Dry skin of the body which vitamin is lacking. What to do with dry skin of hands and body: the best remedies and vitamins

Dry skin can occur due to a lack of nutrients in the body. That is, in other words, she suffers from the fact that an insufficient amount of vitamins comes from food. During it can be a consequence of improper nutrition, as well as diets, which can provoke a deficiency of essential substances. What vitamins to take with dry skin to bring it back to normal? Everyone who is faced with the problem of dry skin is looking for an answer to this question.

To improve the condition of hair, nails and skin in spring and autumn, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins. Each problem has its own complex, for example, dry skin is a lack of vitamins:

  1. Groups A.
  2. Groups E.
  3. Groups C.
  4. Groups B.

Signs of vitamin deficiency: scaly and on the body, age spots, itching, hair loss, acne, poorly growing nails, premature appearance of facial wrinkles.

What vitamins are needed for dry skin?

In the diet of every person, regardless of gender and age, there should be foods that provide the body with a supply of essential nutrients. To solve the problem of dry skin, it is necessary that the body has a sufficient amount of retinol (Vit. A). The condition of hair, skin and the work of all systems depends on it. It also affects hormones and regeneration processes. Its lack leads not only to dry skin, but also to its early aging. A woman needs to receive 700 mcg of retinol per day. For a pregnant woman, this figure will be higher - 770 mcg. A nursing mother needs 1300 mcg of this per day. Retinol is found in:

  • beef liver;
  • carrots;
  • yolks;
  • milk;
  • apples.

Problems with skin, nails and hair can also occur if the body does not receive enough B vitamins. They are responsible for the growth of new cells, including skin cells, and are also actively involved in metabolic processes.

Watch a video on vitamins for skin.

B vitamins can be obtained from the following foods:

  • a fish;
  • apricots;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • tomatoes;
  • seaweed.

This group of nutrients is vital, so if you regularly miss them, serious health problems are possible.

Ascorbic acid is also very important for the skin. It allows damaged tissues to recover, is responsible for regeneration processes, protects the body from the effects of harmful substances, promotes healing of wounds on the skin, supports immunity and resists infections. It is necessary to receive 100 mcg of this substance per day.

Products containing ascorbic acid:

  • rose hip;
  • potato;
  • citrus;
  • liver;
  • black currant;
  • kiwi;
  • leafy vegetables.

But, if you are prone to allergies, it is best to consult with an allergist before increasing your intake of ascorbic acid. This substance can cause allergies and therefore, in order to avoid side effects, you need to consult a specialist.

Problems with the skin can provoke a lack of vitamin E in the body. This substance must be taken regularly by the representatives of the fair half of humanity. Vitamin E is considered "female". It is beneficial for health and beauty. Tocopherol is used in cosmetology to solve various problems, so it must be taken if the skin is dry. Tocopherol moisturizes the skin, normalizes its balance, rejuvenates, and prevents early aging. A woman's body should receive 500 mcg of tocopherol per day.

Foods in which tocopherol is found in large quantities:

  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • milk;
  • sour cream;
  • vegetable oils (necessarily unrefined).

Treatment of vitamin deficiency

If the problem is caused by a lack of vitamins? In order for the skin to be beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to influence it not only with cosmetics, here an integrated approach is needed - proper nutrition, vitamins and cosmetics.

First of all, you need to balance your diet. Proper nutrition, which includes the use of foods containing the necessary nutrients in the right quantities, is of great importance. The diet should include fruits, cereals, vegetables, meat.

It is better to decide what vitamins to drink with dry skin together with a beautician. A specialist will assess the condition of the skin and select the right complex that is ideal for solving the problem. Pharmacies now have a large selection of vitamin preparations. It is best to take them in autumn and winter, when there are few natural sources of substances beneficial for the body and skin. It is recommended to use them in courses. Take supplements for a month or less, then take a break. Six months later, you can drink a course of vitamins again. The wrong selection of vitamin supplements, without consulting a doctor, can not only not be beneficial, but also harm, so do without amateur performance.

There are also ways to compensate for vitamin deficiencies externally. For this, face masks are used, which are sufficient to do no more than twice a week.

Vitamin E mask. Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese or sour cream - 2 tbsp. l;
  • ampoule of vitamin;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

The vitamin from the ampoule is mixed with sour cream or cottage cheese. Then vegetable oil is added to this mixture. The mask is applied to the skin. It is recommended to keep it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

Vitamin C mask. Ingredients:

  • oat groats;
  • banana;
  • ampoule of vitamin.

The oatmeal is poured with boiling water, then the contents of the ampoule are mixed with a banana. This mixture is added to the oatmeal. Apply to problem areas and keep for 20 minutes. Any other vitamin can also be mixed with banana, oatmeal, sour cream, or butter. The result is a product that perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. If masks cause itching or redness, then its use should be canceled.

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Dry skin on the hands is uncomfortable for many women, and also betrays their age. Although this problem can be encountered at any age. Dry hands can lead to her peeling or cracking , which, in turn, can be painful and dangerous, since microbes or bacteria can get into microcracks.

Causes of dry hands

All causes of dry hand skin can be divided into two categories: external influence and internal state organism.

External influences include the climatic effects of the sun, wind, cold and frost in cold seasons, as well as the adverse effects of chemicals. The latter include dish detergents, laundry detergents, sink cleaners, fabric softeners, or anything else that your hands can handle.

This is due to the fact that the above products contain aggressive substances dissolving together with dirt and the natural protective layer of the skin, which, in turn, causes peeling and dryness of the hands.

Vitamins responsible for dry hands

The internal causes of dry hands include: hereditary predisposition, vitamin deficiency, the state of the body as a whole.

Dry skin of hands, what vitamin deficiency can be the reason? Vitamins A, C, B, biotin are responsible for beautiful and elastic skin.

Hands remain silky and soft thanks to vitamin A... Skin rejuvenation and firmness also depend on it. It is this vitamin that is responsible for the work of the sebaceous glands, due to the normal functioning of which the skin is naturally moisturized. Lack of vitamin A in the body leads to a loss of elasticity in the skin, which makes it dry, wrinkled, unhealthy, peeling and other problems in the body.

The strength and elasticity of the skin of the hands is due to vitamin C, namely collagen, which is produced by this natural antioxidant. Early appearance of wrinkles, signs of aging, skin flabbiness and cracking, pallor - these are all signs of insufficient amount of vitamin C in the body. These hands are very susceptible to UV radiation and other harmful factors.

Vitamin E is responsible for the rapid healing of skin lesions, for its elasticity, for a healthy look and blush. Its lack can be determined by such signs as redness around the nails, their fragility and delamination.

Metabolism, growth, regeneration and fat balance of the skin are due to B vitamins ... With its lack, nails are broken off, as well as cracks and roughness of the hands.

But it prevents lamination of nails and normalizes the function of the skin, thanks to the content of the sulfur necessary for it, vitamin H.

How to help your hands

There are many recipes that can help restore healthy hands. But before you start using them, you need to make sure that the problem with your hands is cosmetic and not medical. Among the diseases that can cause problems with the hands can be eczema, dermatitis, fungi, allergies. Therefore, in case of severe damage to the skin on the hands, you should consult a dermatologist. And only after excluding the disease, carry out any manipulations with the hands.

Hand care methods differ depending on the season. So, in the cold season, hands should be nourished more using masks, creams and baths designed specifically to nourish the skin. If you apply a moisturizer, then no later than 30-40 minutes before going outside.

But in the warm season, in addition to nutrition, the skin needs hydration.... During this period, moisturizers and treatments will come in handy.

Also you need to adjust your diet so that the required amount of vitamins gets into the body. If the food you eat does not contain the proper amount, then you should pick up a vitamin complex at the pharmacy.

With dry skin of the hands, what vitamin is missing can be determined visually by symptoms, and try to replenish it in the body. And, of course, do not forget to clean your hands every day and use creams or other natural remedies to help bring your hands to the desired state.

Vitamins for dry skin of the face and body

Skin is a protective shell that has many functions. Normally, it is elastic, smooth, without any damage. If the skin becomes dry, this signals a disturbance in the body.

There are 4 types of skin: normal, oily, dry, combination (mixed). But under certain conditions, even the normal type can turn into dry.

What is dry skin talking about?

This problem occurs for various reasons. Diets in which the body does not receive enough fats and carbohydrates, unbalanced unhealthy diet - all this leads to a lack of vitamins and important microelements, worsens the appearance of the skin, provokes a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin.

The feeling of dryness and burning of the skin also occurs due to unfavorable climatic factors - frost, scorching sun, low humidity, temperature changes. It provokes dry skin, burning, itching and improper care, for example, even people with oily skin are not recommended to use soap for washing. Dry skin in women occurs during menopause, in other words, hormonal changes reduce the production of sebum.

Other causes of dryness and burning of the skin of the body and face include:

  • Dehydration
  • Dry air in heated rooms
  • Aggressive beauty treatments
  • Malignant tumor
  • Diseases of the nervous system

Determining dry skin is easy. It loses its elasticity, fine wrinkles are visible, peeling and redness are noted. With constant dryness of the skin, small superficial wounds may even appear. If we put our fingers or paper on our face, there will be no traces of grease on them. But small scales may remain due to peeling.

How to get rid of dry skin

Before wondering what vitamin is needed for dry skin, make sure of the true cause of the symptom. If the problem is in the gastrointestinal tract, you need to fix it first. If dry skin is a consequence of a factor that can be corrected, do not hesitate. At the same time, provide your skin with the right, suitable care.

People with dry skin types, of course, will not be able to forget about this problem forever. But it can and should be kept under control, especially since wrinkles from dry skin are a common problem (people with mixed and oily skin types suffer less from early aging). Dry thin skin especially needs moisture - moisturizing cosmetics and enhanced protection from adverse climatic factors are needed.

How to deal with dry skin if it is temporary? If you are concerned about dry skin during sun exposure, then you should use sunscreen. If there is not enough moisture, drink more water, get a humidifier, do not abuse chlorinated water and tanning beds.

If you notice dry skin in winter

Try to spend more time outdoors, and humidify the air indoors; Apply a nourishing cream to your face before going outside.

Regardless of the cause, the problem of dry skin must be solved and support from the inside - so the skin will quickly return to its normal state. Vitamins for dry skin are also advised for people with dry skin to prevent early aging.

But than to cure the disease, it is better to prevent it. How to prevent dry skin? It is enough to follow the rules of prevention. Give up smoking, do not abuse alcohol, soda and sweets, do not use cosmetics with alkali and alcohol, forget about moisturizing creams (only nutritious ones!) In winter, and remember about sunscreens in summer. And, of course, keep your health under control.

Preparations for dry skin

Coming to the beautician, many clients ask the question of what vitamins are lacking in case of dry skin. But this symptom does not necessarily indicate a micronutrient deficiency. Dry skin, lack of vitamins are not always equals. Dry skin can be caused, for example, by diabetes mellitus or gynecological disease. And if, in addition to uncomfortable sensations on the skin, other symptoms bother you, consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist, mycologist, if necessary, you will need the help of an allergist, rheumatologist or hematologist.

Each vitamin has a specific set of symptoms that appear when it is deficient. Some symptoms are common to different vitamins, some are individual. Therefore, you do not need to guess how to deal with dry skin - consult your doctor, he will determine the deficiency of which vitamin or group of vitamins your body is experiencing and which vitamins you need to take for dry skin.

How to get rid of dry skin with vitamins

Vitamins A, E, C, PP, vitamins of group B are responsible for our beauty. It is best to take a blood test for the content of vitamins in it, now it is possible. However, not everyone has the time or the means to do this. After consulting a trusted doctor, you can assume which vitamin is missing if there is dry skin.

This means, having skin prone to dryness, it is necessary to bring useful substances into the body.

There are two ways of admission:

Enrich the food ration with them

Take dietary supplements with their content

For beauty and health, not only vitamin compounds are needed, but also minerals. Unlike the first ones, they are inside us, being a part of cells and tissues. However, we are often faced with their insufficient content, which leads to certain clinical manifestations.

One of these substances is zinc. It is a part of cells, concentrating in the liver, pancreas, muscle tissue. It actively participates in the metabolism and energy due to the fact that it is contained in hundreds of enzymes. Zinc is important for the metabolism of vitamin E, which is also responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

It turns out that in case of signs of dry skin, the approach should be comprehensive. Only a combination of the most important vitamins and micro- and macroelements will answer the question of how to remove dry skin.

What to do with food if your skin is very dry

The diet should be supplemented or brought in foods with the maximum amount of the indicated vitamins and zinc. These are beef liver and chicken offal, legumes (chickpeas, mung bean, beans, lentils), various nuts and pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sea fish and seafood, various greens (spinach, arugula), avocado; orange, yellow and red vegetables; butter and cheese, dairy products; vegetable oils from different crops (olive, sunflower, linseed, corn, etc.).

In some countries (UK, USA, Germany, France, etc.), the development of healthy eating programs is part of the national health policy. So, on the counters of UK supermarkets in the fruit and vegetable section, you can see the sign “5 a day”, which means a reminder that at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day (about 400 g) we must eat for their own good. It is widely known that the consumption of vegetables, fruits and whole grains has a positive effect on health. And in 2014, scientists from one of the UK universities found that not 5, but even 10 servings of these products per day are more beneficial. Nevertheless, if we try to follow the recommendations of world scientists, we can remove health problems, and, moreover, cope with the causes of dry skin.

Dry skin what vitamins to drink

Along with the revision of nutrition, it is worth remembering about dietary supplements that quickly compensate for the lack of elements. One of them is Zincite. It contains sufficient dosage to replenish the daily requirement of zinc. And its German manufacturer has long been known and has positively established itself in the pharmaceutical market.

It is convenient to take Zincite. With increased dryness of the skin, the recommended intake is only 1 time per day, the duration of the course is 1 month.

It should be noted that care for dry skin must be carried out both externally and internally. This is an important component of her health and beauty.

Human skin performs a protective function, being, in fact, a barrier from external adverse factors. The slightest loss of vitamins and nutrients leads to the fact that the epidermis ceases to function normally. Because of this, discomfort appears: irritation, peeling, dryness, the integrity of the cover is disrupted. Only vitamins for dry skin of the body will help to correct the situation, which are difficult to get only from food, but they can always be purchased in the form of additional supplements.

Causes of dry skin

There are many reasons why skin gets dry. In addition to the fact that there is a complicated heredity, the upper layer of the epidermis also suffers from a lack of proper care, and not only due to age. Dryness can occur due to improper nutrition or an elementary lack of vitamins, which is especially acute in the spring. If you correctly identify the reasons, then you can cope with this deficiency very quickly, unless this type of skin is transmitted to you at the genetic level.

Most people who suffer from dry skin do not have to tell the main symptoms, because they have to deal with them every day. The most common ones are:

  • peeling,
  • pale color
  • inflammation of some areas,
  • pigmentation,
  • irritation;
  • cracking.

Vitamins for dry skin

One of the most effective ways to heal overly dry skin is to take medications that moisturize and nourish the epidermis. All of them can be easily purchased from a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription and consumed according to instructions. There are whole complexes that are drunk with a course. In order to determine an effective drug for yourself, it is advisable to consult with a doctor who can identify the cause of dryness and prescribe a course of treatment. What vitamins are recommended for dry skin?

Vitamin C

This is perhaps one of the most well-known vitamins, which is always recommended to be consumed not only with visible changes in the epidermis, but even just like that, to maintain immunity in the winter months. Vitamin C is found in many citrus fruits, fruits and vegetables, but the body does not always have enough of it. We have to make up for the shortage in other ways, and for this, pharmaceutical companies offer different variations: ascorbic acid, effervescent tablets, ampoules.

Vitamin C plays one of the most important roles for the skin: it is an antioxidant, gives the epidermis firmness and elasticity. If the level in the body drops, then the skin begins to peel off, irritation appears. All this can be removed with moisturizers, but only for a while. This problem must be treated internally, that is, taken daily. The daily dose is up to 100 mg (this is 200 g of products). What you need to eat to enrich your body with vitamin C:

  • oranges;
  • lemons;
  • cabbage, including sauerkraut;
  • kiwi;
  • tomatoes;
  • bananas.



Another very important component for the skin is vitamin A, or, in other words, retinol. It has a regenerating effect on all layers of the epithelium. Thanks to retinol, you can get rid of age spots, prolong the youthfulness of the epidermis. Due to it, regeneration occurs at the cellular level. Like many other vitamins for moisturizing the skin, it can be obtained from food, but if it is not about prevention, but treatment, then only additional intake of drugs based on retinol will help. The daily dose is 2.5 mg (50-60 g of products).

Foods the body needs:

  • potato;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • carrot;
  • cheeses;
  • pepper;
  • liver;
  • a fish;
  • eggs;
  • pumpkin.


Vitamin B

One of the most difficult vitamins to be retained in the body is a whole group - B. They are quickly excreted in the liquid, so a constant replenishment of vitamins is necessary. The whole group is important for the skin, because it is responsible for many functions: it synthesizes hormones, heals the epidermis, and prevents aging. Every day, a person replenishes the level of vitamins of this group along with food, but only on condition that the food is healthy. Otherwise, it is necessary to additionally buy preparations containing B1, B2, B6. The daily dose is up to 2.5 mg (150-200 g of products).

  • oat groats;
  • melon;
  • cottage cheese or dairy products
  • watermelons;
  • raisin;
  • Salo;
  • peanut;
  • peas;
  • oranges.



In another way, it is called vitamin E, which is the most beneficial for the epidermis. Thanks to him, you can cope with many skin diseases, it is often used in prevention. Lack of tocopherol immediately affects the condition of the skin as a whole: it becomes flabby, excessively dry, muscle tone is lost. Only E contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the reproductive system, due to which processes occur in the body that contribute to the rejuvenation of the beautiful half of humanity.

Vitamin E is aimed at stimulating the ovaries, which produce estrogens or beauty hormones. Only because of this process wrinkles are noticeably smoothed, the skin is tightened, acquiring freshness and elasticity. The norm for consumption is a daily intake of at least 100 mg per day. Of the products containing tocopherol, it is especially worth noting:

  • Pine nuts;
  • pistachios;
  • seeds;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • parsley;
  • rose hip;
  • almond.



Phylloquinone, aka coagulation vitamin K, regulates processes that are invisible, but very noticeable when it is deficient. K protects from internal and external bleeding, its main concern is blood clotting. Phylloquinone has a whitening effect, removes freckles and other types of skin pigmentation. In addition, vitamin K relieves swelling and inflammation, is used for rosacea and rosacea to remove telangiectasias. The daily dose is 2 mg.

Eat more green foods, these are:

  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • cucumbers;
  • peas;
  • green beans;
  • greens.


The use of vitamins for dry skin

Most of the listed vitamins, which are necessary for the maintenance or treatment of the skin, are consumed by a person with food on a daily basis. Nevertheless, in case of acute deficiency, which begins to manifest itself externally in the form of ulcers, irritation, severe peeling, it is necessary to take measures and increase the dose. It is also worth noting that the regular use of masks and creams with vitamins must be regulated and alternated. For prevention, do the following:

  • Avoid staying outdoors for long periods of time in direct sunlight unless you are using a barrier cream.
  • In cold weather, the epidermis also needs some protection. This applies to the face and hands.
  • For daily care, use only cosmetics that suit your skin type.
  • Try to avoid cosmetic detergents, lotions, oils containing sulfates, and alcohol.


For internal reception

Today in pharmacies you can buy different types of complexes that contain all the necessary substances for daily maintenance of the body. Everyone will be able to choose the option that suits the problem and the wallet. For women, special vitamins have been developed for dry skin of the face and body. You should not trust only the funds from the pharmacy, you need to carefully review your diet and make adjustments to it if you are eating incorrectly.

First of all, you need to go on a diet: give up fatty, fried foods, remove flour and sweets from the daily diet. All this negatively affects not only your skin, but also your overall well-being. After a week of proper nutrition, you yourself will notice how you change not only externally, but also internally. The diet should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits, nuts, boiled meat, fish. It is important to cleanse the body of toxins, so drink plenty of clean water, at least two liters a day. In combination with a diet, start taking vitamins for dry skin of the hands and other areas of the body.


External application

Complete skin care with creams, masks, tonics and other cosmetic products based on vitamins will become indispensable. It is not always possible to purchase them ready-made, or the cost does not allow you to buy the entire care complex. Simple beauty recipes that you can prepare yourself at home come to the rescue. There are rules for the use of such funds:

  1. Each composition should be exclusively freshly prepared.
  2. Apply the product only to clean skin.
  3. Be sure to alternate the composition of the ingredients of the cosmetic product so that the skin does not get used to the same list of ingredients.
  4. Not all products require a moisturizer to be applied after use, so read the directions for use carefully.

Here are some recipes that will help to restore elasticity, firmness in the skin, improve water balance and get rid of dryness:

  1. An infusion of chamomile flowers, boiled in boiling water, mixed with unrefined olive oil, will help soothe irritation. Mix a strong infusion (1 tbsp. L.) With oil in a 1: 1 ratio and apply evenly. No need to rub in, the composition will be absorbed in a few minutes. Rinse off residues with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  2. Stir honey (1 tbsp. L) with the yolk and add oatmeal (1 tbsp. L.). You will get a thick gruel, which must be applied to the affected skin. Apply the composition to problem areas and after 15–20 minutes. wash off with warm water. The mask is useful to take every other day.
  3. It is necessary to tonify flaccid skin. This will help make a mixture of grated cucumber and sour cream. The composition (gruel) is applied to the face and left for 30 minutes. The mask turns out to be very oily, so it should be washed off gently, with gentle movements.
  4. Add some liquid vitamins to a regular day cream for dry skin: A, C, E, mix thoroughly and use daily in the usual way. It is allowed to store such a product only in the refrigerator, no more than two days.
  5. To bring the water-salt balance back to normal, it is necessary to make a collagen mask. To do this, it is purchased in powder and diluted in water 1: 1. Then the mixture is applied to the skin and left for 10-15 minutes. This mask will help prevent cracking.


Most lovely ladies have experienced dry skin at least once in their lives. This is a very common problem among women, men are much less susceptible to this, their skin is not so delicate.

Have you noticed skin tightness, peeling, irritation, unpleasant appearance? Then this article is especially for you, we will reveal all the secrets of dealing with dry skin.

Causes of the trouble

In a normal state, the sebaceous glands form a thin protective film on the surface of the skin, the purpose of which is to protect our skin from the negative effects of the environment. But there are many factors that destroy the protective layer, which leads to excessive dryness of the skin of the face and body. The main ones are:

  • loss of moisture (insufficient fluid intake during the day, so the body is forced to take water from the skin);
  • hormonal disorders (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, etc.);
  • use of shower gels with aggressive ingredients, too hot water;
  • dry, hot climate;
  • sitting on a strict diet;
  • lack of vitamins, especially A and E;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • frequent exposure to direct sunlight;
  • stress;
  • using soap;
  • absence or overly frequent use of scrubs, cleansing masks, body wraps (everything should be in moderation);
  • the use of inappropriate cosmetics;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • dermatological diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • ichthyosis ("fish skin").

All of the above factors affect the condition of our skin in an extremely negative way, it is worth excluding contact with harmful substances, staying less in the open sun, and drinking enough clean water.

Important! If you feel severe itching, redness, pain, in the area of ​​peeling, then consult a doctor, perhaps you have not just dry skin, but a dermatological disease begins.

Elimination of dryness and tightness of the skin of the body

First of all, the skin needs to be moisturized, saturated with useful microelements, and protected from the negative effects of the environment. This can be done with the help of special moisturizers containing glycerin, oils, fats.

Glycerin has long been used in cosmetology, due to its ability to retain moisture, moreover, recent studies have shown that this component promotes the formation of new young cells, thereby smoothing fine wrinkles, giving freshness and elasticity to the epidermis.

Linolenic acid creates a waterproof barrier on the skin that protects our epidermis from the sun's rays and retains moisture.

Good allies in the fight against skin troubles are the following creams for dry skin:

  • Garnier body cream Intensive care and nutrition. This product contains natural ingredients: olive oil, avocado, apricot, maple juice, these ingredients provide maximum moisture to dry skin, nourish with useful microelements. The price of this cream is very affordable, only 75–85 rubles;
  • Johnson's baby oil. Such oil is intended for the delicate skin of a baby, therefore, the skin of an adult (especially sensitive) will have a very positive effect (moisturize, soften, eliminate minor irritations, peeling), this tool is hypoallergenic, will not provoke an allergic reaction. The approximate price of this product is about 120–130 rubles;
  • cream for dry skin of the body Nivea SOS-intensive. It contains only natural ingredients, panthenol, which heals microtraumas on the skin, removes the effect of tightness, the action lasts for 48 hours. The price of this product is approximately 26-300 rubles.

All of these products can be purchased at almost any hardware store. Pharmacy products are more expensive in terms of pricing, but they are aimed at deeper damage to the skin, when cosmetics are indispensable. Before using such ointments and creams, you should consult a dermatologist.

Also, traditional medicine offers a huge number of homemade ointments, creams, wrap mixtures, you will read all the most effective recipes below.

Read about the properties and uses of salicylic acid for the face against acne.

Folk remedies and recipes

Many do not trust purchased products, but prefer to make medicinal products on their own, various oils and herbs are excellent helpers in this matter.

Recipes for effective remedies for dry skin of the body:

  • milk + honey. Use these ingredients to prepare your healing bath. Take 1 liter of warm fresh milk, add 300 g of lime honey, stir thoroughly, pour the mixture into water. It is recommended to take such a bath for 15 minutes once a week. With very dry skin, the appearance of irritation, the reception of such a procedure can be increased up to 2-3 times a week;
  • olive oil. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin, instantly gives a pleasant feeling + perfectly protects and regenerates the epidermis. While taking a shower, brush with olive oil (preheated to a temperature of 40 degrees), massage into the skin, then rinse with water. After such a procedure, you can not completely wipe the body with a towel, but only slightly get wet, with such manipulations you will saturate the skin with moisture;
  • cucumber cream. It is very simple to prepare it: take 1 cucumber (without peel), rub it on a fine grater, add beeswax 4–5 g, then almond oil (about 3 tablespoons) + 50 ml of water, mix all the ingredients thoroughly, heat on a small fire. Use the resulting cream every day at night, it is perfectly absorbed, does not leave any marks on the bed linen. The cream is suitable for dry skin of hands, feet and body;
  • oatmeal. Before taking a bath, fasten a bag of 50 g of oatmeal under the tap so that water flows through it. It is worth taking such water procedures for at least 15 minutes; after completion, the skin can be lubricated with a cream, which includes phospholipids, fatty acids;
  • honey + olive oil. On a steamed body (after a shower), you should apply a mixture of these two components (1: 1), rub with massage movements, you can also apply it to your face. Twenty minutes is enough for moisturizing, nourishing, restoring the skin, after the procedure, rinse the mixture with warm water;
  • cleansing + nutrition. Remove the pulp from the avocado, add the banana pulp, chop the food, add 100 ml of cream, the same amount of butter, a couple of drops of olive or rose oil can be added to this mixture. Stir the mass, distribute evenly over the entire surface of the body, keep for 20-25 minutes. This procedure not only perfectly nourishes the skin, but also delicately cleanses it from any impurities. Use the recipe no more than twice a week, but regularly;
  • wrapping. Finely chop the seaweed, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Apply the resulting mixture on the body or on individual, most dehydrated areas of the skin, wrap with cling film, wake up in this position for 30 minutes, better lie down listening to relaxing music. After such a procedure, take a shower, the skin can be lubricated with a nourishing cream;
  • flax seeds. Make a decoction of this product (2 tablespoons of seeds + 600 ml of water boil until it swells completely), then filter. The prepared broth is used to lubricate the damaged skin, do not wash it off for 25 minutes.

It will be good if you add to all these procedures the intake of 2 liters of water every day and the consumption of fruits containing various vitamins. Another golden rule about food: exclude fried, fatty, alcohol.

Useful tips to help prevent flaking, irritation, excessive dryness of the skin:

  • nourish your skin with moisture. As mentioned earlier, 2 liters of water a day is the law. When bathing, do not use soap, it dries out the skin. Also, do not wash with hot water, it should be warm and cool in summer. Shower gel should be with cream, no harsh peels and sauna effects;
  • after water procedures, be sure to lubricate the skin with nourishing oil-based creams or homemade mixtures;
  • avoid frequent exposure to direct sunlight. In the period from March to September, apply sunscreen with a high UV filter to the skin, in winter - special moisturizers;
  • dry skin is very sensitive, susceptible to various irritants. Therefore, use hypoallergenic cosmetics, always check the expiration date, read the composition;
  • carry out all stages of skin care: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. Again, only with suitable means. You should be very careful with cleansing. Aggressive scrubs injure delicate skin, use gentle peeling, no more than 1 time per week;
  • after the pool, immediately wash off chlorinated water from the skin;
  • include fish (mackerel, herring, salmon) in your diet, it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, you can specially buy fish oil at the pharmacy;
  • use calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, E, C, they normalize the state of the intercellular substance;
  • healthy sleep is also very important, get enough sleep, go to bed before 12:00, as you know, these hours are called beauty sleep;
  • treat skin diseases in a timely manner, they provoke redness, itching, burning, peeling, unpleasant symptoms, which soon develop into ulcers, vesicles.

The main thing in caring for dry skin is consistency. If today you carry out all the procedures, and tomorrow you forget to do it, then the effect will be minimal. Also, a huge role is assigned to the means, which creams and lotions you will use. The lifestyle is also important (proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits, general condition of the body, absence of dermatological diseases).

We hope our article has helped to solve the problem of excessive dryness of the skin, to make it smooth, silky and elastic, without any wounds or irritations.

From the following video, you can learn a few more secrets of caring for dry and tight skin of the body: