Natasha's last Egyptian love. In the web of sweet Egyptian love


Female. An airport. Coldly. It is damp. It got chilly. Well nothing. I'm flying to Egypt. Ahead is rest, sun, sea. There is very little left. Soon I will see the most beautiful sea, plunge into its transparent waters, plunge into the history of Ancient Egypt. I will wallow on the beach, go on excursions. I will plunge into the gentle warm Arabian night. Inhale oriental scents and smells of the sea. I will not think about anyone or anything. Just rest, because I'm so tired ...

Finally, Egypt. This is the sea. I am standing on the balcony in my room, basking in the rays of the African sun and admiring the turquoise water. The rest has begun. The main thing is not to think about anything. I need to be in time for everything. Firstly, to get enough sleep, secondly, to get enough sleep, thirdly, to see the pyramids of Giza, ride a boat on the Nile, sunbathe, lose weight. So, to rest and impressions ...

Evening. I am standing on the balcony of my room. Beneath it splashes that most beautiful, warmest and most beautiful Red Sea. But I don't notice him. I think about something else. All my thoughts are about the man of my dreams, with whom today I fell in love completely and irrevocably. When did you have time? I didn't want to. I do not need this. He looked at me like that all day with his brown eyes. This Egyptian spoke to me such beautiful words about his love ...

Sea, sun, relaxation, holiday romance. My Egyptian Habibi said that he wanted to marry me, that he could no longer live without me. What to do?

Female. An airport. The sun is outside the window. He stayed there, and I fly away. Since parting with Habibi, I have not stopped crying. How will I live without him? How will he be in Egypt without me? ...

Job. Friends. Coldly. It is damp. It got chilly. I live by inertia. All thoughts are there, with my sunny Egyptian. He writes several SMS a day about his love. My computer melts from his heated confessions. What to do? He calls me to return, to live at least a little with him, to become his wife and mistress of the house. What should I do? How to be ?. That's it, I can’t take it anymore. I'm going to you, my beloved ...

How did you start? Did many recognize themselves? I am sure there are many. Some of the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian women who have passed this path are already living in Egypt. Someone, as in the story, is tormented by the same question and stands at a crossroads. So what is it really to do? To believe the love of an Egyptian or not? Go or forget?

On one of the forums on the Internet I came across a memo for those leaving for the Egyptian Habibi. I liked it so much that I copied it into my notebook, but from which forum I did not mark it. I didn't think it would come in handy at all. I was not going to write about Egyptian sentimental stories and about the love of Egyptians for Russian women. So much has been written, and there are plenty of forums. But, as always, a letter came from a reader with this question, and, behold, I am writing for her and the same unfortunate and lovers. Read first, then we will continue our conversation.

Sweet lady! If you got to Egypt and met
there a cool guy - this is an appeal to you!
... You are now in a difficult period - you are at home, but your brain is across three seas in an African country. This forum will help you to restore your brain with the least expenditure of nerves, time, finance and health.
But the most important, difficult, but necessary condition is that you must be honest with yourself in everything. To do this, answer the following questions:
1. What do you expect from this relationship?
2. What are you willing to do for the relationship?
3. How are you going to realize what you are waiting for?
4. What do you need to be happy?
The question of what awaits the Khabib and what he is ready to go for, I do not pose, because he kept his brains with him, and not in his head, and does not need help (well, if only material).
If you expect regular trips and meetings for intimacy from a relationship, then everything else does not matter and you are not on this forum.
1 question: If you are expecting romantic and tender mutual love. Kurzona does not have copies of khabibs capable of loyal and long-term love.
The lifestyle of the ordinary Habib: from an early age do not develop, do not read books. No one has ever shown him a cartoon about Cheburashka and Funtik the pig, so he does not understand that Shapoklyak and Mistress Belladonna are bad, and friendship is not smoking hash and running to disco.
The ordinary Khabib does not know that betrayal and lies are bad.
An ordinary Khabib knows that he wants to eat every day, that he wants to stick his genital organ somewhere (the source of his existence), he wants fashionable jeans and a beautiful T-shirt, that he wants the same car as his "friend" M ..., business, as his the owner of X ..., wants all of his Beledi (Motherland, that is) to envy him, how cool he is.
And the khabibu - an ordinary person doesn't care where to get it - to steal it or receive it as a gift.
For an ordinary Khabib, these are equivalent things. An ordinary Khabib also knows that when he has all this and he is cool, he will not have to work for $ 200, he will be able to sleep until the evening every day, because he will be rich.
You ask me: why does he write SMS every day, sits on Skype and speaks angrily about love? I will answer: he loves to scratch with his tongue, especially when there is only enough money to surf the Internet and make an indelible impression on someone. Making an impression is the hallmark of the khabib.
Depending on the goals and objectives, a sentimental picture with tears will be played (Stanislavsky himself would have applauded while standing) about a difficult life, about the death of relatives, about eternal need after the family's fortune is lost, about how tired he is of being unnecessary to anyone, about how he wants to be only with you, because you are the first woman whom he believes (or else you are the first in anything), that he graduated from a university or two, that dad has five salons-shops with something, and his mother is Italian, that he only wants to give birth to a bunch of little boys and girls with you, that everyone who came before you is liars, traitors, charmutes, or they just broke his tender fragile Habib heart, and he doesn't even remember their names.
The Khabib himself expects you to come and not disturb his peace. You will be his "wife", which means: you are modestly dressed, cook rice, sit at home, poison ants. You don't go to the disco and the beach, you don't go anywhere at all.
But you love him, so share with him his temporary difficulties: there is something not very good at work - help financially, pay for the apartment for the current month, and then he will return everything. Although it is uncomfortable for him to take money from a woman, you are his wife and the closest person.
And in general, he is now in charge, so sit and be silent. Well, so what, what goes away? He is with friends, but women are not allowed to go there. You are now a wife, which means that you cannot communicate with other men. And the sms on the phone is some kind of fool who writes something that wants something from him. And let him sleep - he WORKS, unlike you.
You have no money? This is all because you love to spend them! This is because you are uneconomical and you only want to walk, go shopping, have fun. He can't afford it! Can not! (of course, if you have money, cross out the last paragraph).
Question 2: Are you ready to pay your way, are you ready to make gifts to the whole Egyptian family? Are you ready to take khabibka as it is? With all of his visits described above? If you are ready, then congratulations on purchasing a gorgeous, well-polished luxury casserole!
If you are not ready, then read again what is written in the first paragraph.
If you have read it, but hope that everything will be fine, and your Khabib is not ordinary, but definitely not like everyone else, then get ready to turn into a rag and become nothing.
Question 3: This is not a question: implement everything that you want with the Khabib at your own expense, at the expense of your strengths, your capabilities, because the Khabib is waiting for this.
Just do not forget - you are a Woman, and a woman next to an ORDER and WORTHY is never spent on anything herself, because a good man will not allow her to do this!
And do not justify the Habibka and his capabilities: in Arab society this issue is defined much more clearly than in our country - a man who accepts investments and help from a woman - a coward, a weakling and a loser, driven from any decent house.
Question 4: What is happiness in your understanding? Answer yourself honestly to this question. If you think that a trip to the Habib is your happiness, then there are two options:
a) you feel bad, you live very badly in your homeland: no food, no clothes, no money, no work, no friends, no home, no health, no parents and you yourself are an old and terrible unhappy fool.
b) you are still a fool, but not unhappy, but financially free, with some kind of pleasant source of income.
If you do not consider a trip to Khabib your happiness, then how do you call it?
If this is your problem, read the forum.
If this is your problem, read the forum.
If you have a chees in one place, you can skip reading the forum, cross yourself and blow to the Habib.
We are waiting for you on the forum with broken hopes, distrust of people, failures, lost money, something stolen, well, and wasted time, of course.
I apologize to the author of this memo for taking it without asking, but I still don't remember where. It's just very well written.

We have been living in Hurghada for a long time. We know many Russian women. Each has its own story here. But, unfortunately, these stories are similar to each other, like brothers (or sisters?) Twins.

This is not the end. Continuation will be required. There will be happy stories as well. Until then, I say goodbye to you, dear readers of the Russian Egyptians.

Now my family and I live in Egypt, and therefore this time I will tell you about the passions boiling here.

And the fact is that the Egyptian resort towns can be safely called "a pool of love." Perhaps Turkey in this regard can make Egypt some kind of competition, but in the rest of the world, where I managed to visit, and which I managed to hear about, I have never met such a number of couples “local man + Russian / Ukrainian / Belarusian woman”. What happens to our girls on the coast of the Red Sea, and what curse of the pharaoh again and again makes them step on the rake of love is a mystery to everyone. Nevertheless, the fact remains - after getting off the plane in Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh, more than half of our ladies are doomed to have an affair with a local macho.

Returning to Egypt for the last time, I somehow felt this phenomenon especially acutely. It so happened that at the same time several sentimental posts on Facebook caught my eye, acquaintances told local gossip about the new love fiasco of our girls, and to top it off, one friend parted with her Egyptian husband very painfully. And then I thought - isn't there too much unhappy love for one resort town?

I know that resort romances have always happened, and broken hearts are quite normal. But after all, Hurghada is constantly shaken by "loud" love stories, in comparison with which all Scheherazade's tales seem childish. Here our girls simply lose their heads, sell their apartments / cars in Russia and buy their loved ones businesses and houses in Egypt (in the name of loved ones, of course); here the Egyptians constantly steal children from their former Russian wives, or Russian mothers try by hook or by crook to take their child out of the country, away from the crazy Egyptian dad; every now and then you hear stories of how an Egyptian found a second wife for himself, how he took a Russian girl to a remote village to his parents, from where he never got out and for no reason, how he robbed his Russian girlfriend, leaving her penniless, etc., and so on.

Why adult, self-sufficient, beautiful, intelligent Russian women in Egypt put on rose-colored glasses and turn off their brains is a mystery of nature.

And it seems that these Egyptians are not so super handsome. And there are even fewer peasants with money here than here. And they have laws in their country - you cannot wish the enemy, which is only worth the fact that during a divorce, the child remains exclusively with the father, and the mother has absolutely no rights to him. And the Islamic traditions of this country often become a heavy burden for the freedom-loving Russian soul. But Russian girls, apparently, yearned for love and compliments so much that for the sake of male affection they are ready to close their eyes to literally everything. And now they are running along the rake.

And again and again you look at our girls and cannot understand - well, why does she love him? Can't she see what kind of man he is? Why is she sure that it is her Egyptian who is “not such a kakfse”?

Our girls do not understand that many, especially provincial Egyptians, having come to work in a resort town for the first time, simply lose their heads - they are used to seeing swarthy aunts wrapped in black robes, and here naked blond beauties are walking around. Besides, according to the village guys, these beauties are also rich! After all, to an uneducated porter with a salary of $ 200, it seems that only millionaires can afford to spend $ 400 on a week-long tour to Egypt.

And now imagine what is going on in the head of the poor guy when he realizes that this snow-white rich diva is ready to love him, live with him without marriage (nonsense for Egypt), sleep with him (and in Egypt, mind you, before the wedding no sex!), and even sponsor it, and all this is just for a couple of compliments like "you are the star of my eyes"! Yes, these guys simply cannot imagine why Allah gave them such happiness!

As a result, at first such a couple has ideal love - he promises her everything she wants, and she is ready for him to endure the everyday inconveniences of a poor life, and indeed to invest in the future family financially. But after a while, the candy-bouquet period becomes a thing of the past, and then it turns out that he is absolutely not ready to fulfill his promises and for the sake of a depraved foreign woman (and this is how his family perceives the girl) to break age-old traditions. Because the root of all evil is precisely in traditions, about which our poor girls for the most part have no idea.

But here, in all seriousness, it is not customary for a girl to talk to a man, and even more so to be alone with him (even with a plumber who came to repair the toilet for you!), It is not customary to walk in open clothes, make love before the wedding, get married without the blessing of parents , to work without the permission of her husband and much more, which seems to us nonsense!

It happens that with a guy it is possible to reach a compromise on traditions, especially if he is from a big city (after all, urban freedom leaves its mark on the mentality), but if you are lucky enough to fall in love with a rural macho, then it is better to immediately prepare for a complete immersion in the environment!

For example, in order to make your life easier for yourself, it is better to immediately come to terms and believe that:

  • the dirt on the streets is colorful
  • completely covered clothes in summer are not hot; but you will not burn in the sun!
  • eating while sitting on the floor, with your hands, spreading food on a newspaper is a sweet tradition
  • asking your husband's permission to go outside for bread is not a restriction of your freedom, but just taking care of you
  • loose clothes and a colorful headscarf are beautiful
  • lack of makeup on the face is useful

But still, if you can somehow get used to these moments of the life of society, or try to correct the ideas of your beloved about what is good and what is bad, then there are still such signs of pink-eyed love, noticing which you have to run as fast to the nearest airport!

So, here are 10 signs that you are wearing rose-colored glasses:

2. You are not embarrassed when MCH tells that his family is rich, but a) in order to better understand life, he got a job as a luggage carrier in a hotel b) he had a fight with his father, and is forced to temporarily (!) Work as a waiter c) c his family has temporary (!) difficulties, so he is forced to work as a supplier of towels d) his very similar version. Underline whatever applicable.

3. You do not see anything unusual in the fact that your MCH can forbid you to leave the house, because you are not dressed correctly from his point of view.

4. You have already started looking for a wedding dress. At the insistence of the MCH, it will be completely closed and with long sleeves. Instead of a veil, there will be a scarf on the head.

5. You are not offended when, in the company of friends, your MCH does not consider it necessary to translate their conversation, and you sit in silence for three hours, listening to an unfamiliar Arabic speech.

6. You help your MCH with money, or even completely support him.

7. Your MCH "forgot" to tell you that according to local traditions, no self-respecting Egyptian woman will marry a man who cannot support her. As a wedding gift, the groom MUST give the bride gold for the amount indicated by her relatives - this is a guarantee of her financial well-being in the event of a divorce (after a divorce, after all, nothing from the jointly acquired will be divided in half - this is the law).

8. You very rarely go to your mother's homeland, since your budget does not allow this, but at the same time you regularly send money to your husband's family, because his mother got sick, then his grandmother died, then his sister became a widow, then his brother crashed in a car ... You have never seen any of these relatives.

9. Your MCH did not introduce you to his family at all, while he promises to marry, or even already calls you his wife, although the marriage has not yet been formalized.

10. Your MCH does not deny that it is possible that one day he will have a second wife, and you have even somehow begun to come to terms with this.

If you notice in yourself two or more of the above signs, urgently pack your suitcase and run as fast as possible away from Egypt. Better yet, tear your passport altogether so that there is no temptation to go back.

Naturally, there are fairy tales with a happy ending. I even have many examples. But what is really there, I myself am married to an Egyptian. But now I'm so smart, I talk about Egyptian love. But once upon a time I myself had voooot in soooo pink glasses. And I also fell head over heels in love, and went through all the stages, including "not such a kakfse" and "all-I'm-leaving-immediately-home." And thank God that in the end my husband and I came to a common denominator. Today he does not bother me with his traditions, I, in turn, do not impose my views on life on him. We know about the nuances of our mentality, respect each other and try not to offend our feelings. But it took us 10 years to get to this stage.

Unfortunately, the percentage of couples who end up living happily ever after is significantly less than broken hearts and twisted destinies. Why this happens in Egypt - no one knows. And how to deal with these - and even more so!

Have you ever fallen in love while traveling?

And the guest of our today's column not only fell in love, but also found real female happiness: she married a man from sunny Egypt.

All her adult life, Aisylu lived an ordinary life in Bashkiria, worked as a piano teacher at a children's art school, until one day, together with her friend, she went on her first vacation at sea to Hurghada. This is where it all started ...

Aisylu, tell us how you met your husband. How did your amazing love story begin?

On the penultimate day of our vacation, we decided to book an excursion. And, apparently, not by chance. A bus was waiting for us at 8 am. I planned to take a lot of pictures, so before the excursion I made beauty. Because of me, we were late, and, leaving the reception, we saw an angry guide - my future husband. All other tourists had been sitting on the bus for a long time and were waiting for us. It turned out that I did not have enough space, and I decided to go, as in the minibuses of Russia, standing. "Sit next to me", - said the guide, who, due to our lateness, was clearly out of sorts, and here I was also without a place. Well, I didn't mind and sat down. On the way, he told everyone the history of Egypt, but no one listened, there was wi-fi on the bus. I was sitting on VKontakte, when suddenly he was added to my friends - our guide. He did not ask my name, insolently looked into my phone, cleverly copied my name and instantly found me. I, slightly shocked, looked at him inquiringly, and he answered me "I graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages"... In the evening I was already at home. This is how our daily correspondence and Skype calls began. According to Mohamed, he knew from that moment that he would marry me.

Very nice! Aisylu, how did your beloved propose? How did your parents react to this turn of events?

My parents were indifferent to Mohamed, but his mother told him: "Allah will help you and she will be ours"... After a while, my mother and I flew to Hurghada, and I finally introduced them. Mom liked him, but she believed until the last that all this was frivolous. But it was not there. He made an offer, but my parents found out about this later. It was so romantic. Until now, tears are welling up from the memories. In the evening we went to dinner by the sea. There was a strong wind, and there was no one on the beach except us. We were dancing. During the dance, he put something in my pocket and said: "When we get married, we will always come here and dance."... I saw the ring and was not surprised at all. I was calm and confident that this was definitely the man of my life.

You moved us very much ... And then you began to prepare for a happy event?

Not right away. In an instant, several days flew by in Egypt, and my mother and I had to return home. To say how hard it was for me to leave him is to say nothing. After some time, we learned about the terrible tragedy over the Sinai Peninsula. They closed the border between countries, but not between us. My fiance intended to fly to Russia, but everything was useless: entry to Egyptian citizens who are not relatives or spouse is prohibited for an indefinite period. It was a very difficult period for us. I was in despair, I was afraid that we would never see him again. Several months passed, and one day I came across an advertisement for a travel agency on Instagram and called. I explained the whole situation, and after 2 weeks the lucky ticket was in my hands! I have been preparing my parents for this event for almost a year. They bought a wedding dress for me and prepared the dowry as expected. Tearing away from the heart, they let me go to my beloved.

"They closed the border between countries, but not between us."

You can safely write a script and shoot a movie based on your story! (Aisylu laughs) Let's move on to the most enjoyable! Egyptian wedding: what is it? How did you prepare for it?

To begin with, the Egyptians are very hospitable. They greeted me solemnly. I wanted to sleep after the trip, but every 5 minutes my friends and relatives came to look at the foreigner.

We had a wedding the very next day after my arrival. Egyptians, like Russians, celebrate the wedding for 2 days. Only the main celebration takes place on the second day. The first day is Henna's Day. On this day, all women paint their palms and feet with henna. Sometimes they make mehendi. Men celebrate separately: most often they sit in a wedding tent, treat themselves, smoke a hookah and dance. The women celebrate in a secluded place so they won't be seen by the men. They also dance, sing, clap their hands, shrill hooting in a special way, as is customary at Egyptian weddings. The first day is reminiscent of our bachelorette and bachelor parties. The second wedding day, like any celebration in Egypt, takes place in the evening when it gets dark. In the morning, usually the bride and her bridesmaids go to the salon to do makeup, which, to be honest, not everyone will like.


It is quite specific and bright. Ideally, a snow-white face, bright red lipstick, eyebrows as black as strings, bright shadows and the main trend is light lenses. In fact, I was very nervous about this. The sisters of my husband tried to persuade me to make a "beauty" out of me. As a result, they waved their hand at me and, with sincere pity, allowed me to make up myself.

Muslim brides usually do not waste time on their hair, but tying a scarf with a veil takes almost half a day.

The dress of the typical Egyptian bride is with closed sleeves and puffy. It is believed that the more rhinestones, sequins, pearls - the more beautiful the bride. But my dress was not a wedding dress by their standards. Probably, the local girls are still discussing this.

In our homeland, before the traditional wedding, Muslims spend nikah and buy a separate elegant dress for a nikah, and of any color. This is exactly how I imagined an Egyptian wedding: nikah, a mosque ... My husband also talked about a wedding in a narrow family circle. But it turned out that this "narrow" circle includes about three hundred people.

Where does the main celebration usually take place?

The banquet itself is often held on the street. The main thing is to have a place to set the stage with two thrones for the bride and groom, to which the guests come up in turn and congratulate. Then the groom's friends, right along with the throne, raise him, and go to dance.

Meals, one might say, no: they do not prepare food for the guests, but distribute jars of soda. In the best case, they can distribute pies in boxes.

The music at the wedding was live all evening. The musicians played different drums and tambourines. The women continued to hoot. We personally did not have a toastmaster, but we had very cheerful relatives of my husband. In general, the Egyptians love to order a toastmaster and singers for a wedding.

After all this fun, you should definitely take a ride around the city in a whole caravan along with playing musicians.

Good afternoon, dear participants! As an unenlightened person, I was just shocked by how many stories there seemed to be a blueprint. My story is somewhat different and I hope it will remain so (spoiler: no love) Views: 225
Created by (name): (a_ivanova) Anna Ivanova

The story of a "not that" Arab
I did not like Arabs very much. And I had never been to Egypt and really did not want to go there. But I had a divorce and my girlfriend took me to rest in Egypt at her own expense.

Views count: 1573
Created by (name): (svetsvit) Svetlana Vysotskaya
Number of comments for an item: 12

Hello girls, I've already read a lot of your stories here. I decided to tell my own. I have not yet gone to him and he to me. I just want to speak out and listen to an outside opinion.

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Created by (name): (Lina) Lina Malikova
Number of comments for an item: 9

He offers to open a store for me, write it down to me. I don't have to sit, just keep order and control the employee. He offers to register an apartment for me. To be honest, he has nothing to take from me, I will definitely not help him financially. Is talking, ...

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Sometimes one little tale can replace 10 consultations.
This is the case ...

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Created by (name): (admin) Liliya Moon
Number of comments for an item: 1

Is this behavior common for an Egyptian man? I have an Arab ... but damn him, POOR. Like a church mouse. On it - the whole family - the younger brother / mother - a housewife. (these are not his stories, but in general the truth of life, since we have mutual friends, n ...

Number of impressions: 700
Created by (name): (admin) Liliya Moon
Number of comments per item: 21

And it seems to me that "it is not the same as everything")
He is not like everyone else))))))

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Created by (name): (Nat) Natasha
Number of comments for this item: 253
Number of comments for this item: 292

I’m not sure I’ve lost my head, I haven’t done anything stupid yet. She did not change her lifestyle, did not quit her job, city, country. But I'm going to ...

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Created by (name): (Amina) Amina
Number of comments for this item: 185

Is it my terrible character, or is he Khabib ordinary or is it NTKF? Girls going crazy, please tell me what to do?

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Created by (name): (Dusya)
Number of comments for an item: 1

Habib's "Last Chance" or Better to Live in War
I am an adequate, self-sufficient and sober-minded woman, long ago I learned to love myself and value my time and personal space. I am not bored with myself, there are a lot of ideas and desires to do something, see, see, go somewhere. And not the slightest ...

Number of impressions: 10,555
Created by (name): (Nura)
Number of comments per item: 37

Good day to all. I've been sitting and looking at the first line for half an hour and I don't know if it's worth talking about it at all. But apparently it is necessary, because I’ll go crazy if I don’t ask for advice. Well, or just throw out my emotions here, tk. pride does not allow under ...

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Created by (name): (cyferka) Olga
Number of comments per item: 15

Lost years, almost ten years. A lot of money has been lost.

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Created by (name): (admin) Liliya Moon

To begin with, I'm still quite an adult woman, but now I catch myself thinking that I behave like a 15th teenager.

Number of impressions: 196,821
Created by (name): (FB_110795049345385) Irina Petrova
Number of comments per item: 95

The story of broken dreams ... Sometimes, he writes .. all the same: I miss, come, I can't live without you, but it doesn't touch me ... now I remember everything and all this makes me laugh))) well I wanted adventure)))
Take care of your hearts ...

Number of impressions: 19984
Created by (name):
Number of comments for an item: 32

It all started corny on the Internet ...... I am 32 years old, I have a little son, for a long time and for a long time I have been hanging on dating sites. I didn’t get to know ours, more and more from foreigners. There was something serious, something not very, usually it did not go further than Skype ...

Number of impressions: 18,236
Created by (name):
Number of comments per item: 42

Girls, I read a bunch of forums, but you feel warmth and a desire to help. My story is a little different from the stories about ordinary khabibiks, since my prince is not a beggar, but moreover a well-known person

Love_story: Egyptian love for a Russian woman

Earlier I told you my story about holidays in Egypt. Today - a slightly different story ... I am writing briefly.

On another visit I met a guy from Alexandria, 25 years old, his name is Ahmed. I met at the Yard Rock club, at the dances ... He looked at me all evening, then, as the dancing began, he immediately came up ... started dancing, then just grabbed me with his hands, hugged me ... as if I were his girlfriend .. so brazenly ... just like mad ... I ran away from the club to the exit, I was standing, resting ... he came up, tried to speak English, I almost did not understand anything ...)) His first question - married whether I, and whether there are children, having learned about this, he is not at all embarrassed that I have grown children.

He says that he works in Alexandria, is here on vacation for a few days, decides that he needs to meet with me again, agrees that I will come the next day. But I didn’t come, I have a trip to another place - an evening excursion to “Fantazy”, this wonderful place “1001 and 1 nights” ... an Egyptian tale ...)))
Then I called him back on his hundreds of bodies ... what started here - calls, why I didn't come ... he waited 3 days, then went to his home ... he misses ...

Upon arriving home, I found 10 letters on my e-mail address, a bunch of SMS on my phone - it's so thoughtless to give your phone number. and address! But I decided that at least I would learn English by correspondence, but I didn't think that they were so affectionate ... I threw SMS messages ... 10 pcs. every day ... declarations of love, called to get married (most likely for a season for 12 days) ... They probably have a hobby - to write to everyone ... suddenly someone comes ...)) sex is necessary! !! And our ladies are ready to come, and they find money, and they will also bring them ...

Their salary is from 300 pounds (this is 1,680 rubles for our money, it's funny!), Like that, that's why they love us there, wait, swear in love !! And many Egyptian men openly say that they are ready to move to Russia, and are ready to do anything to live with you. And they invite you to visit them often, and if you are invited to a cafe, only you pay ... and they can show the beauty of the sea, excursion trips ... for your money !!! At the same time, they also steal a cell phone if you let them see what model you have. And very brazenly ... you won't even guess how they put it in their own instead of your bag ...

And they write so plaintively ... "you broke my heart" ... (you broke my heart), it's very hard for me ... (you hard me), and with mistakes in every word. And they promise to study as soon as their dad saves money ... In short ... it took me half a year ... to understand ... how THEY BREED US ... Boy Ahmed wrote to me for 9 months ... and even now he writes, rarely true ... 2-3 times a month ... but continues to persistently persuade me to come to him in Alexandria ... He has a web-camera, communication via Egypt online ... via channel ... YAHOO! Although I honestly admit, all this rubbish permeates me very much ... I want to believe that it's great, come to rest, feel like a woman ... and have a great time!

First Published Date: 2008-11-19

A story about a vacation in Egypt -