Cut in layers for long hair. Examples from celebrities. Layered haircuts for long hair

Haircuts for medium hair are the best option for those who like curls a little longer than shoulders or shoulder length, but at the same time cannot spend a lot of time on grooming, hairstyling and styling. Fashionable hairstyles for this length are very diverse.

Lifestyle and lifestyle affect your appearance. When a woman has a child, she can completely forget about herself for a while. You have to re-learn to take the time to regain your shape and, of course, your hairstyle. And long curls replace stylish haircuts of medium length. But under the strict regime that is necessary for the baby, the question arises of where to find time for their beauty. Therefore, the right one can be of great benefit to the mother.

This can be attributed to women immersed in work. If from morning until early you rush to the office, and return home late in the evening, you probably have no time to devote much time to styling. In addition, the medium length is a great opportunity for creating different hairstyles.

Trendy medium haircuts 2019

The love of medium-length hairstyles flared up among trendsetters several seasons ago and there are no preconditions for the fact that in 2019 anything may change. Their characteristic feature is versatility, that is, it is the ideal length suitable for all ages, types, face shapes and complexions. Practicality makes this length the most popular today.

Being clearly on the border between the collarbones and the jaw line, midi-hairstyles look fashionable, bright and long enough to leave freedom for all kinds of maneuvers with the hair, but at the same time do not cause inconvenience and difficulty in leaving. On their basis, it is quite possible to braid braids, buns, curls and more original hairstyles. The days when long curls were considered a style icon are long gone. The coming season is preparing many interesting options for us. Most importantly, don't be afraid to experiment!

Actual hairstyles for medium length 2019

Give preference to simple hairstyles that do not require a daily lengthy styling procedure. The trend of 2019 is waves scattered over the shoulders, parting diagonally, a classic bob, an elongated bob hairstyle. Creative additions to them are asymmetry, shaved whiskey or the back of the head, deliberate negligence and shaggy. Volume is created thanks to graduation, multi-layer bouffant, "ladder" and cascades.

At the same time, bangs can be safely left in different lengths, with torn or oblique edges, laying on one side, and strong thinning. The main feature of a fashionable person in 2019 is naturalness and naturalness, the use of a minimum of cosmetics.

Stylish middle square

This hairstyle has no age, it was in demand thousands of years ago, and will be relevant in the coming season. This fact is explained by its properties - versatility and, at the same time, a multitude of available options, which make it possible to add a zest to your look due to the placement of accents or interesting styling.

The classic square looks especially organically on the owners of thick curls. But the girls, whom nature has endowed with thin curls, also should not give up the ever-fashionable hairstyle. Hairdressers advise them to visually increase the density and splendor of the hair by graduating the strands.

The side parting adds femininity to the image, which looks especially impressive with carelessly styled curls and tousled bangs. This style is equally relevant for outings and romantic dates. But for the office or for the evening of a strict social event, return to the classic version of the square with straight bangs to the eyebrows and absolutely straight strands.

To get a beautiful styling, you only need a hairdryer and a brushing comb - 10 minutes for drying and styling is ready. You can do styling with curls using an iron. The best option for those who save their time and do not want to spend a lot of time in the morning to get ready.

For all ages. Young girls and ladies over 45 can choose this hairstyle. Fortunately, the variations of the bean are enough.

Bob haircut for medium length

Bob always looks stylish. It is easy to look after him. It suits almost every type of person. If you think that the bob is only applicable for short lengths, you are greatly mistaken. This neat and effective hairstyle is very suitable for the owners of medium-length hair, especially if they are chubby. This shape will help to visually narrow the cheekbones and cheeks, bringing the outline of the face closer to the classic oval. The daily styling process will not require you to apply excessive amounts of styling products, it will take no more than 10 minutes of your precious morning time.

The bean's versatility also lies in the fact that it can be “worn” to school, to a disco and to a walk with a child. Moreover, as in the case of the square, a little imagination when styling and you will look different for each of the events. For a strict office, curls can be straightened, for a party - twisted and tousled. And some hairdressing tricks will always help you to refresh your style:

  • Asymmetry will help to lose at least 5 years, optically enlarge and accentuate the eyes.
  • Graduating the front strands will hide some of the angular shape if your face is square or triangular.
  • Oblique bangs will still be in vogue in 2019.
  • Coloring individual strands will help to make the image as individual as possible.
  • Straight bangs to the eyebrows will add mystery and romance to you.

The original bean

Remember, a few years ago, a shaved temple or the back of the head on midi and maxi hair was a sign of incredible extravagance and shocking? They were preferred mainly by representatives of certain youth movements, who prefer to try on shocking and vivid images.

In the coming year, this "feature" is no longer considered something out of the ordinary, but gradually moved into the category of daring, fashionable accents complementing standard hairstyles. The location of the short or shaved part may vary:

  • Those who want to shave both temples do it, as a rule, above and behind the ears. In this case, the width of the stripes can be either minimal or rather wide.
  • Only one temple is shaved.
  • A popular option is called a "bob on a leg", when part of the hair at the back of the head is shaved or cut short.

Asymmetrical medium haircuts

Asymmetry is unusual. This hairstyle always attracts attention. With the help of incorrect, out-of-proportion cuts, you can smooth out the roundness of the face. Therefore, this option is worth paying attention to the owners of a round face. Asymmetric options most often combine graduation. Graduated cuts allow you to create volume even on thin curls.

If you want special, radical changes, you can choose the option with a shaved temple. On the one hand, the strands can reach the chest, and on the other, they can be cut very shortly in the temple area.

All asymmetrical versions of classic hairstyles will also be relevant in 2019. All of them, including, square, bob, cascade, ladders look incredibly interesting with strands of different lengths and bizarre shapes of bangs.

In 2019, symmetry is one of the classics, acceptable at formal events and in strict offices. But their trendy version is still asymmetric transformations. At the same time, you do not have to make it too explicit, even a slight violation of the proportion will add originality and sophistication to the image.

Whatever image you choose for yourself in the coming year, the main thing is that the hair is well-groomed, neat and healthy. To do this, choose the shampoo that suits you, do not forget to use conditioners and balms, do wellness nourishing masks several times a week, watch out for split ends. Remember how important the right care is for the health and beauty of your curls!

Haircut cascade: stylish layered hairstyles

Layered hairstyles for medium length, which is a cascade, are recommended for very thick as well as for thin hair. Thick curls in such a hairstyle look more mobile and more structured, and thin ones acquire additional volume. Also, quite often, thin looks "flaccid", they seem to stick to the head. But the layers of the helmet give them life and movement.

Cascades are a good option for older women looking for new hairstyles that frame their face softly and casually. Layers make the face look younger. The cascade is easy to install. A little mousse on the root zone, blow dry and comb or diffuser, and your hair is ready.

Long bob: never goes out of style

The bob is a versatile and classic hairstyle. This suggests that a long-term presence among the fashionable options is guaranteed to him. The square has won special love among most women due to the fact that it adapts to any type of face. Any woman can choose it - it is timeless.

Asymmetrical bob: bold and daring

Another popular bean variety. The strands of the face are cut with asymmetry - longer on one side and shorter on the other. An interesting option, suitable for confident women. And the most courageous add a shaved temple to the asymmetry.

Torn haircut

A razor is most often used to create a hairstyle. With its help, the master creates sharp cuts. These cuts create layers that add volume to the hairstyle. It looks bold. If experimenting with the image is not alien to you, you may like a torn haircut. But it is worth remembering that it requires daily styling using styling products.

It is worth paying attention to this option for owners of an elongated, rectangular and square face shape.

Haircut aurora

The main feature is the volume at the crown, due to short strands and long strands from the back of the head. This technique creates layers and visually stretches the face, so owners of a wide oval should pay attention to it. You can style your hairstyle with a brush and hair dryer, pulling the strands. Light curls can be created.

Medium length bangs

Not everyone loves bangs. In some cases, it can be quite a hassle. Especially in the mornings, when it needs to be styled in winter, after the headdress. Bangs can highlight flaws or hide them. The main thing is to choose your option. For a narrow and long face - straight, thick. For oval and round - oblique, asymmetrical.

Haircuts with long bangs for medium hair

Long bangs hide a wide forehead, correcting an elongated oval. Such bangs can be advised for owners of a rectangular face. It can be flat, graduated or divided into two parts framing the face.

Haircuts with short bangs

Short bangs don't suit everyone. She immediately draws attention to the face, especially to the eyebrows and eyes. This option should be chosen by the owners of a diamond-shaped, oval, square face. This bang is suitable for those who have small, not expressive features. But if you need to hide a large nose, then it is better to refuse short bangs. It can be straight, oblique, ragged, graded.

Rhapsody haircut - photo

In order to create a rhapsody, the master cuts the layer on top of the head, creating something like a hat. This is the first step in the haircut. Then, depending on what effect you want to achieve, layers are created below. The strands are milled at the ends.

Volume is the main feature of rhapsody. Styling it with a brush and a hairdryer will give your hair a curvy shape that will last throughout the day.

Haircut debut for medium hair

The debut should be chosen by the owners of thick and hard curls. Two words are enough to describe this hairstyle - layers and mess. The first layers start at the crown of the head and frame the face down to the shoulders. Such a mess masks the angularity of the face well.

Haircut caprice - photo

Another graduated option. Short layers are cut at the top of the head, and along the length of the strands they reach the chin and slightly below. Suitable for oval and skinny faces. The mess created from the strand looks quite interesting and stylish. Caprice is suitable for young and older women.

Layered haircut for medium hair - photo

Layered hairstyles never fail in popularity. They create visual dimension. If the curls are heavy, layers and thinning can give them movement.

Straight cut

Straight cut hair looks neat and stern. They can be easily assembled into any hairstyle. And to do the styling, it is enough to go over them with an iron and give them perfect smoothness.

Shaggy haircut - photo

Shaggy is a godsend for thin, volumeless curls. The hairstyle becomes light. Its layering makes it versatile and suitable for any age. But it is important to understand that a strong thinning is required during its creation. Thinning scissors thin out the strands quite strongly. If there is not enough hair, then shaggy is not for you. It also does not go to owners of damaged, split ends; thinning can aggravate the situation.

Ladder haircut for medium length

Soft steps frame the face. Layers can start from the temples or from the chin - this choice is influenced by the shape of the face and what needs to be corrected or emphasized. Plus ladders - it does not need to be adjusted often. A ladder can be recommended for women with both straight and curly hair.

Creative haircuts for medium hair

Creativity is something that is rare in everyday life. When it comes to hairstyles, we can talk about shaved temples, asymmetry, imbalance and graduation. Unusual, daring options are the best choice for young girls. After all, youth is the best time to experiment. For adult women, such haircuts are usually not an affordable luxury. Especially if the work is connected with a strict dress code. But if the profession is creative, then you should not deny yourself creativity.

How to choose a haircut according to the shape of your face

There are five general face shapes - round, oval, rectangular, square, and triangular. Choosing a haircut should start with an accurate look at your face. Stand in front of a mirror, no makeup, in good light, and pull your hair into a ponytail. Look closely at three strategic points - chin, eye area and forehead.



no limit, but average length goes the most

without bangs

bob, extended bob, cascade, light waves

length below the chin

oblique long bangs

elongated bob, haircuts with graduations near the face, hiding the width of the oval


average length

graduated long straight

asymmetrical, elongated bob with long straight bangs, hair should frame the face

long oblique bangs

side parting, asymmetrical haircuts

from the cheeks and below

torn, graduated bangs

shoulder-length cascade, graduated bob, pixie

Oval face

  • the base of the hair is rounded;
  • the highest point of the forehead is located on the central axis of the face;
  • the widest point is at the height of the cheekbone;
  • the cheek line tapers slightly towards the base;
  • the chin area is gently rounded.

Almost any haircut is suitable for this face shape! Try, however, to avoid loose, straight hair with a parting in the middle.

Round face

  • curved hair base;
  • full cheeks, gentle jaw contour without bevelling;
  • small and rounded chin;
  • lack of marked cheekbones.

Choose hairstyles with a narrowing effect on the face. Long haircuts with strands that fit the face, gentle waves, haircuts above the jaw line, graduation at the top of the hairstyle and giving volume are suitable.

Rectangular face

  • clear hair line;
  • often high forehead;
  • the same width of the line of the temples, cheeks and chin;
  • rough chin area, sometimes it is also long.

Hairstyles that soothe facial features will do. Bet on long haircuts, below the chin, curls, waves, hairstyles with bangs, softly enveloping face, layered haircuts, soft and voluminous, uniting volume on the sides of the face. Avoid haircuts without bangs, long straight strands and volume at the top of the head.

Square face

  • the hairline is usually straight but creates angles;
  • often low forehead;
  • wide jaw with well-defined angles;
  • vertical line of the temples, cheeks and chin.

Choose longer options, below shoulder level, graduated at the ends, with side parting. Avoid sleek hairstyles that end up to the jawline, curvy curls.

Triangular face

  • soft jaw line, without any angles;
  • a wide part in the area of ​​the eyebrows, which are rather high and prominent;
  • narrow chin, sometimes long and pointed.

For this type of face, a hairstyle is recommended that balances the narrow bottom of the face. Curly styling, classic bob, short bangs, long curls, parting on the side, graduation at the top are suitable. Very short and combed back are not recommended.

Haircuts for medium hair photos for blonde hair

For light curls, options consisting of layers are ideal - a graduated square, a cascade, a ladder. If at the same time they are toned, highlighting some strands with a lighter shade, then the haircut will look more profitable and voluminous. Stylish graduated hairstyles help to correct the oval and look several years younger.

Often a woman really wants to get a voluminous hairstyle, but does not find the strength to part with the length at least on the shoulders. And if earlier a cardinal short haircut could be the only advice of a hairdresser for her, now no good master will force a client to make a choice between long curls and volume. Indeed, thanks to modern haircuts, these two phenomena can be combined. What types of hairstyles you need to choose for this, and how to take care of such, will be discussed in this material.

Features of voluminous haircuts for medium length hair

Almost all voluminous haircuts are designed for straight or slightly wavy strands. Usually cut in two or more tiers. In some cases, graduation of the hairstyle is acceptable, as well as the presence of asymmetric elements for correcting the shape of the face. When laying such haircuts, it is very important to make a root volume, and then you can simply stretch them along the entire length.

The beauty of this type of haircuts is that they go under any face shape and look good on ladies of all ages, like. In addition, they can be combined with any painting and styling option.

The only condition is that the lady must support them regularly. And, of course, it is extremely important from the very beginning to choose the type of haircut that is most suitable for your style and type of appearance. Fortunately, there are quite a few of them.

Let's take a look at those popular forms that are worth paying attention to.

Types of hairstyles

Most voluminous hairstyles are elongated cascading hairstyles: classic cascade, double bob, ladder and others. They form volume due to the presence of several layers. Such hairstyles are suitable for a classic look, and a romantic, and even a sporty one - it all depends on what kind of woman does the styling. In order for you to decide whether this option suits you or not, let's look at the most popular variations in more detail.


This is a versatile hairstyle for medium length hair that looks equally good on all women. allows you to give the desired volume to the strands, improve the shape of the face, gently adjusting it to the oval. Moreover, it has over a dozen styling options. But the advantages of the cascade do not end there either. The haircut has a technical memory, therefore, after each wash, it itself lies flat along the cut line.

Cascade with oblique bangs

Regardless of the length of the cascade, they create it according to the general scheme, removing the hair in a tier. Hose lengths vary. The classic version is 1.5 cm, but you can make the ladder more or less pronounced depending on the type of woman's appearance. The haircut can be with or without bangs.

The only category of women who need to be careful with this haircut are young ladies with tight, thick strands. In their case, the cascade will simply form unnecessary volume. For everyone else, this hairstyle with a profitable dyeing option will be a real panacea, allowing you to look amazing with minimal effort.


This is a type of cascade haircut, in which the hair is removed from the face and further to the back of the head in the form of a ladder. Like the cascade, it allows you to create volume even on rare strands and has several styling options for day and evening.

Ladder for medium hair

Looks very good on wavy hair - this feminine look usually looks romantic. It is also interesting, but it will look a little more strict on even strands.

If it seems to you that your hair does not have enough volume even with this type of hairstyle, try complex types of coloring in 3 tones or more. They fit perfectly on such a haircut and allow you to make the female image much more interesting.

Double square

This is one of the most voluminous and popular options for cutting a bob, in which the hair is cut in two rows: the lower one in the temporo-occipital zone is made short (but not as short as with a bob on a leg), and due to the upper one, the silhouette of the hairstyle is formed. Since this approach to creating a hairstyle allows you to structure it as accurately as possible, a double square of a spectacular look can be arranged on any hair, including perfectly straight and wavy, thick and liquid. even allows you to correct the shape of the face through various variations of the bangs, as well as highlighted strands. That is why such a square goes to absolutely everyone.

When choosing a master for this hairstyle, remember that the haircut is one of the most difficult. Therefore, to create it, you need a professional practicing this particular form. Only such can create the required air structure. Otherwise, your hair may simply ruin.


This hairstyle is created according to the scheme: hair + cascading length. Allows you not only to create good volume, but also to maximize the shape of the face. Requires minimal styling. A hairstyle can be created on both straight and wavy hair, but for the owners of tight curls, it will only bring a lot of difficulties in styling. can be performed with or without bangs.

Aurora's hairstyle

Creative options

The aforementioned classic haircuts, of course, suit almost all women, but they do not correspond to everyone in terms of image and character. A more youthful option for voluminous hairstyles today are asymmetric and graduated shapes. They need to be considered in detail.


All hairstyles with ragged ends, uneven strands, and oblique bangs should be included in this category. Today, from the most popular: asymmetrical square, torn ladder options and so on.

Asymmetrical square

Such options are good for a round and square face shape, since they allow you to perfectly correct it, and also provide a lot of color options.

When choosing an asymmetrical haircut, keep in mind your usual dressing style and behavior. Remember that they are suitable for athletic girls, decisive ladies, but romantic natures and business women do not always go.

Graduated haircuts

This category includes all graduated (that is, cut with the help of thinning scissors for the most smooth transition) classic haircuts - bob, bob, cascade, ladder, as well as some author's forms.

This approach makes it possible to create the most lush hairstyle and make the styling as simple as possible due to the technical memory of such a haircut. Various color options are also possible. Even the usual highlighting on the graduation looks pretty fresh.

You should refrain from such haircuts for only one category of women - those with thin hair. Their edges of such a hairstyle can look untidy and much worse. On the contrary, they need to try to achieve a smoother edge.

Styling and care

In grooming, haircuts of medium length are not much different from short counterparts. In order to keep them in perfect order, a woman also needs to regularly update her hairstyle, cut the ends every one and a half months, and also very carefully monitor the condition of the hair. For this, it is important to use the appropriate type of product. These are shampoo, balm, masks, as well as styling mixtures: mousses, foams. It is extremely rare and only for heavy, dense hair that wax may be needed.

Hair care products

The process of laying any volumetric shape for medium length is very simple. It provides for the following:

  1. Wash your hair and apply a styling product.
  2. Using to raise the strands at the roots and dry, so that the hairstyle gets volume.
  3. Pull out the hair according to the styling shape, also using a hairdryer and a brush.
  4. If necessary, bend the ends neatly with a comb or iron. Spray hair with varnish.

The proposed hairstyle option is universal daily. However, each owner of such a head of hair can easily vary it, collecting curls in a shell, making a complex evening styling, or an ordinary everyday bun.

If you want to know in advance how you can style your hair, ask your master for hairstyles for the type of shape you have chosen. This will help you not only to decide on a particular haircut, but also in the future it will be easy to create any images from a strict business to a romantic one.


For an example of creating and styling a voluminous haircut for medium length hair, see the video below.


As you can see, a good master can offer any woman more than a dozen different types of hair of medium length. With such a variety, it is enough for her to simply choose the one that is suitable for the type of appearance and in the future make every effort to support her. And then she will get the desired result.

Most girls like to wear long hair, however, due to improper care, their curls do not always look as luxurious as they would like. The most common reason for giving up long hair is dry and split ends.

Fortunately, today this problem has an optimal solution. There are several styled haircuts to help you maintain both hair length and healthy ends. It's about layering haircuts.

What are the advantages of haircuts in layers for long hair?

The main reason for choosing a haircut with a graduated length is the ability to make the curls look more voluminous. This is especially true for girls whose hair is naturally thin, not too thick, straight and smooth.

Oddly enough, but owners of lush hair no less often choose a cascade. It can be quite difficult to care for heavy and thick curls, and a “multilevel” haircut is a great way to maintain both length and volume, but at the same time to “lighten” the hairstyle a little.

There is a variation that also allows you to focus on the face. It is about the graduation of the length of the front strands. By the way, the amount and length of the shortest "layer" may depend on the volume of the hair and the desired result. Sometimes the difference in the length of individual strands is 20-30 cm, in other cases the tips are cut only slightly differently.

How to style your haircut?

Cutting in layers on long hair is easy enough to style. If this is required at all, given the trend towards naturalness and slight negligence, the best option for every day is to simply dry your hair naturally. In any case, with the help of a brush-brush and forceps, it will be enough to curl the ends just a little.

Alternatively, use a diffuser attachment when blow drying. In this way, the hair can be given a very noticeable volume. But straightening with an iron is better not to use - it is not very suitable for layered haircuts, since it immediately deprives the hair of splendor.

Haircuts with graduated lengths look most impressive on long light curls. The movement of many small strands creates a play of light in the hair. And to get a real 3D volume, you can also carry out light highlights.

Strands with different lengths look very natural, and an ombre or balayage dyeing would be an ideal addition to such a haircut. The hair cascade allows you to demonstrate all the variety of shades much better than it is possible on straight hair with a uniform length.

Haircut in layers is a panacea for all ills! Hairstyle lacks volume? Layer your hair. Hair difficult to style? A multi-layered haircut will help. Hair too thick? A layered haircut will help you out. Too fine hair? And that's where layers come in!

But do not forget that a multi-layered haircut has a huge number of variations, and not every one is right for you: a haircut in layers that suits your friend's face may look completely different on you. How not to be mistaken in your choice?

We learned about this and the versatile layering from Danielle Keesling, Art Director for Matrix and owner of Salon Karma in South Carolina.

Why do we like layered haircuts so much?

To begin with, we decided to figure out why layered haircuts are so attractive. Daniel believes that everything is extremely simple: "Layered haircuts hide flaws and allow you to diversify any hairstyle.".

Daniel assures that haircuts in layers are suitable for almost everyone, but reminds that there are several different techniques for creating layers, and each gives its own result. Therefore, before you go to the salon, try to understand what goal you are trying to achieve.

As we said, you should choose depending on what goal you need to achieve.

"If you want something a little bolder, choose square or horizontal layers - they create straight lines and uneven texture."

Daniel Kisling

If you have very thick hair and want to reduce the volume a little, Daniel recommends vertical layers: they "Will remove the density around the perimeter of the hair," while "diagonal layers will look more even and, conversely, add volume."

Still not sure which layers are right for you? Daniel Keesling recommends paying attention to three main factors: hair texture, hair density and face shape. Let's talk about this in more detail.

For there are many options - both classic and incredibly daring. Such haircuts seem to be created for experimenting with color: on short hair, cut in layers, you can endlessly try many shades and their combinations.

For example, a pixie - in a traditional or author's design, a textured or cascading bob, as well as the famous rocker grunge, can be an excellent solution for owners of short hair!

There are plenty of layered haircuts too! In this case, you can vary the length of the strands that frame the face, and the length of the hair at the back of the head. Experts recommend leaving a medium length in the front, showing the beauty of the hair, but making an almost short haircut in the back.

Owners of medium-length hair can choose haircuts such as a cascading bob, a bob on a leg, "Italian", as well as options with torn strands, which will not only enhance accents where necessary, but also give the hairstyle a special chic!

Those dreaming of a multi-layered haircut are especially lucky in 2018: at the peak of popularity, multi-layered combinations that allow you to actively use the length.

The main trend is geometric haircuts, in which the face is clearly shaped by the contour, and the lower layer of hair remains long. You can add a little boldness to the image: the upper layers of hair are cut in a torn manner, and the lower ones are straightened to a mirror shine, even if they are naturally curly!

A round face is roughly the same width at the top and bottom. Girls with this face shape usually prefer long layers that frame the face and look very organic.

A straight cut draws more attention to the shape of the face than to the hair, so ask your stylist to create several diagonal layers around the perimeter of the face - they always look very advantageous.

If you want to visually lengthen your face, consider the side bangs option. It makes the gaze slide diagonally across the face, making the face appear longer and narrower.

Those with a square face usually have a wide forehead and chin. To round off the bottom of your face, a graduated bob with layers that start just below the chin will work for you. The longest strands will soften the straight lines, and the layers will add dynamism to the hairstyle.

When styling at home, try options with a deep side parting: the extra volume around the crown will help to even out the proportions of the face a little.

This type of face is narrow and long. This is both good and bad: when any haircut suits you, how to choose? There are many options, but the best is considered to be a multi-layered elongated bob.

It will give the face perfect proportions, as opposed to just long hair, which lengthens the face even more. An elongated bob will look great on its own, but by adding layers, you can emphasize the areas of the face that you like the most.

Before you go to a beauty salon, we recommend that you find out all the pros and cons of such a haircut, so as not to make a mistake with the choice!

Benefits of layered haircuts:

  • give volume,
  • help hide flaws and emphasize advantages,
  • allow you to emphasize the beauty of complex staining,
  • there are options for any hair length.

Disadvantages of layered haircuts:

  • if performed incorrectly, they can create an unnecessary visual effect,
  • not easy to maintain: to maintain shape, it is important to visit the stylist at least once every three to four weeks,
  • require regular styling.

Arsenal Needed: Gadgets and styling products for styling multi-layered haircuts

Multi-layered haircuts will require some effort from their owners in front of the mirror. However, mastering styling is not so difficult, the main thing is to acquire the necessary gadgets and styling tools!

A graduated haircut is a great option for a stylish and unique look. Its lightness and playfulness are perfect for every day and for festive events.

Graduation features

What is a graduated or layered haircut? This is a hairstyle formed with thinning and smooth transitions. Acquaintance with such a hairstyle should begin by studying its features. Only then can you determine if it is right for you:

  • Graduation is contraindicated for owners of thin and thin hair;
  • Layered haircut can be performed on strands of any length. To the short it gives dynamism, to the medium - a beautiful volume, to the long - notes of romanticism;
  • For women with thick hair, graduation is an ideal choice, because it allows you to thin out and slightly reduce the weight of too heavy hair;
  • Layered haircuts look great on both straight and wavy strands;
  • The graduation can be supplemented with special staining - coloring, bronzing, highlighting;
  • Layered haircuts can be diversified with bangs of various shapes - straight, oblique, asymmetrical, torn.

Haircuts for short hair

They look bold, eccentric and very original. They give lightness, youthfulness, do not require complex and long styling. Such haircuts can be done even with a round face.

When creating a short layered haircut, several rules must be followed:

  • Do not part in the center - give preference to the side part;
  • Do not cut the top layer too short;
  • Decorate your hair with side-swept bangs.

Among the most popular graduated haircuts for short hair are these models.

Graduated square

The layered square can be classic or asymmetrical. It beautifully frames an elongated and oval face, creating a gentle transition from the lush crown to the graduated strands near the cheekbones. Also, such a hairstyle successfully emphasizes the correct and sophisticated facial features.

Square on a leg

Another fashionable option is a layered square on a leg. A characteristic feature of this haircut is a fluffy hat at the back of the head, which reveals the neck. The hairstyle can be combined with side or straight bangs. It does not require a lot of styling time and is suitable for hair of a wide variety of thicknesses. Elongated side strands painted in a different color will help accentuate the layered square on the leg.

Graduated bob

The classic bob, trimmed using the graduation method, makes the look feminine, light and very youthful. It looks especially impressive on straight strands. In this case, you can easily change the sporty daring look for an elegant business one.

A layered bob welcomes the presence of all types of bangs, but the most successful option is a slanting thinned one with protruding sharp ends. This combination of soft contours and sharp edges draws attention to the eyes, emphasizes the cheekbones and facial contours, and creates a lush volume.


The 2016 season simply cannot do without one of the most modern solutions - a layered ladder. It is suitable for straight and curly hair and has no age restrictions.

With a graduated ladder, the hair is cut in falling layers from crown to ears. Each next layer has its own length, thanks to which the hairstyle looks even more interesting. This silhouette visually stretches the round face and softens the features, which is also important.


Layered pixie haircut looks great on both young girls and mature women. The texture of the hair also doesn't really matter - it can be straight or wavy. As for the bangs, most often this is an elongated asymmetrical model that goes down to the middle of the cheekbones or slightly lower. It smooths a heavy chin, hides a high forehead and softens features.

Graduated pixie has no restrictions on the shape of the face. Of course, ideally it should be oval or round, but the master will be able to adapt it to any type - from rectangular to heart-shaped. When deciding on a pixie haircut, remember that it completely exposes the neck and attracts attention to the lips and eyes.

Layered haircuts for medium hair

Traditional square, bob, ladder and cascade can be performed on medium-length strands. These graduated hairstyles help freshen up the look and make the hair look fuller and more voluminous. Another significant plus is the variety of styling. Graduated haircuts at medium length can be styled in different ways depending on your mood. Moreover, even weak and unruly hair becomes alive and dynamic with them. And one more nuance! For split ends, a layered haircut will be a true length saver. To do this, it is enough to process only the top layer of hair with scissors.

Graduated cascade

Layering in cascading haircuts allows you to make smooth transitions and give the hair an airy shape. The cascade at medium length can be curled with an iron, twisted with a brush, or simply straightened.

Bob car

The soft shapes of the layered bob-bob are perfect for the oval type of face. This hairstyle looks feminine and gentle, creates a large volume, which women with thin hair will surely appreciate.


The layered ladder is a versatile model that will suit almost all of you. The ladder looks best on straight and thin strands, but in curls it is no less pretty.


This is a great example of a model graduation. Looks very feminine and hides all the nuances of the "circle" and "square". The debut haircut is universal, unpretentious in styling and is compatible with any type of face or hair. A feature of this hairstyle is a clear arcuate framing of the face (the shape of a half-open horseshoe) and a voluminous occipital-parietal zone. The debut can be supplemented with various types of bangs - oblique, straight, horseshoe-shaped.

Long hair graduation

Layered haircuts for long hair have been in fashion for years. Depending on the structure and characteristics of the strands, the graduation is performed at different levels:

  • Light gradation on the tips is the most common option. This technique is ideal for very thick hair, when you need to move away from straight and strict lines. Graduation makes such haircuts effortless and light;
  • Graduation from the ears, continuing along the entire length. Girls with both straight and curly hair can opt for it;
  • Layering at the top of the head is necessary for fine strands. The main thing is that the hair is not shorter than 5 cm! Otherwise, you can get the hedgehog effect.

And here is a list of layered haircuts for long hair.


The cascade with or without bangs is performed along the entire circumference of the head or only at the face. The shortest hair layer is at the crown. Then the layers smoothly transition to the tips.


This is one of the varieties of the cascade. The characteristic feature of the Italian is the ultra lush multi-layered crown. The rest of the strands are cut according to the standard scheme, and the excess volume in the occipital-parietal zone is removed with a razor or thinning scissors.

How to choose the perfect haircut?

Styling graduated hairstyles

Photos of layered hairstyles have already shown you all the variety of styling. Let's clarify a few more points.

For daily styling, simply blow dry with a crevice tool and flat comb. The process starts from the area at the temples, and ends at the back of the head. The hairstyle turns out to be very lush and neat.

For those who wish to emphasize the multi-layering, we recommend using a modeling wax or gel. Apply any of these products to dry ends. An alternative to the gel will be unusual staining (for example, coloring using 2-3 tones).

More variety is allowed on elongated models. These are brushed hairstyles, curls, braids, babets, bunches, shells, tails, etc. The “wet effect” and other tousled styling looks very good with a graduated haircut.