Educational games for logic and thinking for children 5 years old. Game "Logic endings". The game "What have I wondered?"

The all-round development of a child requires the development of logical thinking. Educational games for children aged 5-6 years are aimed at completing tasks for attention, thinking, the development of speech and logic. Analyzing information improves school performance, so it is important to pay attention to your child's level of thinking and help them acquire the skills they need.

Games with multi-colored figures will teach you to systematize concepts such as color, shape, size. Imaginative thinking will allow you to get acquainted with various objects and their properties, as well as identify connections between them. With harmonious and comprehensive development, a child aged 5-6 years is able to:
Build logic in actions with objects;
Remove an extra item from a row;
Group objects on a general basis;
Come up with a logically coherent story based on the pictures;
Color a specific item based on the pattern.

Graphic games for children 5-6 years old

Simple graphic games will help prepare your hand for writing. The child is able to accurately paint certain objects, add the necessary elements.

"Find a way out"... Print a labyrinth on an album sheet, the way out of which must be found by drawing a line of movement continuously. It can be looking for a way out of the mouse hole, getting to the treasure chest, and more.

"Extra element"... And a few drawn objects, find the extra one and cross it out. Shapes can be drawn: circles, ovals and a triangle. The triangle will be superfluous.

"Whose tail"... The picture shows animals: cat, rabbit, mouse, peacock. Ask your child to draw a tail for each of them.

"Connect the dots"... There are many options for this game. Invite the children to connect the dots in sequence to make a drawing. You can choose pictures with a missing element. The child will finish it, and then paint it.

"Patterns"... A picture is offered with the image of a Russian folk costume, where the pattern is drawn in full on one sleeve, and only the beginning of the pattern on the second sleeve - should be continued according to the pattern.

Board games for children

Board games are designed for multiple players. These games are best done in the evening when all family members can participate. Parents will also be interested in answering funny questions or placing the correct dominoes.

"Puzzles"... The puzzle game perfectly develops logic. You can start with a few elements, gradually increasing the number. At 5-6 years old, children can collect complex pictures for 500-700 elements. Choose themed puzzles: professions, furniture, transport, clothing, seasons, fish, domestic and wild animals, insects, vegetables and fruits, garden and vegetable garden, toys, people, dishes. All of these topics are required in preparation for school. And it's good if now, in the form of a game, you give him this knowledge.

"Zootanitsa"... It is required to collect pictures of animals from three elements into one. We also collect syllables into words. The game is aimed at developing fine motor skills, thinking and attention.

"Who is bigger"... The game is carried out with the help of cards, which depict animals, insects. Turn the cards over, shuffle. We take out two cards, turn them over, and the child must explain which of these animals is more and why.

"Domino"... The rules are simple, so the child will understand the principle of the game. You can use children's sets of dominoes, where you need to connect animals or vegetables and fruits.

Speech games for 5-6 years old

Games should encourage the child to find the correct answer, while reasoning and building the logic of his reasoning. In other words, the kid thinks before giving an answer to the task.

"Truth or Fiction"... The adult tells the story, and the child listens and determines whether this is actually the case, or whether it is fiction.

Examples of stories:
1. “On a warm sunny day, the children went to the hill of snow. We sledged down the mountain, fashioned a snowman. "
2. "A fire engine flew across the sky, and the birds gave way to it."
3. "In the middle of the sea a large carrot grew, and hares ran along the path from all sides to take a bite."

"Logic pairs"... An adult names the subject, and the child must find a logical pair for the subject. Encourage him to explain his answer. Examples of words: plate (spoon), hat (head), summer (heat), sea (water).

"Double words"... Children 5-6 years old are already quite possible to get acquainted with antonyms. They are very fond of looking for objects and phenomena that are opposite in meaning. Name the antonyms, and the child must find the answer. "What can be both dry and wet at the same time?" Answers: clothes, leaves on trees.

"Crocodile"... Everyone knows a game in which it is necessary to depict an object or phenomenon so that the other participants can guess what it is. The leader is chosen, and the rest of the participants take turns guessing. The one who guessed it becomes the leader.

"Associations"... The game will help expand the child's vocabulary, teaches you to choose synonyms. You can play on the way to the kindergarten or just for a walk. An adult names a word, for example: WHEEL. In turn, they begin to call associations with this word: CAR, CIRCLE, DISK, SUN, PANCAKE, BUS.
Computer games and online games
It is difficult to meet a modern child who does not know how to play on a computer. There are many games that develop logic and thinking.

Educational games on the phone

"Confectionery"... According to a certain scheme, it is proposed to cook a pie. It must match the final photo. We select the color, shape, additional decorative elements.

"Thumbelina"... You can download the game to your tablet, smartphone, IPhone. Allows you to create your own fairy tale, come up with an original beginning, the end of a well-known story. During the game, the child learns to read and pronounce words correctly, count and think logically. You can record and voice your characters, then watch the whole family through the resulting cartoon.

"The Adventures of Luntik"... Your favorite cartoon character helps you overcome obstacles on the way to the main prize. The animation principle of the game allows you to train memory and attention in children and adults.

Jewels. A game for logic and thinking. It is necessary to move gems so that there are 3 or more of the same color in a row. The stones explode and help open treasure chests.

Educational games involve thinking, memory, attention, logic. Together with adults, it is easier and more interesting for children to study in a playful way.

Video "Logic tasks for children 5-6 years old"

For the correct and all-round development of the child, the development of logical thinking is simply necessary. In the future, it will help the baby to analyze any situation and choose the best way to solve a problem or problem, based on the conditions existing at that time.

It is advisable to start playing with children who are already 5-6 years old. A child of this age can independently draw logical conclusions, can understand which object is superfluous from those provided to him, can find common things in objects and form them into groups according to this feature, can also tell a short story from pictures and understand how to apply theory in practice.

Pictures with children's exercises allow you to develop logic in the form of a game. These games are very simple, but they will be interesting for both the kid and the adult playing with him.

There are simpler picture games to develop thinking, such as:

But there are also more complex games for children 5-6, which are allowed in the development of logic to develop the ability to analyze.

For example, an adult should draw several shapes on a piece of paper: a circle, a triangle, a square, a circle, a triangle, a square, a circle, a triangle. The kid will have to look at the drawn figures and draw the figure that will follow the triangle.

A good game for the development of analysis in children of five years old will be a game when the kid will have to arrange cubes by size in descending order and then ascending.

A game called "Friends" has proven itself well. She perfectly develops attentiveness and intelligence, the child acquires the ability to analyze what is happening, and also applies the mathematical skills he has and develops them.

The essence of the game is that the child must draw his best friends himself, but at the same time he must accurately depict their growth. For example, Petya is taller than Masha, and Masha is taller than Katya, and Marina is the shortest girl. Each friend you draw will need to write his name.

Now the child will have to name which of his friends is the tallest and who is the shortest. You can also ask the child to say how much he drew the guys in total, ask him who is shown first in the drawing, who is second there, and who is fifth, who is drawn to the left of Katya, and who is to the right of Masha. You can ask the child to count how many children there will be in the picture if two leave, as well as how many children there will be if another girl joins the game.

Another interesting game for children 5-6 years old will be a game called "Absent-minded artist". During the game, the child will develop memory and intelligence, the child will try to organize his work himself, and also, if two or more children play, they will also be able to develop their competitive abilities.

An adult will have to draw a telephone disk and place the numbers on it, but not in order, but in inconsistency. The child will have to look at the drawing and correct visible mistakes.

If there are several children, prepare more drawings and ask the children to correct the mistakes. You can give a small prize to the one who is the first to complete the task.

Games for preschoolers

It is very easy for preschool children to be interested and drawn into the game, where the development of logic takes place with the help of questions.

But only now the little ones will answer the questions, and the adults will ask. This game is suitable for children of five and six years old, it should take place in a calm, friendly and fun atmosphere. Be sure to praise your child for their efforts and correct answers.

To warm up a couple of interesting tasks, you need to complete the logical missing elements:

The game "Believe, I do not believe" is that the child will have to learn to think independently and will not rush to accept as an axiom any information that comes from adults. This is a hugely needed skill for a six-year-old.

So, the adult pronounces the phrase, and the child listens and concludes whether this statement is correct or false. Examples of phrases can be very different:

  • All apples are green.
  • Dinosaurs live in the forest.
  • Raspberries grow on a tree.
  • It rains in summer.
  • Snow lies only in January.
  • All birds fly.

Ask the baby not only unambiguous phrases, but also those that can be answered in two ways. Let the child think, substantiate his point of view, this is how curiosity develops, the desire to get to the bottom of the essence, observation develops and the baby acquires his own life experience.

Another interesting game for preschoolers six years old will be the game "We call it in one word."

The child will learn to think abstractly and will be able to develop the ability to generalize. An adult will have to name a group of words that have one common feature, and a child of five or six years old should say how these words can be called entirely:

  1. "Bedside table, shelf, table, armchair" - the general name "furniture"
  2. "Eraser, sharpener, felt-tip pen, marker" - "stationery"
  3. "Cucumber, tomato, onion, cabbage -" vegetables "
  4. "Cat, dog, cow, crocodile" - "animals"
  5. "Chicken, parrot, pigeon, seagull" - "birds"

Math riddles

At the age of five, a child should already be able to count to at least ten, as well as perform simple mathematical actions. You can teach a child to perform simple mathematical actions in everyday situations, for this it is absolutely not necessary to allocate any special time.

An example of such a game can be the counting of objects that surround us in life every day. You can ask your child to calculate how many chairs are in the room. Ask your child if there are enough chairs if you need to seat six guests. If not enough, ask how many chairs will need to be brought into the room to accommodate everyone. The purpose of this game will be the development of such mathematical actions as addition and subtraction, but at the same time their development will take place in the form of an easy and unobtrusive game and the child will learn the material better.

Use bricks or other toys to help the child understand how 2 and 2 can be added to make 4; ask the child to count how many cubes will remain if he gives two of the five cubes to his friend. Such mathematical riddles, supported by actions and visual images, will be remembered by a child much better than working with the same actions on paper.

(5-7 years) - this is the period of the formation of the child's knowledge and skills that he will need in the future at school and in life. At this time, the children go through a period of "why", and the children begin to be interested in more global issues. A preschooler should already be able to read, count to 10, know the names of the main geometric shapes on a plane and in volume. The formation of the concepts "good and bad" is very important during this period. At the age of 5, the child can already concentrate well on a specific task and complete it without distraction. That is why at this age it is necessary to develop the child in all directions. Assignments for a 5-year-old child will help him prepare for school as much as possible.

The development of speech in a preschooler

As a rule, at this age children already speak well. They know a lot of words, are able to build complex sentences, and also describe events and objects using synonyms and antonyms. Children aged 4-5 listen very carefully to what adults say and copy their communication style. It is very important that your five-year-old learns to pronounce every sound and word correctly. In order for the child's speech to be clear and sonorous, it is necessary to perform exercises with him for the development of speech.

Speech therapy classes

Speech therapy tasks for children 5 years old are divided into several categories: finger gymnastics and tongue twisters. Tasks with the use of fingers are very conducive to the development of speech, articulatory gymnastics allows you to open your mouth correctly and put your tongue while pronouncing sounds, tongue twisters, in turn, consolidate the knowledge gained. Let's consider each of the categories separately.

Finger gymnastics

An example of a task for a 5-year-old child on the development of fine motor skills: "Flower"

Fold the hands so that they form a flower bud. Reading the rhyme, in words it “blooms” to open the flower, and in the word “lays down” to close it.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation (mimic) gymnastics is exercises for the development of the muscles of the tongue and lips. If these parts of the child's body are not sufficiently developed, then he will not be able to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly. It is recommended to complete tasks for a 5-year-old child to develop articulation near the mirror.

  1. Ask the baby Let him pretend that the tongue is a swing, and shake it one count to the upper teeth, two to the bottom.
  2. Exercises with lips: on the count of one - to pull the lips into a tube, on the count of two - to smile broadly. You can also try rubbing your upper and lower lip with your teeth.

Tongue Twisters

There are a huge number of tongue twisters for each sound. All of them help to develop the child's speech: to make it clearer and more expressive.

Educational tasks for children 5 years old in the form of tongue twisters:

Such tongue twisters teach you to pronounce the sounds [t] [d] [h]. Children love to read and learn such funny rhymes.

Develop memory

The memory of the child must begin to develop even in preschool age. At the age of 5, children perceive and remember new information very well, and in order for such results to be preserved in the future, some effort is needed. So what educational tasks for children 5 years old help to train memory?

  1. Memorization of objects. Place 4 different objects in front of the baby (for example: a typewriter, a pen, a telephone and keys). Ask your child to take a good look at them and turn away. Move objects out of sight. Now, when the child turns around, ask him to name what he saw before. If this is not difficult for him, complicate the exercise - ask the color of objects, shape, purpose.
  2. Memorization of words (objects and actions). Say 4 different words in a row (objects - table, cup, house, flower, or 4 different actions - sit, read, play, laugh) ask the child to repeat them. If such tasks for a 5-year-old child turn out to be easy, feel free to use 5-7 words.
  3. Find the difference pictures and reading and analyzing books help train memory. For example, start reading a long story to your child. Read half of it and leave the rest for the next day. Before reading the next part, ask the kid what he remembered from the previous one, analyze together the characters and events of this story.

Developing tasks for logic

Logic is a very important ability that needs to be developed. The thinking of a child at the age of 5 is very peculiar. Surely many mothers noticed that at this age children are sometimes smarter than adults. It is very important not to miss this period and help the child to develop.

Before studying for children 5 years old, it is necessary to determine what types of thinking the child is already operating at this age. As a rule, at the age of 5, children are able to compare, analyze, classify and synthesize objects and actions.

Exercise "Dorisuy"

The bottom line is that the child needs to finish painting part of the subject.

Children's puzzles help to develop logic. Collecting jigsaw puzzles with the whole family is a very fun and rewarding activity. In addition, mathematics assignments for children 5 years old help develop thinking. For example, place 8 coins on the table and give the child matches. Ask him to put as many matches as there are coins on the table.

Spend at least 30 minutes each day. However, you should not overwork and force the baby, be sure to take breaks for gymnastics. The process of studying with a child should look like an exciting game for him, and then he will learn and remember everything well.

If your child is already 5 or 6 years old, then it's time to think about how to effectively prepare him for school. The development of a child's thinking takes place in several stages.

1) Formation of visual-active thinking: when all the child's thought processes go through action.

2) Formation of visual-figurative thinking: when the child begins to think with the help of images.

3) Formation of verbal-logical thinking: when a child can express his thoughts in words, he begins to independently reason, compare, and find simple patterns.

It should be noted that the mental development of a child consists not only in obtaining certain knowledge, but also in the development of perception, memory, thinking, imagination.

For preschool children, the main activity is play. This means that learning new things should be conducted using game methods of training.

At preschool age, children actively form and develop speech, replenish their vocabulary, and train their memory. It is very important that the child, when completing the assignment, tried to reason on his own in order to find the correct answer.

This article will offer basic logic exercises to help you learn:

  • classify items;
  • compare items;
  • establish the sequence of events;
  • train memory;
  • draw conclusions.

The duration of the lessons is 15-20 minutes. Do not overwork the child so as not to cause a negative reaction from the class! On the contrary, try to turn your activities into a game!


1) Choose the opposite words in meaning:

black - ...

big - ...

happy - ...

good - ...

bitter - ...

wide - ...

high - ...

kind - ...

cold - ...

clever - ...

quick - ...

2) Listen carefully! Think and answer the questions:

What is more in the forest: birches or trees?

Who is in the zoo more: monkeys or animals?

Who is in the river more: perches or fish?

What is more in the garden: cabbage or vegetables?

What is more in the closet: T-shirts or clothes?

Who is more in the chicken coop: chickens or birds?

3) Complete the sentences:

Example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are the days of the week

Milk, bread, kefir, cheese, eggs are ...

Moscow, Novgorod, St. Petersburg are ...

Morning, evening, day, night is ...

Katya, Misha, Petya, Ira - this is ...

A dog, a cat, a mouse is ...

Chamomile, bell, rose are ...

A, B, C, D, D are ...

4) Listen carefully! Complete the sentences with:

If the train travels faster than the bus, then the bus travels ......... trains.

If a sister is older than a brother, then a brother .......... sisters.

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ........ of the table.

If a cat is bigger than a mouse, then a mouse ....... a cat.

If the river is wider than the brook, then the brook ........ the river.

5) Come up with the correct pattern.

The bird is feathers. A fish - ......

Autumn is rain. Winter - ......

Man is hands. Dog - ......

Morning breakfast. Evening - ......

An apple is a fruit. A tomato - ......

6) What is superfluous?

Armchair, chair, wardrobe, TV.

Rooster, peacock, crow, butterfly.

Suitcase, bag, briefcase, notebook.

Sun, lamp, chandelier, lantern.

7) What are these professions?

Who builds the houses?

Who writes poetry?

Who sings the songs?

Who heals people?

Who sews the clothes?

Who paints the pictures?

Who flies into space?

Who is flying the plane?

Who drives the bus?

Who is driving the train?

Who teaches children at school?

Who trains the animals?

8) Logical tasks.

What lasts: a year or 12 months?

Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

Petya and Vanya drank different juices - apple and cherry. Petya did not drink cherry juice. What juice did Vanya drink?

Ira and Lena were dressed in dresses of different colors: yellow and pink. Lena was not dressed in pink. What color was Ira's dress?

Seryozha, Andrey, Slava were picking berries in the garden. Seryozha collected more than Andrey, and Andrey collected more Glory. Which of the guys picked more berries, and which less?

Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?

Who will fly to the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?

Mom has a cat Barsik, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Ulyana. How many children does mom have?

Five eggs are boiled for five minutes. How many minutes does one egg take?

How many mushrooms can be grown from pine seeds?

What is the best and faster way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

The boy had one rope. How many times do you have to cut a rope to get three ropes?

Birds were sitting on the tree. They have only 8 wings. How many birds were there in the tree?

Two friends played chess for 2 hours. How long did each of them play chess?

The development of thinking and logic in children is successfully helped by special logic games, designed and thought out in accordance with the age of the child.

From the age of 5-6 years, the development of the child's personality begins, the little man stops asking the question “why?”.

He begins to be interested in more complex questions, which sometimes baffle parents.

We tried to collect useful information about logic games for children 5-6 years old in one article to help you navigate easier and choose the most suitable for your child.

A child at this age most often already counts up to 10; writes various letters; reads a little syllables; observes certain rules and norms of behavior (for example, at the table); performs simple math operations; plays with peers and independently.

From the point of view of the development of logical thinking, a child at this age should be able to:

  • make logical conclusions;
  • remove unnecessary from the set of items presented;
  • from the many items presented, sort them into groups and find a common feature;
  • come up with a story based on the proposed pictures;
  • come up with an ending to the story;
  • understand that theory can be applied to practice.

Types of games that develop logic

You can develop logical thinking in children 5-6 years old with the help of games with cards, online games, computer, graphic, speech, board, various puzzles, etc. Let's take a look at some of them.

Graphic games for the development of logic

Graphic games for children 5-6 years old very well develop logic, attention, thinking. The child is quite capable of coping with them.

Examples of graphic games:

  • find similar items;
  • remove an extra item;
  • paint a specific subject on assignment;
  • paint according to the sample;
  • to draw something on a certain subject;
  • find a way out of the maze.

Speech logic games

Speech games encourage the child to build a logical series and find the correct answer, they must make the child think.

For example, you can ask your kid the following task:

Multicolored boats
I came to the river. How many multi-colored boats are on the river today: yellow, red, orange! They all flew here by air. A boat will arrive, go down into the water and immediately float. Many more will arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And then the ships will no longer arrive, and the river will freeze. Tell us what kind of boats they are and what time of year they appear.
(N.F. Vinogradova)

Board games for the development of logic

Board games for children should be fun and entertaining. It will also be interesting for parents to join the children and play with the whole family, because board games are designed for several people.

For example, board game "First grader's quiz" from Olesya Emelyanova - designed for preschool children in order to check the level of preparation for school.

The point of the game is to get from home to school. In order to go through this path, you need to correctly answer the questions. One person should read the questions and check the answers.

Board game NPI Merry Logic - jigsaw puzzles, one of which often consists of the whole, and the second of the parts of the picture. You need to connect both. The game develops imaginative thinking, logic, imagination.

Puzzles for kids

Puzzles for children train memory, attention, logic. The title of these assignments already suggests that you have to think hard to find the answer.

The task may include the following questions:

  • find differences;
  • find a way out of the labyrinth;
  • find specific fragments;
  • puzzles;
  • and much more.

An example of a puzzle: in the picture, find the house from the parts of which you can build the same one as in the boy's drawing.

1. O. Antonova, “Smart games. Smart kids. Developing games and exercises for children 5 years old ”- the book will help develop thinking, logic, memory, speech, imagination.

2. Z.Yu. Khlebnikova, "Educational games" - educational games for children from 5 years old plus a gift - stickers.

3. N. Kopytov, "The best tasks for the development of logic" - will help teach your children to reason logically. The book contains tips for parents to help organize the learning process.

4. O. Zakharova, "The first lessons of logic" - teaches the child to build logical consistent thoughts.

5. L.F. Tikhomirova, "Logic Lessons at Prostokvashino" - your favorite characters will make the learning process even more interesting.

We give only an approximate list for children 5-6 years old, but you can purchase other books as well. All these books can be found on the website, just enter the title of the book in the search bar.

Online logic games

The game "Grow a butterfly" - you need to arrange the correct picture according to the development of the caterpillar into a butterfly. Bright, colorful game on the site

There are many different exercises for the development of logic and not only on the website

Checkers- of course, it's too early for a child to play chess. But you can try checkers on the website

Educational game "Shapes and colors" - in the center there are four shapes, you need to supplement each of them with the missing fragment from the bottom, suitable in shape and color. Develops imaginative thinking and logic. You can find the game on the website

Part and whole - an interesting game that develops logic. Above depicts objects, below one part of this object. You need to find a part and connect it to the whole image. You can find the game on the website

Computer games

The game “Little pastry chef. We develop logic "
- allows the child to get acquainted with the concept of "scheme", develops logic and imaginative thinking, teaches to collect sweets, that is, objects, according to symmetry.

There are two options in the game:

  • a partially filled box of chocolates is presented. Cells for one type of candy are highlighted in color. You need to find a suitable candy and put it in the right cell.
  • a partially filled box of chocolates is presented. You need to fill it so that the candies are arranged symmetrically.

Jukebox. Logic for kids- a statement is given on the screen, the speaker pronounces it. You need to choose the correct statement or not. If the answer is correct, then a melody plays. Available tasks for cause-and-effect relationships (for example, furniture is usually wooden, spoon is wooden. So, it is furniture), generalizations, judgments, part and whole, etc.

Games for smartphone (Android), Ipad, IPhone

Children very quickly master the technique: smartphone, Ipad, IPhone, of course, children's game applications are available for them as well.

For example, an application - a child will need to assemble a puzzle, paint a picture, which allows him to learn colors. The game has several difficulty levels and many colorful characters. The game is suitable for the iPad.

Stuffed ABC (HD) alphabet - great game that allows you to learn the alphabet. It is built on associations, objects repeat the shape of letters, the game has an interesting animation - you can eat a watermelon, scare the fish cheerfully, etc. Suitable for iPad and Smartphone (Android).

Hedgehog Adventure - game developed by a professional psychologist. Aimed at the development of logical thinking, attention, memory. Suitable for Smartphone (Android), Ipad, IPhone. For children from 4 to 6 years old.

Dear parents, study with your children, develop their thinking, logic, imagination, imaginative thinking. Remember that a 5-6 year old child is actively developing and the game process contributes to a better perception of information. Make good use of this time.