Pregnancy test negative. Symptoms are present, and the pregnancy test is negative. Why is the test negative during pregnancy - possible causes

There are a fair number of reasons why a pregnancy test could be negative. Often this depends on the presence of pathologies in the body or improper use of the test itself.

Why this happens and how to properly conduct testing in order to obtain reliable information, we will consider below.

Absolutely all test strips work according to the same principle - they react to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

The hCG hormone is produced in a woman's body from the moment conception occurs. Every day, its indicator increases several dozen times.

Thus, it is very easy to determine whether conception has occurred using a test strip, it is important to wait until the level of hCG in the urine is sufficient to show this. The appropriate time for such a diagnosis is 5-7 days of delayed menstruation.

What does a pregnancy test consist of?

On one side of the strip is a reagent that manifests itself when a liquid gets in, in this case, a woman's urine. When urine comes into contact with the site of the reagent, the test shows the result. In the case of the presence of the hCG hormone in it, the test shows two strips. If a woman is not in a position, then the second stripe simply will not appear.

Why does the test show one strip during pregnancy

When the test shows one strip in a pregnant woman, this may indicate that this procedure was not performed correctly. Situations may arise when the pregnancy is at an early stage and the hCG hormone has not accumulated enough to show a positive result. Often, serious health problems can backfire. There are many reasons, and it is worth investigating in more detail.

Unfortunately, few people know what the first stripe on the testing device means, and why it is applied. She serves as an illustrative example for the second, so that a woman has an idea of ​​what result she should see in case of conception. The second stripe must be identical to the first, have the same size and color brightness. A significant difference between them indicates a short pregnancy period or the presence of a number of other reasons.

Reasons why the test may show a negative result:

  1. One of the most common reasons is incorrect research.
  2. To get the most accurate result, it is worth reading the package insert, and only then start the procedure. Do not forget about the need to check the expiration date, perhaps it has already expired, then, of course, the test will show a negative result.
  3. Early procedure. Most test manufacturers write on the packaging about readiness for use from the first days of the delay, but even then they do not always show a positive result. Carrying out the determination procedure earlier than the expected time, you may not get a result at all. The hCG hormone has not yet reached such an indicator in the urine to react to the strip's reagent.
  4. Taking medicines. The use of diuretics or other drugs the day before may give a negative result of the device. If you use these drugs on the eve of testing, the level of the hCG hormone will not be able to reach the concentration that is necessary to diagnose whether the long-awaited conception has come.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. This pathology is often accompanied by menstruation, a worsening of the woman's condition. In this case, the test may not show a positive result, but the presence of pathology requires an urgent visit to a doctor.
  6. Kidney disease. Pyelonephritis and other kidney pathologies often affect the test result.

There are enough reasons for getting a negative result. It is advisable to completely exclude them before using the test, and then the result of determining the position of a woman will be more reliable.

How to use a pregnancy test correctly

Before you start testing, you should read the instructions. Each device has a different sensitivity to chorionic gonadotropin, and this affects from what day of delay it can be used.

Pregnancy test how to do

The procedure for assessing the condition of a woman should be carried out in the morning, when the concentration of the hCG hormone has the highest rate.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Prepare a clean container for collecting urine, collect some morning urine in it.
  • Open the package with a strip for checking and dip one side into the container of urine, exactly up to the restriction strip (approximately 1-1.5 cm). Hold for a few seconds.
  • Place the device on a clean surface and evaluate the result after 3-5 minutes.
  • After the elapsed time, you can see: one strip - the woman is not pregnant, two - pregnancy has come.

The research process is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions and not use spoiled, expired strips.

What to do if there are signs of pregnancy, and the test shows a negative result

It is worth taking into account that the signs do not always indicate the onset of pregnancy. Sometimes, from a strong desire to be in a position, a woman feels a false pregnancy.

The usual two-day delay seems to be the moment of the onset of the long-awaited conception. Don't rush and take it seriously. It is recommended to wait a few days, then repeat the test later. Perhaps this is a common premenstrual syndrome, and fertilization did not occur at all this month.

But there are times when the signs are confirmed, and the test continues to show one strip. Such situations occur not only in the early stages, but also often occur at 3 and 5 weeks of pregnancy. In most cases, this can be affected by kidney disease, the use of diuretics the day before, or, again, misuse of the test.

It is recommended to exclude all possible pathologies affecting the situation and repeat the study after a few days. In a situation of repeated negative results, you should consult a doctor for additional diagnostics.

The doctor will prescribe a blood test for the hCG hormone, will offer to do an ultrasound.

Diagnosis for the presence of hCG is the most accurate in comparison with all tests.

Few know that chorionic gonadotropin rises in the blood from the moment of conception. Thanks to this, you can easily determine the presence of pregnancy. The hCG hormone enters the urine much later, in a low concentration, which, at times, is not enough in order to obtain a reliable result using a test study.

More information in this situation will give a vaginal ultrasound. It will show pregnancy from the first weeks, but the usual one will be able to determine it only after 6-7 weeks.


There are enough reasons why testing is negative, but perhaps the most commonplace - using the test before the delay of menstruation, for example. In such cases, do not panic, you need to calm down, wait a few days and carry out the procedure again. If the situation repeats, you should seek the advice of your doctor to exclude various pathologies.

The test is negative, but there is pregnancy - this situation is not uncommon. Despite the fact that many even doctors still use this method of diagnosing an interesting situation in their patients at the earliest stages of pregnancy, it is often erroneous.

That is, whether it happens that the test is negative, but there is pregnancy, we can unequivocally say that yes. But false positive results are much less common. And they can be associated with very serious illnesses. But in this article we will tell you why the hCG test is negative, and the woman actually has a pregnancy.

Failure to follow instructions

To get the correct result, you must strictly follow the instructions. Submerge the test strip in a container of urine to the marked level, not more or less. Watch the result for a certain amount of time, no less. Indeed, it often happens that the second stripe appears a few minutes later than the first.
And the test strip will not be informative if you moisten it above the specified level, the second dash will simply blur and you will see one strip instead of two.

Early execution

Depending on the sensitivity of the diagnostic tool, its manufacturer determines the recommended time frame for its implementation. And a negative test during pregnancy may have reasons for the error, consisting in performing it earlier than these terms. As a rule, this period is the first day of the missed period. Although there are now affordable high-sensitivity tests on the market that can show an accurate result 1-2 days before the onset of the menstruation delay.

Why is it so important not to rush the test? The fact is that it reacts to the hormone chorionic gonadotropin, which begins to be produced approximately 8-10 days after conception (can be counted from the day of ovulation). And the situation when there is no monthly test is negative, if conception did occur, it may be with late ovulation. More often, such errors occur in women with an irregular menstrual cycle, when it is difficult to name the expected date of the onset of menstruation, because the duration of the cycle is variable.

Poor quality test

If earlier these home diagnostic tools were quite expensive, and they were not sold in every pharmacy, now they can be bought even in a supermarket at a price of 7-8 rubles. Accordingly, quality suffers. Many sellers forget that tests have their own expiration dates and storage conditions. They are violated. Hence, errors in diagnostics.

What to do

If there is a delay, and the pregnancy test is negative, there is a very high probability that conception did occur; perhaps even certain symptoms of pregnancy are present - a blood test for hCG should be done. Thus, the same hormone will be determined as in the case of home diagnostics - chorionic gonadotropin. Only a blood test is much more accurate and gives a reliable result earlier, even before the onset of a delay in menstruation. In addition, according to its values, you can fairly accurately determine the duration of pregnancy.

Early gynecological examinations are not as reliable. But an ultrasound scan can be done, usually, even in the first days of a missed period, the doctor can see a fertilized egg if it develops in the uterus.

You should not use the test for other purposes. Some women try to use it to determine if there is a threat of miscarriage. Allegedly, if the test suddenly became negative, it means that the level of the hCG hormone has dropped, and there may be a miscarriage. This information has no diagnostic value. And hardly any doctor will pay attention to it.

Hands are trembling, my head is foggy, inside is an incomprehensible mixture of emotions, and the reason for everything is a positive pregnancy test. Some women rejoice at him, like a miracle, others begin to panic, and still others fall into a stupor. But after a few minutes / hours / days everyone has the same question - what next?

1. Calm down

It's best not to neglect this advice. Very often women who strongly want or, conversely, are afraid of getting pregnant, "think out" the second strip. In any case, pulling yourself together will be an excellent solution.

You don't have to try to be distracted by something else - it won't work. Instead, deep, calm breathing or talking with your spouse / girlfriend will help.

2. Recheck the result

As soon as the ability to think clearly returns, it is advisable to begin to double-check the result. For this, it is better to buy 2-3 doughs, but of a different brand and type. Ideally, at a different pharmacy. Reading the instructions for them is a must. Tests can show false positive results due to improper use, storage, or expired date.

A false positive result also occurs in such cases:

  • recent abortion, miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • getting organic particles on the test from the outside;
  • hormonal treatment;
  • menopause;
  • oncology;
  • some types of cysts, uterine fibroids and similar diseases.

You can repeat the procedure after 2-3 days if in doubt. If you are pregnant, the stripes will become brighter after this period. If the tests still show pregnancy, it's time to move on to the third step.

3. Chat with mom

And not only for moral support and sharing of joy. A conversation with mom is needed to find out how her pregnancy and childbirth went. This information will subsequently help the doctor better understand how to manage the pregnancy of the expectant mother. A few questions to ask your parent:

  • What weight and height was I born with?
  • Were there any complications during pregnancy or childbirth?
  • Have you suffered from high blood pressure during pregnancy?
  • What childhood diseases have I had (rubella, chickenpox, etc.)?

It also makes sense to remember all your chronic or serious illnesses in the past, the presence of allergies. Perhaps mom can help with this.

4. Make an appointment with a doctor

A logical and obvious step. However, as practice shows, many women postpone a visit to the doctor or do not consider it necessary to go to the clinic at all. And in vain. The earlier the expectant mother makes an appointment, the more chances the doctor has to prevent the development of fetal pathologies or complications during pregnancy.

If the test showed two strips not due to pregnancy or product defects, the doctor will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What can the doctor do during the first visits?

4.1. Send for a lab test for hCG

If the period is still short, even a gynecological examination may not reveal pregnancy. But the gonadotropin test will do a great job with this. There is much more of it in the blood than in the urine. If the pharmacy test showed an incorrect result, the laboratory will reveal it.

4.2. Diagnose

The doctor may order several blood tests, urine tests, and thyroid examinations. He will probably recommend a general examination by a therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and several other specialists.

You will have to take tests often during pregnancy, almost before every visit to the gynecologist. However, it is best not to skip them, as they are really important in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. All procedures are aimed not only at monitoring the child's condition, but also at taking care of the mother's well-being.

Low hemoglobin levels, weak immunity, too strong hormonal surges and discomfort in general - for all this, the gynecologist can prescribe vitamins. They will improve a woman's health and even make her more attractive.

4.4. Prescribe an ultrasound

The first ultrasound will be scheduled no earlier than 2 weeks after the start of the delay. Its main goal is to exclude ectopic pregnancy. It will also be able to identify problems with the genitals, if any.

Ultrasound to determine the sex of the child, the characteristics of his development will be prescribed much later.

4.5. Agree on a schedule of visits

The doctor will have to see almost more often than the husband. If the pregnancy passes without complications, then the frequency of visits will most likely be equal to one trip per month, but not less often. Closer to the due date, a woman will have to visit the gynecologist even more often.

So that later you do not have to cancel plans and in a hurry to get to the doctor, it is advisable to immediately discuss with the doctor an approximate schedule of visits.

5. Stock up on information

Books, reliable internet sources, courses for pregnant women - all of this will definitely come in handy. A woman who knows how her body and baby change during gestation feels more confident. And confidence and calmness make childbirth easier.

What is definitely better not to do is listen to the adherents of traditional medicine with questionable and often dangerous advice. These 9 months are not the best time to experiment.

6. Enjoy your pregnancy

Almost every pregnancy comes with discomfort. This is natural and quite tolerable. However, it is better to still try to provide yourself with the most comfortable environment.

Communication with nice people, visiting beautiful places, positive emotions have a good effect on the baby's nervous system and his health in general. And mom can only benefit from this.

And yet there is a “but”. Pregnancy is not the best time for dramatic changes... Therefore, if a young mother:

  • smokes, she must not quit this habit sharp... Better gradually reduce the number of cigarettes and then smoothly abandon them;
  • lives on a broken schedule she will have to try slowly restore it. It makes sense to ask the future dad about this;
  • , it is recommended to exclude strength and intense training. You can replace them with simple walks or yoga for pregnant women;
  • loves fast food, it is desirable to reduce its amount. A woman's tastes can vary greatly, which often provokes cravings for junk food. You should not completely deny yourself the pleasure, however, seriously limiting the amount of such food is a necessity. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the main diet consists of predominantly from healthy dishes.
  • active personality who does not sit still, she can leave her old way of life. But she will definitely have to follow her daily schedule and nutrition, eliminate negativity and overwork.

A positive pregnancy test can be both the result of a product defect or an omen of motherhood. Regardless, it's best to play it safe and still visit the doctor's office. Such a step will help preserve health - your own and your baby's.

The delay of critical days will not leave indifferent any woman. Whatever the excitement - joyful or anxious, every woman wants to find out as soon as possible if pregnancy is the reason for the delay. This can be helped by special tests available commercially at any pharmacy. Just a few minutes and no doubts remain. However, despite the indicated error of 1-5%, unreliable, especially false-negative, results are encountered much more often. There are several reasons why this happens.

Reasons for a negative test during pregnancy

Tests can be of various types, but they are all aimed at determining chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a woman's urine. As soon as the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity, hCG begins to be produced. Every two or three days, its number doubles. In the first week after fertilization, its concentration is approximately 25 mIU / ml, but it is less in urine.

A simple test is a paper strip with a reagent on its surface that reacts to hCG. Pregnancy can be detected 10-12 days after fertilization, therefore, the optimal determination period is the first day after the delay of critical days.

The following reasons for a false negative test are highlighted.

- pregnancy pathologies

The most dangerous reasons lie in the pathologies of the pregnancy itself. They are as follows:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. A woman may have signs of pregnancy, as well as a delay in critical days, however, the test registers one strip. It can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo is attached to the fallopian tube, ovary, or abdomen. In this case, hCG grows in leaps and bounds, and its concentration is at a low level that does not correspond to the gestational age. It is important to immediately visit a doctor and undergo an ultrasound procedure, where you can see the place of attachment of the fetus.
  2. Frozen pregnancy. Another reason lies in the presence of a frozen pregnancy. Normally, hCG grows for 8-9 weeks, after which it begins to slowly decline. If the embryo freezes, then hCG begins to fall, and the test shows a false result.
  3. Embryo problems. If there is a pregnancy, and the test registers an incorrect result, then this may indicate fetal developmental disorders. These include the threat of miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion that has begun. The reason why this happens may be the low amount of hormones produced by the body - hCG and progesterone. If you do not seek help from a doctor in a timely manner, who will prescribe hormone therapy, you can lose your child.

- urine quality

Since the presence of the hormone in the urine is determined, its quality cannot but affect the result. If urine is in a highly diluted state, then hCG is present in a smaller amount, and, therefore, the test may not confirm it. One of the reasons why this happens is the use of diuretics. Also, the result may be affected by the consumption of watermelon or increased drinking regime in hot weather.

These reasons are significant only for the early stages, subsequently the concentration of hCG reaches such a level that even in diluted urine the test shows a positive result.

In addition, if the test was not carried out immediately, and the urine had time to stand, then the reliability may decrease, since the hormonal substances are gradually destroyed.

The nature of urine can also change due to diseases of the kidneys and bladder, for example, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.

- violation of the instructions for using the test

The rules for using the test depend on its type. When using a jet test, it is necessary to substitute it under the stream of urine, a strip test - immerse it in a container with urine, and a tablet test - apply a few drops to a special window. Despite the general rules, you must follow the instructions attached to a particular test. Otherwise, the result may be false.

- poor quality of the test

The tests differ in both quality and sensitivity. In addition, even the high cost of the device and a well-known brand do not guarantee that it is not defective. It happens that a woman buys several tests at once from different manufacturers, which record different results. False negative may be caused by a defect in the item.

The storage conditions of the test also affect the reliability of the data obtained. High temperature and high humidity negatively affect it. However, the likelihood that the pharmacy is using the test in improper conditions is small. It is also important to check the expiration dates in advance.

- the test is done too early

Another reason is the early use of a pregnancy test. They are all designed in such a way that they react to a certain amount of hCG in the urine. The sensitivity of the tests can vary from 10 to 30 mIU / ml, which means the presence of such a concentration of the hormone in the urine. If it is not enough, then the result will be negative.

There are several reasons for this. One of which is changes in the menstrual cycle caused by stress, overwork, changes in climatic conditions, infections, poor diet, etc. A woman, believing that her menstrual cycle is constant, immediately makes a test, and he shows one strip. The cycle changed for one of the above reasons, and the implantation occurred later. Immediately after the expected period, the test is not yet informative.

Another reason is the shift in ovulation that has occurred. Knowing the date of intercourse, a woman can try to calculate the date of conception. However, this cannot always be done accurately. Perhaps fertilization did not occur on the day of intimacy, but later, since the sperm are viable for up to 7 days. Thus, the test may reflect a negative result with an existing pregnancy, since conception occurred later, and the hCG level has not yet increased to a value that can be determined by the test.

What can I do to get the most accurate test results?

In order for a pregnancy test to show the most reliable result, you must follow some rules:

  1. As mentioned above, for various reasons, the menstrual cycle can change, and implantation does not always occur on time. By being impatient and testing in advance, 3-4 days before your period, you may encounter a negative result. Therefore, it is recommended to wait for the delay, and only then do the analysis, so you can avoid the disappointment associated with obtaining a negative result.
  2. It is better to get the test in pharmacies, not supermarkets. Before buying, you need to check its packaging for leaks, as well as the expiration date.
  3. It is worth opening the package immediately before using the dough.
  4. Perform the test strictly according to the instructions for it. A false negative result can occur when the time that the indicator is in the liquid is not observed, also if the test strip is immersed above the specified mark.
  5. Do not use the test more than once.
  6. If it is necessary to collect urine in a container, then it must be clean.
  7. In the early stages, the timing of the study plays a role. It is best to do it in the morning, collecting the first portion of urine, as it is the most concentrated and contains the maximum amount of the hormone. It is also necessary to use the test before meals.
  8. To avoid defects, it is better to purchase several test options from different manufacturers.
  9. If the result is negative, you can repeat the test after 1-2 days, by which time the concentration of hCG in the urine will increase.

It is important to note that if the test shows one strip, and the woman feels all the signs of pregnancy, then she needs to visit a gynecologist. Perhaps the reason lies in the presence of the pathology of this pregnancy, or in the diseases of the woman herself.

How to choose a test to avoid a false negative result?

There are three types of tests that differ in quality, sensitivity, method of conducting and determining the result:

  1. Paper strips - 1 test generation. Their sensitivity is 20-25 mIU / ml. This means that they will be able to determine the presence of pregnancy 1-2 days after the expected onset of menstruation. Such tests should not be used earlier in order not to get a distorted result.
  2. Tablet - 2nd generation of tests. Its sensitivity is 15-20 mIU / ml. This type of test is more expensive than paper strips, but the quality is not much different. Basically, only a more beautiful appearance, so they like to leave it as a keepsake.
  3. Inkjet - 3rd generation of tests. The sensitivity can be 10-20 mIU / ml. It is the most accurate, and its reliability is not affected by the analysis time. Can be used as early as 6-7 days after the intended conception. The electronic version is a type of inkjet test. The only difference is the word "pregnant" meaning "pregnancy" instead of two stripes.

Among the most in demand are:

  • test strips - Frautest Express, Evitest No. 1;
  • tablet tests - Frautest Expert, Evitest Proof;
  • inkjet tests - Frautest Exclusive, ClearBlue.

The choice of test depends on when the woman decided to do the research. If before the delay of menstruation, then it is necessary to choose an option with a higher sensitivity of 10-15 mIU / ml. These are inkjet or electronic tests.

If there is already a delay, then you should not spend money on a test with increased sensitivity. Regular paper strips will easily detect pregnancy, since the concentration of hCG has already reached a fairly high level.


Thus, pregnancy tests help not to go to the doctor every time as soon as there is a delay, but to independently carry out the analysis. Nevertheless, they still make mistakes. In most cases, they can be avoided if you follow the simple rules of use indicated on the instructions, and also do not conduct the study too early. In addition, you can purchase several tests from different companies at once in order to avoid errors as a result of defects.

However, there are cases in which a negative result indicates serious problems, so it is recommended to seek medical help. Perhaps the pregnancy is at risk, and it can still be saved. If this is an ectopic pregnancy, then early treatment will save not only the health, but also the woman's life.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Many women dream of pregnancy so much that they listen to the slightest changes in their bodies. A delay in menstruation by at least one day already prompts them to run to the pharmacy for a miracle test that allows them to determine pregnancy at home at an early stage. And what a disappointment when, instead of the coveted two strips, the test shows a negative result. It turns out that one strip cannot guarantee one hundred percent absence of pregnancy. That is why, in addition to the test, it is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms and indicators that indicate that pregnancy is possible.

How a pregnancy test works

Even in ancient times, women noticed that a delay in menstruation can be directly related to pregnancy. In 1350 BC. have come up with a way to confirm or deny the onset of pregnancy. Women urinated on wheat and barley seeds and evaluated the result over time. If the seeds have not sprouted, then the pregnancy has not occurred. If the seeds sprouted, then one could speak not only about the onset of pregnancy, but also about the field of the future baby (the sprouted wheat promised a girl, and barley promised a boy).

In 1963, scientists, after conducting their research, found that such a diagnosis works, and the seeds really germinate faster due to the increased level of estrogen in the urine of a pregnant woman. At the same time, the development of modern tests began.

The first test strips, which allow for a relatively quick result, appeared in 1988. Over time, they have improved and today they allow you to accurately determine the onset of pregnancy within 5 - 10 seconds.

The principle of pregnancy tests is simple. The test reacts to the hCG hormone, which begins to be actively produced in a woman's body from the first hours after fertilization.

On the 12-15th day after fertilization, the concentration of this hormone in the urine reaches the level at which the test system is able to determine it.

Just at this moment, the woman already has a delay in menstruation. To carry out the test, it is necessary to contact the test strip with urine, collecting it in a separate container or urinating directly on the test system and after a certain time evaluate the result. The instructions say that two stripes indicate a positive result, and one strip indicates the absence of pregnancy.

Reasons for a False Negative Pregnancy Test

The accuracy of the readings obtained after using the pregnancy test ranges from 75 - 97%. Thus, the manufacturer himself admits the possibility of both false positive and false negative results.

There are various reasons why a woman might get a negative test during pregnancy:

The main symptoms of pregnancy

The main symptom that women and doctors for the most part associate with the onset of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. But there are others that may appear even before the expected date of menstruation.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

If a woman has a delay in her period, other symptoms appear, indicating a possible pregnancy, but despite this, the test stubbornly shows a negative result, then it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out why such changes have occurred.

Medicine has more accurate methods for early diagnosis of pregnancy, which include:

  • Blood test for hCG. The fact is that the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is much higher than in the urine. In addition, this hormone can be determined in the blood even before the onset of the delay, starting from the first day after fertilization. Therefore, it happens that the concentration of hCG in the urine is not enough for a pregnancy test to determine it, while a blood test shows a positive result.
  • Ultrasound examination of the uterus. According to the results of an ultrasound scan produced by a transvaginal sensor, it is possible not only to determine the presence of pregnancy, but also to establish its duration and developmental features.

A negative pregnancy test is not always a reason to completely exclude it. Women who are not pregnant for the first time may suspect their position much earlier than even the most accurate test determines it. Therefore, you need to monitor your health. Not only a delay in menstruation, but other visible symptoms should raise suspicion. If you have any doubts, you should consult your doctor, since a false negative pregnancy test can be a signal indicating any abnormalities in the woman's health or the development of pregnancy.