Tips for seniors on a healthy lifestyle. Old age is a joy. How to improve the health of centenarians. Change in tactile sensations and loss of fine motor skills


Aging is a natural process that cannot be stopped, but reducing the manifestations of diseases accumulated with age is a feasible task. Just as each season of the year has its charms, so there are they in each age period of a person. The autumn of life is called old age. But this time also has its joys.

We are all afraid of old age. We are afraid of diseases, ailments associated with it. But most of all we are afraid of loneliness - feelings of helplessness and insecurity. Old age leads to disruption of normal social ties, which creates unfavorable conditions for maintaining health. There is an opinion that the social maturity of a society can be judged by the attitude of this society towards the elderly and children. An outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Old age can only be peace or misfortune. She becomes calm when she is respected. Oblivion and loneliness make her misfortune.

Older people react differently to age. Some fix in themselves the signs of old age, try to isolate, retire, as if "withdraw into themselves", contrary to their own desires and interests. Others try to emphasize their activity, do everything on a par with the young, take on new things, try to make up for everything that was not possible in their youth.

And there are those who critically perceive the younger generation, all the new changes in the life around them, are constantly in an angry mood. It is possible to single out a category of older people for whom the life they have lived seems unsuccessful, they are tormented by the realization that they have achieved little in life, that nothing awaits them ahead. To prevent this from happening, we must also try to manage our emotions in old age, calmly analyze what is happening, and try to understand the young.

We sincerely wish you good health, cheerfulness and success. I would like to remind you of the wonderful words of our outstanding director E. Ryazanov: “The autumn of life, like the autumn of the year, must be blessed without grieving.”

Do not revel in gloomy thoughts, do not let them tear you apart. It is not in vain that folk wisdom teaches: "Rust eats iron, and evil eats man." Try to force yourself to switch, turn in your thoughts to what was and is good in your life, do something around the house, in the garden, take a walk in the fresh air. First of all, prove to yourself that you can still do a lot, that you are still capable of great good and useful deeds both for yourself and for society.

Why is it important to eat right?

Because it makes it possible:

Prevent and reduce the risk of chronic


Stay slim and youthful.

The incidence increases with age. 80-86% of older people have chronic diseases. It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that the progression of chronic diseases contributes to the early onset and accelerated growth of senile uselessness, and, consequently, to the rapid decrepitude of the body.

Rational nutrition, physical exercises can prevent such serious complications as, for example, cerebrovascular accident and thus increase your life expectancy.

How long to live and remain active, able-bodied and young at heart? The answer is very simple: to lead a healthy lifestyle, the concept of which is customary to include the basics of rational nutrition.

L.N. Tolstoy said: "Watch your mouth: diseases enter through it. Act in such a way that you still want to eat when you get up from dinner."

Food should be as varied as possible: lean meat, which can be replaced with fish and other seafood. The liver can be eaten once a week, occasionally poultry meat. You should limit the use of fatty foods (fatty meats, lard, butter, sour cream, cream). Lean meat (preferably skinless chicken) should be included in the diet in small quantities no more than 4 times a week, preferably fish one day a week, and another 1-2 vegetarian.

Salads made from leafy vegetables are very useful, they contain vital mineral elements. With the preservation of teeth and the function of the chewing apparatus, it is recommended to eat nuts. Instead of citrus fruits, you can use apples and cranberry juice. Baking, confectionery, animal fats use sparingly.

Wheat bread is better to replace with rye. Useful buckwheat and oatmeal.

As for the main source of energy - carbohydrates, then there are recommendations for the elderly. At the same time, the share of carbohydrates in the diet can be brought up to 65% of the calorie content due to starchy foods, cereals or wholemeal flour with a high content of dietary fiber. Given the ability to effectively absorb sugar and glucose that decreases with age, sugar intake should be limited to 50 g per day. Honey can be substituted for sugar. Honey contains fewer calories than sugar. And it is even better to get these sugars in the composition of vegetables, fruits and berries. They contain many useful components, including the so-called "antioxidants" - substances that prevent tissue aging.

Dairy products have a perfectly balanced composition of proteins. Older people are recommended to get up to 30% protein in dairy products. This is, first of all, cottage cheese in the amount of 100 g per day. It is better to use fat-free cottage cheese, which has a lower energy value and a higher protein content. Older people are allowed 10-20 g of cheese of any kind. Cheese is one of the main suppliers of calcium, contains a lot of fat, cholesterol and salt. It is better to choose mild and unsalted varieties.

In cottage cheese, the main components - protein and calcium are present in large quantities. When using cottage cheese, the excretion of cholesterol from the body is accelerated, and therefore it is used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. It has a diuretic effect and is indicated for decompensated heart disease, as well as hypertension.

Try every day to consume fermented milk products that are digested better than milk. They contain a huge amount of lactic acid bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the body. In curdled milk and other fermented milk products, the number of lactic acid bacteria is huge. It reaches a value of one hundred million or more in one ml of this product. Therefore, fermented baked milk, bifidokefir, varenets can be considered as a kind of healing bacterial cultures.

An elderly person can afford 2-3 eggs per week, preferably soft-boiled or in the form of an omelette.

Vegetable proteins should make up half of the protein portion of the diet. They are represented mainly by grains and legumes. However, these products are poorly tolerated in old age, causing increased gas formation, belching, heartburn, and rumbling.

Eat fish regularly. White fish - cod, pollock, flounder - are exceptionally low-calorie and low-fat, which makes them an ideal food. Fatty fish (herring, salmon) is also useful in moderation, as it contains unsaturated fatty acids that protect the heart and blood vessels from diseases, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Use vegetable oils when cooking.

You should increase the intake of food, which includes dietary fiber. They are found in plain bread, vegetables, and most of all in wheat bran. Bran is especially indicated for constipation tendencies. They should be consumed 1-2 teaspoons with meals.

In old age, four meals a day are recommended, and at a strictly defined time. First breakfast - at 8-9 o'clock, second breakfast - at 12 o'clock, lunch - at 15 o'clock, dinner - at 19 o'clock. Dinner should be no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed. Late dinner leads to overexertion and exhaustion of the digestive glands. Dinner should be light - a glass of curdled milk, fermented baked milk or other fermented milk products. Sour-milk products have a beneficial effect on the body, prevent decay in the intestines, normalize peristalsis, and have a good effect on the nervous system and metabolism. You should not drink tea or coffee, because they excite the nervous system and disturb sleep.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and accelerates its excretion from the body with bile, thereby preventing the progression of atherosclerosis. A lot of it is found in dill, parsley, nettle.

Ascorbic acid is both a unique vitamin and a unique antioxidant, since, being water-soluble, it easily penetrates into all tissues, many of the reactions that occur with its participation are reversible, it actively interacts with other antioxidants and vitamins in metabolism. It increases the reactivity of the body.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which is found in yeast, wholemeal bread, and buckwheat, has an excellent effect on the body of an elderly person.

Dried fruits contain a lot of iron, potassium and other essential trace elements.

With proper nutrition, a person is less prone to various diseases and copes with them more easily. Rational nutrition is also important for the prevention of premature aging.

A few important nutritional tips:

* Do not overeat! Folk wisdom says: "In order not to grow old, you need to eat little."

* For better processing and assimilation of food, it must be thoroughly chewed. All people who lived to a ripe old age ate very slowly.

* Eat more fruits and vegetables, as they contain antioxidants - substances that prevent tissue aging.

* Meat should be consumed no more than 4 times a week, it is desirable to make one day fish, and another one or two days vegetarian.

* Do not get carried away with animal fats and fatty foods.

* Do not abuse alcohol.

A balanced diet is the foundation of physical and emotional well-being. Without proper nutrition, no exercise or proper rest will improve health.

Thus, with the help of nutrition, it is possible to influence both the quality and duration of life. The diet should meet the energy needs of the body, allowing you to maintain an optimal weight.

With products, the human body receives the substances necessary for life: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins and fiber.

Proper nutrition reduces the risk of heart disease, as well as diabetes and certain types of cancer. It has a beneficial effect on your heart, helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, controls blood pressure, and also prevents weight gain.

Use a variety of vegetables in raw and boiled form (salads, vinaigrettes, side dishes).

Fruits are essential in nutrition - an ideal source of vitamins, minerals and fiber - they slow down the aging process, increase immunity, and protect against diseases. Limit your salt intake by replacing it with lemon juice, herbs, and spices.

Remember that infrequent meals cause hunger and contribute to weight gain and premature aging.

Maintaining the health of the older population is of great social and economic importance. This affects health care and social welfare costs, as well as the time spent by able-bodied family members caring for the sick and infirm.

The main task for you - the elderly - is to help you maintain an active and independent lifestyle.

I would like to quote the words of the great Goethe: "The art of becoming old is small, the art of overcoming old age."


A sedentary lifestyle leads to muscle weakness and the emergence of a number of diseases - congestion develops in the body, blood flow in the vessels slows down, the most important organs and tissues suffer from a lack of blood supply.

Physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the body, can significantly slow down the rate of aging, help to cope with stressful situations and give healthy sleep. Under their influence, the bone and muscle systems are strengthened, the amplitude of joint mobility increases.

At any age, a person should maintain good physical shape. What does good physical shape mean? It means the ability not to experience physical fatigue from everyday worries, to feel good and look good, to move easily, to control your body. For an older person, being in good shape means being able to take care of oneself, to shop, to maintain sufficient mobility. People who are physically active, regularly engage in physical education, physical labor live longer. Before you start exercising (and it's never too late), seek the advice of a doctor!

There are many examples of when weakened, frail, long-sick people revived themselves with active physical exercises, a healthy lifestyle, and the rejection of bad habits.

Adequate physical activity is essential for maintaining health throughout life.

Daily exercise should become as much a habit as brushing your teeth.

Walking is the most natural state of a person. It has a beneficial effect on the state of health, it is useful at any age, especially in the elderly. Folk wisdom says: "Walk on foot - live long." Calm walking almost does not tire a person, increases metabolism, blood circulation, improves breathing, and trains muscles. While walking, the nervous system rests and tones up.

Physical activity helps to avoid diseases such as osteoporosis, deforming osteoarthritis, which can result from a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity improves health and gives energy.


* Try to do any feasible physical exercise almost every day, gradually increase the load;

* Coordinate with the doctor the volume and duration of physical exercises;

* Try to walk more, walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator;

* Vary exercises to give a load to different muscle groups:

* Try to be mobile in everyday life.

The founder of the theory of stress Hans Selye said: "Stress is not what happens to us, but how we perceive it."

In other words, for mental and physical health, an event is important not in itself, but only its image, passed through consciousness. Depending on the attitude, we perceive an insulting remark with anger, indifference, or humor. A person who reacts in such situations according to the first type runs the risk of becoming a victim of myocardial infarction, stroke. There are no such people among the long-livers.

Installation on a benevolent and even attitude towards others, optimism and humor - all this contributes to a long and healthy life.

It has long been known that negative emotions: resentment, fear, longing, anger, grief, envy, hatred - are risk factors, bring old age closer and shorten life, and vice versa, positive ones - pleasure, joy - cause an extraordinary rise in the body's vitality. Laughter is a sign of joy, cheerful mood and mental health. It has a positive effect on lung function, regulates metabolism.

Be caring and considerate to each other. Try, especially with retirement, to streamline the rhythm of life. Alternate feasible work with reasonably organized rest.

Much attention should be paid to sleep. Sleep is a vital human need. The duration of sleep should be such that after waking up, a person notes cheerfulness and a surge of strength. For a healthy and sound sleep, the correct mode of life is necessary: ​​go to bed at the same time, have dinner without overeating, no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Walk for thirty minutes before going to bed. It is not recommended to watch too emotional television programs, drink tonic drinks before going to bed - strong tea, coffee.

The autumn of life is called old age - this is a very difficult time. But this time of life also has its joys. A person at this age passes into a new quality, he becomes a grandmother or grandfather. And life begins to play with new colors, new, previously unknown feelings and joys, new anxieties and worries appear, life acquires a new meaning.

The main thing in your attitude towards your beloved grandchildren is to accept them as they are, you give them love and kindness without demanding anything in return. Listen to your grandchildren patiently and trustingly, help them understand their own problems, know and accept themselves and the world around them.

Childhood without grandparents is not only unread books and unsaid fairy tales, but it is growing up ahead of time, a shortened childhood. But being loving and understanding grandparents is not easy at all. Try not to go into the past, your time, do not constantly repeat how good it was before, do not turn into a kind of tyrant for the family and grandchildren. And if your grandchildren feel bad, just stretch out your arms, hug, press to your chest. Tell them how much you love them, you admire their intelligence and abilities. Promise them that you will always come to their aid if they need it.


Autumn has already arrived, not far off the cold, which in our climate takes almost half a year. The so-called "golden autumn" passes quickly, and the rest of the time is dominated by dirt, cold and slush. A sharp drop in air temperature and frequent changes in barometric pressure can in themselves cause serious deterioration in health status, especially in older people with chronic diseases.

First of all, these factors affect the condition of older people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system and psycho-emotional disorders. A sharp cold snap causes a spasm of blood vessels, which can lead to a hypertensive crisis or an attack of angina pectoris. A drop in atmospheric pressure causes hypoxia - a reduced oxygen content in the body. And this, in turn, leads to a lack of it in the heart muscle and brain. There are pains in the heart and headaches, in people prone to emotional instability, the psychological state worsens, and sometimes there is a real depression.

Elderly people who have diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, rheumatism) experience aching pains in the affected joints at the sites of old fractures or injuries, but absolutely healthy people often feel discomfort during this period.

Cold leads to a decrease in immunity: the number of acute respiratory diseases increases sharply, chronic diseases become aggravated.


If during this period of the year you have an exacerbation of a chronic disease, consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. Do not self-medicate;

If your health and mood are highly dependent on the weather, take care of yourself. Dress warmly in the cold;

Include herbal teas, rosehip decoction in your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, vitamin complexes with microelements;

If you feel well, regardless of the weather, move more - this enhances metabolic processes in the body and normalizes blood circulation;

Wear low-heeled shoes with non-slip soles. Remember that falls are a major cause of serious injury and death among the elderly;

If you have reduced visual acuity, try not to leave the house at night to avoid injury;

And most importantly - create a good mood for yourself and your loved ones, this is a universal cure for all diseases.


Seeking medical attention after the cessation of work in the elderly is markedly reduced. The state of health largely depends on the level of culture in society. You should not neglect your health, you should respond to ailments in a timely manner, get rid of the symptoms of the disease before it takes a serious course. Many older people attribute the manifestations of illness to old age and do not seek medical help. In this regard, we advise you to exercise medical activity. What it is? This is your attitude to your health, this is visiting medical institutions, following the advice of doctors, overcoming bad habits.

At the same time, about 80% of people over 65 suffer from chronic diseases that require long-term medical treatment.

All the ailments of old age: weakening of vision, hearing, memory, fatigue, impaired coordination of movements, unsteady gait - reduce your physical and social activity. They are not fatal, even in the foreseeable future do not threaten your life. But they bring you a lot of anxiety, trouble, pain and suffering.

The doctor, having relieved you of pain in the joints, restored your vision, picked up a hearing aid, gives you the opportunity to gain self-confidence, to feel that your loved ones need you.

As you know, the course of diseases, the appearance of complications is determined by the attitude of an elderly person to his illness. Unfortunately, in practice we have to face the fact that the efforts of doctors and nurses are nullified by the inadequate attitude of an elderly person to his condition. Many elderly people forget to take their medicines on time due to memory disorders, and almost 40% of those with chronic heart disease arrange "drug holidays" for themselves.

Often older patients self-medicate. Bypassing the doctor, patients come to the pharmacy in search of medicines "from the stomach", from "temperature", from "pressure".

Many are ready to unconditionally take "popular" drugs, most of which do not cause the proper and expected effect, and it is easy to refuse modern, less known, but more effective drugs.

In addition, many older people consider the medicine to be harmful and take it under great pressure from the medical staff in the hospital, stopping it on an outpatient basis. There is an opinion about the great benefits of "droppers", after the use of which you can not take medicine for a long time.

I would like to note the commitment of older people to the effects of advertising. Older people are more likely than young people to use the advice of strangers, information from advertising, the media, take borrowed drugs from someone, replace drugs with biologically active supplements, resort to self-medication, reduce doses and independently change the regimen of taking medications. Be very careful with drug advertisements. There are no safe drugs! When advertising persistently "drives" into your head the idea that the drug is harmless, do not believe it.

For example, advertising for painkillers calls for: "Live without pain" and the like. Pain is a signal of some kind of trouble in the body. To stop pain means to remove the effect, but not the cause. Painkillers will only temporarily relieve the pain.

A doctor will help you with chronic diseases. Treatment should be seen as a joint activity between you and the attending physician.

Observation from your doctor, the implementation of his recommendations will allow you to live long in the presence of many diseases and at the same time without experiencing pain and discomfort.

Already now (at any age) try to do everything so that your old age is healthy and active.

All these tips will help you learn how to cope with stress, eat right, lead a more active lifestyle.

Be healthy!

Recently, a survey was conducted among people over 60 years old on the topic: "What advice would you give to young people today?". It seemed like a perfectly simple question, but some of the answers were quite unexpected.

1. People always say: "A good job is one that you enjoy every day." This is an INCORRECT STATEMENT. A good job is one that you can tolerate most working days and still cover all of your expenses. Almost no one has a job to adore every second.

2. Years pass in the blink of an eye. Don't marry young. Live life to the fullest. TRAVEL. Take action. It doesn't matter if you have money or not. Pack your bag and go wherever you can afford. Until you have kids, don't spend money on things. For any things. See the world. Click on a dot on the map. And go!

3. Don't take things too seriously. Even if at some moments life seems hopeless and hopeless, try to laugh at all this ass and how you got so lucky.

4. A friend is someone who will come to the rescue, even if you call him at two in the morning. The rest are just acquaintances.

5. The most important person in your life is the person who agrees to share his life with you. Consider it this way.

6. You will not notice how your children grow up. So spend as much time with them as possible.

7. No one has yet died regretting that they did not work enough in their life. Be industrious, but don't put work ahead of family, friends and, in the end, yourself!

8. You can live a long life, or maybe a short one - no one knows. But be that as it may, it is necessary to take care of your health in your youth.

9. If you are tired of your life, just stop, think about the present moment, enjoy everything that is beautiful and really important. Take a deep breath, relax. And understand that everything is relative.

10. Eat and exercise like you're a diabetic with a heart condition - that way you'll never be.

11. We only have one life. Don't wake up one day to the realization that you're 60 and haven't achieved anything you've dreamed of all your life.

12. This may not be as deep advice as others, but still: brush your teeth regularly, dental problems are terrible.

13. Don't follow all the advice as if it were biblical. You can ask someone you respect for advice, then re-evaluate your situation and make your OWN decision.

14. Things are just things. Do not hold on to material objects, hold on to time and events.

15. The injuries you received today will make themselves felt in old age. Even if you think that you have completely healed them. BELIEVE!

16. Appreciate every moment and every little thing. When you are young, you always want everything at once. But why not appreciate every little moment? We are not forever on this planet, and the greatest pleasure that we can allow is to enjoy every moment. Instead of typing messages, pick up the phone and talk live with the person. Visit your mother, for absolutely no reason, just like that. Soak up every moment.

17. Pay all your bills and stay out of debt.

18. Jealousy destroys relationships. Trust your significant other. If not her, then who can you trust?

19. If you have an impossible dream, you should still at least try to get closer to realizing it. Since with age it will become even more impracticable.

20. When you meet someone for the first time, realize that you DON'T KNOW ANYTHING about that person. You see his nationality, gender, age, clothes. Forget it all. You don't know anything. Those stereotypes that stick in your head because our brain loves to categorize everything, limit your life.

As young people, we do not think seriously about our health. But the older we get, the more often it reminds of itself. Quite unexpectedly, we begin to experience discomfort in the form of various diseases that we did not suspect before or simply did not pay attention to, because our body easily coped with them. How can one postpone old age and, being at a respectable age, enjoy life and continue to enjoy it?

Basics of a healthy lifestyle for the elderly

It is impossible to make time flow back, but it is quite possible to avoid the mental disorders that accompany the elderly. After all, every pensioner wants to be full of energy. How to save your psyche and nervous system from negative influence from outside? No one wants to feel old, sick, abandoned. Staying in good shape, enjoying life and continuing to show interest in it, even being far from being at a young age, will help the specific conditions of our existence, creating and observing which, we will continue to enjoy life as much as possible. So, what is needed for this?

Firstly, active mental activity. As sad as it is to admit, the fact remains that our brains also age with age. We begin to notice that it becomes more difficult for us to assimilate information and plan current affairs, memory fails, and in general the brain does not work as fast as in youth. But there is no need to panic! Our mental health is in our hands! The main thing is to continue to develop intellectually, to increase your mental activity. It is not necessary to sit for hours in front of the TV, instead it is much more useful to read books and reflect on what you have read. Don't give up on chess, and if you don't know how to play it, then learn! Mastering new things gives excellent nourishment for the brain, it stimulates it very well. Well, just solve crossword puzzles.

Secondly, Job. Some say so: - “I will not work a single day until I retire. Will rest!" This is mistake. You don't have to go on vacation. If the work is physically difficult for you, then change it to another one that will maintain your muscle tone. But don't recycle! Even if your garden is overgrown with grass, do not try to swoop down to get rid of excess vegetation, pulling it to exhaustion. This will not solve the garden problem, but will only add new ones in the form of a torn back, high blood pressure, and despondency. It is better to solve this problem daily for a short period of time, periodically changing the nature of the work. Everything should be in moderation.

Thirdly, . Food should not only be healthy, but also consumed at a certain time. A varied breakfast, a hearty but not greasy lunch and a light dinner. You can't overeat. Enough 1500 calories per day. The older the person, the less fatty and protein foods and more vegetables and fiber-rich foods. Don't forget about water. Tap water must be settled, and then it must be filtered from harmful impurities and bleach. You can also freeze and boil it.

Fourth, communication. Don't forget about friends. Make new friends. Communication with them improves mood, increases internal tone, which helps to avoid mental ailments, and also has a positive effect on internal organs. Optimism is useful both physically and spiritually for a person, unlike pessimism. In order not to be forgotten by your friends, do not forget about them yourself. Arrange tea parties with friends, exchange news, read poetry, share your own crafts. Think about libraries. There you can not only find an interesting book, but also meet new people. Libraries periodically hold a series of interesting lectures that will diversify your life and bring something new. Enlighten yourself and invite your friends along. Attend cultural events in your city: museums, theaters, cinemas.

Fifth ability to avoid stressful situations. Even mild excitement, such as watching the daily news, releases the hormone cortisone, which causes neurons to degenerate and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

At sixth, quitting smoking and alcohol, which are one of the main causes of dementia. It's no secret how many young lives are taken away by such addictions as smoking and alcohol. If you have crossed the fifty-year mark with these weaknesses, urgently get rid of them and the problems that they have brought into your life.

Seventh, Physical Culture. This refers to physical activity, the movement of your body. At any time of the year, walks in the fresh air are welcomed by our body. In winter, simple skiing is wonderful, in summer active walking. The swimming pool will be of great help to your body. Physical activity fills the cells of the body with oxygen, which helps to maintain youth. can work wonders with us: it literally breathes strength into your body, and of course, it tightens your muscles, making you more attractive to others and to yourself.

positive attitude

In our difficult time, it is very difficult to remain optimistic, and the older a person is, the more difficult it is to do this, since we have to overcome a difficult barrier called old age, because it is it that limits us in our capabilities. Try to look at it not in panic, but in reality. If something does not turn out the way it did in youth, then do not be discouraged, but calmly think about what can be corrected. Don't focus on what you can't do anymore. Your life will be easier and there will be many pleasant moments in old age if you keep a positive attitude. Healthy lifestyle tips for older people can only point to our mistakes that prevent us from living a quality life. Think about it and be healthy!

Why all of a sudden the elderly have attracted such close attention of health care professionals by a respected organization? The answer is simple. The population of the planet is steadily aging, and we must prepare in advance for such a turn of events. There are a lot of questions to be answered. How to ensure that people maintain active longevity, so that the elderly are not a burden on the family and society? Finally, how to treat them? The authors of the report did a great job - they studied hundreds of studies of doctors, sociologists, demographers, volunteer organizations helping the elderly from all over the world to find out.

The planet is getting older

Demographers predict that children born, for example, in Brazil or Myanmar in 2015, will live 20 years longer than their compatriots born some 50 years before them. And if in Iran people over 60 years old made up only 10% of the population in 2015, then in just 35 years they will be up to 33%.

Today, the proportion of people over 60 exceeds 30% of the population in Japan alone. However, according to demographic forecasts, by the middle of the 21st century, people over 60 years old will make up a third of the population not only in European countries, the USA and Canada, but also in Vietnam, China, South Korea, Chile, Thailand, and also in our country.

Medical advances have unprecedentedly affected the growth of life expectancy. In low- and middle-income countries, this was mainly due to improved obstetric care, reduction in infant mortality and mortality from infectious diseases, in rich countries - mainly due to a decrease in the death rate of older people. In addition, as the authors of the report note, the decline in the birth rate, which is observed in almost all countries of the world, has a noticeable effect on the change in the structure of the population.

Such a global change in the demographic situation cannot but affect the economies of countries. It will require significant changes in the work of health systems, social services, and preparations for this must begin today.

While transforming health systems will require action on several fronts, health care providers prioritize three of them:

  • reorientation of clinical practice towards maintaining individual viability;
  • restructuring health systems to provide comprehensive care for older people;
  • retraining of medical personnel to improve the quality of care provided in accordance with the requirements of new systems.

Don't be a burden

“Older people contribute to society in a wide variety of ways – whether in their family, in the local community or in society at large. However, such human and social resources, and the opportunities available to each of us as we age, depend to a large extent on one key characteristic - our health,” the report emphasizes.

To live long, to feel young in your declining years and to die healthy, not to be a burden to your loved ones is everyone's dream. However, for many it remains unattainable. Not all centenarians can boast of an excellent supply of health and vitality.

According to some long-term studies, the prevalence of severe disability in wealthy countries may have declined overall in recent decades, but this trend has not affected the prevalence of milder disability: it has not yet been reduced. In low- and middle-income countries, the situation is even worse.

The body becomes decrepit, the muscles weaken, the bones lose their density, the joints are degrading. Of course, the years take their toll. Irreversible changes occur not only at the physical level. In the elderly, the speed of information processing decreases, the ability to work associated with solving several problems at once is gradually lost. But, as it turns out, this does not always negatively affect labor productivity and even to a certain extent can be compensated by their experience. Research shows that where it is necessary to find a way out of difficult situations and then concentrate on other urgent tasks, older workers perform better than younger colleagues. In addition, it was noted that a team of employees of different ages can be a determining factor for increasing labor productivity, especially when solving creative problems. In a word, even in old age a person can bring a lot of benefits to society.

“If people live these extra years of life in good health, their ability to realize what they consider valuable will be practically unlimited,” the authors of the report say. “If these additional years are accompanied by a decline in physical and mental abilities, then the consequences for the elderly themselves and for society will be much more negative.”

However, experts conclude that ill health need not be the predominant and limiting factor in the elderly population.

The years take their toll

Older people are more susceptible to hypo- and hyperthermia, more often suffer from dehydration than young people. There is a high prevalence among them of chronic diseases and multimorbidity, that is, the presence of several chronic diseases interconnected by a single pathogenetic mechanism. At the same time, it is precisely the tasks of treating chronic diseases that public health services pay offensively little attention to.

Another problem is that with age, the activity of T-lymphocytes that form the immune response decreases. And this means that the older the person, the weaker the protective functions of his body. The worse it copes with new infections. By the way, the elderly and vaccines are much weaker due to a decrease in immune function. In addition, serum levels of inflammatory cytokines increase with age. This phenomenon is known as chronic sluggish inflammatory process in old age. It leads to a number of consequences - senile decrepitude, atherosclerosis and sarcopenia (loss of mass and strength of skeletal muscles).

How to slow down aging

“Most of the health problems in old age are the result of chronic diseases,” experts say. - Many of them can be prevented or delayed through a healthy lifestyle. Even at a very advanced age, physical activity and good nutrition can bring tangible benefits to health and well-being. Other health problems can be dealt with effectively, especially if they are detected early enough.”

To meet the needs of an aging population, it is necessary to make significant changes in the structure of health systems and procedures for the provision of medical care, and create a favorable environment for their life, the report says. After all, “even if people experience a decline in vitality, a supportive environment can encourage them to continue to move wherever they want and do what they need to do. Long-term care and support can provide them with a decent life full of opportunities for continued personal growth.” However, health care systems are still poorly adapted to the needs of the elderly.

Medicines for the elderly

The older a person is, the more dependent they become on drugs and health care. The absence of both can put him in a very difficult position and even have life-threatening consequences. However, for the elderly, the use of drugs is associated with higher risks and a higher prevalence of adverse reactions. And yet without drugs - nowhere. Often, people in their declining years suffer from several chronic diseases at once, and they have to take pills on an ongoing basis, drinking literally handfuls.

“Medicines for the elderly need to be safe and well-chosen, available and accessible,” the WHO report says. However, for most health systems, addressing these challenges is difficult to achieve.

In general, the aging body reacts completely differently to pharmaceuticals. This is due to deep changes in the viability and functions of the body, which are accompanied in many cases by comorbidity. And this is another big problem. After all, older people are usually excluded from clinical trials of drugs, and if their medical history indicates not one, but several chronic diseases, then even more such candidates are eliminated from the list of volunteers on whom drugs are tested. This means that the results of most clinical studies are very conditional (the WHO report says even more categorically - “impossible” to apply directly to older groups of people).

“In order to more accurately determine the response of older people to various drugs and their combinations, it is necessary to review the design of clinical trials,” WHO experts say. For example, this concerns the further study of the impact on people with multimorbidity of the most commonly prescribed drugs. After all, when treating a patient with more than one health problem, a combination of different types of medical interventions is used. At the same time, the report emphasizes that the results of studies should be considered taking into account not only disease markers, but also individual viability. Until new approaches to clinical trials that better meet the needs of older people are developed, experts suggest more thorough post-market drug testing to study their effects on older people, especially those who have multiple diseases at once.

Additional studies, according to WHO experts, also require drugs for the prevention and treatment of such frequent senile ailments as dementia and sarcopenia, since "convincing evidence has not yet been accumulated in relation to them, substantiating the need for drug treatment." Only after that they can be included in the relevant lists.

As for the lists of essential medicines for the elderly, experts believe that they should be revised taking into account the dynamics of changes in their health status. For example, these lists usually do not include nutritional supplements, vitamins and trace elements. But they, as practice shows, have a positive effect on the elderly, improving the functional state of their body.

With an eye on age

Another topic raised in the report is that with age, the likelihood of misuse of medicines also increases. Therefore, it is important to ensure the appropriate use of medicines by older people, including through the correct prescription of medicines. This task requires urgent attention.

Thus, it may be necessary to develop guidelines for physicians on the proper prescribing of medicines for elderly patients.

In addition, over the years, a person often becomes helpless in solving the simplest tasks. This often applies to the implementation of medical prescriptions regarding medication. And in this they need help.

For example, in Australia, a special pharmaceutical service, Home Medicines Review, has been organized to care for older people who are at increased risk of drug-related problems. The service staff works closely with the general practitioner. They take elderly people under their patronage, advise them at home about the effective and safe use of medicines. Due to this optimization of the procedure for prescribing medications, the development of excessive side effects during drug therapy is prevented.

However, these drugs still need to be available. And they are not available to everyone. The authors of the report believe that efforts should be made to ensure that older people have free access to at least basic medicines. And they cite the positive experience of Brazil. There, for older people receiving treatment under the national health system, access to medicines has been expanded through the provision of five essential drugs free of charge. Older people get them through the health care service.

More attention to the older generation

The authors of the report note that in order to develop measures to slow down the decline in the viability of older people, it is necessary that translational studies of aging and life expectancy take into account social aspects to a greater extent.

For example, it is important to understand the reasons why many older people violate their doctor's prescription by not taking their medication. This can help improve the effectiveness of therapy.

Today, funding for research related to the elderly is relatively small. It is necessary to revise the budgets allocated for these purposes, experts state.

In addition, it is necessary to consider what kind of messages and strategies that encourage healthy lifestyles may be required for people in older age groups.

Finally, for health systems to remain sustainable, it is important to develop cost-effective health care strategies for the elderly in advance. For example, to determine which screening programs will bring the greatest impact, and which diseases should be given priority for prevention and treatment.

Of course, the analysis of the economic efficiency of medical care is necessarily carried out in all countries of the world - without this, nowhere. But, as a rule, they include data on the prevention and treatment of patients of younger and middle age groups, which cannot be extrapolated to the elderly. They are characterized by very different levels of risk and a higher prevalence of adverse effects. According to the authors of the report, health policy makers and sociologists “need not only to focus more and more specifically on the study of trajectories of change in individual vitality and functional ability, but also to overcome discriminatory perceptions of older people and rethink policies and procedures to include older people in research design. ".

The quality of life in adulthood depends on many factors, and heredity plays an important role among them. However, recent studies show that genes are only one third responsible for longevity, the remaining 2/3 to live long and disease-free is in our hands.

Science has collected a lot of data about what kind of human behavior can prolong and improve the quality of life. We have collected for you the most significant expert advice that will help you not only age beautifully, but also with style.

1. Eat more potassium.

Potassium keeps you strong, so eat potassium-rich vegetables (potatoes, leafy greens) and fruits (bananas, papaya). Over the age of 65, its presence in the diet preserves 3.6% more muscle mass than its absence. This is very important, since, starting from this age, a person loses about 2 kg of muscle mass every 10 years. This leads to weakness, falls, which can cause further complications. It is recommended to consume at least 4.7 g of potassium daily, this corresponds to 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables. To achieve this, make sure that 1-2 servings are included in each of your meals. In addition, carefully monitor the amount of salt in the diet. It reduces the level of potassium in the body.

2. Enjoy life.

An optimistic attitude increases life expectancy. Several dozens of scientific studies have confirmed that the feeling of happiness is the prevention of disease. And so effective that it can be compared with quitting smoking. Another scientific study found that people who usually describe themselves as happy and content with life were in good health and rarely suffered from serious illnesses. Of course, you can repeat like a parrot that you are happy, but not really feel it. And yet, optimism can be learned by using anti-stress techniques, meditation and surrounding yourself with cheerful people.

3. Wear sneakers.

If your sports shoes are gathering dust somewhere on the mezzanine, urgently get them out of there. Sports medicine experts assure that people who are in good physical shape push back biological aging by at least 10 years and remain independent and capable longer. Scientific studies conducted over 7 years with the same participants determined that sports activity is inversely proportional to the date of death, that is, the more you exercise, the longer you will live. At the same time, it is better to do a little, but every day, than to exhaustion every few days.

4. Get rich culturally.

Probiotics, which are human-friendly bacteria, help prevent a number of diseases. Their activity is associated with strengthening the immune system and reducing the risk of colon cancer. By some coincidence, in those places where a large number of centenarians live, the population eats a large amount of fermented (i.e. fermented) foods, which just contain probiotics. Supplement your diet with "live" yogurt, for example, or Korean kimchi. Consider supplementing with a probiotic supplement such as Lactobacillus GG or Bacillus Coagulans 30. Consult your physician and read dosage information carefully.

5. Take Vitamin B

The brain needs vitamin B12, which is found in seafood and poultry, to be healthy. In people with a low content of this vitamin in the blood, the process of extinction of mental functions proceeds much faster. And those who, on the contrary, use it in sufficient quantities, are 6 times less likely to experience age-related loss of brain volume. Most people can get enough vitamin B12 from their daily diet. Vegetarians who avoid animal foods need vitamin supplements. The same applies to people over 65 years of age, as age-related decrease in stomach acid reduces the absorption of this vitamin from food. In these cases, it is required to take B12 additionally in combination with other B vitamins or as a separate supplement.

6. Fish should become a familiar dish on your table.

Some varieties of oily fish are high in omega-3 acids - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - vital for maintaining health, especially in old age. Numerous studies have confirmed their ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. Eating fish rich in omega-3s three times a week reduces the risk of stroke and brain diseases, including senility, by 26%. These same acids have a beneficial effect on vision. Just one serving of fatty fish a week can halve the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (damage to the central area of ​​the retina), leading to blindness. The optimal amount is two servings of oily fish per week, experts advise. Load up on herring, salmon, tuna, and trout. Fresh sardines and other small fish are also good. There is practically no mercury in them, and besides, they are very tasty.

5. Don't forget your friends.

Don't put off communication until later. Loneliness raises blood pressure, increases the risk of depression, Alzheimer's disease and significantly reduces immunity. Social activity, on the contrary, improves health and increases life expectancy. And what about those who have friends and relatives living far away? Chat online. Social networks and communication on the Internet gives a similar effect.

6. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the main defenders of the body against age-related diseases. People with low levels of vitamin D in the blood die faster from various diseases, this has been confirmed by numerous studies. The vitamin protects against cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Found in fish, eggs and fortified milk. Our body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. The problem is, we still miss it. Doctors recommend taking an additional D3 of about 1000 IU. daily.

7. Practice Tai Chi.

This ancient gymnastics is also called "meditation in motion." This is a set of exercises based on stretching and balancing, which helps to maintain health for many, many years. Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of tai chi in maintaining physical fitness, reducing high blood pressure, relieving chronic pain, reducing anxiety, and slowing bone loss after menopause. Gymnastics also solves the problem of insomnia, which older people often complain about. This has also been proven in studies conducted with people from 59 to 86 years old: those who practiced tai chi slept better and sounder than those who did not practice. This gymnastics is not at all difficult, the main thing is to learn how to perform it. So look for tai chi centers in your city or appropriate classes in sports clubs.

8. Give up red meat.

Allow yourself very rarely, no more than 1 time per week, experts advise. The saturated fats it contains can clog arteries and increase the risk of heart disease. And cancer. Scientists have estimated this risk at 20-60% in those who consume large amounts of red meat (approximately 100 g per day). Red meat contains too much iron, an excess of which leads to cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Swap it out for fish, poultry, and whole organic soy products.