home

  • the midwife may not cope alone with the complications that have arisen;
  • under unforeseen circumstances, a woman may not be able to get to the hospital in time;
  • lack of medical equipment;
  • the inability to legally assign responsibility to someone in the event that something goes wrong;
  • the future dad will find himself in a stressful situation, he may get lost and cannot bear the tension;
  • at home, a woman has no time to gain strength after childbirth, she will have to take care of the child immediately;
  • it is very difficult to organize a comfortable and safe place for childbirth at home: household microorganisms are dangerous for the baby.

If the pregnancy proceeded without complications and an experienced midwife was hired for childbirth at home, everything goes without complications and consequences.


Negative consequences of natural childbirth can occur if a timely decision on caesarean section was not made. In this case, due to unforeseen circumstances or medical error, complications up to a tragic outcome are possible:

  • various birth injuries in a mother or baby;
  • death of one of them;
  • perineal tears;

Such complications during natural childbirth are rare. To avoid them, you need to follow all the prescriptions of doctors during pregnancy and during the birth process.

Unusual natural childbirth

In some situations, natural childbirth can be complicated by the mother's illness or unusual intrauterine development of the fetus. In this case, you either need to do a cesarean section, or still give birth to a baby on your own, having previously familiarized yourself with all the possible consequences.


Despite numerous talks about the need for a cesarean section in multiple pregnancies, it is quite possible to give birth to twins in a natural way with a successful outcome. You just need to keep in mind all the pitfalls of this process:

  • after the birth of the first baby, a woman may experience weakness of the birth process;
  • the heavy weight of two bodies can provoke a premature rupture of the bladder, the water can leave too early;
  • babies often lie in the womb incorrectly;
  • interlacing of umbilical cords.

With natural birth of twins, doctors must be prepared for all these pitfalls and be able to provide timely assistance to mothers and babies.

Curious fact... In the 18th century, a Russian peasant woman gave birth to 69 children in 27 times: they were 16 twins, 7 triplets, and 4 babies were born 4 times at once. Given the time, the woman gave birth on her own.

With breech presentation (breech)

Natural can be allowed if:

  • the fruit is small;
  • the pelvis is normal;
  • with breech presentation of the fetus.

With a mixed or foot presentation, the medical prognosis may be much worse. Natural childbirth in these cases can result in fetal asphyxiation, severe trauma, umbilical cord prolapse, premature placental abruption and other complications. To avoid all this, the doctor must make a timely decision about the caesarean section.

After IVF

Today, natural childbirth after IVF (in vitro fertilization) is no longer something out of the ordinary. If quite recently, after this procedure, a woman was offered only one option - a cesarean section, now it is allowed to give birth on her own in the absence of the following factors:

  • if a woman insists on a cesarean;
  • age over 35;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • some chronic diseases;
  • duration of infertility more than 5 years;
  • preeclampsia;
  • risk of miscarriage.

If a woman who has undergone IVF is healthy and young, and the reason for her infertility, according to a medical examination, was her partner's abnormalities, she is quite capable of giving birth naturally.

With symphysitis

Symphysitis is an inflammation in the pubic symphysis of the pelvis that can occur during pregnancy or the postpartum period. Natural childbirth with symphysitis is possible in the following cases:

  • with a mild clinical picture (no severe pain in the joints);
  • if the expansion of the pubic slit is up to 10 mm;
  • with the size of the pelvis corresponding to the norm;
  • if the fruit is not large.

With a scar on the uterus (after myomectomy and laparotomy)

Doctors today allow natural childbirth, even with a scar on the uterus after surgery, myomectomy or previous cesarean, subject to certain conditions:

  • repeated pregnancy occurred a couple of years after the previous operation;
  • Ultrasound showed the consistency of the scar: it is even, without ruptures and overstretching;
  • fetal weight does not exceed 3.5 kg;
  • cephalic presentation;
  • the location of the placenta along the posterior uterine wall;
  • normal size of the pelvis;
  • the presence of no more than 1 scar on the uterus;
  • absence of pathologies in the intrauterine development of the fetus

If these conditions, based on the results of a medical examination, are not met, the woman will be asked to have a cesarean section. If these conditions are met, spontaneous delivery is also allowed after removal of the fibroid by laparotomy, when an incision is made in the abdominal cavity.

With uterine fibroids

Natural childbirth with uterine fibroids (this is a tumor neoplasm) is quite possible, since this disease itself is not an indication for cesarean section. However, at the same time, the pregnancy should proceed normally, there should be no complications with the health of the mother and child, and the placenta and fetus should be located correctly.

With hemorrhoids

Having a baby naturally with hemorrhoids is a complex and rather painful process. When the fetus passes through the birth canal, the pressure in the pelvic cavity and peritoneum increases, the veins are compressed and pinched. As a result, there is an increase in hemorrhoids. However, if you have this disease, doctors do not recommend a cesarean section. The only way to avoid painful complications is to regularly engage in the prevention of hemorrhoids throughout pregnancy.

With high myopia

Natural delivery with high myopia is possible with a favorable course of myopia and under the following conditions:

  • the presence of positive dynamics from the side of sight;
  • regular preventive measures (taking special drugs, vitamins, calcium);
  • normal, abnormal pregnancy;
  • lack of surgical operations to correct vision.

So, natural childbirth after laser vision correction and after retinal coagulation is not recommended. They can lead to severe bleeding in the eye tissue, retinal detachment and even blindness. Is it worth the risk?

After conization of the cervix

It is usually very difficult to give birth on your own after conization of the cervix (an operation during which the cone-shaped part of the uterus is cut out). This is due to the fact that the scar after such a procedure often prevents the cervix from opening. In this case, an urgent cesarean section is performed.

With low placentation

Natural childbirth with low placentation (when the edge of the placenta is only 6 cm away from the internal os) is very dangerous, since partial placental abruption often occurs when the cervix dilates. It is very life-threatening for the fetus. In this case, an urgent caesarean section is performed.

After 40 years

Natural childbirth is quite possible after 40 years in the absence of deviations and complications in the condition of the mother and child. Age (all women in labor should know this) is not an indication for a cesarean section.

When entwined with an umbilical cord

Caesarean section is not always performed. If it is one-time, doctors professionally help a woman give birth on her own without consequences. Surgery is prescribed if the following factors are identified before the onset of labor:

  • delay in the development of the baby in the womb;
  • an increase in his heartbeat;
  • twofold or even threefold entanglement with the umbilical cord.

With this complication, everything will depend on how dangerous the umbilical cord is wrapped around for the life and health of the child.

Herpes and vaginal delivery

Now everyone is actively discussing the question of how compatible herpes and natural childbirth are: many women are afraid that in this case there will be a mandatory infection with this dangerous virus of a baby, whose immune system is not yet ready for such an attack. However, according to recent studies, with recurrent herpes, the female body by the time of delivery has already developed antibodies that are able to cross the placenta. By this time, the child is completely protected, so that infection does not threaten him.

With a narrow pelvis

It is also very difficult for women with narrow pelvis to give birth. It is such if one of the indicators below is less than the norm by 1.5-2 cm. Deviations complicate the process of natural childbirth, representing insurmountable obstacles and difficulties for them. So, when registering for a consultation, as well as when a pregnant woman enters a maternity hospital, a mandatory measurement of this part of the female body is carried out. Doctors call the following normal pelvic sizes for natural childbirth, which will not complicate the baby's passage through the birth canal.

  1. Lumbosacral Michaelis rhombus (Figure 1): vertically - 11 cm, horizontally - 10 cm.
  2. The distance between the iliac superior anterior spines (number 1 in Figure 2a) should be at least 25-26 cm.
  3. The gap between the most distant points of the iliac crests (number 2 in Figure 2a) should normally be 28-29 cm.
  4. The distance between the greater trochanters (tubercles) of the femurs (number 3 in Figure 2a) is approximately 30-31 cm.
  5. The distance between the fossa above the sacrum and the upper edge of the pubis in gynecology is called the external conjugate (Figure 2b) and is normally 20-21 cm.
  6. The Solovyov index (the circumference in the wrist joint) should not be more than 14 cm, since in this case it is concluded that the pelvic bone is massive and small in size.

Even if the norm of all these indicators is maintained, the doctor must additionally find out whether the size of the pelvis corresponds to the size of the child's head, check for the presence of deformation of the bone joints. For this, an ultrasound (less often X-ray) examination is performed.

With enterococcus, fecalis

There is no need to be afraid to give birth naturally and with enterococcus fecalis, which is part of the normal microflora of the human digestive tract. If the tests are in order and the doctors do not advise doing a cesarean section, there is no threat of infection of the baby.

With inguinal hernia

Pregnant women with an inguinal hernia may be offered to give birth naturally if the following conditions are met:

  • small protrusion;
  • wearing a bandage during pregnancy;
  • the obstetrician during attempts must support the hernia with his hand so that the infringement does not occur.

According to statistics, an inguinal hernia after childbirth disappears without a trace for some time.

As practice shows, modern doctors are reconsidering their views on cesarean section and treat it only as a necessity, when the life of the mother and child is really threatened. In the absence of medical indications for surgery, it is worth giving preference to natural childbirth.

For every mother, the birth of her baby has always been and remains one of the very happy moments in a mother's life. Indeed, for the whole 9 months she was patiently waiting for the moment when she could pick up and hug a warm, small lump which she gave birth to herself. This moment will be remembered during natural childbirth - those, thanks to which the baby is born without medical intervention, thanks to the perseverance and strength of the mother.

Natural childbirth is the process of preparing for the birth of a child, which the expectant mother prepares throughout her pregnancy. Medicine and science about it have stepped very far forward, and often come to us for absolutely no reason. Not infrequently, medical and surgical intervention in the physiological process, which concerns childbirth, is not justified and not necessary, but still, for some reason, it is used. 40-50 years ago, women could give birth themselves, while the baby was born absolutely healthy and strong. After all, the female body is entirely created for the birth of offspring, it contains all the forces and resources necessary for this.

A natural childbirth is one that takes place without medical intervention. If the pregnancy itself passes normally and has normal indicators, there is no reason for concern that something might go wrong. Healthy childbirth that takes place naturally occurs as quickly as nature works. The process of childbirth itself depends on many different circumstances and it takes about 11 hours to give birth, who give birth for the first time, and about 9 hours in re-giving birth. If during childbirth there were no deviations and complications, then you should not interfere with this process. Only under these conditions can childbirth be called natural.

It is necessary, of course, to prepare for natural childbirth. If a woman even half knows what and how to do in this situation, how to relax and breathe, it will be much easier for her to give birth. In natural childbirth, it is important to have the correct positivity of the body. If there is an opportunity to take a comfortable position herself (a position convenient for her), this can help her to relax, and at least a little discomfort will disappear. In an upright position, most births are actually easier. But a woman must choose this position herself, but with the help of the medical staff. If the position is correctly chosen, practically no pain relief is needed.

Preparing for natural childbirth

With natural childbirth, the psychological attitude of a woman is very important. A woman is prepared for childbirth; during childbirth, she can abstract herself exclusively only to think about her baby and think less about physical sensations. Also, the presence of relatives or friends can help a woman in labor. It is most desirable to be present during a difficult period and at a long stage - during.

If, nevertheless, natural childbirth is painful. That is, the pain is felt on the woman can endure and control it: it is because of this that one needs to prepare mentally and psychologically for childbirth. A well-trained and healthy woman always gives birth naturally. During childbirth, hormones are secreted in the female body, which are a kind of anesthesia. But this is real only when the woman is not anxious and relaxed: anxiety and tension blocks the production of anesthetic hormones. Because of this, you need to learn how to calm down and relax even before labor begins.

Natural childbirth also ends naturally. After the birth of the baby, they give the mother in her arms so that she can attach it to herself: tactical contact is simply necessary for the baby. Mom puts the newborn to the breast. The baby, who was born naturally by natural childbirth, is fed by the mother immediately after giving birth with her milk. After the birth treatment and after the birth itself, the baby can stay with the mother even overnight.

Nowadays, most women are afraid of pain during childbirth, decide on pain relief or a cesarean section. If there is no need for it. Neither one nor the other will not help you and will not bring you any benefit. The entire process of childbirth is an ancient instinct. By carefully submitting to preparing for childbirth, a woman can, on her own, give birth to a strong and healthy baby. A baby born in the course of natural childbirth will be more resilient and stronger, because he and his mother went through this difficult stage of birth. At the same time, he will have strong immunity, and his body after birth will be able to adapt to the world around him. In addition to mother's love, tenderness, he will receive milk from mother's breast. All this, in its entirety, is called natural childbirth, which will give the baby good health and well-being from birth.

For any mother, the moment of her baby's birth is always one of the happiest moments in life. Indeed, for 9 months she patiently waited for the little warm lump that appeared from her flesh and blood to be squeezed to her. And the most memorable moment will be on condition of natural childbirth - those with the help of which the baby is born without unjustified medical intervention, thanks to the strength and perseverance of the mother.

Today, many women, fearing pain during childbirth, decide at least for, at most - for a cesarean section. Neither one nor the other, if these procedures are really not necessary, will not be beneficial. The process of procreation is an ancient instinct. Obeying him and carefully preparing for childbirth, a woman may well reproduce healthy and strong offspring on her own. A child who is born in the course of natural childbirth will be stronger and more resilient, because all stages of birth will go through with his mother. At the same time, it will receive the necessary immunity, and a small organism will be able to gradually adapt to the environment during birth. After that, the baby, in addition to mother's tenderness and love, will receive natural breastfeeding. All this in a complex and is a natural childbirth, which will provide the baby with good health and well-being from the first minutes of life.

Natural childbirth is a carefully thought out and planned by nature process of giving birth to a child, for which the female body prepares itself throughout pregnancy. It is now science and medicine have made great strides forward, and often some of their services are resorted to absolutely unreasonably. So what about childbirth - often medical intervention in this natural physiological process is unnecessary and unjustified, but for some reason it is used. But just a few decades ago, a woman gave birth naturally, while the baby was born healthy and strong. And it is not surprising: the female body was created for the production of offspring, it contains all the resources and forces necessary for this.

Vaginal childbirth is childbirth without unnecessary medical intervention. If the pregnancy is proceeding at a normal pace and with normal rates, there is no reason to worry that the birth will be unsuccessful. A healthy birth occurs naturally as fast as nature dictates. So, the duration of labor depends on many circumstances, as a rule, it is 9-11 hours for primiparous, and 6-9 hours for re-giving birth. If during all this time no deviations from the normally proceeding process are observed, then you should not interfere with it. Under this condition, childbirth can be considered natural.

Preparing for natural childbirth

Natural childbirth, of course, needs to be prepared. After all, if a woman knows what and how to do in a given situation, how to breathe and relax correctly, this will greatly facilitate her childbearing task. The correct position of the body is important in natural childbirth. Giving the woman the opportunity to find the most comfortable position for herself will help her to relax and reduce discomfort. In most cases, childbirth is actually easier in an upright position. But at the same time, it is the woman who should choose him, focusing on her own feelings and intuition - albeit not without the help of medical personnel. Provided the position is correct, pain relief is almost never required.

The psychological attitude of a woman is very important in natural childbirth. A prepared woman can abstract during childbirth and think exclusively about her child, concentrate less on physical sensations. The presence of someone close or relatives can also help a woman in labor. This presence is most desirable at the most difficult and lengthy stage - at.

Natural childbirth is still painful childbirth. No, there is pain, but at the same time a woman can control and endure it: that is why one needs to prepare for natural childbirth psychologically and morally. In a healthy and prepared woman, childbirth can almost always proceed naturally. The fact is that during childbirth, hormones are produced in a woman's body, which act as a kind of anesthesia. But this is possible only if the woman is relaxed and not alarmed: tension and anxiety block the production of anesthetic hormones. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to relax, calm down even before childbirth.

Natural childbirth also ends naturally. So, after the birth of the baby, they give the mother in her arms so that she can attach it to herself: tactile contact is now very much needed. Then the mother puts the baby to the breast. A baby born by natural birth is usually breastfed right from birth. After childbirth and postpartum treatment, mom and baby can stay together even overnight.

Caesarean versus natural childbirth: which is better?

The ability to attach a newborn baby to the breast immediately after birth is a huge advantage of a natural birth over an operative one. This significance lies not only in the bodily contact of the people closest to the world, which has the most beneficial effect on the condition of both the mother and the child. Colostrum is of great value, which the baby receives at the first application: this is the most valuable, most nutritious and richest first milk necessary for the baby!

Having a baby is a lot of stress and hard work for him. It is very important for him to receive a reward for her in the form of a gentle mother's hugs and colostrum, the smell of which is familiar to the child from the womb! In this case, babies adapt more easily to new living conditions and recover faster after birth. But they have natural childbirth and other undeniable advantages over cesarean section.

Natural childbirth takes place in several stages, each of which is preparation for the next. This helps to survive the delivery as comfortably and safely as possible for all its participants - both mother and baby. If childbirth takes place by opening the abdominal cavity, the child abruptly moves from one environment to another and does not have time to go through all these stages, as in natural childbirth.

Caesarean section is a great stress for the mother and child's body, it is an artificial and often unwanted interference in the processes laid down by nature itself. Therefore, it does not pass without a trace. However, in a number of cases, such an operation, unfortunately, cannot be dispensed with. If, for medical reasons, doctors insist on giving birth by caesarean section, then you should listen to the opinion of doctors.

Natural childbirth after cesarean section

Many women would like to give birth naturally, but fear that this is not possible if they have had Caesar surgery in the past. Modern obstetricians and gynecologists note that if there are no absolute indications for a cesarean section, then a natural delivery will be the best solution and the best end of pregnancy, both for the woman and the baby! After all, all the advantages of this method of giving birth to a child remain relevant even after a cesarean section underwent in the past. Of course, natural childbirth always remains a priority, but ...

Unfortunately, if a woman gave birth to a previous baby using a cesarean section, then the ability to give birth naturally in the future will largely depend on the type of surgery performed in the past and on the condition of the scar. The creation of a longitudinal scar in its course deprives a woman of the opportunity to give birth on her own in the future. A transverse scar from cesarean is not a contraindication to natural childbirth, if it healed well, and the body of the expectant mother was properly restored. However, it will be necessary to prepare properly for natural childbirth by discussing with your doctor all the possible risks and ways to avoid them. And ideally, preparation for future natural childbirth should begin immediately after the caesarean operation.

In particular, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for the care of the postoperative suture. Do not forget that it is better not to get pregnant earlier than 2-3 years after the cesarean, and even better if the next pregnancy is planned according to all the rules. You should also know that a very long interval between the previous and the next pregnancy (10 years or more) can also become an obstacle to natural childbirth after Caesar.

In a word, everything is possible, but the final decision in this case is made by the doctor, having studied in detail the history of the previous pregnancy and the current state of the pregnant woman.

Specially for- Ksenia Dakhno

From the guest

You know girls, natural childbirth is certainly good - if there is no medical indication or even doubts. She gave birth herself, it hurt to horror, it was torn both inside and out, they protected: the stitches on the cervix, the stitches on the perineum - okay ?? yeah. For example, on our last ultrasound, I did not see a double entanglement of the umbilical cord in a child, and what do you think - hypoxia, asphyxia and delayed psycho-speech development in a child, a 2-year lag in development. Thanks to the ultrasound doctor who did not see the double entanglement, thanks to the doctors who did not do an ultrasound scan before giving birth. If I only knew .. but now all that remains is to treat the child. Soon the second childbirth is coming and control only everything myself - that's what I have to do - not rely on any doctors. It will be necessary - I will go to the cesarean, just to avoid the CONSEQUENCES of NATURAL CHILDBIRTH.

From the guest

Gave birth, three naturally, and everything is fine, no seams or tears. True, during the first birth, they put some kind of drip, so that I could rest. I would have been more experienced not for what would not have given this crap to put.

From the guest

The first pregnancy at 35, and immediately twins (not IVF), after the announcement of the good news (on ultrasound), I immediately thought about the caesarean one (this thought arose from inexperience, fear, of course). However, my doctor immediately said: "Why do you need a COP? You are healthy, there are no contraindications yet, you can handle it on your own, dear!" And she was right! These words are not that the attitude was, I think I then absorbed her attitude, her words. Then I took courses on preparing for childbirth, and it seemed to me ..- I'm so smart, I practically know everything))) I understand. This probably helped me, I felt inner peace, especially since the pregnancy was proceeding well. True, in childbirth, I completely forgot what they taught, how to breathe, what happens in general ..))) BUT fortunately, the midwife was there (I gave birth under a contract with the CTA), of course, they worked hard and gave birth to a son and daughter, 3 kg each !!!

From the guest

I gave birth as naturally as possible, without stimulation and other delights of maternity hospitals, the umbilical cord was cut only an hour after giving birth, when the pulsation stopped. I was terribly afraid that they would stimulate me, because the shift ends, but I still can't give birth or because of something else. As a result, I chose CTA, where they know what natural childbirth is. I am very glad that everything went well.

From the guest

Natural childbirth is great. She gave birth herself, without the slightest intervention of doctors, without stimulation, bladder punctures, anesthesia, etc. And everything was forgiven perfectly - the contractions were not particularly painful, there were no breaks, a healthy, vigorous baby was born. Already an hour after giving birth, she rode around the floors of the maternity hospital and called her relatives. I think that a cesarean should be done only according to the testimony of a doctor, and so this load, stitches and unnecessary surgical intervention in the body - there are more disadvantages.

From the guest

I gave birth to my first child in 4.5 hours without caesarean and anesthetics, it is very painful, but tolerable, I was preparing for the apocalypse in general. Breathing is important, the technique helps not to yell foolishly and to concentrate, I strongly advise you to study ahead of time and think more about what the baby is like :)

From the guest

I'm for Caesarean! How many cases when people gave birth with birth injuries: cerebral palsy, suffocation from the umbilical cord, etc. My three acquaintances had a tragic birth: two had disabled children, and a friend had (((and they all gave birth through the pull of cool doctors! There is no risk with a cesarean section! In my first pregnancy, I was cured after 5 hours of contractions and when the opening was already decent This is done on purpose so as not to disturb the natural flow and so that the child is prepared. 15 minutes after the cesarean under the general, when I came to, they gave me the child and we never parted with him. I walked around the room with him, tied with a sheet. the norm in a week! The second time I also want to give birth with the help of cesarean.

From the guest

She gave birth herself, did not even want to think about the cesarean, it is not natural, and then the scar is for life, and more than two cesarean is impossible, you will not feel all the joy of having a child, 5 years have passed and I still remember how my son appeared to the light! I am for natural! It hurts, but children are worth it

From the guest

Girls, epidurals - very risky! Think first 100 times! I can list the disadvantages faced by my friends who gave birth with an epidural. 1. It is very difficult to move away from it. The child lies nearby crying, but she had nothing to do, her whole body ached wildly. 2. If the low pressure all your life - do not even think, the weakness will be wild. 3. A friend of mine, a month after giving birth, sometimes began to fail her legs. I went to the hospital, they said it was from an epidural. Of course, once at a time is not necessary, but you better think

From the guest

Everything would not be what if during natural childbirth there were less injuries I am waiting for the third I want a cesarean enough for me to have collarbone fractures

From the guest