Why a woman's heart beats faster than a man's. Male and female heart. What is the difference. Burning calories in men and women

It is well known in medicine that the hearts of men and women are different. And they also get sick in a different manner. In this article, specialists in cardiology and cardiac surgery of the Embassy of Medicine talk about the peculiarities of cardiac arrhythmias in the male and female heart - about arrhythmias.

Why is there this difference? Specialists in cardiology and cardiac surgery do not have a common opinion on this matter. It is assumed that the reason lies in the action of different hormones in men and women on the ion channels of cell membranes and in the difference in the tone of the nerve endings involved in the work of the heart.

According to cardiology, a woman's heart beats faster than a man's by 3-5 beats per minute. The heart rate in women changes during different phases of the menstrual cycle. Women are certainly exclusive to the development of sinus tachycardia, which is rare in men. And atrial fibrillation, the most common cardiac arrhythmia, affects men 1.5 times more. This difference in the incidence of atrial fibrillation disappears only in the age group of people over 70 years old.

Women are more likely to experience disturbances in the repolarization of the heart cells - the process of restoring their ability for electrical activity after each heartbeat, which can manifest itself as clinical symptoms. These changes put women at a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease during menopause.

There is a significant difference in the incidence of severe and dangerous arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia in men and women, and the sudden death caused by it. More men suffer from this disorder, and the ratio of cases of this arrhythmia between different sexes is 4: 1.

According to experts in cardiology, there are also significant differences in the effectiveness of different techniques for treating heart disease in men and women, such as with antiarrhythmic drugs, or when using desfibrillators. Women always need more gentle medical intervention.

Cardiac arrhythmias appear due to a violation of the generation of electrical impulses or their conduction through the heart muscle. The heart has a real natural generator - the sinus node, which generates electrical impulses. They are transmitted to all cardiac fibers to organize coordinated contractions of their different groups.

Arrhythmias are characterized either by the appearance of self-styled and defective rhythm generators, or by the destruction of the normal pathways for conducting these electrical impulses, which leads to the fact that the heart begins to contract in an irregular and uncontrolled rhythm.

Diagnosing arrhythmias is not an easy task. Often they are completely asymptomatic or in the form of short seizures when electrocardiography cannot be done. Nevertheless, modern cardiology has a sufficient set of technical means to make a correct diagnosis if an arrhythmia is suspected. To do this, you just need to see a doctor.

Arrhythmia arrhythmias strife. The most common heart complaint that patients present to a family medicine doctor is a complaint of palpitations - palpable heartbeats. This symptom is usually associated not with a real pathology of the heart, but with other diseases or with the emotional state of the patient. Strong palpitations can appear after physical exertion, strong emotions, against a background of nervousness. A frequent cause of palpitations can be an attack of panic and anxiety, which is also combined with a feeling of lack of air and a constriction of the throat. Taking alcohol, tonics and some medications - antidepressants, bronchodilators and others also increases the heart rate. Likewise, the pulse accelerates during fever or with anemia and thyrotoxicosis.

Usually the heart beats at a frequency of 50-100 beats per minute, and this rhythm adapts to the situation the person is in: it becomes faster when we are nervous or physically active.

Specialists in cardiology recommend consulting a family doctor if there are disturbances in the normal rhythm of heart contractions. In modern medicine, there is a wide range of medicines to choose the appropriate treatment for each case. Cardiac surgery has a radical method for the treatment of many arthmias - the ablation method through the catheter.

As you know, any woman is a mystery, but scientific research still allows you to learn a lot about female physiology. Some of the findings are shocking.

Good immunity

It is inappropriate to call the female sex weak, since the immunity of women is better than that of men. Two X chromosomes mean women have more microRNAs, which strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer, according to researchers at the University of Ghent.

In addition, the hormone estrogen inhibits inflammation, according to Maya Saleh, M.D. of McGill University. Developed immunity also slows down aging - women are known to live longer.

Female brain

Danish scientist Bert Pakkenberg found that there are four million more cells in the male brain, but according to tests, women perform 3% better than men.

The corpus callosum, which serves as a kind of "cable" between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, is thicker in women than in men, and there are 30% more connections in it. Therefore, a woman at home can do many things, for example, cook, look after children, take care of relatives, and so on, while a man is "imprisoned" for one thing.

Female sense of smell

In terms of smell, women have no equal. A woman's nose can catch not only the smell of burning that threatens the house, but also the smell of pheromones, which cannot be done deliberately. Moreover, a woman's brain is able to "read" the man's smell and decipher it, determining how strong his immunity is.

Scientists believe that in most cases, no more than three seconds is enough for a woman.

Heart and receptors

A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. She also has more taste buds on her tongue. Women have more pain receptors, but women are more sensitive to pain than men.

Color discrimination

The retina of the human eye contains nearly seven million “cone” receptors that are responsible for the perception of color. The X chromosome is responsible for their action. Women have two of them, and the palette of colors that they perceive is wider.

As shown by the experiments of scientists from the University of New York, it is difficult for men to distinguish the slightest shades of yellow, green and blue. In other words, if you show an orange to a man and a woman, then for a man it will be "more red". The same is with the grass - it is always greener for women than for men.

According to Professor Israel Abramov, differences in the perception of color by different sexes cannot be explained by differences in the structure of the eye. The answer lies in how the brain, under the influence of the hormone testosterone, processes and perceives signals from the visual organs. The researcher believes that such an ability could have formed even before the advent of agriculture, when men were engaged in hunting, and women were gathering - looking for edible plants.

As a result, men are better at distinguishing small details of moving objects - a useful quality for hunters, and women are better at distinguishing colors.

Peripheral vision

Peripheral vision is well developed in women. For some of them, it reaches 180º, and that is why women, when driving a car, rarely miss side impacts and can, without turning their heads, "count" a rival or follow a child. The man's brain provides tunnel vision, he "leads" the target and sees only what is in front of him, without being distracted by trifles.


A woman's skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man's. Studies by British scientists have shown that even the most sensitive man in this sense does not match the most insensitive woman.


Women are genetically more flexible than men. This is due to the reproductive function of women - their ligaments and muscles have more elastin than collagen. This is because the female body produces much more of the substance hyaluranidase, which is responsible for the production of elastin.

Useful toxicosis

Scientists have found another explanation for female toxicosis during pregnancy. Professors Paul Sherman and Samuel Flexman of the University of Colorado said morning sickness and headaches are the result of a defense mechanism that keeps the fetus free from harmful toxins found in meat, fish and poultry. This explains the fact that toxicosis is a frequent occurrence in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is most vulnerable. In addition, according to a study published in the Quantity Review of Biology, women who suffer from internal malaise are much less likely to miscarry than others.

Is it true that a woman's heart beats more often than a man's? If so, why? and got the best answer

Answer from Groos [guru]
Yes it's true....
The differences in the physiology of the male and female cardiovascular systems relate primarily to the heart rate at rest and during exercise. In women, in all cases, the heart rate is on average 8-10 beats higher than in men. The heart of women is smaller and oval in shape. The heart of men is often conical. By its mass (250 g), a woman's heart is 10-15% lighter than a man's (300 g), the thickness of its muscle layer is less, on which the efficiency of the heart largely depends. Another factor that determines it is the maximum oxygen consumption. During heavy muscular work, it gradually increases to a certain value. If you increase the load further, severe fatigue develops. A woman's heart, being in this position, consumes a maximum of 2.9 liters of oxygen per minute, which is almost 30% less than a man's (4.1 l / min). This explains the differences in the achievements of men and women in the same sports. For example, when running at 100 m, men are able to reach a speed of 37 km / h, women - only 33 km / h, when running long distances (3 km) for men the average speed is 24-25 km / h, for women - 22 km / h A woman's heart "loses" to a man's in other indicators. The heart of a woman who did not play sports, with each beat, ejects an average of 99 ml, and in 1 minute - 5.5 liters of blood. In men, these indicators are equal to 120 ml and 7.8 liters, respectively. At maximum load, the heart of an untrained woman "drives" an average of 18.5 liters of blood per minute, and men - 24 liters / min. The above information confirms the widespread opinion about women as representatives of the beautiful, but physically weaker sex.

Answer from Camomile[guru]
A woman's heart is slightly smaller than a man's and therefore beats faster. For men, it makes an average of 60 - 70 beats per minute, for women - 80 - 90.

Answer from Victoria Cherednichenko[guru]
Because women are more emotional and take everything to heart ....

Answer from Alexandra Glebova[guru]
because women are more sensitive to everything and take everything that happens much closer to their hearts than men. that's all. and the chest just opened))

Answer from Ketrin[guru]
it is not a fact that men are nervous or worried, when they restrain their emotions in themselves, not giving feelings of tears, when tension builds up - the heart just breaks

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Is it true that a woman's heart beats more often than a man's? If so, why?

Under normal conditions, a woman's heart beats more often than a man's by 8-10 contractions. The pulse of a healthy woman is 80-90 beats per minute, for men this figure is 67-75 beats. This is because a woman's heart is smaller and has a slightly different shape. A woman's heart is more oval, while a man's heart looks like a cone. The male heart is on average 10-15% heavier than the female.

Frequent heartbeats cause fatigue... Therefore, women have less stamina, get tired earlier and bear high loads more heavily. As stress increases, the heart needs more oxygen. And its lack provokes severe fatigue. This does not apply to athletes who, with regular training, have achieved greater results than all men.

Everyone's heart rate quickens during stress, and slows down at night. Relaxation techniques can also help reduce your pounding heart rate. If all else fails, then it is worth resorting to taking medications.

But, a woman's heart is built in such a way that its owners are more protected from heart attack and stroke... Men are more likely to face these diseases. The walls of the left chamber of the woman's heart are thinner and more elastic, therefore, even against the background of the increased pressure, women are less likely to experience seizures.

The heart of each of us beats about 3 billion times a day to supply blood, oxygen and nutrition to all organs and parts of our body. The valves slam with each impact. On average, in a person's life, the heart pumps such a volume of blood, which would be equal to the volume of water that has flowed out of an open tap in 45 years.

Our heart works incessantly and needs to be cared for regularly and treated in a timely manner. Eat foods that contain healthy fats and other micronutrients that your body needs. Try not to get nervous about the bullshit, get some rest and exercise physically. The heart is a muscle that also requires exercise.

In addition to the above, the increased rate of contraction of the female heart muscle depends on the production of the hormone estrogen and differences in the circadian rhythms of women and men. The female rhythm is ahead of the male by about a couple of hours, so in the evenings women feel more tired.

Everyone knows that women and men differ from each other in many ways. Some things can be seen with the naked eye, because they are clearly visible in everyday life. There are differences in emotionality, communication, skills, and interests.

What else is the difference between male and female representatives?

The heart of a man and a woman

A woman's heart is different from a man's... A woman's heart beats, approximately, 72 times per minute and a man's heart is only 65 times a minute. This is due to a lower volume of the heart of women, by 10-15%, and a lower volume of blood (the heart must beat faster in order to supply the entire body with oxygen).

Despite the fact that a woman's heart beats faster, in many cases it retains its effectiveness longer. Besides, women naturally have a higher body resilience than men... Thanks to this, they are much better able to cope with various diseases and problems.

Burning calories in men and women

Often there comes a moment in life when we want to lose a few pounds. Probably, each of the women has repeatedly wondered why her partner copes with the loss of extra pounds much faster.

Every day, men, even without exercise, just while doing daily chores, burns 50 more calories than women. This is because the percentage of fat in a woman's body is about 20-28%, while a man's rate is 14-20 percent.

This is due to differences in the structure of the body of men and women, as well as the percentage of muscle mass., which is the main consumer of calories, in women, muscles account for 25-30%, and in men - 40-50%.

Large muscle mass in men is associated with the release of male hormones, i.e. testosterone, which greatly influences muscle growth. This is also influenced by the percentage of water in the body - for women it is 45-60 percent, and for men - 50-65%.

Feelings of a woman and a man

Women are much better at distinguishing colors. All thanks to the innate sensitivity that is associated with the X chromosome... In addition, they also hear better so they can detect higher frequency sounds and smell better.

Vision also differs. Men can see better into the distance, but their field of vision is limited. Women, on the other hand, are characterized by a wide field of vision aimed at the immediate environment.

Who is more sensitive

Men blink their eyelids twice less often than women, who can cry from 30 to 65 times during the year (men only 6-17 times).

Men's skin is 10 times less sensitive than that of a woman, in addition, a woman's body from birth has greater flexibility and plasticity.

Female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone help their skin tend to be warmer because these hormones increase the blood supply to the skin.

Differences in skeletal construction

The female skull differs from the male in 14 elements., for example, the thickness of the eyebrows, the angle of the forehead, as well as the appearance of the mandibular joint. This is why men have sharper facial features.

In addition, the skeleton of an adult woman weighs on average 10 kg, and that of a man's - about 12 kg. Even women's hair is different in design from men's hair because its diameter is up to two times thinner.

Lies of a woman and a man

Interestingly, scientists confirm that women are much better at feeling lies but can also skillfully lie and hide their lies.

However, according to studies, women are more likely to lie for reasons of politeness, for example, wanting to please someone, or fear of offending someone. And men, according to research, are more likely to lie in order to present themselves in the best possible light and get some benefit.

Women smile more often

Women have an innate instinct to smile. Scientists confirm that this can be seen already in the eighth week of their lives.

In addition, from adolescence, the female sex shows more interest in other people. This makes it much easier for them to read the emotional states of other people.