We sew a textile bag with our own hands. Master class Crafts Product Sewing Sew bags for all sorts of things MK Ribbons Fabric Clothes bag

How to sew a bag with a drawstring? It’s not at all difficult as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing is to see the work process once and have fabric and sewing accessories on hand. Even the most inexperienced needlewoman who is just beginning to master cutting and sewing can sew a bag. If you have recently purchased a sewing machine, then this work is ideal for mastering sewing technologies) Watch the master class that will help you easily cope with the work.

What is a drawstring? This is a common sewing term that refers to an integral part of many sewing and knitwear products. A drawstring is made from a folded, hemmed or separately sewn strip of fabric into which you can insert braid, elastic, rope or lace, as in this version of the bag:

The drawstring bag can be used at home as an organizer for socks and underwear, you can put accessories and small items for handicrafts in it, and the bag can also be used for original handmade gift packaging. To sew a bag with a drawstring, you can use any cotton fabric; chintz, linen, double-thread, burlap or satin fabric, which you can purchase on the website of the “All Fabrics” warehouse store. The fabric store presents a huge assortment of fabrics of various types for sewing toys, bed linen, curtains, outerwear, as well as lace and sewing accessories. You can purchase high-quality fabrics from Italy, France and England both retail and wholesale at competitive prices.

For work we will need:

  • cotton fabric,
  • printed fabric for decoration,
  • scissors,
  • iron,
  • sewing machine, thread and needles, lace or string.

Let's get to work. Our bag will be double, so we cut out two parts - two rectangles with sides of 23 and 45 cm. On the long sides of the parts we cut out rectangles 5 by 8 cm, see photo below.

We sew strips of printed fabric, 4 cm wide, to one of the prepared parts. We need this to decorate the bag, so you can choose the fabric in a contrasting color.

Now we sew on the drawstring. From printed fabric we cut out two strips 8 cm wide and 20 cm long. We fold the strips in half lengthwise and sew them to the parts of the bag, folding towards the middle of the part, 1.5 cm from the edge, as shown in the photo below.

We fold this part of the bag with the finishing fabric in half and sew the sides, leaving 1 cm from the edge - the seam allowance.

Open the seam allowances and iron them with a hot iron. Sew the details along the bottom edge. We received the front side of the bag.

We sew the lining part of the bag in the same way as the front part, only we leave a small distance on the side unsewn. We will need this to unscrew the bag.

You can start assembling. We turn the part of the inside of the bag inside out into the unturned part of the front side. Sew the bags along the top edge, retreating 0.7 cm.

We turn out the parts and this is what we get:

We insert the inner part of the bag into the front one and iron the finished product with a hot iron. We thread a lace, ribbon, rope or ribbon into the drawstring.

That's the whole master class) I hope that I explained everything clearly to you and you can easily sew a similar bag with a drawstring yourself. Good luck to you!

Hello everyone who has visited the page!

fabric, thread, ribbon or braid.


chalk, scissors, needle, sewing machine, pin for threading ribbon.

So, we measured out your items according to the measurements, cut them off, and folded them in half. I like to cut the fabric lengthwise and fold it in half and crosswise to create fewer seams.

With chalk, a pencil or whatever else we marked, where we will have the drawstring. I advise you to read the entire post before sewing and cutting, then you will understand why.
Sew along the sides from the fold to the mark, leaving the top of the bag open.

If the fabric frays, we process the edge using a machine or overlocker. At that time I didn’t have the latter yet, so I processed it with a zig-zag.
Moreover, we sew not only to the mark, but also further - that is, to the very end of the fabric. That is, we get the top edge slightly wider than the bottom, well, literally half a centimeter, which will not be noticeable at all later and you will see why.

Now we take the loose ends and fold them inwards like this. I’ll make a reservation right away, I came up with a sewing method myself, maybe there is a better one, but I don’t know it and no one taught me anything, I did it all myself. Therefore, I ask you not to throw rotten tomatoes.

In order to sew narrow things on a machine, like a bag or sleeves, for example, I remove what is removable. Almost every machine has this option.

And we scribble in a circle. Someone might be able to do this step BEFORE sewing the sides, but I have never been able to finish it nicely afterwards. So I do it my way.

We cut the thread, retreated to the width of the ribbon being threaded plus two or three millimeters for freedom of movement, and laid another parallel line.

Next, I personally did this - I took this tool (I don’t know what it’s called in Russian), and we rip the side seam line BETWEEN the two lines FROM THE WRENSE (that’s why we stitched the top part with a zigzag). This will be the place where we will insert the tape.

I measured how much ribbon/braid I needed, cut it off and immediately singed all the ends so that they wouldn’t unravel when I pulled them through the drawstring.

Place the ribbon on the pin and off you go! I hope there is no need to explain?

Okay, I’ll explain - we pulled out both ends from one side and tied them in a beautiful knot. You can stop here if you only made a hole in the drawstring on one side. If you have done it since two, then read on, my dears.

Here it is, a beautiful knot! ;)

Now we took the SECOND ribbon and began to thread it into the drawstring from the opposite side.

You can sew a lot of these bags in an evening, if you have the desire. The widest application:
- they can be used as gift wrapping,
- you can put sandwiches in them (especially if these bags are soaked in beeswax, they will wash very well!) and take them with you to work/school/kindergarten (underline as appropriate),
- you can store women's little things in them - for example, curlers, curling irons, sorry, ladies' toiletries, i.e. pads, etc. (away from men's eyes),
- you can also wear replacement shoes in them (those who grew up with this will understand me!), although I also put dancing shoes in them,
- if such bags are made on some padding polyester, then you can use them as cases for an iPad or Kindle,
- you can store socks, tights, underwear in them and even put away sweaters for the summer by adding a little lavender (the main thing is to get it in the size of the bag),
- and if you sew them from mesh, you can wash delicate items in them directly in the washing machine!
- and so on and so forth, use your imagination.

Original packaging adds intrigue when giving any gift, even the simplest one! Making it with your own hands is not so difficult; for example, you can sew a beautiful bag for a gift. It doesn’t take much effort, but you have freedom of choice - color, style, pattern, trim with braid or lace, with lace or ties, with or without appliqué, embroidery. We will tell you in this article how to make such a bag and decorate it with your own hands.

Materials for work and instructions

The source of all photos in the article is etsy.com

The best material for a beautiful bag is high quality cotton fabric. For example, cotton is ideal for patchwork. It has a lot of the most fashionable and modern colors for every taste and color. The photo shows what New Year's bags with gifts for all family members might look like. You can also sew ties from fabric or buy ready-made ribbon, lace or decorative cord. A gift bag that combines two types of fabric will look original. For example, an eternal classic is a combination of a plain fabric and a fabric with a pattern. Here is a detailed one. And here is what will happen as a result of the work:

However, you can use not only cotton, but a wide variety of types of fabric: embroidery canvas, velvet, satin, organza, canvas and even regular burlap!

Eco-style is always relevant, so you can always remake an old bag into cute miniature bags tied with twine and decorated with lace, hearts or fabric flowers.

To make such packaging you will always need:
- sewing machine or regular needle and thread,
- scissors,
- ruler,
- pin.
We will sew with our own hands simple single layer pouch. This is the easiest and fastest method, which will only take about 30 minutes.
1. Cut out two rectangles, taking into account the location of the picture, if there is one.
2. Using a sewing machine, sew 3 sides of the rectangles folded together (two long and one short) at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the edge. We sew all the edges, including the unstitched side, using the same machine with a zigzag. On the long sides, do not finish the stitching to the very end, leaving 3 cm free.
3. Fold the remaining edge inside out by 3cm. and sew with a regular seam at a distance of 2 cm.
4. Using a pin, thread a ribbon or decorative cord along the edge. The gift bag is ready! All that remains is to choose how to decorate it with your own hands.

Decor ideas

The main decoration of any bag is, first of all, its strings. For example, for red fabric, white or blue ribbons will be an effective decor.
But you can use a variety of materials as ties:
- satin, rep or nylon ribbons,
- decorative cords,
- braid,
- lace,
- twine,
- belt made of fabric.

Curly stamps

For such finishing you will need knowledge of hot embossing or stamping techniques. It will also be necessary to purchase special materials in the form of a stamp and glue. First, you will need to stamp the design with glue using a stamp, then pour in a special powder that becomes convex when heated. The drawing needs to be processed with a hairdryer.

When working, by the way, you can replace purchased special materials with a simple figure cut out of cardboard. The figure is smeared with glue, and beads and seed beads are sprinkled on it.


You can decorate the bag with embroidery made with floss threads, beads or sequins. This will take quite a lot of time, but embroidery will become an elegant and practical decoration that will not wear off over time. The simplest idea for embroidery is simply the first letter of the recipient's name.

Embroidery can be done in three ways:
- take canvas as material for the bag, do embroidery on it, and then sew the bag,
- take a thick fabric (for example, canvas) and stitch the finished embroidery to the front side,
- embroider directly on the fabric using water-soluble canvas, and sew interlining at the back to give the material the necessary rigidity. After washing, the canvas will dissolve, and only the completed design will remain on the surface of the fabric.


This Japanese technique is gaining more and more fans. Its popularity lies in the fact that anyone can make beautiful and effective gift wrapping with a piece of fabric and several folding techniques. Moreover, furoshiki does not require either threads or needles. Examples of such packaging can be viewed.
A bag is a simple and original way to wrap a gift. You can make it with your own hands in just half an hour, but it will be remembered for a long time. It can be decorated with embroidery, beads, appliqué, stamps and a thousand other ways. Or you can sew your own bag in the shape of a velvet handbag with drawstrings, as shown in the following video:

If you are wondering how to wrap a gift beautifully, and not a single case fits under it, do not rush to get upset! Meet an object lesson that even a kettle of sewing can handle - how to sew a bag with drawstrings, a master class and a cool DIY gift idea.

Actually, this idea came to me from my mother, who asked me to sew a case for her medicines. You know, older people have health problems, and you need to have the necessary pills with you. They were in her purse in a regular bag, but it had already burst, and the medicines were constantly falling out of it and getting lost.

We decided that I would make her a bag with drawstrings in which she could put all her things. This bag is convenient to take with you on trips, and in general you can put anything in it, and it will be safe and not lost. You can even use it as a gift box, as I mentioned above.

Today I will show you how to sew a bag with ties, the master class will not be difficult and the main condition is to have a sewing machine at home, the rest will follow) And my bag will be super strong and strong, because I will sew it with a closed seam. If you are interested in how to sew such a seam or are planning to start sewing bed linen in the future, read on.

To quickly find what you need in the bag, you need it to be transparent. Therefore, for sewing, I will take the organza that I had left over after sewing the curtains.

What did I need to sew a drawstring bag?

  • organza fabric (tulle, chiffon or any transparent fabric is also suitable) - 37 cm.
  • narrow tape - 1 m.
  • threads in color
  • sewing tools: tailor's pins, safety pin, ripper, pencil, ruler, matches

Sew a bag with ties pattern

1. I cut out a rectangle from organza with sides 37*25 cm. Keep in mind that the piece of fabric is placed on the fold.

How to sew a bag with ties master class

2. Along the upper edge of the rectangle I make a hem of 1 mm. inside. I sew the hem on the sewing machine.

3. I make another hem, this time 5.5 cm. I fix it with tailor’s pins.

I sew the hem on the sewing machine.

4. Using a pencil and ruler, I mark a line 1 cm from the existing line. I sew a line along the line on a machine, this will be a drawstring for the ties.

How to make a closed seam

5. Fold the bag in half, right side up. I secure the sections with pins. I stitch the edges of the bag on a sewing machine.

6. I turn the bag inside out. I iron, setting the iron settings for thin fabrics. I secure the edges with pins.

I make a line along the edge of the bag, retreating to the width of the foot.

7. This is what the sewing seam in the product looks like. It is neat and suitable for things that are constantly used in everyday life - bed linen, covers. Such a seam preserves the cuts of the parts and prevents them from crumbling for a long time. As you can see, they seem to be sealed inside, not a single thread sticks out from the outside, even an overlocker won’t give you such a flawless finish!

8. Using a seam ripper, I make two holes for the cord. To do this, I grab only the top fabric along the edges of the drawstring on both sides and rip it out.

9. I insert a pin with a ribbon on it into the resulting hole.

I pull the ribbon through the drawstring, wrapping it around the bag twice.

Having chosen a gift, we often face a dilemma: to pack it or not, and, if to pack it, how. Using handmade packaging is a sign of attention, a piece of our time and a pleasant surprise. A handmade gift bag will add personality and uniqueness to even the most banal gift.

From ancient times to this day, bread, homemade cakes, herbs, dried mushrooms, linden flowers and tea have been stored in linen bags. For their manufacture, only natural breathable fabrics are used: cambric, cotton, linen, double-thread, denim, tarpaulin, burlap. In them, food does not become damp, which means it does not spoil longer.

You can sew such pouches either by machine or by hand. Ribbons for dressing should also be natural: linen, keeper tape, jute or linen twine, natural lace.

When working with thick denim and canvas, the seams are left with an open cut on the front side. Next, take out all the horizontal threads along each seam. The result is a fashionable lush fringed edge.

Thin cord sewn from the same material or natural ribbons and lace are used as ties. Denim goes well with variegated colored cotton.

We sew the bag ourselves

Making a bag for storing herbs and spices with your own hands is not at all difficult.


  • Blank size 20*22 cm
  • Narrow ribbon or lace 15-20 cm long
  • Threads in color
  • Needle or sewing machine
  • Tailor's chalk for marking (you can use thin soap)

Place the wide side of the fabric horizontally and fold it in half. Having retreated 1 cm from the edge, mark with chalk and machine stitch the side and bottom seams. Finish the cuts with an overlocker or a zig-zag stitch. If the work is done by hand, sew the parts together using a back stitch and overcast with a buttonhole stitch.

On the top side of the finished bag, mark 4 cm for the drawstring, fold it in half and bend 5 mm inward, sew it on a machine or by hand, leaving 1-1.5 cm for the lace to enter. The result is a classic pouch.

Tip: if you need a bag with beautiful ties, then leave the top edge free and hem it with a hem stitch. Sew the ties on the front side on the side seam line, 6-7 cm away from the top edge of the product. You will get a beautiful frill, and the decorative ribbons will be visible.


The bag can be decorated with embroidery. Simple cross-stitching of a small motif or simply embroidering the name of the contents (“tea”, “lavender”, “bread”, etc.) will be a wonderful addition.

For decoration, ready-made stencils are also used, through which the motif is applied with acrylic paints to the base. As a decoration, you can glue a small bouquet of lavender or rosemary tied with twine.

Tip: decorating a finished pouch is not convenient. It is easier and faster to decorate the details of the bag in advance, while they are not yet sewn.

How to make a transparent gift bag with drawstrings


  • Organza (veil or nylon would also work).
  • Satin ribbons 1-2 colors 20-25 cm long
  • Scissors
  • Threads in color
  • Needle or sewing machine
  • Tailor's chalk

The easiest way is to tie a piece of fabric in the shape of a circle with ribbons. The diameter of the circle must be at least three times the length of the gift (more is possible) plus 1 cm for the hem.

Cut out a circle, mark the width of the hem with chalk and hem the edge with a hem stitch. Place the gift in the middle of the circle, gather all the edges up, tie the ribbons so that the gift lies freely inside. On top you will get a voluminous beautiful frill made of fabric.

Tip: if you don’t have a sewing machine or even a needle at hand, the edge of the organza can be easily and quickly processed by burning it over the flame of a candle or lighter.

Satin ribbons in matching or contrasting colors are ideal for tying transparent packages. Double ties look impressive, one of which is wider and darker, and the second is narrower and lighter.

To sew a full-fledged bag, you need to cut a rectangular piece of fabric 2 times larger than the size of the finished bag, plus 1 cm for the seams at the bottom and side, plus 5-6 cm at the top for hems.

Organza frays easily, so the edge must be finished with a hem stitch on a machine or with a needle. This must be done in advance along the entire length, except for the top edge.

Mark 5 cm on the top side, fold in half and fold 5 mm inward, sew by machine or by hand. Pull ribbons for ties through the entire drawstring. The bag is ready.

Photos of do-it-yourself bags