Cracks under fingernails. Cracks on the fingers: what is the problem and how to eradicate it

Cracks in the hands not only spoil the appearance, but also bring severe discomfort and quite painful sensations. Cracks can form in different parts of the skin - fingers, palms, hands, etc. If the problem is permanent and in a neglected state, then in some cases this can affect not only your health, but also your career. For example, you will have to give up several professions.

This is a hairdresser, massage therapist, cook, doctor. This problem is serious because skin wounds increase the risk of bacterial infections, which can lead to various consequences and even blood poisoning.

Causes of cracks

As a rule, the appearance of cracks in the hands is caused by both external and internal factors. External causes often include weather conditions. For example, skin can become damaged as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun or cold. The second factor can bring a lot of problems, because sub-zero temperatures provoke excessive drying of the skin, resulting in the formation of cracks that visually resemble small cuts.

Leather is also often tested by intense contact with hard water. To prevent the formation of cracks, it is best to wear special gloves when washing dishes, floors or laundry, which are available in every hardware store.

In this case, the main thing is to understand what causes the appearance. So, if this is influenced by external factors, it is enough to simply minimize or eliminate contact with them. For example, in the cold season, use a good moisturizer, as well as warm gloves that will protect your hands from wind and frost. During construction work or working with the ground, it is better to use fabric gloves.

The situation is more complicated if cracks in the hands are caused by internal factors. The main reasons include thyroid disease, diabetes, as well as hormonal imbalance, which contributes to metabolic disorders.

If the body's metabolism is disturbed, this means that it lacks beneficial vitamins and minerals, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin. In most cases, cracks in the hands appear as a result of a lack of vitamin A. This may indicate a lack of vitamins E and B.

When it comes to fungal skin diseases, in addition to cracks on the hands, patients experience pain, itching, rashes in the form of “bubbles,” cracks on the fingers near the nails, etc. Deformation of the nail plates is often observed. Such symptoms are also typical for eczema, but it is worth adding to it the roughening of the skin in the affected areas and swelling.

How to determine the influence of internal factors

In most cases, cracks in the skin initially appear in the area of ​​the fingertips. The affected area also includes the palms. Under these circumstances, you should immediately contact a specialist, since internal factors that provoke cracks contribute to their appearance again, no matter how hard you try to fight the symptoms.

You should visit a doctor's office if the cracks in your hands are very deep and do not heal for a long time. Bleeding wounds are also a very significant indicator.

How to prevent the problem

As already mentioned, cracks in the hands near the nails are a fairly common occurrence due to certain circumstances. To prevent this problem, you need to carefully care for the skin of your hands and nails. Also, do not skimp on creams, but choose exactly those that suit your skin type. Do not neglect folk remedies that will help in caring for your hands.

It is necessary to regularly moisturize the skin, wear protective gloves, and also lubricate the most vulnerable area - the area of ​​​​the nail plates and cuticles with special creams and oils.

Cracks in the skin of the hands can be caused by both external and internal factors, but enhanced care for it is of particular importance under any circumstances. Thus, dermatologists recommend wearing protective gloves - in the cold season, when washing dishes, doing laundry, working in the garden or vegetable garden, and making special masks several times a week.

Hands require constant hydration. Therefore, always moisturize them, especially after prolonged exposure to a dry environment, such as after visiting a tanning bed. The best option is to frequently use moisturizing creams or lotions. It is also recommended to lubricate the skin after each hand washing. This way you will not only prevent formation and other unpleasant manifestations, but also make them more well-groomed and attractive.

Treatment with medical and folk remedies

So, if the main problem is cracked hands, the causes and treatment should take center stage in the solution. Initially, the course of treatment begins with replacing the usual hand care products. First of all, products are selected that have a good therapeutic effect (one that can have a healing effect on wounds as quickly as possible). Similar creams, ointments or tonics can be found at the pharmacy.

If we talk about medications, doctors consider ointment one of the most effective. A product called “Boroplus” also has a very positive effect. Such drugs promote rapid healing of wounds and cracks, so they will not allow them to spread.

It is worth rubbing oils into the skin of your hands periodically. The most popular are castor, chamomile or peach oil. It's better to do this at night. By the way, it’s a good idea to make compresses or masks using them. To do this, use cotton pads soaked in oil. Then wrap your fingers with them and put on gloves on top. Some people make such compresses at night, while others prefer to wear them for no more than thirty minutes. However, the main key to success lies in consistency.

Also, do not neglect such a product as paraffin. For the most effective and efficient use, paraffin is melted in a water bath. Before dipping your hands into the prepared mixture, they must be lubricated with rich cream. The procedure takes no more than fifteen minutes. Afterwards, you need to rinse your hands and wrap them in cling film. These procedures are performed two to three times a week.

If the wounds on your hands are constantly bleeding, experts recommend using tablets called “Mumie”. They are dissolved in warm water, and then fingers are dipped into it. Hold your hands until the liquid cools completely. After the procedure, hands are not wiped but simply left for a few minutes until completely dry.

A universal remedy is fat masks. The central ingredient is fish oil. There are several ways to use it. For example, it can be rubbed into the skin of your hands and nails and left in this state overnight, or you can make masks or compresses. Such procedures are done at home, since they require the ability not to wash your hands for three hours after completion. This remedy is called universal because it is effective regardless of what caused the cracks on your hands.

A mask made from glycerin and honey has also proven itself well. Even in the presence of chronic diseases, it is able to give the skin of the hands the most aesthetic appearance, removing all cracks from it. To prepare a balm mask, honey, glycerin and water are mixed. In order for the mass to become thick, add a little flour to it. Apply this composition to your hands for about twenty minutes, and then wash off with warm water. It is recommended to make such masks every other day.

By the way, if you don’t have glycerin on hand, a similar mixture can be prepared by mixing honey, vegetable oil and flour. The finished mixture is applied to the fingers, and gloves are put on top. The mask can be left on even overnight and washed off in the morning.

If we are talking about a lack of vitamins in the body, you should eat sunflower oil, egg yolk, seafood, and cereals. To achieve the fastest possible effect, you need to purchase a ready-made vitamin complex in pharmacies, which will significantly speed up the healing process. By the way, vitamins must always be taken to prevent and prevent various kinds of diseases.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Our hands are constantly in public view, so they must always be in perfect condition. However, this is not always possible. may result from serious health problems. And no matter what measures we take to restore it in this situation, the problem constantly returns again and again. So what should we do? Why do my fingers crack and how to deal with this disease?

The main reason for the appearance is dry skin, which does not receive the necessary amount of moisture and nutrition, as a result of which it begins to become rough, peel, and then crack.

But various factors can contribute to severe dry hands. And the most common cause of this disease is constant contact of the skin with water and household detergents (washing powder, dishwashing detergent, etc.).

Skin water gets on the skin, it causes the pores on it to begin to open. And when washing floors or simply wiping dust from furniture, there is a possibility of dirt penetrating into them, which leads to the appearance of cracks in the skin.

Therefore, if you often have to do household chores, never do them without using household gloves. At the same time, after cleaning, it is necessary to treat the skin of your hands with a rich and nourishing cream, which will prevent the appearance of cracks on your fingers.

Internal reasons

Maybe with such serious diseases as vitamin deficiency and fungus. In the first case, the body experiences an acute deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which take part in all processes, including the nutrition of the skin, as well as the construction of epidermal cells. In the second case, the skin is affected by a fungus, which disrupts metabolic processes in the epidermis, resulting in excessive dryness of the skin, leading to the formation of cracks.

With vitamin deficiency, it is very important to analyze your diet. It must contain fresh vegetables and fruits, especially in the autumn-spring period, since it is at this time that the body begins to experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Cracks most often form at the tips of the fingers and between them. Moreover, their appearance is accompanied by severe itching and burning. Skin peeling, blistering, and even nail deformation may also occur.

Eczema can also cause cracks in your fingers. It is characterized by the same diseases as fungal infections, but in addition to this, swelling of the soft tissues and hardening of the affected areas may be observed.

And some people also experience an allergic reaction to food, chemicals and medications with cracks on their fingers.

It is also worth noting that the appearance of cracks in the fingers may be associated with hormonal imbalance, exacerbation of chronic diseases and age-related changes in the body.

The appearance of cracks associated with internal factors begins with the fingertips, and then gradually spreads to the palms. If you have any suspicions that the occurrence of this disease is associated with some kind of disorder in the body, then immediately seek help from a specialist.

Remember that self-medication of infectious and fungal diseases can significantly aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

We have already discussed why the skin on the fingers cracks. Now we need to talk about how to prevent the occurrence of this disease.

Preventive measures, first of all, include protecting the skin from contact with aggressive substances. Remember that when washing your hands, it is best to use soap that does not contain fragrances or fragrances. Liquid soap, despite its low Ph level, is not safe for hand skin. Therefore, it is best to give preference to hypoallergenic baby soap, which provides gentle skin care without causing irritation and dryness.

During water procedures, it is good to use not ordinary water, but herbal infusions prepared from linden, nettle or plantain. They help relieve inflammation and also accelerate the process of skin regeneration.

From these decoctions you can prepare medicinal baths. Pour them into a shallow container and soak your hands in it for 10 minutes, then treat your skin with a nourishing cream. Just before doing such baths, you should first make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the herbs used.

If cracks appear in your nail plate area, this may indicate a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. To eliminate this problem, you need not only to reconsider your diet, but also to start taking pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. Try to include in your diet foods rich in vitamins A, B and E. They are especially abundant in foods such as sunflower oil, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.

If the skin on the pads of your fingers is cracking, then you need to carry out the procedures in a timely manner. To do this, you need to use fatty nourishing creams. You can also use regular baby skin care cream, which is sold at any pharmacy.

Before starting household chores, use a silicone-based protective cream. It will create an invisible film on your skin that will protect it from harmful chemicals.

The appearance of cracks on the fingers should not be ignored. After all, the deeper the cracks, the more painful it is for a person to fulfill his duties. It is possible and necessary to combat this disease with the help of both modern cosmetics and traditional medicine methods.

If you choose the right product for your chapped skin, you can quickly restore it and prevent it from drying out in the future. Moisturizing creams should be applied only after contact with water, and even better at night, wearing cotton gloves on your hands.

Traditional medicine promotes rapid healing of already formed cracks. She offers us many recipes for making masks and baths. Most of them are aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin. And only a few to accelerate cell regeneration. They are described below.

Glycerin hand mask

This mask is amazing in that it completely restores the skin in just a few uses. It is prepared as follows: first in 2 tbsp. warm water stir 1 tsp. flour, and then add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l liquid honey and 2 tbsp. pharmaceutical glycerin.

As a result, you should have a runny dough. If you feel like there is not enough flour, you can add a little more. The dough should be divided into two equal parts and applied to the skin of the hands. After 20 minutes, its remnants must be eliminated. To do this, you can simply wash your hands in warm water, or you can rinse them in milk. It also helps moisturize and nourish the skin.

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, the same effect can be achieved by making flatbreads from flour, honey, butter and some fat. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Such cakes should be secured on your hands with a bandage and left overnight.

Oil mask for hands

Various vegetable oils are good for getting rid of cracked hands. You can use cold-pressed olive oil, sea buckthorn or castor oil. In the absence of either of these types of oils, you can use regular unrefined sunflower oil.

To prepare an oil mask, you just need to apply the oil to the skin of your hands and put on cotton gloves on top. And to improve efficiency, it is better to mix the oil with solutions of oil vitamins A and E.

This is a medical glue that is ideal for “sealing” deep and painful cracks in the fingers. Thanks to their use, the skin will tighten and infection and moisture will not penetrate into it, which will contribute to the rapid healing of cracks. Before using such glue, the skin of your hands should first be treated with greasy glue.

Shilajit solution

If the skin on your fingers peels and cracks, then you can prepare a mummy solution at home, which will quickly relieve you of this ailment. It helps especially well with bleeding wounds.

To prepare the solution, you will need warm water and several mummy tablets, which must be dissolved in it. Hands should be placed in the bath and held for about 15 minutes. Then take them out and let them dry naturally. This procedure should be carried out every day until the condition of your hands returns to normal.

Wax mask

This mask is ideal for treating cracked fingers. To prepare it, you will need regular wax, which you need to melt and then dip your chapped fingers into it. Then wait until the wax dries on your fingers and takes the shape of a thimble. Put cotton gloves on your hands. After 12 hours, remove the wax from your fingers and treat your skin with a nourishing cream.

Such procedures should be carried out every day until the cracks begin to heal and disappear. Don't be afraid of melted wax. Even though it is hot, the wax cools quickly, so it does not cause burns. The main thing is to quickly pull your fingers out of it.

Remember that if left untreated, cracks in your hands can become deeper and deeper, causing you severe discomfort. If, after all the measures you have taken, the condition of your skin has not returned to normal, then you need to seek help from a doctor and undergo a full examination to identify pathologies. Perhaps they are the cause of your illness.

Video about why the skin on your hands cracks

Prevention from the inside

As already mentioned, one of the causes of cracks in the skin can be vitamin deficiency. A good one will quickly fix this problem. On iherb you can choose a special one. Typically, such complexes contain high dosages of vitamin B, as well as C, E and other “beauty vitamins.”

In addition, it makes sense to take the course and. Collagen will provide the necessary amino acids to restore the skin, and hyaluronic acid binds water and allows you to moisturize the skin from the inside. It is very important to drink a lot of clean water while taking hyaluronic acid.

It is difficult to imagine a full-fledged image of a woman without well-groomed hand skin, which is difficult to achieve by plunging into household chores. In this article you can find out why the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks and how to treat it. Cracks in the fingers near the nails occur for various reasons, including external irritants and internal factors.

Causes of cracks in the skin around the nails

Prolonged stay in an aquatic environment is one of the causes of skin cracks near the nails. When exposed to water, wounds take a long time to heal. Direct contact with household chemicals and temperature changes often cause cracks and peeling of the skin of the hands near the nails. If the skin around the nails cracks for these reasons, getting rid of the problem is simple - you need to limit the influence of negative factors on the skin of the fingers. The method is relevant for mild cases.

When the skin on the fingers near the nails bursts due to internal factors, comprehensive treatment is necessary. In these cases, the damage to the skin is especially severe. Causes of cracks in the skin:

  • psoriasis;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diseases affecting metabolism - diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, steroid diabetes, hypo- or hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • eczema;
  • fungus;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When peeling, cracking of the skin around the nails due to internal causes or diseases, areas of peeling spread throughout the body. Extensive cracks in the body may bleed, and symptoms of an inflammatory reaction appear around them. Damage caused by internal factors is difficult to hide using cosmetics and requires treatment.


To avoid the problem of flaky, cracked skin near the fingernails, it is necessary to care for the skin using creams and products containing nutrients and other substances necessary for human skin. The choice of cream depends on the type of skin. The cream protects from external influences and moisturizes the upper epidermal layer. Particular attention should be paid to the cuticle; by lubricating its area in a timely manner, you can prevent the occurrence of cracks that begin to appear in this area most often.

Protection from external influences is an important measure for cracked finger skin. Rubber gloves when contacting household products, mittens in winter. It is necessary to protect your hands from chapping. After tanning or staying in a dry environment, it is worth moisturizing your hands. Using cream or lotion after washing your hands is a good method of prevention.

When fingers crack near the nails, the reason may be a lack of vitamins B5, A, E. Nutrition plays an important role in prevention and treatment. To replenish vitamins you need to consume:

  • sunflower, butter;
  • cereals;
  • egg yolk;
  • cod fish species;
  • chicken, pig liver.

If desired, you can purchase vitamins in tablet form.


Cracks on the fingers near the nails are treated by a dermatologist, who should be visited at the first symptoms. You can cure yourself at home, but if the cause of the cracks is a chronic disease or internal factors, a specialist will select the necessary treatment methods.

First, it is worth replacing everyday skin cosmetics with pharmacy creams and ointments that have a healing effect. These products stop the spread of cracks and peeling on the skin of the hands and promote their rapid healing.

Rubbing vegetable oils onto the affected skin under the nails also helps in treating cracks. Vegetable oils based on chamomile, peach, and castor oil have healing properties. Rub vegetable oils until complete recovery several times a day.

A compress based on vegetable oil: soak a cotton pad in chamomile, peach, or castor oil, wrap the affected area of ​​the skin of the fingers, and put on cotton gloves. The compress is applied at night and removed in the morning. After the compress, your hands should be rinsed and lubricated with nourishing cream.

A fat mask is an effective remedy when the skin around the fingernails cracks, regardless of the cause of the symptoms. To do this, you can use fish oil, which is also suitable for rubbing and compresses. When using this product, the main thing is not to wash it off your hands for 3 hours. The mask and compress are applied in the morning and evening; rubbing can be done several times a day.

When the skin around the nail peels off, you can use paraffin. Preparation and use of the product: melt a little cosmetic paraffin in a water bath. Having lubricated areas of healthy skin with protective cream, immerse your fingertips in melted paraffin. After 15 minutes, pull out your fingers without rinsing and wrap them in cling film. Before the paraffin cools, you should wrap your hands in a towel or put on mittens. When the paraffin has cooled, remove it from your hands. The procedure is applied 2 times a week.

Is the skin around your fingernails cracking due to chronic diseases? A mask containing honey and glycerin is an effective treatment that helps improve the general condition of the skin. Preparation, use: mix 100 g of glycerin, 100 ml of water, 50 g of honey. Next, add flour to the product to make the mask thick. Apply the mask to the affected area and wash off after 20 minutes.

Preparing a mask without glycerin: mix 100 grams of flour and honey, add vegetable oil. Apply the mask to the area of ​​the cracked fingers, after putting on gloves. Leave the product overnight and remove it in the morning.

Remember that consulting a doctor in a timely manner is better than being sick for a long time, causing great harm to the body; ignoring problems is not a solution.

The skin on the fingers near the nails can crack for various reasons. The most common are frostbite, chapping and contact with household chemicals. There are other, pathological reasons caused by infections or malfunctions of the body.

No matter how flawless your manicure is, if the skin on your fingers near your nails is cracked, your hands look unkempt. There are several reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon.

Causes of cracks on fingers near nails

Cracks on the fingers near the nails can occur as a result of external causes or indicate internal diseases.

Therefore, they are conventionally divided into non-pathological and pathological.

The former do not pose a serious danger and quickly disappear when the source of the problem is eliminated. If the cause lies inside the body, a preliminary medical examination will be required, and then complex and, probably, long-term treatment.

External (non-pathological) causes

Insufficient skin protection

The most common external cause of cracks in the hands is insufficient protection or its complete absence.

Everyone knows that any housework should be done with gloves, and in the cold and wind it is generally prohibited to leave the house without this accessory.

But those who take this information lightly, first of all receive an unpleasant bonus in the form of small tears in rough skin.

Water influence

Prolonged contact with hot or cold tap water (and in some regions the chemical composition of such water is extremely doubtful) or salty sea water is especially harmful.

Influence of weather conditions, indoor microclimate

Frost, strong winds, sudden temperature changes in the autumn-winter period, low indoor air humidity characteristic of the heating season - all this does not have the best effect on the skin, thinning and drying it out.

Household chemicals

Substances included in dishwashing detergents, washing and cleaning powders and other household chemicals corrode the epidermis, causing irritation and cracks.

Failure to comply with safe work rules

Land or construction work carried out without the use of special protective equipment leads to the fact that the skin on the hands, especially on the index fingers, begins to dry out, become rough and crack from interaction with the ground, dust and building materials.

Improper care

Inappropriate cosmetics

Dry skin can be caused by incorrectly selected, low-quality or expired cosmetics.

That's why do not save on your own health by buying cheap creams, and also regularly update your care products, throwing away all tubes that have already expired.

Insufficient care

Basic skin care involves regular cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

Use moisturizer after each hand wash, and in hot weather or dry indoor air, apply it to your skin several times throughout the day. Before going to bed, use a nourishing cream.

Internal reasons

If the skin around the nails cracks under the influence of internal factors, then, as a rule, long-term systematic treatment is required.

You can immediately determine whether cracks are pathological by the depth of the skin breaks. If the reasons lie inside the body, the damage is especially pronounced.

It is quite difficult to eliminate the problem with the help of cosmetic procedures - they can only reduce inflammation and reduce discomfort.

Deficiency of vitamins and Omega-3 fats

Enter the body with food. They are needed for the normal absorption of nutrients by the body, for the regeneration of cells and tissues. And, although the daily requirement of vitamins is small, without it a person cannot exist normally. So:

  • Vitamin A is responsible for the normal condition of the skin, its youth and elasticity. With its deficiency, early wrinkles, pimples and cracks appear, and a person suffering from vitamin deficiency has weak immunity and often looks older than his age.
  • B vitamins- needed to nourish and restore skin cells. If there are not enough B vitamins, the skin begins to crack.
  • Vitamin C – supplies the skin with oxygen, preventing its early aging. With a lack of this vitamin, the skin becomes pale and flabby, looking unhealthy.
  • Vitamin E regulates the water-fat balance, so its deficiency immediately manifests itself in the form of dry and flaky skin, including on the hands.

Another valuable nutrient for the body is omega-3. It is part of the structure of cell membranes, a stabilizer of nervous, endocrine and metabolic processes in the body.

With a lack of this healthy fat, the skin begins to dry out and wither, peeling and cracks appear, since the natural moisturizing and protective lubricant produced by the body becomes insufficient.

Diseases of internal organs

If small tears are caused by internal pathologies, then they can be localized not only near the nails, but also between the fingers and on the palm itself. In this case, the cracks can be painful and even bleed.

Cracking of the skin is one of the symptoms of such diseases:

  • Eczema
    During the period of exacerbation of chronic eczema, in addition to peeling and swelling, pronounced itching and large cracks appear on the palms and in the interdigital folds. The skin becomes thickened and hyperpigmented.
  • Dermatitis
    With contact and allergic dermatitis, the skin on the hands dries and cracks until it bleeds. Contact dermatitis develops after direct contact with an allergen. In this case, inflammation and swelling, redness of the hands appear.
    Allergic dermatitis occurs without direct contact with an irritant. In addition to the above symptoms, it is characterized by the appearance of small blisters on the skin.
  • Endocrine diseases, hormonal imbalance
    Disturbances in the endocrine system can disrupt the metabolic process of the epidermis.
  • Diabetes
    It is characterized by local hyperkeratosis of the palms, wrinkling of the fingertips, dryness and cracks on the hands.

Infectious lesions

The fungus can appear in people of any age. The source of infection is usually mycosis of the feet, from where the infection then spreads throughout the body.

There are also certain professions whose representatives are at risk of hand fungus.

These are people who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to constantly expose their hands to aggressive external influences: builders, cooks, confectioners, dishwashers, field workers, etc.

As a result, the skin cracks and pathogenic microorganisms enter the body through the wounds.

Mycoses are dangerous because fungi, as a result of their vital activity, release toxic substances, which slowly but constantly poison the human body. In this case, not only physical but also psychological discomfort appears.

External symptoms of fungal infection: dryness, mild itching and flaking and burning of the skin, layering of scales, wetting and discoloration of the affected areas, suppuration. When infected with candida, a white coating also appears in the lesions.


The skin barrier is a mixture of fats, proteins and oils. The condition of the skin depends on how well these substances work together and how well they perform their protective functions. The quality of this layer is also influenced by genetics.

If a person’s skin protective barrier is low, dermatological problems, especially in winter, become more pronounced every year: cracks and wounds are added to the primary peeling over time.

How to treat cracks?

First of all, it is worth noting that cracks caused by external factors can be treated at home. If the reason lies in a malfunction of the body, then external healing will inevitably lead to relapses.

The sooner you start treatment, the faster the positive result will appear. Neglected deep dry wounds are quite difficult to eliminate.

Treatment with home remedies

Hand baths

Make potato broth. When the temperature of the broth reaches about 40 degrees, dip your hands in it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse them with clean warm water. Immediately after the procedure, you will notice that the skin of your hands has softened.

Infusions of chamomile, linden and nettle also heal and soften well. Just pour 3-4 tbsp. herbal base with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for 25-30 minutes. Use the composition as therapeutic baths.

Oil compress

This product is considered one of the best helpers in the fight against dry skin.

Make a mixture of vegetable and aroma oils (for example, combine olive, avocado or almond oil with bergamot, sandalwood or tea tree oil in a ratio of 3 drops of ether per 100 mg of base).

Soak cotton sponges in the oil mixture, wrap them around the affected fingers and insulate them with cling film. Put on cotton gloves on top. Leave the mask on all night.

Honey-glycerin mixture

Combine 4 tsp. glycerin, 4 tsp. clean water and 2 tsp. natural honey. Use a pinch of flour to thicken the mixture.

Apply the composition to your hands, leave for 10-15 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water, dry your hands with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Effective pharmaceutical remedies against cracks

Creams and ointments

Try using antibacterial soap instead of regular soap for washing your hands, replacing running water with chamomile decoction, and using healing ointments like Bepanten, Panthenol and others, similar in composition to the main component - dexpanthenol or vitamin F.

These products are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and heal wounds well. Frequency of use:

  • Bepanten – twice a day;
  • Panthenol – 3-4 times;
  • Levomekol (used in the presence of open wounds) – 2 times;
  • Actovegin (used in cases of severe inflammation) – 2 times;
  • Radevit (helps with swelling and severe redness) – 2 times.

Medical glue

For deep lesions, your doctor or pharmacist may recommend a special medical glue that will improve the skin regeneration process.

For example, “BF-6” is a widely used antiseptic for external use. Used for rapid healing of cuts, cracks, scratches, abrasions, burns and other damage to the epidermis.

Medical glue is an elastic mixture with a yellowish tint and a pungent odor. This is an alcohol solution of synthetic resin, rosin and polyvinyl butyral with the addition of a special binder.

The product creates a film on the surface of the skin that is resistant to chemical and mechanical stress. As a result of this protection, the epithelial tissues grow together without sutures.

Prevention of cracks around the nail

Protect your hands with gloves!

If cracks occur on the fingertips, first of all, you need to minimize contact with aggressive household chemicals. The use of rubber gloves is mandatory.

Use hypoallergenic laundry detergents.

Whenever possible, replace chemicals with natural products. For example, grease from dishes can be easily washed off with mustard diluted in hot water, and cups and plates can be cleaned with regular baking soda.

Also, do not forget to wear gloves when working in your garden or with construction materials.

Using moisturizers

Proper diet

The skin of the hands suffers from a whole range of irritants, in particular from improper and unbalanced nutrition. Your diet should be complete and varied, including vitamins and omega-3 fats.

  • Vitamin A is found in yellow, red and green vegetables and fruits, many berries and herbs.
  • Sources of B vitamins animal products, beans, yeast, nuts, grains.
  • Vitamin D is rich in seafood and dairy products, fish and animal liver.
  • Vitamin E is found in seeds, sunflower, butter and soybean oil, almonds, cereals and beans, green leafy vegetables, rose hips, and sea buckthorn.
  • Omega-3 is fatty fish, oysters, shrimp, squid, red and black caviar, walnuts, flax seeds and flaxseed oil.

Before looking for the serious cause of cracked fingers, make sure that you provide your skin with protection and proper care.

But if the wounds are deep and painful, and skincare products don’t help you, consult a dermatologist- perhaps your fingers really are sending an internal signal for help.

Video: What to do if the skin on your fingers near the nails is cracking

All women want their hands to be healthy and beautiful. Cracks on the fingers are an unpleasant problem that you want to get rid of quickly. If you are looking for a solution, then watch our videos, which suggest ways to deal with such cracks.

Every day our hands are exposed to various aggressive factors. As a result, the skin can become very dry and crack. The problem most often occurs in the area around the nails. Why does the skin on my fingers crack? How to eliminate such a defect? We will consider these and other questions in the article.

External factors

Wind, cold, prolonged exposure to sunlight - all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. They begin to dry out a lot and cracks in the skin may occur. Cold has the most aggressive effect on the epidermis. At sub-zero temperatures, the skin becomes dry much faster. Its condition is adversely affected by sudden changes in temperature, air humidity, and prolonged contact with hard water. Frequent hand washing, especially with soap, causes severe drying of the skin, even to the point of cracking.

Quite often, the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks due to contact with chemicals (cleaning agents, washing powder, dishwashing gel, wallpaper glue, cement, paint, varnish, etc.), soil (planting, weeding), and the use of unsuitable types. skin or low-quality cosmetics.

Treatment in this case consists primarily of eliminating or minimizing contact with irritating factors. When cleaning an apartment, it is recommended to use fabric ones for working with soil; in the winter season, it is necessary to wear warm gloves and treat the skin with a special protective cream.

Internal factors

If the skin on your fingers cracks, the cause may be hidden inside the body. These are hormonal imbalances, which result in metabolic disorders, progression of chronic diseases (diabetes, thyroid diseases), and age-related changes. Diseases of the digestive system or metabolic disorders lead to a deficiency of vitamins, microelements, and minerals, which are responsible for water balance, skin elasticity, and its general condition. A lack of these important components can be caused by an insufficiently balanced diet. This is especially noticeable with a deficiency of vitamins B, E, A. As a result, the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks.

Non-infectious (eczema) and infectious (fungus) skin ailments also belong to internal factors. With such pathologies, the skin on the fingertips most often cracks. Fungal diseases of the epidermis, in addition to cracks, are manifested by itching, rash, peeling, blistering rashes, and deformation of the nail plate. With eczema, the symptoms described above are accompanied by swelling of the skin, the affected areas thicken. Also, with these diseases, the skin cracks between the fingers.

If they are deep enough, painful, do not heal for a long time and bleed, you should consult a doctor. After examination and necessary tests, the doctor will find out why the skin on and around the nails is cracking and prescribe appropriate therapy. It is not recommended to treat infectious and fungal infections on your own - this is not only ineffective, but in some cases it is dangerous to health.


When the epidermis is around the nails and other areas, you can use effective means of modern medicine and cosmetology. By choosing the right medications, you can not only prevent drying out of the epidermis, but also speed up healing if a crack has already formed.

Lubricate your hands several times a day with a special cream designed to treat cracks. These products include “Radevit”, “Bepanten”, “D-Panthenol”. For very deep cracks, ointments such as Solcoseryl and Actovegin will help.

Effective traditional medicine recipes can improve the condition of the skin.

Honey and glycerin

Combine 2 tbsp. l. water and glycerin, add a tablespoon of honey and a little flour. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and hold for 20 minutes. In the absence of glycerin, you can mix flour, honey and some oil in equal proportions. Apply the composition to the skin before going to bed and put on cotton gloves.

Vegetable oils

You can get rid of dry skin with the help of vegetable oils - olive, sea buckthorn, sunflower. Before going to bed, hands should be well oiled and put on. If dry skin is accompanied by cracks on the fingers, it is recommended to use oil solutions of vitamins A and E.


A mummy solution will help eliminate it - dissolve 2 tablets of the product in water and apply the resulting composition to your hands, do not wipe. This procedure will eliminate itching and pain.


Melt natural wax in a water bath. Dip your fingers into the tolerably hot liquid. The wax quickly hardens into thimbles. After the procedure, put on gloves and leave it overnight; remove the wax in the morning (it can be used many times). This method is effective not only for treating cracked fingers, but also for strengthening nails.


For chapped skin on the hands and especially the area around the nails, celandine ointment will help. Place a handful of herbs in a saucepan, add a glass of vegetable oil, put on fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove. After the mixture has cooled, add beeswax (20 g), put the container on the fire and stir until the wax dissolves. Cool the resulting product and store it in the refrigerator. After using this ointment, the painful sensations disappear almost immediately, and the cracks heal very quickly.


For very dry skin and cracks, a carrot food supplement will help. Grate a kilogram of vegetables and pour in vegetable oil. Place in a steam bath and simmer for three to four hours. Then pour into jars and store in the refrigerator. Use two tablespoons of the resulting product daily, adding it to cooked dishes. This supplement will restore health and smoothness not only to the skin of your hands, but will also relieve your feet from calluses and corns.

If the skin on your toes is cracking

The lower extremities are also adversely affected by numerous factors. The skin between the toes cracks for the following reasons:

Therapeutic measures

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, the cause of the cracks must be accurately determined. A specialist can do this. It is also recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:


Remember that it is always easier to prevent any problem than to fix it for a long time. If the skin on your fingers near the nails is already cracking, take immediate action. It is very difficult to heal cracked hands until they bleed. Therefore, always protect your skin with specialized cosmetics and use a nourishing or moisturizing cream. Before contact with detergents, it is recommended to treat your hands with a protective cream containing silicone; before going outside in winter, lubricate them with a special winter cream. Take care of yourself, be beautiful and healthy!