Wide faces of the stars. The stars will tell you: hairstyles of celebrities with a triangular face type

All people on the planet are unlike each other! Indeed, it is difficult to argue with the fact that each person is different. And is it necessary to dispute this postulate ?! Own gait, unique manner of laughter, special gestures, peculiar character ... In this series of differences between one person and another, it is necessary to mention the shape of the face. Whatever type of face you are born with, you need to be able to correctly hide flaws and emphasize the advantages of the face shape. Every woman can learn this.

According to modern beauty canons, it is not ideal. And that is why women with such a face shape and who have managed to achieve fame are worthy of piety. And for us, mere mortal girls, who managed to achieve the fame of a star is a great motivation to work on our appearance.

So, for girls who have a round face shape, we have prepared a rather extensive selection of photos of stars and celebrities with a round face. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with this selection, which, perhaps, will inspire you to change your hairstyle, bangs or the shape of your eyebrows. If you decide to change your appearance, then we suggest starting with a hairstyle. The following articles will help you with this:

Get inspired! And don't be afraid to change!

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Christina Ricci

(stars with a round face)

Quite often appears at social events with hair styled in a high hairstyle. This hairstyle visually lengthens the face. Remember that any high hairstyle, visually making the face longer, suits chubby girls.

The actress looks no less beautiful with her hair down. Long, loose hair visually lengthens the neck and narrows the face.

Looks great with short hair and bangs. The face of the actress, of course, is more triangular than round, but such a hairstyle, in which the length of the hair is shorter than the chin, is also suitable for a round face.

Often, the actress appears in front of camera lenses with a hairstyle in which the hair is pulled away from her face. This hairstyle focuses on round cheeks and a pointed chin. The actress, for sure, would be more suitable for a hairstyle in which the hair is styled closer to the face.

Drew Barrymore and Ginnifer Goodwin

(stars with a round face type)

Over the years of her professional career, she wore a variety of hairstyles. This photo shows a side view of the actress's hair, which is styled in a sleek ponytail. This hairstyle certainly doesn’t disfigure Drew, but it would be more suitable for a tall hairstyle that makes her face narrower.

Has a round face with rounded cheeks and a pointed chin. The actress undoubtedly has a hairstyle that ends at the level of the chin. Such a hairstyle, visually expanding the lower part of the face, makes the face harmonious.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Kara Toynton

(stars with a round face)

She has a round face type, but her face shape is somewhat square in outline. Luxurious curls soften the sharp geometry of the actress's face.

She also has a round face, which, thanks to long curls, visually looks narrower. Remember that you can hide full cheeks and visually lengthen your face with a multi-layered hairstyle, in which the length of the hair does not exceed shoulder level.

Kate Hudson and Kirsten Dunst

(stars with a round face shape)

Has repeatedly appeared in front of camera lenses with a wide variety of hairstyles. In this photo, the actress has long hair that narrows her face and flirty bangs that draw attention to her pretty eyes.

In this photo he appears with an unusual haircut - a multi-layered "bob". This hairstyle visually stretches the face. Chubby girls are advised to give preference to light, rather than thick bangs.

Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez

(stars with a round face type)

She also has a round face. To divert attention from full cheeks, the actress prefers high, casual hairstyles. This hairstyle, among other things, creates texture and narrows the face.

Has a pointed chin and round cheeks. Her face shape can be called triangular-round. In this photo, the actress has an elongated "bob", which, of course, suits her. But long hair would probably look even better.

Celebrities with round faces

Successful and unsuccessful hairstyle

Successful and unsuccessful hairstyle

Successful and unsuccessful hairstyle

(celebrities with a round face type)

Successful and unsuccessful hairstyle

(celebrities with round faces)

Successful and unsuccessful hairstyle

(celebrities with a round face)

Irina Nikolaeva specially for Become a Lady

I want a haircut! Styling! And definitely like the last magazine on the cover! How does it not fit? Sadness! Maybe try? Admit it, every woman has such thoughts at least once in her life.

Further, everything is predictable. The master works, but does as the client ordered. Disappointment. Of course, there are lucky ones for whom the chosen or newfangled model suits right from the start. But this is rare. How to avoid the frustrations of a hairdresser? The answer is simple - choose a haircut according to the shape of your face. The most important task of hair is to emphasize strong facial features, hide imperfections, then you will look harmonious. Let's figure out how to do this - we have collected tips from the experience of our hairdressers, which will help you to accurately determine the haircut and hairstyle.

In this article, you will learn:

Selection of haircuts according to the shape of the face. Simple facial geometry

The shape of the face depends on genetics, the location of the muscles and bones of the skeleton. Currently, hairdressers distinguish 7 main types of faces:

  • oval;
  • circle;
  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • rhombus;
  • pear or inverted triangle;
  • triangle.

Calculating the shape of your face is easy. No complicated math calculations and tools required. An absolute and sufficient condition is a mirror and a cosmetic pencil.

Let's do facial geometry:

  1. Thoroughly pin the hair or tie it in a ponytail or bun.
  2. Put a mirror in front of you and be honest with him and yourself.
  3. Circle your own reflection with a cosmetic pencil.
  4. Compare the resulting contour with known geometric shapes.

Also, to determine the type of face, you can use the more geometrically accurate method given in the video below from the beauty blogger Olga Belyaeva. To do this, you will need a centimeter or ruler, as well as paper and a pen.

How to determine the shape of your face using a ruler:

Haircuts for an oval face

If you have an oval on the mirror, the question of how to choose a haircut according to the shape of your face disappears by itself. This is ideal! Any haircut, styling to your face. You are open to various experiments - hairpins, headbands, headbands will be appropriate for an oval.

What is not suitable for owners of an oval face? All that will hide this ideal shape is too voluminous bangs, falling long strands.

The lucky owners of this face shape among the stars are Hollywood actresses Gwyneth Peltrow, Eva Longoria, Courtney Cox... And the classic bob, and long curls, and a strict bun look great on their heads!

If you want to know what styling and hairstyles are suitable for the oval shape - .

Chubby cheeks, soft chin, perky smile - this is all the owner of a round face can boast of. But it is this shape that makes the face flat. The task in this case is to visually turn the circle into an oval, to stretch the face.

Shoulder-length hairstyles will cope with this task. Asymmetry in everything is perfect, as well as side partings and bangs, you can also choose a styling in the style of "wet hair". It is advisable to open the ears.

Things to Avoid- haircuts without bangs, hair that is tightly combed back, any horizontal lines, large curls, haircuts and styling with a flat top.

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Miley Cyrus can boast of such a face shape.

As an example of choosing the right hair shape for a round face, we suggest watching a video clip - a clipping from a TV show, where a professional stylist tells in detail how you can visually correct the circle:

Haircuts for a square face = self-confidence!

Nature has awarded the owners of a square face with a heavy chin and a high forehead. Prominent jaws are believed by artists and stylists to be a sign of courage and self-confidence. That is why many stars like to emphasize their square. For example, Demi Moore... Why not?

But how to choose a haircut according to the shape of a face in the form of a square, if your confidence suits you well and without emphasizing the cheekbones and chin.

So, if you still want to make your face softer and bring the shape closer to the oval, it is recommended to experiment with a ladder haircut. The maximum volume is at the top of the head at the crown.

Don't cut your bangs to your eyebrows! This will only make the face smaller and visually enlarge the chin. Open your ears only partially, do not comb your hair back. Asymmetric haircuts and partings do a good job.

A bright representative of girls with a square face - evil Belatrissa from Harry Potter - Helen Bonham Carter and Sandra Bullock... Check out what great haircuts they have chosen!

Haircuts for a triangular face (or in the shape of a heart)

Wide forehead, narrow chin, mischievous smile. This face shape is also often called the heart, in the case of a more rounded upper part of the forehead.

Girls with a triangular face should choose short haircuts with medium volume at the crown. Haircuts based on squares of various lengths will look good. For girls with this type of face, you can comb your hair back, but do not tighten it, but leave it in soft waves.

Not worth doing- unnecessarily lush and high tops, lonely strands slicked back.

Holders of a triangular face - Scarlett Johansson, Victoria Beckham and Reese Witherspoon.

Rectangular face or English stiffness

The rectangular shape of the face can be easily masked with a chin-length haircut. When laying, the maximum volume should be in the area of ​​the ears. Soft curls and a strict straight part also look good. Avoid tight, obviously unnatural curls and haircuts that are too short. If you have chosen a long haircut, then create volume at the neck level.

Shouldn't do styling with an open forehead, combing hair around the temples. Soft, elongated bangs in the shape of an arch will help to visually round the face.

Typical representative - brilliant and talented Angelina Jolie, Katty Perry, Sarah Jessica Parker.

Pear or inverted triangle

Girls with a pear-shaped face have a wide, heavy chin, chubby cheeks and a narrow, elongated forehead. The maximum volume should be at the crown, and soft curls can go down to the chin. Haircuts with volume in the lower part of the face should be avoided.

What not to do - short haircuts with a voluminous top, slicked strands combed back.

A typical owner of a pear-shaped face -


The owners of a diamond-shaped face are distinguished by a narrow forehead and chin. This is a kind of variation between an oval and a rectangle. The task of the hairdresser and the owner of this shape is to smooth out wide cheekbones. Long haircuts based on bob and voluminous bangs are also suitable, as well as short ones with maximum volume in the upper part of the head.

The typical owner of a diamond-shaped face -

Conclusions: preview

Even after reading our tips for choosing a haircut to fit your face, you are not 100% sure which to choose? Doubt and fear? Don't trust your own instinct and skill of a hairdresser? If everything has gone this far, there are sites on the Internet where you can see how you will look with this or that hairstyle. Usually, such sites do not require registration and services for choosing hairstyles are free.

The principle of operation for all such portals is the same. You carefully pin your hair, take pictures and upload the photo to the site. And then you just try on this or that image. Liked it - forward to our hairdresser! And if you are still undecided, we will help you to determine the shape of your face and choose the optimal haircut for it!

And also for any face shape, the shine and health of the hair is important, which also depends on whether you comb them correctly - find out the secrets in the article.

And finally, the most important advice- when choosing your hairstyle, focus on what suits you. Yes, you need to follow fashion trends, listen to the opinion of the hairdresser and others, but only you will have to wear a new hairstyle.

More interesting materials:

A fashionable hairstyle will help to add ovality to the face and make its shape sophisticated. Do not be ashamed of chubby cheeks - it is important to be able to emphasize them correctly. The article presents several relevant examples of haircuts for a round face using the example of famous stars and celebrities.

Selena gomez

Prefers a layered haircut, thanks to which it turns out to visually stretch the face. It is important to make the hair more voluminous at the top of the head.

Mila kunis

Chooses haircuts for a round face with bangs, making it more voluminous than the bulk of the hair. Soft curls and styling allow you to correct and emphasize the features of a round face.

By the way, and uses the same method.

Kirsten dunst

The correct oval of the face of the performer of the main female role in the trilogy about Spider-Man is achieved with a bob haircut. The length should always be shoulder-length, and the bangs should be oblique.

Miley cyrus

Correction of a rounded face is due to a short haircut with the greatest volume in the crown (bangs). Light ends and a darker color of the roots add effect.

Miranda kerr

Solves the problem of "round face" with the help of curls, opening one side of the face, while removing symmetry.

Michelle williams

A short haircut with side bangs and a raised crown correct the oval of the face and make it more expressive.

Christmas tree

The famous singer makes a unique look, giving preference to voluminous and high hairstyles.

Katya Lel

Repeating the experience, he prefers short hair, complementing the image with bangs, in which the largest volume of hair remains.

Based on the celebrities presented, women's haircuts for a round face help to change or correct the shape of the face. The main thing is to decide on the length of your hair before going to the hairdresser.

Long hair graduation helps to concentrate the bulk at the top. Perfectly complemented by oblique bangs. Thanks to this, you can easily emphasize the oval and highlight the beauty of your face.

The bob is suitable for owners of medium length hair. It is important to emphasize the hairstyle with a side parting or soft bangs. You should also pay attention to the cascading haircut. Its main advantage is that it is universal, which means it is suitable for any type of hair. It consists in the fact that the hair is cut with a ladder. It will be good for those who complain about thin and unruly hair, since it provides strands with splendor and lightness. The length of the curls varies from chin to shoulder.

If you are the owner of a short haircut, leave the minimum length in the back of the head, and leave the bulk of the hair in the bangs. You can make it asymmetrical and as long as possible. A bob haircut can be a good alternative. The face is visually thinner due to the fact that the front curls are left long, and the crown is laid in such a way as to obtain the effect of a "large head".

What is worth giving up

It is important to understand that a haircut for a round face is selected individually, based on the client's preferences, but there are some limitations. Women with this look should not experiment with long, straight hair and a parting in the middle. When choosing chin-length hair, try not to curl up to your face to remove unnecessary attention from your cheeks or cheekbones.

You should also understand that curls will add extra volume to your face. If you need to curl, we recommend light, discreet waves up to the shoulder area. This hairstyle will make the proportions of the round face more rational and correct.

Defining the shape of your face is as much an achievement as drawing perfectly straight arrows or styling your hair in a slightly messy bun.

What are the face shapes

There are several classifications of face shapes, so we decided to focus on the most popular one. So, experts distinguish faces in the form:

Why do you need to determine your face shape

Thanks to new knowledge, you will be able to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the face with the help of: 1) hairstyles, 2) the shape of the eyebrows, 3) makeup. For example, girls with a round face should avoid a bob with straight bangs, rounded eyebrows, and makeup with clearly visible geometry.

Square face shape

The main characteristics of the "squares" are approximately the same ratio between the length and width of the face, as well as an almost flat jawline and a massive jaw. With other owls, you can measure the distance from the highest point of the temple to the point at which the jaw begins. It will equal the width of your jaw.

Celebrities with a square face: Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock

Face shape "diamond"

If you visually draw a line connecting the center points of the hairline, cheekbones and chin, you get a diamond - hence the name. Girls with this face shape have a sharp chin and high cheekbones. The main difference between a diamond face and a heart face is the hairline - the “diamonds” have it already.

Celebrities with a diamond face shape: Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Greene

Rectangle face shape

Rectangular faces are sometimes also called "oblong". According to their characteristics, they are very similar to "squares", but they have different lengths and widths. Your forehead, cheeks, and jaw are about the same width and your chin is slightly elongated.

Celebrities with rectangular faces: Joan Smalls, Sarah Jessica Parker and Alexa Chung

Heart shape

Everything is very simple here: if you have a pointed chin and your forehead is the widest part of your face, then you are definitely a “heart”. An interesting observation: girls who have the so-called "widow's peak" (hair growing in a triangular projection on the forehead) often have this very face shape, which further emphasizes the resemblance to the image of the heart.

Celebrities with a heart-shaped face: Sarah Hyland, Reese Witherspoon and Chloe Grace Moretz

Face shape "circle"

A round face is like a square face, only with softer corners - the sides of your face are rounded and have no straight lines. A couple more characteristics: you have chubby cheeks, an unlined chin, and the widest part of your face is your cheekbones.

Celebrities with a round face: Elizabeth Olsen, Jennifer Lawrence and Ginnifer Goodwin

Every woman dreams of a beautiful and fashionable hairstyle to look perfect. Stylists advise - in order to choose the perfect hairstyle, you need to take into account the shape of your face. There are four main types of faces: oval, rectangular (square), round, and heart-shaped - triangular. We will approach individually the right choice of hairstyle for each type. So, how to choose a hairstyle according to the shape of your face presents examples of beautiful, stylish styling of stars with a photo.

Oval face

Those women who have the most harmonious face shape, when the top and bottom are balanced, are very lucky, as they go with all types of hairstyles. You can safely experiment with an oval face shape - growing long hair or doing a short haircut. Any hairstyle will only emphasize the ideal proportions. The bright representatives of the beautiful lines of the face are the stars: Sharon Stone, Melissa George, Jessica Alba, Courtney Cox, Charlize Theron.

Short hair

For owners of an oval-shaped face, it is easiest to choose a hairstyle, they can wear super short haircuts with or without bangs. The more open the face is, the more you can see the perfection of its form. Sharon Stone has an ideal face shape that allows her to change her image by growing both long hair and making the shortest haircuts that give the image of youth and enthusiasm.

Long hair

If you wear long hair, then melissa George's soft curls will look great. You can pull your hair up, under a headband or tie a ponytail - all options are good, you can not be afraid to discover such beauty.

In any case, no matter what hairstyle you choose, both a short haircut with "feathers" that opens the ears and forehead, as well as long, soft curls that caress the face, will look great.

Rectangular (square) face

This type of face is characterized by a heavy jaw and a straight hairline along the forehead. You can try to smooth out a severe facial expression if you choose the right hairstyle for a rectangular face shape. It is good to have long hair, it allows you to reduce the massiveness of the chin. Celebrities are naturally endowed with such a face shape: Paris Hilton, Demi Moore, Sandra Bullock, Heidi Klum, Angelina Jolie, Cindy Crawford, Salma Hayek, Gwyneth Paltrow, Natalie Portman.

If you wear a short haircut, then bangs are a must in your case, and the bulk of the hair should be around the ears, not the cheekbones.

Long hair

Look at how the celebrity stylists competently solved the hairstyle (second photo) of Sandra Bullock: long hair, along with straight bangs, skillfully smooth out the naturally rectangular face of the actress.

For those with long hair, bangs will go, which will correct the upper part of the face, and, in addition, against the background of long hair, the chin does not seem so massive. Agree, in the second photo, the actress's face looks more harmonious.

If you want a hairstyle without bangs, then a side parting would be the best solution. An excellent option would be a hairstyle for long and medium hair, which has strands of different lengths, framing the face like Heidi Klum's.

It will smooth out sharp lines and bring the face as close as possible to the ideal shape. In the second photo, the actress's face does not look so massive.

Correct solutions for hairstyle with a rectangular face shape:

  • long hair that will smooth out the massive lower part of the face and soften a stern look;
  • any bangs will go: straight, oblique, torn, semicircular;
  • bangs must be in the case of a short haircut;
  • in a hairstyle without bangs on long and medium hair - the side parting will correct the upper part of the face;
  • a voluminous bob or cascade haircut, in which the volume of the styled hair should be in the area of ​​the ears;
  • a hairstyle of strands of different lengths in the form of a graduated ladder will smooth out the square lines of the face;
  • when styling a high hairstyle, you need to leave a few strands framing the face, they will soften the angularity of the face.

Things to Avoid:

  • slicked back hair that completely reveals the forehead;
  • with a short haircut - the volume of hair in the cheekbones;
  • haircuts with hair length flush with the chin.

Round face

This type is characterized by full cheeks and soft facial contours. But if you choose the right hairstyle, then shoulder-length hair will make the round face shape more attractive. As a result, the face will visually appear more elongated, and long hair will cover convex areas. The hairstyle should not have clear horizontal lines: straight bangs or an even bottom edge of the hair, so as not to indicate existing problems. The following stars in the world of celebrities have a rounded face shape: Kelly Osbourne, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicole Richie, Drew Barrymore, Lily Cole.

Short to medium length hair

Do you like short haircuts? Then you need to consider the following:

If the haircut is of medium length, then this is a bob with a side parting, and the same cropped bob will suit you, but with an emphasis on the front strands (when the curls in the front are trimmed below the jawline and longer than the back).

If short hair, then multi-layered, when the bangs are cut in layers and must be laid on the side.

The face will be made more miniature: oblique bangs - it visually narrows the forehead and soft curls - they will create additional volume and make the face more elongated like Jennifer Lawrence's. In the second photo, the actress's very plump cheeks do not look so voluminous, the curls of the hairstyle smooth them out and the face takes on a more oval shape.

Long hair

A hairstyle that has a smoother top and a curvier bottom like Kelly Osbourne will suit you. In such a mass of hair, the cheeks are "lost" and the face will not seem so round. Agree that in the second photo the actress looks more attractive.

The right solutions for a round face hairstyle:

  • it is preferable to wear long hair that will stretch the oval of the face;
  • asymmetrical lines in the hairstyle: side partings, oblique long bangs, stepped haircuts;
  • if a short haircut, then multi-layered with a side parting;
  • suitable for medium-length hair: a graduated cascade, an elongated bob with an asymmetrical parting;
  • hair styled in soft waves in the cheeks and below.

Things to Avoid:

  • straight lines in the hairstyle: especially in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones and bottom edge;
  • straight parting, asymmetrical side parting is better;
  • if bangs are present, then it is better to be elongated, laid on one side of the face, it will narrow the forehead;
  • small curls, they will further emphasize the roundness of the face, - better soft waves framing the face.

Triangular face

The hallmarks of a heart-shaped face are a wide forehead, far-apart eyes, and a pointed chin. Therefore, one solution of two will be correct: to focus in the hairstyle on narrowing the upper part of the face or expanding the lower one. Among the stars of world magnitude with this type of face were seen: Reese Witherspoon, Hayden Panitier, Naombie Campbell

Long hair

The first problem posed can be solved by oblique bangs, it will hide a wide forehead. This is clearly seen in the photographs of the famous American movie star with a heart-shaped face.

Absolutely unfortunate first photo of Reese Witherspoon, the hairstyle in which strongly reveals a huge forehead, and the straight hair denotes a sharp chin even sharper. In the photo on the right, the imperfect oval of the star's face has already been correctly adjusted: the doll's face is emphasized by soft waves, and the oblique bangs masked the massive forehead.

Another hairstyle that can be chosen for a triangular face shape is a classic bob with hair length up to the chin line or a bob up to the shoulders with curls or light waves laid inward.

Delicate locks of medium length, like Hayden Panittieri, will distract attention from the pointed chin.

Short to medium hair

The second task (expansion of the lower part of the face) will be solved by a long bob, giving the main volume below the ears.

Haircuts that are too short will not work for women with a heart-shaped face, as they create volume in the upper part of the face. But if you still want to wear a short hairstyle, then perhaps a garcon haircut with a braid or torn bangs will look elegant on you. This haircut will not widen the upper part of the face, so the proportions will not be disturbed.

Correct solutions for hairstyle with a triangular face:

  • cascading haircuts of medium length hair that create layering and ladders in the hairstyle;
  • if there is a bang, then it can be any - oblique, torn, straight, elongated;
  • the top of the hairstyle cannot be made lush, so as not to create additional volume at the crown;
  • hair is better to wear long or medium length;
  • hair on the sides, to give the necessary volume to the lower part of the face, it is better to put it inward, or curl in large waves.

Things to Avoid:

  • too short haircuts, such as pixie or "feathers" with or without bangs;
  • straight hair lines along the face;
  • hairstyles with one length of the hairline along the chin;
  • high hairstyles with hair pulled back;
  • lush styling at the top of the head.