Family values ​​and traditions in the context of the modern family. Family traditions. Family values ​​and traditions

Family traditions generate and nurture important values ​​in people: love for the family, respect for one's relatives, care for loved ones, a correct understanding of the family and its role in life. Failure to comply with family customs and foundations can lead to a weakening of ties between its members, to the destruction of family ties. Even a cell of society in which love reigns cannot exist without certain important and pleasant customs, for example, joint leisure.

Traditions strengthen in children a sense of gratitude to their parents, as well as to grandparents, instilling respect for the older generation. Spouses customs give a sense of inviolability, stability of family relationships. L.N. Tolstoy said: "Happy is he who is happy at home." A person living in a family that respects traditions will surely be surrounded by care, love, warmth and tenderness. In such a person, family well-being will certainly be transferred to other areas of life.

Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Each nation has its own special traditions related to all areas of life, and especially the family. This is due, first of all, to the fact that each nation or country has its own special geography, location, climate, history, unique culture, adheres to different religions. All these factors influence the formation of cultural and family customs. Family traditions, in turn, shape the worldview and attitude to life. Such family structures have existed for centuries, practically unchanged, passing from older family members to younger ones.

Family cultural traditions in Russia history and modernity

If we turn to history, it becomes obvious that there are many traditions in Russia. From time immemorial, the main family custom in Russia has been genealogy - in the past it was considered indecent not to know one's family, and the expression "Ivan, who does not remember kinship" was an insult. An integral part of the family structure was the compilation of a family tree or family tree. Also known are such traditions of the Russian people as the transfer of valuable things from generation to generation and naming a child in honor of one of the respected ancestors.

In modern Russia, the significance of family customs has been somewhat lost. For example, nowadays you rarely meet a family leading their own genealogy. Often the memory of generations is reduced to an album with photographs. But such wonderful traditions as a joint meal and holding joint holidays have been preserved. Family customs and traditions in the Kuban still suggest a Cossack life, raising children in the spirit of a Cossack family.

Traditions in Germany

There is a stereotype that the Germans are extremely pedantic. The most strict traditions among the Germans relate to the family:

It is customary to treat your home with the utmost care, carefully cleaning it and bringing beauty to it;

It is not customary to leave grandchildren to be raised by their grandmother or grandfather - for this it is necessary to determine the amount of money for them;

parents in old age do not live with children - they are looked after by nurses or they live in special boarding houses;

At Christmas, it is customary for the whole family to gather in the parental home;

· The Germans are prudent and frugal, so they have a tradition of putting aside savings for old age, during which they usually travel a lot around the world.

In England

The British have traditions - these are the three pillars on which the Earth rests, so they honor them with special trepidation. Who does not know about the notorious English custom of drinking tea? Family gatherings and discussions are sure to be held over a cup of real Earl Gray with milk. The British are Catholics, so they especially celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving, gathering with the whole family, preparing traditional dishes. It is necessary to call a fine tradition among the English the custom of giving children a good education. It is considered bad form not to send your child to a private boarding school or college.

In France

In France, the custom is widespread - on Sundays to gather at a common table, drink wine and have a meal. Of the holidays, the French like to celebrate Christmas, gathering in their parents' house. At the festive banquet, there are always such delicacies as foie gras, salmon, seafood, iscariot snails and noble cheeses. The traditional drink for Christmas is champagne, and the dessert is “Christmas log”.

In India

India is a country of the strictest family customs and traditions. Indian society is divided into social castes, so the issue of marriage is approached very unusually there. The father of the family must himself choose the future groom for his daughter, she was given in marriage only to a representative of her social caste. A lavish wedding celebration is more of a duty than a wish. The bride traditionally had to provide a dowry. Divorce and remarriage in India used to be prohibited.

Indian family life is greatly influenced by Buddhist traditions. According to them, a man should:

Show respect for your spouse.

· Do not change.

· Provide for the family.

· Teach children crafts.

· Choose a suitable pair for children.

A woman must:

· Respect your husband.

· To raise children.

· Perform all household chores.

· Don't cheat on your husband.

Fulfill all the wishes of the spouse.

Tatar traditions

Tatars are Muslims, so family structures are based on Sharia and the Koran. Among the Tatars, the creation of a family is considered a necessity dictated by religion. Interestingly, after marriage, the husband receives full power over his wife, and the wife is dependent on him - she does not even have the right to leave the house without the consent of her husband. Divorces among Tatars are extremely rare, exclusively at the initiative of the husband. It is customary for children to be brought up by their wife, but they are required to show complete obedience to their father.

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First of all, this is a home, in the sense of it, when it is full of relatives and loved ones, where you can find comfort and support, where everyone loves you and takes care of you. This is the rear and the foundation on which all life is built. We are all born in a family, and as we grow up, we create our own. That's the way man is, and that's how life is.

If you look closely, you can see that families are different. There are cheerful and happy, strict and conservative, unhappy and incomplete. Why is that? After all, it should be a strong stronghold, which is based on the love of a man and a woman. Different families have different personalities, just like people. If a person, as a person, determines his life based on his life priorities, then the family, as a complex consisting of individuals strongly interconnected by family and emotional relationships, builds its present and future based on its own values.

The role of family values ​​in our lives

Family and family values ​​are two concepts that cannot exist without each other. Family values ​​lose their meaning if there is no family. And the family is not able to exist without fundamental principles that can preserve its integrity and spiritual health. Family values ​​are the attitude of a person to a person, saturated with love and care. A man and a woman, creating a union, each bring their own into it, and all this together forms the foundation of family relations, creates an atmosphere in which their children will be born and grow up.

What are the values ​​of family life?

So what are family values ​​and why are they so? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider the main ones in more detail. Examples of such values ​​will help to show their importance individually and their powerful power in their totality.

He, she and their children - how can they live happily if their relationship is not based on love? Love is such a deep and all-encompassing feeling that it simply cannot be accurately described in words. We can only understand that this is the strongest attachment to another person, the desire to constantly be near him. E. Fromm defined love as a special kind of unity between people, which has an ideal value in all the great humanistic religions and philosophical systems of the history of the West and East. Love is the most powerful force in a relationship that you can imagine.

People become close to each other when they feel a sense of support and care from their partner. Existing in society, a person is forced to constantly face difficulties and problems of various kinds, severe stresses that occur due to the collapse of any hopes and dreams in life. Standing alone in this storm is extremely difficult, almost impossible. A house with relatives becomes a safe haven where you can get help, support, care, relax and gain strength in order to live on and enjoy life.

No union is possible without respect and mutual understanding of its partners. Thus, relationships between spouses and between parents and children reach a high level of development only when each side understands the feelings, aspirations and interests of the other. At the same time, forcible intervention and intrusion into the partner’s personal space with the aim of breaking, subjugating another person and “remaking” it for themselves is unacceptable.

Honesty and sincerity are the key to purity and transparency of relations between partners. This applies to both systems: husband-wife and parents-children. These qualities, with their maximum severity, give rise to another integral attribute of a happy home - trust. Trust cannot be bought with any money, it can be hard earned and very easy to lose.

Similar examples of values ​​can be continued for a long time. The most important thing is their semantic load and strength, which can give a long and happy life to any union.

In society, family values ​​are usually divided into two types - traditional and modern. Oddly enough, they can often come into conflict with each other.

Traditional family values

When we talk about family values ​​in the generally accepted sense, we can easily operate with this concept and understand in general terms what it means. When traditional family values ​​become the topic of conversation, there are both discussions and certain misunderstandings of each other. There are many definitions of this term, but they all tend to be cumbersome and indigestible. The simplest definition would be to characterize this form of values ​​as the result of interaction over a long period of time of a society with its views with religious norms recognized in this society, aimed at preserving the institution of the family.

Traditional family values ​​are constantly cultivated and introduced into the lives of spouses. It is them that their grandmothers are trying to instill in young people, you can hear about them on the TV screen, they talk about them in church, etc. Faith, fidelity, love, marriage, respect, the sanctity of motherhood, procreation - this is far from complete, but the main list family values. The main semantic load that they carry is marriage, as the only correct form of life together for a man and a woman, the purpose of which, while maintaining faith and love for each other, is to continue the family and raise children.

The problem in the perception of traditional family values ​​in our time is the almost complete absence of any freedom of choice and change in personal life. So, for example, divorce is contrary to traditional canons, but in our time it is somehow difficult to agree with this, because situations are different and people are different.

Modern family values

With the change and development of society and its views, modern family values ​​appear. They can be conditionally divided into the values ​​of parents and children. These two groups have a lot in common, but the one that belongs to our children has a tougher and more progressive character. This happens naturally because each subsequent generation tries to take only the most necessary from the previous one and introduces its own family values ​​that are relevant at the moment.

Of course, such concepts as love, trust, respect, mutual assistance, kindness and understanding are fundamental to modern family values. But, unfortunately, they are under serious pressure from various factors caused by the problems of society. So, according to the results of sociological surveys, family values ​​for young people are far from being in the first place. They were overtaken by: career, education, relationships with friends and parents.

In order to preserve the family as the joy of our life, it is necessary, first of all, to show our children by example that it really is such. Even if one of us did not grow up in such conditions, could not absorb real values ​​in relationships along with education, we must try for each other and make this world a better place.

Raising family values

Each of us has a different understanding of what should define and maintain marriage and relationships. Our parents taught us this, we understood something ourselves. We go through life with this reserve, not thinking about the fact that a loved one may have slightly different ideas about this and in a different volume. When entering into a marriage, spouses, as a rule, begin to expect the best from each other - to expect. It is a big mistake to wait for someone else to make the first move. It is necessary to start cultivating and protecting everything that can make the union of two people successful and children happy. Moreover, you need to engage in self-education, which is quite difficult, but extremely necessary. To acquire the ability to restrain anger when it seems impossible, to learn how to solve emerging problems in a peaceful and reasonable way - this is only the beginning of the path to mutual happiness. But, believe me, the result will not keep you waiting, and you will soon feel that life is getting better and only good things await you ahead.

We must not forget about children, they must not only be taught how important the family and the world in it are, it is necessary to constantly prove this statement by example. And then, when they become adults, you will be glad that your work was not in vain, because for parents the happiness of their children is the meaning of their whole life. Thus, cultivating family values ​​is a must for all of us.

Family values ​​at school

Instilling in a child love for the family and its fundamental elements is the direct concern of the parents. Previously, very little time was devoted to this topic in schools. But, recently, given that the negative background in society is constantly increasing, which has a direct impact on the unformed children's consciousness, lessons of the family and its values ​​\u200b\u200bbegan to be introduced in educational institutions. This is a big step forward in the proper development of the child's self-awareness and in his understanding of his place in this world. As mentioned earlier, because of the lack of information and because of the new values ​​of money and status imposed by society, children have pushed the most expensive and necessary components of their normal life into the background. And this threatens a real catastrophe for a full-fledged human society.

Due to the fact that family values ​​at school have already been covered by professional teachers, that this direction is supported by the government of our country, concerned about the fate of the new generation, it remains to be hoped that all efforts - both parents and the school will bear their precious fruits.

The values ​​of family life are what we must always cherish

When a loved one is nearby and the sonorous laughter of playing children is heard - the heart is filled with tenderness, the world plays with all the colors of the rainbow and you want to live forever. I want to stop this moment, there is only one desire for all this to last as long as possible. Is it impossible? Nothing is impossible - you just need to learn how to cherish these and other wonderful moments. Take care of love and understanding. Appreciate the trust from close people, because this is the most important reward that they can give you for your attitude towards them. Do not hurt the feelings of relatives, because it is from you that they never expect this, which means that they will be absolutely defenseless before the blow. The values ​​of family life are really all we have.

Every day of a happy family is a voluntary sacrifice that its members make for each other. There is no need to be afraid of this word, because only when one will consciously give in to another at least in something or sacrifice his interests in order to help or deliver pleasant moments, the long-awaited mutual understanding and peace will come in every family.

You can talk a lot and for a long time about the importance of seven in society, about its role and functions. But this is not the purpose of our article. There are more important things that we ourselves rarely think about, but often mention them.

Family values ​​are a multifaceted thing - there are thousands of definitions, each of which will be correct. This is exactly the case when they say "how many people - so many opinions." Before reading the article, think about what family values ​​mean to you personally?

Undoubtedly, if you put together a list of all values, then it will be endless. But without them, according to experts, it is impossible to build a happy and friendly family, because these are not just words, these are the principles that you adhere to, your goals and objectives for the future. For a shared future.

Examples of family values

Affiliation. It is very important that every member of the family knows that they are important and that they matter. You can be a close-knit family that spends every free moment together, but this does not mean that your interests should be absolutely identical. It is important that despite not any hobbies, despite unpleasant events or the like. things, the child and every member of the family should know that they have a place to return to, that they believe in them and are expected. To strengthen this feeling of unity, joint lunches and dinners, trips to the cinema and zoos, or just an evening spent with the family will help.

Respect. Everyone defines for himself what respect is. Some consider it respectful to take all points of view when making a decision. Also, this is the recognition of the thoughts, ideas and character of a family member, the recognition of him as he really is. It is very important not to cross the line of fear and respect, since in most cases one excludes the other. Earn respect not with violence and threats, but with wise decisions, taking into account the wishes of you and your family. Respect, as a family value, is important not only at home, but also at school, at work and when communicating with other people.

Flexibility. The ability to accept someone else's opinion, not to constantly insist on the same position. Of course, a clear schedule of life will not hurt, but do not forget that the rules to live ... well, boring in many ways. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the usual joys of life - make surprises, be stupid, arrange unexpected evening dinners or walks. All this will strengthen your family, and teach children how to work and rest.

Honesty This is the key to any relationship, both friendly and family. No family is possible without it. Without honesty, it is impossible to create deep and lasting bonds that should be an integral part of every family. Do not scold children for every bad deed, so you can show them how good and right it is to be honest. If we tell someone something bad when he turns to us with bad news, then the next time he will simply hide from us what he wanted to say and stop being honest, because he knows that he will not receive in the answer is nothing good. And this can threaten the loss of not only honesty, but also human trust.

Forgiveness. Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is very important to be able to do it. Forgiveness is a decision, it is your choice, and not just a feeling that the person has paid enough for the offense and we are ready to have mercy. The concept of family and resentment are incompatible. Yes, we, of course, can be offended by our parents or our sister and brothers, for some misconduct or offensive words. But, in no case do not forget that this is your loved one, with whom your whole future life is connected. Well, it’s impossible, it’s simply impossible to live your whole life without the closest people - it destroys a person from the inside, destroys his psyche and his peace of mind - this is my opinion, with which you may not agree, or you can agree. In fact, it is much more difficult to forgive loved ones, much more, but this is what makes a family stronger and more friendly, it brings them together.

Do not forget that every person can make a mistake, stumble, our task is to understand and accept. Life is too short to waste it on quarrels and disagreements. It is best to talk directly and clear up any misunderstandings.

Generosity is to give without thinking, “what will it mean for me, what benefit will I get?”. For a family, this approach is not possible. Thanks to this feeling, we learn compassion, learn to think not only about ourselves and our interests, but also about the people who live next to us. Generosity does not necessarily mean giving money, it means giving loved ones your love, warmth, attention, giving your time.

Communication- this is also a kind of art, in the absence of which omissions and misunderstandings can arise. Small conflicts, unresolved at the initial stage, will lead to larger ones that can no longer be hidden - and it is unlikely that you will be able to calmly look at situations. Therefore, it is so important to be able to communicate and talk about your feelings and experiences, to resolve conflicts in time, before they turn into a storm. Many consider this value the most important of all. When a person feels that they can talk openly about anything - hopes, dreams, fears, successes or failures - this strengthens the connection.

A responsibility. Someone has this quality to a greater extent, someone to a lesser extent. In childhood, we were taught that we need to clean up toys after playing, or feed pets on time - these little things will help children in adulthood to be more accurate and responsible. An adult, responsible person, without unnecessary reminders and reproaches, comes to work on time, meets deadlines and answers phone calls, in case of urgent need. If you want to instill a sense of responsibility in the household, give each member a list of things to do.

Curiosity, a quality that is more characteristic of children. Take a closer look at the child, and you will definitely see these qualities in him. It is important to encourage and promote in children the craving for learning new things. Ask questions, learn, read about what you know little or do not know at all. Curiosity will help to gradually develop critical thinking, which will be useful in different situations. And the ability to ask questions and learn something will also help you in strengthening your family ties.

Traditions. Probably one of the most important values ​​of the family, which is able to unite different generations of one family. Keep it simple, it can be morning tea or coffee in the morning, a movie on Sunday, trips to nature or cooking dinner together - there are many options, the main thing is that such moments strengthen the unity of the family, give everyone the opportunity to feel part of it.

And most importantly - love. Without it, there is simply no way - this is the basis on which a large foundation is built. Without debate and arguments, we give her the first place in any list of values, including family ones. Thanks to her, we learn to endure, forgive, talk and be honest. Loving children and our soul mate, we teach children respect and love for other people.

Family values ​​for the modern family

First of all, it is the family itself and ways to preserve it - this is what worries many of us. And marriage itself ceases to become the important cell that it used to be. Now young people more often live in a civil marriage and are in no hurry to put a stamp in their passport, considering it a formality. I think that there is no point in arguing on this topic, because each of us has the right to his own point of view and his own understanding of family life.

An important change is that career, materialism, etc. come first. each family considers it their duty to get on their feet, realize themselves, and only then have children, build a family. Is it correct? Probably, this is the topic of another article, but not this one. Just think, what will all this lead to? What's next for you?

It is important that the family is created consciously. Only then will you be able to invest in a small miracle such important concepts as love, freedom, faith, conscience and responsibility - this task is impossible outside the family and outside love. A sense of patriotism, responsibility, compassion for loved ones, respect, and the ability to communicate with other people are laid in the family.

Conflicts and omissions can arise in the family, but you need to learn how to solve them during them, without inflating small domestic problems to the size of a disaster. Do not forget to show family members your love, your gratitude through gestures, deeds and words. And don't forget to make time for your loved ones.

The family is the crystal of society, its basis. The state of our entire society depends on what kind of family we have, what moral values, family traditions, and culture are in it. From what is this family crystal formed? What values ​​and traditions are the main ones in today's families? What do you think is the importance of family traditions and values ​​in your family? How seriously do you take family hierarchy, where a man is at the head? Are noisy family meals important to you, or does each member of your family prefer to eat alone? Let's take a closer look at family traditions and values ​​​​and by all means try to preserve them.

Family traditions are a sign of unity

Family traditions are repeated joint actions that are understandable to others. These are rituals and rituals that are passed down in the family from generation to generation.

Needless to say, how important is the traditional hierarchy in the family? Namely, the man at the head, strong and reliable, able to solve the problems of all family members: his wife, children, and the older generation, who will come to the rescue in any difficult life situation.

Of course, there should be both "male" and "female" roles in the family. Then the structure of the family is clear and extremely simple. For example, a husband earns money and solves difficult issues. And the wife is engaged in raising children, keeping the house in order and self-educating the family.

Types of family traditions

The very first wonderful tradition of a young family is marriage. By tradition, the bride puts on a white dress, the mother of the bride goes around the car several times, in which the young people will be taken to the registry office, the bride and groom are sprinkled with coins, sweets, hops, etc., they serve bread and salt. All these traditions are wonderful, they are treated with special trepidation.

Then, when the family has already been created, they begin to celebrate birthdays, the New Year, and pay tribute to the sad events. These are also traditions. If a child from birth sees how joyfully his family celebrates the birthdays of all its members, including himself, he will understand how much they value him, how happy he was born.

A family cannot exist without traditions! If the family does not have traditions and values ​​or they are not respected, this is a direct path to its destruction. It is also bad to introduce harmful traditions, for example, drinking after work or spending the whole weekend in a nightclub.

Family traditions in everyday life

One way or another, there is a common life in the family, and it also has its own traditions and rituals.

Absolutely important in this regard are family dinners, when all family members gather at a common table and discuss the news of the past day. These conversations “at the kitchen table” are Russian psychotherapy. They give a sense of security, unity. If family members start eating separately, this is already a bad sign.

And how nice it is to cook food together, for example, stick a mountain of dumplings with the whole family or cut a bowl of Olivier? “No, we are not gluttons, we just like to do everything together,” says such a family.

A person who lives in a strong and happy family sleeps better. He feels more secure and knows that he is not alone, that he will be supported at any moment. He is sure that his childhood photographs, his first strand of hair, the maternity tag will be forever kept in the family ... All this causes tenderness and tenderness. And all these are family traditions and values.

Towards prosperity!

Observance of family traditions and values ​​is a direct path to inner well-being, to a wonderful mental and physical state. If there are traditions, if everything goes on as usual, life flows slowly and measuredly, there are no stresses in it, then a person is healthy and happy! And what could be more important?!…

The words “family traditions” usually evoke in people associations with old clans, large families, some rigidly established rules and strange customs. In fact, family traditions are everything that people adhere to in their family circle, no matter how big it is. If you have a habit of reading books to your child every day before going to bed, and on Sunday you go out into nature with the whole family, then you keep and observe the traditions of your family. They can be expressed in customs, things, celebrations of anniversaries and many other things.

Family traditions bring together all close relatives, makes the family a family, and not just a community of blood relatives. In addition, family traditions and rituals allow the child to feel the stability of the way of life: "whatever the weather" in your family, what is instituted will take place; give him a sense of confidence in the world around him and security; create unique childhood memories that the baby will someday tell his children.

What are family values? Certainly not material goods that are stored at home in a wardrobe or safe.

Not documents for an apartment, not money, not vintage clothes and not grandmother's jewelry. Although - for whom?

Traditional family values ​​are the framework on which the cohesive essence of a particular family is built.

These are things (qualities, properties, traits, deeds) that are revered and brought to the fore by all members of a large or small family. This is what makes the base of kinship relationships strong and indestructible, like cement.

Without family values, which are honored and protected by all relatives in equal proportions, there can be no real family with a strong “foundation”.

Fighting for common ideals, striving for a common goal, getting joy from the same things and actions, members of a kindred mini-community become closer to each other, feel like an integral and strong link in the human chain.

The formation of family values ​​begins at a tiny age. A child brought up in his own family, with his mother's milk, absorbs the guidelines of a particular circle of people.

He becomes a part of it and, in most cases (sometimes even subconsciously), continues to preach the ideals of fathers and mothers in adulthood.

The best way to teach family values ​​is through examples demonstrated by the parents themselves, demonstrative and sincere, and not school lectures on the topic.

Family values: what are they?

There is no specific hierarchy or list of popular family life values. Each narrow circle of genetically related people chooses a separate, individual path for themselves.

For some, respect and reverence is more important, for some - a community of interests, for some - and the rituals familiar to them.

Some put love in the first place, others - the ability to forgive, seek compromises and adapt, the so-called "flexibility".

Some people emphasize communication more than others, while others find mutual care and responsibility for each other indispensable.

Core values ​​of family relationships

2. Respect for both elders and younger. At the same time, the fear of punishment is not cultivated in the family. Respect does not mean fear.

3.following the rituals. Family values ​​and traditions are tightly connected, it is very important not to break this thin but strong thread.

Each kindred circle has its own habits: how to celebrate the New Year, how to see off Maslenitsa, when to decorate the Christmas tree, what cookies to bake on Sundays, what movie to watch on Christmas.

The more unshakable traditions in your family, the stronger the “foundation”.

4. A responsibility. Everyone carries it - in front of everyone. And for their actions, and for the deeds of their children.

5. Forgiveness. No matter what happens or is said in the heat of quarrels, the family is the place where they will always forgive. You can return here at any time, even after cursing and eloquently slamming the door. Here they will understand your motives and forget bad words.

6. Honesty. Family is a place where they won't lie to you. Sometimes sober criticism and undisguised truth sound cruel, but only here they can be received in full. The absence of hypocrisy and lies is the basis of family values.

7. Significance for relatives. Each family member realizes that he plays a serious role in the lives of loved ones. This is not a reason for manipulation, but, on the contrary, an important mission.

8. Generosity. Not only material, but also any other - spiritual, sensual. Generosity for words of approval, for time, for attention, implying the art of sharing and giving.

9. Love. It was not for nothing that we wrote this value as the last item, so that you yourself could guess the importance of its inclusion in the list. Today, many people forget about the need not only to feel, but also to show love towards their relatives.

Actions that speak of your quivering feelings for each other, words of tenderness, manifestations of care, attention to the problems of another and a desire to help - this is what will make your marriage indestructible.

Exploring family values ​​in school

Education of family values ​​is an important task of modern society.

Not always parents can and want to give guidance to the child, showing their own example, and this becomes the responsibility of teachers.

Classroom hours “Family Values” are being introduced in schools, where children study the long-established way of family relations.

Students realize the superiority of close spiritual ties over material ones, the importance of such qualities as honesty, respect, generosity, responsibility and the ability to forgive.

After the lesson, the children receive the task - to write an essay “Family Values ​​of a Person”, talking about how they plan to build the foundation of family relationships in the future.

Such a school of family values ​​is very important in a progressive and rapidly changing world, where young people from all sides receive information about the “non-mandatory marriage” and “the ideal of a free, unencumbered life”, stop appreciating their parents and thinking about offspring.