Kidnapped children: three hours to death. Help that the child is dependent

For this step, Russian families are solved in different circumstances. But the fact remains: every year more than 100 thousand families translate their children to home learning. And if you appreciate as a whole, then at present 1.5 million Russians already have family learning experience. Now it allows the law: the formation obtained outside the school walls has the status of a full-fledged education.

However, many parents who have chosen their homework for a child arise many questions relating to different sides of such a form of training.

1. First of all, the free and publicly available form of domestic training is guaranteed only to those children who study in educational organizations - state or municipal. Therefore, to seek the funds for training parents must independently.

2. Textbooks and textbooks Children will receive is freeIn the school to which they are fixed as externs.

3. In the same school, children have the right is free Consider certification (GIA and EGE).

4. A child who is on domestic training is entitled is free Attend some lessons at school (a list of such schools can be obtained in local governments, regional departments, departments or ministries of education). They can equally with ordinary students to take part in creative projects, competitions, competitions, additionally learn languages, such as English, Spanish, German, French. For self-study learning, we recommend you to choose the suitable on the site\u003d390.

5. A school in which Externus gives GIA and EGE, is not responsible for its quality of education.

6. If the student has received an unsatisfactory assessment on the final certification, he will be obliged to recall her. At the same time, the relief is possible not only at school, but also in the university. (Universities now also have the right to provide secondary education services and organize the delivery of the USE).

7. If for some reason the student failed to re-pass attestation, he must go to study in a regular school.

These basic provisions should know parents and students who receive family education.

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For 9 months, the child passes a long way from a tiny embryo to a chubby baby and already in the womb acquires some of the features that will remain with him for life: for example, you can understand, it will be right or left and what food will be preferred. For a fairly short period of time with the child, there is a lot of interesting things, and today we suggest you pass along with the baby the path from the origin before the appearance of ones.

website Prepared for you this is a fascinating journey.

1st trimester of pregnancy

1-2 i week

So, a long way began. The first 4 days the future person is smaller than the grapple of salt - its size is only 0.14 mm. However, since the 5th day, it begins to grow and increases almost 2 times to the 6th - up to 0.2 mm. On the 4th day, the embryo "comes" to where he has to spend the next 9 months - in the uterus, and on the 8th day it is implanted in its wall.

3-4th week

Embryo at the 4th week of pregnancy.

About the 20th day of pregnancy occurs a very important event: a nervous tube appears, which will appear in the spinal and brain of the child. Already on the 21st day, he begins to fight the heart and all important organs, such as kidney and the liver. The eyes did not yet occupy the usual position - bubbles, of which they will refine, are on the sides of the head. By the end of the 1st month, the embryo appears a circulatory system, and the spine and the muscles begin their development.

5-6th week

At the 5th week, the embryo appears hand brushes, however, the fingers still distinguish very difficult, but in the joints of the handle and the legs are already bend. It is at this time that the external genital organs begin to form, but to see on the ultrasound, the boy is or a girl, while it is impossible. By the way, since its appearance, the embryo has greatly grown - he increased already at 10 thousand times. Already, the baby begins to form a person, and the eyes that will be closed for a very long time, they get dark, becoming more like human.

7-8th week

The 7th week of pregnancy is the time when the child begins to move, however, it is completely unnoticed for mom, and fingers on their hands and legs become almost the same as in adults. At this stage, the embryo appears the root of dairy teeth and the genital system develops, and the kidneys begin to produce urine. Despite the fact that the growth of the fetus is only 2.5 cm, it will acquire his own faith, he appears in his eyelids, and the tip of the nose becomes more delineated.

9-10th week

Child at the 9-10th week of pregnancy.

By this time, the baby is already well gracious - its weight is 4 grams, and the growth is 2-3 cm. Despite the tiny sizes, the brain is already divided into two hemispheres, and the milk teeth and taste receptors begin to form. The baby disappears the tail and the membrane between the fingers in the arms, it begins to swim in the oily fluid and even more actively move, although everything is also unnoticed for mom. It was at this time that the child appears individual features of the face, and hair begin to grow on the head.

11-12th week

On this time, the child is formed by the genitals, so the ultrasound can already find out its floor, although the probability of error is still great. The child looks like a slightly alien: he has a big head and a small body, but the face is more and more like an adult. Ears almost occupy the right position, eyebrows and eyelashes appear. Crying, from which the skeleton consists, gradually ossey, new blood vessels appear and hormone production begins. By the way, the baby has already grown up to 6 cm and weigh about 20 grams.

13-14th week

Child at the 14th week of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the head of the child is half the length of the whole body, the face is increasingly reminiscent of an adult, and in the oral cavity is already formed the primitives of all 20 dairy teeth. The child is already able to put a finger in the mouth, but suck will learn a little later. Due to the active formation of vessels, the kid's skin is red and very thin, so gun hair appears on the body, the lano necessary to save a special lubricant protecting against supercooling.

2nd trimester of pregnancy

15-16th week

By the 15th week, the child grows up to 10 cm and gaining weight - now it weighs about 70 grams. Despite the fact that the eyes are still pretty low, the face is already quite recognizable, moreover, the child begins to "build faces", because the facial muscles are well developed. By this time, he already knows how to suck the finger, and the greasy and sweat glands begin their work.

17-18th week

And finally, the child has auditory channels, so he begins to distinguish sounds and hears the voice of the mother, moreover, he is able to recognize him. In addition to the milk teeth, nuclear nuclei appear, the bones are finally formed and begin to solve. By the way, the bones of the skull will remain mobile until birth - when the generic channel passes, they will overlap on each other in order to alleviate the baby appearance. But my mother finally begins to feel the movement of a child who has grown up to 14 cm and 190 grams.

19-20th week

Child at the 20th week of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the eyes of the child are still closed, it is already well oriented in the surrounding space. Moreover, now you can understand, there will be a child with right-handers or left-handed, because it is now that he begins to actively use the lead hand. Fingerprints of fingers appear on the fingers of the kid - another unique sign of each of us. By the way, the child is already starting to distinguish the day from the night and shows activity at a certain time.

21-22th week

The 21st week is the time when the child begins to gain weight due to the formation of subcutaneous fat. Already soon, foldings will appear on his handles and legs that have newborns. At the 22nd week in the brain, those neurons that will be with a person all their lives are formed. Very soon the child will open his eyes, he already tries to do it, and the eyeballs move almost like an adult.

23-24th week

At the 23rd week, the child may begin to see dreams, and his face is so formed that it can be determined on the ultrasound whose features he inherited. His skin becomes opaque, eyes open, and the child can already respond to light, moreover, bright flashes are capable of scaring it. By the 24th week, the child grows almost up to 30 cm, and its weight reaches 0.5 kg.

25-26th week

At this time, the taste receptors of the child are finally formed and, trying to taste an oily fluid, he can be frowning if he doesn't like it. By the way, food habits are formed that are formed - already in the womb of the mother we have favorite and unloved products. Very soon, the child will learn to blink and can already see a little, though, while it is very very vague.

3rd trimester of pregnancy

27-28th week

Child on the 27-28th week of pregnancy.

If you do ultrasound on this time, you can see how a child smiles and intensively sucks finger. At this time, the baby appears the first "toy" - its own cord, and he actively studies his body. At the end of the 7th month of pregnancy, the child is formed by an individual exchange of substances that he will have a lifetime. The kid is already quite large - its weight reaches 1.2 kg, and the growth is 35 cm.

29-30th week

Child at the 30th week of pregnancy.

The subcutaneous fat layer increases everything, and the baby becomes increasingly plump and reused. In addition, he already knows how to cry, cough and even sometimes I want - it happens, most likely, when it swallows too much an integral fluid. By the 30th week, the child's brain is already so developed that it is quite capable of memorizing and even analyze information.

31-32th week

At this time, a person appears all 5 senses, and its day mode is more and more reminds the one he will follow after the appearance of the world. The child hears the work of all organs of the mother, perfectly knows her voice, thanks to which immediately after birth can distinguish it from all other people. The immune system of the kid begins to produce antibodies that will protect it from all sorts of infections that can tide in the first days and months after birth.

37-38th week

And finally, the process of the formation of a person ended completely - now it is fully ready for the emergence of the appearance, and the obstetrics consider pregnancy dodden. Lano finally disappears from his body and only sometimes can remain on the handles and legs. Since the places in the uterus almost did not remain, the mother may seem that the child began to move more intensively, in fact, the power of the blows increased, because the muscles of the child have already been finally formed and strengthened.

39-40-I am a week

The first minutes after the appearance of the light.

The lungs of the child continue to form up to the birth, and only by the time they distinguish the right amount of surfactant - a substance that prevents alvealing after the first sigh. Already quite soon, the kid will undertake his first cry on his appearance and will begin his long journey through the big and interesting world.

Hello, dear Victoria!
You can contact the OSP of the UFSSP of Russia of your region with a statement about the search for the debtor and his property (2 copies) addressed to the senior bailiff of the head of the UFSSP of Russia of the fallen arrest, the main thing in order to put print prints on your copy. and signature. If you do not help, then you can contact complaints about the inaction of the bailiff and senior bailiff of the head of the UFSSP of Russia of your region in accordance with Article 441 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation to the prosecutor's office or immediately to the court (state duty is not subject to).
Article 115 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
Responsibility for untimely alimony payment
1. When making debt due to the fault of the person who is obliged to pay alimony by agreement on the payment of alimony, the guilty person is responsible in the manner prescribed by this Agreement.
2. In the formation of debt due to the fault of the person who is obliged to pay alimony by the court decision, the guilty person pays the recipient of the alimony a penalty in the amount of one second percent of the amount of unpaid alimony for each day of delay.
The recipient of the alimony is entitled to also recover from the perpetrator in the late payment of alimony of the face, obligated to pay alimony, all caused by the delay in the execution of alimony obligations losses in a part not covered with a penalty.
Article 99 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" from 02 10 2007 229-FZ. The amount of deduction from wages and other revenues of the debtor and the procedure for its calculus 1. The amount of deduction from wages and other revenues of the debtor, including from remuneration to authors of the results of intellectual activity, is calculated from the amount left after tax retention 2. in the execution of the executive document ( There are no more than fifty percent of wages and other revenues from several executive documents) from the citizen's debtor. Holding is made before execution in full requirements contained in the executive document.
3. Restriction of the amount of deduction from wages and other revenues of the debtor-citizen, established by part 2 of this article, does not apply when collecting alimony on minors, compensation for harm caused by health, compensation for the death of the breadwinner and compensation for damage caused by the crime. In these cases, the amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor-citizen cannot exceed seventy interest.
4. Restrictions on the size of the deduction from wages and other revenues of the debtor-citizen, established by parts 1 - 3 of this article, do not apply when adding recovery of funds in the debtor's accounts, to which the employer is credited to the employer, with the exception of the amount of the last periodic Payment.
Article 441 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Submitting an application for challenging the decisions of officials of the bailiff service, their actions (inaction) 1. Resolutions of the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation, the main bailiff of the subject of the Russian Federation, the senior bailiff, their deputies, the bailiff, their actions (inaction) can Be challenged with a recovery, debtor or persons whose rights and interests are violated by such a decree, actions (inaction). 2. The application for challenging the decisions of the official of the bailiff, its actions (inaction) is submitted to the court, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhose activities, the specified official is fulfilled, during the ten-day period from the date of the decision, performing actions either from the day when the recoverer, the debtor or persons whose rights and interests are violated by such a decree, actions (inaction). 2. The application for challenging the decisions of the official of the bailiff, its actions (inaction) is submitted to the court, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhose activities, the specified official is fulfilled, during the ten-day period from the date of the decision, performing actions either from the day when the recoverer, the debtor or persons whose rights and interests are violated by such a decree, actions (inaction), it became known about violations of their rights and interests. 3. The application for challenging the decisions of the official of the bailiff service, its actions (inaction) is considered in the manner prescribed by chapters 23 and 25 of this Code, with seizures and additions provided for by this article. 4. The refusal to the discharge of the bailiff can be appealed in the manner provided for in this article.

As is well known, the most optimal nutrition for the infant is breast maternal milk, including colostrum. And in the first 6 months of life, they practically do not need other food or liquid. Additional reception of any liquid in the form of sweetened or ordinary water, tea, compote and other beverages will only reduce the consumption by a child of breast milk. And therefore, it can lead to a reduction in its development in the mother's body. Therefore, the use of additional liquids is not recommended. Moreover, in some cases it may cause complications - for example, in the form of allergies or irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

10 steps that help properly organize breastfeeding:

Each medical institution that provides pregnancy services, objects and care for newborns should:

  1. Have a policy stated in writing in relation to breastfeeding, which must necessarily communicate to the attention of all personnel.
  2. In a timely manner to train staff with all the necessary skills relating to this policy.
  3. To carry out information activities among pregnant women and women in the advantages of breastfeeding and teach the elementary basic skills of this process.
  4. For half an hour after birth, it is necessary to trace the child to be attached to the mother's chest and the first feeding of the newborn.
  5. Training mothers, how to hold and increase lactation even in cases where you have to be separated from a newborn.
  6. Carefully trace so that newborns do not receive any other drinks. Exceptions are medical testimony.
  7. The institution should practice the joint residence of the mother and the child.
  8. In every way to encourage feeding on demand
  9. Do not teach children to nipples or deserts.
  10. Create groups of support for mothers who carry out breastfeeding of a child, and recommend all the women in the list of discharge from the hospital to visit them.

Nature thought over everything to the smallest detail and created breast maternal milk, which is ideal for a newborn baby. Even in the conditions of hot summer, when feeding on demand, the baby will not need to be shifted with water, since breast milk in the most optimal amount contains water and nutrients.

When can I begin to introduce an additional liquid into the diet?

Approximately by 6 months in the diet, you can gradually begin to introduce first lures. It can be solid food, which is usually consumed in this family. Ideally, the child should receive maternal breast milk to two years, and can and longer. After the child eaten hard food, it can be given a little cooled boiled water. Do not give the infants with sweetened water or tea. There is no benefit from them, but harm to teeth is undoubted. In addition, tea worsens the absorption of iron, which may result in further to iron deficiency anemia.

If a child in the second year of life feeds on breast milk, he gets about one-third of the necessary protein and vitamins of the A and C. But in addition, in breast milk contains indispensable substances that strengthen the immunity and the digestive system as a whole. Weakened or sick children, even refusing to other food, will receive useful substances from breast milk that will accelerate their recovery.

Can I continue to give the chest to a sick child?

You can not, but you need! Only breast milk can actively help the baby to struggle with the disease. It contains substances that strengthen immunity and produce protective antibodies against various viral infections. Another plus of breast milk - it is easily absorbed by a children's organism, which means that the probability of vomiting in the patient's baby decreases.

Is it true that children who are on breastfeeding are less ill?

Sure! Breast milk contains special substances that help the child adapt to the conditions of surrounding reality and are actively struggling with various respiratory or gastrointestinal infections. Children on artificial feeding are sick 5 times more often than those that get breast milk. Statistics argue that mortality of artificial children is 14 times higher in gastrointestinal diseases and 3 times higher in respiratory. In addition, breastfeeding prevents the infection of urinary tract, which means the child is protected from kidney diseases, and the ear infection that can lead to complete or partial deafness.

Can a child get sick, which is on breastfeeding?

Unfortunately yes. But in this case, the disease will flow in a less sharp and long form. Such children are faster recovered, and they have much reduced the risk of possible complications. Remember that than vulnerable and painful child, the more he needs maternal breast milk.

Breast milk is a medicine?

Of course, his action is like a drug. But besides, it is completely harmless. Breast milk gives a huge health supply to the children's body, which is useful to the baby for a long-year-long year. Breastfeeding can prevent the development of all sorts of allergies, such as asthma or eczema. Special studies show that the children who got breast milk are much better acting vaccinations. They are more developed physically and mentally than their peers-artificials. This is especially true of premature babies.

It has been proven that breastfeeding is much reduces the risk of developing weakness, improper bite, childish cancer, ischemic heart disease and other diseases.

Breastfeeding also perfectly acts on the female organism. Such mothers reduces the risk of developing diseases such as breast cancer, ovarian diseases, osteoporosis, bone fractures. Women diabetics that breastfeed need smaller doses of insulin.

Thus, breastfeeding is an excellent way. protection against the following diseases:

  • respiratory infections
  • gastrointestinal infections
  • ear infections that can lead to inflammation of the middle ear
  • urinary tract infections
  • steroid breathing and asthma of diabetes

Most of the future mothers are interested to know how the child is located in the tummy. And than childbirth is closer, the more important this information is becoming for the girlfriend. . In some such versions, childbirth through women's natural generics are contraindicated. For childbirth, not every doctor will be treated in a natural path, and the head prediction of the fetus does not always give warranty. The doctor, of course, will help determine the preservation of the child, but sometimes waiting for the next admission is simply shortness, especially if the mammy hopes that the baby turns over and take a more favorable position. But how to understand how the fruit is? How to independently determine the position of the fetus in the uterus, how to understand whether the child turned over? Calculate the very position of the baby is not so difficult at all as it might seem. By the way, this is a great way to learn your baby better.

Attempts to determine the very position of the baby in the uterus makes sense only after 30 pregnancy weeks. Naturally, the period is greater, the clearer, as it is a fruit, so if you can't determine the prelation of the child, you need to try another time in a week - the next attempt will surely prove to be successful! In addition, up to 33-34 pregnancy weeks inclusive position kid in the uterus it may change, the child can turn over. After 34 weeks of pregnancy it, as a rule, becomes stable, that is, the baby remains in the pose in which it will appear on the light.


· How to determine the position of the fetus: listening to heartbeat

The easiest way to independently determine the situation of the fetus in the uterus is to find out where it is best to listen to his heartbeat. To do this, you will need the most ordinary stethoscope, a little bit of patience and good luck. Your goal is to catch the heartbeat sounds with a frequency of 120-160 per minute. It is better to start listening to the leftmost lower segment of the abdomen - in this place hears the heartbeat majority of infants "inserted into place." The front surface of the belly can not be limited - in some positions of the child, the heart is heard if the stethoscope is applied to your side. Best of all, the heartbeat is listening in place, where the upper part of the baby's back is.

This method is very useful when it is necessary to understand whether the fetus turned over to childbirth to the head presence from pelvic. Find a place where his heart beats heard all, and performing exercises daily, which contribute to the child to turn over, watch if the kid's position is changing in the uterus. With a pelvic preservation of the fetus, it will be somewhat higher than when head.

· How to independently determine the position of the fetus: make up map of belly

This method allows without the help of an ultrasound, independently determine the position of the fetus in the uterus, and make a so-called detailed "abdomen" card. The essence of it is briefly.

First, watch the movements of the baby (what are their character, direction, in which part of the tummy you feel them). After that, take the position of lying or semi-lying, and carefully pass the baby through the stomach while the uterus in a relaxed state. So you can create a "abdomen" card, where such observations can be noted:

- Where they feel the strongest kicks - these are the feet of the baby,
- where light movements are felt with a small amplitude - there are most likely there are pens,
- Where is located, a big discover site like a head - this is a babbit,
- which side is your tummy more even and solid is the back,
- Where does the doctor or you heard the heartbeat - there is a top of the toddler's back.

For convenience, you can even draw a conditional "card" and checked with it to understand whether the fetus turned over to the outlined period, and how exactly turned over.

· How to distinguish the head preview of the fetus from pelvic?

Anyway, discovering some of the child you will feel from above. To determine the very position of the baby in the uterus, it is necessary to understand this or a head, you need to understand that only the neck and back are departed from the head, but from the priests of the child. Actually legs and can be fascinated, being persistent, or feel them when the baby is kicking. In addition, listen on your own or remember where the doctor found the sound of heartbeat for the last time - if it was from below, then the child lies down his head, and if the top is down with the berries.

· Up to the legs - back in advance, or how to understand whether the fruit was turned over, and how to make the kid rolling down on the head?

To begin with, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the head prepayment of the child is not a clear indicator for successful genera in a natural way. There are other, no less significant factors of the situation of the fetus. In particular, it is important to understand how the fruit is in relation to the back, that is, where the back of the child is drawn - towards the mother's back, or to the stomach? If the baby in recent months most of the time is a back to the mother's back (the so-called "rear view"), then, most likely, it will begin to be born exactly from this situation. But childbirth in this case can be longer, more painful, and with a large share of probability they can end the operation of the cesarean section.

It is possible to determine the very position of the baby in the uterus by observations: if you have a belly when you feel the belly, you can never find the back of the baby - it says she addressed to your back. In this case, it makes sense to try to "persuade" the baby to turn over. The back is a more severe piece of the baby compared to your legs, so it usually strives to turn down - it remains only to take the right position to mom. In recent decades, women in recent decades lead a much less mobile, less active lifestyle and especially during pregnancy a lot of time spend a half-way or half-round position, in large part because of this, gravity attracts the children's back down - to the mother's back. That is, that the child turns, mom needs to move more actively and take poses more often, in which the strength of attraction will pull the back of the fetus towards the mother's belly - any direct position, as well as poses, with an inclination of the hull forward, standing on all fours, swimming .

Tothe fruit turned over in the uterus after 31 weeks of pregnancy from head in pelvicprelation The following exercises are recommended:

1. Lie on the right side, lie 10 minutes, and then quickly flip to the left side and 10 minutes later on the right. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in a row several times during the day, before meals.

3. The turn of the fetus contributes to classes in the pool.

4. If the child turns to the head, we advise wearing a bandage a couple of weeks so that the correct position of the fetus is fixed.

The performance of such exercises has contraindications to which include: complications during pregnancy (pregnant pregnant, threat of premature births), prelation of placenta , scar in the uterus as a result of cesarean section in the past, tumors of the uterus.

Previously, the pelvic presence of the fetus tried to fix what was named manually, through the outdoor turn of the fetus - through the belly, the doctor tried to shift the head of the child to the book. To date, this is refused because the method has low efficiency and a large percentage of complications, such as premature genera, premature placental detachment, violation of the child's condition. If the pelvic prevention of the fetus persists, then a pregnant woman 2 weeks before the presumptive date of childbirth are sent to the hospital. There, under the supervision, the plan of the root separation is most favorable in this situation.

· Why i can'tindependently determine the position of the child ?

In some cases, how to determine the position itself and the preservation of the baby in the uterus can be difficult. If there are a lot of accumulating waters, if the placenta is attached to the front uterine wall, the hands will be worse than "see". It is problematic to determine the prelationship of the fetus yourself, if the mother is chubby - a fat layer prevents anything hinders. If attempts to independently determine the position of the fetus in the stomach uterus all the time strains, such searches are better not to take - reliable information, in this case, it will not be possible to obtain, but to have an adverse effect on the crumbus easily. Best of all, the child is proud of the last two months of pregnancy.

Of course, a professional can very quickly and unmistakably determine the position of the fetus in the uterus. But moms have one advantage - the kid is always with them, and they can do it much more often, and feel what is called the chute. As a rule, one or two weeks of attempts makes almost any Mama Assum in this matter, and, being attentive, to determine the presence itself and the position of the baby in the uterus can be easily.

Then, when a child is born, his body will be more familiar, and you will handle him with more confidence. And during pregnancy, feel the chapels of the child is much more nice when you understand what he makes them and what exactly does now - where the handles, where the leg, where the ass, and the like. Then one pleasure answer the question "How is he there?" "Everything is fine with him, moving as usual, in the morning actively pulled out legs, lies his head down, and here he has a back, you want to touch ...". "

Yana Lagidna, especially for MYMOM. . ru

And a little more about how to independently determine and change the position of the fetus in the uterus, video: