How long to wait after submitting an application to the SAC. Divorce in the registry office. What documents are needed

Apply to the registry officeThere are two ways to register a marriage: traditionally in the registry office at the place of residence or in electronic form on the Unified portal of state and municipal services. Both applicants need to submit an application to the registry office; this right cannot be transferred to a representative.

How long before the wedding do they submit an application to the registry office

There must be a certain period of time between the filing of an application for registration of marriage and the wedding itself. Such precautions are established in Art. 11 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. According to the idea of ​​the legislator, this time is given to a couple in order to seriously approach the issue of starting a family, and not be guided by emotional impulses.

Couples have to follow the rule and prepare for the celebration, taking into account this particular period of time. But this month is somewhat arbitrary. If the couple came to the registry office on the 15th, then the celebration will not necessarily take place on the 15th of the next month. The date can be postponed taking into account the wishes of the bride and groom themselves, as well as due to the lack of free places in the schedule of the selected institution, especially since the registry offices work on weekends.

In practice, in certain wedding palaces, everything is scheduled for two to three months in advance. Therefore, it is necessary to contact there, taking into account the queue, in order to book a date. And throughout the entire waiting period, you will need an additional visit to confirm your intentions to hold the celebration.

Is it always necessary to wait a month after submitting an application

Family law provides for a number of situations when a couple can sign immediately on the day of application. Reasons for speeding up the process may include:

  • pregnancy of the bride;
  • birth of a child;
  • serious illness or threat to life of another nature.

This list is not exhaustive. The head of the registry office can give his permission for expedited registration for other compelling reasons.

A couple may want not only to reduce the waiting period, but also vice versa - to extend it, then the wedding day can be rescheduled. The deadline here is set at six months, then it will be considered that the applicants refused to marry.

How much does it cost to apply to the registry office

Applicants will need to pay a state fee for registering a marriage. The amount of the state fee is determined in Art. 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In 2016, this service will cost the newlyweds 350 rubles. Beneficiaries are also spelled out in the same normative act. Regarding marriage registration, only Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as full holders of the Order of Glory, will be able to do this for free.

The receipt is presented when submitting the application. If the applicants decide to do this online, then the state fee can be paid in the process of filling in the data, then it will not be necessary to provide an additional receipt.

How to fill out an application at the registry office (sample)

Couples who come in person to submit an application can complete it on the spot. Then you will have to get the form from the registry office employee. In order not to waste time, a sample can be taken on the official portal of the registry office or downloaded from our website and filled out at home.

Important! Signatures and dates are not put at home when filling out the application. This is done only in the presence of the registry office employee who accepts the application.

If, for example, the groom cannot appear in person to submit an application, then each of the young people fills out a separate form, and the groom's signature is certified by a notary (if he is abroad, then at the consulate). And the bride submits both forms herself.

Those who decide to use the online service for submitting an application must follow the instructions on the website of the Single Portal of State and Municipal Services. But this service can only be used by a couple in which both the groom and the bride have been officially registered on the portal.

Thus, after submitting an application to the registry office to register a marriage, you will have to wait at least one month before the wedding day, and in some wedding palaces the wait may take longer. If the couple changed their minds and did not show up at the appointed time to register the marriage, the money paid will not be returned to her.

For two loving hearts there always comes a moment when they decide to legitimize their relationship. Of course, this is an important and exciting event in life that you want to make unforgettable. On the way to getting married, a lot of questions arise before the couple. And the first of them - how long does it take to submit an application to the registry office? In this article, we will try to answer this and other important questions.

Application deadline

The most important life decision has been made, the moment comes to prepare for the celebration. First, you need to decide on the time, number and place of the wedding ceremony. The official part of the holiday will be held at the regional registry office or in the wedding palace. In order for everything to go according to plan, you need to know how long before the date you have determined you need to submit an application to the registry office.

In Russia, an application for marriage registration can be submitted in three different ways:

  • in person, to your chosen registry office or wedding palace;
  • through the Internet service "Government Services";
  • by submitting an application to a multifunctional center (not available in all regions of the Russian Federation).

Depending on the path you choose to submit your application, the processing time will also vary. When you come to the registry office or the wedding palace yourself, the application is accepted no later than 1 month before the selected date and no earlier than 2 months. To do this, you must have several documents with you:

  • identity document (passport);
  • divorce certificate (if any);
  • paid receipt of state duty;
  • duly completed application;
  • if there are special reasons for marriage (pregnancy, childbirth, illness of the bride or groom), they must be documented.

If you yourself cannot be present at the registry office when submitting an application, then it is allowed to accept a notarized application. It must be formalized by the spouse himself. The spouses also face the question of changing their surname. Decide in advance what surname your family will bear so that you do not have any disputes and disagreements in the registry office.

So, the application is submitted 1 month before the wedding date. This term is conditional, so, for example, if you applied on the 20th of this month, they will sign you up after the 20th of the next. Please note that there is a seasonal workload and the most preferred days (weekends, religious holidays), when the number of people wishing to start a family exceeds the capacity of the registry office. There is a system for booking the date and time of the wedding ceremony more than six months in advance. For more precise information about such a possibility, check with the regional offices of the Civil Registry Office.

When sending your application through the service of public services, you need a personal account on this portal. You must select the category "Family and children - starting a family - getting services online". Draw up an application form according to the proposed sample and send it. With such a submission, the spouses fill out an application each in their personal account. It should be borne in mind that with this form of filing an application, the duration of its consideration will be two and a half months.

In the future, your immediate presence may be required, then the registry office employees will contact you by phone. This type of submission of documents has become the most popular among young people. When an application is registered online, you will not sit in tedious lines and will be able to fill out the forms at any time convenient for you.

When you contact the MFC, you also fill out a standard application. It is necessary to submit it earlier than one month, because the center (MFC) only accepts documents. Then the entire package of documents that you submitted is transferred to the registry office, where it is drawn up and verified for authenticity.

How is the verification of documents carried out?

Now let's dwell on the issue of document verification in more detail. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the following can join the official union:

  • persons who have reached the age of majority (over 16 years of age for exceptional circumstances and only with the permission of the authorities and parents);
  • capable people;
  • citizens who are not in an unbroken marriage;
  • there should be no consanguinity and no adopted-adoptive parent relationship.

If minor children wish to enter into an official relationship, then written permission from their parents (guardians) and from local authorities is required.

The time allotted by the law is given to newlyweds not only to confirm their desire to marry. All month the registry office employees check all the documents you have provided. Ensure that you are competent and fully understand the responsibility of your actions and deeds. They check if any of the spouses has an unbroken marriage. Be sure to establish the absence of family ties among the spouses.

There is a possibility that the registry office employees will offer a longer waiting period. This may be due to a large number of past marriages in one of the newlyweds or to seasonal workload (summer, late spring). In any case, no more than 2 months can pass from the moment of filing the application to the wedding ceremony. This period is established by law as the maximum possible for waiting for the registration of marriage.

The list of documents that will need to be submitted to the civil registry office includes:

  • an application filled out according to the sample from the bride and groom about their voluntary desire to register their relationship;
  • a receipt for payment of the duty for public services (approximately 350 rubles);
  • if the groom or the bride was previously married, then a certificate of divorce or death of the former spouse is required.

The authenticity of the documents presented will have to be checked by the employees of the registry office within a month. It is also possible to refuse to hold the wedding ceremony if an incomplete package of documents is submitted, as well as in the event that one of the future spouses does not appear at the ceremony. You will also be refused if one of the spouses has an unbroken marriage or if the court declares the bride or groom incapacitated.

Special conditions for newlyweds

The minimum time to process your application is one month. In reality, this period can be both reduced and increased. You have to wait longer if the newlyweds want to hold the ceremony on a certain day that is significant for them. There must be good reason to reduce waiting times. Let's look at what reasons are considered compelling enough not to wait one month.

Article 11 of the family law of the Russian Federation prescribes special conditions when the painting of a young couple can occur immediately after filing an application. In this situation, the registry office staff will need a couple of hours to check your documents.

These emergencies include:

  • pregnancy of the future wife, confirmed by an extract from the outpatient card of the antenatal clinic;
  • the fact of the birth of a child to future spouses (a certificate or birth certificate will be required);
  • a threat to the life of one of the spouses (an extract from the medical history can serve as confirmation);

Special conditions include long-term urgent business trips or moving to the place of duty, as well as various other life situations.

In cases where one of the newlyweds is seriously ill, the marriage is registered directly in hospitals, at the patient's bedside. This procedure may be prohibited by hospital staff. In any case, before arranging such events, you need to obtain the official permission of the head physician and the head of the department.

Sometimes insurmountable circumstances prevent the newlyweds from entering into an alliance on the chosen day. Then it is possible to postpone the date of painting. Remember that the postponement of the celebration is possible for no more than six months. If this period is not enough, it will be recognized that the applicants refuse to enter into a marriage union. If in the future you still decide to legalize your relationship, all documents will need to be resubmitted.

How long does it take to register a marriage?

After a month of waiting, on the day you specify, the marriage is registered. There are two options: solemn and non-holiday painting. During the solemn registration of the bride and groom, they paint in specially decorated halls of the registry office or in palaces of culture rented for this. The spouses-to-be can invite guests to this ceremony. A solemn speech will be delivered and congratulations will be brought to the newlyweds.

With a simple marriage registration (without a celebration), everything happens in an ordinary office, without guests. The newlyweds leave signatures in the civil registry and receive a marriage registration certificate. In most cases, this form of ceremony is practiced if an off-site registration is planned. Please note that on-site check-in is an additional service, and it is provided for a fee. Always check the prices in your department of the registry office.

Let's summarize. The wait after submitting the application will last at least a month. The exact term will be set by the registry office employees, but it cannot exceed 2 months. It is also possible to reduce the waiting time. In exceptional cases, they are scheduled on the day the application is submitted. But no one will take your word for it. Any possibility of reducing the monthly registration wait must be documented. In some especially popular departments of the registry office and wedding palaces, there is a booking system for more than six months.

Applying to the registry office is a responsible event for two lovers. How this procedure takes place in Russia, see the video below.

You, as an intelligent person, understand that an application to the registry office must be prepared and submitted in advance. Do you want to do this 1-2 days before marriage? Or, conversely, do you want to carry the application a year before the wedding in order to better organize everything?

In November, the State Duma amended the family code. From January 1, 2019, applications can be submitted 12 months before the wedding date. But the minimum period remained the same - 30 days. You can choose the date and time of registration yourself.

Interesting fact. It is planned to check future grooms and brides for overdue traffic fines. If there is a debt, you will have to pay. Otherwise, they may not be allowed to enter into a marriage relationship. But so far these are only preliminary plans of our deputies. In addition, soon all newlyweds may be forced to undergo HIV tests before going to the registry office.

We are often asked how many days or months this can be done according to the law, whether it is possible to file a year or six months before the desired date. In most cases, the application is submitted one month before the wedding. But there are exceptions to this rule.

Recently, a friend of mine was also planning to get married. She had already prepared the dress, calculated the approximate date of the wedding and wanted to start inviting friends and relatives to the celebration. But her plans changed when the registry office said that the wedding would not take place earlier than in two months. To avoid getting into such a situation, read the recommendations.

If the spouse is pregnant or seriously ill, the registry office employees will register the marriage on the same day. If you submit documents through government services, the term can be increased to 12 months.

In Moscow

There are now 6 Wedding Palaces in Moscow - they are only engaged in weddings, unlike ordinary registry offices. If you need to decrease or increase the term, then you need to contact this particular place. In some palaces, the application will be accepted even 2-3 months before the wedding itself. But even in ordinary registry offices in the summer, this period can be increased, because there are a lot of applicants.

Registration in a short time

Sometimes the term can be reduced from 30 to 1-5 days, but a good reason is needed for the registry office to take this measure. Here are the most common ones:

  1. If the bride is pregnant, she can bring a certificate from her gynecologist - then they will sign on the same day. This document is issued on a special form signed and stamped by a doctor. But remember that you must be at least 2 months pregnant.
  2. If the future spouses have a common child, this is also a serious reason for speeding up the procedure for registering a marriage.
  3. There is a high risk that one of the spouses will die(for example, serves as a hot spot);
  4. A long business trip is planned(for example, a consul or minister is sent to another country for several years)

Also, registry office workers go to a meeting with newlyweds if one of them has a serious illness that threatens life. In this case, a certificate from a doctor with a diagnosis will be required. If it is not possible to deliver the patient to the registry office, then on-site registration can be carried out. You will not have to pay more for urgency, the state fee will cost 350 rubles per pair.

How long to wait during pregnancy

If you decide to sign when the bride is pregnant, you can speed up the registration date so that you do not have to wait 30 days. If the term is more than 10 weeks, then the registrar has the right to marry you immediately. But you must bring a doctor's note confirming the pregnancy term. Make a notarized copy to give to the registry office employee. The certificate must indicate:

  • Document Number;
  • Full name of the bride;
  • Hospital name;
  • The age of the bride;
  • Doctor's conclusion, with the obligatory indication of the gestational age;
  • Date of issue of the certificate;
  • Signature and full name of the doctor who performed the examination;
  • Seal and 2 stamps.

Here is a sample of how the help should look

Minimum age

Each of the future spouses must be at least 18 years old, this is the age of majority. This requirement of the law is specified in clause 1 of article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. But it is also indicated there that in exceptional cases it is possible to formally formalize a relationship at 16, and sometimes even at 14 years old. To do this, you will have to contact the city administration and obtain permission from them. It can be issued if:

  • The girl is pregnant by the groom;
  • The newlyweds had a common child;
  • One of the spouses is seriously ill;

What documents are needed

When you go to the registry office, take your application form No. 7 with you. You also need to take the following documents with you:

  1. Passport or other identity document (sailor's passport, military ID)
  2. A copy of the receipt of payment of the state duty, currently it is 350 rubles.
  3. If the age of the newlyweds has not reached the age of 18, then you need to take a marriage license.
  4. If you need a quick registration, then take the documents that will help speed it up. For example, a certificate of pregnancy or illness of one of the spouses.
  5. If one of you was already married, then you need to take a divorce certificate;
  6. If you come from another city, you may ask for a residence permit;
  7. If the groom cannot come in person, he must fill out an application with a notary and give it to his wife in advance (or send it by mail).

How much can you apply through public services?

Every day we receive questions on how we can increase the term from 2 months to 12. This is required for those couples who want to have more time to prepare the wedding. This issue becomes relevant in winter, since the newlyweds plan the date of marriage for the summer months.

Our lawyers have found one legal way to increase the term. To do this, the bride and groom must register on the website of state services. Then there you need to apply for registration of the relationship. As you fill in the data, you will have a stage with a choice of date and time. It is here that it will be possible to indicate the number for several months in advance. Let's give an example, today is June 12, we go to public services and see what dates are proposed.

To do this, at the first stage, we indicate the city in which we want to hold the wedding. You can indicate your hometown or any other.

Now enter the address of the registry office in this city. If you do not know the complete address, please select it on the map.

This image shows a list of all registry offices, they are marked in blue.

When this stage is passed, detailed information will appear with the address and working hours of the registry office. Below you can see the blue button with the inscription - select the time of the appointment. Press it, now we will move on to the most important step.

A calendar appears in the foreground showing that you can select a date from July 22 to December 13. It turns out that the date of the wedding can be chosen six months in advance.

Well, after choosing the date, you need to specify a convenient time. As an example, we chose December 12, this is the so-called beautiful number 12.12, for this date there are large queues every year. But if you submit an application 6 months in advance, then any time from 9 am to 4:30 pm is free.

How long to wait if the wedding is not solemn

According to 2017 statistics, more than 40 percent of newlyweds choose a non-formal wedding. This means that they do not invite guests and do not celebrate their wedding in any way. And they just come to the registry office, put their signatures and receive a certificate. You yourself understand that in this case you do not need to wait for the day off, because usually weddings are held on Saturday so that all relatives and friends come.

And in this case, the date of registration is set for Tuesday or Wednesday, when there are fewer people in the registry office. In addition, you have to wait much less after submitting an application. After all, the employee does not need to look for free time, the whole procedure takes 5 minutes. In addition, time is not wasted on reading the oath and turning on the music. Therefore, if speed is important to you, choose this option and you do not have to wait 2 months for your turn, you will definitely get married in 30 days.

How long can I sign

After your application is submitted, you will need to wait at least 30 days, and a maximum of 60 days until your deadline for signing is suitable. When you come to the registry office on your wedding day, there will definitely be a queue and you will need to wait for the employee to call your couple.

But if one of the spouses has to go on a business trip to another city or he is sent to serve, then they can go to a meeting and schedule you on the same day. In any case, you can find a manager and clarify the timing with her.

  • From our subscribers, we learned that in some registry offices, in the summer months, girls organize round-the-clock shifts to take a queue at a certain date. Of course, this is all unofficial and is not regulated by law in any way. We would not advise you to take part in such procedures.
  • Sometimes they ask what a civil marriage is and whether it is necessary to submit an application to register it. No, it is not necessary, since this is just the cohabitation of two people, no rights and obligations arise with such cohabitation.
  • And the last point concerns the surname. Before you go to the registry office to set a wedding date and apply, decide what surname the bride will take. She can keep hers, take the last name of the groom, or even choose a double last name.

Recently, it is possible to submit an application to some registry offices six months in advance. For example, such a service appeared in Yekaterinburg. Very convenient for those who like to plan everything in advance. When you know the date of the celebration in advance, you can order the desired restaurant at a bargain price.

Be sure to download:

Let's summarize:

  1. The application is submitted no earlier than 30 days before the wedding itself and no later than 12 months.
  2. If the bride is 5-9 months pregnant, they will get married on the day of application, but a certificate from a doctor is needed.
  3. Through state services, you can apply even 12 months before the wedding.
  4. The busiest months are from May to September, so it will be very difficult to guess the date in the summer. The best way to apply for the summer months in February is online.

Questions and answers

Hello. I am pregnant and my boyfriend and I want to apply for marriage registration. How can we do this faster?

Olga, you need to get a certificate from the antenatal clinic or clinic where you are registered, and take it with you to the registry office. The registration date may even be assigned to you on the same day.

Now I am 17 years old. In a month I will turn eighteen. Can I apply to the registry office with my boyfriend now? To get married right on my birthday

Oksana, you have to wait 18 years. By law, you can submit such an application only from the age of eighteen.

Hello, now is the beginning of December, is it possible to sign this year, since next year is a leap year?

Dana, at least one month must pass from the moment of filing an application to registering a marriage. Today is December 5, which means the marriage procedure will not be until January 5. And most likely even January 10-15, since there will be New Year's holidays. There are very good reasons to register this year. For example pregnancy.

Hello. My boyfriend is a military man, he was sent on a business trip for six months. If he is released, is there a chance that they will sign us on the day of filing the application? A business trip is a valid reason. And what documents will need to be submitted to confirm a business trip?

Natalya, it is better to check with your registry office what their workload is. But usually registry office employees make concessions in such situations. In some cases, they may even schedule the appointment on the same day. Only when your young man goes on vacation should he take a certificate stating that he is on duty. This certificate will need to be shown to the registry office employees.

Good afternoon. Can I apply to the registry office in 8 months? We live in Yekaterinburg

The application must be submitted 1 month before the registration of the marriage, if you will apply through a regular registry office. But if you register on the portal of public services, then this period may be increased. For example, in Moscow, documents can be submitted six months in advance through electronic registration.

You need to know exactly where you plan to apply. If in the Moscow region, then documents can be submitted through the website of state services in 6 months. Just on June 4 it will work out. Through a regular registry office, you can submit documents in 30 days.

We want to get married on 07/16/16. Is it possible to submit an application in advance?

No, the application must be submitted one month before the registration of the marriage.

Please tell me if it is already possible to go to the registry office to book a date if the wedding is planned for September 2017? how much can you book a date for, and how much does it cost?
Ukraine, Zaporozhye

No, now you can't go to the registry office. This will need to be done a month before the wedding. In Ukraine, there used to be a rule that you can submit documents in 2 months

Hello, we want to sign on August 8, how long does it take to submit an application?

Documents can be submitted 30 days in advance. you can also submit an application through the portal of public services, there this period can be up to 6 months.

good day! What are the reasons for shortening the application period?

Tatyana, usually this is due to the pregnancy of the bride or due to the poor health of one of the newlyweds.

Please tell me on which site you can view the dates that are already taken in the registry office that interests us?

Marina, registry offices usually do not publish such information. You need to go in person and clarify this information.

We live in St. Petersburg. We would like to submit an application to the Wedding Palace 1 on June 3, 2017. Today is January 11th. So it is possible?

Alla, you can officially apply a month before marriage. In some cases, two months. But about the wedding palace in St. Petersburg, I saw a piece on television, which said that they accept applications for six months. How much this corresponds to reality, it is better to find out by phone.

Hello! We want to get married in August, can we apply to the registry office now?

Try calling or going to your registry office and find out what their summer schedule is and when the recording starts. By law, you can submit an application not earlier than a month in advance.

I live in the Rostov region, we are planning a wedding on July 16, 2017. Is it possible to submit an e-form application to the RO in six months?

By law, you can submit an application not earlier than 1 month in advance. But with the help of the portal of public services, this period can be increased to 6 months. You can also call your registry office and find out how they schedule. In some registry offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg, since last year, they have been accepting applications for six months. But this is more the exception than the rule.

Good afternoon, I wanted to clarify - if we just want to sign. And to hold the wedding on another day, can we sign the day before, and according to the documents, do it on July 16, 16?

You can hold a solemn event and painting in the registry office any days you want. From the point of view of the law, you will become a husband and wife only after the procedure for registering a marriage at the registry office goes through.

Hello, we want to apply for July 9, but since we will not be in the city in which the entire celebration is planned, it will not be possible to apply to the registry office itself. Please tell me how to submit an application through the State Service website?

You need to create accounts there from husband and wife. Then go to the marriage registration section and select the filing of documents there. After that, the second spouse will have to confirm that he is ready to marry too. After that, you will be assigned the date and time at which you need to come to the registry office.

Hello, can you please tell me if it is possible to submit an application earlier than a month. my fiancee is from Lithuania, we will live in Russia. but there is no way to wait for a month, since relatives who come from another country cannot stay for a whole month. and the bride cannot come earlier to apply one month before the registration date.

No, you won't be able to do that, you have to wait a month. You can make a power of attorney on her behalf and submit documents without her presence.

Good day! I turn 20 in June and need to change my passport. My fiance is in the army, but we want to apply before my birthday so that we can immediately change the passport to his last name. Can you do this?

Yes, you can do that.

Hello. We would like to submit an application to the registry office two months in advance, so that the chosen date is not busy and in order to prepare well for the wedding. Will they accept an application or just submit a month beforehand?

The best way to do this is through the government services website.

Tell me please. If we want without formal registration, just come and sign. Need to apply in advance?

Yes, you need to submit documents one month in advance.

Good afternoon. Can you tell me if it is possible to register a marriage within a week in Crimea, if I am a citizen of Ukraine, and the guy is a citizen of the Russian Federation? The period of stay of 90 days on the territory of Russia expires according to the legislation, so we would like to have time to get married

No, you can't do that.

Hello! My husband and I have been living in a civil marriage for 3.5 years already, we have a son 1 year and 8 months old and we are expecting another baby. We decided to formalize our relationship. Can we ask you not to appoint us a month before signing when submitting an application and what documents need to be attached to the application.

Yes, you can. If you have a confirmed pregnancy, then you can sign it even on the same day. You need a statement, your passports and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Hello! I am 17 years old, in September 18, can we pre-appoint the date of the wedding at the registry office, and then, after my majority, apply?

No, your documents will not be accepted. You will be able to do this only after the age of majority.

Good day! please tell me, my boyfriend and I want to apply to the registry office, but we live in different cities. Is it possible to submit an application remotely (an application under the electric. My signature) and from the legal point of view, do I need to certify any documents with a notary in my city? and what aspects, besides pregnancy, can speed up the registration process? I later move to lived. square to my husband in another city

They can quickly register if there is any serious illness or threat to life. And the application can be submitted through the portal of public services.

Good evening! The couple are about to get married. The groom has overdue loans. Will this fact be checked in the registry office as an obstacle to marriage?

No, they will not do.

Is it possible to sign on the day of submission of the application, provided that the groom is in prison, and the bride is a disabled person of group 2?

No. There is a special procedure in places of deprivation of liberty.

Hello! We at the registry office were told to pay for the ceremony is not a very small amount? Do you have to pay?

No, not necessary if you don't want a special occasion. In order to obtain a marriage certificate, it is enough to pay the state fee.

I can have a deportation, how can I register a marriage if they can be deported in 3 days and they will deport me in this case.

This can only work if your spouse is pregnant.

We live in St. Petersburg. We would like to submit an application to the Wedding Palace No. 1 on June 1, 2017. Today is February 2nd, can you?

It is unlikely that your documents will be accepted, but you can try to get there.

Hello! My boyfriend and I decided to sign on August 13 (this is a very important date for us), at what time do you need to submit an application in order to get 100% on this date? It's just that it's not only summer, it's also August ... Yekaterinburg.

Yes, there will be huge queues in August. Go to the registry office - find out in advance how busy they are and how many people come these days. It is best to submit documents through the portal of state
services, then the chances of getting on the desired date are much higher.

My boyfriend is serving a sentence in a maximum security colony. I really want to marry him. Tell me how to do it?

You need to contact the head of the colony, he deals with these issues. Usually they paint right on the territory of the colony; the head of the colony also conducts the marriage procedure. Also, be sure to make sure your boyfriend is not married.

As a successful person, you want to do everything in the best possible way. If you are starting to prepare for the wedding, you already know that in Russia, marriage registration can be carried out only after a month after submitting the application. But as you know, there are exceptions to every rule. If you have a serious circumstance in which it is not possible to expect a month, the marriage can be registered on the same day.

You must have with you:

  • Passports of future spouses and copies;
  • Application for registration form No. 7;
  • Receipt for payment of the state fee. Now you need to pay 350 rubles, and any of the newlyweds can do this;
  • If one of the newlyweds was already married, he needs to bring a divorce certificate;
  • If you are applying in another city, then you may be asked for a temporary residence permit;

Situations often occur when a couple decides to register their relationship officially if the girl is in a position. In this situation, every day counts, especially if the deadline is already long. Family law provided for such situations, and established certain privileges. If this situation applies to you, you can register your marriage even on the same day you submit your application.

Reasons for expedited registration

Our laws set out a number of reasons for expedited marriage procedures. These include:

  • Pregnancy of the future spouse;
  • The spouses have a common child;
  • Threat to life for one of the spouses (works in hazardous work);
  • Long and difficult illness, for example, the last stage of cancer.
  • There is a possibility that they will be sent on a long business trip (maybe even to another country)
  • Other circumstances (at the discretion of the registry office employees).

Do not forget that you must show the registry office employees documents that will confirm your reason. This is best done at the time of application.

The following documents can be submitted as documents:

  • Child's birth certificate;
  • A document confirming the pregnancy of the bride;
  • A certificate from the hospital confirming the danger to life or health.

In 2019, you can quickly register a marriage. If the bride is pregnant and for at least 12 weeks, they will get married on the same day. If one of the newlyweds is seriously ill, the term will be from 1 to 5 days. Do not forget to pay the state fee of 350 rubles. They will also quickly draw up documents if common children were born.

There may be other circumstances that require an urgent marriage. These may include:

  1. The departure of one of the spouses to another country, when it is impossible to postpone the issue until the return. In such a situation, it will be necessary to show copies of tickets confirming travel abroad. It is better to have the tickets certified by a notary.
  2. Transfer to a new place of service of your future spouse. It can also be sent on a business trip to another part or district. From the authorities of the unit where he is serving, you can demand documents confirming the transfer.
  3. Departure of the groom for military service. In this situation, it is necessary to provide a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.

Do not forget to check with the registry office employee which documents are required in your situation. This will help avoid problems.

How to quickly register a marriage during pregnancy

As we wrote above, if the bride is in a position and the pregnancy is more than 3 months, then the registry office employees have the right to marry you on the day of application. If everything is already scheduled for today, then the wedding will be postponed to the next day. Therefore, you should not go with documents on Saturday, it is better to wait until Monday or Tuesday.

But remember that in addition to your passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty, you must take with you a certificate from the antenatal clinic or from a hospital doctor, in which the ultrasound result will be prescribed.

As you can see, the mother's name should be written on top, this is a prerequisite. Below the doctor must indicate the age, date of birth and the name of the hospital in which the examination was carried out. Then comes the point "conclusion and recommendations" - here it is indicated in what condition the fetus is and what stage of pregnancy. At the very bottom there is a date, signature and seal.

There is an important condition: this certificate is valid for 2 weeks, so do not delay the submission of documents. Remember that if the bride is pregnant, the marriage age can be reduced from 18 to 14 years old. To do this, you will need to obtain a marriage license from the city administration.

Application for marriage registration and sample

Article 24 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that you must draw up a joint application form No. 7 and take it to the registry office employees. If all the fields are filled in correctly, then they will accept him and tell you the date of the wedding.

But since in our situation one of the spouses may be seriously ill or may be in another country, it means that it is not always possible to come together. In this case, he can fill out a separate application and certify it with a notary. And if he is in the hospital and cannot walk, then you can call a notary to sign all the documents. After that, the certified statement is transferred to the second spouse and he takes it along with his.

We have also prepared a filling sample to make it easier for you.

Marriage procedure

Remember that your desire alone will not be enough for expedited registration. If you are unable or unwilling to submit documents, the marriage procedure will follow the general rules.

Do not forget that the registry office does not work on Sundays, as well as on holidays.

Both spouses must be present at the registration of a marriage. However, there are exceptions to this rule. If a girl has begun to give birth or her husband is on a business trip, then a notarized permission can be provided. In such a situation, marriage can be registered in the presence of one spouse.

Otherwise, the whole procedure does not differ from the standard one. You must present your passports to the registry office employee, submit documents confirming the payment of the state fee and submit an application. Registration can be done in a festive atmosphere if it is Saturday. On other days, the procedure will take place as usual.

How to quickly register a marriage with a foreigner

If the wedding takes place in Russia, then the spouses must comply with the requirements of our legislation. And if a foreigner wants the marriage to be recognized in his country, then it is still necessary to comply with the requirements that are established in his home country. To speed up the procedure, you need to prepare all the documents in advance and have them translated by a notary. You also need to call the Wedding Palace No. 1, which is located in Moscow, and ask them when there are free dates. They may have the opportunity to marry you early.

In addition, you can get married in any country where there is a Russian consulate or embassy. Do not forget to pay the embassy fee in advance, at the moment it is $ 30.

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Questions and answers

We want to conclude an official marriage with a young man. I am pregnant and have a doctor's note. What do I need to do to speed up the procedure?

Along with the application, bring a pregnancy certificate to the registry office. You will be registered on the same or the next day.

How can you quickly register a marriage with a foreigner? He is an American citizen, I am from Russia. He will be able to arrive for a maximum of 1-2 days.

If there are no exceptional circumstances, for example, a serious illness, it will not be possible to speed up the procedure.

Are there any registry offices or special places in Moscow where you can get a marriage done faster? I'm even willing to pay big money.

There are no special places for such a procedure. All registry offices throughout the country have a single waiting period. It is 30 days.

The conclusion of a family union can take place in different ways. Some newlyweds prefer a solemn atmosphere, while others have enough formal painting. However, both will have to apply to the registry office. Not everyone knows how marriage is registered and how long to wait after submitting an application to the registry office.

The procedure and rules for submitting an application to the registry office for marriage registration

To apply for registration of family relations, both future spouses must necessarily come. Representation is unacceptable, and the only exception is the appeal of one of the couple with a notarized power of attorney from the other. Such a situation often arises due to a long business trip of the newlywed, etc.

Interested persons must have their passports and paid ones with them.

If earlier one of the couple already had experience in marriage, then it may be necessary.

All submitted documents must necessarily meet the validity criterion.

If due to reaching the appropriate age, then it is necessary to get it in a timely manner. An expired document will not be accepted in any instance, including the registry office.

The turnout is carried out by appointment or a residential queue according to the rules of a particular department and its workload. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparation for filing an application, if necessary, issuing a power of attorney.
  2. Turnout on the appointed day with passports.
  3. Drawing up an application and paying the state fee. In the process, the date of registration is selected, its type is specified: solemn or not and other important nuances.
  4. Obtaining referrals for a free medical examination if desired.
  5. Obtaining data on the date of the celebration and time.

Usually, the application procedure is not time-consuming, especially if the appointment was by appointment.

Which branch to submit documents to

There is no binding of citizens to the registry office at the place of registration, actual residence or other criteria.

That is why it is advisable to apply with an application only to the department in which the marriage will later take place.

In addition to this parameter, there are no additional ones.

A couple can apply to the country and refusal due to registration in another city is not legal. However, for practical reasons, it is tedious to take into account that when performing any legal actions that require the submission of certificates and other documents from the registry office, you will need to make a request exactly to the one where the marriage took place.

What time are documents accepted: working hours of branches on weekdays and weekends

Each department has its own work schedule, therefore, it is advisable to clarify the reception time directly by phone or on the official website. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the work on accepting applications for marriage registration begins at 9.00. Today, in most cities it is possible to make an appointment in advance and not wait in line.

Most branches work until 17.30-18.00 hours, and also accept on Saturday. However, one weekday of the month is non-working due to technical and sanitary requirements.

How long to wait after submitting an application to the registry office

The waiting time for the ceremony from the moment of filing the application is significantly different. This is due to the presence of the standard time allotted by law and shortened for certain categories of newlyweds.

Standard general term

On average, after submitting an application for a marriage registration, a month passes before the celebration itself. The deadline may be shorter if special circumstances exist. This period is given as an opportunity to prepare for the event and once again make sure that you have made the right choice.

Minimum term

Upon submission of medical or other documents confirming the existence of grounds for reducing the waiting time, it is possible to register faster. The minimum period is not days, but hours, since in hotel situations they can register at the time of filing an application.

How long after the submission of documents, the marriage is registered when the bride is pregnant

The special position of the future spouse is one of the options for reducing the waiting period.

In this case, registration will take place shortly.

The final waiting period depends on the duration of pregnancy, the state of health of the newlyweds, the workload of the registry office.

Registration is definitely possible at the time of contact or within a few days.

How long is an application considered if a couple has a child?

The presence of a joint is another reason for an accelerated marriage registration process. To do this, the couple will need to present a child's birth certificate. In this case, the registry office employees try to shorten the waiting period as much as possible. Theoretically, registration can be immediately upon contact or the next day.

How to shorten the waiting time for marriage

Since in the standard case the period between the application and the ceremony is a month, many newlyweds are looking for ways to shorten it. This is possible in the presence of special circumstances and the presentation of supporting documents. These are often:

  • the presence of small children;
  • a threat to the life of one of the future spouses;
  • an urgent need to go on a long business trip;
  • ;
  • the spouse's leaving for the army, etc.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilieva

Civil Law Expert

The final list is not provided by the legislation. There are many situations associated with the need for urgent registration, so the decision is made individually.

If the registry office unlawfully and unreasonably refused to shorten the waiting time, interested persons have the right to appeal this situation in court.

How long does it take to get married?

Another important criterion is the length of the ceremony. The planning of the whole day for the newlyweds, the order of a photographer, a cafe and other important moments depends on her. The indicator strongly depends on the rules of the chosen registry office, workload, type of registration, etc.

Non-festive painting

Usually registration without a holiday part wears more. The newlyweds come on the appointed day and time, put signatures on documents, exchange rings. This takes very little time, in the standard case up to 15 minutes.

Solemn marriage ceremony

If the registration takes place during, then the time spent on its holding is from 30 minutes or more. Even more will be required for an exit ceremony in a European manner, which provides for beautiful exits of the newlyweds, directly, a buffet table, etc.

What time of year are the longest queues for a wedding?

The most popular are the summer and early autumn seasons for the solemn registration of marriage. This is due to several factors:
  • mostly good weather;
  • harvest of vegetables, fruits, as a result, their low cost for a festive table;
  • the opportunity to take beautiful photos;
  • conducting an exit ceremony, etc.