Severe swelling of the legs during pregnancy what to do. Why legs swell during pregnancy

Expectation of a child is a wonderful period in a woman's life. And at the same time, it is the most difficult - the restructuring taking place in the body sometimes leads to pathological conditions. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a common occurrence that negatively affects the condition of a woman, especially in recent months.

Swollen legs in the late stages of pregnancy do not always indicate pathology. In some cases, they occur for understandable reasons and do not require treatment. They are called physiological. Reasons for the appearance:

  1. Excessive fluid intake caused by a change in hormonal levels. The body of a pregnant woman needs much more to provide all the necessary for a growing baby.
  2. In the third trimester, the protein content in the blood plasma decreases, which also causes edema.
  3. Improper diet and low mobility. Salty and spicy food, which sometimes unbearably attracts a woman, is sodium, which, once it gets into the body, retains water. And low mobility additionally contributes to this.
  4. An increase in the volume of circulating blood is the preparation of the body for childbirth. Obeying the laws of physics, excess fluid often "slides" into the lower extremities.
  5. Slimming clothes, tight shoes.

A small lifestyle correction with swelling of the legs will help get rid of the unpleasant syndrome or alleviate its manifestations. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy can be accompanied by pain, bruises under the eyes, drowsiness, and swelling of the hands. Each such manifestation speaks of a disruption in the work of one or another organ or system:

  • increased load on the legs and increased pressure on the vessels of the small pelvis leads to varicose veins in the legs and thrombophlebitis, venous and lymphatic congestion occurs, causing edema;
  • a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland during pregnancy simultaneously inhibits the activity of other organs due to insufficient synthesis of hormones;
  • it becomes difficult for the heart to cope with the increased volume of circulating blood, which causes swelling not only of the legs, but also of the upper extremities, weakness, fatigue and drowsiness;
  • failure of the kidneys is manifested by swelling of the legs, bruises and "bags" under the eyes.

The most dangerous condition in the second half of pregnancy is preeclampsia or late toxicosis. Malfunctions of the kidneys and disruption of the vascular system pose a threat to the life of the mother and child. With gestosis, not only the legs and other parts of the body swell, but also the internal organs. Placental edema can be life threatening.

Stages of edema

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy after the 30th week is often normal. But if they appear earlier (for example, at the 20th week), this indicates the onset of gestosis. Moreover, if they are accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, feeling of "cotton feet". Doctors divide edema into four stages;

Often, severe swelling of the legs of the first stage appears in pregnant women in the evening. In the morning they usually disappear. In any case, you need to draw the doctor's attention to the appearance of puffiness and follow his recommendations in the future.

How does edema manifest in pregnant women?

Usually, swelling on the legs is noticeable immediately:

  • legs increase in volume
  • shoes become tight;
  • a slight tingling sensation may be felt in the legs.

Severity in the legs during pregnancy indicates a violation of venous outflow. Weight gain of more than 300 g per week also speaks of abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body. Especially if the fullness becomes uneven.

Swelling can be determined on your own with a simple test. Press on the leg with your finger, if a fossa remains and the skin does not straighten out immediately, then this is swelling. Symptoms become especially pronounced in the evening.

The cause of edema in pregnant women must be established if they appear not only on the legs, but also on the face, arms or in the thigh area and do not disappear after rest. Also, a thorough diagnosis is required for edema that appears after the first trimester of pregnancy.

Diagnosis of pathology

Before prescribing diagnostic tests for a woman, the doctor observes her for some time. Weight gain is monitored (weighing should be weekly). The doctor determines the degree of pastiness and checks the recovery time of the skin turgor after pressing on the swollen area.

It is imperative that a urine test is prescribed for the presence of protein in it, and daily urine is taken to determine the ratio of the drunk and excreted fluid. When edema appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman is hospitalized for a detailed examination of the work of organs and systems that are at the highest risk.

If edema during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the health of the mother and fetus, the doctor simply makes recommendations regarding changes in diet and daily routine, which will help, if not get rid of, then at least reduce fluid retention in the legs.

Swelling in late pregnancy

The closer the birth, the more intensively the woman's body prepares for it and begins to store water. Sometimes, at a later date, the volume of fluid can exceed the norm by 3-7 liters. Therefore, swelling in the legs of women in late pregnancy is not always a pathology. In a few days after giving birth, they will disappear without a trace.

At 38 weeks of gestation, leg swelling always occurs. At this time, the woman already reacts painfully to discomfort - heartburn, constipation, tired legs from a large weight. Not surprisingly, the kidneys start to do their job poorly. There can be two reasons for this (unless the woman had kidney problems before pregnancy):

  • the grown fetus is strongly pressing on one of the buds.
  • In turn, stagnant fluid causes blood to thicken, which significantly reduces the delivery of oxygen to the baby.

    If swelling appears at 39 weeks of gestation, all the more severe, it is better to go to the antenatal department so that doctors can control the condition. At 40 weeks of gestation, edema is dangerous due to the threat of preeclampsia in the child. In this case, they are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and proteinuria. Swelling of the legs in the last month of pregnancy should be the subject of close attention by the doctor and controlled by the woman herself.

    What is the danger of puffiness

    Pathological swelling of the legs during pregnancy is dangerous primarily for the child. Decreased kidney function leads to fluid retention. This, in turn, provokes an increase in blood pressure in the expectant mother. The blood supply to the fetus is disrupted, due to which it experiences a deficiency of the nutrients it needs.

    Before childbirth, edema of one leg occurs due to thrombophlebitis or may indicate a malfunction of the heart (up to the development of heart failure). Edema during this period can be a symptom of gestosis, which has four stages:

    • at the first, edema appears, accompanied by excessive weight gain and increased pressure;
    • nephropathy develops - protein appears in the urine;
    • there is a state of preeclampsia with severe nephropathy, leading to changes in the fundus;
    • the woman has seizures that threaten the child's life.

    The result can be fetal death or premature birth.

    How to relieve the condition at home

    What needs to be done with swelling of the legs during pregnancy is decided only by the doctor. If they are physiological, drug treatment is not required. The recommendations concern only diet and lifestyle adjustments:

    • exclude spicy, fatty, fried and sweet foods from the diet, limit the daily amount of salt, increase the amount of protein products and those containing dietary fiber and vitamins;
    • eat more often, but less, include vegetables and fruits in the menu every day;
    • drink as much as the body requires, you do not need to suffer from thirst or, on the contrary, pour a certain amount of liquid into yourself;
    • drink not only water, but also fruit drinks, compotes, teas, kefir and other healthy drinks;
    • do light gymnastics for your legs, try to rest them in an elevated position during the day;
    • spend less time sitting and standing, rest more often;
    • exclude high-heeled shoes and avoid stuffy rooms.

    To relieve the condition of the legs with edema will help:

    • taking B vitamins - they will strengthen the capillaries and reduce the amount of fluid that gets from the vessels into the tissues;
    • to support the vessels of the legs, it is recommended to wear compression underwear (the degree of compression is determined by the doctor);
    • Cool foot baths with salt or essential oils and light massage will help relieve swelling.

    Treatment of edema of the extremities during pregnancy

    What to do with pathological swelling of the legs during pregnancy will be shown by the results of diagnostic examinations. They are carried out if a woman is unable to get rid of edema at home. According to their results, treatment is prescribed - outpatient or inpatient.

    Drug therapy

    When the diagnosis does not show a serious health problem, the doctor may prescribe diuretics to eliminate edema:

    • synthetic (Hypothiazide, Furosemide, Veroshpiron);
    • of plant origin (Kanephron, Nephrophyte).

    Self-administration of synthetic diuretics is excluded. They have a different mechanism of action, and their uncontrolled use can harm both the expectant mother and the baby. To alleviate the condition of the legs in pregnant women, local preparations are used:

    • strengthening and toning the walls of blood vessels (Troxevasin, Venitan);
    • facilitating blood flow (Heparin ointment, Lyoton).

    Unconventional treatment

    It is possible to cope with edema at home not only with medications. Tea with diuretic herbs, bee products are safer during pregnancy. There are several ways to eliminate edema using folk remedies:

    • Decoctions of diuretic herbs - horsetail, birch buds, bear ears and knotweed. Duration of admission is up to 3 weeks.
    • Cranberry juice and rosehip decoction, seasoned with honey.
    • Foot massage with frozen decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage). It is done at night.
    • A light diuretic effect is exerted by a decoction of dried apricots, infused for 10 hours.
    • An old "grandmother's" recipe - compresses on the shins from fresh cabbage leaves.

    But even folk recipes used during pregnancy must be approved by a doctor.

    Common myths about edema in pregnant women

    Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is what causes increased anxiety and discomfort in women. And, as usual in such cases, the problem is overgrown with myths that guide many future mothers:

    1. Reducing salt and fluid intake as much as possible will relieve swelling. This is the wrong approach. Such restrictions will not eliminate the swelling, but will harm the fetus. The female body needs more fluid during the period of gestation, so dehydration is unacceptable.
    2. Edema excludes sports activities. Quite the opposite - feasible exercise will reduce them. But everything should be in moderation. The best sports are swimming, yoga, special exercises for pregnant women. Exercise can help you strengthen your muscles and prepare you better for childbirth.
    3. The best way to relieve swelling is to take a diuretic. Yes, but only as directed by a doctor. Uncontrolled intake leads to dehydration, from which the unborn child suffers in the first place.
    4. Edema is gestosis. Not always, although even physiological edema should be kept under control.

    Prevention of edema during pregnancy

    Despite the significant restructuring of physiological processes during pregnancy, many of them can and should be kept under control, in particular, the appearance of puffiness on the legs. How to prevent its appearance:

    • constantly monitor your weight, its increased growth may indicate negative processes in the body;
    • from the beginning of pregnancy, reconsider your diet and get rid of harmful foods;
    • do not neglect walking, especially in late pregnancy, when the risk of edema formation increases many times over;
    • while resting, try to put your feet on a slight elevation;
    • try not to drink water at night, the bulk of the liquid should be drunk before 7 pm;
    • do simple exercises for swelling - on raised legs, twist your feet, alternately pull your toes towards you and away from you.

    Pregnancy is a temporary restructuring of the body, not a disease that needs to be treated. By following the doctor's recommendations and following a healthy lifestyle, you can avoid serious conditions at the end of pregnancy.

    Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a common problem faced by many women. This phenomenon occurs especially often during late pregnancy. In many cases, this is a normal condition (if the legs swell in the ankles), unless it is caused by any pathology. The doctor will help determine the causes of edema.

    When swelling is likely during pregnancy

    Certain groups of pregnant women are especially prone to excess fluid. They often have swelling of their legs at 38 or 39 weeks of gestation. Among them are women who:

    1. Eat improperly or maintain an inappropriate lifestyle;
    2. over 32 years old;
    3. have any serious pathology (for example, obesity or).

    Usually in such cases, supportive therapy and a special daily regimen are prescribed. Edema during pregnancy (photo):

    Varieties and stages of edema

    In the first trimester of bearing a child, swelling is a rare occurrence. Only by the second trimester can such manifestations appear, and their nature can be different. There are 2 types of edema of the feet during pregnancy:

    1. Physiological. During pregnancy, the body can retain water and sodium cations. This is because pregnant women often eat too much salty food, which interferes with the removal of excess water. Swelling can also occur in very warm weather. This puts more stress on the legs as excess water increases body weight.
    2. Pathological. In this case, edema is a symptom of a disease. Often, dropsy is noted - a disease that develops in pregnant women with an excess of moisture in the body. At the same time, body weight often increases by more than 20 kilograms, and the limbs and face swell greatly. This condition always requires treatment, as it can lead to more serious diseases - for example, gestosis. This disease can lead to the death of both mother and child.

    In total, there are 4 stages of edema - from the weakest to the most severe:

    1. swelling in the area of ​​the feet and legs (this is the initial stage, the swelling always begins with the legs);
    2. swelling in the thighs of the legs, in the lower abdomen and in the lower back;
    3. swelling on the hands during pregnancy and on the face.

    In the fourth stage, general body edema appears.

    There are four stages of edema, from the weakest to the most severe. To determine the type and intensity of edema, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Why does edema develop in pregnant women?

    The causes of edema in pregnant women can be different - both physiological and pathological. Usually, if swelling occurs in the afternoon at the ankles (it can develop asymmetrically - for example, sometimes only the right leg swells during pregnancy), this is considered normal.

    Causes of physiological edema

    The reasons for this condition during pregnancy are as follows:

    • an increase in the amount of fluid and circulating blood in the body (it becomes about half more, it may not be distributed quite evenly throughout the body, which means it accumulates in the lower part);
    • transformations in the work of the endocrine system (it rises, and water in the body accumulates due to the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy);
    • congestion in the pelvis (during the period of enlargement of the uterus, the blood supply to the pelvic organs may deteriorate, as the veins are compressed; this can provoke edema in the lower body);
    • improper daily regimen and non-compliance with the diet (you need to fully rest, perform special sports exercises and not eat too much salty or spicy food, as it forces you to consume a large amount of water, which is retained in the body due to salt);
    • a decrease in the amount of protein in the blood plasma (during the period of bearing a child, the content of albumin in the blood gradually decreases, which provokes swelling in the legs).

    These are all physiological reasons why leg swelling may occur at 38 weeks of gestation and later. All of them lend themselves to correction - it is enough to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and follow the advice of a specialist.

    Edema for physiological reasons can be corrected - it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle

    Causes of pathological edema

    Pathological edema requires treatment - when the swelling reaches the face, it becomes severe and is present on an ongoing basis. Most often they occur due to the following conditions:

    1. diseases of the pelvic organs (if the kidneys are poorly functioning, leg edema develops in the early stages of pregnancy);
    2. gestosis (a common reason for the appearance of excess fluid in the body of pregnant women, it can cause or the presence of proteins in the urine; the disease disrupts the water-salt balance of the body, and can cause general edema);
    3. varicose veins (if it was before pregnancy, during this period this disease will become even more pronounced; edema can be localized only on one leg - for example, it happens that only the left leg is swollen during pregnancy);
    4. diseases of the heart and blood vessels (the state of the circulatory system directly depends on whether there will be swelling on the legs of pregnant women or not);
    5. disruption of the endocrine glands (with insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland, swelling often occurs);
    6. allergic reactions (if the pathology appeared suddenly, and affected not only the legs, you need to consult a doctor, as it may be an allergy complicated by edema, which is life-threatening).

    Important. To determine exactly why the edema appeared, you need to consult with your doctor.

    Pathological edema necessarily requires treatment.

    Symptoms and diagnostic methods

    If the swelling is not very strong and it is localized only in the legs, special treatment is not required. Nevertheless, in order to exclude pathologies, it is better to consult a specialist (this is especially important at the end - from the 36th week of pregnancy).

    Edema can be determined by the following manifestations:

    1. a slight tingling sensation in the hands or feet;
    2. a significant increase in body weight (more than a third of a kilogram per week);
    3. difficulties with removing and putting on rings with swelling of the hands, as well as shoes.

    Normally, during pregnancy, such phenomena can be observed in the evening in the legs. Especially often, swelling of the legs during pregnancy occurs in the late gestation period. They should be over by morning anyway. Advice. You can independently determine the presence of edema by pressing on the swollen area with your fingers and abruptly removing your hand. If there is a depression in this place, we can talk about swelling. If the edema does not hurt, we can say that the edema is of a physiological nature.

    Specialists have more extensive diagnostics:

    1. blood and urine tests to exclude serious pathologies;
    2. determining the rate of recovery of edematous skin after pressing on it;
    3. calculation of the amount of drunk and discharged fluid;
    4. weighing to calculate the amount of excess water.

    If the edema does not cause painful sensations, it can be assumed that the edema is of a physiological nature.

    This allows you to find the pathology that caused the swelling, and quickly remove it.

    Treatment of edema during pregnancy with drugs

    In case of serious diseases (for example, gestosis), hospitalization is required, since this condition is life-threatening. In other cases, it is often enough to use diuretic drugs prescribed by a doctor or rub in ointments.

    Most often, experts prescribe the following funds:

    • herbal diuretics (special herbal mixtures and homeopathic preparations help relieve slight swelling of the leg - for example, these are Cyston, Canephron, Nephrodite);
    • medicinal diuretics (used before childbirth to relieve edema; drugs Furosemide, Hypothiazid, Veroshpiron are effective);
    • external ointments (gels, Venitan, Heparin ointment are suitable for rubbing into a swollen place).

    Medicines are used at 9 months of pregnancy as a last resort.

    In most cases, for edema, diuretic drugs prescribed by a doctor are used or ointments are rubbed in

    Traditional methods of treatment

    What to do if the legs swell during pregnancy, suggest alternative methods of treatment. If the edema is not dangerous and is not too severe, you can try to eliminate it with traditional medicine, if there is no hypersensitivity to herbs.

    Popular such folk remedies:

    1. dried apricot infusion(A tablespoon of dried apricots should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 12 hours. You need to drink a decoction to remove excess liquid 40 minutes before meals);
    2. ice massage(you need to freeze decoctions of herbs, and wipe your feet with ice cubes before going to bed);
    3. compresses(chilled cabbage leaves should be applied to swollen areas and kept until the leaves get wet; after that they need to be replaced with new ones);
    4. folk diuretic(in equal proportions, you need to mix dried horsetail, knotweed and birch buds; a teaspoon of the resulting mixture should be poured with a glass of boiling water and drunk a teaspoon after a meal. Course - 21 days).

    Advice. You can also just massage your legs with your hands before going to bed (it is permissible to use base oils such as jojoba or cocoa). Sometimes phyto-teas are additionally prescribed for edema, as well as vitamins that help strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

    Prevention of edema during pregnancy

    Before conception, it is advisable to undergo an examination as early as possible in order to exclude serious diseases that can complicate this period.

    You can avoid edema if you follow simple rules:

    1. drink enough clean water per day;
    2. observe physical activity;
    3. rest for several hours during the day (with legs raised on the pillow);
    4. do not neglect a healthy diet;
    5. control weight;
    6. monitor the condition of the fingers (whether the rings can be removed without problems);
    7. sometimes you can do fasting days on apples or cottage cheese.

    Note. It is also better not to drink diuretics without a doctor's prescription in the ninth month (especially from the 37th week of pregnancy). Physical activity should be moderate - enough light exercise and walking.

    A healthy diet, physical activity, and a few hours of rest during the day will help prevent swelling.

    Diet for edema

    To avoid swelling, you need to eat right. The rules for proper nutrition during pregnancy are as follows:

    1. eating as many vegetables or fruits as possible;
    2. eat lean protein (for example, from) every day;
    3. reduce salt and sugar intake;
    4. eat natural diuretics - apples, parsley, garlic);
    5. observe the drinking regime (2 liters per day);
    6. stop eating canned food and pickles.

    It is also important to give up bad habits from the very beginning of pregnancy.


    The most serious complication if the legs and arms swell during pregnancy is gestosis, which can turn into dropsy if left untreated. Dropsy, in turn, can severely disrupt the functioning of the kidneys, leading to. If the disease is not treated at this stage, it can be life threatening, since in this case people often experience convulsions and fall into a coma because of this.

    Gestosis is dangerous for the fetus, as it affects the placenta. The child ceases to receive enough nutrients, which means that he / she stops developing normally. His death may even occur. Therefore, it is important to treat preeclampsia on time and be examined whenever edema appears on the legs.

    The most serious complication of edema is gestosis. If left untreated, it can develop into dropsy.


    In general, edema does not affect the birth process. They are dangerous only if they have already passed into gestosis and have not been cured before. In case of danger, specialists perform a cesarean section. There is no swelling after pregnancy.

    Note. With swelling, a pregnant woman may appear late (at 35 weeks or even 39 weeks of pregnancy), which is very dangerous at this time. Therefore, you always need to consult with a specialist in a timely manner in order to assess how dangerous the edema is.

    Edema during pregnancy is normal if they are not very pronounced and the mother does not have any chronic severe pathologies. In any case, in order to avoid risks, it is better to consult a doctor - he will tell you exactly why the legs swell during pregnancy in a particular situation and how to remove the swelling. They write about this on the forums.

    Swelling during pregnancy is not uncommon. Almost every woman in the last weeks of gestation is faced with this problem, but the violation can be expressed to varying degrees. You also need to understand that the cause of edema can be different, sometimes this symptom is a sign of severe pathology, dangerous for the life of the mother and child.

    Causes of edema during pregnancy

    Edema is a condition in which fluid accumulates in the body. This phenomenon can be observed locally, for example, with an injury or an insect bite, or throughout the body. As a rule, general edema is always associated with a pathological condition that affects the entire body of a woman.

    Edema occurs when there is fluid in the body and tissue that retains water.

    If a woman drinks a lot, for example, in the heat, then the likelihood of edema increases. Especially if the patient consumes drinks that retain fluid in the body, for example, salty mineral water, soft drinks, sweet fruit drinks and juices, as well as alcoholic beverages.

    Edema can be a consequence of the pathology of internal organs. So, cardiac, renal edema is secreted, and a violation is also manifested in diabetes mellitus and hormonal failure in a woman. Pregnancy is a condition that in itself increases the likelihood of developing edema, and this is not always associated with a serious medical condition.

    The fact is that for the correct development of the fetus, it is necessary to increase the supply of fluid in the woman's body. Some of the water is used for blood production to provide the fetus with nutrition. Several liters are needed to fill the fetal bladder with amniotic fluid. Also, water is needed to prepare the mammary glands for feeding the baby.

    Thus, the amount of total fluid in the pregnant woman's body increases by about 8 liters by the end of the third trimester. And the body does not always successfully remove excess, therefore, water can accumulate in the tissues of the body and the formation of edema of varying degrees.

    Pathological edema can occur for several reasons, the mechanism of the development of pathology is quite complex. The following diseases become the cause of general edema during pregnancy:

    • Heart pathology. In this case, the blood flow rate is disturbed, which leads to the release of fluid from the vessels into the surrounding tissues. Edema forms for a long time, they are quite dense, and concomitant cardiac symptoms are also observed. For example, shortness of breath at rest, palpitations, pale skin, chest pain, etc.
    • Kidney disease. In this case, the kidneys cannot cope with the flow of fluid, which leads to its accumulation in the body. Signs of renal edema: pale skin, swelling of the eyelids, poor appetite, protein in the urine, the swelling itself is mild and affects the entire body.
    • Hypertension. With increased pressure, the permeability of the vessels increases and the liquid enters the surrounding tissues, damage to the kidneys and urinary system occurs. As a result, the formation of edema. Usually, in this case, the legs and face swell first.

    All these disorders in pregnant women can be combined into a condition called preeclampsia or late toxicosis, which forms in the third trimester. Gestosis is characterized by impaired cardiac, renal function, increased blood pressure and the formation of edema throughout the body.

    Risk factors

    Doctors identify a risk group whose women are more likely to suffer from edema and other manifestations of preeclampsia during pregnancy:

    • Delivery too early. If a girl becomes pregnant at the age of 15-17, the likelihood of developing preeclampsia increases greatly. Despite the established menstruation, at this age, puberty has not yet ended. An unstable hormonal background often leads to the development of complications during gestation.
    • Late childbirth. If a woman becomes pregnant after 35 years, then the likelihood of edema also increases. With age, the body wears out, organs function worse than at 20-25 years old, and the presence of various diseases in the anamnesis does not have the best effect.
    • Preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy. If a woman has a tendency to develop edema, then most likely the situation will repeat itself in subsequent pregnancies. Such women should be under strict medical supervision.
    • Severe toxicosis with persistent vomiting in the first half of pregnancy. It may be a consequence of pathology in the body, as well as the cause of impaired renal function.
    • Women who have worked or continue to work in hazardous work.
    • Unfavorable living conditions, poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, a tendency to inflammatory and infectious diseases.
    • Multiple pregnancies. When carrying two or more children, the load on the body increases even more, the kidneys and heart may not be able to cope with it.

    The likelihood of severe gestosis increases greatly if a woman has internal edema that was not detected in a timely manner.


    First of all, it should be noted that edema is external and internal. External ones are visible with the naked eye: a woman's legs and arms swell, her face swells, and her stomach can also increase. Internal edema is not visible externally, which is very dangerous. Such a violation can only be identified by uneven weight gain.

    In total, there are 4 degrees of external edema in pregnant women:

    1. At the very beginning, swelling appears only on the legs.
    2. Legs and lower abdomen are affected.
    3. The face and hands are swollen.
    4. The whole body swells, dropsy may appear.

    Most often, pregnant women experience grade 1-2 edema, which does not harm the fetus with timely treatment. Edema of the 3-4th degree is referred to as a serious condition that requires hospitalization, sometimes it is necessary to carry out emergency delivery - it all depends on the cause of this complication.

    Gestosis in pregnant women can also be divided into 4 degrees:

    • The formation of dropsy is a local accumulation of fluid in the tissues.
    • Nephropathy is kidney damage.
    • Preeclampsia - accompanied by severe edema, high blood pressure, increased protein in the urine.
    • Eclampsia is the most severe form of preeclampsia, causing extremely serious complications, including pulmonary edema, placental abruption, fetal death, and renal failure in the mother.

    In some cases, the pathology can develop very quickly, therefore, women with even the smallest edema should be regularly observed in the antenatal clinic and treated. If the condition worsens, immediate hospitalization is needed.

    Signs of edema during pregnancy

    It is not always easy to detect edema during pregnancy, therefore, a woman should be regularly observed at an antenatal clinic starting from 12 weeks. This is very important, since only with the help of weight control, urinalysis, ultrasound diagnostics can the process of the gestation period be accurately tracked.

    • legs began to swell in the evenings;
    • fingers on hands swell, rings become tight;
    • if you press on the skin with your finger, a white spot and a dent is formed;
    • a sharp increase in weight. Normally, a woman gains 300 grams per week. With edema, the weight can jump by 1-1.5 kg or more, although the woman did not change the diet.

    Edema against the background of preeclampsia may be accompanied by headaches, increased drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, impaired appetite, increased uterine tone.

    Diagnosis of edema is the prerogative of the gynecologist. The doctor prescribes a number of tests for a woman, in particular, urine and blood tests, measuring the volume of urine excreted per day, measuring blood pressure. All these procedures help to confirm the pathology and identify its causes.

    Treatment of edema in pregnant women

    Therapy for edema during pregnancy is carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. There can be no question of any self-medication, this is indeed a very dangerous condition that can lead to the death of a child and the woman herself.

    Treatment is usually medication. Prescribe drugs to lower blood pressure, diuretics, and a diet for edema. If the cause of the edema is, for example, inflammatory kidney disease (pyelonephritis), then a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

    The diet for edema will be different, depending on the cause of their development.

    With gestosis, a balanced diet with an increased amount of protein is prescribed. In case of impaired renal function, for example, against a background of inflammation, protein is removed from the diet in the first few days of treatment in order to make it easier for the kidneys to work. Then protein food is gradually introduced in a small amount.

    It is also necessary to observe the drinking regime. It is very important to drink enough liquid, at least 1.5 liters, but not to overdo it. Lack of water, as well as excess, leads to disruption of the vascular system and the formation of edema.

    The same thing happens with salt. The complete exclusion of salt threatens to disrupt the function of the endothelium (a layer in the blood vessels), which is responsible for vascular tone. Violation of contractility leads to an increase in capillary permeability and edema.

    Excessive salt intake is also negative, because sodium chloride tends to retain fluid in the body. Therefore, salt is not completely excluded, but its amount is reduced to 3-3.5 grams per day.

    As you can see, the diet for edema can be different, so you don't need to limit yourself too much on your own. It is enough to exclude from the diet very salty, spicy, sweet, fatty. It is better to drink just purified water without gas, and steam, bake and boil food. It is very important that the food is fractional, 5-6 times a day in small portions, so that it is easier for the body to cope.

    • fresh cranberries, cranberry juice and juice;
    • lingonberry juice, lingonberry leaf decoction;
    • watermelons;
    • cucumbers;
    • fresh pumpkin juice;
    • grapefruit, etc.

    You can also alleviate your condition with the help of physical activity. Exercise for pregnant women from edema helps to improve blood circulation and fluid flow. Swimming is one of the most beneficial physical activities. Daily walks are also useful, but not too long, about 30-60 minutes a day, optimally 30 minutes in the morning and in the evening.

    At home, you can do a simple and effective exercise. You need to get on all fours and alternately smoothly pull one leg to the stomach, then straighten it back, repeat 5 times. Return to starting position and exercise on the other leg.

    Prevention of edema during pregnancy

    To prevent swelling during pregnancy, you must:

    • take a responsible approach to planning pregnancy, undergo a course of treatment for diseases if necessary;
    • it is desirable to become pregnant between the ages of 20 and 30;
    • be in a comfortable environment, live in a dry, warm room, dress in clean clothes;
    • adjust nutrition - it should be healthy, balanced;
    • avoid a passive lifestyle, but do not abuse physical activity;
    • be regularly examined in the antenatal clinic, take vitamins as needed and follow the doctor's recommendations.

    Most often, edema with gestosis in pregnant women in the third trimester is associated with a hereditary predisposition, which is difficult to deal with. A woman can reduce the risk of complications if she adheres to preventive measures and is examined. Timely detection of edema will help to take timely measures to eliminate them and prevent premature birth and other complications.

    Swelling of the legs during pregnancy indicates a developing gestosis. More often this phenomenon appears in the third trimester (signs may appear from the 20th week) of a normal pregnancy and is also called late toxicosis.

    Pathology manifests itself in the form of a triad of symptoms: swelling (starts from the feet and gradually spreads to the entire surface of the body), the appearance of protein structures in the urine, a constant or periodic increase in blood pressure. Three signs are rare at once. More often, it is the swelling of the legs that testifies to the development of late toxicosis. Other symptoms are clearly not so noticeable and can only come to light when visiting a doctor and passing routine tests. Significant weight gain may indicate latent edema.

    It will be interesting for you to immediately familiarize yourself with:

    Causes of leg swelling

    Science knows several reasons that can cause edema and other signs of preeclampsia:

    1. Cortico-visceral theory. It suggests a violation of the relationship between the subcortical structures of the brain and the cortex due to adaptive processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. The result is neurosis, which is expressed in reflex changes in blood circulation.
    2. Hormonal changes. Associated with a disruption in the endocrine system. There is no unequivocal opinion of scientists on this score: some believe that changes occur in the work of the adrenal cortex, others lean towards ovarian dysfunction, others name the work of the placenta as a reason, and still others argue that hormonal imbalance is a consequence of gestosis, and not its cause.
    3. Immunological changes. Two assumptions can be distinguished why the legs swell during pregnancy and other signs of gestosis appear, within the framework of this theory. First, the mother's immune system produces a large number of cells aimed at fighting the fetus and its foreign proteins (it is half of the father's DNA); second, the mother's immune system cannot provide sufficient production of antibodies to substances entering the bloodstream from the placenta and fetus.
    4. Hereditary predisposition. It has been reliably established that women whose mothers suffered from severe late gestosis are 8 times more likely to have the same pathology during pregnancy.
    5. Insufficient intake of vitamins. The causes of leg edema during pregnancy may be a lack of B vitamins and folic acid. Insufficient intake of them with food threatens to increase the concentration of homocysteine. This substance promotes vascular perforation, through the formed pores, plasma leaks into the interstitial space (edema appears), and the total amount of blood decreases. The brain receives a signal about a lack of blood, vasopressin is produced (the substance increases the pressure in the blood vessels and reduces the amount of urine produced).
    6. The theory is placental. Changes in the vessels surrounding the uterus cause spasms that disrupt blood flow. The consequence is hypoxia and damage to the structures of the placenta. In response, the brain produces vasopressin, which also increases blood pressure and decreases urine output.

    During pregnancy, edema on the legs can speak not only of severe pathology or a violation in the functioning of various body systems, but also be the result of an improper lifestyle, poor nutrition, or banal fatigue and overwork. Such changes in water balance go away on their own after good rest or normalization of nutrition. But what to do if severe swelling of the legs during pregnancy is constantly tormented? It is better to consult a qualified gynecologist. Since the first step is to understand the causes of the pathology in order to eliminate them in a timely manner and prevent the further development of complications.

    What is the threat of swelling of the legs?

    In total, several stages of gestosis are distinguished.

    Swelling only

    At the first of them, slight swelling of the legs appears, a woman may complain of general malaise, increased fatigue, the doctor diagnoses an excess of normal values ​​for weight gain. At this stage, the spread of edema to the area of ​​the internal organs of the pregnant woman and even the placenta is possible. The consequence is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus (hypoxia) and a violation in its development (mainly of the nervous system). If you do not pay enough attention to the woman at this stage, preeclampsia passes into the second stage - nephropathy.


    It is expressed in addition to the swelling of the legs with increased pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. When all three signs appear, a woman needs urgent hospitalization, since nephropathy may develop into preeclampsia within several days and even hours.


    A characteristic sign of preeclampsia is the involvement of the brain (it swells) and the fundus (visual impairment, retinal detachment) into the process. The nervous system suffers, mental disorders are possible. If urgent measures are not taken to normalize the condition, eclampsia rapidly develops.


    The fourth degree of preeclampsia is already threatening the life of both mother and child. Detachment and premature aging of the placenta, oxygen starvation of the fetus are possible, which can lead to its death. There is a risk of termination of pregnancy (spontaneous miscarriage), uterine bleeding, development of liver and kidney failure in the mother, cerebral hemorrhage (stroke), heart attack, cerebral edema can provoke a coma. In addition, the formation of blood clots in large vessels and vessels feeding the fetus, the appearance of seizures is possible. The consequence can be fetal death or mother's death.

    Swelling can turn into serious complications. Therefore, you should not look for treatment methods on your own, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

    What to do with swelling of the legs during pregnancy?

    If, after going to a doctor and conducting an examination, the specialist does not reveal pathologies in the work of a woman's organs and systems, then simple recipes will help to normalize the water balance and get rid of puffiness.

    1. Spend as little time as possible in a sitting position. Movement will help activate blood flow in the lower extremities and the outflow of excess fluid from them. Do not overdo it - excessive physical activity can provoke swelling.
    2. Make it a habit to lie at least a quarter of an hour a day with your legs raised above body level (placing a small pillow or roller).
    3. Do the foot massage yourself, or ask your family to do it for you. The activation of blood flow promotes the outflow of excess fluid.
    4. Before going to bed, you can make a foot bath with the addition of sea salt, the water temperature should be at 35 degrees.
    5. Drink plenty of water. It is a misconception that with edema, you need to drink less fluids. A lack of moisture will contribute to the onset of the process of liquid retention, and its sufficient intake will provoke an intensive outflow of its excess part (paradox). In total, you need to drink 3 liters of liquid a day.

    1. Minimize foods that have a salty taste (herring, canned food, pickles, smoked meats, olives, etc.). Salt retains moisture. In severe cases of gestosis, it is recommended to exclude salt from the diet altogether.
    2. Sugar and carbonated drinks should also be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman, they contribute to fluid retention.
    3. It will tell you how to remove swelling on the legs during pregnancy, the old method: you need to put on tights in the morning right in bed (without getting up). This simple technique will help keep the blood from stagnating in the ankle area and prevent swelling.
    4. Do not stay in the heat for a long time.
    5. Ensure an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals to the body. Fresh vegetables and fruits are ideal suppliers.
    6. Don't eat too much food. The myth that a pregnant woman needs a double dose has long been dispelled. The daily diet should not exceed 3500 kcal.

    If the doctor finds a problem in the body of a pregnant woman, then specialized treatment is necessary. In some cases, it will be enough to use light diuretics and antihypertensive drugs, in others, the woman will need to be hospitalized in a hospital and the use of special means intravenously. It must be remembered that all medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Their uncontrolled admission can affect the health of the child.

    Traditional medicine can also tell you what to do if your legs are swollen during pregnancy. However, any remedy must be approved by a doctor and it is imperative to first find out the cause of the pathology. You can use one of the following recipes.

    An infusion of white birch leaves is prepared: a couple of tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with boiling water (about half a liter) and insisted until it cools (you can in a thermos). Drink half a glass of infusion before each meal (up to 5 times).

    You can also try to get rid of swelling of the legs with infusion of corn stigmas (adding a teaspoon of natural honey to half a glass of infusion), bearberry (they drink a tablespoon before each meal), meadowsweet and other herbal ingredients.

    Herbal ingredients for oral administration are not always safe during pregnancy, so you can use folk remedies for topical use. It is necessary to separate several leaves from the cabbage head and roll them out with a rolling pin (to achieve their softness and the appearance of juice). You need to wrap your legs with cabbage and fix the compress with a bandage. You can do the procedure at night, or in the daytime, leaving the leaves for about half an hour.

    Swelling during late pregnancy is common. The last months of gestation are considered the most difficult for a woman: body weight increases, a growing baby requires space in the abdomen, therefore, compression of some nerves and blood vessels, as well as the intestines, can be observed.

    By itself, pasty limbs do not pose a threat, but then why are doctors so afraid of its appearance and closely monitor the condition of the pregnant woman? The fact is that edema can be one of the signs - toxicosis at a later date, which poses a threat to the life of both the mother and the child.

    Swelling on the face

    The less time remains before the birth of a baby, the more often women experience swelling of the face, especially in the morning hours. Initially, swelling of the eyelids appears, in more severe cases, the contour of the face changes.

    Often, expectant mothers complain about for no apparent reason. This is due to the fact that the fluid is retained in the tissues, the vessels of the turbinates expand, which makes it difficult for air to pass.

    For the mother, this condition is practically harmless, but it is better to seek medical attention from a doctor, as this can cause disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the child, which negatively affects his development.

    Swelling of the feet

    First of all, they arise. Especially pronounced pastiness occurs in the evening, since fluid accumulates in the body and, under the influence of gravity, sinks into the lower extremities.

    When in a horizontal position, water is again evenly distributed over the body, so in the morning a woman wakes up without strong signs of pastiness. If this happens, then there is no reason for concern - this is a normal state for the expectant mother.

    When leg edema is constantly present during late pregnancy, this may indicate disruptions in the work of the whole body. In this case, a mandatory consultation with a therapist is required.

    With an intense increase in swelling, if the legs, arms, back, abdomen and face swell during late pregnancy, a woman needs urgent hospitalization, since this is one of the first symptoms of preeclampsia.

    Swelling of the fingers

    Women are especially often worried about swelling of the hands and fingers during pregnancy in the late stages. . There is a slight tingling sensation and numbness, it becomes difficult to squeeze the palm tightly, and the rings cannot be removed - they dig into the fingers.

    If only the hands are swollen, while the pastiness is not defined anywhere else, then this may be an individual feature or an imprint of a profession. During monotonous work at the computer, during embroidery or knitting, the brushes are in a sedentary state, which causes their swelling.

    If the legs swell first, then the arms, and the woman notices that the swelling rises higher and higher during pregnancy in the later stages, this should be immediately reported to the gynecologist.

    Hidden edema

    During the carrying of a child, the doctor constantly monitors weight gain, not only in order to track how many extra pounds the pregnant woman gained. A sharp jump in body weight may indicate the accumulation of water in the internal organs.

    The greatest danger is precisely the latent edema during pregnancy that appears at a later date: a woman may not even suspect that she is accumulating excess fluid.

    You can identify latent puffiness yourself. To do this, you need to compare the amount of fluid consumed and released. If less than 75% of the water you drink is excreted, this indicates that it accumulates in the tissues.

    When should you see a doctor?

    If swelling appears on the legs, you must inform your gynecologist about this at a routine examination. If you notice that the swelling is getting worse and worse, you should immediately visit a doctor. During pregnancy, excessive vigilance is only beneficial to both the mother and the baby.

    Which doctor should I go to?

    With the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of pregnant women, an examination by a therapist is required. If he cannot independently identify the cause of this condition, then the doctor prescribes consultations with narrow specialists (phlebologist, endocrinologist, urologist).


    External edema of the extremities in late pregnancy is quite simple to determine, and besides, they are less dangerous than hidden ones. Pasticity of soft tissues is determined by pressure on the skin - if a dent remains that persists for some time, this indicates the accumulation of fluid.

    If you suspect latent edema, an analysis of the protein content in the urine is required, as well as monitoring of blood pressure, and daily diuresis is monitored.


    Before you try to relieve swelling on your own in late pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of this condition.


    Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor if indicated.

    To reduce swelling of the extremities, the following drugs are usually recommended:

    • Kanephron. A medicinal product consisting of phytocomponents - rosemary and lovage extract. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic effects.
    • Euphyllin. It has a diuretic effect. It is unacceptable to use for heart disease and low blood pressure.
    • Phytolysin. A phytopreparation that allows you to cope with mild edema.
    • Lipoic acid and vitamin E. This complex improves the condition of a pregnant woman, restores disturbances in placental blood flow, and prevents latent edema.


    To eliminate edema that occurs during late pregnancy, you can not only adhere to a salt-free diet, but also make relaxing foot baths, after which you should position yourself so that your legs are elevated. A foot massage using ice cubes can help relieve the condition. Effective diuretic decoctions (bearberry, horsetail, kidney collection), cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks.


    To reduce the likelihood of edema during late pregnancy, you need to follow simple rules:

    • to live an active lifestyle;
    • eat right and limit salt intake;
    • drink enough water;
    • alternate periods of activity and rest;
    • avoid overheating.

    Swelling of the arms and legs during the period of bearing a child causes considerable discomfort. During the onset of edema during pregnancy in the late stages, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, since their timely treatment will prevent the development of preeclampsia.

    Useful video about edema during pregnancy
