Dhow's problems now. Modern problems of preschool education. The most pressing problems of preschool education

“Someone said:“ A person who knows 'how' will always find a job, a person who knows 'why' will be his boss. ”
The modern educational situation in Russia is characterized by the opposition of requirements for the continuity, progressiveness and adaptability of the educational process and the professional mobility of specialists who carry it out.
The problem of complex training of specialists in preschool education of the integral level, who are able to take on motivational, indicative, regulatory, organizational and controlling functions in a preschool educational institution, that is, simply speaking, managers, is becoming more and more urgent. The activities of the head of a preschool institution correspond to all these functions, but for its effective implementation it is not enough to possess the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities.
Currently, the head must be an expert and strategist in the field of management of the activities of a preschool institution, capable of ensuring the setting, forecasting and assessment of the degree of compliance with the goals and results of the child's education, the activities of employees and the entire preschool educational institution as a social unit, that is, to manage the quality of the educational process
Today we must not forget that a developing preschool institution operating in an innovative mode is significantly different from traditional kindergartens. Previous approaches that have yielded positive results in the normal operation of the institution do not allow achieving the desired goals in an innovative mode.
New approaches to management are needed, they become the driving force that can transfer a preschool institution from a functioning to a developing one. The developing preschool institution is constantly working in a search mode. Management in an institution of this type is innovative in nature, it is dominated by decision-making processes based on the situation, that is, on specific results.
The transition to situational management of a kindergarten based on results means a radical change in approaches to the management of the educational process and, above all, by its participants.
Let us name the basic principles underlying the renewal of the activities of a preschool institution.
Democratization. This principle presupposes the distribution of rights, powers and responsibilities among all participants in the management process.
Humanization. It provides a choice of the level, quality, orientation of education, the method, nature and form of its receipt, the satisfaction of cultural and educational needs in accordance with individual value orientations, and the reorientation of the educational process towards the personality of the child, equally accessible for each person.
Differentiation, mobility, development. These principles imply multilevel, multifunctionality of educational programs of all types of educational institutions. They provide children, adolescents, young people as they grow up, social formation and self-determination, the possibility of movement horizontally (change of class, profile, orientation of education), as well as vertically (change of level, type, type of educational institution).
Openness of education, that is, the presentation of the possibility of both continuous education in various forms, and general education at any stage, any level (basic and additional)
Standardization. This principle assumes compliance with federal standards for the quality of education, the introduction of regional standards that take into account national and other characteristics of the region.
All these principles become a guide to action in a developing preschool institution. At the same time, the main function of a modern kindergarten of any kind and type is purposeful socialization of the individual: introducing it into the world of natural and human ties and relationships, "immersion" in human material and spiritual culture through the transfer of the best models, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of life.
It is possible to assess the progress of a preschool institution in its development according to the following performance indicators.
1. Innovative activity of the institution - updating the content of education and training in accordance with State Standards (basic and additional educational services); updating pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work; a combination of introspection, self-control with self-esteem and expert judgment.
2. Organization of the educational process - self-government, cooperation of teachers, children and their parents in achieving the goals of education, upbringing and development; planning and organizing a variety of children's activities, taking into account the interests and needs of children; equality of teachers and children as partners in this activity; a high level of motivation of all participants in the pedagogical process; comfortable subject-developing and psychological-pedagogical environment for all participants in the integral pedagogical process.
3. The effectiveness of the educational process - comparing the compliance of the final results with the planned (assessment of the state of physical and mental health of children, their development: physical, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, intellectual, social).
The nature of control is also changing. Tight control from above goes into self-control mode. Professional control of specialists over the final results is assumed (psychologists - over the development of children; methodologists - over health and physical development; defectologists - over the results of correctional work, etc.). The attitude of the educator to control changes accordingly. He often asks for advice as a professional service. Control acquires a regulatory and corrective character.
Thus, summing up, we conclude that the transfer of preschool educational institutions to the development mode is facilitated by:
· Concept and program of its development;
· Modeling of UVP as a system that helps the self-development of the individual;
· Carrying out innovative experimental and experimental work in the institution;
· A team united by a common goal - children, teachers, parents;
· Organization of an optimal system of self-government;
· A system of effective scientific and methodological activities;
· Material and technical base, sufficient for the formation of an optimal subject - developmental environment;
· A set of alternative educational services in accordance with the interests of children and the requests of their parents.
Summarizing what has been said, let us define the fundamental requirements for a developing preschool institution. This is a kindergarten in which the child realizes his right to individual development in accordance with his needs, abilities and capabilities; the teacher develops his professional and personal qualities; the leader ensures the success of the activities of children and teachers; the team works in a creative search mode, humane attitude of partnership; respect and trust are becoming the norm for team members; the teacher provides the conditions for the transfer of a child from an object to a subject of upbringing; gives the child the opportunity to be himself; organizes a variety of teaching and educational activities; creates conditions for maintaining the health of the child.
All the stated provisions underlie the philosophy of renovating a preschool institution. The outlines of this strategy are fixed in the International Convention for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, which provides for his right to life, protection, development and his own opinion.

Actual problems of modern preschool education

Preschool education under the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" becomes the first level of general education and is regulated by federal documents that determine the vector of its further development, the first direction of which is the quality and availability of preschool education for every child.

Undoubtedly, the system of modern preschool education is very important and relevant. Currently, there are also problems of modern education. I would like to note that it is at the preschool age that all the basic personality traits are laid down in a child and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. If we ignore the peculiarities of the development of a child at this age, then this can adversely affect his future life.

At present, special attention is paid to the organization of large educational complexes that combine preschool, primary, and basic general and secondary complete education. In this regard, it is important to preserve the intrinsic value of preschool age, not to reduce all the main work with children to their special preparation for school.

Let's pay attention to the child's communication. Communication is a big problem. Communication must include the ability to hear and listen, the ability to get in touch with peers and adults, the ability to express one's thoughts, to understand speech. But full-fledged communication is impossible without communication skills, which must be developed from childhood in the process of role-playing game. But despite all the advantages of the role-playing game, not all educators devote due time to this type of activity. And it often happens that the teacher conducts a role-playing game only at the request of the children.

The main task of the state educational policy of the Russian Federation in the context of the modernization of the education system is to ensure the modern quality of education, including preschool education. This issue, to a greater extent, causes a discussion about the quality of preschool education and, of course, the problematics of this issue can be called unresolved until now. This is the hardest problem. It is connected with unresolved issues of standardization, correlating the content, volume, quality of educational services with the needs of the child, family and school. The solution of these very problems today should be a priority, since the attitude of the state and society to the preschool education system as a whole depends on them.

The quality of preschool education as a whole is a multidimensional synthetic concept. It is this versatility that determines the approaches and sets the logic for the formation of the information base for its assessment. The problem of quality in pedagogical research is being developed in the following areas: the concept of education quality, methods of assessing the quality of education, methods of assessing the quality of education, the integrity of the system and the quality of education, the interaction of educational levels and its quality, factors that determine the quality of education, the market environment and the quality of education, the mechanism quality management of education, information technology, monitoring and quality of education, education quality management system

I also want to consider the topic - family. Today there are a large number of single-parent families where children are brought up. This is where the situations follow. When a parent has no time to take care of his child, he is left to fend for themselves. Most modern parents do not want to cooperate with a preschool educational institution referring to employment.

And there are a lot of such problems in modern education, such as the problems of the development of arbitrary memory, the problems of learning GCD. And everything depends on methods. The introduction of new technologies and techniques is required.

I would like to go directly to the most modern education. Listing the problems of education, I would like to find out what modern education should be like. I propose to consider several completely different lines of modern education.

The first is that the educator and adults independently build work with children. A child before school absorbs information like a "sponge", the child is often active in learning new things, and is interested in new things. From here, adults have a desire to take advantage of this period and slightly shift the time when the child goes to school by a year or a couple of years. And these cases are twofold. In the first case, the adult wants to leave the child in kindergarten for more time. In the second case, the parent insists that the child needs to go to school earlier, paying attention only to his physiological readiness for school and suck, forgetting about the psychological readiness for school. This shows that the practice of early teaching of ZUN children can lead to the disappearance of learning motivation. And it may often be that the child studies the first grade curriculum twice.

Hence, it can be concluded that the result of the above is a slowdown in the goal of early education. Bringing negative effects, such as, for example, the loss of interest in learning by children, problems arise with continuity in the education system between preschool and primary schools. I would like to add. That the presence of a child's knowledge does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child independently obtain and apply it.

Second, education is based on the interests of the child himself and the interests of his family, that is, his legal representatives. The student-centered approach is aimed at the developmental type of education. It takes into account age and individual characteristics, focuses on the interests of each child. But I would like to note that not every educator can see this facet in developing education. And not for every child it is possible to realize the goals of developmental education due to some reasons. It can be noted that such education has both a developmental effect and development or advancement. The teacher should set a goal for himself - to ensure development with the help of this knowledge and skills. If the child is active and inquisitive, it can be assumed that a developmental process is underway.

The most pressing problems of preschool education:

Improving the quality of preschool education;

mandatory minimum content of educational programs for preschool children in terms of preparing children for school;

a system for assessing the quality of preschool education at the stage of a child's transition to school;

ensuring continuity in the content of education between preschool and primary levels;

equalization of starting opportunities for children in the transition to schooling as a scientific and practical problem;

Ways to achieve the physical and mental health of the child.

Types and types of educational institutions:

Preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions).


Kindergarten with priority implementation of one or several areas of development of pupils.

Kindergarten of a compensatory type with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils.

Kindergarten for supervision, care and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures.

Primary school - kindergarten.

A gymnasium with the priority implementation of one or several directions of development of pupils and students: intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, cultural and health improving.

The primary school is a compensatory kindergarten.

Child Development Center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and recovery of pupils.

Educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school education.

The main trends in the change in the species diversity of preschool educational institutions in recent years is an increase in the number of kindergartens with the priority implementation of various directions of development of pupils: physical culture and health, artistic and aesthetic, intellectual and ethnocultural development and upbringing of preschoolers.

According to the results of state accreditation, each preschool institution (both state and non-state) receives a certificate of the established form, according to which it is assigned an appropriate category.

And of course, therefore, the quality of the preschool educational institution depends on the factors of the internal environment:

1) on the quality of work of educators;

2) from the relationships that have developed in the team;

3) from the conditions that the leader creates for the creative search for new methods and forms of work with children;

4) from an objective assessment of the performance of each employee.

The most traditional for modern methods of assessing the quality of preschool education are indicators of the quality of educational conditions. In particular, first of all, the quality of the implementation of the educational program is considered. Modern preschool education provides for any child of preschool age the level of development that would allow him to be successful in primary school and at subsequent levels of education. This process should involve not only the administration, ensuring quality control, but also all subjects of the educational process

So, summing up the above, I would like to say that there are problems in education, and in particular in modern education, and they are obvious. Without communication, it is impossible to develop the communicative side of the child's personality, which can then follow an unfavorable sociogenesis. Without the cooperation of parents with a preschool educational institution, the full development of a child is impossible. It is necessary to influence the parents in such a way that they try to be with the child throughout the entire preschool age, help him. As for several lines of education, I would like to add that they are completely opposite, but often encountered. Of course, more effective teaching is one that takes place in a person-centered style, but it all depends on the educator, on his goals, what the educator takes to the fore, what to the second. And it depends on adults whether the problems in modern education will be solved or not.

The system of modern preschool education is very important and relevant. Currently, there are also problems of modern education. I would like to note that it is at the preschool age that all the basic personality traits are laid down in a child and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. If we ignore the peculiarities of the development of a child at this age, then this can adversely affect his future life.



Actual problems of modern preschool education

Undoubtedly, the system of modern preschool education is very important and relevant. Currently, there are also problems of modern education. I would like to note that it is at the preschool age that all the basic personality traits are laid down in a child and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. If we ignore the peculiarities of the development of a child at this age, then this can adversely affect his future life.

Let's pay attention to the child's communication. Communication is a big problem. Communication must include the ability to hear and listen, the ability to get in touch with peers and adults, the ability to express one's thoughts, to understand speech. But full-fledged communication is impossible without communication skills, which must be developed from childhood in the process of role-playing game. But despite all the advantages of the role-playing game, not all educators devote due time to this type of activity. And it often happens that the teacher conducts a role-playing game only at the request of the children.

I also want to consider the topic - family. Today there are a large number of single-parent families where children are brought up. This is where the situations follow. When a parent has no time to take care of his child, he is left to fend for themselves. Most modern parents do not want to cooperate with a preschool educational institution referring to employment.

And there are a lot of such problems in modern education, such as the problems of the development of arbitrary memory, the problems of learning GCD. And everything depends on methods. The introduction of new technologies and techniques is required.

I would like to go directly to the most modern education. Listing the problems of education, I would like to find out what modern education should be like. I propose to consider several completely different lines of modern education.

The first is that the educator and adults independently build work with children. A child before school absorbs information like a "sponge", the child is often active in learning new things, and is interested in new things. From here, adults have a desire to take advantage of this period and slightly shift the time when the child goes to school by a year or a couple of years. And these cases are twofold. In the first case, the adult wants to leave the child in kindergarten for more time. In the second case, the parent insists that the child needs to go to school earlier, paying attention only to his physiological readiness for school and suck, forgetting about the psychological readiness for school. This shows that the practice of early teaching of ZUN children can lead to the disappearance of learning motivation. And it may often be that the child studies the first grade curriculum twice.

Hence, it can be concluded that the result of the above is a slowdown in the goal of early education. Bringing negative effects, such as, for example, the loss of interest in learning by children, problems arise with continuity in the education system between preschool and primary schools. I would like to add. That the presence of a child's knowledge does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child independently obtain and apply it.

Second, education is based on the interests of the child himself and the interests of his family, that is, his legal representatives. The student-centered approach is aimed at the developmental type of education. It takes into account age and individual characteristics, focuses on the interests of each child. But I would like to note that not every educator can see this facet in developing education. And not for every child it is possible to realize the goals of developmental education due to some reasons. It can be noted that such education has both a developmental effect and development or advancement. The teacher should set a goal for himself - to ensure development with the help of this knowledge and skills. If the child is active and inquisitive, it can be assumed that a developmental process is underway.

So, summing up the above, I would like to say that there are problems in education, and in particular in modern education, and they are obvious. Without communication, it is impossible to develop the communicative side of the child's personality, which can then follow an unfavorable sociogenesis. Without the cooperation of parents with a preschool educational institution, the full development of a child is impossible. It is necessary to influence the parents in such a way that they try to be with the child throughout the entire preschool age, help him. As for several lines of education, I would like to add that they are completely opposite, but often encountered. Of course, more effective teaching is one that takes place in a person-centered style, but it all depends on the educator, on his goals, what the educator takes to the fore, what to the second. And it depends on adults whether the problems in modern education will be solved or not.

Take a break from childhood

Despite the efforts of the authorities, preschool education in Russia remains inaccessible to a significant part of the population; 50 children are packed into groups, and the teachers do not have time to dress and undress them; reinforced concrete norms of firefighters and hygienists turn kindergartens into sterile, but faceless boxes; educational programs are extremely organized, and kids, instead of playing games, are preparing for school. This is the essence of the memorandum at the disposal of "MK" on the state of affairs in the preschool education system, prepared by specialists from the Russian Academy of National Economy and the State Service under the President (RANEPA).

Ignoring the developmental features of a child at a young age is fraught with serious, deep problems in his later life, including in schooling immediately after the preschool period, the authors of the study remind. foundation.

However, the reliability of this "foundation", as follows from the RANEPA memorandum, raises serious concerns.

First of all, preschool education is still inaccessible to a significant part of Russian society. The queue of those wishing to get the coveted place in kindergarten at the beginning of the next academic year, that is, already two or three months after the report on success, was reduced to naught by the end of the school year, practically returns to its previous indicators. This is understandable, because the number of those who want to do it at the expense of the “baby boom children” of the late 2000s is constantly growing, and the number of kindergartens has been declining until recently. So, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, only from 2008 to 2013 it decreased by more than 1000 units - from 45.6 thousand in 2008 to 44.3 thousand in 2013, while the number of pupils increased by 800 thousand.

Worse than that. “In an effort to eliminate queues, many municipalities solve the issue by filling groups. Due to their desire to report on the indicators of increased coverage in some regions (for example, in North Ossetia), the number of children in a group per one qualified educator reaches 50 people, - the report notes. “As a result, the life and health of children were at risk, the working conditions of teachers became extremely difficult - overworked educators barely have time to dress the children for a walk. An outflow of teaching staff from kindergartens has been recorded in several regions. "

At the same time, “if children over the age of 2.5 years still have the opportunity to be in municipal preschool institutions, then toddlers (from two months and older) are almost completely deprived of this opportunity. There were only 1.3 thousand children under 1 year old in the preschool education system in 2012, and in 2013 the situation worsened. The practice of reducing nursery groups for the sake of additional places for the “main contingent” - preschoolers 3-7 years old - has been developed not only in Zelenograd and in, but also in many regions, ”the researchers state.

Partially the problem could be solved by private kindergartens at the expense of state subsidies. This experience already exists. But there is no opportunity to realize it: the case is being stifled by the unreasonably strict requirements of the State Fire Inspection and the Medical and Sanitary Service. And as a result, the actual bans on the opening of kindergartens in the vacated premises of residential buildings, and the officially permitted kindergartens, according to the observations of the researchers, “turn into faceless, almost sterile premises, where there is no place on the walls for children's creativity, written communication with parents, photographs and posters, although not a single case of fire for this reason has been recorded anywhere ”.

A separate problem is the teaching staff. In modern education, based on variability and diversity, the figure of the teacher becomes central. But in order to realize his right to academic freedom, he must have the appropriate competencies, he must understand how to build the educational process in the context of variability. And in our kindergartens, the report notes, “usually people who are trained according to an outdated model or have no professional training at all work. The social status of the profession is still low. And the level of salaries of preschool teachers, which are the lowest in education, does not in any way correspond to the highest responsibility for the fate of the child. "

And in the past few years, according to researchers, a new problem has appeared: “In the preschool education system, a rigid orientation of kindergartens has emerged to prepare children for school, which usually means only teaching to read, count and write, although the most important is the child's motivation, interest to teaching at school. The practice of too early compulsory education of children inevitably leads to the disappearance of educational motivation, and as a consequence - to the emergence of school maladjustment and school neuroses. "

The situation with preschool education is indeed difficult, Lyudmila Rzhanitsyna, chief researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, confirmed to MK:

Regional authorities report to the president that all children are covered by kindergartens. But this is not true! In kindergartens, even in Moscow, they take only two and a half years. And mom, according to the law, go to work in a year, and if desired, even 8 months after giving birth. The question of the qualifications of pedagogues has not been resolved either. And the salaries of educators, despite the presidential decrees, are below low! So while there is nothing to brag about.

Preschool education problems

It is no secret that modern preschool education has a number of serious problems. Perhaps the main problem today is the lack of places in existing municipal kindergartens. Quite often the queue lasts for years. The situation is somewhat improved by the presence of preschool education centers and private kindergartens. But they cannot solve the problem in a global way.

Another problem in preschool education is the lack of qualified personnel. Everyone knows what the level of salaries of employees of municipal childcare facilities is. This reason explains the reluctance of promising young professionals to go to work in kindergartens. Therefore, people with a non-core or insufficient education are often hired, who, as a result, have low qualifications. It is also not uncommon for a teacher to go to work in a profession due to the current circumstances (for example, in order to attach his own child to a kindergarten), and then an insufficient level of salary can cause the teacher to be negligent in his duties. Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon today. The situation is different in private kindergartens (which can be found, for example, through the website of preschool education). Private preschool institutions employ only qualified specialists. A decent salary makes the position attractive to job seekers, so management can choose the best candidate. This is one of the reasons for the high quality of preschool education in private kindergartens. Describing the problems of preschool education, one cannot but dwell on the issue of the continuity of education.

This problem is quite relevant at all stages of the educational process, but at the stage of transition from preschool education to primary school it is especially acute. The reasons for this phenomenon can be called many factors. The main thing, of course, is the discrepancy between the requirements for a child in the senior group of a kindergarten and for a first grader. A priori, it is believed that a first grader should be more disciplined, diligent, and efficient than a preschooler. But a child cannot master all the required qualities in an instant. In addition, many primary educational institutions put forward extremely high requirements for the quality of preschool education. A first grader is often required not only knowledge of the alphabet, but also the ability to read and count.

However, learning to read and write is simply not included in the kindergarten curriculum. To avoid such problems, parents should familiarize themselves not only with the kindergarten program (for example, posted on the preschool education website), but also with the requirements of the school to which they plan to send their child. If a discrepancy is found, it is necessary to organize additional classes for the child in the children's center, or use the services of a tutor, or take care of the child's education on their own. The situation may additionally be complicated by the child's psychological unwillingness to study at school, stress when changing the team and the environment. A softer transition for a child to a new education system occurs if preschool education includes classes to prepare for school.

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