Congratulations to the young people on the wedding with money. Funny and unusual wedding gifts. Original congratulation of the young "Capsule of love"

Humorous wedding greetings with gifts and money

This cool congratulation is suitable for any wedding, will entertain guests and the young will definitely like it. For congratulations, you must prepare in advance a small linen bag with the items indicated in brackets in the text of the congratulation.

The place, time and stars coincided for two. The eagle groom coincided with the beautiful bride. And on this wonderful day there are countless friends and relatives. On the first birthday of a young family. And so that your union was strong, Until the wedding, he lived a golden age, We brought you half a bag for a jerk of the Soviets of the wise. They say that there was a lot, it was often, it was thick, It is necessary that the family must always have cabbage! And there is also a belief that children are found in it. So that you have it, Here are its seeds for you! (the newlyweds are given a bag of cabbage seeds)/ The name of the groom /! You are now a married man! Your bachelor age is over, Your festivities are over until dawn. Now carry your post with your family. Think about a glass of beer less often, Now your main drink is tea! (the groom is given a pack of tea) And so that I do not accidentally turn to the left, We hand over the compass! Keep the course only on your wife! (the groom is given a compass)/ Name of the bride /! Don't be a bitch wife. Don't play on your husband's nerves, Don't scream for no reason. Better knock on the tambourine! (the bride is handed a tambourine) Well, of course, for the cause, If the dear is guilty, You can just lather your neck so that it was discouraging. And yet, soap with love and light. Here are two fragrant bars for these purposes. (the bride is given two large bars of laundry soap) It is a good sign for the family, So that the hearth burns for the family. But in life anything can happen - It burns, then fades away. In order not to go out at all, We give matches in reserve. (the newlyweds are given a box of matches) And this thing is necessary to maintain intimacy. So that your nights were hot, And so that until the very end! (the newlyweds are given a large paraffin candle) For your material benefits We give you a banal envelope. (the newlyweds are given a gift envelope with money) So that you live sweetly with each other, We give a bar of chocolate. (the newlyweds are presented with a bar of chocolate) And only today will be only Let you both be bittersweet !!! (the newlyweds are presented with a large onion head) The congratulation ends with exclamations of "Bitter!"

Cool congratulations on the wedding. Parting words to young people for a happy family life

Wedding today - anywhere! And, although I am not a toastmaster, I will give myself permission to speak. Do you agree, guests? - (guests in unison) Yes! Okay. Young, I want to give you difficult advice today. Your business is to execute! For the husband to always love, You, the bride, never drank him like a mother-in-law. Do you agree, guests? - Yes! So that the wife always loves And could not stand the brains, You, the groom, do not be a fool, Do this all the time: Say, at least sometimes, That she is your star! And give flowers more often. Do you agree, guests - Yes! To make your husband love stronger, You, bride, be wiser And drag to bed more often, So that he sleeps more sweetly. Stay young longer, Always watch yourself! Men love with their eyes. Do you agree, guests? - Yes! You, groom, forget about the women! If you want to walk - go fishing - And home, to your "mermaid"! Loyalty is forever! Don't waste your years on dubious meetings! Do you agree, guests? - Yes! And your last advice: Be together for a hundred years! May God give children, And financial surplus! Always be happy! In our glasses - not water ... Let it only be bitter! Do you agree, guests? - Yes! BITTERLY!

If you came to the wedding, give me a joke soon!

    Souvenir - rolling pin "Medicine for mistresses" (large and massive) and "Superfine" (equipped with impressive spikes). They are given to the wife and can become a spicy detail of the interior.

    Intimacy - a joke "Panties for two". Due to the peculiarities of the cut, these panties can be worn by two people at the same time. The couple wearing them is very close to each other.

    The transparent piggy bank "Family budget" is divided by a partition into 2 halves with the inscriptions: "for the husband" and "for the wife". But, no matter what half the money is invested in, they, in the end, still end up in the wife's piggy bank.

    Plate "For two", in the middle of which is drawn ... the state border with a barrier. If one of the spouses dares to take something not from their half of the plate, penalties are imposed.

    A plate "For Luck", which is accompanied by detailed instructions on how to beat the dishes in case of family quarrels.

    The "Kamasutra" sheet with piquant images of intimate positions will give young people a lot of fun minutes.

    Souvenir saw. It is given to the wife with the appropriate words: "the saw was not for firewood, for a conjugal purpose: they drank her until the roosters crowed!"

    A certificate confirming that a married couple receives as a gift ... a site on the moon.

    A pouch with the inscription "a pound of salt" (some originals donate exactly 16 kg of salt) as a symbol of the fact that a husband and wife should eat together just such an amount of salt in order to get to know each other well.

    "Hedgehog mittens" can be made from a regular kitchen potholder trimmed with pushpins. Presented to the bride with instructions to keep her husband in them. The groom is presented with a collar, symbolizing the fact that he is now harnessed to the family team.

    Boxing gloves (two pairs). You can beat the gift by saying that it will be useful for resolving family conflicts peacefully.

    Each of the spouses is given a head of cabbage (which was previously disassembled into separate leaves, and then reassembled into a head of cabbage). It is proposed to conduct a test: who will appear first for the couple: a boy or a girl? A thread is (supposedly) hidden inside the forks. If the wife is the first to find this thread, it means that the girl will be the first; if she finds a husband, there will be a boy.

Of course, the young will find nothing in the heads of cabbage. It is imperative to comment on their fiasco with the words: "Adults are already, and you don't know that children won't start in cabbage."

    A portrait of the newlyweds ordered in advance from a professional caricature artist in some interesting way (for example, the husband is an oligarch, and the wife is a breathtaking fashion model). If the artist manages to convey the portrait likeness, your gift will decorate the interior of their home for many years.

    Presentation of all kinds of medals and certificates (for example, a driver's license to drive a wheelchair), certificates for the right to use each other.

    Watch "What's the difference!" The dial of this watch has no numbers, only the inscription “but what a difference!”. After all, happy people do not keep track of time.

    Toilet paper roll necklace with instructions: "for cleanliness in a relationship."

    Glass jar with banknotes. The lid (for the safety of the donated amount) can be rolled up.

    Hammer set: for beating meat and carpentry. They are awarded with the words: "Each person is the blacksmith of his own happiness."

You can make a poetic liner to the gift, turning the presentation process into a funny performance - this issue should be discussed with the toastmaster: as a rule, professional presenters have many ideas on this matter. For example, this is part of a reworked song to the tune "For a week, until the second":

To your wedding, we guys

They came running without looking back,

To look with a fresh eye

For the bride and groom.

Together "BITTER!" to burst out with a bass

And then like divers

Find yourself drunk

Sunday under the table.

We have fun, we have a walk,

Congratulations on your wedding!

And we wish your family love

Marriage is not easy.

The main thing is not to drag out the congratulation and rehearse it in advance, so that later you do not stutter and do not peep into the cheat sheet.

2. Video clip and interview. You can also congratulate the young by showing an interesting film. You can go the simplest way and collect old videos by assembling them together, or you can make your own movie. Walk down the street, ask passers-by to say a few congratulatory words, you can go to the university or the place of work of the newlyweds and ask colleagues to say warm words, you can also interview people who will be present at the wedding in advance. And you can also play the young ones: at the last moment before the banquet, disappear from the celebration, and then, after showing the congratulatory video, leave from behind the “screen” (it can be made from a large sheet of paper or a sheet) with flowers and gifts - a kind of liner to congratulations.

3. Slides and photo collages. Choose the funniest pictures and make fun slides. For each slide, you can come up with funny captions, pick up funny music, you can even play children's music - the more creative you approach this issue, the funnier it will be. By joint efforts, you can also make a photo collage: it's great if there is an artist or caricature among your friends - then there will be no problems with creating images.

You can present the newlyweds with their portraits in some funny clothes: a groom in a royal robe and a bride in a fluffy princess dress, a couple in a Papuan or cowboy costume - there are a lot of options. You can even draw the coat of arms of the future family - such a gift will also be interesting.

4. Posters, balloons, bigboards. A large poster with photos of a couple in unusual roles can also be worthy of congratulations. If you know the route of the wedding walk, you can place a large photo of the newlyweds on a billboard on one of the streets of the city. You can write wishes and congratulations on a large bundle of balloons - let the newlyweds launch them into the sky. You can put congratulations from those present in one balloon, and in order to read it, the young will have to burst the balloon, for example, without using their hands. Talk to the toastmaster, let him include it in the list of competitions - the show promises to be very funny.

5. Operation "ATM". Giving money in an envelope is boring and not at all original, it's another matter if you play it in a scene, amusing both the young and everyone present. To do this, you need a large box: for example, from a gas stove or a washing machine, which is painted under the ATM. The keyboard can also be drawn; the PIN code will be typed on it. Young people are given a card made of cardboard from the Semeiny bank, but in order to cash it out, they need to go through a lot of fun tests. Money can be given out in parts: in exchange for each competition, and you can come up with a lot of them - from ordinary riddles and quizzes to traditional wedding dances and relay races.

6. TV announcer. The bride and groom receive many postcards, telegrams or letters from relatives and friends who could not come. To make it more interesting to read them, let a person with a good sense of humor take up this business. To do this, they organize a "workplace" for him in the form of a TV screen: you can use a picture frame or simply cut it out of cardboard. Bow tie, diction, glasses - that's the whole arsenal.

7. Circus number. A funny congratulation will be sketches rehearsed on their own. Here a sense of humor is required of you, and not just the ability to sit on a twine or do somersaults. Get a team together and come up with a number together. Group support can be portrayed deliberately amusing: strong men with shaking legs, all the time falling acrobats, clowns who all strive to reach the newlyweds, but all the time some obstacles stand in their way. You can arrange a dance competition and announce that the best dancers of the city have been invited for the newlyweds, it is already clear who and how will dance: you can start with macarena or dance of little ducklings, and then portray a parody of lambada or tango - it will be very funny. The main thing is to take care of the makeup so that at first glance it would not be possible to recognize you, and after that the culmination will be your congratulation with a proviso: they say, as they could, they danced.

8. We read thoughts. Another scene that guests can play on their own. An announcement is made that a great and mighty magician has arrived at the newlyweds' holiday, who can not only turn stones into gold, but also read minds. Some of the guests are carefully dressed up, glued on a beard and armed with some more terrible machine: it can be a large chef's scoop or an unusually decorated hat. And now the game begins: "What is the bride thinking?" - and a song sounds, for example "Over the four seas", "What is the groom thinking?" - the song "If I were a Sultan", "What are the guests thinking?" - "If there was a sea of ​​beer" and so on. The funnier you choose the songs, the more interesting it will be. After that, the wizard reveals incognito and cordially congratulates the newlyweds.

9. Festive fireworks or laser show. If this is not provided for by the festive program, it is quite possible to present the newlyweds with the culmination of the evening. It will be great if for laser projection you choose funny shots that would resonate with the topic of dating or the beginning of a relationship between newlyweds. You can write a love story, which someone will tell into the microphone, and then the guests can congratulate the newlyweds all together, showering them with rose petals.

0. Symbolic gifts. You can accompany the congratulation with symbolic gifts: for example, put an empty aquarium in front of the young, and then give the bride and groom a glass in which 2 goldfish swim - this will be a symbol of creating a young family. Present the young people with an umbrella, tie money inside with a string, ask the couple to open it. The "money" rain will fall on their heads, wish that they always bathe in luxury, but do not forget about each other. You can give sweets - so that life is always sweet, a rolling pin for your wife and an iron grip for your husband, accompanied by a funny speech, the first "golden" brick for the foundation of your future home. You can even shove bills into a head of cabbage and give it to the newlyweds with a subtle hint of those who are believed to be found in cabbage. There are a lot of options to congratulate the couple in an original way, the main thing is to show imagination and think over everything carefully, then your wish will be memorable!

Sweepstakes and surprises

The original way to give a gift is not to give it to you, but to complete strangers and unexpected people on your behalf. Now there are many agencies that organize sweepstakes and parties, so if you have any original ideas, please contact them.

Wouldn't the event be memorable if a parachutist lands near the newlyweds at the exit registration and presents them with gifts and congratulations? Or maybe a courier will climb into the window of the banquet hall in a fancy dress or an elegant tuxedo and happily congratulate the young couple on this wonderful event. You can ask professional actors or magicians to dilute the traditional wedding program and make the evening truly unforgettable - there are a lot of options.

How to give money in an original way: money trees

do it yourself money tree. Many people prefer to limit themselves to a monetary gift - this is very convenient, because the newlyweds will be able to decide for themselves what they need at that moment and purchase this thing. Much better than giving a deliberately unnecessary toaster or the tenth service. But you also need to present a financial gift in an original way, because banal envelopes and postcards have long been fed up.

The original version is the so-called "money tree". It can be an appliqué on paper or embroidery on which real "money" leaves are attached. You can do otherwise - choose an ornamental plant with dense and wide leaves, and glue bills of different denominations on each of its leaves. You can also give such a present in an original way: take a completely empty pot of earth, hand the couple a coin and ask them to bury it. After that, let the newlyweds close their eyes, and at this time you change the pot, saying "Grow a tree, bring us money." Opening their eyes, the bride and groom will be very surprised and pleasantly delighted.

You can also give a "money vegetable". To do this, you need a head of Peking cabbage - its leaves are looser than those of white cabbage, so it will be easier to put bills. Roll the money into tubes and arrange between the leaves: to prevent your surprise from getting soaked, you can wrap the money in cling film.

You can do the same trick with a jar of pickled cucumbers: just fill it not with pickled vegetables, but with green bills rolled into a tube. And you can give it to the young people with the words: “Here, the grandmother from the village gave it. She raised and canned it herself. " Or fill the jar with sweets, which you can hide the bills in. It's funny and weird.

Gift for travelers

If the newlyweds love to travel, you can make a real collage of currencies from different countries of the world: pounds, dollars, euros, rupees, shekels, tugriks, rubles - everything that is found in local exchangers can be present on the poster.

In order not to offend the newly-made spouses, a couple of bills should be more or less solid: for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars, and the rest can be small. As a wish, you can add that the spouses are now simply obliged to visit all countries whose currency is present in the gift.

Treasure pot

For this gift, you will need a metal or clay pot, into which you need to generously pour small change - the smaller the coin, the better. You can tie the neck with a beautiful cloth or translucent paper and secure it with tape.

At the bottom of the gift, you need to put large bills, and it is better to hand it over to the groom, after all, such a surprise also weighs a lot. The newlyweds will be pleasantly surprised by such a gift, and the guests will envy your originality and imagination.

Photo album with pockets and postcards

If you really want to surprise and delight the people you love, it's time to do some hand-made art. You can make original postcards or envelopes without much effort, but the newlyweds will be very pleased.

You also have the opportunity to make a photo album with pockets. It can be several A4 sheets glued together with internal "pockets" made of foil or tracing paper. If you do not have time or desire to fiddle with paper, you can purchase a photo album, and select an original picture for each page and accompany it with bills. For example, on the first page you can put a photo of a villa or a beautiful country house and accompany it with the inscription: "Now you have something to strive for, we wish you to settle here" and put a certain amount in your pocket, the "first investment" in housing.

The second page is a beautiful car and again a symbolic sum. The third page: "There is a car and courage, so we will buy a garage", attached a photo of the garage and a bill. The next page is a photo of the baby. You can sign: “Expecting a baby? - here's the money for the diapers ”and the money invested. You can think of a lot of funny inscriptions and sections: for home improvement, for a rainy day, for friends, for travel - it all depends on you and your sense of humor.

The best gift is a book

You can put money in a book, while it may be obviously uninteresting: a guide to cooking, dacha farming, or just people's advice. An envelope is glued to the cover, or, if it's not a pity, cut out a slot for money right in the middle, where we place our gift.

The book can then be closed and packaged so that the title of the book is visible. Such a gift can be presented with the words "This is the best gift for newlyweds."

You can also put money in a photo frame and hand it over with the words: "Now you have glass, breaking which, you can solve temporary financial difficulties and find happiness again." And another interesting option is a gift with the code name "careless guest". To do this, you need to take a large thin box, decorate it with bows and ribbons, and put several glass jars inside. Approaching the young, as if by chance a guest stumbles, the box flies out of his hands, a ringing and crashing is heard. The donor embarrassedly rises to his feet, apologizes and recalls that instructions (an envelope or a card with money) were attached to the contents of the box, which he successfully removes from his pocket and gives to the newlyweds. Such surprises will add a touch of variety to any celebration, and most importantly, they will be remembered for a long time by everyone present at the wedding.

Congratulations on the wedding are cool

Dear guests and dear newlyweds!

On this joyful and bright day, to everyone's regret, I will have to upset everyone. The fact is that I am a fire inspector and I came here to fine the arsonist who is among you. Please don’t worry, even though he did his intent, it didn’t cause significant harm to anyone. Oddly enough, but this arsonist is our new husband! He set the heart of his young wife on fire. If you take a closer look at our bride, you can easily find traces of arson: sparks of happiness dance in her eyes, and her cheeks glow like red roses! Thus, dear groom, it is my duty to hand you over to the law enforcement agencies, which in turn will arrest and detain you. But to be honest, I do not see a special need for this, because you are already in chains and under reliable protection. The victim has personally imprisoned you in her arms and chained you in her strong love. All that is left for me is to wish you happiness in family life and so that this flame, kindled by your hearts, burns brightly and for a long time! May love and good luck always be with you!

Original congratulations on the wedding

Funny wedding greetings

If anyone who is closely acquainted with our newlywed knows how much he loves ... hunting. And so I want to tell him a fairy tale about hunting happiness. Once three friends got together to hunt. They walked, walked, and suddenly the Blue Plate flashed in front of them! For a long time and in vain they searched for her throughout the forest, in the end, they got tired and lay down to rest. They have a dream, and in it the prey itself goes into their hands. But when they woke up, reality awaited them - it was just a dream. This is where the fairy tale ends, and its moral is as follows: the bluebird is a symbol of an unusually rare happiness that cannot be obtained only by seeing it in a dream, this happiness must be achieved by perseverance and assertiveness. I really hope that our bride will not be offended by me for comparing her with the Blue Bird - a very extraordinary and desirable happiness. So, our fiance is a hunter, he quite often saw different game in the forest, knew all possible forest paths, but he could not track down the Blue Bird. His desire to find the Bluebird became more and more obsessive, it did not escape the attention of a rare bird, which, to everyone's joy, guessed that the wishes of the hunter were quite noble. He was not going to imprison the bird in a cage, but only wanted the bird of happiness to live in his house. That is why, such a gentle and sensitive creature like the Blue Bird, trusted the hunter and allowed not only to tame herself, but also to ring herself. Let us wish our newlyweds to be always the same zealous in the desire to save their Blue Bird of happiness from adversity and troubles. I wish you happiness, love and understanding!

On this festive and bright day, we are once again convinced of the statement that loneliness is not easy. This young spouse has proven this on his own experience, and the result is right before your eyes. Now, along the path of life, he has to follow the lead of love. And there is nothing wrong with that, because everyone knows that the bonds of love are pleasant and easy. And they also say that if you take love as a fellow traveler, then the road will be successful and happy. But what can I say, you see how the eyes of our fiance sparkle with happiness, they shout about “finally I found her and will never let her go”. But, really, how good it is to go through life with the person you value more than anything else! So let's raise our glasses and say "Bitter" !!!

Comic congratulations on the wedding

The most remarkable feature of a man is his absent-mindedness. This character trait is capable of making marriage eternal. Due to the fact that a man is inattentive, he will not discover all the virtues of his wife at once. Therefore, I want to wish the young spouse a short-term loss of attention within reasonable limits, so that small pleasant discoveries are made every day.

As a congratulation, I want to tell you an instructive story. One married couple was once asked how you manage to keep the peace and prosperity in the family for so long? - It's very simple - the head of the family answers. - As soon as we began to live together, we divided responsibilities and duties among ourselves. It turned out that small issues, such as the distribution of money for food, children and payment for all kinds of services, are solved by my wife, and more global problems, such as the world crisis or international relations, cannot be left without my attention. I recommend newlyweds to take note of this interesting way of maintaining peace in the family. Bitterly!

I want to start my congratulations with a parable. Once a man asked the Creator:

Lord, why did you make women so beautiful and at the same time so stupid?

To which he replied:

Beautiful to be loved by you, but stupid to love you!

If a woman is both beautiful and smart, then it is quite difficult for her to love a man. Her chosen one should be extraordinary, as wonderful as our groom! Let's raise our glasses to this wonderful couple!

Before congratulating the newlyweds, I want to ask all the guests to clap their hands using one hand, or to run on one leg. Alas, not a single person can do this. And I want to wish our newlyweds one, each of them is half of the family, and for this family to go through life happily, both of its halves should become one, be needed by each other just as a person needs hands and feet!

On this day, we congratulate wonderful people with the beginning of family life! As one French writer named Frederic Stendhal said, "Love is a beautiful flower that grows on the edge of an abyss and in order to pick it, people need courage and courage." Let's wish the young to remain as brave and fearless, and may you manage to pick your flower and not fall into the abyss. May your love bloom forever for the joy of you and your future children!

What is happiness? It is different for everyone, but there is one wise saying: "Happiness is to find half of your soul and hold it tightly, but tenderly and carefully, like a beautiful snowflake, admiring the beauty and being afraid to melt it." I would like to wish newlyweds to preserve and protect their happiness with the same affection and trepidation! Bitterly young!

A wedding is one of the most significant events in everyone's life. There is nothing better than when two loving hearts are forever united by an eternal marriage. Family and friends of lovers on this day, giving gifts, of course, cannot do without.

A small original and cool gift can be an addition to the main gift. For example, two hammers. The first is for the chops to the bride and the second is the building for the groom. We recommend adding the following words to the gift:

Dear ones, (names of the bride and groom), it has been known for a long time that "each person is the blacksmith of his own happiness." But from this day on, you will never be alone again. You will always go hand in hand, sharing with each other, joys, enduring any difficulties. From now on, you together will forge the happiness of a wonderful family created today. To make your work easy and bring only pleasure, we give you - the main tool of the blacksmith. (the bride and groom are given hammers tied with a ribbon). May love and happiness never leave your home!

Cheerful congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of gifts.

Several congratulations are desirable. In advance, you need to prepare gifts, a chest or a beautifully designed box, a family of housewives, a horseshoe, a money tree.

Keep your hearth, let it be warm for you,

May the house be clean, cozy,

We will give the hostess a housewife,

They will save the family from troubles.

For you from a magical land,

We brought a horseshoe as a present.

She will give good luck, luck,

She will have a lot of fun in the house.

We give you a chest

He is a symbol of your wealth,

Well-being, family order.

May he be full forever,

And let the law reign in the house.

The man is the main man in the house.

His work is not easy

Day and night tirelessly,

Family fill the chest.

Gold coins and painted dollars.

To facilitate his super task,

From money we will give a tree to everything in the bargain.

Wedding greetings in verse

I want to wish you prosperity

A family born now.

May everything go smoothly for you

And joy comes to the house every hour.

I wish you endless warmth

Comfort and peace in the house.

Whatever the weather outside the window,

Let the sun be in the family sky!

Let this day be the beginning

Have a wonderful and long journey!

And everything that sounded in your honor today,

Will be fulfilled and give strength to go!

Congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of cool gifts

Gifts: chocolate bar, rolling pin, Kamasutra, compass, envelope with money.

We were in such a hurry for the holiday

But the gifts were not forgotten!

For the newly created family

To maintain love

Bring your gifts!

— 2 —

Our first present for the groom.

Its idea is very simple.

But he does an important thing,

Doesn't allow to go astray.

The husband is like a captain in the family

And it is important that you keep the course straight,

Therefore, we give him a compass,

May he happily lead his family.

— 3 —

A rolling pin on the farm will always come in handy,

In the kitchen, the bride is with her craftswoman.

And if the husband decides to stray from the course,

Will rage il where he sins.

Then his wife can quickly direct him,

Lead on the true path with a rolling pin.

— 4 —

The most important thing since ancient times

Maintain a passionate fire in a marriage.

This will only make love stronger

Family life is more fun and easier.

May the honey month pass with a bang!

As a gift for you, the Kama Sutra is with us.

— 5 —

To make life seem sweet

And everything in her was smooth

We are giving you a chocolate bar!

— 6 —

And our last present

The president would appreciate it.

It's good for the budget

And crunches inside the envelope.

A touching congratulation "New story" with the presentation of a photo album.

Hundreds of happy eyes

Many kind and warm phrases

Two lovers here and now

A new story will begin about happiness.

There are millions of discoveries ahead of you.

Hundreds of happy and exciting events.

We want to give you a photo album.

Let on every page of it,

Faithfulness and love live -

Two lovely birds.

Congratulations to the wedding with the delivery of bed linen

How many of those with whom you can go to bed, how few of those with whom you want to wake up. (names of the bride and groom), you are happy people - you have found your halves, those with whom you want to meet the dawns, spend days and nights. So that comfort reigns in your new home, so that you only have beautiful dreams, and every morning was kind, we give you the main attribute of a happy home. (presenting a gift).

Original congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of gifts

Dear, newlyweds, for your marriage to be strong, happiness to be long, and love is endless, you only need 6 things. The first and most important thing you already have is yourself. The second is a cozy, warm house. The third, but one of the most important, is children who will be an extension of you and your love. The other three things I will be happy to give you today. The fourth is start-up capital, because it's not easy to start a family budget from scratch. Fifth, oddly enough - a coffee machine and a pair of slippers. Why just one pair? So that you take turns getting up in the morning to cook each other's breakfasts and make delicious coffee. After all, without mutual care in the family nowhere. The sixth is a tricycle, which for me is the main symbol of marriage. After all, in order for him to go, you need to do everything harmoniously, together. So it is in family life. Be happy dear ones!

Comic wedding congratulations in verse

Newlyweds can be given 3 original gifts: a hero's helmet and a sword, a broom, a piggy bank, a fan. You can beat the gifts with the following words.

We give the groom we a sword and a heroic helmet,

To protect his family from all sorts of problems.

We give the bride an old amulet,

He will drive out resentments, quarrels from the house forever.

So that there is a lot of happiness in the house,

Put a little money in the piggy bank.

To live richly, start from the threshold,

We will give you a lot of money with a piggy bank.

And finally, we will give you a fan,

On the honeymoon he will -

Temperature regulator.

Passion will not let you burn,

So that we can warm each other for many years!

Congratulations in the royal style

A wedding gift can be presented by playing the congratulations in an original way. On beautiful cushions, the newlyweds can take out two fake crowns, for the groom, you can also prepare a scepter and orb, for the bride a royal robe. One of the guests dressed as a messenger can unfold the scroll and read out a congratulatory text, at the end of which a ball can be announced in honor of the new royal couple.

An example of congratulations.

- Dear ladies and gentlemen, today you have witnessed the greatest event, on this wonderful day two loving hearts have united forever. We gave them all these attributes for a reason. A family is a real state, peace and order in which two people maintain - a kind, caring, beautiful queen, a wise, just and strong king. Princes and princesses will appear in the kingdom, but only these two people will always be the main ones, who today opened a new page in the history of their still small, but already such a happy and prosperous country. Let us wish them to carry their love through the centuries, becoming happier every day! A ball is announced in honor of this celebration!

For a wedding with the presentation of money, in which there is no place for triviality.

Magic casket

In order to give money beautifully, they are packed in a special box - a chest. You can do it yourself, buy it ready-made, or use the help of the consultants of gift shops, who will build such a thing in just five minutes.

In order to make a small chest yourself, you will need:

accessories for decoration.

Use cardboard and tape to make a box. The size can be arbitrary. Most often used as decoration are beads, embroidery, ribbons, openwork fabric, buttons. It all depends solely on the imagination of the donor. If embroidery was chosen as a decoration, it is easy to "engrave" the initials of the newlyweds on the lid.

Finely cut colored paper is placed on the bottom of the box in order to obtain the "nest" effect. On top of it they put money, small balls, beads and any other accessories that are only suitable for decorating the casket. Ornaments can be presented in the same way.
Some cool congratulations for a wedding in prose with the presentation of money are attached to the finished casket, be sure to indicate the initials of the donor in it and tie the box with an elegant satin ribbon.

Money carpet

If there is clearly no desire to give money in an ordinary white envelope with the guest's initials, you should pay attention to such an unusual presentation idea as a money carpet.

In order to build this structure, you will need:

satin ribbon;
polyethylene film.

The size of the cardboard base is meter by meter. The film is fixed to the cardboard with tape. Then they glue the tape in such a way that something like a frame is obtained. Then the cardboard is drawn into small rectangles. They must be equal to the size of the bill.

From bills of different names on the carpet, it is easy to fold various symbols, for example, hearts or the initials of the newlyweds. For this, let's say, 100 ruble bills are used, and the rug itself will be made of 50 ruble bills.

An alternative presentation option implies the ability to dilute real bills with counterfeit ones in order to make the carpet bigger. However, in this case, it is worthwhile to warn the bride and groom about this in advance. Otherwise, the newlyweds can spend their honeymoon not somewhere abroad, but in the cell of the nearest police station.

In addition to the money present, you should definitely prepare at least a short but cool wedding congratulations with the presentation of money, wishing the young to have such a rug in every room of their family nest.

Bouquet of balloons

Having decided to give money to loved ones for a wedding, you can do it in a more than original way by making a money bouquet of balloons. To do this, you will need to purchase the balls, sequins and beautiful ribbons yourself. The number of balls must be equal to the number of banknotes. The balls are placed bills twisted into a tube. Also, sprinkle glitter or confetti inside each ball. Then they are filled with helium. A ribbon is attached to each ball, and then they are all fastened into one bouquet.

Together with congratulations, it is worth giving a bouquet of flowers, tying a postcard to it with a wish to live a long and happy life together.

Banknote cake

A cool wedding congratulation with the presentation of money in the form of a cake is an unusual present that the newlyweds will definitely like, regardless of the amount of money donated. That is just the idea of ​​such a gift.

It is not necessary to bake the cake. It is easy to build a fake out of cardboard. This will require three boxes. They can be either oval or square. The only condition is that the boxes must be hollow inside and differ from each other in size (from larger to smaller).

Banknotes are attached to the side of the boxes. For fastening, it is quite logical to use paper clips, since when attaching them to tape, removing the bills without damaging them will be quite problematic. From above, each tier is tied with a satin ribbon. At the very top, you can install a young figurine or a ring.

How to give money in an original way using an umbrella?

“The main thing is the weather in the house” - Larisa Dolina sang in one well-known song, once popular in the 90s of the last century. There is some right in the words of the singer. Especially when it comes to a young married couple who have just crossed one of the main pages in their life.

Young people who once were no one to each other got married. Now they will have to experience both joy and adversity together. The guests may well protect the newlyweds from the latter by giving them a wonderful umbrella.

In order to make such a gift, you need four simple things:

paper clips and thread.

To make the gift look really festive, you can pick up an umbrella with a themed pattern. For example, it can be an image of a couple in love, balloons, hearts and rings. Having chosen the basis for the gift, it remains only to decorate it with money.

To do this, the umbrella is opened and threads are tied to the knitting needles. Paper clips are attached to the threads, and bills are already hung on them. The amount depends solely on the financial capabilities of the donor. To make the structure look more voluminous, it is necessary to change the bills into smaller ones and hang them as "thickly" as possible. Then the umbrella is closed and packed back.

In addition to the umbrella, it is advisable to prepare a cool wedding congratulation with the presentation of money, wishing the young to meet less adversity in life, and if they do, then endure them bravely, and most importantly, supporting each other.

Origami from money

Before you fold an elegant car or heart from a five-thousandth bill, you will have to sweat a lot. Hardly anyone succeeds in making origami the first time. But if there is still enough time before the wedding, it will not be difficult to build such a present with your own hands.

The finished figurine is placed in a box and beautifully packaged. You can also make several origami - one for the groom and the other for the bride, by presenting them in different boxes. In this case, one figure should be made in the form of a shirt, and the other in the form of a dress. Newlyweds will surely enjoy such a gift.

It is quite logical to prepare verbal congratulations along with the gift, or to make a video postcard, involving some other guests in the work on it. This present will be appreciated no less than origami from a bill. Sooner or later, the money will have to be spent anyway, but the video will remain. A cool video congratulation for the wedding with the presentation of money will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cash "cabbage" in the bank

Another rather creative way of donating money is to present it in a bank. It is advisable to purchase such a container, which is usually used as interior decoration. Ordinary pickle cans are indispensable here. The container should have a tight-fitting lid with a small handle. It will be convenient to hang a postcard with the donor's initials on it. A postcard can be made either with your own hand or purchased ready-made in a gift store, by yourself choosing a design, congratulation and font size.

In order for the gift to turn out to be more weighty, some bills should be exchanged and more trifles should be poured into the jar. In addition, on top of the container, if desired, attach a plate with the inscription "cabbage". It can also be decorated with a beautiful fabric or gift paper wrapped around it.

An alternative way of giving money at the bank is sweet medicine. In a traditional present, as a rule, sweet sweets or medicines are used instead of real pills. Wishing to present such a wedding gift, it is enough to add a certain amount to it and attach a postcard with wishes. The donor does not even have to invent and manufacture anything with his own hands. The basis for this can be purchased at any candy store.

In order for more bills to fit into the jar, they will need to be twisted into thin tubes. As for the text of a cool wedding congratulation with the presentation of money in the bank, it can be a comic postcard with an emphasis on cabbage, which the common people call money, or an emphasis on sweet medicine. In this case, the gift can be presented in the form of an attending physician or sexual nurse. The couple will definitely appreciate such a creative approach to congratulations from close friends or relatives.

A wedding is a serious step of two people who jointly decided to radically change their lives. A serious decision is a responsible event. But do not go to extremes and turn the family's birthday into a boring solemn event with pretentious speeches. Of course, the invited host will try to do everything to make the wedding colorful and memorable. But much is in the hands of the guests. It is their actions and gifts that become key in creating a drive at the holiday. And this is where the ideas of comic gifts for the newlyweds come in handy. It is these cool attributes that will cheer up, create a unique atmosphere and will be remembered for a lifetime, in contrast to boring toasts and

For every girl, a wedding is not just a step into a new life, but the culmination of her girlish dreams.

It is the bride who is the queen of the holiday.

On this day, her main dream came true. And everything says about happiness: a shining look, and a beautiful outfit, and an exalted mood.

What awaits her in a new life together? With comic and cool gifts, you can cheerfully give parting words to a newly-made wife.

A common gift is a rolling pin. Of course, guests do not give this item so that the young wife can learn how to bake pies. They give symbolic meaning to common kitchen utensils. This "regulator of family relations" is also suitable as a "cure for a mistress", if given a large rolling pin, or as a "super fine". The thorns will give it a frightening look.

A cookbook would be a good gift. Let the woman try to surprise her young husband with new culinary masterpieces every day.

A broom will also come in handy. A broom is given to the wife to remember the order in the house and comfort. A broom can be interestingly handed over as a warranty card for the vacuum cleaner. Such an assistant will always be in business, even when there is no electricity.

To maintain order, you can also donate soap, both ready-made and handmade.

Various certificates are played with fun. On the basis of such documents, the bride receives an unlimited right to cooking and cleaning. Now she is allowed to kiss her husband and even watch football with him on weekends.

A saw will also come in handy - toy, souvenir or even real. After all, what family life is without a saw?

From the original gifts for the bride, you can use an unusual bouquet. Everyone will give flower bouquets, and you will have an exclusive - sweet one. It can be made from candy. Bouquets of fruits look original.

Comic and funny gifts for the wedding day for the groom

For a young man, a wedding is no less important moment in life. Its status has changed. And now he is no longer that joker and merry fellow, but a husband - a support for a young family. It is he who is assigned the role of a rock in family life, which is obliged to protect from all kinds of troubles.

Therefore, gifts for the groom, albeit comic, should carry a special meaning. Present an original certificate according to which the young husband gets the right to give his wife flowers, and if desired, every day. And also be sure to kiss and bring coffee to bed in the morning. A separate document legalizes the right to clean up and take out the garbage. The humorous presentation of such gifts at a wedding can be played up with beautiful stories.

For a family getter, cool wedding gifts with items are suitable.

Give a bow and arrow as a hint presentation. Let the young man learn to bring home rich booty.

The home defender will need a shield with a sword, as well as a hero's helmet. After all, now he must be able to resist any attacks from the outside.

And as a guide for the still inexperienced owner, a book on home repairs is suitable. Let the man learn his responsibilities well.

So that the husband does not get angry with his chosen one, especially when he discovers not sewn buttons on his shirt, he is presented with a set of pins. They will come in handy in family life.

Present the man with a license, but unusual, but opening a new category for the right to drive a stroller.

Give your boyfriend a cool wallet to keep the family budget. But various miniature safes and piggy banks look even more interesting. Especially double piggy banks, where there are two compartments: for the wife and for the husband. However, all savings necessarily end up in the wife's department.

And so that he does not forget that he is now a married man, give him a T-shirt with the words “busy”. And there are special items to her so that he does not go to the left.

Ideas for cool wedding gifts for newlyweds

It is not necessary to give separate gifts. There are many ideas on how to play with cool gifts for a couple.

Just before choosing gifts, familiarize yourself with which should not be given in any case.

And this can be caused by both bad omens and wedding etiquette.

Money is a common gift. , there are many ways.

But it will be even more interesting when a cool wedding gift made of money is handed over with comic rhymes.

There are many ready-made funny rhymes for various wedding jokes, but they have all been around for a long time. Therefore, if you are looking for how to play funny gifts for the newlyweds, it is better to compose such mini-rhymes yourself. They will also come in handy for giving traditional gifts.

As a fun gift for two, you can give two pairs of multicolored boxing gloves. What is not a way to sort things out.

And so that the quarrels do not end in big losses, give the couple a set of disposable plates. Do not forget to sign it in an original way.

The newlyweds will also come in handy with hammers. It is with such a tool that they should forge their happiness together.

They also give huge plates at the wedding. Such dishes indicate that now the bride and groom are one, and must share everything in two, even meals.

And so that the common dishes do not become a reason for new discord, figure out how to make the border. Attach a barrier to the plate or draw border guards on the plate.

Salt will also come in handy at a wedding. It must be placed in a bag on which the inscription: "A pood of salt" should be made.

Just remember that a pood is 16 kg, and pour exactly that amount of salt into the bag.

Of course, it will turn out to be a weighty gift, but the young will have to start a joint "salt diet" in order to get to know each other better.

Gifts in the form of paintings or cartoons look original. It is better to order such a present from a professional artist.

A couple in an unusual way, depicted on canvas, will surely please both the guests and the newlyweds themselves.

It can be the image of an oligarch and a photo model, Bonnie and Clyde, ancient hunters, fairy-tale characters.

If the couple really has a sense of humor, you can safely give hint gifts or predecessors.

Present a wheel as the first part of a brand new car. Or a brick to start building a house.

A coat hanger is also suitable, on which it will be possible to hang a brand new fur coat or a number for a future apartment.

Give the youngsters life jackets. They will be useful for the future pretty yacht. Or a mini antenna for a portable TV. He, too, when he appears in the family.

Giving gifts at a wedding: a cool experience

Cool gifts at a wedding for young people do not have to be material.

You can also surprise the newlyweds with impressions. And in this area, the choice depends directly on your imagination and material capabilities.

What could be more beautiful than a honeymoon trip. And if you give a couple a ticket to warm lands, to exotic islands, the surprise will be genuine. Of course, such a present will have to be coordinated with someone from the relatives of the youth. Suddenly, the couple had already planned a trip for the coming days.

If you are looking for how to make a cool wedding present, you can pay for a deluxe hotel room. Now there are special offers for newlyweds. Such a present will leave an unforgettable experience.

The main night for young people will be held in a romantic and chic atmosphere.

Such a present is especially relevant when the newlyweds do not yet have their own home and are forced to live with their parents in a cramped apartment.

Experiences for two can be presented in the form of various entertainment events. It can be a horse ride, a flight by plane, a hot air balloon, swimming with dolphins. Entertainment organizations have a lot of offers.

The main thing is to choose entertainment that will appeal to both spouses. And it is not necessary that such an event took place on the wedding day.

Extend the holiday for the young - present a certificate with a date a day or two after the ceremony or with an open date.

You can surprise not only the newlyweds at the wedding, but also all the guests. Pay for a wedding with your favorite couple artist, gypsy band, or clown couple.

Only such a deviation from the script needs to be negotiated with the toastmaster. And of course, stick to the theme of the wedding.

A rock group at a romantic wedding or gypsies at a knight's celebration will not look very original.

The show of soap bubbles will be no less interesting. It's not just a lot of familiar bubbles. This is a real show hosted by professionals.

Original plots, funny tricks and many, many romantic balls that burst to the accompaniment of beautiful music.

Butterflies will also be from this category. Now it is fashionable to order beautiful butterflies for a wedding. And even if the contemplation of such a miracle will not be long, it will deliver unforgettable impressions.

Sand animations also look original. Sand paintings will "tell" the story of the young. And so that this impression is preserved not only in memories, shoot his camera.

Choosing original, impressive gifts is not so difficult. And here the main thing is not even an idea of ​​how cool it is to give a gift for a wedding, but material support. Therefore, often to present such a cool wedding gift, friends unite and give one, but really impressive gift.


The original idea of ​​a comic gift for newlyweds in the video:

A wedding is the most important and unforgettable day in the life of two lovers. On this day, they reinforce the seriousness of their relationship with a stamp in their passport, prove that they are ready to walk hand in hand until the end of their lives. On this beautiful and exciting day for them, they create a family, the strength of which will be respect, love and loyalty.

The bride and groom want the celebration on the occasion of the wedding to remain in their memory for a long time, so that it will be remembered by all invited guests and please with bright memories of all people present at the celebration. This can be achieved with a dazzling bride outfit, a fun competitive program and unforgettable ones. Funny congratulations to the wedding with the presentation of money will greatly enhance the fun and festive atmosphere. It will cheer up the guests and will be remembered by the newlyweds.

For the bride and groom, the best gift for a wedding will be money. After all, they can spend them at their discretion for the needs of their family. That is why congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money will be appreciated by the newlyweds. A congratulatory speech can be prepared in advance and solemnly voiced at the celebration in front of all people present in the hall. Congratulations written on a bright colorful postcard are also welcome.

It has become a good tradition to present money in an envelope. The bride and groom are always interested in knowing the amount that the envelope stores. There is a joke according to which the newlyweds on their wedding night count the amount received as gifts at the wedding celebration. Today it is customary to give newlyweds a bank filled with banknotes. This present looks funny, but at the same time practical. The jar can be decorated with a bright satin ribbon, a cool inscription or sincere congratulations.

In the form of a cake

If you want your gift to be remembered by the young for a long time, show a little imagination. Gone are the days when carpets, washing machines and gold jewelry were presented for weddings. Today, presenting money to the newlyweds, guests try to do it in an extraordinary way.

Anyone who wants to make the bride and groom pleasant can say original congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money, made in the form of a cake. A festive cake will bring pleasure not only to the young, but also to those who will make it. The process of preparing an unusual wedding accessory will take a little time. Today on the Internet you can find many master classes on "baking" the original money cake, so this present will not cause any difficulties.

Of course, any gift must be accompanied by beautiful and sincere congratulations. The money cake is no exception. The donor can choose a ready-made congratulation, or he can show imagination and make an author's one. If talent allows, you can compose a beautiful and sincere congratulatory verse and pronounce it during the presentation. It is advisable to prepare a speech based on the financial well-being of the young family. Then the money cake will come in handy.

Gift in the form of a money blanket

A present made for a wedding celebration with your own hands will delight all guests present and will remain in the memory of the young for a long time. A financial souvenir will delight you not only with a creative approach, but also with practicality. Of course, you can use fake banknotes when making a wedding accessory, but it's better if the money is real.

It is not difficult to make a gift in the form of a cash blanket, everything will take no more than two or three hours. First you need to decide on the amount of money that you are going to give the newlyweds. When choosing an amount, they usually take into account the degree of relationship with the bride and groom. Any currency is chosen for the blanket, it all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. If the financial situation leaves much to be desired, you can make a blanket with one of the guests and present it together.

In the form of a bouquet of flowers

Flowers are an essential accessory for any occasion, including a wedding. Flowers decorate festive tables, they are presented to the bride and her parents. Fresh flowers delight the eye, and a bouquet of flowers made of money will also delight the wallet of the newlyweds. Giving flowers decorated with banknotes is a good omen. When presenting a present to young people, they usually say that it will become the beginning of not only a happy, but also a rich life for the bride and groom.

To make a bouquet of money, bills of various denominations are used. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the donor. The non-trivial donated banknotes will be remembered for a long time, they will remain in the memory of both the guests and the main heroes of the occasion - the groom and the bride. With such a beautiful bouquet, the newlyweds will take several pictures that will decorate the wedding album.

Pack bills into a book

You can use a book as a money envelope for money. As they say, a book is the best gift, and if it contains a tidy sum of money, the gift is twice as valuable. Which book to choose as a gift should be thought about in advance. It will not be superfluous to ask what the newlyweds prefer to read and present a book of this orientation.

An original gift will be "Kamasutra", between the pages of which the bride and groom will find banknotes. The bride will love the recipe book. You can present domestic money, you can also give preference to foreign currency. Depending on the amount allocated for the gift, carefully lay out bills of various denominations between the pages. Do not forget also about the holiday greetings for the newlyweds. It can be spoken or written on a postcard embedded in a book.

Make a collage of currencies of different countries

If the bride and groom spend a lot of time traveling and like to discover new cities and countries, you can make a collage from the currencies of different countries and present this accessory on your wedding day. On the poster, it is necessary to place the currencies of all countries, which will be offered at the nearest exchange office.

It is desirable that several large denomination bills be present on the poster, the rest may be less "generous". Be sure to take care of your congratulatory speech in advance. You can add to the wishes the hope that the newlyweds will soon visit the countries whose currency is present on the money poster.

Wedding money garland

You can give money to the bride and groom in an original way with the help of a wedding money garland. It takes a little patience and work to make this wedding present. Special wire used in floristry, artificial flowers and sticky tape are part of the money garland. It will not be difficult to acquire all the components you need for a gift. In order not to spoil the banknotes when making a gift, they are rolled up in advance in a tube or in half, after which a wire is threaded through the fold. Bright artificial flowers are used to make a beautiful garland. Whatever gift you decide to give on your wedding day, the main thing is that it should be made with a soul, and its delivery was supported by a beautiful and sincere congratulation.